Mail mail registration create a new email. Where to create mail: services for registering a mailbox

Mail mail registration create a new email.  Where to create mail: services for registering a mailbox
Mail mail registration create a new email. Where to create mail: services for registering a mailbox

Email (email) - a virtual mailbox - for an Internet user, even a beginner, the service is very useful, and sometimes even necessary. E-mail is convenient for conducting personal and business correspondence and reading website newsletters. In addition to this, in almost every online store, online game, forum or any other web project, registration without indicating your email address is impossible.

This article will introduce you to the best email services and tell you how to correctly fill out the fields of the registration form and create a hack-resistant password.

Choosing a mail service

Before you register for email, you need to decide on the email service - the website on which you will create the mailbox. In order not to get confused when choosing, during the review, be guided by the following key criteria email:

1. Russian interface support. No matter how good an “overseas” email might be and how many super-convenient functions it might have, if you don’t know the language in which it is written, alas, additional difficulties will appear during use. Of course, you can connect an online translator, but, again, this is an extra time investment...

2. Comfortable management of email correspondence. This point is especially important for novice users who communicate with the computer on a first-name basis. Look at a review of the email service you are interested in, for example, on Youtube. If from the first minutes of the video it immediately becomes clear which button you need to press to send/read a message, etc., then this is definitely the solution for you.

3. Availability of a spam filter. Aggressive advertising is the scourge of the Internet. No matter how much you protect your email address from prying eyes, sooner or later it will be bombarded with messages with tempting offers: to buy some product, go to some website, etc. But it’s one thing to get rid of this influx of annoying advertising manually: to sit and “pull out” spammers’ messages from useful emails, and another thing is when filtering (and scrupulous!) is performed automatically, and the “Spam” folder is cleared in one click of the mouse.

4. Level of security and privacy. Protection of personal information is the “No. 1” issue on the global network. Find out how your chosen email account communicates messages. It is better to choose services that use the https protocol (encrypted connection) and check user-uploaded content (documents, pictures) with antivirus software at the server level.

5. Email support for mobile devices. If you constantly need to be in touch via email with your business partners, like-minded people or loved one, but you don’t sit at a PC all day, you need to register an account on a service that will fully function on your smartphone or tablet.

6. Flexible profile settings. At first, when you first get acquainted with the settings panel of the box, do not be intimidated by the long list of options. The more there are, the better. Additional functions, for example, such as forwarding (reading letters from another mailbox), importing and backing up data, storing files, allow you to ideally configure the service for your needs.

7. Providing remote file storage. If you plan to send every day a large number of files to multiple recipients, this function is required in email. It allows you to save time spent on mailing.

Review of popular email services

Below is a list of the most secure email services with convenient user interface. You can register a mailbox with them completely free of charge.




Postal service with integrated social network "My World" and big amount additional thematic sections (Games, News, Sports, Children, Poster, Auto, Lady, etc.). Effectively blocks spam. Provides the opportunity for the profile owner to personally create filters for sending messages from a specified address to the “Inbox”, “Spam” or “Trash” folder. Can send messages from the autonomous messenger “ Agent”.

It has integrated protection against spammers - a proprietary product of the Spamoborona company. Automatically scans incoming messages and downloaded files with Dr.Web anti-virus. Supports machine translation of letters from foreign languages. Provides full access to the mailbox from mobile devices, authentication by phone. Provides the user with the opportunity to graphically design the profile to their taste (selecting a theme, uploading images). If you don't know

Postal service of the IT company Rambler. Operating since 2000. Blocks spam using the RspamD filter. Has unlimited box volume. Content is scanned for digital malware by an antivirus package software Clam AntiVirus. Mobile app Rambler is available on Android and iOS platforms.


1. Regardless of which email service you plan to use, understand the generally accepted standard for writing an email address:

The “@” (dog) symbol is always placed after the login in the email address. Officially, this sign is called “commercial at”. The English preposition “at” translated into Russian means “by”, “in” or “on”. That is, it denotes the location: – on – .

Interesting! The abbreviation using the “@” sign was invented by English accountants about 200 years ago. They entered it in the financial statements instead of the preposition “at” in the sense of “by”: for example, 3 machines @ (by) 5000 pounds sterling.

This knowledge will help you avoid annoying misunderstandings during registration and authorization. On some mail services you only need to enter your login, without a dog and domain (, on others - full address(in the format described above), and on the third - it makes no difference: you can specify only the login and the full address (gmail).

Login (mailbox name)

Just like your own name, your email name somehow represents you. In particular, this point must be taken into account if you specify email box as contact information on a business card, on your blog, in an online store, etc.

As a rule, when creating a login, you use your first name, last name, patronymic in full or abbreviated form and add numbers (for example, date of birth, email creation, etc.). However, please note that the mailbox name must be unique. If another user is using it, you will have to get creative and come up with another option or slightly change the existing one.

Advice! If you can’t think of anything suitable, type “nickname generator” into a search engine and follow one of the first links in the list. In special online services that automatically generate nicknames, you will probably find an original, memorable combination.


Don’t be lazy to create complex symbolic keys to log into your account. Avoid trivial combinations such as “1234”, “qwerty”, etc. The optimal password is a sequence of characters 10-30 characters long, consisting of lowercase and uppercase Latin letters (sometimes Russian), numbers and special characters.

However, such a password cannot always be used. Mail services set their own rules for creating a key - minimum and maximum length, character set, etc. Be sure to read them before registering.

Advice! To quickly create a long, easy-to-remember password, use the online generator PWGEN. This algorithm creates complex but associative (readable) combinations.

Control questions

During the account creation process Post service asks the user to come up with a security question and an answer to it. It is necessary for additional verification in case of loss of the password. Please take the completion of these fields of the registration form extremely seriously. Avoid questions whose answers are easy to predict (mother's maiden name, date of birth, best movie of the year, etc.).

Good luck in creating your email!

To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, follow these steps:

    Please indicate your first and last name.

    Come up with or select from the proposed options a unique identifier (login) that you will use for authorization in Mail and other Yandex services.

    Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

    Create and remember a password to access account. The password must be strong so that attackers cannot access your personal data.

    Please provide your mobile phone number. Using this number you will be able to recover your password and receive notifications, and you will also be able to use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and select a security question and indicate the answer to it. This data is necessary to recover your password.

    Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

    Note. If the characters in the picture are difficult to make out, click the Other code link.

    Make sure the box indicating that you accept the terms is checked. User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data.

    Click the button Register.

After registration you will receive email address, which consists of your login, the @ icon and the domain name (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. The domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

You can at any time make changes to your personal information, ask a different security question, specify alternative email addresses for contacting you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

How to change login

You cannot change the login created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Log out of Yandex services in the account menu on the right top corner page, and then on the page that opens the link Create an email.

Attention. If you have registered a new mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from your old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as a secondary address.

How to come up with a strong password

Good password- one that is difficult to guess or select.

Never tell anyone your password to log into your account. The more people know your password, the higher the likelihood that an attacker will find it out.

To create a complex password, use:

    both uppercase and lowercase Latin letters;

  • punctuation marks:

    • ` ` are allowed! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


      Only ~ and " are not allowed.

Which passwords are weak?

What should not be used as a password:

    Passwords that you already use on other sites or applications. If someone finds out, for example, your password to a social network, they will try to enter not only Yandex, but also other social networks, postal services, and online banks with this password.

    Common words (margarita, begemot), as well as predictable letter combinations (qwerty, 123456)

    Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even your mother’s maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

Special mailing address

If, when registering in online stores, forums or other resources, you do not want to indicate your real email address, add the + sign and any word by which you can recognize this site to your login. You should end up with an address something like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will be sent to your current Spam folder. mailbox.

A special mailing address on Yandex will also be useful for re-registering on the site. For example, if you forgot your password for your account on this site and cannot recover it.

If you decided to create a mailbox in the MAIL.RU system, then you probably managed to understand that without a personal E-mail there is practically nothing to do on the Internet. Any registration or authorization will require your E-mail, and if you don’t have it, the task may become more complicated.

To create a mailbox in MAIL... After going through simple steps, coming up with a memorable address for your mailbox and protecting it complex password, you will become a full-fledged Internet user, which will allow you to:

- send and receive email;
— use E-mail to register in in social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, etc.);
— save valuable files and documents on the Internet, from where they can be retrieved anywhere in the world;
- freely enjoy all the benefits of the computerized modern world.

Registration on step-by-step instructions

2. Pay attention to the empty fields in the form located on the left side of the screen. We will use these functions to log in when we create a personal email account. E-mail box, but for now click “REGISTRATION IN EMAIL”.

2. Registration of a new mailbox requires mandatory filling the following fields:

- Name;
- Surname;
- Birthday;
- City;
- Floor;
— Mailbox (any name that is convenient for you, but which is not yet in the system);
— Password (ideally complex and strong password must contain - numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, special signs like quotation marks or dashes);

IMPORTANT: it is better to write the password on a piece of paper, because in a month or 2 months you will DEFINITELY forget it!!! And then you will have to restore access via SMS...

— Password confirmation (you just need to repeat the password again to avoid errors and typos);
— Mobile phone (select the country in which we live, enter the mobile phone number in the proposed format - the number must be yours, because it will receive personal SMS with code).

If mobile phone missing (stolen, no, didn’t have time to buy), click “I don’t have a mobile phone” and go through identity verification in another way, which the author of the site will not focus on. Today everyone has a mobile phone, and if not, you can temporarily use the number of your parents, grandparents, friends, girlfriends, neighbors, etc.

IMPORTANT: if the information is entered correctly, the completed fields are marked with a green checkmark. If there is no check mark (see screenshot), the information needs to be corrected in accordance with the standard.

After entering your personal data and selecting a suitable name for your mailbox, click “REGISTER” (all fields must be marked with green checkmarks!)

3. We wait for the specified mobile phone the phone will come SMS with a code, and enter the code into the empty field, confirming that you are not a robot, but a living person! Click “DONE”

4. Actually, this is where the instructions on how to register a mailbox in MAIL.RU end; we can safely close the settings offered by the service and use the new E-mail in its “as is” form. On the other hand, it won’t be difficult to slightly tweak the theme of your mailbox, making it more pleasant to work with.

Select a design theme, “Continue”:

We correct the signature that will be added to all our outgoing letters (we can even add a photo or picture), “Continue”:

We configure the collection of mail from different mailboxes to a new E-mail (all mail will be merged into one mailbox), “Continue” or “Skip”:

We find ourselves in a brand new mailbox on MAIL.RU, which we created with our own hands! Here we already see 3 letters that came from the developers of the MAIL.RU company. It's that simple!

Please note that your own mailbox address is at the top of the screen, where you can write it down on a piece of paper (along with your password) so you DO NOT forget it. But even if we forget the password, we can always restore access using the phone number that was specified during registration.

Hello my readers!

Users who are just learning the basics of using the Internet are faced with the fact that when registering on most World Wide Web sites, they need an email, but they don’t know what it is and how to create an email.

My article today is intended for such people.

Email: what is it?

Electronic mail is the full name of the virtual mailbox.

I want to say that using an electronic mailer is an integral part of using Global network. Using this type of service, the user has the opportunity to receive and send letters, photographs or other files to anyone anywhere in the world via the Internet.

It is worth noting that it will not be possible to send very large files via email, but several photos or any document is easy; when creating a letter, just use the paperclip icon and upload the necessary files.

To send large files, you must first upload them to , and in the letter you simply provide a link to this file in the cloud.

When writing a letter, you can correct and format the text, create a signature that will automatically complete each of your letters, and find many more useful options.

Why do you need email?

In the modern Internet space, email is necessary to be an active participant. Any action related to registration on forums, participation in promotions and the appearance of a page on social networks requires a personal mailbox.

A confirmation letter is sent to the “soap” (the name of the email among advanced users) specified when registering on any third-party site, which establishes that New user not a robot, and there is a place where notifications will be sent (for example, about new messages or events).

Note! Without email, a user's life on the Internet is reduced to boring scrolling. news feed and collecting weather information. Any more complex action on the World Wide Web requires registration, which can only be completed if you have an email (or mobile phone number).

How to create a mailbox?

There are quite a lot of resources on the Internet that, after simple registration, allow you to become the owner of a unique postal address. And this service is provided absolutely free. Popular mail server sites include:

  • Yandex Mail
  • Rambler

Which mail server you choose depends on you individually. You can create accounts in all of them and use each for specific purposes (one for work, the second for family, friends, etc.). And you can only use the one that is most convenient.

Today, mail services allow you to collect mailings from all mailboxes into one (to do this, you just need to slightly adjust the settings).

To create a new mailbox on the mail server, you need to go to the resource of your choice (,, and others) and go through the registration procedure. The mail address will consist of two parts.

The first one will correspond to the name that was specified in the “login” field (it can be fictitious or reflect the real name of the owner).

Note! If the system displays that such a name has already been created, it means that someone has already registered an address with the same name before you, and you will need to come up with something new. It is better if the name is meaningful and not complicated, so that you can easily share it with people and on various sites when registering.

The second part of the address is the name of the mail resource, indicated through the so-called dog (, When naming or entering your email somewhere, you must say its full name.

Each mailbox is protected by a password, and it is advisable to come up with a more complex one, because this is the only way to protect the data stored in personal mail. If there is no hope of memory, then it is better to write down the password somewhere, since restoring it, although not difficult, is time-consuming.

The registration form requires filling out personal information such as the owner’s first name, last name and age. Often, in order to be able to restore access to your email account in the future, you need to enter a secret question and answer that is known only to the owner. There’s no need to be too clever; you should come up with a question that you won’t forget the answer to (for example, a nickname at school).

I hope now the word “email” does not cause you any misunderstanding. Register and share information on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and become advanced Internet users, see you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

E-mail is used for correspondence between recipients, and various types of files can be attached to the letter, be it photographs, archives, audio or video clips, documents, etc.

The email address looks like this: [email protected] where: name is a unique name (login) in the mail service, is the site (domain) on which your mail is located and @ is the email identifier. In Russia, this icon is called a Dog, a purely descriptive name, but it suits everyone, you can, of course, say that it is the letter “a” with a tail, and everyone will understand you too.

First, let's talk about where you can register your email:

Famous and free services email, represented by such companies as,,,

Let's look at the capabilities of the listed email services.

Yandex Mail - box volume is 10 GB, 1 GB are added as it is filled,

Creating message templates, okay

Protected from spam (junk mail) and, importantly, all letters are scanned by Dr.Web anti-virus. Decent and reliable postal service. Ability to attach files up to 30MB; if the volume is larger, then the file is automatically uploaded to your Yandex Disk. In this case, a link to this file will appear in the letter.

(see photo)

Mail mail - the mailbox volume is unlimited, i.e. At first they give 10GB and add more as needed. Also good protection from spam and also
antivirus is working. Here you can attach files up to 25MB, and if the file is larger, then it is uploaded to [email protected]; the storage period for such files is 30 days. When registering, you can select one mail server from the proposed options, i.e. Your address might look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Unlike Yandex, all addresses are independent units, i.e. These are different email addresses. - email service from Google, themes for every taste, autoresponder, email attachment, can send up to 25MB, if more? Offer to use Google Drive, where 15GB of free space will be available for you. I would like to note that 15GB is the total volume of mail: Messages, files, photos, etc. on Gmail, your email address might look like this: [email protected];

Rambler mail - mailbox capacity is 2GB, you can attach a file up to 20MB to a letter. When registering, you can choose one email server from those offered. As a result, your address may look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].