The best text editors for smartphones. Text editor for tablet: best choice for Android, iOS and Windows

The best text editors for smartphones.  Text editor for tablet: best choice for Android, iOS and Windows
The best text editors for smartphones. Text editor for tablet: best choice for Android, iOS and Windows

Choosing a text editor for Android is quite difficult.

Due to the wide popularity of the platform and the high demand for such applications, there are really a lot of them, and each of them has its own characteristics.

Some manufacturers do not try to complicate the programs too much, while others, on the contrary, oversaturate the interface with additional functions and options.

Let's look at the best of them according to users.

Office Suite Pro + PDF

The application is one of the most popular, but has one significant drawback.

The installation file is larger than 50 MB, which can be a critical criterion when choosing .

OfficeSuite Pro + PDF is designed for viewing first and editing second. text files popular formats.

There are quite a lot of them supported, and the general list includes DOC, DOCX, TXT and . In addition, you can use it to edit XLS files, CSV, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX.

Essentially, this is more than just a text editor, and the application will allow you to work not only with texts, but also with tables and even presentations.

The application allows you to easily share created files, since it supports several cloud services at once:

  • Google Drive;
  • OneDrive;
  • Amazon Cloud Drive;
  • Dropbox;

In addition, data transfer can be carried out via a linked Email and wireless protocols and Wi-Fi Direct.

Like most advanced applications, this one has an important drawback - it is not free.

To use it permanently, you will have to purchase a license, and without it the application will work for no more than a week.

If the prospect of paying for the application does not scare you, you can familiarize yourself with the auxiliary functions.

Microsoft Word

If you like to work with free ones, but official applications guaranteeing job security, then this program is just for you.

Even though the application is free, to use it you need to create a .

Like the previous application, it has the same main drawback - the large size of the installation file (here it is even more than 60 MB).

The program largely copies the functions of a similar computer version, but is fully optimized for comfortable touch control.

With its help, you can perform creation, reading and editing operations on text files.

At the same time, no matter what operations you perform on the data, the document will look the same on all devices.

This version will attract special attention from management personnel of enterprises, since it supports the functionality of .

The created DOC and DOCX files can be immediately sent for printing from a mobile device, provided that the printing device supports wireless protocol.

You can send files from user to user using:

  • Dropbox;
  • OneDrive;

You can also send documents via linked email box. As a bonus from the developer - the ability to create and edit presentations.

The main advantage of this application is the Russian-language interface and support for devices with older Android versions, up to 4.x.

Rice. 2 – Interface Microsoft Word

WPS Office

Another alternative version of the application with support for many formats and free license.

Its installation file is about 30 MB in size, which can be an advantage if your smartphone has little free memory space, but still requires working with all office files, both text, spreadsheets or presentations.

They can be viewed, edited and, if necessary, created manually.

It is important that among the available text formats there are DOC files, TXT and modern DOCX and PDF files.

PPT and PPTX presentation files, and XLS and XLSX table files can also be edited.

The application interface can be changed and customized according to regional standards; in particular, English and Russian interface options are available.

One of the unique features that are available through the interface is the ability to control gestures. The other completely changes the idea of ​​a text editor.

So, if other text editors only allow you to convert files to PDF format, then this application makes it possible to create them.

For this purpose it is used special mode, in which documents are captured using a camera and immediately converted to a PDF file.

Another interesting option is to encrypt documents and save data on cloud services using the built-in file manager.

Depending on the version of Android installed on the device, you can even use a plug-in .

Among the cloud services on which you can exchange data, only OneDrive and SharePoint are available.

As for the interface, it is available in two language versions: English and Russian.

Rice. 4 – Promo Microsoft Office Mobile


This packaged application is already a product of Google itself. Therefore, according to logic, it should provide the most comfortable work with data.

However, users are in no hurry to install it.

There are a number of reasons for this, the first of which is the type of license. It is shareware, which significantly narrows the circle of users.

But the bonus that should attract users, according to the developers, is an additional 15 GB disk space from .

Please note: the user receives additional gigabytes only if he/she has account Google.

In addition to this - compatibility with the most earlier versions Android, including 2.1. The result is a small installation file. Its volume barely exceeds 15 MB.

The set of available file formats is quite standard and includes popular office text, spreadsheet, and presentation formats.

As for working in new versions of Android, the application does not work in them, so if you have a system version higher than 4.x, then do not rush to install the software product.

Moreover, its interface is exclusively English.

Rice. 5 – Quickoffice extended version promo

Documents To Go

The application is a full-fledged office suite, but, unlike others, it has a minimal installation file.

The application supports quite a lot of cloud storages, and these include the popular Google Drive, Dropbox and SkyDrive.

With their help, documents are synchronized and, thanks to this, you can work with one document without additional saving and forwarding on different devices, for example, on a laptop or tablet.

Like full-fledged office packages, the program allows you to work with . As for other documents, their formatting is completely preserved.

Therefore, there is a guarantee that the data will look the same on all devices.

Access to them is organized through the built-in file manager. At the same time, opening a file encrypted with a password will not be difficult.

There will be no problems opening documents of older formats either.

Among the special features available in the editor:

  • copying;
  • cutting out;
  • insert.

In addition, text search within a document and replacement of a specific piece of text is supported.

Scaling a document is possible not only when viewing, but also when making edits. In this case, all edits can be checked against document versions.

The application is completely free, so there are no restrictions on the number of sessions the program can use.

The editor is distributed with a free license and has a minimum size installation file(does not exceed 1 MB).

Moreover, it can be installed even on Android versions 1.x and 2.x.

As for the main set of functions, the following popular languages ​​are available to users: French, Italian and Dutch.

The application interface is simple and available in two versions: English and Russian.

Rice. 7 – Android Web Editor Lite Interface


This TOP is just the top of the heap of applications that are offered by developers for efficiently processing text files.

There are quite a few simple editors, created on the Notepad principle and providing simplified work with text files.

With their help, you can create all kinds of notes and reminders. In particular, there are programs specialized for a specific function, for example, creating a shopping list.

Android Web Editor Presentation

The presentation of Android Web Editor - a unique mobile software for web developing. It allows you to create your own html, php, javascript and other pages or edit already existing via FTP. You can preview them in web browser on our web-server or in biult-in quick view unit. MORE

There are a lot of text editors for Windows devices. Using a computer or laptop, writing texts becomes a simple and even interesting task. But what if you need to type text when you only have a tablet at hand? You must first select good editor texts for a tablet that can be used for work purposes. But what are they, the best text editors for Android devices? This article will provide you with several excellent applications to choose from that will perfectly cope with the task.

Basic requirements of a text editor:

  • Supports many formats;
  • Simple interface;
  • Small size occupied in device memory;
  • No paid add-ons (license, subscription)

Top best text editors

It is important to mention that the order in which we will place the editing programs is random and does not indicate which program is better or worse.

Very powerful application, which allows you to create and edit files of various formats. They include files with the extension DOC, XML, PDF, as well as full-fledged presentations created using Power Point. It’s convenient because the program has functions that are similar to Microsoft features Office.

This text editor is very unstable and sometimes crashes, as users say. If you manage to download the stable version and master the management of this application, then it can rightfully be called a worthy replacement for the famous Office. But even in this case, there is a drawback - the program is paid. The Pro version costs about 1 thousand. rubles, while the stripped-down version does not have the same functionality. The program is recognized by many as one of the best, however, it works extremely unstable on some devices.


  • Simple and intuitive interface;
  • Support large quantities formats (DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPS, PDF and PPSX);
  • Wide functionality;
  • Ability to recode old files (documents created in older versions of office applications).


  • Unstable version;
  • The cost of the program reaches 1 thousand rubles.

The application has the best wide functionality, even though it is free. Polaris Office is very stable, helps solve the most popular tasks with texts, tables, and also works great with other file formats, such as PDF. This program can also open archives and images. This is especially convenient, since text files are often “transported” in archives.

Polaris is also capable of transferring files to Google services Drive, DropBox and the like. It is also worth noting that the application itself works impressively fast, which is truly a rarity for good text editors on Android. In addition, the application is compatible with many tablet models, so there should not be any problems here. This is about opportunities.

Now let's move on to appearance. The Polaris Office text editor itself is very attractive precisely due to the competent work of the designers. The control panel is right where you'll look for it, it contains all the important functions, and if you use the interface for tablets, you can add additional items to the menu yourself. In addition, the eye-pleasing color scheme is very reminiscent of Microsoft Office, which already makes it more popular. Speaking of the interface: the version for tablets is really very convenient and allows you to customize the control panel and all its items as much as possible.


  • Free license;
  • Simple and recognizable interface;
  • Ability to work with archives (ZIP, RAR);
  • Ability to work with images, shapes and diagrams;
  • Stable and fast work;


Not detected.

An excellent application for those who often edit various text formats different formats, such as DOC, DOCX, XLS, PPTX and so on. When editing, the user is given the opportunity to interact with the text in different ways, adding styles to it or manually adjusting the width of the paragraph. Wide range of possibilities manual settings make Smart Office one of the best applications of its kind. In addition, it is able to work with both standard text files and various graphs, charts and tables.

This text editor provides the ability to upload edited files to cloud storage, For example Google Docs. There is another useful feature that allows you to connect a remote printer or projector, so you can type text using your tablet and print it.

It is also worth mentioning the interesting design and interface of this application. In principle, everything is simple and clear, however, the design is very different from the Microsoft Office and Open Office we are used to. The navigation bar while typing is also simple and clear, but you still need to spend at least an hour getting to grips with Smart Office before you start working with it.

The interface of this text editor is more customized for smartphones, but it will also work for tablets. There is also a function for working in 3D, which is useful for those who work with charts. The navigation bar, which is located at the bottom, is automatically retracted so as not to interfere with the user's typing or working with other files.


  • Original interface;
  • Supports a large number of formats;
  • Working with cloud storages;
  • Opportunity comfortable work with 3D graphics;
  • A large number of templates for creating new documents;
  • Logical and understandable interface.


  • Absence PDF editing(view only);
  • Supports only certain printer and projector models.

In general, this text editor is practically no different from the above, for example, Office Suite, but the advantage of Microsoft Office Mobile over its competitors is that it has an interface configured for a tablet. If the user needs to print a specific document, then he will need to spend a minimum of time. It is also possible to resume reading from the previous end, even if the reading was from cloud storage.

Overall, the features are very similar to those found in the Office Suite, but with its own Microsoft design. While typing, there are a ton of additional features that make typing much easier. Among these additional features an updated toolbar, which is significantly different from what other text editors provide their users. But there is one drawback - DOC files, which are considered more outdated, cannot be read and opened.

The design of this text editor is very simple and clear. Made in blue colors, however, the user can independently choose a theme later. On the top panel there is only everything you need, nothing superfluous. The creators also made sure that the user could independently change the styles, thereby creating headings, subheadings, quotes, and so on. All this is called up in the toolbar, and it, in turn, is called up by clicking on the selected piece of text.


  • Possibility of synchronization with a personal computer;
  • Convenient toolbar;
  • Large selection of different tools for editing documents;
  • Tablet interface support;
  • Open access to documents from any device thanks to synchronization with the SkyDrive service.


  • DOC files cannot be opened;
  • Paid subscription to work with this application.

A good, but paid text editor. Available in two versions - for smartphones and tablets. The application design is made in the same style. Top Menu, which is called the main screen despite its size, managed to accommodate everything you need. The footbar (bottom menu) provides the user with the opportunity to update, read support about the application, as well as an overview of a particular file.

If we take into account operational issues, then we can note that the application supports doc formats, starting with Microsoft Word 1997. A very useful feature. Of course, there is synchronization with Google Docs and other cloud storages.

This text editor is not particularly popular, because it does not have any zest or anything special, however, it stays afloat due to the fact that it provides the user with the most basic functions.


  • Ability to reproduce formats (DOC, XML, PDF);
  • View and open ZIP files;
  • Low system requirements(256 megabytes of RAM, processor with a frequency of 1.5 Ghz.);
  • Compatible with Microsoft applications Office;
  • Possibility of constant access to remote storages.


  • Lack of regular updates;
  • Paid version.

A good text editor that has only the most basic functions and is very similar to the NotePad that is found on laptops and computers. The simplest design, fast operation on any device, as well as the ability to make simple notes, makes this application one of the best text editors for tablets and smartphones. If we say a few words about the interface, it is worth mentioning that the toolbar contains only the most necessary functions, that is, editing text in TXT format.

The application is perfect for those who only need to take notes occasionally, but not regularly work with DOC files and the like. A small, clear and very convenient application.


  • Ability to take notes from the Internet;
  • Ability to work with TXT files;
  • Russian-language interface;
  • Changing the font (size, color, style);
  • Variety of encoding choices.


  • Lack of format support (DOC, DOCX);
  • Lack of design.


In our opinion, the best text editor is Polaris Office. It is convenient, simple, but at the same time it contains a lot of very useful and important functions that must be in a full-fledged editor. In addition, the manufacturer also managed to please us by adding its own twist in the form of an attractive design and additional functions for working with charts, which made it popular. We hope that now deciding which text editor is best for Android will be a simple and easy task for you.

More and more people are starting to work on documents on phones and tablets. The display size and processor frequency allow you to perform such operations quickly and without any inconvenience.

However, it is important to choose a text editor that will fully meet the user's needs. Fortunately, the number of such applications allows you to compare them with each other and find the best one. This is what we will do.

The most famous text editor, used by millions of people around the world, is Microsoft Word. Speaking about what functions the company has provided to the user in this application, it is worth starting with the ability to upload documents to the cloud. You can compose documentation and submit it to the repository. After this, you can forget the tablet at home or leave it there intentionally, because all you need to do is log into your account from another device at work and open the same files. There are also templates in the application that you can make yourself. This will slightly reduce the time it takes to create a typical file. All main functions are always at hand and accessible after a couple of clicks.

Another fairly well-known text editor. It is also convenient because all files can be stored in the cloud rather than on your phone. However, a second option is also available, which is relevant when you do not have an Internet connection. A special feature of this application is that documents are saved after each user action. You no longer have to worry that unexpectedly turning off the device will lead to the loss of all written data. It is important that other people can access the files, but only the owner has control over this.

This application is known to many users as the highest quality analogue of Microsoft Word. This statement is indeed true, because OfficeSuite retains all the functionality, supports any formats and even digital signatures. But the most important thing is that almost everything the user needs is completely free. However, there is a rather sharp difference. Here you can create not only a text file, but also, for example, a presentation. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about its design, because a huge number free templates available now.

This is already an application that is little familiar to the user, but this does not make it somehow bad or unworthy. On the contrary, the individual features of the program can surprise even the most conservative person. For example, you can encrypt documents that are on your phone. No one will have access to them or be able to read the contents. You also get the opportunity wireless printing any document, even PDF format. And all this will not load the phone’s processor at all, because the impact of the application is minimal. Is this not enough for completely free use?

Text editors- this is, of course, enough useful applications, but they are all similar to each other and have only some differences in functionality. However, among this diversity there is nothing that could help a person writing unusual texts, or more precisely, program code. The developers of QuickEdit can argue with this statement, because their product distinguishes about 50 programming languages ​​in syntax, is able to highlight commands in color, and works with huge files without freezes or lags. Available night theme for those for whom the idea of ​​a code comes closer to the onset of sleep.

A convenient and simple editor that has a huge number of fonts, styles and even themes in its trunk. It is more suitable for writing notes than any official documents, but this is what makes it different from others. It’s convenient to write a mini-story here; you just need to record your thoughts. All this can be easily transferred to a friend via social networks or published on your own page.

A successful basic font and the minimality of various functions make this text editor worthy of being included in the same review as giants like Microsoft Word. Here you will find it convenient to read books, which, by the way, can be downloaded in a variety of formats. It is also convenient to make some color notes in the file. However, all this can be done in different tabs, which is sometimes not enough to compare two texts in any other editor.

Another fairly good and high-quality tool for a programmer. In this editor you can open ready-made code, or you can create your own. The working environment is no different from that found in C# or Pascal, so the user will not see anything new here. However, there is a feature that simply needs to be highlighted. Any code written in HTML format can be opened in a browser directly from the application. This can be very useful for web developers or designers.

The Coastline text editor completes our selection. This is enough quick application, which can help the user out in a difficult moment, if he suddenly remembers that there was an error in the document. Just open the file and fix it. No unnecessary features, offers or design elements will burden your phone's processor.

Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that text editors come in many different forms. You can find one that performs functions that you wouldn’t even expect from it, or you can use a simple option where there is nothing special.

What tasks do you use your Android smartphone for? For phone calls, games, social networks, reading news or programming? Writing code on Android smartphones not only possible, but also quite popular.

The best Android text editors were installed with Google Play millions of times, which means that both professionals and amateurs use Android for development. In this article, we have collected the best Android editors that you can use to write your programs.

1. WebMaster's HTML Editor Lite

WebMaster's HTML Editor Lite is an editor source code Android, which supports syntax highlighting for JavaScript, CSS, PHP and HTML files. In addition to syntax highlighting, line numbering is supported, file manager,code folding. Sending files via FTP to the server also works.

There aren't many features, but the app is very lightweight and easy to use. Free version has several limitations, such as no HTML preview mode and limited support for autocompletion.


AWD is short for Andorid Web Developer. The application is an integrated development environment for the web. PHP, CSS, JS, HTML and JSON are supported. You can also interact with remote projects using FTP, FTPS, SFTP and WebDav.

It has all the standard features like code highlighting, auto-completion, line numbering and preview. In addition, there is additional functions, such as search and replace with regular expressions, error checking and one-click source formatting. The application can also be integrated with Git and set up to roll back changes. The program is completely free. In my opinion, this is the best text editor for android.


DroidEdit can be compared to Notepad++ for Windows. In addition to the standard four HTML languages, PHP, CSS and JavaScript editor also supports C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Lua, LaTex and SQL. The app has the best support for syntax highlighting, color contrasts are brighter and easy to follow.

The paid version costs $2 and adds several useful features. These include support for Dropbox, Google Drive and Box. You can automatically save changes to the cloud. There is also support for SFTP, custom themes and superuser mode.

4. Quoda Code Editor

Quoda Code Editor is not as famous as other Android text editors, but many newbies use it. The application supports many programming languages: ActionScript, C, C++, C#, CSS, Haskell, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Lus, Markdown, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, Visual Basic and XML.

The app includes code templates and snippets that you can use in your projects for more fast work. Unfortunately, just like DroidEdit, the most useful features- connection to Google Drive, Dropbox, Live HTML support, Markdown preview, FTP and SFTP integration, auto-completion, available only in paid version.

5. Jota Text Editor

Jota Text Editor is first and foremost html editor for android. This editor android code has been installed over five million times and rated with five stars. It supports additional character sets, has customizable syntax highlighting, and much more.


AIDE is an acronym for Android Integrated Development Environment. Interactive training programs are gaining popularity, this perfect solution for those who have just decided to start learning programming. The application contains four courses - programming for Java, Android development applications, game development, Android Wear programming.

If you skip the tutorials, the app has most of the standard features, including real-time error detection, code completion, a Java debugger, and the ability to test applications. The application is also compatible with Android Stuido and Eclipse. This means you can transfer projects without any problems. And AIDE is free.


Our list will be completed by the editor text android with support for CSS, JavaScript and LaTeX. In the free version, only these languages ​​are available, while the paid version includes support for PHP and SQL.

The application can work with all the latest technologies, including HTML 5, CSS 3, JQuery, Bootstrap and Angular. For all supported languages ​​there is an auto-completion function, as well as syntax highlighting. In the JavaScript console, the application allows you to display messages about all errors.


These best text editors allow you to program hassle-free on your Android device. Many of them are somewhat similar to each other, but paid versions contain additional advanced features.

If you are unsure which one to use, the best option is to install and try them all. Are you already using Android for programming? What programs do you use? Write in the comments!

Modern tablets are equipped with such “hardware” that in many situations they can replace users with a full-fledged Personal Computer. But in order for the Tablet to replace a PC or laptop, you need to equip it with the appropriate software. In this article we will choose the best text editor and others mobile devices based on other operating systems.

One of the main tasks for most modern professions and hobbies is working with text. Often completely different people need to write a note about what is happening around them, rewrite a culinary recipe, compose a letter, draft an article, and much more. Not every tablet owner uses text editors. And why? Because neither can a functional typing app. Now let's try to solve one of these problems.

All contenders for a gold medal with the inscription "Best text editor for Android tablet” turned out to be free applications. No wonder fans of this operating system They praise it for its accessible programs, offered completely free of charge.

Microsoft Office Mobile

A set of standard office applications from an American company is distributed on Android for free, but has reduced functionality. In particular, you cannot insert a table and select the font size. To get full functionality you will need to subscribe. However, this application supports most popular formats including TXT and DocX, cloud and collaboration. Another disadvantage is the interface, which is not standard for Android.

Docs To Go

This program provides all the features for editing text files. Unfortunately, the free version of the application is cluttered with advertising banners and has an outdated, completely inconvenient interface. After payment, only one of these problems will disappear, but will appear (you don’t need to pay to communicate with the cloud), as well as the right to access documents with a password.


This application is special because it does not provide any formatting options. But the unusual interface makes you want to get creative. You just need to select one of the preset sets of visual settings - and yours will turn into a designed script, a collection of poems or a novel outline. There is synchronization with the cloud, but all additional functionality is for an additional fee.

Kingsoft Office

The version for tablets is an analogue of a set of applications from Microsoft with a more convenient and familiar interface. Unfortunately, for full-fledged work you will have to spend money.

Google Docs

The creators of the operating system have released an application whose functionality is completely free. All necessary formats are supported, synchronization with the cloud, collaboration. The interface is beautiful, convenient and intuitive. Google Docs - best app for working with texts on an Android tablet.


Most text editors are paid.


For owners of new devices, this application is free, and this could easily be a deciding factor. For those who activated their tablet before September 2013, the text editor will cost 329 rubles. The functionality is complete, but will be for Mac owners - due to instant synchronization.

Microsoft Office for iPad

Microsoft has released updated version office suite of applications for tablets on iOS. The design and functionality deserve a solid A, but its price may be intimidating. For full-fledged work, you will need a subscription costing 199 rubles per month.


Text editors for a tablet must meet a number of requirements that we have identified: user-friendly interface, wide functionality and synchronization with the cloud. hopTo has it all. But it won’t - it doesn’t have an offline mode.

iA Writer

For 169 rubles, an iPad user will receive an application with minimal formatting options. However, this program is the most convenient for typing. No matter what you write, you simply cannot find a better option. After finishing, get the file from the cloud on your PC and start processing it - this is not a problem, is it?


They still suffer from one problem - a poor selection of software designed for finger control. However, Microsoft is trying to make all programs convenient for use on both a tablet and a personal computer.


Free app with a minimalist design and the same functionality. The only thing you can do in this application is type text. There is no way to save or open files, synchronize with the cloud, or somehow format the typed paragraphs and sentences. But everything else is simple and fast.


For happy owners of convenient styluses or masters of drawing with their own finger. You can export notes to PNG, JPEG and PDF - not a very wide choice. This shortcoming is compensated by the number of pen settings and processing of the finished text.


Another minimalist note-taking app that syncs with OneDrive. The free version is spoiled by advertising, which you can get rid of for only 34 rubles.

Microsoft Office

Tablets with Windows OS differ from competitors in that they can work with desktop software, and the native Microsoft Office suite has been available for tablets for a very long time. Word is a true processing and typing machine. Its ergonomics may not be at the highest level, but no one will have any special problems. Synchronization is supported not only with the native cloud, but also with other services.


So, we have decided on the three best text editors for tablets based on: Windows, iOS and Android. Strange, but only on Apple devices optimal choice became third party application. The creators of the other two operating systems also took care of office packages of suitable quality.

On the other hand, for the iPad, the best solution was an application that was not loaded with features. The creators of iA Writer focused on the convenience of typing, because this is what often discourages people from using a tablet instead of a work laptop. As we can see, Information Architects made the right decision when it came to ergonomics.

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