Text editor (presentation). Lesson presentation Topic: "Text editor MS-Word

Text editor (presentation).  Lesson presentation Topic:
Text editor (presentation). Lesson presentation Topic: "Text editor MS-Word

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Types of text editors The first type is the code editor The second type is the word processor

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Text editor From this class of application programs, acquaintance with the software usually begins and the primary skills of interacting with a computer system are worked out on it.

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The main functions of a text editor are to enter and edit texts. Additional features are to automate the input and editing processes.

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Word processor they allow you to enter and edit texts, format them, that is, design. the main tools of word processors include the means for ensuring the interaction of text, graphics, tables and other objects that make up the final document, and the additional tools for automating the formatting process.

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Word processors are used to create, edit and view text documents, perform another important function - document formatting.

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code editors Sometimes they are called so, since their main purpose is to write the source codes of computer programs. focused on working with a sequence of characters in text files. Such editors provide advanced functionality - syntax highlighting, string sorting, templates, encoding conversion, displaying character codes, etc.

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Popular text editors (of the first kind) Emacs. Free. - Has a powerful and very flexible customizable interface, supports macros. jEdit. Free editor in Java. Kate. - Powerful extensible free text editor with syntax highlighting for a host of programming and markup languages ​​(highlighting modules can be automatically updated over the network). Flexible customizable interface. Part of KDE. Notepad is included with Microsoft Windows. vim. Free. Separates the editing process into input mode and command mode. Provides unlimited customization and automation options. GNU nano - Free text mode editor. EditPlus is a text editor for Windows designed for programming and web development. EmEditor is a paid editor for Windows systems. Provides text highlighting for different formats, modules, but the interface needs to be studied. SciTE Free cross-platform editor with syntax highlighting for many programming languages, folding. Extensive customization and automation options. Notepad++ (GNU GPL), based on the same engine as SciTE. Has similar features and user-friendly interface. Pspad - Text editor with syntax highlighting, script support and tools for working with HTML code. TEA - Editor with hundreds of text processing and markup functions in HTML, LaTeX, Docbook. Texter is a text editor for Windows metapad is a text editor for Windows Crimson Editor is a text editor with syntax highlighting for Microsoft Windows distributed under the GNU GPL. UltraEdit . RulNote. EditPad. HipposEdit. MiBEditor. TextMate. TextEdit - a text editor with a non-standard interface

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text editors has advanced functions for formatting text, introducing graphics and formulas, tables and objects into it. Such editors are often called word processors and are designed to create various kinds of documents, from personal letters to official papers. The classic example is Microsoft Word. They also distinguish a more general class of programs - text-based working environments. In fact, such environments are a full-fledged working environment in which you can solve a wide variety of tasks: with the help of add-ons, they allow you to write and read letters, feeds, work on wikis and the Web, keep a diary, manage lists of addresses and tasks. Representatives of this class are Emacs, Archy, Vim and Acme from the Plan 9 operating system. Such programs can serve as software development environments. In any case, the latter always contain a text editor as a necessary programming tool.

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Text editor Microsoft Word "Text editor. Editor's environment, panel" Completed by: 5th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Kosyreva T.N.

The purpose of the lesson: - educational: the formation of students' knowledge about the purpose and main features of the Microsoft Word text editor, familiarization with the structure of the MS Word window - developing: development of attention, memory, logical thinking, independence; - educational: education of information culture, discipline, perseverance, self-confidence.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of students: Students should know: the purpose and main features of the MS Word text editor, the structure of the MS Word window. Students should be able to: run the MS Word program, shut down, save the created document.

Lesson Plan: Org. moment (2 min) Actualization of knowledge (4 min) Learning new material (20 min) Primary consolidation of new material (16 min) Summing up the lesson and homework (3 min)

How is text stored on external media? What are the advantages of file storage of texts? What is hypertext? How many bytes of memory does the binary code of each character occupy in computer text? How is each character encoded in the text? How powerful is the alphabet used to represent texts in a computer? What is an encoding table?

8 . What code is the international standard? 9. What rule is observed in the encoding table? 10. What is this principle?

Ivan Fedorov (c. 1510-83), founder of book printing in Russia and Ukraine. In 1564 in Moscow, together with P. Mstislavets, he published the first Russian dated printed book, The Apostle.

A text file is the simplest way to organize data on a computer. It consists only of the codes of the character encoding table.

In order to start MS Word, you need to do the following: In order to start MS Word, you need to do the following: Click the Start button on the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen. Move the mouse pointer over the Programs command. The Programs menu appears on the screen. Click the Microsoft Word menu item.

A text editor (TP) is an application program that allows you to create text documents on a magnetic disk, edit them, view the contents of a document on the screen, print a document, change the format of a document.

The main window consists of 5 main areas: Title bar Menu bar Control panels Work area Status bar

Assignment of indicators of the status line RAP - displays a dialog box for recording a macro (macro - programmed commands) FIX - turns on the mode of marking corrections. VDL - when this button is active, clicking in the text or moving the cursor with the arrow keys selects a piece of text. To narrow the selection, use the key combination Shift + F8 ZAM - activating this button switches the character insertion mode to the replacement mode. (This button can be enabled with the insert key).

Rulers The horizontal ruler allows you to visually change: Paragraph indents Page margins Width of columns and columns of tables Set tab stops with the mouse A vertical ruler is displayed along the left margin of the page. Allows you to: - quickly adjust the top and bottom margins of the page, the height of rows in the table.

Exit from MS Word Select menu File –> Exit. Select the Close item in the system menu of the main MS Word window. Place the mouse pointer on the system menu icon in the main MS Word window and double-click the left mouse button. Click the Close button on the title bar of the main window Press Alt+F4 on your keyboard.

What is Word used for? In order to start MS Word, what steps need to be taken? What is a text file? What extension is most often used in the names of text files? What is a text editor? What are the main areas of the main window?

Text editor- an application for processing text information.

simple text editors allow edit the text, as well as implement protozoa font formatting

word processor- these are more advanced text editors that have a wide range of options for creating documents (inserting lists, tables, graphs, formulas, etc.)

Symbols, words, lines and sentences

  • Any character from any font included in Windows can be entered at the text cursor position.
  • Symbol is the smallest unit of textual information.
  • Word - this is an arbitrary sequence of letters and numbers, limited at both ends by service characters (space, period, comma, etc.).
  • Line – an arbitrary sequence of characters between the left and right borders of a paragraph.
  • Offer is an arbitrary sequence of words between two points.
  • Paragraph is just an arbitrary sequence of characters terminated by a Carriage Return.

Basics of working with text

When working with a text editor, the following terms are needed:

  • Editing is a transformation that adds, removes, moves, or corrects the content of a document.
  • Formatting is the formatting of the text. In addition to text characters, formatted text contains special invisible codes that tell the program how to display it on the screen and print on the printer.

Basic text operations

You can navigate through the typed text using the keyboard, mouse and command (go to ...).

Keyboard. To move through the text, the keys of the main editing standard are used:

  • Keys (Left), (Up), (Right), (Down)
  • Keys (End), (Home), (PgUp), (PgDn)
  • Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+ Right), (Ctrl+ Left)
  • Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+End), (Ctrl+Home)

Mouse. Scrollbars are used to navigate through the text.

Team(Go to…). By selecting this command, you will be able to instantly jump to any fragment of the document.

Selecting text elements:

Point the mouse to any symbol of the word and double-click the left mouse button.

Point to the selection bar next to the line and click the mouse.


Point the mouse at any character in the sentence, press (Ctrl) and click the mouse.

Point to the selection bar next to the paragraph and double-click.

The entire text

Point to the selection bar and triple-click.

Window Microsoft Word 200 3

Acquaintance with

Microsoft Word 2007

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

Microsoft Office Word 2007 is the most popular application for creating and processing text documents, which has many desktop publishing features for working with texts of varying structure and complexity. The user interface of Word 2007 is significantly different from the user interfaces of Word 97 - 2003.

The basis of the Word 2007 environment is visual tools (commands in the form of buttons, fields for entering information or menus) located on Lente, to control the content of the document during its creation and processing. The Word 2007 environment is designed to take into account all stages of the document creation process: text entry, editing, formatting, and so on, which ensures efficient work with the application. The ribbon consists of tabs that contain user interface controls such as groups and commands.

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

In the menu that opens, select "Other commands", the "Default for template" window will open, in which, by clicking on the General command, you can check the box: Show the "Developer" tab on the ribbon. Another "Add-in" tab appears on the ribbon only after loading the add-in for previous versions of Word.

In addition, Word 2007 uses contextual tab groups that appear on the Ribbon when working with a specific object in a document, such as when working with pictures, tables, and so on.

You can also add your own (custom) tab with a group of commands to the ribbon, or create your own tabbed ribbon. This requires knowledge of the basics of the VBA programming language and XML markup.

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

You can start Word 2007 in one of the following ways:

  • click the Start button and select Microsoft Office Word 2007 from the main menu;
  • click on the Microsoft Office Word 2007 icon located on the desktop.

You can also start Word 2007 by opening one of the Word 2007 documents (files).

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

When you start Word 2007, the application window opens (Figure 1), in the document window (edit window) of which an empty Document 1 is displayed. By default, the application opens on the Home tab, which displays all the required tools for entering text or pasting text from the clipboard , its editing and formatting.

If you open multiple documents in Word 2007, each document opens in its own window. Navigate between windows using the soft buttons on the taskbar or using the "Move to another window" command on the View tab.

Picture 1

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

By default, all documents in Word are based on the Normal (Normal.dotm) template. Styles are part of templates. Style as a template element is intended for the external design of the document and its paragraphs.

The Normal.dotm template defines the main structure of the document and contains the document settings, and the text is entered in the Normal (Express Style) style, in which the main paragraph formatting parameters are set: font - (Calibri - default) + Body text, character alignment - Left edge, line spacing - a multiplier of 1.15 in., spacing After a paragraph - 10 pt., Hanging lines are prohibited.

Quick Styles are collections of different formatting options that appear as thumbnails in the Quick Styles gallery. When you hover your mouse pointer over a Quick Style thumbnail, you can see how the selection of text or the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned will take on the selected formatting.

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007

You can use the following types of templates to create a document:

  • Empty and last;
  • Installed templates;
  • My templates;
  • From an existing document;
  • Microsoft Office Online (templates from the Internet).

To create a document based on a template, click on the "Office" button and select the New command. A dialog box will open (Figure 2), in which you need to select the required template and click the Create button.

In Word 2007, you can create custom templates that appear in the New dialog box on the My Templates tab.

Figure 2

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


The main user interface element of Microsoft Word 2007 is the ribbon that runs along the top of every application's window, instead of the traditional menus and toolbars.

Getting started with Microsoft Word 2007


Using the ribbon, you can quickly find the necessary commands (controls: buttons, drop-down lists, counters, checkboxes, etc.). The commands are organized into logical groups organized on tabs.

You cannot replace the ribbon with toolbars or menus from previous versions of Microsoft Word.

You can't delete the tape either. However, the ribbon can be hidden (collapsed) to enlarge the work area.

Click the button Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar .

From the menu, choose Collapse Ribbon.

The ribbon will be hidden, the tab names will remain.

Ribbon folding

Window with rolled tape

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


To use the ribbon in a minimized state, click the name of the tab you want, and then select the option or command you want to use. For example, when a tab is collapsed, you can select text in a Word document, click tab home and in the group Font select the desired font size. Once the font size is selected, the ribbon will collapse again.

To quickly collapse the ribbon, double-click the name of the active tab. To restore the ribbon, double-click the tab.

You can also press the keyboard shortcut to minimize or restore the ribbon Ctrl+F1 .

The appearance of the ribbon depends on the width of the window: the larger the width, the more detailed the tab elements are displayed. The figures show the display of the tab ribbon home with different window widths.

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


By default, the window displays seven permanent tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Links, Newsletters, Review, View .

To go to the desired tab, just click on its name (name).

Each tab is associated with the type of action to be performed. For example, tab home, which opens by default after launch, contains elements that you may need at the initial stage of work, when you need to type, edit, and format text. tab Page layout is designed to set parameters of document pages. tab Insert is intended for insertion into documents of various objects. And so on.

Working with the Pages tab

Tab « Pages» has the following sub-clauses:

  • Front page;
  • Empty page;
  • Page break.

When choosing the item " Front page”A window appears with which you can insert a title page into the document, as well as delete an existing one. You will be prompted to select a title page style. After choosing the cover page layout you like, a cover page will be inserted into the document as the first page, in which you will be prompted to enter the name of the organization, the name of the document, the author's name, year of issue, and so on.

When choosing the item " Empty page» A blank page will be inserted into the document, and the document will break at the point where the cursor was.

When choosing the item " Page break» in the place where the cursor was, a page break will occur and everything that was after the cursor will go to the beginning of the next page.

Interface Microsoft Word 2007

The standard set of tabs is replaced when switching from document creation mode to another mode, for example, Preview

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


In addition to the permanent ones, there are a number of contextual tabs, for example, for working with tables, figures, diagrams, etc., which appear automatically when switching to the appropriate mode or when an object is selected or the cursor is placed on it.

For example, when creating headers and footers, the corresponding tab appears

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


Controls on ribbons and tabs are organized into groups related to the type of action performed. For example, the Home tab has groups for working with the clipboard, setting font options, setting paragraph options, working with styles, and editing.

Control elements are regular buttons, drop-down buttons, lists, drop-down lists, counters, menu buttons, checkboxes, group icons (buttons).

Buttons are used to perform an action. For example, the Bold button in the Font group on the Home tab sets the font style to bold. To click a button, you must click on it with the mouse.

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


In some cases, a dialog box appears after clicking the button.

Drop-down buttons have an arrow at the right or bottom. Clicking the arrow opens a menu or palette where you can select the desired action or option. The selected action or option is stored on the button, and you do not need to open the button to apply it again. For example, you can click on the button arrow underlined groups Font tabs home and choose an underline. To assign the same underline again, you do not need to click on the arrow, just click on the button itself.

Create a table in Word 2007

  • Any table consists of rows and columns. Their intersection form the cells of the table.
  • The button is used to insert a table. "Tables" located on the panel "Tables" ribbon "Insert". By clicking on this button, you can interactively select the required number of rows and columns for the future table.

Smart Art

  • SmartArt graphics allow you to quickly create a variety of colorful schemes.
  • When choosing SmartArt templates, consider their original purpose.
  • To insert a SmartArt object, use the button of the same name on the panel "Illustrations" ribbons "Insert" .
  • A window will open "Picture Selection" .

Working with graphic objects

Inserting pictures

  • To insert a picture, use the button "Drawing" panels "Illustrations" on tape "Insert". In the window that appears, find and select the desired graphic file. The image will be inserted into the document. This will bring up a new contextual tool. "Working with drawings", containing the tape "Format" .

Working with graphic objects

Creating a wallpaper

In order to make a picture a background in a Word document, you need to go to the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Page Background" group, click on the "Page Color" button. In the list that opens, select "Fill Methods".

Working with graphic objects

Clip Art Collection

  • This collection contains a selection of a set of pictures of a text editor.
  • To insert a clip, press the button "Clip" on the panel "Illustrations" ribbons "Insert" .
  • A panel will appear at the right edge of the window. "Clip". At the bottom is a button "Organize clips..", by clicking on which we will get to the window "Clip Organizer" .

Working with graphic objects

Word Art objects

  • WordArt is beautifully designed text based on ready-made templates that you can edit.
  • The button is used to insert a WordArt object. "word art" on the panel "Text" ribbons "Insert" .

Insert symbols and formulas

Inserting symbols

To add to text symbols that cannot be displayed from the keyboard, press the button SYMBOLS on tape INSERT V Word 2007 :

Insert symbols and formulas

Insert formulas

If you need to add to the text mathematical formula, then you should use the formula editing. To do this, press the button SYMBOLS on tape INSERT V Word 2007 and choose FORMULA .

  • In our document, an input and editing field will be added to the text formulas, A ribbon V Word 2007 switch to context sensitive tab CONSTRUCTOR, which includes editing tools, which are grouped into three groups: service, symbols And structures .

Interface Microsoft Word 2007


For each control, you can display a tooltip with information about the purpose of this element - just hover over it and fix the mouse pointer for a while.

Interface Microsoft Word 2007

Button " office"

The "Office" button is located in the upper left corner of the window. Pressing the button displays a menu of basic commands for working with files, a list of recent documents, and a command for configuring application settings.

Exercise 1

  • Create a MS Word document, filename Scheme_Surname
  • Draw a diagram according to the model

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Text editors Text editors are used to process text information on a computer. Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents. Notepad Microsoft Word StarOffice Writer Adobe PageMaker Microsoft Office Publisher Microsoft FrontPage

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Text editors Text editors are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A modern document may contain, in addition to text, other objects (tables, charts, figures, etc.).

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Editing and Formatting Editing is a transformation that adds, removes, moves, or corrects the content of a document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text. Formatting is the way text is styled. In addition to text characters, formatted text contains special invisible codes that tell the program how to display it on the screen and print it on the printer: what font to use, what the style and size of the characters should be, how paragraphs and headings should be formatted.

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Documents, paper and electronic Paper documents are created and formatted in such a way as to ensure their best presentation when printed on a printer. Electronic documents are created and formatted for the best presentation on the monitor screen. The gradual replacement of paper workflow by electronic is one of the trends in the development of information technology. Reducing paper consumption has a beneficial effect on saving natural resources and reducing environmental pollution.

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Absolute and Relative Formatting For paper documents, the so-called absolute formatting is accepted. A printed document is always formatted to a printed sheet of known size (format). Formatting a printed document always requires first selecting a sheet of paper and then linking to this sheet. For electronic documents, the so-called relative formatting is accepted. The author of a document cannot predict in advance on which computer, with what screen size the document will be viewed. Moreover, even if the dimensions of the screens were known in advance, it is still impossible to predict what the size of the window in which the reader will see the document will be. Therefore, electronic documents are made so that they adapt to the current window size and are formatted on the fly.

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Formatting paragraphs A paragraph from a literary point of view is a part of the text, which is a fragment of a work that is complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought. In computer documents, a paragraph is any text that ends with an end-of-paragraph control character. Entering the end of a paragraph is provided by pressing the [ENTER] () key. In the process of formatting a paragraph, its alignment parameters are set (alignment reflects the location of the text relative to the borders of the page margins), indents (the entire paragraph can have indents to the left and right) and intervals (the distance between the lines of the paragraph), the indent of the red line, etc.

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Font (character) formatting Characters are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, special characters. Symbols can be formatted (changed their appearance). Among the main properties of symbols, the following can be distinguished: font, size, style and color.

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Text file formats Text Only (TXT). The most versatile format. Saves text without formatting, inserting only control characters at the end of a paragraph into the text. This format is used to store documents that must be read in applications running on various operating systems. Rich Text Format (RTF) text. A universal format that retains all formatting. Converts control codes into commands that can be read and interpreted by many applications, as a result, the information volume of the file increases significantly. Word document (DOC). The original format of the currently used version of Word. Fully retains formatting. Uses 16-bit character encoding, which requires the use of Unicode fonts. Document Word 2.0, Word 6.0/95 (DOC). Original formats of previous versions of the Word editor. When converting from the Word 97/2000 format, the formatting is not completely preserved. Works 4.0 for Windows (WPS). The original format of the integrated Works 4.0 system. When converting from Word format, the formatting is not fully preserved. HTML document (HTM, HTML). Web page storage format. Contains control codes (tags) of the hypertext markup language. Lexicon format (LX). The original format of the domestic text editor Lexicon.

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Questions: What is a text editor? What are the main features of a text editor? What is text editing? What is text formatting? What is the difference between TXT, RTF, DOC text file formats?

Streaming text editors Streaming text editors are computer programs that are designed to automatically process input text data received from a text file in accordance with rules predefined by users. An example of such a text editor is the Sed editor.

Interactive text editors Interactive text editors are a family of computer programs designed to make changes to a text file interactively. Such programs allow you to display the current state of text data in a file and perform various actions on them.

Text editor environment The data that text editors work with is symbolic information. The smallest element of text is one character. Often text is larger than what will fit on the screen. In this case, only part of the text is located within the working field. The screen is a kind of window through which you can view the text. To move this window through the text, special keys or a manipulator are used. Any TR is characterized by the presence on the screen of a menu of editor control commands. These are commands for changing operating modes, file operations, printing, text formatting, asking for help, and others. The menu can have both text and pictographic form.

What do TRs process? The abundance of different types of documents has led to a variety of existing text editors. As a classifying feature, with which you can divide the entire set of text editors into groups, we will take the type of the document being processed. 1. Text editors (Brief, Norton Editor, Quick) 2. Document editors (Lexicon, AmiPro, MultiEdit, Word Perfect, Microsoft Word) 3. Scientific text editors (TEX and MathOr) 4. Publishing systems (Corel Ventura Publisher, Adobe PageMaker , QuarkXPress)