Installing windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS.

Installing windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS.
Installing windows 10 from a flash drive via BIOS.

Microsoft did everything to ensure that as many users as possible switched to Windows 10: they sent a free update, made the most simple creation bootable flash drive– how to write it, .

It remains to simplify the installation of the system from this very flash drive, although even now the installation does not cause any special problems. But there are certain pitfalls, and since you got here, it means you want to avoid them and put the “ten” correctly and beautifully.

Preparing your computer

In fact, no special preparation is required. At first, experts recommended first upgrading to Windows 10 from previous system and then perform a clean install. Now there is no such need: you can immediately bet “ten”. The main thing is to know the license key - we all use official versions, Truth?

Typically, user data is stored on a separate partition of the drive and remains untouched when the system is reinstalled on drive C. If you are not sure that important files will remain safe, transfer them to removable media or another hard drive volume that will definitely not be involved in Windows installations. To make it clear, the drive that contains the “Windows” folder will be overwritten. Be sure to remember its size - during the installation process this information will be useful to determine the required partition.

After saving the files, the last step remains before installing the system - installing boot from a flash drive. This can be done while restarting the computer in two ways:

  1. Go into the BIOS and in the boot priority section set USB to first. After completing the Windows installation, do not forget to return the original configuration, with boot priority from the hard drive.
  2. Call Boot Menu and select the USB flash drive with the recorded Windows distribution as the download source.
    The second method is faster and more convenient. You simply launch the installation from a USB flash drive, and then calmly work with the system, without worrying about whether the configuration is set correctly in the BIOS. There is nothing wrong with the BIOS, but if you can do without entering it, you should use this option.

After booting from the flash drive, a black screen will be displayed with the phrase “Press any key...”. Well, let's follow the advice and press any button on the keyboard to launch the installation program.

System installation

The installation starts with a prompt to select a language, currency and time format, and keyboard layout. Put “Russian” everywhere and click “Next”. Naturally, no one forbids you to select any other parameters - the system is preinstalled a large number of language packs.

The next window shows big button“Install” and a short link to system recovery tools. You'll need to click "Install" for now, but restoring may come in handy in the future, so remember what step this link is at.

The installation wizard will then prompt you to activate Windows. If you bought a "ten", the license key will be written inside the box or in a message on email, sent after purchasing a digital copy. If you are reinstalling the system (upgrading from a licensed “seven” or “eight”) or performing a clean installation after a preliminary update to “ten,” then you do not need to enter any key: Windows will be activated automatically based on the existing license.

You can not enter the key at all and use the non-activated version. So far this does not bring any particular problems, except that some functions do not work: you cannot personalize the appearance, system updates do not arrive.

In the next step, you choose an edition. This question may not appear if the installer automatically determined the edition according to license key. If he failed to do this, help and select the version of the system that was previously on the computer, that is, it has a license. If there was no license, or you are ready to give up one, you can choose any option. The license agreement text will then appear. Read the terms and conditions and check the box that you accept them. Only after this will you be able to continue installing Windows 10 from a flash drive.

  1. Update. Files, settings, installed software are saved, and the old system is packed into the Windows.old folder.
  2. Custom installation. Clean installation with saving (or without saving) files. You can select a partition for the system, format the disk to completely remove the previous version of Windows, if any.

We are not interested in a regular update, because it could have been done without creating a bootable USB flash drive. Since we have already started installing the “top ten”, we will not make do with half measures, and will carry out a clean installation with formatting or erasing and creating volumes on the media.

After clicking on the “Custom” option, a page with disk partitions will open. On previously used drives, you will see more volumes than were displayed in Explorer - get acquainted with this system partitions. If the former Windows version was preinstalled by the manufacturer (often found on laptops), then in addition to the three system partitions there will be one more, with a capacity of 10 to 20 GB. It is highly undesirable to touch it, since it contains a system recovery image.

The system partitions themselves cannot be touched either. The only exception is a complete formatting of the drive. If you want to delete all information and repartition the disk, you can delete all partitions and not worry about anything.

At this stage there are generally a lot of conditions. Let's consider all possible options:

  1. If you want to install Windows on the same partition as the previous version, format it or delete it and then let the installer automatically create the necessary sectors.
  2. If you skip deleting or formatting the partition, the previous version of the system will be saved in the Windows.old folder. Plus - you can quickly roll back to it if necessary. The downside is the loss of a huge amount of free space (up to 20 GB).
  3. If you choose another volume for installation, then the computer will have two running systems - the previous version and the “top ten”.
  4. If there is no important information on the hard drive, you can delete all partitions and partition the drive again. If the disk is new, then simply create two volumes - for the system and user files. The installer will create the remaining partitions automatically.

There is no one right way - all methods work, the only question is what you want. But if we talk about the very, very correct way clean install, then it will consist in complete removal section with previous version. Then you need to select the unmarked area that appears and continue the installation. The installation wizard will automatically create a new partition.

Phew, the most difficult part is over, now you can rest. The installer will begin copying and preparing files, installing components and updates. When this step is completed, the computer will restart. Next, preparation and setup will continue, during which the screen will turn black, freeze, and the computer will reboot several more times. Do nothing until the wizard prompts you to establish a connection to the network.

If such an offer does not appear, it’s okay - the installer simply did not find the necessary equipment on the computer. This may lead to the need to search for drivers network card to establish an Internet connection, but it does not affect the installation of Windows 10 in any way.


When all these preparations and reboots are completed, the installer will prompt you to configure basic system settings.

The final stage is setting up privacy settings. You can turn off all the switches, but it’s better to carefully read each item and think about whether you need the “ten” to determine your location, recognize speech and do a bunch of other strange things.

First start

Installation completed, pre-setting too, before my eyes a beautiful clean worker Windows table 10. What to do next:

Windows 10 has many features that can be disabled or enabled, but this does not apply to initial setup systems. “Ten” is modern enough to work “out of the box”, without unnecessary movements on the part of the user. Different variants The settings only allow you to make the system convenient for a particular person, but are not decisive for the operation of Windows.

The Windows 10 operating system recently made its long-awaited debut. And many fans of the system had a question: how to install or reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive? How to create a boot disk?

The following describes in detail how to create boot flash– drive for Windows 10 Pro or Home system. This can be done using special utilities. They will help you burn an installation flash drive for installing the Windows 10 operating system from a flash drive onto a computer or laptop, and if any problems occur with the system, they will help you restore it.

First of all, download Windows image 10 from the official website.

Selecting the language, architecture and release:

Select the media type:

Select the USB flash memory device (don’t forget to insert the USB flash drive) and click Next to start the main process.

So, the USB flash drive with Windows 10 is ready:

After creating the flash drive, you should directly install (reinstall) Windows 10 on your computer or laptop. In order to boot a computer (or laptop) from a flash drive, enter boot from USB in the BIOS. Then restart your computer (or laptop), after which the automatic start Install Windows from a USB flash drive!

On some computers and laptops, after rebooting the system, you need to go into the BIOS in order to change the priority of the devices from which the boot occurs. To do this, you need to press the Delete button several times while starting the computer (laptop). This may not help. Then, if you fail again on the second try, then your computer (laptop) has a different key that activates the BIOS. U different computers, and especially laptops, there may be different keys for entering the BIOS: F1 – F3, F8, F10 and others.

After correcting the boot priority in the BIOS, restart your computer (laptop) and install Windows 10.

It is possible that you will have a Windows 10 image, and you will need to make a bootable USB flash drive with this image. The following few methods solve this problem:

1. Make a bootable USB flash drive using the command line

The main advantage of this method is that it does not require any additional software. The disadvantage is that you cannot use it on older Windows, for example, XP.

Run command line in administrator mode. For example, in Windows 8 it is convenient to do this by clicking on WIN button+X:

Choose Command Line (Administrator). Then enter the commands

list disk

Let's see which disk is our flash. The “Size” column will help you distinguish it from a hard drive.

We look at the disk number of our flash drive (in our case – 1) and enter select command disk 1

Then follow the commands:

create partition primary
select partition 1

Running the following command formats the flash drive:

Format fs=FAT32 QUICK

Let's complete the task:


Now that you have a clean bootable USB flash drive, just copy the files onto it Windows installer 10 from another flash drive or DVD.

2. Second method: make a flash drive using the rufus program

This program is available at:

First of all, let's launch rufus program on behalf of the Administrator:

First option: for installation on a computer (or laptop) with BIOS

Select " MBR for computers with BIOS or UEFI"and the NTFS file system:

Second option: if you have UEFI

Select “GPT for computers with UEFI interface” and FAT32, since UEFI only works with this file system. (UEFI is a new type of bootloader responsible for loading the OS. UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)

Selecting “Create a bootable disk”, click on the ISO image and specify the path to the Windows 10 image. Then click Start and wait...

Congratulations, you can now run from this flash drive to install the OS.

3. Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool (does not support UEFI)

A utility created by Microsoft (path, the purpose of which is to write an image of Windows 7 to a disk or USB. The tenth version of the OS has already been released, but this program is still suitable for it. These are the points we must go through in order to write down ISO image to a clean flash drive:
After opening the snail, click the Browse button. Find the Windows 10 Pro image file on your computer (or laptop), thereby indicating the path to it, then select Next.

Click on the button USB device.

Having selected the desired flash drive in the list, click Begin copying, after which recording will begin.

Wait for the whole process to complete.

4. Ultra ISO

A popular program for writing and editing ISO files is also suitable for creating a bootable USB flash drive. In general, it is in good demand among users.

Instructions for use:
Open Ultra ISO.
With File selected, click Open:

On your computer, find the file iso Windows 10." and select " Burn a Hard Disk Image»:

Find your USB in the list, click Burn:

Wait until the end of the process.
Now you can install the OS from this flash drive.

Using USB drive, easy to reinstall the latest Windows 10 on any desktop computer or laptop. IN modern world Flash drives are very popular, and of course they can be used to reinstall any operating system. To know how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive, you don’t have to be a programmer or other cool IT specialist. You can reinstall the operating system yourself by reading this detailed instructions. We will talk specifically about Windows 10, although the process is not much different from installing Windows 8 or 7.

The instructions are written using an Asus laptop as an example, so the screenshots will correspond. This article is suitable for those who are going to install Windows 10 on a computer without an existing operating system, to replace the existing operating system, or want to install Windows 10 next to the existing operating system. The article offers instructions for installing Windows 10 from scratch, but not for updating the operating system already on the device.

For laptop owners, there are many articles that tell you how to install Windows 10 on any model.

The procedure is divided into sections. The goal is not to completely confuse inexperienced users.

How to burn Windows 10 to a drive

We are preparing a flash drive onto which OS version 10 will be loaded. Why not download software, developed by Microsoft – Media Creation Tool. This application is available on the official Microsoft website.

After installing and launching the program, you must select “Create an installation drive for another computer.” You must select the language, version of the operating system and its architecture, select the media (in this case, a flash drive). After this, the Windows 10 image will begin downloading and copying it to a USB drive.

It’s not at all difficult to find on the Internet various ways recording the operating system to a flash drive. Programs such as WinSetupFromUSB, UltraISO will help you transfer the downloaded operating system image to a flash drive.

Information on drive C

If you are installing Windows 10 on a new device that does not have personal data, you can skip this step and move on. If your laptop or computer contains personal information that needs to be saved, then you should transfer it to another HDD. When installing a new operating system, all information from drive C will be deleted, that is, it will be formatted. In addition, files from the “My Documents” folder should be transferred, for example, to hard drive D, otherwise they will also be lost. A good option All personal information will be copied to a separate flash drive. This guarantees its safety.

Tip: before starting the reinstallation, write down the size of drive C and the unallocated space on a piece of paper. This information will be useful during installation so that you do not accidentally install the operating system on drive D. In this case, all data from the disk will be irretrievably lost.

So, all important information transferred from drive C, so you can start installing Windows 10 from a flash drive.

Settings for booting the OS from a flash drive

To start installing Windows 10, you need to boot your laptop or desktop computer from a flash drive. When using a regular disc, just insert it into the computer drive and reboot. The installation may start automatically after the reboot is complete. When Press any key to boot from CD or DVD appears, you must immediately press any key, then the installation of the operating system will begin.

  • Using the Boot Menu is a clearer and simpler option. Reboot the device, immediately press the Esc button (for Asus laptops, differences may exist for other models). After this, a dialog box appears where you need to select a USB drive with the operating system loaded. Key combinations may vary depending on different manufacturers laptops. To enable Boot Menu, press F11, Esc, F12, F8.
  • When choosing settings in the BIOS, you need to put the flash drive in first place (or the drive, depending on what boot option you plan to use). Please note that the USB drive must be connected to the device before entering the BIOS. The procedure may differ depending on the BIOS version on the device. For example, old version with a gray-blue background and keyboard-only operation or UEFI look with modern appearance and the ability to control the mouse rather than the keyboard.

How to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: step one

After you start loading the operating system from the flash drive, you must specify the language, currency and time format, and keyboard layout (or data entry method). Click the Next button in the lower right corner.

Click “Install” (shown in the screenshot below).

The next screen asks you to enter your product key.

  1. Enter the key if the OS was officially purchased.
  2. If Windows 7, 8 (8.1) was previously installed, namely a licensed one, with a key (not earlier than November 12, 2015), then you can try to enter it. The system version for installation must be downloaded from Microsoft after November 12, 2015.
  3. If the key is missing, you should select the corresponding button at the very bottom of the screen.

When recording to USB two Windows options 10, such as x64 and x86 or Pro and Home, you will need to select one of them before installation. Click "Next"

After this, you are invited to read and accept license agreement. Whether to read this agreement or not is everyone’s choice. In the “I accept the terms of the agreement” box, you must check the box; without this, further installation will not work.

After this you are asked to select custom installation Windows. The first option (System update, in the screenshot below) is not suitable, as in this article we're talking about about installing the OS from scratch.

Where to install Windows 10: selecting a partition for installation

One of the most important steps. If all important information has already been copied from the hard drive, then you can delete all the shown partitions. After this, all the necessary sections are created again using the “Create” button. From the newly created partitions, you need to select one to install Windows 10.

Let's assume that Windows is already installed on the computer, partitions have been defined, then all that remains is to click on the one that corresponds to drive C. The size of this disk was recorded earlier (remember the preparation for reinstallation), so identifying it will not be difficult. If in doubt, we recommend stopping the download and rechecking the capacity of drive C. Select the desired partition, click “Format”, and then “Next”.

The names of the sections in the proposed screenshot may differ, as they depend on the brand of computer and laptop. The main guideline in this case is the size of the partitions.

If an error occurs - the wrong partition is selected, then another system will be installed. Moreover, when you turn on the computer, you need to click on the name of the OS that you are going to launch.

Error appears

A detailed description of the solution when the error “Windows cannot be installed on the partition...” appears is easily found on the Internet. Several solutions are offered. For example, to avoid this situation, you can select a flash drive without a UEFI signature when booting.

Copying files will begin as soon as a partition is selected. You can monitor the installation process by looking at the green checkmarks next to the corresponding item.

When the computer finishes downloading data from the flash drive, the device will automatically reboot.

If Windows 10 was installed from a flash drive and booted through the BIOS, then as soon as the computer reboots, the system will boot again. All the required data has already been transferred to the device, so the flash drive can simply be removed from your computer or laptop. Next, the device will reboot again and installation will begin, but from the hard drive.

Next, the computer will prepare for installation and settings will be configured. You must enter the key again. If the key is available, then enter it. If missing, select “Do it later” (in the lower left corner). Click "Next".

The next step is to connect to wireless Wi-Fi networks(if there is one within range). Then there are two options: come up with a login and password and register, or enter the login and password of an existing account. If there is no Wi-Fi connection and you can only create a local account, then you should skip this item (in the lower left corner).

During installation, it is possible to manually select the desired parameters using the “Settings” button. Satisfied standard parameters? Select the appropriate item - “Use standard settings”. Which items include standard parameters are described in detail in the screenshot. We advise you to familiarize yourself with them.

After this, you need to create a regular account to operate the device. If you have a network connection, then log into your existing Microsoft account.

You can start installing drivers and all kinds of utilities. The advantage is that Windows 10 independently selects and even installs almost all the drivers necessary for operation. Unfortunately, this scenario is rare. Finding and installing drivers most often takes time.

You should start searching for drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of the device and its components ( motherboard, For example). A significant disadvantage may be the lack Windows drivers 10 under specific model laptop or other device.

At any search engine You can easily find many useful articles on further personalization of the Windows 10 interface.

Many users are interested in how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: how to boot the operating system correctly or which partition to select for correct installation. This instruction gives a clear description of all actions. After reading this article, do reinstalling Windows 10 won't be difficult. Good luck!

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the latest Windows 10 on your computer or laptop. I'm glad that you came to this page and give me the right to teach you how to install Ten on your computer. Let's start!

We will install Windows 10 from a flash drive, because it is much more convenient and faster than using classic DVD discs. Using an installation flash drive with Windows, we can install the system on computers, laptops and netbooks.

What do you need to do to install Windows 10 from a flash drive?

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

First of all, prepare an 8 GB USB flash drive and move ALL important files to other drives. Next, download the UltraISO program from the official website. We will use it to record the system. We will also need a Windows 10 image, preferably in ISO format. You can also download it from the Internet.

Download UltraISO and run it.

The program is paid, but fortunately Trial period will allow you to use it for free for 30 days. To install Windows 10 from a flash drive, we need UltraISO only once.

When you launch UltraISO, click the Trial button.

The flash drive should already be inserted into the computer.

Now in the UltraISO program, click the menu File - Open.

In the window that opens, indicate where the Windows 10 image is located on the computer and click Open.

The image files were successfully opened. Now click on the menu - Burn a hard disk image.

In the window that opens, it is important to make sure that in the Disk Drive item the flash drive we need is selected. If this is not the case, then select it manually from the drop-down list. There is no need to change anything else. Click the Burn button to begin creating a bootable USB flash drive.

Writing Windows 10 to a flash drive usually lasts about 10 minutes. When finished, close all unnecessary windows and let's move on to the next step.

Install BIOS and boot from flash drive

When starting to install the system, we need to go into the BIOS and put booting from a flash drive in the first place. Turn on the computer or restart it if it is already turned on. To enter the BIOS, immediately start pressing the DELETE or F2 key (depending on motherboard). We press the desired key for several seconds until we see the BIOS itself. This is roughly what it looks like:

We can navigate through this program using the arrows and the Enter button on the keyboard.

Go to the BOOT tab and find there the item Hard Disk Drives. Let's open it.

We go to the first item and press Enter.

In the window that opens, select your flash drive and now it will be in first place. Great!

Press the ESC key to return to the previous window. Now select the first item Boot Device Priority.

Go to the first item and press Enter.

We select the flash drive again and now it is in first place in the download priority.

Great! Now the computer will boot from the flash drive. To save the changes made, press the F10 key and press Enter.

The computer is rebooting...

It is worth saying that in some BIOSes the interface is slightly different. In this case, you will have to look for similar buttons.

Installing Windows 10 from a USB flash drive

If we did everything correctly, then after restarting the computer, reading data from the flash drive will begin. The following speaks about this Windows icon:

The start of the installation is indicated by a window in which we will need to select the system language, parameters and keyboard layout. Leave Russian everywhere and click Next.

In the next window, click the Install button, which is located in the middle of the screen.

In the next step we need to select the installation type. Select the second item " Custom: only Windows installation ". Just what we need.

Now it's very important point! We need to select the disk to which we need installWindows 10 . The disk on which the system was previously installed has type System. If you have other disks, then it is better not to install the system on them, so as not to lose important data.

As for the disk on which the system was already installed, it is better to format it, that is, delete old programs, Windows and other files. To do this, you need to specify the drive and select Format.

You can, of course, not format the disk, but in this case the previous files with system disk will be placed in a new folder called WINDOWS.OLD.

I usually format the disk to remove all the junk accumulated on it. old system!

Regardless of the choice you make, specify the disk for installation and click Next.

This is the main window where Windows 10 is installed in five steps. Here the files are copied and installed, that is, the process of writing the system to our computer occurs. You will have to wait 15 minutes.

Attention important point! When you see that the 5 steps are completed and after a few seconds the computer reboots, be ready to remove the flash drive from the computer.

The computer starts to reboot, and we immediately remove the flash drive! If this is not done, then Windows 10 installation may start again.

Fine. The system is almost ready for use. There are still some settings left to do. After the reboot we will be asked to connect to our wireless network. But note that you can skip this step. There is a link for this below " Skip this step".

I connected to WI-FI, so at this step I’m still downloading and installing updates.

Finally, we need to select the computer type. Of course, select the item " This computer belongs to me".

Then enter your username and password from account Microsoft, if there is one. Or just click " Skip this step".

We give the account a name and, if necessary, come up with a password for it.

Great! So we figured it out, how to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive and configure it before the first launch.


Let's summarize briefly. So, to install Windows 10 from a USB flash drive, we need to complete the following tasks:

1. Create a bootable USB flash drive
2. Set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive
3. Install the system from a flash drive

That's basically all. This concludes my lesson, I thank you for your attention and look forward to your comments.

BIOS– a set of utilities that are installed on the motherboard, which make it possible to turn on the device to install the OS. With its help it happens Windows boot 10, selection of storage medium, the range of thermal sensors is indicated, various parameters are configured. If the system stops booting, errors occur and perform a recovery in a standard way It doesn't work, you can do it through the BIOS.

How to restore Windows 10 via BIOS.

But this method can only be used if there is installation disk or flash drives with a distribution kit of a licensed operating system with the version and bit depth that you have installed, without external storage this option not possible.

First of all, you need to start with BIOS settings to read the disc immediately when the computer starts.

If preparation automatic recovery does not make it possible to restart the computer normally, you need to do it forcibly by holding down the shutdown buttons for 10-15 seconds, as soon as the system starts to boot, you need to press one of the keys: F1, F4, F3, Delete, F8 (tell exactly which one you need to press (not possible, as it depends on the motherboard model of your device).

You can look in the instructions for your computer or on the manufacturer’s website to find out which key you will need to log in. On most PCs, the “Delete” button is used; on laptops, the key combination “ctrl+alt+esc” can be used.
After the BIOS starts, go to the Boot section.

You need to find the “1st boot device” parameter, which can be located in the “Boot Device Configuration”, “Advanced Features”, “Boot”, “Boot Sequence” section. There you will need to set the parameter for the CDROM or PXE UND I disk to boot from a flash drive:

Press “F10” to save the result, insert the disk into the drive or connect the flash drive on which the distribution is stored, then reboot the device.

After the computer boots, the initial system installation menu will appear, where you will need to click on the “System Restore” button.

The “Select actions” menu will open; select “Diagnostics”.

Then go to " Extra options».

Next, click on “System Restore”.

After clicking, a window will open asking you to select a restore point.

Startup Repair scans your computer for errors and fixes them when they are found. You can try to run the utility, but in most cases, after searching, it usually displays a message that the computer could not be restored.

If you had a rollback provided and your Windows was successfully restored after the above steps, then after this you will need to go into the BIOS and return the boot priority back hard drive to first place.

— How to restore Windows 10 via the command line.
If you did not create a checkpoint, restore Windows systems 10 can be tried via the command line. For this you will also need a boot disk or flash drive with an operating system. Windows system, which is installed on the computer.

In the "Advanced Options" section, select "Command Line"

In the window that opens, type “fixboot”.

Then the action must be confirmed by pressing the “Y” key.
After restoring the Windows 10 bootloader, the system needs to be checked for damaged system files.

Options for solving problems with damaged system files

  1. The boot sector of the operating system is damaged.
    In the command line you need to enter “fixboot”, press “Enter”, then enter “fixmbr”, press “Enter”. After this, the windows boot sector will be restored. The computer can be restarted normally.
  2. gone missing boot file boot.ini.
    In the line you need to type “bootcfg /rebuild”, then press “Enter”. Confirm all possible system questions by pressing the “Y” and “Enter” keys.
  3. The config in the system32 folder is damaged.
    You need to insert the disk with your OS version into the drive, enter “cd repair copy SYSTEM C:\windows\system32\config” in the command line, and then press “Enter”.
  4. The files “ntldr” or “” are missing, the system displays the message: “NTLDR is missing when loading Windows.”
  5. Enter “copy X:\i386\ntldr C:\” in the command line, press “Enter” (Where X is the letter of your drive, and C is the letter of your system drive on which your OS is installed).

Restoring the system via the command line while the computer is on.

If you do not want to restart your computer, you can restore the system via the command line from Windows. To do this, you will need to insert the disc into the DVD-ROM while the PC is loaded. Then launch the command line by pressing the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the search bar of the “Run” window, enter “sfc /scannow” and click “OK”. After which the broken system distributions will be copied from boot disk automatically. System recovery and rollback are quite quick and trouble-free.