Which scanner can I use to clean my computer from viruses? Cleaning Windows from viruses

Which scanner can I use to clean my computer from viruses?  Cleaning Windows from viruses
Which scanner can I use to clean my computer from viruses? Cleaning Windows from viruses

There are many signs that a virus has appeared on your computer. If your machine starts to run exceptionally slowly or deletes or corrupts files for no apparent reason, it may be computer virus. In addition, if the computer independently opens applications, opens the toolbar, or performs any operations without a user, then it is infected with malicious software. To reduce the likelihood of virus infection, you should run an antivirus software at least once a month.

But what to do if your suspicions are confirmed? How to clean your computer from viruses for free? Below are two of the easiest ways to remove computer pests from your system.

delete everything

The easiest virus removal option is available on every PC. This method, regarding how to remove viruses from your computer, is simple, reliable and effective, but has a negative side.

To be absolutely sure that all pests are removed, you should completely format HDD. Viruses will not be able to escape removal. This is a good idea, but only in desperate situations, for example, if you cannot find viruses for some reason. However, this means that all information from the PC will be lost, since saving files or deleting only part of them will bring the infected items back, affecting the entire system.

There is another way to clean your computer from viruses for free, which is not so drastic. To do this you should use backup important files in advance. This should be done at least once a month. You need to find all the files that need to be saved and copy them to separate system data storage. It is advisable to burn them to a CD.

Free antivirus software

How to clean your computer from viruses for free? Another option is to use free antivirus software. There are many programs available for free download that are designed to find computer pests and remove them. But before you download and install an antivirus on your computer, you should be sure that this is really what you need, since many free programs contain harmful spyware or viruses. First, you need to study the program that you have chosen before downloading. You need to find authoritative information about how the antivirus works and whether it contains hidden malicious materials. If all reviews are positive, this product is probably safe. This method of how to clean your computer from viruses for free is effective; it allows you to save all the information on your PC.

Precautionary measures

You should be very careful when installing new software. If the program asks the user to install any toolbar or other add-ons, there is no need to do so. Toolbars usually contain spyware that will slow down your computer.

Finding out what the best malware removal tools are is not that difficult. Upon request, you can easily find applications on the Internet that allow you to troubleshoot computer problems associated with virus infection.

Such software is usually distributed free of charge or shareware.

Although its capabilities include quick search and guaranteed removal malicious code and annoying advertising, which well-known (and, most often, paid) antiviruses cannot always cope with.

Built-in Windows 10 tool

The first way to get rid of malicious applications that you should use ordinary user Windows 10 provides for the launch of the already built-in Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool.

Sometimes it works automatically, but if a virus infection has already occurred, the tool is launched manually. You can find MMSRT in the System32 folder system disk, located in the System32 directory. The efficiency of the application is not very high, but at least half of the problems will be solved.

Rice. 1. Windows 10 Malicious Software Removal Tool.

The benefits of using the product include:

  • Russian-language interface;
  • intuitive controls;
  • no need to download additional software.

The application's disadvantages include long scanning times and low efficiency. And you can download it not only for Windows 10, but also for the 7th and 8th versions of the operating system. The update, numbered KB890830, is only 52.8 MB in size.

Fast and free AdwCleaner

One of the most famous and effective programs for removing unwanted applications from your computer is AdwCleaner. The advantages of using it include working in Russian, no need for installation on a computer, and constantly updated updates that improve the quality of system testing.

In addition, after completing the scan, AdwCleaner gives the user several recommendations on how to prevent infection with malicious code. And to launch the utility, you just need to click the start scan button, and, after reviewing the results, set the settings and select the information to be deleted.

Rice. 2. Search for malicious code using the AdwCleaner utility.

A peculiarity of the application is that during the scanning process it sometimes becomes necessary to restart the computer. And after completing the work, a report is displayed on the screen, which can be saved as a text file.

Assistant in the fight against extensions Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free

Rice. 3. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware main window

Simple yet effective Junkware Removal Tool

Rice. 4. Report on the operation of the Junkware Removal Tool utility.

The utility is accompanied by the creation of a system restore point. And during the scanning process, problems are automatically corrected and virus programs are removed. The check ends with the creation of a detailed report on the problems found and their solutions.

CrowdIsnpect – search for unwanted processes in the system

Malicious applications can also be detected by processes running on the system. This is the basis for the operating principle of the CrowdInspect utility, which during its operation scans the startup list and those running on this moment services. Using a constantly updated database of viruses and unwanted software, the program collects information about processes and compares it with a list of potential threats.

Rice. 5. Analysis Windows processes using the CrowdInspect utility.

One of the results of checking the CrowdInspect system is the display of a list network connections and IP addresses, as well as the reputation of the sites to which they belong. Although only advanced users can understand most of this information. For others, it is advisable to choose utilities that automatically fix problems to remove malicious code.

Shareware utility Zemana AntiMalware

In terms of effectiveness in combating viruses and unwanted extensions, the Zemana AntiMalware application is not inferior not only to other free utilities, but even to paid versions of some well-known antiviruses. The advantages of the program include the possibility of cloud search, a clear Russian-language interface and real-time system protection. U paid version Premium benefits are even greater.

Rice. 6. Search for malware using the Zemana AntiMalware utility.

Zemana does a good job of removing plugins in browsers, the presence of which often leads to pop-up advertising messages. Although to start searching for extensions, you will have to change the program settings by going to the “Advanced” section.

And the disadvantages of the utility include conditionally free distribution - after 15 days you will have to pay for its use. Although usually a few hours are enough for a user to quickly scan a computer, after which the application is removed.

HitmanPro - maximum efficiency when removing plugins

Rice. 7. Operation of the HitmanPro utility.

The program effectively removes most common viruses. And when checking browsers, it finds and fixes problems with third-party extensions. After the scan is completed, the user is prompted to review the list of detected problems. And, if any of the marked files is not dangerous, in the user’s opinion, it can be removed from quarantine.

Spybot Search & Destroy – increasing PC security

Rice. 8. Spybot Search & Destroy – search, fix and prevent problems.

Spybot is able to monitor changes to the registry and system information, thanks to which it not only solves existing problems, but also ensures the prevention of possible problems. In addition, all changes made by the utility can be undone - sometimes this helps to avoid crashes. Windows work when a useful file is deleted along with the virus.

The most powerful but slow Dr.Web CureIt!

The most powerful and effective utility can be called Dr.Web CureIt! , the advantages of which include the possibility free use. Download latest version application (the size of which exceeds 100 MB) and by running it on your computer, in a few hours you can receive a report on the work done and a 99.9% virus-free system.

It is CureIt that recommends using the technical support of some Internet providers. The application has only one drawback - you can use it only once. A few hours after downloading it comes out next update, and the old one stops working.

The advantages of the utility include not only a high level of efficiency in detecting malware, but also the ability to download it again. After downloading again from the manufacturer’s official website, the application is again ready to detect viruses. At the same time, the databases are already updated, and the search efficiency increases.

Rice. 9. Message about the need to update the Curelt utility.

Solving problems with browsers

When removing viruses, you should also pay attention to browser shortcuts - often they are the source of the problem. The malicious code is written into the shortcut properties and changes the launch method:

  • sometimes when entering the Internet the user ends up in the wrong home page, and to another site - most often phishing or advertising some services;
  • When the browser is launched, a third-party plugin may be installed that changes search engine, home page and online settings.

You can solve the problem manually by checking your browser shortcuts. But the best way to do this is with utilities such as Shortcut Scanner. The free application checks the logical and external drives for availability unwanted programs, identifying suspicious or broken shortcuts.

The advantage of using this tool is free distribution and work on any modern systems Windows (from XP to 10), the disadvantage is the lack of a Russian version.

If an unwanted plugin has already been automatically installed in the browser, you can remove it through the extensions menu in the settings. Otherwise, instead of going to the selected pages, advertisements and outside resources.

Most often, this problem occurs among users who have already installed a significant number of extensions and do not notice 1-2 extra ones. If there are practically no plugins, it is easier to notice a new one and take measures to disable it. And if you are not sure that the add-on is actually malicious, special utilities designed for specific browsers will help.

For Google Chrome official developers created a utility called the Cleanup Tool. It automatically checks for embedded malicious code every time you launch your browser.

If a problem is detected, the plugin is disabled along with other extensions. After this, the user can restore the add-ons he needs manually.

Rice. 11. Search for malicious code using the Chrome Cleanup Tool.

For Mozilla Firefox and standard for old Windows versions browser Internet Explorer exists free application Avast Browser Cleanup.

Utility in automatic mode scans two browsers (if they are present in the system), and as a result produces a list of suspicious plugins. The antivirus program can be downloaded from the manufacturer's official website.

Rice. 12. Cleaning the browser from malicious code with using Avast Browser Cleanup.

Other companies also produce similar functional and free utilities. Moreover, for different browsers and with a wide range of possibilities. Some programs also provide effective real-time protection - however, most of them have a paid feature for this.


Using applications that remove unwanted software does not eliminate the need to install antivirus software. Each program performs its own tasks. Antivirus utilities protect the system almost constantly and prevent infection of system files.

And applications to fix existing problems are needed mainly after the antivirus has proven ineffective. Using two options at once - installed and periodically launched utilities - will ensure maximum protection efficiency. Although in order for the computer to be even more secure, it is advisable:

  • follow the recommendations of anti-virus utilities that issue warnings when entering suspicious resources;
  • scan with antivirus software downloaded or recorded from external media files whose origin is unknown (for example, downloaded not from the official website, but from an external web page);
  • set in antivirus settings automatic update virus databases and run the application manually at least once a week.

Preventing your computer from becoming infected with viruses and other types of malicious code will reduce the likelihood of problems occurring. Although neither Curelt! nor even a paid antivirus provide 100% protection.

Best Malware Removal Tools

It's worth starting with the fact that malware in this context (Malware) are not quite viruses, they are rather programs that exhibit unwanted activity on the computer, are installed without the knowledge of the user and, on top of that, are difficult to remove.

Cleaning Windows from spyware, malware and files

In this video I will tell you how to clean your computer in the operating room. Windows system from spyware and malware and files, as well as how to free up space on your hard drive from temporary files and how to clear the cache. Three free utilities will be reviewed

Viral infection computer system- the situation is not the most pleasant, especially considering that some modern threats are capable of operating system disable, and destroy or steal the user’s personal data. Next, it is proposed to learn how to clean a computer infected with a virus using several options and the tools used accordingly. Looking ahead a little, it should be noted that completely relying on modern antivirus programs not worth it, since in some cases manual intervention by the user may be required to remove or neutralize the virus threat.

How to clean your computer from viruses yourself: tools and steps to use

Despite a fairly wide variety of protective equipment and tools in the form of specially developed programs, sometimes many of them turn out to be completely powerless against certain types of threats. In this case we're talking about that cleaning a computer from viruses using conventional means can be problematic only because some types of threats are disguised as trusted applications, supposedly representing affiliate software that the user installs in parallel with the main application. In addition, many such applets also have certificates of authenticity confirming safety, and even digital signatures. In other words, standard or portable scanners may not detect such viruses. This applies to both an immediate threat and potentially unsafe or unnecessary software.

In this regard, several standard methods and tools can be proposed:

  • standard anti-virus modules;
  • portable treatment programs;
  • boot disk utilities;
  • manual removal viruses (most often applied to browser hijackers);
  • drastic actions.

How to clean your computer from viruses in Windows 7 or another OS using standard means?

Most users do the absolutely right thing, not trusting the security tools built into Windows systems, but installing anti-virus packages from third-party developers, which in their own way functionality head and shoulders above those developed by Microsoft. Why is that? Yes, only because the company itself is positioned precisely as a developer of operating systems and some other software products, and certainly not a manufacturer of software computer security.

Thus, from viruses the most in a simple way possible by calling the on-demand scan function. In this case, it is advisable to use the in-depth scan mode, otherwise complete cleaning will not work.

Portable apps and online scanners

Unfortunately, many desktop antivirus programs can quite often miss threats, especially those that are embedded in Internet browsers in the form of add-ons or additional extensions. In this case, clean your computer from viruses without using standard modules(which have already missed the threat) can be done using portable programs, among which you can find antiviruses, antispyware, and anti-advertising tools.

The most well-known and effective means for all occasions can be called parallel programs like Dr. Web CureIt!, KVRT and AdwCleaner. For them, one of the main conditions for fully functional operation is updating the anti-virus database at every start. Just like in stationary programs, you can select objects to be scanned, including boot and hidden areas hard drives and any removable media, independently. The advantage of using them is that they can be “clean”, while even a standard antivirus can be infected.

Disk Utilities

If we talk about how to clean a computer with Windows 10 on board (or with a lower version of the system) from viruses, when the above methods did not produce results (it is known for sure that there is a virus, but it was not found, the threat cannot be removed or neutralized, etc.) . etc.), we can recommend programs like Kaspersky as one of the most powerful tools. Rescue Disk.

Their peculiarity is that when writing to removable media, special files of an independent bootloader are saved on it. In other words, by setting the device with the program first to boot through the BIOS, you can launch the antivirus itself and scan the computer before Windows starts. It is worth noting that such applications are capable of detecting viruses that choose their habitat RAM(neither regular nor portable programs they may not even dream of this).

Principles of manual cleaning

Finally, to remove some types of threats that are only partially classified as viruses (the Hijackers group of unwanted programs), you can also use manual removal.

As a rule, such software applets (with rare exceptions) are not particularly disguised in the system, and you can find their processes in the same “Task Manager” or delete the main application files through the programs and components section in the standard “Control Panel”.

Approximate procedure

Let's try to consider exactly what actions will be needed in order to clean the computer from viruses that the user has identified in the system on his own (for example, by viewing processes in the Task Manager and determining the location of the virus files and folders on the hard drive).

So the order could be like this:

  • completion viral processes in the “Task Manager” with a preliminary determination of where the threat files are saved on disk;
  • disabling virus applets in startup (if any) through the system configurator (msconfig);
  • standard deletion the main components of the virus through the programs section and Windows components;
  • search by virus name and remove residues in system registry(regedit);
  • search and delete residual files and folders in Explorer (or delete objects from a previously defined location);
  • for browsers - checking the program shortcut (the path to the executable file must end only with the EXE extension without any additional additions);
  • Note: to simplify all the steps described above, you can use the uninstaller utility iObit Uninstaller (the program allows you to clean your computer from viruses in no time, and it finds and removes remnants of applications automatically). If you still use manual removal, sometimes you first need to delete registry keys, and only then proceed to uninstall the main program.

    Complete cleaning using drastic methods

    As for how to completely clean your computer from viruses, there are two options: either Windows recovery to the moment when there was no virus in the system yet, or format it hard drive(fast or full).

    Keep in mind that you can recover files after a quick format, but this also applies to objects associated with deleted virus threats.

    Instead of an afterword

    In general, if we sum it up, it is not difficult to realize that there is nothing particularly difficult even in manually cleaning the system from all kinds of virus threats. By the way, the above procedure for independently neutralizing, say, browser hijackers is almost always used and is a universal option if nothing antivirus utilities the embedded threat is not detected or cannot be removed.

    However, it is worth paying special attention to the use of uninstaller programs. They are good because they remove applications, find keys with files and folders, and allow you to uninstall add-ons or various additional panels of any browser. Even applets built into the operating system will not be difficult to remove with their help.

    A guide on how to find and remove all viruses and other malware from your laptop or computer.


    Sometimes there are times when Windows begins to behave inappropriately, various errors appear, and various windows pop up that you did not open. All this may indicate the presence of viruses on the laptop. Viruses can manifest themselves in this way:

    1. Windows errors and glitches;
    2. Discs do not open and programs do not start;
    3. Spam is sent on your behalf by mail, ICQ, in social networks etc.;
    4. Various programs open on their own.

    This is far from full list. How can you accurately determine that there are viruses on your laptop and, most importantly, how to get rid of them?

    The answer is simple: you need to scan the system with an antivirus. This material will look at scanning the system from Windows and using a special disk.

    1. Scan the system from Windows

    Best suited for one-time scanning free utility from Kaspersky: AVPTool(download)

    Download and run the utility. This is best done in Safe Mode. To go to it, you need to press when loading Windows F8 and select the appropriate menu item. Finding and removing viruses in this case will be much more effective.

    During installation, the utility is unpacked into a temporary folder. We indicate the path to it and click Further:

    After unpacking, the utility should launch. Select the places where you need to search for viruses:

    To start scanning, click on . We wait:

    That's all:

    The virus scan is completed. When a virus is detected AVPTool will ask you to disinfect or delete the infected file. In ordinary, and sometimes even in safe mode, viruses block standard file names, it is advisable to rename them when saving.

    We close the program. When closing, you will be prompted to remove the program:

    Please note that this program is not intended to run constantly in the background. It was created for one-time periodic checks. To constantly work in the background, you need a full-fledged antivirus.

    Important Note: alternative to the utility AVPTool is the development Dr.Web - Cure IT(CureIT website). Working with this program is similar AVPTool. If you wish, you can also check Windows with this utility. If AVPTool miss something, then Dr.Web Cure IT can find.

    Sometimes there are cases when a virus integrates so strongly with the system that it cannot be removed. What to do in this case? You need to check the system without Windows boot. How to do this will be described below.

    2. Search and remove viruses without booting Windows

    There are antiviruses that can boot from disk. Their advantage is that Windows does not affect the scanning process in any way. To somehow illustrate this, we can give the following example. There is a virus. It is registered as a system service that places its files on hard drive partitions and flash drives. When you remove a virus from a flash drive, after a while it appears there again. After the antivirus removes that service, it is re-infected from the flash drive. As a result, it is quite difficult to get rid of such a virus from Windows. An example of such a virus is Autorun. Pretty nasty stuff :)

    Avira AntiVir Rescue CD distributed as an iso image. You can download it from this link: download/site. Also, this image needs to be written to disk somehow. To do this, I recommend using the utility Ashampoo Burning Studio(download/download). You can also download this antivirus along with the recording program.

    Important Note: After scanning, it is possible that the system will not boot. It is recommended that you back up all important data. If the system has not booted and the data has not been copied, then you can always use Dr.Web LiveCD (), Ubuntu () or any other boot program or distribution.

    First you need to install and run Ashampoo Burning Studio:

    In the menu, select Record CD/DVD/Blue-Ray disc from disk image.

    We indicate where you saved the downloaded disk image with the antivirus:

    Click Burn DVD/CD to start recording.

    When the recording is complete, we put the disk in the laptop, which will be scanned for viruses. We reboot it and set the BIOS to boot from disk. How to do this is described in this material: .

    If everything is done correctly, the following window should appear when loading from disk:

    Press the number 1 And Enter. As a result, the antivirus window should open:

    To change the language, click on the corresponding icon at the bottom left. To start scanning, click on the button Start scanner:

    We are waiting for the antivirus to scan everything...

    That's all:

    Scanning is complete. You can reboot your laptop.

    At some point you realize that you need to completely clean your computer. How to completely clean your computer from viruses? First, check if there are those same viruses, clean the registries, clean the device’s RAM, the recycle bin...

    Cleaning your computer from viruses should be done from time to time so that it can cope with its tasks well and quickly, and also remain in working order for as long as possible. Otherwise, you will need computer repair, and very quickly.

    We are treated for free

    Let's talk today about how to clean your computer from viruses for free. To cure your computer of viruses for free, you need to search on the Internet AVZ program and the Curelt DrWeb utility. To start treatment, we need to start the system in safe mode. To do this, when the computer turns on, press the F8 key.

    In the appeared context menu Select the "safe mode" option. If this led to a system reboot, it means the virus has touched Windows registry, then you need to find a file on the Internet that helps restore safe mode, turn it on and repeat the procedure again.

    • Then, after booting into safe mode, enable the AVZ program;
    • Immediately go to the File menu - System Restore;
    • Select all the items and click execute.

    After this, you need to go to the service menu - process manager and remove all processes that are not highlighted in green.

    At this point, cleaning the computer from viruses is not completed, the maintenance continues and we are still trying to figure out how to clean the computer from viruses. Go to the File menu - Troubleshooting Wizard and perform a system cleanup. This will neutralize viruses, but will not remove them.

    Help Curelt

    Treatment of your computer for viruses continues. As you remember, we downloaded the Curelt utility, which makes it possible to clean your computer of viruses for free. The program must be launched and installed on full check. If viruses are detected, you will be asked to cure or remove them. A few hours of scanning will make it possible to remove viruses from the system.

    Many people do not know how to clean their computer from viruses using another computer. Here's how: you will need an uninfected computer with installed antivirus. Be careful not to damage your data. To implement this method, you need to remove the hard drive from the infected computer and connect it to a working one (the computers are turned off). After that:

    • load the operating system;
    • enable virus scanning;
    • The check will end in a few hours.

    Having lost the viruses, you can return the hard drive to its place.

    What to do if cleaning your computer from viruses does not lead to them complete removal? In this case, you may be advised to use another free (or paid) utility or, in as a last resort, .

    Cleaning RAM

    Let's talk about how to clear RAM on a computer. If your operating memory is always busy, look at what exactly it is. To do this, you need to open the task manager (by simultaneously pressing the ctr+alt+del keys).

    After that, in the “Processes” tab you will see the programs that are currently open by the system. For unloading unnecessary programs from operating memory, click on the “End process” button. Just try not to accidentally end a process that is necessary for the system to function.

    How to clear RAM on a computer? To cancel automatic download programs into memory, remove programs from the automatic download list. To do this, you can download online special utility Msconfig.

    We looked at the two most common ways to clear computer RAM. If after this you find that your memory is constantly clogged again, contact a specialist for whom computer repair is a habit or a computer service so that they can find the cause and carry out professional service.

    Cleaning the registry

    In order to remember how to clear the registry on your computer, you need to do simple manipulations just once. So let's get started.

    To go to the Registry Editor, click Start and select Run. Then click open and write regedit in the field that appears. Then click OK.

    Here is the registry editor. Among the presented items, we are interested in My Computer, which we need to expand and from the selected list we need to expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, then select Software and all the programs on the computer will be displayed in the list that appears.

    Carefully review the entire list and select from it entries about already remote programs. Once you select an entry for a program that no longer exists, delete it. To do this, use the Delete button or click right click and select delete. After deleting unnecessary entries, close the editor and reboot the system.

    Removing trash from the recycle bin

    Before you empty the Recycle Bin on your computer, we recommend that you look to see if there is anything useful there. If not, feel free to start cleaning.

    To empty the Trash, right-click on the corresponding shortcut on the desktop and in the context menu that appears, left-click on “Empty Trash”.

    If you want to preview the files before deleting, then quickly double-click the left mouse button on the shortcut to open it. Browse through the files and at the top, after the address bar, left-click on the phrase “empty trash”. The computer will ask you to confirm the action. Left-click on “yes”.

    Now you know how to completely clean your computer. Don’t forget to do this type of system cleaning at least once every six months, and let others do the computer repairs!