How to enable display. Enable display of file extensions

How to enable display.  Enable display of file extensions
How to enable display. Enable display of file extensions

Hello! I want to say right away that this article is more aimed at users who are just starting to master a computer, but for everyone else, it can also be useful. After writing the instructions, I want to talk about one very important point in the "Folder Options".

I think you often heard such words or terms as: .doc, .docx, .txt, .rar. All this means the format of various files. Also, you might have heard such a name as: extension display for registered file types. Initially, showing (displaying) the file type in Windows is disabled. But, as practice shows, displaying file extensions may be necessary at any time.

Where might it be needed? The first example that comes to my mind is where the mandatory item for setting was to enable the display of the file format. To do this is quite simple.

How to enable file extension display in Windows 7, 8, XP

As I said at the beginning of the article, to configure, first of all, you need to go to "Folder Options", where we previously went to enable the display of hidden files. And there we open Start» –> « Control Panel» –> « Folders settings».

Opening " Folders settings", go to the tab" View"and then, going down the list" Additional options", should see the item " Hide extension for registered folder options". In order for us to see the extensions of our files, uncheck the box next to this item and save the settings by clicking on the button " Apply».

Here is an example of files, how "Before" and "After" settings should look like. If file format display is disabled, then only the file name will be visible, as shown in the option on the left. Otherwise, if you have opened access to show the file type, then its format will appear next to the name, you can see this on the right. In my case .txt- this is my file extension.

In order to return everything as it was, you need to follow the same instructions, but this time check the box, and not remove and save. If you decide to rename the file, be careful, you only need to delete the file name, and leave the extension itself (Example: file name (remove) .txt (leave )). That's all. Do not forget to subscribe to updates by E-mail and RSS. Good luck!

Enable display of file extensions

In this article, you will learn how to display file extensions in Windows Explorer. The instruction will be for both systems (Windows XP and Windows 7).

1. How to enable display of file extensions for Windows XP?

We go to My Computer through the icon on the desktop or through Start. Alternatively, you can open any nearby folder. In the window that opens, go to the menu Service, then Folder Options...

Now open the second tab View and find the item at the bottom called "Hide extensions for known file types." Uncheck the box to the left of the item and click OK

That's all, now any files in Windows XP will be displayed with their own extension.

2. How to enable display of file extensions for Windows 7?

The process is slightly different from that in Windows XP in that the settings are moved to the Control Panel. So, first of all, let's go there:

The control panel may look two ways. If the view is configured by category, then you will see the following picture:

In this case, you can either go directly to Decor, or at the top right, change the viewing method to another (Large / Small icons). In any case, it is necessary to find the point Folders settings and click on it.

Good afternoon Dear readers of the blog site, recently my friend asked how enable showing hidden files in Windows, I quickly told him, he was satisfied, but I think that other users may also experience this question so this article is for you. In windows 7 hidden files, are included very simply, below I will give several methods that will be relevant for later systems, such as Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. I am sure that many will find this very interesting.

1 Way to show hidden files in Windows 7, through the organize menu

Open the My Computer shortcut and on the left we see the item Organize - Folder and Search Options

Click on it, and the Folder Options window opens in front of you.

2 way to show hidden files in Windows 7, through the magic Alt button

Open the same shortcut my computer

Press the magic ALT button on your keyboard

and we see that after this manipulation you have a menu on top. From it you select Tools-Folder Options

3 Way to show hidden files in Windows 7, this is through the control panel

Click Start - Control Panel

And we go to the folder options, and then everything is the same as in the previous methods, turn on the desired option. So just turn on the display of hidden files in Windows, and you can easily find hidden files on a flash drive or any other device. I hope this article was useful to you. Do not forget to share articles using social buttons, give knowledge to the masses.

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you how to enable the display of file extensions in Windows operating systems. First, let's figure out what kind of animal it is and why we need it!

If you don’t go into too much detail, these are the characters that are added to the file name, they allow the computer and the user to determine which program this file was created with or how to open it. For example, you typed your coursework and saved it under the name "My coursework", but this is not full name file, operating system hides the file extension from us, and the full name will be, for example, "My coursework.doc". If the file had no extension, then Windows would not understand in which program the file was created and offered to select a program to open

In Windows 8/8.1, this window looks completely different, but the meaning does not change - you will be prompted to select a program from the list

From this article you will learn how to enable the display of file extensions:

Why do you need to know what an extension is, how to display and change it? Default Windows system hides the extension of files that she knows what programs to open, and those that she does not know will display its extension for you. It seems logical, but not always. Let me give you an example: I run my own blog and I need to specify the path to the file, but without specifying the extension, I will not be able to write it in full (and documents can have both *.doc and *.docx) and guessing which one you need to substitute is stupid, that's why we will display the file extensions.

Still very important pointcomputer viruses. Now I will try to explain in detail how a simple display of the extension can slightly increase your security on the network. As we said, each file has an extension:

For documents, this is usually *.doc, *.xls, *.odt, for films *.avi, *.mkv, *.mp4, and so on ... and so, programs also have an extension - this is *.exe, *.msi , *.com, *.bat… and it should be understood that the film "Gravity.mkv" must be opened by a program such as "kmplayer.exe", but the film itself cannot be a program. What is humor? Quite often in the search engine you can stumble upon a virus. Have you decided to download the movie? The wolf of Wall Street, and on the first link we get the following message:

As you can see, this is not a movie, but a PROGRAM, and only the creators of the file know what is there, and we can only guess that there is some kind of filth (the movie is not there 146%), because they tried to confuse us: the program has an icon like a video, the name is like a movie, but in fact it is a program ... the same with audio, and with many other files, so be careful 😉

How to enable file extension display in Windows 7

Now let's see how to see the file extension in Windows 7, as I wrote above, Windows hides the extension from files known to it, to disable this feature, open any folder and click "Organize", "Folder and Search Options"

The "Folder Options" window will open in front of you, switch to the "View" tab, and almost at the very bottom, uncheck the "Hide extension for known file types" checkbox, and apply these settings ...

…now ALL your files will show the extension!

How to enable file extension display in Windows 8

Everything is easier in the new OS from Microsoft (Although many scold for making everything complicated ...)- Open any folder, go to the "View" tab and check the "File name extensions" box ... EVERYTHING! Extensions are displayed for all files

Now you know how to force a computer under Windows control display the file extension, as you can see - nothing complicated 😉 Until we meet again on the pages

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