How to update bios on asus laptop. how to update bios on lenovo laptop

How to update bios on asus laptop.  how to update bios on lenovo laptop
How to update bios on asus laptop. how to update bios on lenovo laptop

Many users do not know the answers to the question. They don't know how to update BIOS. Don't think about updating this program- it's supernaturally difficult. Believe me, everyone can figure it out.

The abbreviation of this system in translation into Russian sounds like a basic input-output system.

What is the BIOS for?

  1. During computer startup, the BIOS checks the standard hardware and its viability. If any of this equipment burns out, a special sound signal will sound.
  2. The program starts boot program, which directly loads Operating System.
  3. Provides OS interaction with various peripheral equipment.
  4. Allows the user to configure PC hardware components.

Do I need to update the BIOS and why?

Updating this program is a deeper process than usual computer programs. This implies a short algorithm of changes. Basically, this is a fix for the incorrect operation of any rare components of the system or the addition of support latest models processor.

In the event that the computer works without problems, it is better not to deal with this program. And you don't need to update it. You will not see the differences between the previous and the new version, and on the contrary, the update can generate unexpected problems for your PC. Most often, they occur when more thoughtful testing was carried out in the previous version than in the new one.

The update should only be run for your motherboard model. If you try to update a BIOS designed for a different model, this can bring you a number of unpleasant difficulties and problems.

But there are times when updates are needed, and sometimes urgent:

  1. The motherboard requires the installation of a new processor, the provision of which is able to provide updated version. It is necessary to update the program in this case.
  2. Need to connect HDD size that is not supported old version programs.
  3. Required to activate additional functions chipset (a set of chips that are designed to work together to provide a set of different functions) not used in the original version.
  4. It is necessary to replace the outdated OS on the computer.
  5. In the event that you plan to overclock your computer.
  6. The system functions slowly or incorrectly due to errors in the BIOS code.
  7. The version you have installed is broken, causing the system to not function partially or completely.

What does a BIOS update do?

The BIOS update of the motherboard, as you already understood, is done mainly in order for new processors and new memory, which come out very often, were supported motherboard installed on your computer. Because of this, updating the program is sometimes simply necessary.

Is it worth it to update the program unnecessarily? Is it possible to update it constantly without thinking about the consequences? Programming professionals advise not to do this.

How to see the current current version of your system program?

  • Enter: wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion. A window will open showing you the current version.

After you have found out the information you need, you should go to the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard that is on your computer.
There are five most popular manufacturers:

How to update BIOS on a laptop?

Special programs for updating BIOS

Top 3 programs:

  • Asus - Asus Update,
  • MSI Live Update
  • @BIOS.

General instructions for the programs:

Let's look at the option of how to update BIOS from a USB flash drive:

How to make a bootable BIOS update floppy?

The method of updating from a floppy disk is considered one of the most reliable in terms of security.

After all these manipulations, you need to restart the computer and boot from a floppy disk. Make sure the floppy drive is set as the first boot device in the BIOS. During the reboot, open the BIOS setup menu by pressing special keys discoveries. We select - Advanced BIOS Features, Boot Sequence, which are sometimes called Advanced, Advanced BIOS Features.

How to update BIOS without battery?

In order to update, it is often necessary to charge the computer at least within 10%. If this condition is not met, then a message will pop up in front of you "Power Check Error", which does not allow you to update the program.
In order to still update it, you need to know one key. What is required to do this?

Windows won't boot after BIOS update

It happens that after the update, Windows stops loading. In this case, you need to start the BIOS of the computer. Find the parameters of SATA devices and try changing the mode of operation. If IDE is in the settings, you need to activate AHCI (or vice versa). After that, save the new settings and restart the computer.

And remember to go in this system you don't need to, as it can harm your computer! If you still don’t understand some subtleties or can’t figure it out, contact the experts!

Have a great day!

BIOS update from flash drive

BIOS firmware may be needed if you notice problems with your device. In most cases, it is thanks to this procedure that it is possible to avoid repetition. critical errors system and other malfunctions. If you are not sure that the problems of your laptop are related specifically to the BIOS, contact the official ASUS service center, where they will conduct hardware diagnostics of the device.

asus update

Most often, to update the BOIS, a special software. For example, the Asus Update program will be a good helper. It is easy to use on Windows system.

First, you need to make sure that this utility is supported by your motherboard. The description of the program indicates for which boards it should be used. After that, you need to run the utility and select "Check BIOS Information".

After that, feel free to click "Next", as a result, the necessary information about the BIOS will appear on your laptop. You can learn more about the type of your motherboard, the BIOS version that is installed on your device, and much more.

All this information is very important, because it may be needed for firmware. In order to update your BIOS, you need to download the files from the developer's site. It is better to use the official website of ASUS.

After the download, go back to the Asus Update program. In it, select the item "Save current BIOS to file".

Thus we keep existing version BIOS. This is done in order to protect yourself in case the flashing goes wrong.

In order for the flashing process to be correct and correct, you need to make sure that your laptop is connected to power, or that the battery is enough to work. Also, if your antivirus is blocking the program, disable it for a while so that the process is successful.

In our Asus Update utility, select the "Update BIOS from file" item and open the file we downloaded.

After that, the program will ask permission to carry out the flashing procedure. It won't take long, the process is safe and simple. After the settings take effect, the system will ask for permission to reboot. During the restart, press the "Delete" button and then "F1". The new BIOS should start default settings. If this does not happen, remove the battery from the laptop for a while, then press "Delete" again, and then "F1. After that, exit the BIOS menu and save the changes with the "Save" option.

The BIOS is present on all stationary PCs and laptops. The interface is installed on the device by default, but BIOS versions differ depending on the product developer and motherboard manufacturer, which means that the necessary updates will also differ. This article will discuss the procedure for installing updates on the example of a laptop with system board ASUS.

Required information for updating

Before you start downloading a new BIOS version, you need to find out as much as possible detailed information O system board that the computer is using. First of all, you should find out the following data:

  1. The name of the manufacturer of the component.
  2. Serial number and model. This information is extremely important as older boards may not support some updates. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is advisable to clarify this information in advance.
  3. Installed BIOS version. It may be that your computer does not require an update because the board does not support newer versions.

All this information is required. Otherwise, the device may be damaged or completely disabled.

Method 1: Update using the OS

This is the easiest way to install updates, which even an inexperienced user can handle. Most importantly, the method is much safer than updating through BIOS. The upgrade requires an internet connection. To update the interface, follow these steps:

After the firmware is downloaded to the laptop, you will need to run it using specialized software. The article deals with the work with BIOS program Flash utility. Please note that this software is only suitable for Windows OS. The application provides the function of installing updates directly from the Internet, bypassing the stage of downloading files to a computer. This tool is not recommended for use, as you have to pay for convenience later. poor quality upgrade.

The program works in the following way:

Method 2: Update via BIOS

It is recommended to use this method only advanced users, since careless actions in the BIOS interface can lead to irreversible consequences for the computer. Please note that this type of damage is not covered by the warranty. Despite the insecurity of this method, one cannot fail to note its advantages:

  • Upgrading through BIOS is more stable;
  • You can specify additional settings, which allows you to maximize the use of laptop resources;
  • On older devices, the function of installing updates through the operating system is not provided;
  • You can upgrade without paying attention to which OS is installed on your PC.

The procedure for installing updates is as follows:

Installing a BIOS update on an ASUS laptop is quite simple. Even a novice user who has never had such experience will cope with the upgrade. The main thing is to follow the instructions carefully so as not to accidentally damage any important file on the PC. IN last resort, you can always take the laptop to service center, where professionals will handle the installation of the update.

First, you need to pay attention that updating the BIOS is a very risky operation. If the update is unsuccessful, then the motherboard of the laptop or computer will fail. But sometimes the time may come when it becomes simply necessary to reflash the BIOS. If you are thinking how to flash ASUS BIOS, namely the motherboard of this laptop, then the firmware scheme is the same as for computers. The same sequence will be typical for other laptop models.

ASUS BIOS firmware

  • First you need to download a special BIOS firmware file. It is quite easy to find a similar one on the Internet, but nevertheless, it is recommended to search for the firmware file on the website of the manufacturer of your laptop motherboard. As already mentioned, the update process for almost all laptop models does not differ in anything particularly significant. Therefore, in a similar way, you can update not only the Asus BIOS.
  • You need to go to the official website of ASUS, where you need to find the "Service" tab, where select the "Download Center" item. Next, going to the "Files" section, you need to select the model of your motherboard, the model number and release series must match exactly. After that, you need to click the "Search" button.
  • In the dialog box that appears, you must select your type of operating system, and then click the "General Search" button. After the search system finds the files that match your version of the operating system, then from the resulting list you need to select the required BIOS file and then download it. The downloaded file will look like an archive, which must have the "rom" extension.
  • After that, to update the BIOS, you will also need a working, defect-free USB drive. It is necessary that you first check the media for errors and perform a full format. After that, the file downloaded from the official site should be written to it.
  • Before flashing the ASUS BIOS, you need to restart the computer without removing the USB drive and enter the BIOS itself.
  • Next, go to the "Tools" tab, where the built-in utility "ASUSEZ Flash 2" is located.
  • If you did everything correctly, then you need to select this utility from the list and press the "Enter" button, after which the menu of the BIOS firmware program should open.
  • By pressing the "Tab" button, you will go to the left column, which contains a list of available disks and drives, as well as all systems found. From this list you must select your USB drive where the BIOS firmware file is located, select the drive from the list, and press the "Enter" button. The system should ask for confirmation of the action, to which you should answer "YES". After that, the system will start the firmware process.
  • Before flashing the BIOS of the ASUS motherboard, the system will start checking for errors. Here, everything will usually depend on the motherboard itself. Usually there is no error checking, but if it does, then you should not be nervous.
  • After the system checks for errors, it will begin the main BIOS update process, which takes no more than forty seconds. After that, the BIOS must verify its new firmware, and then restart the laptop. Then you should start the system to check its operation and errors. If the BIOS update was still unsuccessful, then you need to contact the service center.

Now you know the intricacies of ASUS BIOS firmware. This will allow you to set up your laptop yourself and not spend money on calling a specialist. We wish you good luck!


Many users in the process of operating modern computers are faced with the desire, and often the need to update the BIOS of the motherboard. This procedure in many cases allows you to eliminate problems associated with the incompatibility of PC components, minimize the number of critical errors, and generally bring the stability of the system to a higher level.

Today we will talk about BIOS motherboards one of the most famous manufacturers - ASUS. Or rather, not about the firmware itself, but about methods for updating it. Using the right approach, even an inexperienced user can independently perform the procedure for such maintenance of equipment. The following describes in detail several existing methods and methods for solving this problem, developed by ASUS programmers. strictly following step by step instructions you can be almost 100% sure that the process will be completed successfully, and the risk of equipment failure from incorrect actions is minimized.

Update steps

Today there are several ways to update the firmware basic system I/O on ASUS motherboards. The diversity of methods is due to the huge model range products and a serious period of the company's presence in the market. Asus engineers are constantly improving the software needed to run their own hardware solutions, creating more reliable and easy-to-use utilities for the end user.

Typically, the upgrade process consists of several steps:

  • Accurate determination of the motherboard model
  • Get the update file.
  • The choice of method and way of updating.
  • Direct update procedure.

Determining the motherboard model

It would seem trifling, but in reality an important point. The user must clearly know the model of equipment with which he will have to work. Given the large assortment of mat. boards, you need to understand that each of the models differs from the other by a number of parameters and making, for example, the settings necessary for the performance of one solution can lead to precarious work and even the failure of another representative of the lineup. When working with BIOS, special attention should be paid to the above nuance.

Model definition can be done in many ways. This information is mandatory:

The model can also be elucidated using command line Windows:
Command: wmic baseboard get product

or third-party software (in the screenshot - the AIDA64 utility):

Obtaining a BIOS update file

After the model has been clarified, you can proceed to search and obtain the files necessary for the firmware, as well as the software with which the procedure is carried out.

Important note! All files necessary for operation must be downloaded exclusively from the ASUS manufacturer's website! The use of firmware and methods that are obtained from third-party resources is unacceptable!

Choosing an update method, downloading utilities

This is not to say that the choice of method for updating the basic I / O system of ASUS motherboards depends entirely on user preferences. Everything here is dictated by the model of the device being updated and the capabilities provided by the manufacturer. Most motherboards allow you to update the BIOS in several ways, but there are also those where there is only one effective method.

In general, the methodology of the Update BIOS procedure can be divided into two groups of methods:

  1. With programs designed for Windows environments and/or DOS:
  • ASUS EZUpdate is a component of a comprehensive software solution AI Suite, recommended by the manufacturer for servicing ASUS components;
  • Winflash (a solution designed mainly for laptops and monoblocks, not recommended for use due to the huge number of negative reviews);
  • AFUDOS utility, BUPDATER and some other obsolete DOS utilities.
  • Using the tools integrated by the manufacturer into the motherboard firmware:
    • Easy Flash Utility (used for older models);
    • EZFlashTool;
    • USB BIOS Flashback.

    Many professionals with extensive experience in the field of maintenance and repair of computer equipment do not recommend updating the BIOS of motherboards using Windows utilities. A highly controversial statement, probably based on bitter experience of use this method when it appeared more than 10 years ago (then, indeed, there were some difficulties with the stability of such solutions and problems arose in the process of using utilities). It is worth noting that over the years of its development, windows utilities, in any case, released by eminent manufacturers, have reached a high level of reliability. These tools have been repeatedly tested for performance and stability and can be recommended for use by ordinary users.

    Probably, if the choice has already fallen on the ASUS motherboard, the trust placed in the manufacturer should be extended to its maintenance recommendations. In other words, if there is a specific utility on the download page for the selected OS version, you should use it. This approach somewhat facilitates the choice of method, but the final decision is clearly up to the user.

    Thus, if a Windows utility is selected as a tool, we download it from the manufacturer's website, then install it. The installation procedure is standard.

    If this is a DOS program, download and unpack the data in separate folder, we also prepare any USB flash drive. In addition, a flash drive may be needed when updating the BIOS using the tools integrated into the firmware by the manufacturer, but no additional software is required.

    The preparation is completed, let's move on to the Update BIOS process. Below is a step-by-step description of the workflow of each method and the necessary user actions. In addition, the main advantages of each considered method are listed.

    Update Procedure

    Method 1: ASUS Update Utility (included in AI Suite II)

    In general, the advantage of ASUS Update over other methods can be considered the almost complete automation of the process. In addition, EZUpdate is part of the AI ​​Suite software package, which provides maintenance of the motherboard as a whole, in particular, regular checks for new driver versions, obtaining information about current parameters, “overclocking” components, etc.

    Method 2: ASUS EZ Update 3 (included in AI Suite III)

    EZ Update 3 is the most latest version Windows utilities from ASUS designed for automatic update drivers and BIOS firmware. In general, working with the program is similar to applying the previous solution. Only some interface differences in versions are noticeable to the user.

    So, step by step using EZ Update 3:

    1. Download from the official site and install software package AI Suite III.
    2. The installation procedure is standard, we will not dwell on this point in detail, but still let's see the screenshots of the process.

      Installing user-selected EZ Update 3 components:

      Completing the installation:

    3. Launching AI Suite III
    4. And we observe the modern interface of the software package.

    5. On the left we find a button, by clicking on which we open a panel with a list of installed components.
    6. Choose a section ez update.
    7. Click on the button with the image of three dots and specify the path to the BIOS update file.
    8. After making sure that the data is entered correctly, click on the button "Update".
    9. In the window that appears, click on the same button again.
    10. We confirm receipt of information that everything went well by clicking on the button "OK".
    11. Agree to reboot - button "OK".
    12. After the PC reboots, we observe the BIOS interface with a process indicator. Next - another reboot and the procedure can be considered final. It remains only to enter the BIOS (Key F1 on the keyboard) and reconfigure the system.

    Additionally. The manufacturer provided in EZ Update 3 the ability to update the BIOS directly via the Internet, without first downloading the update from the manufacturer's website. This method is not described in detail here due to its imperfection, according to the author of the article. To start checking for new versions, click the button "Check Now" and then the button "To plug":

    The situation was repeatedly observed when the download page contains a new version, and the utility "does not find" it and informs the user that maintenance is not required:

    Method 3: ASUS EZ Flash 2

    This method is quite popular among users. For its implementation, it does not require an installed operating system and even the presence hard drive in PC. (However, a fully working computer with operating system still needed - to download the file and copy it to a USB flash drive.) Among other things - EZ Flash 2 is a fairly reliable solution that has evolved from ASUS' long-term practice of integrating update tools into the BIOS firmware.

    Method 4: EZ Flash 3

    And again, we will talk about the most modern version of the software for updating. EZ Flash 3 has the same advantages and disadvantages as previous versions, also the list of the procedure required for the implementation has not changed. The interface has become more informative and pleasing to the eye, but this cannot be called a global change in the method, in general, the steps are the same as in the previous version:

    Method 5:USB BIOS Flashback

    The official website of ASUS claims that the company's proprietary technology - USB BIOS Flashback - is the most convenient solution for updating the motherboard BIOS. In many ways, this statement is true - the use of technology makes it easy to update the BIOS and restore the firmware. There is a built-in protection against failures. The process does not require a processor and memory modules installed on the motherboard. All you need is a power supply, the motherboard itself and a flash drive containing the BIOS file.

    A very relevant offer when installing a new processor that is not supported by the current version of the motherboard BIOS firmware. The only drawback of USB BIOS Flashback from Asus is the fact that today a very limited number of offers from the premium segment are equipped with this technology (for example, motherboards of the Republic of Gamers series).

    So, the process itself:

    Method 6: AFUDOS and Bupdater

    When we are talking about updating the BIOS, one cannot fail to mention the rather old firmware methods - using DOS utilities. This method is sometimes the only applicable for older mat models. boards, and can also be recommended for use in case of problems and unavailability of other methods.

    AFUDOS and Bupdater are very similar in nature. In fact, Bupdater is a more modern version of the AFUDOS utility.

    To use the method, we need BIOS firmware, the utility itself and bootable flash drive MS DOS. There are many ways to make a USB flash drive bootable, we will not dwell on them in detail, we will only mention that the easiest way to do this is using the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool program.

    Steps required to flash BIOS using AFUDOS and Bupdater:

    1. We place the firmware files and utilities (afudos.exe or bupdater.exe) in the root of the bootable USB-flash.
    2. We boot from a USB flash drive (in most cases, you need to press the key for this F8 on the keyboard during system boot and select USB FlashDrive from the list of devices from which boot is possible).
    3. When the download is complete, the screen will display "C:\>";. Next, enter the command to start the BIOS firmware:
    • in case of using AFUDOS:
    • when using Bupdater:
      bupdater /XXXXX.cap or bupdater /XXXXX.rom

      *In both cases XXXXX is the name of the firmware file.

  • Press the key "Enter" on keyboard.
  • We are waiting for the end of the process and restart the PC.
  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, we can say that despite the wide variety of methods, updating the BIOS of ASUS motherboards is not a super difficult task even for a beginner.
    In general, the above is a useful and recommended procedure that allows you to timely prevent the occurrence of critical errors and other problems with your computer. Maintain your equipment regularly and enjoy stable computer performance!

    Remember - the right approach, deliberate actions and following the instructions will certainly lead to the success of the event!

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    comments 33

      • Kyzmat34

        You need to follow the next path. Boot into BIOS, click the "Exit / Advanced Mode" button in the upper right corner of the screen, then click "Advanced Mode" in the list that opens. In the window that opens, go to the "Tools" tab and see the item "ASUS EZ Flash 2 Utility".

        • Vlad

          please help me how can I install the firmware the indicator blinks then stops blinking and the flash drive indicator goes out and the bios is on what to do i.e. the bios is still being installed or why the flash drive always goes out when the bios button stops blinking and the flash drive indicator immediately goes out and the bios is on does not blink blue

          • Kyzmat34

            Here is the link to the page technical support your model:
            On the page, after selecting the OS, all utilities become available for download.
            Just in case, direct download links for Win10 64-bit:
            AI Suite III_V2.00.12 -
            ASUS EZ Update -

            • Igor

              Many thanks for the help.

    1. Vlad

      please help me start the pc error a2 in the post code pops up on the motherboard the boot indicator is green all the checks passed, only it stopped on the boot, that is, you need to install a new firmware, the mother ASUS board MAXSIMUS IX FORMULA Z270 processor 6700k video card 1070 from asus os version to BIOS does not boot black screen on the monitor post code a2 constantly and indicator where the motherboard power comes to boot and that's all and squeak post code a2 and that's it


      Hi all. I installed the AISuite II program about two years ago. The computer began to really slow down when loading and at work. I have SSD drive for OSes and, at that time, a powerful computer. I had to write to asus support and explain the situation. They sent me a program for clean removal of AISuite II without further ado. Removed it and everything is back to normal.
      I have P8Z77-V PRO and Win7Pro 64bit. There is a constant conflict between the ASUS motherboard and the ASUS graphics card GeForce GTX 680 . Already tried everything. Out of desperation, I decided to update the BIOS. I’m just thinking about what to update first - the BIOS of the video card or the motherboard?
      There are a couple of questions about your article. First - don't the programs you listed for updating from ASUS offer to save the current version first, just in case, before updating the BIOS? I think I've read before that this is possible. But I didn't see it in your photos.
      Second - if the new "updated" BIOS does not solve my problems, then how to return to the "factory" initial BIOS. It looks like there is a reset button on the board itself. You can find out detailed instructions where to find this button and how to use this button. This would be a good ending to your useful instruction.