Pixel color detection program. Colorpix, a miniature utility for determining the color of any point on the monitor

Pixel color detection program.  Colorpix, a miniature utility for determining the color of any point on the monitor
Pixel color detection program. Colorpix, a miniature utility for determining the color of any point on the monitor

If you have your own website, then, willingly or unwillingly, you will have to master the tools and skills of various Internet professions. The designer's tools will have to be studied especially carefully, since the path to the reader's heart lies through professional image. Beautiful and well-chosen pictures on your website increase the likelihood of reading information, that’s a fact! The fact that these pictures must be unique is also an irrefutable fact. In order to learn how to make pictures on our own, we must learn a lot of details, and one of them is determining the color of any element on an Internet page. Today we will talk about how to find out the background color on a page.

I know that there are a lot of other methods and tools, but I am sharing my practical experience in creating pictures. If you are not a professional designer, then this article will be very useful for you. further work. You can recognize color on a page using a useful plugin ColorZilla for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

When do we need this tool?

— If you are designing a website;
— If you create a new advertising unit that matches the color palette of the site;
— If you are creating a color scheme of styles for the site;
— If you are busy drawing elements of a virtual project;
— If you create any image;
— In all other cases when you need to determine the color of a pixel without running large-scale and resource-intensive programs such as PhotoShop or ColorDraw.

How to use ColorZilla?

Everything is very simple! Go to the website, click on the left icon and select the tab that you most need:

Mozilla Firefox(browser tool);
Google Chrome(browser tool);
— Gradient Generator (online tool).

Download the required browser plugin, and after installation, the extension icon will always be in your browser panel. Don't forget to activate the plugin, just click on the icon.

How to use the ColorZilla extension

I'll write in simple words about how I work with this extension. When creating or editing a picture in the Canva editor, which you can read more about if you follow this link, it may be necessary to add a background that is the same as the original image. In the picture you see that with right side there is a part white background, which could be colored to match the background color of the picture. Without such an extension at hand, it is very problematic to do this, perhaps using a selection method, which will not give 100% identity. By clicking on the eyedropper in the extension, and then left-clicking on any pixel in the image, a great tooltip appears at the top that gives me the color code in hexadecimal and RGB.

To work with the Canva editor, I only need hexadecimal format. I copy it, and then in the Canva editor I enter the value of this color, and I am very pleased with the result. So, in just a couple of movements I can select an identical color, thereby adding uniqueness to the original picture by changing its size.

I suggest you sit for a while and get acquainted with all the tools in this extension that are in the menu. You are sure to find a couple of them that you will use with particular pleasure. And you will master the rest over time. You know better than me that in a picture you can change not only the background, but also that there is a need to write something. Choosing the right font color is also not as simple as it seems at first glance. You might prefer a palette or gradient generator rather than an eyedropper. I am sure of one thing: with ColorZilla, all issues can be resolved very quickly.

As always, it’s better to see once than to read a hundred times! Therefore, I suggest watching a video in which you will learn how to install the ColirZilla extension and use it in your work. I wish you pleasant viewing and beautiful unique pictures!

Surely web designers and graphic artists have come across different colors or images online that they would like to use in their own projects. It is impossible to remember every color variation, and the eyedropper tool is designed to help them with this, which more than one designer cannot do without!

With it, you simply click anywhere on the screen if you want to copy a particular color for your own needs, including creating palettes and color schemes.

In this regard, we want to talk about 25 useful tools for Windows, Mac, Firefox, Chrome, iPhone and Android.

Now you don't have to remember the color: just “grab” it and get to work!

Windows Applications

Instant Eyedropper - free tool, which helps you find on your screen color codes HTML of any pixel. With one click, the code will be copied to the clipboard, after which it can be pasted into the desired location.

An easy-to-use tool that attaches a screen magnifier to your cursor. Using it, you can enlarge a specific pixel on the screen. Eye Dropper 3.01 shows RGB, CMYK and HEX color values.

In addition to finding the color value of any pixel on your screen, Eyedropper allows you to measure the distance between pixels. For this purpose, you can use zoom so that the calculations are extremely accurate. The color value is automatically saved to the clipboard. Available formats include HEX, RGB and CMYK.

This tool perfect for monitors with high resolution. It includes a screen magnifier so you can examine the color you're interested in in more detail. Palettes can store up to 16 colors. You will also have 4 advanced color mixers at your disposal, significantly expanding your capabilities. Moreover, there are many updated functionality, such as blending and aligning colors, viewing a safe version of each color, and a resizable zoom area.

Quick HTML Color Picker is a free tool for getting color on any screen with the ability preview before making the final choice. Color will be presented in RGB formats and HTML and copied to the clipboard.

ColorPix selects the colors on your screen and displays them in RGB, HEX, HSB and CMYK formats. There is a built-in screen magnifier that allows for more detailed and thorough viewing. The values ​​are automatically copied to the clipboard.

Just Color Picker is not just your average color picker - it shows colors in HTML, RGB, HSB/HSV and HSL formats. Just Color Picker uses a three-option screen magnifier, RGB and RYB color gamuts to show triads and complementary colors, matching color searches, color code conversions, and more!

This is a very simple color selector representing colors in RGB, HEX, HTML and WinAPI formats. You can copy one or all of them to the clipboard. The tool can be minimized to an alert panel.

Color Cop may be a small tool, but it boasts a wealth of options available. You can use the eyedropper to pick up a color anywhere on the screen, and use the screen magnifier to zoom in. Colors are available in formats such as HTML hex, Delphi hex, Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, Clarion, Visual C++, RGB float and RGB int. You can save up to seven colors in history, find additional and “web-safe” colors, position the application in the taskbar icon area, and much more.

ColorMania allows you to select a color anywhere on the screen. There is also a magnifying glass for more careful selection. Colors can be shown in RGB, HSV, HSL and CMYK values. Plus, you can save up to six colors in the palette.

Addons for Firefox

PixelZoomer is a great addon for “capturing” colors and converting them into HEX code. It differs from similar tools in that it represents the web page as a screenshot and zooms in pixels using a new CSS element.

The only difference between ColorZilla and a regular eyedropper tool is that it resides in your browser. With this Firefox addon, users can get the color of any pixel directly in their browser. The built-in palette allows you to select colors from specific color sets and save the most frequently used ones in a custom palette.

Rainbow Color Tools includes elements such as a resolver that extracts images and CSS from the current web page; a grabber that collects colors in RGB and HSV values; a control program that gets the color of any pixel in the browser; and finally, a library that sorts the saved colors by tags or url of the page where the color was found.

This is one of the most advanced tools from Nvu for Firefox. It's quite simple to use: you just click and get the color. Colors are presented by name and in HEX format. With Rainbowpicker you can change hue, saturation and brightness, which in turn allows you to create many color variations.

Mac apps

What makes ColourMod unique is that it is available in five different versions: Konfabulator, ColorMod V1.9, ColourMod V2.2, Unbranded and Personalized. Each version is designed to suit your needs. Konfabulator is a version for desktop computer, available for Mac and Windows. ColorMod V1.9 is a Mac dashboard widget. ColourMod V2.2 – plugin for web applications. Unbranded removes ColourMod's branding, while Personalized allows you to add your own logo to the app.

DigitalColor Meter is a tool for Mac OS X. If you drag your mouse across the screen, it will show the color value of any pixel. You can set the format in which the color will be shown (RGB, YUV or CIE).

Uncomplicated and very useful application. It describes itself as “the color tool the Mac has been missing.” It is located in the main menu until you call it hotkey. ColorSnapper uses a screen magnifier for greater accuracy in selection. The specified color is automatically copied to the clipboard and can be used again later. Moreover, you will have about 13 different formats at your disposal.

Hex Color Picker adds an additional tab to the system-wide color panel, and you can immediately see the hex code of any color. You also have the option to change the color using a set of shortcuts and use the preview option.

A very simple tool showing RGB and HEX values. If you wish, you can add restrictions so that the slider only shows safe colors. This tool is used in the color panel of most Cocoa and Carbon applications.

Everything is extremely simple and clear: Pipette gives you the opportunity to take any color and copy it in HEX format. The application will not take up much space on your device, and you should not have any difficulties using it.

Chrome Extensions

With colorPicker, you can grab colors from any web page, save them, and copy them to your clipboard. Colors are available in the following values: HSB, RGB and CMYK. Web developers will find a lot here for themselves additional functions, including the ability to check compatibility with WCAG 2, settings in the “eyedropper” area and the presence of DOM-Explorer for quick search elements and tags on the page.

This extension not only allows you to select colors on any web page, but also place rulers, pointers and a scale on it. Rulers, Guides, Eye Dropper & Color Picker has a wide range of options for rulers, pointers and scales, but the color selector works great on its own.

Eye Dropper is a great extension with an advanced color selector, providing HSV, RGB and HEX of the resulting color. Colors are stored in your history so you can use them later if needed or copy them to the clipboard.

Color Pick is an incredibly simple eyedropper tool with built-in magnifier. The extension will store the color you specify until you select a new one. Colors are available in RGB, HSL and HEX formats.

iPhone apps

If you're a developer and have an iPhone, Loupe can help you find inspiration wherever you are. With it, you can take colors from photos in your gallery or from pictures you've just taken. You can then create color cells, save color values, and add notes to help you remember important details.

This color selector is well suited for creating and then working with palettes on the iPhone. It converts formats within RGB, HSB and CMYK. You can take colors from your camera, photo gallery or Flickr. Palettes can be shared via Email, and, in addition, they are compatible with Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word.

Android Applications

This powerful color selection tool is indispensable for designers, programmers and artists. It supports 7 different modes with color models RGB, HSV, HSL and YUV. You can use both the palette and the slider. Colors are represented in decimal and HEX.

LifeDropper is an Android app that can name colors real objects using the camera on your device. Colors are shown in RGB, CMYK and HEX values.

That's all!

Which of the 25 “dropper pipettes” presented in our article did you like the most? Perhaps you use a tool that is not included in our list? If so, tell us about it!

Sysadmin(he's on English language sysadmin, system administrator) - an abbreviated name of a profession, the full name of which in Russian sounds like System Administrator. This profession has recently become very popular for most young and not so young people; they teach it, work in it, and get good money for it. This is due to the rapid development of various computer technology and their penetration into all spheres of human life. The word system administrator is often used in colloquial speech, in vacancies and resumes when searching for a job, in a word - everywhere. Below we will talk about what the profession is system administrator.

In modern realities, a system administrator can be called virtually any person who is involved in servicing and maintaining the operation of a specific computer network, including all its hardware and/or software components, which may include:

  • Personal computers, both workstations and servers;
  • Network equipment such as switches, routers, firewalls and more;
  • Web servers, mail servers, database servers, and others.

Also, in certain cases, the system administrator may be responsible for ensuring proper information security.

Depending on his specialization, a system administrator may be involved in the following types activities:

  • The administrator of workstations and servers most often repairs both hardware (failed motherboards, burnt-out power supplies), and software (Windows won’t load, commas won’t print in Word”e...).
  • Administrator corporate network domain based Active Directory. A very popular activity considering its prevalence operating systems Windows, as well as the need to somehow centrally control them. Such a specialist must be able to create, distribute into groups, edit users, give them the appropriate rights in the AD domain, and also be able to manage group policies for users, their computers and the groups they all belong to.
  • Administration of networks and network equipment. His responsibilities include knowledge of network topology, the ability to work with both non-configurable and customizable network equipment, local planning computer network, as well as the ability to combine several remote workplaces into one network by setting up NATs and VPNs. You should also not forget to control access within this network and outside it - setting up a proxy.
  • A web server administrator, who must at least be able to install, configure and maintain one of the following web servers - Apache, IIS, Nginx, and monitor hosting (which can be located both within the organization’s network and outside it). In addition, a good administrator should be able to configure normal resource distribution under high loads, clustering and many other specific things.
  • Administration mail server It is also a common task for a system administrator; his tasks include working with such popular solutions as Exim, Microsoft Exchange, Postfix, Sendmail, or corporate email solutions from Google or, for example, Yandex. In addition to the obvious control over accounts (creation, deletion, configuration), it is also necessary to be able to set up an antispam system, etc.
  • Site administrator. These responsibilities may include simply filling out the site with some content, but once we're talking about about the system administrator, then in theory he should be able to set up hosting (including a web server, as mentioned above), install and configure the desired website, for example, some kind of content management system (CMS).
  • Very rarely, the responsibilities of a system administrator may include the task of creating or maintaining a video surveillance system. The tasks include installing and configuring cameras, responding to various events, saving and playing back recordings. He has a weak attitude towards system administration, and often falls into his responsibilities in conjunction with some other responsibilities.

Left out of the system administrator's activities described above are such possible things as database administration ( Microsoft SQL, MySQL and its multiple branches, Oracle, etc.), 1C administration (not to be confused with “1C programmer”), PBX and much more.

When working with images, you often need to accurately determine the color of a pixel. This is needed for image correction or in design work to adjust the color scheme of the background, panels or buttons of your Internet page or website.

This service will allow you to find out the color of a dot online without downloading and installation additional programs. Working in our online eyedropper service, you can quickly and easily find out the color of any part of the image.

To do this, you need to upload a picture to the site. To download the file, click the "Browse" button. Select required file with the image and click "Download". As soon as the image loads, you will see it on the screen. Then you need to move the cursor over the pixel whose color you want to determine. IN separate window you will be able to see the pixel color, and in the " present value» will be displayed corresponding number pixel in HTML and RGB colors pixel.

The service provides for saving the color code in HTML and RGB color format. To do this, you need to move the cursor over the desired pixel and click the left mouse button. In the “Saved Values” field in a separate window, you can see the pixel color, as well as the saved pixel code values ​​in HTML and RGB color format.


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Very often, when working with websites and images, you need determine the color any point on your monitor screen.

For example, you want to make the background color on your website exactly the same as the color of the blue sky in the photo. Or make the heading font the same color as sea green. Or vice versa, use the font color as the background to create a banner. In short, there are many options. Careful selection of colors means a lot both in web design and in the work of a webmaster.

Determining a color means finding its code. Then the code, depending on your goals, can be used in various graphic editors, and directly in the html code.

Most often it is used, in which the code can be represented in decimal and hexadecimal systems.

It is very convenient to use a pipette to determine color. But, besides this program, there are others with which you can do this.

Adobe Photoshop Eyedropper

I think few users of this program know that using it you can determine the color not only any point in the picture opened in the editor, but also any point on your monitor screen.

This is done very simply. Open, create an image in it, and, without releasing the left mouse button, move the eyedropper cursor to where the point you selected is located. This can be any point outside the program window. As you move the cursor, you will see how the drawing color changes in the color palette. After selecting the desired point, release the mouse button. Click on the drawing color box on the color palette and see the code for your color.

This method of determining color is convenient because it does not require the installation of any additional programs except Photoshop, which most users already have installed.