A good program for distributing wifi. Programs for WiFi distribution

A good program for distributing wifi.  Programs for WiFi distribution
A good program for distributing wifi. Programs for WiFi distribution

Perhaps more than one modern person cannot imagine his life without gadgets, which not only entertain us with music, games and funny videos, but also greatly help us in our work and everyday situations.

However, all the capabilities of our smartphones and laptops fade in the absence of quality internet connections. Many of us may have encountered problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network, since the standard software Our devices cannot always cope with the task.

Especially for such problematic situations, there are a number of programs for working with Wi-Fi connection. Such programs will allow you to fine tuning networks that will provide uninterrupted access to the Internet, will keep connection statistics, create their own access point (virtual wi-fi router) and provide the ability to fully administer it.

For example, you have a need to deploy a Wi-Fi network at home and distribute the Internet via a laptop (having previously created an access point - your own virtual router). Using programs for working with wireless networks, it will also be easy for you to ensure that all your gadgets work in one grid, and you can see all connections on a simulated connection map. Using a fairly simple program interface, you can configure connections for each device individually. For example, allow him maximum speed to connect to the Internet or limit the amount of traffic. An excellent opportunity will be presented to parents who want to prevent their children from visiting harmful resources from their phones or tablets. In addition, you can always view the history of Internet visits of devices that will be part of your network.

Such software is actively used not only for creating home virtual wireless networks based on wi-fi, but also system administrators, which serve offices with a large staff. The possibility of an individual approach to the settings of each computer and complete control of incoming/outgoing traffic allows system administrators to carry out easy and reliable monitoring of their networks. Thus, specialists protect themselves from channel overload and ensure safe use of the Internet connection for employees.

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine your life without the World Wide Web. But in the house it can only be accessed from a PC using cable connection. And each family member wants to connect their own device, without having to buy a router. Is it possible to solve this problem? Connecting the Internet to other gadgets can be done by distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop for free using special programs. Let's consider several of their options. It should be noted that they are suitable for Windows 7, Windows 8. Those users who do not like to use programs can use the Windows command line.

mHotspot is one of the programs that can be used to distribute the Internet from a laptop to other devices. When installing the program, you need to pay special attention, because with many advantages, there are also disadvantages. Let's talk about everything in order.

First of all, let's look at the program interface. It contains a large number of options. In addition, the program has connection statistics, as well as a list of users who can be connected. It can be adjusted using a certain function. Both allow and block connections.

The disadvantages of the program include the huge number of unnecessary and even sometimes harmful connections that it tries to establish in parallel. This garbage must be disposed of with dialog boxes, which appear during the installation of the program. This needs to be monitored closely.

If an antivirus that contains a firewall is installed on your PC, a notification may appear stating that Windows Firewall is not running. In this case, Internet access is denied. In order for the program to work effectively, use the firewall settings or disable it.

The rest of the operating principle is as follows: enter the access point, the next step is to enter the password, select the Internet source in Internet Source and finally press the Start Hotspot button. A program has been developed for laptops with basic Windows based 7, 8, 10.


MyPublicWiFi is another one good program for distributing the Internet from a laptop or computer. And the main advantage of this program is ease of use. And also the absence of various garbage that can get onto the gadget with the installation of other programs.

After installing the program on your PC, you need to restart it. Further work proceeds as follows. A program window appears on the laptop monitor, asking you to enter the SSID network name. In addition, you must enter a password for the connection, as well as enter which connection is being distributed from using Wi-Fi. And at the final stage, click the Set up and Start Hotspot button. The program starts working. It is designed for laptops that run on Windows based 7, 8, 10.


Virtual Router Plus more one free program, with which you can distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop to a tablet or mobile phone. It was created on the basis of Virtual Router, which was redesigned by making some changes. But, nevertheless, there is no significant difference in the software.

This program is very easy to install and use, but you need to be careful about the parallel installation of various garbage. The operating principle is very simple. But it should be noted that successful operation depends on connecting the main device specifically to cable internet or to USB modem. Since when the laptop is running on Wi-Fi, the program will not distribute the Internet.

Internet distribution from a laptop occurs as follows. When you start the program, a special window appears in which you need to enter the name of the network from which all devices will work. Then enter the password for Internet distribution. Then you need to specify the connection with which the user accesses the Internet from the laptop. Start Virtual Router Plus is then launched and awaits confirmation of its successful completion.

And now you can distribute Wi-Fi to any device from which you want to access the Internet.


Connectify is primarily a paid program. But it is possible to install a free version on a laptop and use it to provide other devices with access to the Internet. The advantage of the program is that it allows you to connect not only from a device running Windows 7, 8, but also from Windows XP.

After installation on a laptop, this program requires a reboot. The disadvantage of the program is that it independently reinstalls itself into startup and requires registration. But, nevertheless, it works as follows.

As soon as the program is installed, the Welcome to Connectify 5 window will appear on the monitor, in which you need to click the Next button. There is no need to enter any data in the next window. Just click Use Hotspot Lite. The same action is repeated in the next window. After starting the program, you can close the pop-up window without additional actions.

IN free version Connectify changing the access point does not change. Therefore, this field remains unchanged. In the following fields, enter the password and connection, and click the Start Hotspot button. As a result, advertisements appear that must be closed immediately. After all the manipulations have been completed, you can begin distributing the Internet.


Insider program for scanning Wi-Fi channels from a laptop

Insider free application for scanning Internet channels from a laptop for distribution to other devices. The program perfectly scans all channels and finds the most optimal and free one for wireless connection. All information is provided in real time.

This program is used in most cases to find free channels for connection, and the Internet worked without problems. Which includes connection loss, drop in speed, etc. Insider helps you monitor the operation of not only your Internet, but also your neighbors’ channel. With the help of which the router will work without failures.


CommView for WiFi software for network channel analysis

CommView for WiFi is a program that allows you to scan wireless network channels and analyze all received information. The application allows you to see IP statistics, a list of wireless network connections, and in addition allows you to analyze those packets that interest the user.

The application allows you to save necessary files so that they can be used if necessary. System filters allow you to find those that interest the user in a large database of files.

The CommView for WiFi program is indispensable for the work of wireless network administrators and those specialists whose responsibilities include maintaining a wireless Internet connection.

All the programs that were discussed in this article create convenience for using the Internet even for ordinary users. Each of them has its own merits. The choice is up to those who are interested in these applications.


I decided to make another one separate page, on which to collect everything useful programs, which can be useful when setting up/connecting to Wi-Fi, distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, and when working with 3G/4G modems. Well, other programs that somehow relate to this topic. There are many good, free programs that allow you, for example, to start distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi from your computer. Or look up your forgotten Wi-Fi password. Well, and separate software with which you can configure 3G/4G modems and perform other operations with them (firmware, uploading .prl files, etc.).

All the programs that you can find and download on this page have been tested by me, and most likely they were used to write detailed instructions, a link to which will also be provided.

Programs for setting up Wi-Fi distribution

– with this program you can quickly start distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi from your computer. The program is completely free, and in Russian. Just set the network name, password, click on the Start button and open general access to the Internet. There are settings, you can configure the program to start when you turn on the computer, and automatic start virtual Wi-Fi network.

A list of clients that are connected to your Wi-Fi is also displayed. Switch Virtual Router works fine in Windows 10, I checked it. Well, in Windows 7 and 8 there will be no problems.

Programs for working with Wi-Fi networks

is a free program that allows you to view information about Wi-Fi networks that your computer sees. Most often, the inSSIDer program is used to find the most free channel for a Wi-Fi network.

All information in the program is displayed in the form of graphs. In addition to the channel of a specific Wi-Fi network, you can find out its MAC address, name (SSID), signal strength, type of protection, operating mode, etc. The program supports Wi-Fi networks at a frequency of 5GHz.

is another free program that shows the necessary information about Wi-Fi networks: channel, signal strength, RSSI, MAC address, etc. It is a little simpler than inSSIDer. True, less functional.

Some antivirus programs see this program as a threat. I think this is a false positive due to the somewhat spying features of the program.

Programs for working with 3G/4G modems

AxesstelPst EvDO BSNL 1.67– a program that allows you to configure a 3G/4G modem (antenna) for maximum reception. I believe that this program should be used by everyone who connects to the Internet via a 3G modem.

We launch the program on the computer, look at certain indicators, and then use them to configure the modem or antenna and record them. This will increase the speed of 3G Internet and improve the stability of its operation.

I am gradually filling up the page. You can suggest your programs in the comments.

In our age of digital and modern technologies For the average city resident it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. One of her sons can be called WiFi. And the question naturally arises: how is it still necessary to distribute WiFi from a laptop if there is no possibility (or desire) to connect a router. Let's look at this in more detail.

Before distributing WiFi from a laptop

Before you start setting up WiFi distribution via a laptop, you need to make sure that your device is equipped with a built-in device for Internet distribution: a WiFi adapter or USB or PCL type. Their availability can be viewed in the Control Panel in the Network and Internet tab. If you found in Network connections item Wireless Network, then you can safely start organizing WiFi distribution.

WiFi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Provides connectivity via the standard IEEE 802.11 protocol. In general, it is a wireless network that can be used by all devices that support a similar transmission standard.

Programs for creating a virtual WiFi distribution point

The first step is to create a virtual access point. It will be your laptop. To make a WiFi point from it, you can download free programs from official websites.


One such program is called mHotspot. This software does not require installation. After it is downloaded, you need to launch mHotspot. The necessary program settings will be indicated there. For example, a field called Mhotspot name enters the name of the future network. This is what will be visible in the list of points available for connection.

You can download the program from the official mHotspot website.

Window for working with the mHotspot program

The next field is called Password. This is the password. It must be at least eight characters. It is important to enter it in order to secure the network from access to it by unauthorized people.

A field called Max Clients controls the number of gadgets that can be connected to the network at the same time. Their maximum number is ten. If one is indicated in this field, then no one except your computer will be able to connect to it. Click Start Mhotspot and proceed to creating an access point.

Video: how to use mHotspot


This is another program that can be downloaded on the Internet - MyPublicWiFi. By following the link to the downloader’s official website, you can download the software to your laptop. The program does not require installation and works immediately after downloading.

MyPublicWifi working window

The MyPublicWifi program allows you to do Wifi point access from your computer. Operating instructions:

  1. Download MyPublicWifi (preferably version 5.1).
  2. Install the program.
  3. Reboot your laptop.
  4. Run MyPublicWifi (or run the MyPublicWifi program as an administrator, if it gives an error during normal startup).
  5. Specify the Automatic HotSpot configuration item.
  6. select the name of the network to be created in the Network Name (SSID) field.
  7. Specify the password in Network Key.
  8. Select (check) Enable Internet Sharing.
  9. In the list, select connecting your laptop to the Internet network.
  10. Click the Set up and Start Hotspot button.

MyPublicWifi works great and does not require much effort to connect

Creating an access point: three best ways

Distribution via existing Internet connection

Distribute Wi-Fi via existing Internet The connection is compatible with Windows 7 and 8 operating systems.

In order to make an Internet distribution, you must follow these points:

  1. Start.
  2. Control Panel.
  3. Network and Internet.
  4. Network and Sharing Center.
  5. Change adapter settings.
  6. Wireless Network Connection 2. Rename it as desired. As you wish.
  7. We find our own active connection. Basically it is called connection by local network. May also be called Virtual WiFi.
  8. In the properties of the active connection, find the “access” tab and click on it. In this tab, check the boxes, that is, we agree with all the points. Namely:
  • allow other users to use this network;
  • Allow other users to manage connections to the selected network.
  1. Select your active connection from the list. That is: local network connection (or whatever name you renamed the connection to).
  2. Click the "OK" button and restart the computer.

If you want your smartphone, tablet or laptop to be able to use this access point, you only need to run the Wi-Fi distribution program. And on the devices that will be connected, you must enter network access passwords.

A way to set up WiFi distribution using the command line

The above methods do not work well if you need to distribute WiFi from a computer on which Windows 10 is installed.

What does the command line look like on a laptop screen?

Steps to distribute wireless networks using the command line:

  1. Check the possibility of distribution. You need to run a command prompt as an administrator and enter the command netsh wlan show drivers.
  2. Read the “Hosted Network Support” item (if the settings are on English language, it will say Hosted Network). The word “yes” should be indicated there.
  3. Write the following item on the command line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=remontka key=secretpassword. At the same time, the command contains such instructions as “remontka” - this is the name of the wireless network (you can write your own, spaces are not used). Secretpassword is secret password on WiFi. You choose it yourself.
  4. After all the data has been entered, enter the command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.
  5. Right-click on the Start menu on the desktop and select “Network Connections.”
  6. In this list, select the Internet connection that is currently in use. Click right button mouse open the “Access” tab. Allow access to other users.

Configuring network capabilities via the command line

Eventually, a notification will appear on the screen that the wireless network is running. If no errors or failures occur, then you can connect phones, tablets and laptops to this network. They will now have access to the Internet.

Access point with Windows 7: computer-to-computer network

Video on how to set up WiFi distribution from a computer via Windows 7

In order to organize wireless connection on Windows 7, you need to create a computer-to-computer network. In the lower right corner of the screen (where the clock, date, icons are located quick launch. This is called - tray) find “Internet connection”. Click on it, and then select “Network and Sharing Center”.

A window will appear. In it you need to select the “Set up a new connection” item. And click “Set up a wireless network “Computer-Computer” and “next”.

In the new window, fill in three fields:

  • network name (come up with it yourself);
  • security type (WPA2-ptersonal is best);
  • security key.

By going to the "Network and Sharing Center" in the "Change" section additional parameters Sharing" checkbox "Enable" on all items. Don’t forget to check the box: “remember network settings”. Click the “next” button.

After the system configures Internet distribution via WiFi, in the window that appears, you will need to click “Enable Internet connection sharing.”

The setup was successful if after this the computer can easily distribute the Internet via WiFi

Security issues when distributing Wi-Fi without a router

Since as a result of the organization virtual point access an account is created with standard parameters, named admin, then any person who is at least somewhat familiar with the network can easily connect to it.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to know some points. Actions that are necessary to protect yourself and the network from intrusion by interviewed guests.


In the address bar of your browser (any) enter A window will load on the screen in which you will need to enter the admin name and password. Go to the Maintenance tab in the section called Administrator. In the New Password field enter a new one, complex password. It must be remembered. You will need it when connecting other devices to the network. By clicking on Confirm Password we confirm that we are saving the written password. Using the same principle, we change the Login Name. At the end of each action taken, click Save Settings. This means: save the settings.

So we protected account. With this help you can change all network settings. Including connecting and disconnecting devices, as well as blocking gadgets so that they cannot connect to this network.

Let's move on to directly protecting the access point. In already open tab in the browser we find an item called Setup, that is, Settings. In it, select the Wireless Settings section. Will open a new window. It requires you to select a function called Manual Wireless Connection Setup. In the settings section, which is located in Wireless Network Settings, set a new network name (SSID). It should be quite complex.

If you want to prevent users of other gadgets from seeing the network you are setting up, then check the Enable Hidden Wireless box.

We connect the tablet, smartphone and laptop to distribution

After Wi-Fi distribution is organized, you will need to connect smartphones, planets and other gadgets with wireless connection support to the newly-minted “router” in the form of a laptop.

Devices running on the Android operating system have connection features. Of course, first of all, it is better to check whether other devices are allowed to access the network.

If this is the case, then you need to download the adb program. It is designed for the Internet from Windows to Android devices. The next step is to enable it in the settings of your tablet or smartphone. Android mode called "USB Debugging". And after that connect the gadget via USB cable to the laptop.

Unpack the folder with the adb program and run AndroidTool.exe. A window will open in which you will need to click the Refresh Devices button. On the right there will be a list called Select Domain Name Server (Dns)... There you select your DNS server. After clicking the Show Android Interface button, the application will be installed on your tablet.

Give the USB Tunnel program superuser rights on the tablet. And feel free to press the Connect button.

Thanks to specially created programs, the procedure for discovering and connecting to Wi-Fi, as well as organizing wireless point Internet access using only a laptop or other device connected to the global network.

The following guide will help you understand the huge variety of such applications and introduce the basic techniques for working with them.

Advantages and main purpose of such programs

They provide ease of search, connection and creation of Wi-Fi hotspots.

When analyzing the presence of wireless networks, such programs are capable of automatic mode determine the stability of connections, sort by the strength of the transmitted signal, etc.

Many utilities are supplied with regularly updated hotspot databases, which allows the user to quickly find a Wi-Fi network even when outside its coverage area.

Some applications allow even a novice user to easily create their own hotspots. All that is usually required of a person is to click, create a point, and assign it an original name.

The utilities are designed not only to work on Windows PCs, but also on mobile platforms Android and Windows Phone.

Most often they are used in laptops and smartphones, since they are already equipped with built-in Wi-Fi modules from the manufacturer.

Activating it is not a problem on mobile devices, but to enable it on a laptop you need to know about some of the nuances of the laptop model you are using.

How to enable Wi-Fi adapter on a laptop?

To connect to Wi-Fi on a laptop, you must activate the module with a switch or key combination.

To enable wi-fi adapter on a laptop, you need to do the following:

Various button combinations can be used. If they do not have characteristic patterns, then it is recommended to go through the options from “F1” to “F12”, of course, not forgetting to hold the “Fn” button.

Application for connecting to Wi-Fi “Maxidix Wifi Suite”

In less than four years, this utility has managed to gain popularity among users all over the world.

Many similar programs do not have a Russian interface, and Maxidix does not have such a drawback.

Often professional programmers prefer this application, as it allows you to establish 100% control over Wi-Fi connections.

In addition to the basic functions of detecting and connecting to wireless networks, it is capable of counting consumed traffic.

Thanks to the use of a special algorithm, the procedure for connecting to Wi-Fi takes several times less time.

The program shows geographic location, has the function of exporting and importing network profiles and much more.


The utility searches for networks to connect to Wi-Fi.

Two main advantages have made it popular all over the world:

  1. The application is distributed free of charge;
  2. The utility's database contains hundreds of millions of Wi-Fi networks around the world.

The main disadvantage of the application is the lack of a Russian interface.

Even when there is no user within range available points access, he can quickly find the one closest to him on the map and, for example, quickly get to it by metro.

Flexible application settings allow you to adapt it to the specific needs of the user.

If a network connection is required constantly, then the utility can be launched simultaneously with the end Windows boot in computer.

Sociable people will like the “Online status of friends” option. Through it, the user will always know the location of his friends and acquaintances, or rather, which point they connected to (the point is displayed on the map).

There are versions of the utility designed not only to work on a PC, but also on operating systems Windows Phone and Android.

Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector

If you need a real radar for wireless networks, this free program has a similar built-in tool.

The application analyzes the stability and speed of the connection. The user only needs to click on the corresponding virtual keys: “Test” and “Speed ​​Test”.

Experienced users and specialists often use this utility to select the optimal location of the router.

Thanks to the accurate results of analyzing the quality of the wireless signal broadcast, reliable communication between the access point and, for example, a smart TV or computer will be ensured.

The application is also convenient for determining the location of surveillance cameras that use the channel wireless communication with router and PC.

Unfortunately, all modifications of the application do not have a Russian-language menu.

However, using the application is not difficult even without knowledge of a foreign language.

After clicking on “Radar”, the utility automatically performs analysis available networks, and then provides the laptop owner with a list of them in an intuitive interface.

The user becomes available detailed information about each detected point, down to the signal strength and the router manufacturer.


If you need to create a Wi-Fi hotspot, then it does an excellent job free utility MyPublicWiFi.

A user's router may suddenly stop working, or some people may not have one at all. However, this does not prevent them from actively using their own Wi-Fi access point on their PC.

For this purpose, you will need to perform the following sequential actions:

Note: Before running the utility, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi module of the laptop using the instructions from the first paragraph of this manual.


A program similar to the previous one in its purpose, it allows you to turn a PC into a router and protect the network with an access code, so you don’t have to worry that someone else will connect to the user’s resources.

The utility is not Russified, but it is absolutely free.

The application allows you to manually set the allowed number of network clients.

Data about users connected to the created point is shown in the “Clients” section.

The “Hotspot” tab displays the data reception and transmission speed values.

As you can see, everything is simple, therefore, despite the English-language interface, even a beginner can easily cope with the operation of the application.


Another program for creating a Wi-Fi hotspot. Despite the fact that it is paid, it has many fans. It is not demanding on laptop resources and is easy to configure.

After installation and launch of the utility, the following menu will be displayed.

Using 4 tabs, you can configure the operation of the utility.

It is recommended to go to the “Settings” tab and click “Launch Options”.

Specify parameters based on personal preferences, for example, organize the utility to autostart after Windows boots, etc.

In the “Display” tab, you can allow or block the display of advertising.

In the “Network Address Translation Settings” tab experienced users can enter specific data, however, by default here it is already configured for optimal performance applications.

Additional settings are located in a separate section “Advanced settings”.

Through the “Languages” item, if “Russian” is not installed, then for convenience it is recommended to select. After this, the application interface will immediately be Russified.