Recovery of damaged images. Photo recovery software

Recovery of damaged images.  Photo recovery software
Recovery of damaged images. Photo recovery software

Recovery of damaged JPG files can be done using special software. Digital photography is very convenient way save the most important memories and moments of life using flash drives or other media. They are so easy to use that most people have already become accustomed to them and have completely abandoned the use of conventional photographs on photo paper. It is enough to select a thumbnail, double-click on it with the mouse, and the image will appear on the screen. The user performs these actions without thinking about how everything works.

To lose digital photos, a tiny scratch on the CD or the appearance of broken sector on the hard drive. As a result, the photo may be damaged. Doing so may cause the image to split, colors to appear incorrect, and some pixels to disappear. However, in most cases, a damaged photo will simply stop opening.

If you have a similar situation, then this is not a reason to panic, since there are several tools that can restore a corrupted file. Most of these applications are paid for, but if you want to fix a damaged photo, you can start with trial version, which will give you an idea of ​​whether a particular program is able to solve the problem. When restoring images, the user usually receives a watermark that can be removed immediately after purchasing the application.

What is the most effective image file recovery software? To answer this question, several various applications and the differences were significant. It turned out that some programs really work, while others are completely useless or not worth the money. Low efficiency was shown by various online services and applications that are distributed free of charge.

Stellar Phoenix JPEG Repair

The Stellar Phoenix JPEG Repair tool stands out from the competition. It is enough to point at damaged images with a special cursor, after which the program will do its best to extract thumbnails from them. Recoverable images will not have a high resolution, but it's still better than being completely without photos.

In addition, the program may attempt to implement jpeg recovery files completely, and in this it does not differ from competing applications. You need to add a few files, click the Repair button and wait a while until the results appear. In most cases, the program manages to restore complete images. However, you should not be afraid that it will damage them even more.

During testing, photos with a zero caption were restored immediately. The title that the user messed up turned out to be more challenging task, but the Stellar Phoenix tool still returned 12 out of 14 shots. The program was able to completely restore 2 out of 14 images even after cutting 8 KB of data from the middle of each file. After deleting the first 8 KB from the files, we managed to get back half of the photos that were damaged. Recovered images may vary in quality, but watermarked images will help you determine how well the program is doing its job.

JPEG Recovery Pro

The JPEG Recovery Pro tool is the most convenient to use. It is enough to specify a folder with damaged photos, after which you will not see tedious task progress indicators. The program will immediately restore the images, if it can do it, and display a thumbnail for each of them so that you can evaluate the result.

The photos will not have a watermark, and for this reason, the user cannot be sure if the application has done its job. Instead, the program will offer to view regular thumbnails. But if you double-click on the reduced photo, then its enlarged version will appear on the screen.

The recovery technology of this tool is less efficient compared to the Stellar Phoenix app. Sometimes JPEG Recovery Pro does its job well, allowing you to recover about half of the graphic files that are missing the first 8 KB. But other tests weren't as successful as the program sometimes couldn't do anything with null-signed images.

Nevertheless, JPEG Recovery Pro is a well-designed program with a nice interface. If you are not satisfied with the massive watermarks used by other applications, then this tool should come up. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that the utility may not be able to cope with the restoration of your photos, since its program code needs to be improved.

Picture Doctor

Picture Doctor 2.0 has a nice interface and is easy to use. After launching the application, the user will immediately understand what needs to be done, thanks to the intuitive clear interface. There are no complicated options to tweak here. Simply add your files, select a folder to save them, press the Start Rescue button and wait for the results to appear. It won't take long as the program is very fast.

During the test, the Picture Doctor tool did an excellent job of repairing broken images. All zero-signed files have been restored. Managed to repair almost all photos without a header (except one). Snapshots with 8 KB removed caused problems for the program, but the tool still restored half of them to an acceptable standard.

After restoring the files, a lot of damaged files remain, most often in jpg format. Also, after shooting with a digital camera, especially with an old sd card, you can find a lot of defective files that are unsuitable for storage.

Let's see what tools are available for repairing damaged jpg (and other graphic formats) and find out how useful they can be.

List of programs:


PixRecovery is a program for recovering damaged jpg photos taken with Kodak, Nikon, Sony, Fuji and other digital cameras.

Application features:

  • Recovery of information in jpg images x while maintaining the original color depth and proportions.
  • Selecting the save format for recovered images: jpg, bmp, png, tiff, etc.
  • PixRecovery supports most graphic formats except progressive JPEG.

The program is easy to use, the process of fixing jpg files is as follows:

  1. Select files to recover (Start recovery Wizard window)
  2. After clicking Next, specify the folder to save (Set Save Folder)
  3. Click Start and wait for the process to finish
  4. We look at the results of data analysis and check the photos / images in the specified folder.

The program works in a demo version, the saved file will be watermarked. They can only be removed by purchasing full version pix recovery. The cost of a standard PixRecovery license is $49.

RS File Repair

With RS File Repair you can recover damaged images, photos with .jpg extension. Program fixes Various types errors caused by viruses software bugs, mechanical damage / flash drives.

The easiest way to start recovery is through the Recovery Wizard, here you specify the files and folders for recovery. It is noteworthy that RS File Repair supports 2 types of analysis - Analyze itself (fast) and Research (slow). Research implies a more thorough analysis of the file structure.

Recovered jpg images are saved to the specified folder. The program has a preview of recovered files; even if you use the trial version of RS File Repair, you will see the recovery results directly in the program window.

By the way, the program will appeal to beginners, because it, in its interface, resembles Explorer. RS File Repair makes it easy to manage files and view source files/ results.


JPEGfix is ​​a small (less than 1 MB!), free, but very effective program for repairing and analyzing damaged jpeg files.

As follows from the description of the program, the main types of errors that can be corrected in a jpg file are: color distortion as a result of an error or failure, decoding shift (“gray bottom”).

After a quick analysis, JPEGfix finds in a corrupted/corrupted file technical information, which will help to return the destroyed part of the file. However, it should be understood that this is not some kind of magical tool: JPEGfix will not be able to return what is not physically present.

In terms of functionality, JPEGfix bypasses all those listed in this review tools. At the same time, only advanced users. Published especially for them. detailed manual- (via google translate can be translated into English).

JPEGfix specializes only in damaged jpg files, it does not know how to analyze other graphic formats. In addition to jpg, you can also save the results in bmp.

JPEG Recovery Pro

JPEG Recovery Pro is one of the most simple programs to recover files with jpg extension. The program is devoid of any settings, the whole process comes down to selecting folders and files and pressing the Scan / Recover buttons.

In addition to the saved file, JPEG Recovery Pro finds thumbnail files embedded in the file. Although the resolution is lower than the original, they often come out unscathed.

The saved jpg file is unusable: it has a watermark and is of lower quality than the original. You can purchase the full version and remove these restrictions. The cost of JPEG Recovery Pro for personal home use is 49.95.

Other Features of JPEG Recovery:

  • If the program detects illegal JPEG encoding or file corruption, it automatically fixes the errors
  • All important information, including Exif, stays safe and sound
  • Damaged and incorrect information from JPEG is not written to the final file
  • A file containing parts of another image can be split into multiple files

Picture Doctor

Picture Doctor is a program for recovering damaged files, mainly in JPEG and PSD format. The results are saved in bmp format; it - in turn - is convenient to open in any graphic viewer.

Similar to the aforementioned jpeg recovery software, restores the original colors and resolution of the photo. You can select several files and folders at once and start automatic recovery.

As for the PSD ( standard format files in Adobe Photoshop), Picture Doctor recognizes the layers and restores them. In fact, this is the only thing that distinguishes this program from others like it.

The cost of Picture Doctor is relatively low - $24.99 per license. The demo version allows you to test the performance and restore graphic files psd/jpg with watermarks.

Question answer

The phone was jammed inner memory. I transferred part of the photo to a memory card, after that most of the photos open as green spots! I went to take the phone in for repair, they told me that I had not correctly moved the photo to the memory card - as a result, the files were deleted. Is it possible to fix this somehow?

Not so long ago, people from all over the world could only dream of restoring accidentally deleted or photos. Now this is no longer a problem! It is enough to install special software on your computer and soon valuable photos will be with you again. In this article, we will tell you about flash drives, etc. All that is needed for work is the program for recovering JPEG files "PhotoDOCTOR".

Photo recovery - from any device!

The Russian-language program "PhotoDOCTOR" is a real find for computer users who are faced with the problem of losing their favorite photos face to face. Install it on your PC and you will never have any problems recovering damaged or accidentally deleted photos again.

The application is universal and supports working with USB flash drives and memory cards, and can also check for tablets, phones, laptops and other devices of any brand suitable for photo recovery. All that is required is to launch the software, connect the drive to the PC and select it from the list of available drives.

Flexible scan settings

The PhotoDOCTOR program has two modes: quick scan and full analysis. The first one will help you conduct a quick but superficial check and find out if there are traces of photos that were recently deleted on the drive. The second from and to will scan the media of your choice, and then provide a detailed report on the work done. If you are only interested in recovering damaged JPEG files, then in the next menu, check this format in the list and uncheck the rest. Here you can specify the approximate size of the desired photos.

Recover any files in 5 minutes!

The scan will only take a few minutes. After its completion, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the report of the program on the work done. It will be presented as a list of files found by the application during the scan and suitable for recovery. If you wish, you can change the design of the results output: it can be displayed not only as a list, but also as large icons or a table. Similarly, you can configure the sorting mode by choosing the one that suits you from the drop-down list.

Each file before recovery can be viewed in the program. To do this, you just need to select the photo you are interested in and click on the button " View". In the window that appears, you can not only see the image, but also learn additional information about it: size, name, extension, etc. It remains only to mark all the necessary files and uncheck those that you do not need, and then click the " Restore».

Three ways to save a photo to choose from

The photo recovery app offers several ways to save recovered images. The simplest and most affordable is to leave photos on your computer by placing them in any folder on your hard drive. If you want to protect your photos as much as possible and avoid losing them again, then you have the opportunity to burn photos to DVD or CD, as well as instantly upload images to the Internet via FTP.


That's all! You have seen that JPEG recovery is very easy if you have PhotoDOCTOR installed on your computer. Download the software and be calm for the safety of your favorite photos, and with them pleasant memories.

You have found our site because you are looking for help. Because you want to return your precious photos to your family or friends. You have found this help.

It is technically very demanding to recover defective images. There are many ways in which a JPEG file can become corrupted. That's why there are very few specialized vendors that can fix broken images, and it's not just a simple fix. file system. Indeed, you can do it yourself with any recovery program! However, we offer you the best solution and are the world leader in JPEG file recovery.

Repair damaged JPEG images

Image Error Examples

Here are some examples of corrupted JPEG images. How can we help you.

Gray areas in an image

If the data stream is interrupted, a gray area will appear on the image. All subsequent areas of the image are no longer visible. This error can occur, for example, due to a data transfer interruption. These errors can be resolved if the data stream is interrupted but not completely lost. This means that repair is possible if the data stream has been split into several parts or if there are some invalid parts in the data stream. If the remaining data is completely lost, the image can usually be restored, at least in a lower resolution.

Damaged colors in the image

Several errors in the data stream result in typical image disturbances. Most of the parts of the image are still there, but they are there and shifted. These errors occur frequently and are caused by incorrect data transfer or erroneous data reading. Data in a JPEG image. If any place is damaged, all subsequent parts of the image will not be displayed correctly. The exceptions are files containing , but most cell phones and cameras Not are written to Restart-Marker image files. Color restoration is possible depending on the severity of the damage.

Severely corrupted image data

Severe damage to the data stream often leads to the complete destruction of the image. If individual parts of the image are not too badly damaged, at least these parts can be restored. However, this is also a complex process. Relevant details must be recognized in the data stream and must be removed. The restored image will start in the middle or in another part of the original motif. It is also possible that individual parts are completely missing from the image.

Wrong colors in the image

The brightness and color values ​​of a JPEG file are stored in the color space YCbCr. In this color space, the brightness, as well as the intensity of red and blue, are stored in separate channels. If the JPEG data stream or header is corrupted, it can happen that the color values ​​bloat and leave a valid color space. The image then shows intensely colored thick lines and blocks. This error also causes the file to look different in different programs and browsers. This is due to the fact that different programs and browsers may handle invalid color values ​​differently. Recovery is often possible by resetting the color values ​​at the beginning of the file to a normal value.

Corrupt image header

If still present but corrupted, it can cause the image to be rendered in a completely chaotic way. In Huffman, tables and quantizations in the image header form the outline of a JPEG file. If these tables are corrupted, the image will not be properly parsed. Slight damage to the JPEG header can be repaired. In case of serious damage, it is necessary to change the header of another, not the damaged file. This header must necessarily come from the same camera or the same phone.

No JPEG header

If the image no longer contains a JPEG header, then the image cannot be displayed at first. However, in such a case, the recovery may be successful if the JPEG header is completely replaced by the new header. This new title must necessarily come from the same camera or the same phone. When creating an image file, it is possible to optimize the information contained in the header. Unfortunately, if this optimization was performed on a defective file, the header cannot simply be replaced with a different one, as it is configured for the data stream. Fortunately, 99% of all cameras and cell phones do not create optimized JPEG files. For this reason, recovery of such a file is usually possible using an arbitrary, uncorrupted file from the same device.

JPEG file structure

  • header
    • Construction plan
    • Sketches
    • Further information (EXIF)
  • Data stream
    • keynote
    • perhaps Restart-Marker

A JPEG file consists of two parts: header And data flow. The header contains the information needed to generate the correct image from the data stream. These are Huffman tables of quantization tables and definitions of color channels. It contains, so to speak, a blueprint with which the image can be built point by point. Besides, Additional Information, such as camera settings or GPS positions, is often included. Usually the device records this information as EXIF ​​. Almost always, the JPEG header itself contains smaller versions of the actual image. That is, the header contains other complete files JPEG with lower resolution. These are miniatures. The header is tiny compared to the data stream, typically only about 0.1% of the total image file. The data stream in turn contains the actual drawing. The information in the data stream is stored differently, which means that each point in the data flow affects subsequent points. This is one of the reasons why it is extremely difficult to restore threads. JPEG data. Some cameras introduce so-called " Restart Markers into the data stream in some places. This makes it easier to repair in the event of a malfunction.

Here's how we help you

Our product is the result of many years of work and in this form, unique in the world.


Our product VG JPEG Image Repair able to automatically correct a large number of various JPEG defects. The relevant information is extracted from the files, checked and, if possible, restored directly. In this case, complex methods of pattern recognition are used. Because it is sometimes difficult to determine which error is present, several different repairs are performed, which can result in multiple results for each file. However, this should not confuse you, you can simply select the appropriate file when uploading. In order to always achieve the optimal result, we don't want to do an automatic pre-selection here.

Title replacement

As described above, restoring an image is often only possible by using a completely new JPEG header from another file. This sample file must meet the following criteria:

  • The image file must be intact
  • The image file must be created by the same camera or mobile phone
  • The picture must have the same resolution
  • The picture had to be taken with the same settings

When the user starts the analysis, our software evaluates all relevant JPEG headers from sample files and uses them to repair the corrupted image. This usually results in multiple results, i.e. multiple resulting images.

As the repair is performed at different resolutions, the image motif shifts for many result files. However, as described above, you don't need to think about it anymore. You can simply select the appropriate file when uploading.

Color restoration

As described above, errors in the data stream can result in erroneous colors in the image motif. Some of these bugs can be fixed completely, but some can be partially fixed. If full recovery JPEG colors is not possible, a complex approximation method is used by our software. Unfortunately, this leads to small block and zone formations that cannot be reconstructed further. However, we would like to point out that we are not aware of any other data recovery company in the entire world that can even resolve this error.

Actually, full repairing these errors is almost always possible. Not automated, but manually, using a tool developed by us. If you are interested in this option, please contact us directly. We are pleased to offer you an individual offer.

Extended Format Support

Not every JPEG file has the same structure. The ITU-T T. 81 (ISO/IEC IS 10918-1) standard format defines 14 different basic formats, of which only 3 are released worldwide by cameras or mobile phones. Our software is capable of recovering almost 100% of all JPEG files created in the world and supports the following format standards.

Don't know how to recover corrupted files JPEG, JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP? Your digital photos taken in good quality— are they only available in a small “preview” size or do they not open at all? Are you looking for a program that can fix the internal structure of a file and eliminate the consequences of virus attacks, software and hardware failures?

Recovery of damaged files

Starus File Repair 1.1

Normal file recovery does not always give the desired result. The Starus File Repair utility is designed to fix corrupted information within the file itself. The program supports the restoration of the logical structure of digital images in such popular formats as JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF, TIFF, TIF, PNG and BMP.

Friendly program interface, made in the style Windows Explorer, has a preview function. That is, you will be able to evaluate the quality of the recovery of damaged information even before the file is saved and the program itself is registered. The built-in "File Repair Wizard" will simplify your task and help you quickly find damaged photos and return them to their original quality.

Starus File Repair will not only repair corrupted files, but also save all the photo data, including "Priview" and Exif data.

Recovery of corrupted files in JPEG format

Starus File Repair repairs corrupted *.JPEG (*.JPG, *.JPE, *.JFIF) images. The utility extracts information from a damaged file, corrects the logical structure and writes data to new file. The program does not re-compress files, which allows you to restore JPG file without losing the original quality. Most photos in JPEG format, in addition to the main image, contain additional smaller, as well as Exif data recorded by the camera. The program restores all information of a damaged file.

Fix corrupted TIFF files

The program restores corrupted bitmap graphics in Tiff format. Starus File Repair will easily fix errors in multi-page Tiff files that contain many images, in files saved in “Big Endian” (Windows) and “Little Endian” (Macintosh) formats. The utility works with files compressed by LZW, JPEG, PackBit, CCITT 1D 2, Group 3 Fax 3, Group 4 Fax algorithms. The recovery algorithm eliminates the possibility of reducing the quality (“resolution”) of the image.

Restoring corrupted files in PNG format

The program fixes corrupted raster graphic images in *.PNG format, including files compressed by the LZ77 algorithm. By restoring damaged PNG images, the utility preserves the structure and quality of the original file.

Fix corrupted files in BMP format

The utility will easily perform the recovery bitmaps*.BMP, *.DIB, *.RLE file formats and will retain the size and quality of the original file. The Starus File Repair program implements the extraction of files from binary file resources.

Advanced algorithm for recovering damaged files

The possibility of using a longer, but more qualitative and detailed study of damages in files, which allows you to save much more information with desired file and recover even badly damaged data.

Support for operating systems of the Windows family

The program is compatible with all Windows versions, from Windows 95 to Vista, Windows 7 and 2008 Server.