How to reset all windows accounts. What should I do if I forgot my Microsoft account password? Recovering your password: mail help

How to reset all windows accounts.  What should I do if I forgot my Microsoft account password?  Recovering your password: mail help
How to reset all windows accounts. What should I do if I forgot my Microsoft account password? Recovering your password: mail help

And now I can’t log into the operating system?

I logged into Windows 8.1 on my laptop using a Microsoft account, but now I can’t log into the system because I forgot my password and an error occurs when I enter it. "The password is incorrect. Make sure you are using the password for your Microsoft account."

All your articles on this topic have not helped. It is not advisable to restore your laptop to factory settings. I'm waiting for help.

Hi all! Most recently, the admin wrote, but none of them will help if you log into the operating system under a Microsoft account, in this case you need to create a new user with administrator rights in the Win 8.1 recovery environment and log in, then change the password for the account Microsoft. This is not difficult to do and I have prepared detailed instructions for you.

When the initial system installation window appears, click Shift + F10. A command prompt will open.

First, in the recovery environment, we need to find out the drive letter installed Windows 8.1, enter the command notepad

Notepad opens. File->Open

Click on “This Computer” and find the files of installed Windows 8.1 on the disk ( C:).

Return to the command line window and enter the commands:

copy c:\windows\System32\utilman.exe c:\- the command creates a copy of the utilman.exe file in the root of the drive (C:).

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe- the command replaces the utilman.exe file with cmd.exe. When asked about replacement, enter Yes.

Reboot the laptop.

In the initial login window, click on the Call Center button special features»,

but the command line opens instead, because we replaced the file utilman.exe, responsible for launching the Ease of Access Center, at cmd.exe.

Enter the command

net user chaser /add

create a new user (Chaser is the name of the new user. You can set any name at your discretion).

Enter the command


In the accounts window that opens, add administrator rights to the new user. Select a new user and click on the button Properties

Go to the "Group Membership" tab.

Mark the item Administrator, click Apply And OK.

Administrator rights have been assigned to the new user. Click on the “Change password” button.

Enter the password and confirmation, then OK.

Reboot the laptop.

Click on the arrow

Select the new user we created.

Enter the password

The operating system creates a new user profile

Windows 8.1 loads the new user profile.

Resetting your Microsoft account password

Click Reset password

Mark the item I don't remember my password and press Further.

Enter your Microsoft account login (can be an address email box), guess and enter the “captcha”, click Next.

We need to verify our identity.

The easiest way to do this is using our email address specified when registering for a Microsoft account.

Enter our mailbox address and press the button Send code.

On our Mailbox I receive a letter from Microsoft with a seven-digit code.

Enter the security code on the password reset page

Enter New Password and confirm it.

Your Microsoft account has been restored with a new password.

Reboot the laptop.

Click on the arrow.

Select your Microsoft account profile.

Enter a new password.

Login with a new password.

If you don't need the new user's profile, you can delete it.

Opening the control panel

Accounts and family safety

User accounts

Manage another account

Select the Chaser account we created

Deleting an account

Delete files

Deleting an account

Account deleted

Another way to reset your password.

As the great humorist Arkady Raikin said, we are all people, we are all human. We tend to forget some things. It is often possible to observe situations where the user has forgotten the password account Microsoft without saving or recording it for reliability during registration. But it is precisely this that ensures the use of some additional services, but the saddest thing is that when it is activated, this registration is used to log into the system.

Forgotten Microsoft account password: problem description

The situation with the password of one’s own “account” is perceived by many users as a disaster. Not to mention the fact that it is impossible to use some Microsoft services for which registration was made, and logging into the system is also impossible.

But that's not so bad. Unfortunately, it also happens that the user remembers his password and enters it in the firm belief that the correct combination specified when registering on the official resource is entered. Here the problem of logging into the system is revealed on the corporate side. Apparently, the user's computer with the operating system installed on it was, as they say, compromised due to unauthorized access. However, I would like to immediately reassure everyone: there are several methods to eliminate this unpleasant situation.

How to recover your Microsoft account password on the official resource

The first and, perhaps, the most universal solution is to immediately visit the official resource. Please note right away that you cannot restore the original password. It can only be reset. If you have forgotten your Microsoft account password and you cannot log in, you should go to the corporation's website from another terminal connected to the Internet and go to the account troubleshooting section.

On the page, the first thing that will appear is a question about the reason for the impossibility of logging in using your registration. Here you need to select the item that says that the user does not remember his password, and then click the continue button.

The next page will ask you to enter a valid email address or number mobile phone, which were required to be indicated during registration. When you select one of the options, either by email or by phone, you will receive a message indicating the security code, which you will then need to enter in a special column. If you select the option that indicates that the user does not have such data, you will have to enter an additional email address. Sometimes even company representatives may contact you to verify your identity by asking a few questions. But this is rare.

After entering the resulting combination, the password will be reset, and the user who has forgotten the Microsoft account password will be taken to the page to create a new one. Then all that remains is to enter a new combination and repeat it. After this, login to the system will be unlocked when you enter a new password.

Note: the above methodology is only relevant for computer systems with an active Internet connection. Without communication, this option will not work.

Creating a new user and resetting the password when restoring the system

Now let's look at another situation. Let's say a user has forgotten their Microsoft account password, and the computer on which they are supposed to sign in turns out to be locked. What to do in this case?

The situation, although deplorable, is by no means hopeless. To fix the problem you will need an installation kit Windows disk or any recovery disk from which, after installing it as a priority device in BIOS settings you will need to boot.

Next, when either the installation window or the recovery console appears, you need to open the command line using the combination Shift + F10. The command line is a universal tool that in most cases allows you to resuscitate the system.

Now from the command line you need to call the standard text editor"Notebook". To do this, just write the notepad line.

In the editor that appears, you need to use the file menu and the “Open” command, then use the browse button to select “My/This computer” and specify system partition(drive "C") You can close the editor window and look at command console.

Two important teams appeared in it. The first indicates creating a copy of the special file utilman.exe that was created automatically when you ran System Restore, the second line is the replacement tool source file to the executable EXE component specified in command line.

In the line with the question about replacing the original component, write Yes (confirm the rewrite), after which we reboot the system and in the BIOS settings change the boot order, setting the hard drive as the priority device.

After the download is complete, in the password entry window in the lower left corner we find the accessibility button, after clicking on which the command line will appear again (this is due to the replacement of the executable component, as shown earlier). Now you need to write the command to add a new user net user Name /Add (instead of Name you can specify any other name, but only in Latin).

Next, we use the netplwiz command, and in the accounts window, selecting the new user, click the properties button and select “Administrators” on the group membership tab. After this we create a password for new entry(optional), save the changes and reboot the system. You can login under new registration, and delete the old one or disable the use of a password for it.

Wake up from sleep mode

It also happens that the user has forgotten the Microsoft account password, the computer has gone into hibernation mode, and the password requirement appears when logging out.

The easiest way is to force reboot the system by turning off the computer or laptop by long pressing the power button, and then when rebooting, using the methods described above, disable the password requirement.

Troubleshooting problems on mobile devices

On mobile devices running systems Windows Phone(for example, Lumia), you can do two things (except for going to the password reset site for mobile versions Windows).

In the first case, you need to reset the settings to factory settings by simultaneously pressing the volume down, power and camera buttons and holding them until vibration appears. Next, release the power button and, holding the other two, click on “WIN”. A reboot will follow.

In the second case, you need to turn off the phone and, while holding down the volume down key, insert the plug of the power supply connected to the mains into the device. An exclamation mark should appear on the screen. The subsequent order of pressing the buttons is as follows: volume up, volume down, power, volume down. After about five minutes, the settings will be reset, the screen will go dark for about thirty seconds, after which a reboot will follow.


Finally, it remains to add that the problem with the password for the registration account is solved quite simply. I think the easiest way to reset your password is on the official resource. If you wish, you can later even activate complete deletion of registration, but the request will take about 60 days to complete.

Like user accounts, computer accounts in a domain have their own password. This password is needed to establish the so-called “trust relationship” between the workstation and the domain. Passwords for computers are generated automatically and are also changed automatically every 30 days.

Domain stores Current Password computer, as well as the previous one, just in case. If the password is changed twice, the computer using the old password will not be able to authenticate to the domain and establish a secure connection. Password desync can occur for various reasons, for example, the computer was restored from a backup, the OS was reinstalled on it, or it was simply turned off for a long time. As a result, when we try to log into the domain, we will receive a message stating that Can't establish trust with domain.

There are several ways to restore trust. Let's look at them all in order.

Method one

Open the snap-in " Active Directory Users and Computers" and find in it the right computer. Click on it with the right mouse button and context menu select the “Reset Account” item. Then we go to the computer under a local account and re-enter it into the domain.

This method is quite cumbersome and slow, because... requires a reboot, but works 100% of the time.

Method two

We go to the computer that needs to reset the password, open the command console as an administrator and enter the command:

Netdom Resetpwd /Server:SRV1 /UserD:Administrator /PasswordD:*

where SRV1 is the domain controller, Administrator is the administrative account in the domain. Additionally, you can specify the /SecurePasswordPrompt parameter, which specifies to display a password request in a special form.

In the window that opens, enter the user credentials and click OK. The password has been reset and you can now log into your computer using a domain account. No reboot is required.

Interestingly, the usage guidelines and help say that the Netdom Resetpwd command can only be used to reset the password on a domain controller; other uses are not supported. However, this is not the case, and the team also successfully resets passwords on member servers and workstations.

You can also use Netdom to check for a secure connection to the domain:

Netdom Verify WKS1 / /UserO:Administrator /PasswordO:*

Or reset your computer account:

Netdom Reset WKS1 / /UserO:Administrator /PasswordO:*

where WKS1 is the workstation with which we reset the account.

Another example for a domain account with the excellent name Administrator.

C:\>netdom resetpwd /server:DC1 /userd:contoso\administrator

Log out of the local administrator session (logoff);
Voila! Login with a domain account without any reboots!

Attention! The PasswordD key is written with TWO letters “D” at the end (which clearly emphasizes that the username and password in the command are specified specifically for the DOMAIN administrator).

The method is quite fast and effective, but there is one catch: by default, the Netdom utility is available only on servers with the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) role installed. On client machines it is available as part of the package remote administration Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).

Method three

Another command line utility is Nltest. On the computer that has lost trust, run the following commands:

Nltest /query - check a secure connection to the domain;

Nltest / - reset the computer account in the domain;

Nltest / - change the computer password.

The fastest and affordable way, because the Nltest utility is available by default on any workstation or server. However, unlike Netdom, which requires you to enter credentials, Nltest runs in the context of the user running it. Accordingly, if you log into your computer under a local account and try to execute a command, you may receive an access error.

Method four

PowerShell can also reset your computer password and restore a secure connection to the domain. There is a cmdlet Test-ComputerSecureChannel for this purpose. Launched without parameters, it will display the status of the secure channel - True or False.

To reset the computer account and secure channel, you can use the following command:

Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Server SRV1 -Credential Contoso\Administrator -Repair

where SRV1 is the domain controller (not required).

You can also use this command to reset your password:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server SRV1 -Credential Contoso\Administrator

An Apple ID account is an important component; without it, the owner of an Apple device will not be able to work with the existing functionality of his device. For example, purchases through App Store will be closed. In addition, it will not be possible to activate the option Find iPhone, and also use the iCloud cloud service. Therefore, to work normally with iOS, you will have to install Apple ID. Unfortunately, registration data is forgotten over time. And in some cases you have to think about how to reset your Apple ID account. Is it even possible to do this? Below you will find information about the mentioned “Apple” account, as well as how to work with it. For example, how can you disable a profile or restore access to it. Such information will be useful to every owner of Apple products.

Profile description

What is an Apple ID? This is what they call a certain “identity card” of a person in iOS system. An account is a profile with which the user can use all existing functions of Apple devices. If you need to do backup copy data or restore iPhone, Apple ID will help. The main thing is to know how to work with this profile.

Managing your Apple ID account is not as difficult as it seems. First you will have to register a new profile and come up with a password to log in to the system. After this, you just need to log in to mobile device and explore the options Apple offers.

Unfortunately, sometimes you may need to know how to reset your Apple ID account. There are different ways to cope with this task. Usually the algorithm of actions is chosen taking into account the life situation. All possible circumstances and means of restoring/resetting Apple ID will be discussed below.

When is it required?

How to delete an Apple ID account? The answer to such a question directly depends on the situation. The fact is that sometimes it is not necessary to delete an account, but to reset it or reset the password.

The listed manipulations may be useful if:

  • the mobile device has been stolen or lost;
  • a person bought an Apple device second-hand, and then discovered someone else’s Apple ID on it;
  • the login password is forgotten;
  • the user has forgotten the password and answers to security questions;
  • I want to log in to the Apple system using a different account.

It's actually not that difficult. Even a child can manage their Apple ID account and restore or reset it too.


But first, a few words about how to properly manage your Apple account. Let's look at two main functions: logging in and logging out.

Let's start with the first operation. For it you need:

  1. Open "Settings" of your Apple smartphone or tablet.
  2. Go to the Apple ID block.
  3. Tap on the corresponding inscription and indicate in the “Identifier” field the email address to which the account is linked.
  4. In the “Required” section, write a password to log into the system.
  5. Click on “Login” and wait.

After a few seconds, data will be downloaded from your Apple ID account. The user will be able to work with his account without much difficulty.


How do I log out of my account? Apple records ID? This operation can also be useful to modern owners of Apple devices. For example, if you need to reset your Apple account before selling it.

  1. Visit the main menu of your mobile device.
  2. Go to the "Settings" block.
  3. Switch to the Apple ID section.
  4. Click on the username. Information about the owner of the profile will appear on the device display and a small functional menu will light up.
  5. Select the "Logout" option.
  6. Confirm the procedure.

In a couple of minutes, your Apple ID account will be reset. If the “Find iPhone” function was active on your smartphone/tablet, you will have to confirm the manipulations being performed by repeating the account password.

Reset and recovery methods

Apple ID account settings allow you to reset passwords and security questions, as well as relink accounts to different email addresses. If necessary, you can finally get rid of the profile or set up two-level verification in it. This helps protect the device from being hacked.

When thinking about how to reset their Apple ID, users often choose between the following methods:

  • working with smartphone settings (regular exit from profile);
  • changing account settings (relinking Apple ID);
  • appeal to Apple technical support By e-mail;
  • call to the Apple call center;
  • working with iCloud on a computer (using the Find iPhone option).

As already noted, sometimes you can simply reset the password and security questions from your Apple account, then regain access to your profile and exit your account “peacefully”. As practice shows, it is not always possible to achieve the desired goals. This is especially true for attempts to reset a profile on someone else’s Apple device.

Recovering your password: mail help

Before resetting your Apple ID profile using radical methods, you should think about how to restore access to the corresponding profile. In this case, it will be extremely easy to disable the “account”. So let's start by learning how to reset your password. This operation is also often called resetting the Apple account.

The first way to recover your password is to use the email from your account. To use this technique, the user must:

  1. Go to your Apple account page.
  2. Click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”. It is located under the authorization log in the system.
  3. Provide your Apple ID.
  4. Select the command you want to execute. In our case it is “Reset password”.
  5. Decide on a method to restore access to your Apple account. For example, "By email."
  6. Wait for a letter to the e-mail to which your Apple ID profile is linked. The user needs to open the message from Apple technical support.
  7. Click on the "Password Reset" hyperlink.
  8. Go to the tab with the password recovery form and enter new authorization data (twice).
  9. Submit a request for processing.

Control questions

How to reset your Apple ID account? Some people prefer to restore access to their profile first. If resetting your password by email does not work, you can use security questions. Each user gave answers to them even when registering an Apple account.

To reset your Apple ID password, you will need:

  1. Go to your Apple account page and enter your Apple ID.
  2. Click on the "Forgot your Apple ID or password?" section.
  3. Check the box next to "Password reset".
  4. Select the data recovery method. This time you need to specify "Security questions".
  5. A log with questions will appear on the screen. You must type all answers in the designated fields.
  6. Click "Continue".

If everything is done correctly, the Apple ID system will allow the user to enter the password recovery form. All that remains is to come up with a new combination for authorization, repeat it and save it.

Changing email

How to delete an Apple ID account? Once access to it is restored, you can choose from several available and fairly quick solutions. The first is to log out manually; it has already been described. The second trick is to work with the settings of the “Apple” account. For example, you can relink your Apple ID to another email address.

What is needed for this? The owner of an Apple device is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Open the Apple ID page.
  2. Log in to your profile using your username and password.
  3. Click on the "Manage..." item.
  4. Scroll through the menu that appears. You need to stop near the e-mail section.
  5. Click on the "Edit" hyperlink.
  6. Enter address new mail, to which you want to link your Apple account.
  7. Save adjustments.

As a rule, the Apple ID will now be relinked. The old email address has been released from the Apple profile. Mail can be used to register a new Apple ID.

Important: you can relink your Apple ID via iTunes in the same way.

Complete removal

We found out how to reset your Apple ID account. The methods described above are the simplest, but if necessary, you can completely delete the Apple ID profile. It is advisable to first gain access to your profile, then there will be nothing difficult in this procedure.

How to remove Apple ID?

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Select the "Delete..." option.
  4. Indicate the reason for deleting the profile.
  5. Enter data for feedback.
  6. Confirm that your Apple ID account has been deleted.

Once the request has passed the processing stage, the person will only have to follow the link to delete their Apple profile.

Reset via technical support (mail)

Resetting your Apple ID account can also be done through technical support. For example, by email or by calling a call center.

In the first case it is necessary:

  1. Take photos to prove ownership specific device. The pictures should include receipts, boxes of Apple devices, as well as the mobile phones/tablets themselves. It is advisable to fit all this into one photo.
  2. Generate a request letter for Apple technical support. It is recommended to indicate the reason for resetting the account.
  3. Upload photos taken in advance as an application.
  4. Send the received letter to technical support.

If it can be proven that the applicant is indeed the owner of the Apple product, the account can be reset. Technical support staff will send a form for this to specified mail.

Technical support and call center

Resetting your Apple ID account is sometimes done over the phone. This is not the best solution, but it helps speed up the process of getting rid of an unnecessary profile.

To get rid of Apple ID you need:

  1. Make a phone call hotline, which is listed on the official website.
  2. Wait for the operator's response.
  3. Express your intentions to reset your Apple ID or recover your password.
  4. Identify your identity and prove that the mobile device really belongs to the caller.
  5. Inform by what contacts the citizen can be contacted.
  6. Go to the account reset or recovery form. It will be sent to the named contacts.

At this stage, decisive action ends. The Apple ID will either be reset or restored.

Find My iPhone option

The last scenario is to work with the “Find iPhone” option. If this function is activated on your mobile device, you can use it to remotely reset your Apple account.

You need to do this:

  1. Go to your Apple ID account page and sign in to your account.
  2. Go to iCloud.
  3. Click on the button labeled “Find iPhone.”
  4. At the top of the window, select the device that you want to urgently disconnect from your profile.
  5. Select the "Erase" command.

All that remains is to confirm the operation. As soon as the user does this, the selected mobile device will be automatically logged out of the Apple ID.

Nowadays, there are practically no fundamental means of protection against hacking. computer devices and gaining access to the user's personal confidential information.

Setting an administrator password is also not very effective in protecting your computer, since there are at least several ways to hack and bypass it.

Hack the Administrator's password and log in using his account - easily and effortlessly

What these methods are will be discussed in this article.

Tip 1. Reset your password using the Command Interpreter in Windows

To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

  • Click “Start” and select “All Programs”;
  • in the tabs that open, click “Standard” and literally in the first lines of the list we see the “Run” option;
  • in the “Run” command line, enter “cmd” and “Ok”;

    In the “Run” command line we write “cmd”

  • A Command Interpreter window opens in front of us, into which we write the command “control userpasswords2”, then press “Enter;

    In the Command Interpreter window, enter the command “control userpasswords2” and click “OK”

  • “User Accounts” appears on the screen – in the “Users” field, select the account we need;

    In the “Users” field, select the account we need

  • uncheck the option “Require username and password”, then “Apply” and “Ok”;

    Uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox

  • in the “Automatic login” window that opens, enter and confirm the password or leave these fields empty, click “Ok”, “Ok” again;

    In the “Automatic login” window that appears, enter a password or leave the field empty.

  • close the command line window and restart our computer.

Tip 2. Reset the password for the Administrator account in Safe Mode

To reset the built-in “Administrator” account, we proceed step by step, according to the instructions below.

Step 1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key while loading.

Step 2. In the menu that appears, we are asked to select one of the additional options for loading the Windows operating system - select “Safe Mode”.

Step 3. Next, log in to the system using the built-in Administrator account, which usually does not have a password by default. To do this, enter “Administrator” or the same word in Russian in the login field. Leave the password field blank and simply press “Enter.”

In safe mode, select the non-password-protected built-in Administrator account

Step 4: A window will appear warning you that Windows is in Safe Mode, click confirmation “Yes”.

Click “Yes” to continue working in Safe Mode

Step 5. We start working in security mode - as soon as the desktop loads, click the following sequence of options:

Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts

In Safe Mode, select “User Accounts”

Step 6. Place the cursor over the user name whose password you need to edit or reset, and click on this account icon.

Step 7. In the menu that appears on the left, select the “Change Password” item, enter a new password and confirm it. If we are simply resetting the password, then we leave this field empty.

In the menu on the left, select the “Change Password” option, then enter a new password and then confirm it

Step 8. Click the “Change Password” button.

Step 9. First close the “User Accounts” window, then the “Control Panel” window.

Step 10. Reboot the computer.

Tip 3. How to reset the password for the built-in Administrator account

This advice will be useful to those who are faced with a problem when the built-in account is protected by a password, which we, of course, conveniently forgot. So, we act according to the instructions below:

  1. We need a CD (or flash drive) with a set of resuscitation programs for Windows recovery, which we insert into the drive, after which we restart our computer.

    A recovery disk is ideal for system recovery.

  2. When starting the computer, enter the BIOS by pressing the “Dilete” key.
  3. In the BIOS, we change the installation priority and assign the computer to boot from the CD-ROM. Next we place our boot disk with the operating system into the drive and reboot the PC.
  4. After the computer boots from the CD-ROM, the recovery disk menu appears on the screen, in which we select the edited copy of Windows and go to “System Restore”.

    In editable copies of Windows select “System Restore”

  5. Next, in the dialog settings of this window, click “Command Line”.
  6. In the command field that opens, enter “regedit” and confirm the command with the Enter key.
  7. Find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, and select File from the menu, and then Load hive.
  8. We need to open SAM file, then select the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, then double-click on the F key and go to the very first value in line 038 - the number 11, as shown in the photo.

    Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.. and double-click on the F key

  9. We replace this number with the number 10, while being very careful, since only this number needs to be changed; other values ​​are strictly prohibited from being touched.

    We replace this number “11” with the number “10”

  10. In the same section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, select the File menu, then Load hive and then “Yes” - confirm the unloading of the hive.

    Select the menu File - Load hive and confirm unloading the hive

  11. Now we close the registry editor, as well as the entire installation process, take out our disk and reboot the computer.

Hack the Administrator password in Windows 8

The Windows 8 operating system has its own simple way to reset the Administrator password. All you need to do to do this is follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the “System Restore” section, and then the “Diagnostics” console, where we select the “Advanced options” section.

Copy the file “sethc.exe” to avoid losing it

Step 3. Now on the command line we write the following:

copy c:\windows\System32\cmd.exe c:\windows\System32\sethc.exe, that is, instead of “sethc.exe” we enter “cmd.exe”.

Replace the file “sethc.exe” with “cmd.exe”

Step 4. Exit the command console using the “exit” command.

Step 5. Reboot our computer and boot with the usual parameters.

Step 6. Press the “Shift” key five times to launch the command line.

Step 7. Enter “lusrmgr.msc” into the command console and see the administrator’s name.

Enter “lusrmgr.msc” into the command console and see the administrator name

Note: if the account is disabled, it can be activated using the command “net user “Admin_name” /active:yes”

Step 8. Set a new password - type the command “net user “Administrator name” password”.

Login to the administrator account with a new password

It should be noted that this method equally suitable for more earlier versions operating systems.

These are the simple ways you can reset the administrator password on your computer and laptop: operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Useful video on the topic

The videos below will clearly demonstrate how you can also hack the Administrator password.

Reset the Administrator password in Windows 7 using a small program

How to reset your Windows 8 login password

Resetting the Administrator password in Windows 10