I can't get into the bios on my computer. How to enter BIOS on a laptop

I can't get into the bios on my computer.  How to enter BIOS on a laptop
I can't get into the bios on my computer. How to enter BIOS on a laptop

Everyone meets the BIOS. When you turn on the machine, messages on a black screen before the beep and the start of loading the OS are the result of executing one of the procedures of this program. Not good advanced users PCs may know about it, but they never tried to enter BIOS and did not carry out any manipulations. Let's talk about everything in detail.

What is BIOS

Without software The computer is just a bunch of iron. In order for it to start functioning, it must initially have some software stored in read-only memory (ROM) at startup. Windows or any other operating system take up too much space. Initially, the machine must run the BIOS. The name of this program in the transcription of the English abbreviation " basic I/O system».

When the machine is turned on, it checks all its components, sets the modes, and starts the operating system loader. It is simply impossible to replace the BIOS version, it is stored in a non-volatile microcircuit on the motherboard. True, it can be reflashed, but this is a rather complicated procedure. We also note that on older machines, many operations could be performed even without an OS, for example, listening to music. Yes, and Windows itself of the first versions was just an add-on to the BIOS, expanding its capabilities.

Why go into the BIOS

We list the reasons why you need to go into the BIOS:

This is not an exhaustive list. By managing a computer not only from Windows, but also through the BIOS menu, you can increase the efficiency and performance of your computer.

Varieties of BIOS

Today, there are three main types of BIOS:

  • award;
  • UEFI.

The first two differ slightly in interface not only between themselves, but also depending on the versions, but the principle of operation in them is almost the same.

UEFI- an innovative product that has appeared relatively recently. It has its own graphical interface, is intuitive and allows you to work in it with the mouse. In addition, with its help, the OS loads much faster.

Standard Login Methods

It doesn't matter if the computer is running Windows 7 or Windows XP or higher. By default, most machines mean that you can enter the BIOS by pressing the F1 or Delete key at boot (during the Post diagnostic procedure, before the beep). But some manufacturers motherboards assign other keys or their combinations, you can find out exactly how to enter in the documentation for it or your computer. If there are no paper instructions, then you can always find an electronic version, but not always in Russian. Also, during the download process, a hint is displayed if you have time to read it. Typically, it's something like " Press F1 to enter Setup" indicates that you need to press F1 .

If you still haven’t found a key or a combination of them, and the question is how to enter the BIOS, then we will list their main options for the most popular and widespread companies today that produce PCs and motherboards. How to enter BIOS not in desktop computer, and on a laptop - the procedure is the same, only on some of them the Fn key can be additionally used, which is not available on desktops.

  • IBM- F1 , F2 , CTRL + Alt + Insert , CTRL + Alt + Delete .
  • ACER- F1 , F2 , CTRL + Alt + ESC .
  • DELL- F1 , F2 , F3 , Delete , Fn + F1 .
  • HEWLET-PACARD- F1 , F2 .
  • SONY- F2 , F3 .
  • TOSHIBA- ESC , F1 .
  • ASUS- F2 , Delete , CTRL + F2 .
  • Lenovo- F1 , F2 , F12 .
  • COMPAQ- F10 .

Less common brands use the same options to enter the BIOS. As you can see, there are not very many of them and can be easily sorted out.

In order to have time to press a key or a combination of them at system startup, almost all users use the following method: they begin to quickly repeat keystrokes simultaneously with turning on the machine. Sometimes, especially when you need to press a keyboard shortcut, pressing PAUSE to pause the boot helps, but not on all systems. If you didn’t have time, then let the OS boot, start the reboot and repeat all the operations again. But there may be another difficulty, which will be discussed below.

Even if the correct press does not work

Sometimes you know for sure from the instructions for the motherboard how to open the BIOS, but this does not work. Most likely you have a USB keyboard and it is blocked by another device connected to this port.

There are two exits:

  • we release all USB connectors and leave only the keyboard;
  • if there is a connector, connect a regular PS/2 device.

After that, you should get into the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS if the system boots very quickly

This issue occurs on modern Windows 8 and above computers that have UEFI, and instead of a conventional hard drive, there is a solid state drive. In them, the system boots instantly, and you can not only read the hint, but also press a key.

But there is a way out, since in these operating systems you can enter the BIOS when the system is booted.

Login to Windows 8

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Press Win + C. The Win key is most often indicated by the OS logo, wavy windows.
  2. Choose " Options", can be designated " Setting or just a gear.
  3. Find " Change settings».
  4. Choose " Are common».
  5. Then choose " Special download option" And Reload Now.
  6. After that, in the window that opens, select " Diagnostics».
  7. Then find " Extra options ».
  8. Stop the selection on "".
  9. Press reload again.

After completing these steps, you will be in BIOS menu on Windows 8 UEFI.

Sign in from Windows 10

The procedure is almost the same as in the "eight":

  1. Click on the notification icon.
  2. In the opened window select " Options", and then " Update and Security».
  3. Find " Recovery».
  4. Set your selection to " Custom Boot Options" And Reload Now.
  5. After rebooting, in the window that opens, select " Diagnostics».
  6. Find " Extra options».
  7. Set your selection to " UEFI firmware settings».
  8. Select reboot again.

And after it you will already get into the BIOS.


In this article, we talked about how to start the BIOS, about its capabilities and features. We will be glad if you, after reading our article and entering this program, master it and be able to improve the performance of your machine.

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Personal computer, tablet, laptop - a lot of gadgets are used daily by people for work, watching TV shows, surfing the Internet and other purposes. Periodically, it becomes necessary to reinstall the system, change the PC settings, and the question becomes relevant how to enter the BIOS in order to perform the necessary manipulations. Often on home page there is a hint, but such a simple task sometimes causes difficulties, because for different kind bios, brands of laptops and systems on the computer, you need to press different keys or combinations thereof.

Why you might need to enter BIOS

For many, entering the BIOS is associated with solving one problem - reinstalling, changing the operating system. In fact, with its help it is possible to solve several important issues to improve the functioning of a computer or laptop, to find out some data about its work. With the help of bios, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  • Check the performance of the computer. It is possible to get data about the state of the PC, for example, the temperature of the processor.
  • Set the system time and date. Performing such an action is necessary every time after resetting the BIOS settings, since the date / time configurations change with them.
  • Enable or disable individual PC functions.
  • Change the drive from which the OS will boot. After opening the BIOS, the user can independently select and designate the place from which the operating system will be loaded. It can be hard disks, CD, DVD media or flash drive. You can specify several options for drives from which the OS can be started. For example, if for some reason the download did not occur from the first medium, it will be carried out from the second one.
  • Connect or disconnect components integrated in the PC. For example, you can turn off sound card or video cards.
  • Overclock your computer. To improve the operation of the device, increase its performance or speed, speed up the processor, non-standard frequency and voltage indicators can be set.

  • Reinstall the operating system, identify and fix problems in its operation.
  • Check the PC package and normal functioning, initialize all its components.
  • Fix the problem if the Android tablet freezes or the gadget does not see the connected devices.

BIOS and its main types

Many have heard about bios more than once, they even roughly understand why it is needed, but what it is, how you can enter the bios, what types of it are, remains not completely clear. Before considering questions about logging into the system, the intricacies of working with it, you need to understand the meaning of this word. Bios - base system I / O, which is responsible for loading the OS, the operation of individual PC components, and interaction with hardware.

Essentially, the bios is a large number of microprograms that are written to the board. There are such types of systems in which the main differences are the interface and the method of entry:

  • Award (Phoenix-Award). Such a BIOS has a working area - a blue window.

  • AMI (American Megatrends).
  • Phoenix.
  • DTK (Dalatech Enterprises CO).
  • UEFI.
  • ALR (Advanced Logic Research).

How to enter the BIOS of a laptop or computer

To enter the BIOS, you must press a certain button on the keyboard or a combination of them. Which key will help launch bios depends on the type of system and brand of laptop. Often, when the PC boots up, information about the computer appears on the screen and a hint that you need to click. As a rule, such a message is located in the middle of the screen or at the bottom and looks like this: “Press Del to enter Setup”, instead of delete, another key or combination may appear. Press the button immediately after turning on the device.

How to enter the bios correctly:

  • For Award, use the Del (Delete) or Ctr+Alt+Esc key.
  • For AMI - F2, Delete.
  • ALR - F2 or Ctrl+Alt+Esc.
  • Phoenix - Ctr+Alt+Esc, Ctr+Alt+S, Ctr+Alt+Ins.
  • AMD-F1.
  • DTK - Escape (Esc).

Other button combinations can be used:

  • Ctrl+Del+Alt
  • Ins+Ctrl
  • Ctrl+Alt
  • Ctrl+Alt+Enter

features on laptops of different brands

Depending on the laptop model and brand, the ways to enter the BIOS may also differ. Often a hint is displayed on the splash screen every time the device is loaded, but sometimes, in order to find the necessary button or combination, it is worth spending time for "trial and error" or searching for information on the manufacturer's official website, programmer forums. In addition to the device model, the type of system and its version play an important role.

How to enter bios correctly different laptops:

  • Lenovo (Lenovo) - to enter the BIOS, press and hold the "ThikVantage" button until the menu or F12 appears.
  • Toshiba (Toshiba) Portege, Satellite, Tecra - press Escape, Tecra with Phoenix BIOS - F1.
  • Acer - F2, F1, Ctrl+Alt+Esc.
  • Acer Aspire - F2, Del.
  • Asus (Asus) - to enter Setup, press the F2 button.
  • Sony - F2, F3, F1 for Vaio - F2.
  • Dell - F3 or F1.
  • Hewlett-Parkard (HP Pavilion, Tablet) - F1.
  • Samsung (Samsung) - F2, F12, F8, Del, Esc.
  • eMachine-Delete.
  • MSI - F1, F2, F12, Delete.
  • Compaq-F10.

If the computer requires a password when entering BIOS

Often a password is put on the BIOS, it can be set in order to save settings or secure a laptop, monoblock from system changes by other users. But memory is a tricky thing, and it often happens that secret code forgotten, and login is simply required. After several unsuccessful attempts, the screen goes blank, and the user begins to panic. But everything is not so scary, there are several options for how to enter the BIOS system without a password:

  • Find the “Clear CMOS” jumper on the laptop or computer motherboard, which will clear the memory, including the password. To find the location of the key, you should first read the instructions and the motherboard diagram.
  • Remove the CMOS battery for at least twelve hours, preferably a day. Then connect it again and start the system. The disadvantage of this option is a long waiting time.
  • Entering an engineering password for system board instead of bios code. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to use for older versions of the BIOS.

To avoid such problems in the future:

  • Set a password to enter the BIOS in exceptional cases.
  • Write down the password in places where it will be securely stored, and if necessary, it can be quickly found.

What to do if you can't enter the BIOS

Often there are problems when you do not get to log in. This can be caused by several reasons:

  • Wrong key or combination of keys selected for login. Check again that the laptop model and version match. You need to try other options, combinations.
  • The OS boot started before the required key was pressed. You have to press it faster.
  • To solve some problems, you need to clear the memory, reset to factory settings using the "Clear CMOS" switch.

Video how to enter bios on windows 8

Some difficulties can be caused by entering the BIOS on a computer with Windows 8. To work, you will need to know the interface and the main features of the device on this software. How to enter the BIOS on the "eight":

  1. Open the "Settings" section, which is located at the bottom in the right side menu.
  2. At the bottom we find the button "Change PC settings".
  3. From the PC Settings menu that appears, select General settings and click the "Special Boot Options" button. After that, the PC or laptop will reboot.
  4. We select items in the menu: Diagnostics - Advanced options - Firmware settings. After the transitions, a button will appear on the screen to restart the PC. Click on it to enter BIOS.
  5. After the reboot, bios opens, then you need to go through the menu items. To see the procedure for entering the BIOS and the steps to reinstall the operating system, watch the video with a detailed explanation and screen capture:

For fine tuning The computer has a so-called BIOS (BIOS). It controls turning on the computer, allows you to change some of its settings even before the operating system boots, and chooses which disk to boot from. Those. when the computer turns on, it immediately looks at its settings in BIOS.

In this article I will show you how to enter bios on different computers and laptops. There are many of them, but the logic is about the same. For a better understanding, there will be several videos where I show everything with real examples.

General Understanding of BIOS Entry

I made several videos for you from different computers. If you watch all the videos, but your computer or laptop turns out to be a little different, then do not despair. Using the information received, you can easily figure out how to enter the BIOS. There are three main types of BIOS: Award (Phoenix-Award), AMI (American Megatrends) and UEFI. Award bios mostly come with blue windows, AMI with gray-blue windows, and UEFI with a beautiful graphical interface.

In order to enter the BIOS, you need to press one button or, in rare cases, a combination of buttons when starting the computer. The whole question is WHEN and WHAT to press. Please note that as soon as the computer is turned on, a certain one is displayed on a black background and it is suggested to press one or more keys at the bottom or in the middle of the screen. One of them is the BIOS entry.

For Award, this is usually the Delete (Del) key, and for AMI, it is the F2 or F10 key. At the bottom of the screen, something like this "Press Del to enter Setup" will be written. Setup is the same as BIOS. There are also buttons: F1, F3, F10 (Hewlett Packard), F12, Esc and combinations: "Ctrl + Alt + Esc", "Ctrl + Alt + Ins".

On IBM Lenovo Thinkpad laptops, press and hold the blue "ThikVantage" key until the menu appears. And on some Toshiba laptops, press ”Esc” and then “F1”.

You need to press it quickly and several times (just in case), otherwise the computer will continue to boot further and will not enter SETUP. If you didn’t have time, then just restart your computer using the “Reset” button on system unit or using the key combination "Ctrl+Alt+Del". And if you do not have time to read the information, then click on the "Pause" button.

If, when you turn on the computer, there is a screen saver in full screen, and nothing is visible behind it, then try pressing the "ESC" key to hide the splash screen and read the information from the screen on how to enter the BIOS. Also, which button to press can be found in the manual for the motherboard of a computer or laptop. It also happens that, then study the indicated articles.

How to enter BIOS on different computers and laptops

You can see which BIOS you are using when you turn on the computer, when general information appears on the screen, but in principle it does not matter, the main thing is to see which button you need to press:

The example shows that a computer with Award BIOS version 6.00PG, and at the bottom it is suggested to press the "Del" and "F9" buttons. In this case, the “Del” button is used to enter SETUP, and “F9” brings up a menu for selecting boot device. The BIOS itself might look like this:

Watch the video on how to enter the BIOS Award, as well as set the boot device:

And here is another kind of "Award"

No version information is written, but it is clear that you need to click in order to go there. Watch the video for this example:

But in this picture you can see that the computer is running BIOS "AMI" and the usual "Delete" key is used to enter:

And here is a completely different option, which uses the "F2" key

And the BIOS "AMI" itself in all cases looks something like this:

Watch the video on how to enter BIOS on a laptop with "AMI", for example ASUS Eee PC:

In fact, the procedure for entering SETUP on computers and laptops is no different, because everything depends only on the version of the BIOS used.

Another option is how to enter the BIOS on Lenovo laptop. There are no hints here at all, you just need to know that during the splash screen you need to press "F2"

On Lenovo G500 series models, you need to press the OneKey Recovery key when the laptop is turned off, and on some models, Fn + F2 (or F12) works.

Recently, more and more often you can find computers with UEFI. But this is not even a BIOS in the usual sense, but a small operating system that is compatible with the BIOS and performs its functions. It can be with a graphical interface, or it can be in plain text mode. Entering there is also not difficult, for example, using the "Del" button

In general, I think you understand the logic of entering different BIOSes, because there is nothing complicated here. In 90% of cases, SETUP includes . Well, if for some reason you can’t do this, then refer to the instructions for your motherboard or search the Internet for the name of the computer or laptop model.

My BIOS asks for a password, how can I reset it?

If someone has set a password before you, then when you enter the BIOS, this same password will need to be entered. On laptops, the password reset process is a rather non-trivial task, and for each specific model need to look for information. But with computers, everything is much simpler, so how to reset bios password You can use a special jumper, which is on almost any motherboard. This jumper is called "Clear CMOS" and can be found next to the battery:

There are three pins on the board, two of which have a jumper. Usually it is enough just to rearrange it to the other two contacts for 10 seconds, and then back. Before doing this, you need to unplug the power cable from the computer. If the password has not been reset or there is no jumper at all, then additionally remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes:

The BIOS password should be reset, however, like all its settings. Keep this in mind, because. settings can significantly affect the overall .

These are the pies, ask in the comments if something is not clear.

Good day, dear blog visitors. Today we will talk about. If earlier, in order to get into Bios, it was necessary to press just one key and it didn’t matter what operating system was installed, now everything is not so simple. More about everything…

Let's start with some theory and terminology.

BIOS- (Basic Input / Output System) - the basic input-output system responsible for preparing the computer to start the operating system.

In other words, this is a small amount of firmware written to a chip on the motherboard. The very first and main processes on the computer, when turned on, take place here. They are responsible for the interaction of hardware devices in the computer. First of all, when the system boots, the BIOS checks the operability of all devices, and also starts the operating system from the source specified ( HDD, flash drive, CD\DVD drive). The BIOS also shows the temperature of the components: the motherboard and the processor.

In order to enter BIOS on Windows 7 you must immediately after turning on the computer, press a certain key or a combination of them. Usually the message appears when loading " Press DEL to enter SETUP" or " Press F1 to Run SETUP". The difference in keyboard shortcuts depends only on whose production of your motherboard. In this case, the operating system is unimportant - be it 7 or XP. However different computers loaded from different speed: some like lightning, others like a turtle. In order not to miss the moment when you can enter the BIOS, I recommend pressing the key to enter continuously.

So, as we have already discussed above, depending on the manufacturer of your Bios, the keys to enter can be quite different. In this table, I think, you can easily figure it out.

I also bring to your attention a table with manufacturers of laptops and personal computers with their BIOS launch keys.

As you probably already noticed, the most common keys to enter the BIOS are:

  • Del;
  • Esc.

Most likely, they will help you get into Bios, if you don’t know which keys to press, then start with them.

How to enter BIOS (UEFI) on Windows (Windows) 8

However, progress does not stand still and, starting from the time of Windows 8, some began to be equipped with solid-state SSD drives. Which, in turn, load the system in just some two-tenths (0.2) of a second. Plus, Windows 8 has a feature fast loading. Naturally, in such a short period, hardly anyone will have time to press the F2 or Del button to enter the BIOS.

If you purchased a computer with the G8 already installed, then it has the ability to enter the BIOS from under the system. More precisely, not in Bios, but in UEFI.

UEFI- (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - replacement outdated BIOS or just the heir to Bios.

In order to get into BIOS on windows 8, you must:

  1. Press keyboard shortcut Win+C or move the mouse cursor to the upper or lower right corner;
  2. Select "Settings" or simply "gear";
  3. "Renewal and Restoration";
  4. "Recovery";

  1. « Win+C«;
  2. "Options"
  3. "Changing computer settings";
  4. "Are common";
  5. "Special boot options" item "Restart now".

After restarting your computer, the following window will appear, select "Diagnostics":

Select "Advanced Options"

After that "UEFI Firmware Settings"

And the "Restart" button, after which you will be taken to UEFI (Bios).

How to enter BIOS (UEFI) on Windows (Windows) 10

To enter Bios (UEFI) in Windows 10, you need to do almost the same manipulations as in the eighth Windows, and this:

  1. Click on the notification icon;
  2. "Options";
  3. "Update and security";
  4. "Recovery";
  5. "Special boot options" item "Restart now".

Many users who have laptops or computers in their hands, or maybe all together, may encounter problems entering the BIOS. They still collide, so how to get in boot menu needs to be sorted out. The instruction will not be for one specific computer. I will try to paint as many models of laptops and computers as possible. If you don't know what BIOS is, read the article about it here.

Also, if you do not understand this topic at all, then I do not advise you to climb there without certain knowledge, since this can lead to serious problems. Let's finally get down to business.

In order to enter bios on a desktop computer, usually, when you turn it on, you need to press the key DEL (Delete). In general, you should see something like this: Press DEL to run setup… or Press DEL to Enter Setup... And quickly press DEL.

This entry option is found on motherboards in 90% of cases. It happens that at the entrance you need to press either F1, or F2. If you didn’t have time to press in time, you will have to do the procedure again, restart the computer and try to press again. With systems installed on SSD drives this is quite difficult to do. Who does not know, read. In general, we talked about computers. Now let's move on to laptops.

From a laptop, entering Bios is almost no different from the instructions described above for ordinary PCs, you just need to press other buttons. The only difficulty may be that the device loads very quickly and you do not have time to press the desired key. On some models, you can press the Pause key to pause the system boot. So, most often, to enter the BIOS from a laptop, the F2, F10, F12 keys are used. The rarest case is keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Esc or Ctrl+S etc.

To enter the same keys are pressed, nothing special.

Now I will sign the BIOS entry for several laptop models.

Acer laptops- you need to hold down the F1, Del or F2 keys

Lenovo laptops- usually F12, if it doesn't help, try F1 or F2

Asus laptops- for most models, the Esc key. Models that start with x or k use the F8 key.

Acer PC– Ctrl+Alt+Esc or F1 keys

Toshiba laptops- Key F1 or Esc, sometimes F12

Lenovo laptops (old models)– Ctrl+Alt+Ins or Ctrl+Alt+F3 or Fn+F1

Sony laptops– Keys F1, F2, or F3

HP laptops- Keys F9, or first Esc, and then F9

Samsung laptops- Hold down the Esc key

Asus motherboards- F8 key

Intel motherboards- Esc key

Motherboards MSI– F11 key

Gigabyte motherboards- F12 key

Dell laptops- Press the F12 key.

Older Dell Models– Keys Fn + Esc, or Fn + F1

Some Dell Models– Press the Reset button twice

Award BIOS- Del key


ALR– Keys Ctrl+Alt+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Del

(old versions)– Keys F2 or F1

AST– Ctrl+Alt+Esc keys

Compaq (old PCs)– Key F1, F2, or F10, or Del

Compaq (some models)– F10 key

DTK– Immediately after switching on, press the Esc key

cybermax- Esc key

EISA– Key combination Ctrl+Alt+S or Ctrl+Alt+Esc

Fujitsu (some models)- F2 key

eMachines (Some models)- Tab or Del keys

Old eMachines- F2 key

Hewlett-Parkard (HP)– F1, F2, Esc, F10, F12 key This is for models such as HP Pavilion, Vectra, TouchSmart, OmniBook, etc.

Old IBM models- F2 key

IBM ThinkPad (new models)– Hold the F1 key

IBM ThinkPad (old models)– Ctrl+Alt+Ins keys with the cursor in the upper right corner

Mircon– Keys F1, F2, or Del

Sharp- F2 key

NEC- F2 keys or hold and hold the F1 key

Shuttle- Keys F2, or Del

Microid Research MR BIOS- F1 key

Olivetti PC Pro- keyboard shortcut for numeric keypad: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Del

Phoenix BIOS- Del keys. For older models: Ctrl+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+Ins, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Alt+Esc

Packard Bell– Keys F1, F1 or Del. For older models: Press the Del key

Tandon–Keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc

Zenith– Keys Ctrl+Alt+Ins

Tiger– Esc or F1 keys

ReverBook- Del key

As you can see, I have written quite a few options for entering the BIOS from various computers, laptops and motherboards, save this instruction so as not to forget how to enter the BIOS.