Connecting smart TV iconbit full hd. Choosing a universal media player to connect to a TV

Connecting smart TV iconbit full hd.  Choosing a universal media player to connect to a TV
Connecting smart TV iconbit full hd. Choosing a universal media player to connect to a TV

Iconbit has long been known for its comprehensive multimedia solutions. In particular, the line of media players, which we have covered many times, includes both expensive models of equipment and devices for the unpretentious user, the most popular ones. This popularity is due not only to their low price, but, more importantly, to their wide functionality. Which, in turn, is achieved thanks to the presence of a built-in TV tuner that supports work with terrestrial digital signal, which is broadcast in Russia. These are the popular consoles that will be discussed in this article. And so that the choice is not narrow, we will study three models at once that have similar functionality. Along the way, comparing the multimedia and other capabilities of the devices.

Completeness, design

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

The modest, discreet packaging in which the devices are supplied is equally informative: quite detailed information is printed on it. Technical information about the main functions, inputs and outputs, as well as completeness.

Which, it should be noted, is also quite modest: the package contains only the most necessary accessories. For example, there is no HDMI cable, but why? It seems for a very reasonable reason: such a cable is necessary to connect to a TV or other signal display source that supports a high resolution. But if the user already has such a source, then with a high degree of probability he also has the main tool for transferring digital signal- the notorious HDMI cable.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2
  • Media player
  • Quick Guide
  • Remote control with batteries
  • USB cable nutrition
  • Composite AV cable
  • IR Extender
  • Media player
  • Quick Guide
  • Remote control with batteries
  • USB power cable
  • Composite AV cable
  • Media player
  • Quick Guide
  • Remote control with batteries
  • USB power cable
  • Composite AV cable

Let us note the following facts: the first set-top box, Iconbit Movie T2 (which cannot even be called a set-top box due to its miniature size), is intended for discreet placement. For example, behind the TV or in the back of a shelf. Since the infrared sensor of this set-top box, which picks up signals from the remote control remote control, is located outside, joining the apparatus thin cable meter long. The sensor can be placed anywhere by gluing it with double-sided adhesive tape so that the infrared radiation from the remote control can “get” the sensor from any corner of the room. Unlike this miniature set-top box, the next two devices are placed next to or under the TV.

Despite the seemingly significant differences in the design of the consoles under consideration, we have a completely reasonable basis for comparing these devices. Since the functionality of devices is not determined by the shape of the case or dimensions. These factors simply determine the composition of the interfaces, installation methods and power supply.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

So, despite the different form factor and dimensions, all three consoles under consideration are equipped with USB ports for connecting external media with media content suitable for playback by the built-in player. These ports are located on the sides of the cases, and this arrangement is explained by the fact that the USB connector during operation of the device is most often in demand for quick connection media - flash drive, card reader or USB disk.

Other interfaces that are required for a fixed connection are usually located on the back of the case. The exception here is the Iconbit Movie T2 mini-set-top box, which, due to its design, is a device with a “pass-through” type connection.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2
  • power supply (5 V)
  • antenna
  • USB 2.0
  • 576i composite video output
  • antenna
  • USB 2.0
  • analog audio (stereo, as part of composite AV)
  • audio coaxial
  • 576i composite video output
  • antenna
  • antenna
  • USB 2.0
  • analog audio (stereo, as part of composite AV)
  • 576i composite video output

As you can see, the difference in the composition of the inputs and outputs of the devices is small. The second device, Iconbit Movie FHD T2, has the richest selection of connectors. Here, unlike the other two set-top boxes, there is a coaxial audio output, the signal from which can be sent to an audio receiver, as well as an antenna output. Thanks to the pass-through connection scheme, this antenna output may be needed in order to provide an over-the-air signal to the next TV with a digital tuner or to another set-top box located in another room.

Another important point(important not for everyone, but perhaps for many): Note that all three devices have an analog video output. Yes, this is the same composite video output with stereo sound that more than one generation has become accustomed to, giving it its own romantic name “tulips”. Hopelessly outdated from a technological point of view, this interface is still used in many households. Perhaps even in the majority, given our reverent attitude towards old, proven technology. However, even the most “advanced” user, who has long emptied his home of heavy picture tubes, will probably have at least one CRT device. Somewhere in the garage or at the dacha, but there will definitely be one. And one of the TV set-top boxes under consideration is great way breathe a second life into a forgotten “box”. By the way, looking ahead, we note that the interface of all three set-top boxes allows them to be used with low-resolution TVs, and even with interlacing: the graphic elements of the interfaces are made large, without sharp contrast boundaries that could flicker when viewed on a kinescope with its interlaced scanning.

The first two models, Iconbit Movie T2 and Iconbit Movie FHD T2, have special slots in the bottom for attaching to vertical surfaces, like routers and other things. stationary equipment small dimensions. The third set-top box does not have this option; it is intended exclusively for desktop installation. It should be noted a large number of ventilation holes in all cases - apparently, this natural cooling is enough to protect the devices from overheating.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

The plastic halves of the housings are connected either with latches (Iconbit Movie T2) or bolts. During operation, there is no need to look into the insides of the devices, but we will do this to evaluate the quality of the printed circuit boards.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

You can see that in all three models the central chip is necessarily equipped with a metal heatsink to dissipate heat. There is no forced cooling in the devices. The quality of the connection of the components is satisfactory; there are no traces of manual finishing or soldering.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

The first model of the console, the miniature Iconbit Movie T2, is equipped with an infrared remote control, also of small dimensions. Included with the other two models is a slightly larger remote control with a different button layout.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

Below are thermal photographs of the considered set-top boxes, taken after an hour of operation of the devices under room conditions with an ambient temperature of about 24 °C.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2

It can be seen that the maximum temperature of individual sections of housings and electronic components after long-term operation does not exceed 60°C, which is, in general, a safe standard for modern microelectronics.

Basic specifications devices are summarized in one visual table:

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2
TV tuner Digital DVB-T/T2
Video Containers MKV, AVI, WMV, VOB, MOV, M2TS, MP4, FLV MKV, AVI, WMV, VOB, MOV, M2TS, MP4, FLV
Codecs MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264, VC1 MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264, VC1
Audio MP3, WMA, AAC, Ogg, M4A, WAV, AC3 MP3, WMA, AAC, Ogg, M4A, WAV, AC3
  • antenna
  • port for external IR sensor (Mini-USB)
  • USB 2.0
  • antenna
  • USB 2.0
  • antenna
  • USB 2.0
  • analog audio (stereo, as part of composite AV)
  • 576i composite video output
  • analog audio (stereo, as part of composite AV)
  • audio coaxial
  • 576i composite video output
  • antenna
  • analog audio (stereo, as part of composite AV)
  • 576i composite video output
USB 1 × USB 2.0 (FAT/FAT32/NTFS)
Net No
Data sources
  • USB 2.0
  • TV tuner DVB-T/T2
Other characteristics
Display no (only status indicator in remote IR sensor) matrix no (only status indicator in housing)
power unit no, consumption 5 V from USB port(TV or other source) built-in
Additional functions
  • TimeShift
  • TV signal recording
  • built-in media player
  • possibility of hidden installation
Dimensions (W×H×D), weight 85×45×21 mm, 41 g 132×29×77 mm, 145 g 150×30×90 mm, 250 g
average price

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Settings, operation

First of all, we will study the operation of set-top boxes with terrestrial digital TV. We are, of course, talking about open broadcast channels, which are not encoded by the provider. In Russia, such broadcasting is carried out in the DVB-T2 standard. Of course, perfect reception in different regions is not guaranteed, it highly depends on the location of the transmitter (or the location of the user, which is the same thing). Actual information about the coverage area of ​​the DVB-T2 signal is contained in. In some cases, having a good receiving antenna with a signal amplifier will not hurt. For our experiments, we purchased this antenna, which can be installed both indoors and outdoors:

Testing was carried out in different conditions. More precisely, in two: in a city of half a million (practically its very center, built up with reinforced concrete high-rise buildings) and in a small town of 30 thousand with predominantly private one-/two-story buildings. In the first case, the nearest repeater is located at a distance of five kilometers from the receiving point, and the signal needs to cross almost half the city diameter with the corresponding dense buildings. In the second case - “village” - the repeater is located one and a half kilometers from the reception point. In this case, practically nothing interferes with the free passage of the signal, but there is no direct visibility due to the terrain. Note: if in the city turning off the power to the receiving antenna led to a guaranteed disappearance of the signal, then in the village digital television worked properly in the absence of signal amplification. True, it is unreliable - in order to obtain a picture without freezing or interruption, the antenna had to be aimed exactly at the repeater.

Turning on the set-top boxes until they are fully ready for operation (displaying the signal of the last channel watched) takes 10-15 seconds. If the devices have not been in use before or the channels in them have not yet been configured, then you will see a menu on the screen initial setup, from where you can start searching for an on-air digital signal. Despite the similar functionality, the speed of searching for channels in the compared set-top boxes turned out to be different. This difference is quite noticeable, although not fundamental - how often do we retune our TVs to complain that the search takes 60 seconds rather than 40?

In this video you can see that the number of channels found in all three cases is 20 plus three radio stations. However, in the small town mentioned, the search returned only ten TV channels. It turned out that in this area only 10 federal channels are broadcast, while in big city Both , and (another 10 channels) multiplexes are broadcast. According to reliable information, in Moscow and the Moscow region there is reliable reception of all three multiplexes, and that’s 30 channels! Unfortunately, the author was not able to admire these fruits of civilization due to the serious distance from them. But nothing! Essential figure is still at the development and launch stage.

Interested in the question of quantity digital channels, we searched not for an over-the-air signal, but for a cable one. From the same cable that enters a city apartment and is serviced by one of the inexpensive city providers. However, the console used to search found absolutely nothing. Everything is correct. Our provider, along with analog channels, also broadcasts digital TV in the amount of more than 50 channels, but this signal has DVB-C standard, which was abandoned in Russia when building the broadcast digital network. And our set-top boxes, as we already know, are equipped with tuners capable of receiving signals in only DVB-T or DVB-T2 standards.

However, our interest in channel fishing did not dry up, as a result of which it was decided to go somewhere closer to the outskirts of civilization. Not so dramatically, of course. Only 10 kilometers from the nearest repeater, the one that broadcasts the first multiplex with 10 channels. This repeater works on small town, and therefore its power is small. The antenna was installed “facing” the repeater, which was located somewhere beyond the horizon.

Before searching for channels, the antenna was powered directly from the TV set-top box, and the antenna cable was connected directly to the Iconbit Movie T2 set-top box, rather than passing through the amplifier supplied with the antenna. The set-top box quickly found all 10 television and three radio channels available in the area.

Connecting an amplifier to the antenna did not help either (since the testing was carried out in an open field, we used car inverter at 220V). Thus, we can conclude that you can only believe with great... no, with enormous a stretch. After all, judging by it, we were continuously in the zone of reliable reception, which is colored green. However, we were most likely just “lucky” with the choice of testing location. The fact is that we are located almost exactly in the center of the triangle, at the vertices of which the repeaters are located. By the way, there were three small settlements very close by. They are probably sad without digital terrestrial TV. But let's hope that with the commissioning of the second multiplex throughout the territory, the transmitter power will increase, and then...

Let's touch on the graphical interfaces of the devices in question. They are, one might say, of the same type, and the whole difference lies only in certain aspects of design and the presence/absence of some unimportant points. At the same time, the menu design of the second and third set-top boxes (Iconbit Movie FHD T2 and Iconbit Movie HDS T2) is absolutely identical, as is the composition of these menus. In the following GIF animation you can see the menu composition for Iconbit Movie T2 (left) and for two stationary consoles (right).

The menu is divided into seven thematic sections, which contain the following tools:

Iconbit Movie T2
TV channel settings
  • Program editing module allows you to move, skip, block, delete and even rename selected channels
  • channel sorting is possible by name and logical channel number
Video Output Settings
  • selecting the aspect ratio will be needed when connecting to TVs with different aspect ratios (for example, CRT TVs have a 4:3 aspect ratio)
  • The video output format when connected via HDMI is set to interlaced Full HD by default, but set-top boxes are capable of producing up to a progressive signal with a size of 1920x1080 and a frequency of up to 60 frames per second
Search TV channels
  • launch automatic search or search by specified frequency and bandwidth
  • region selection
  • turning on/off the power of the receiving antenna (works only for passive antennas that do not have their own amplifier)
Setting the date and time
  • time zone selection
  • setting up automatic switching of the set-top box to sleep mode
  • setting automatic switching on and power off at a given time of day (only in Iconbit Movie FHD T2 and Movie HDS T2 set-top boxes)
Language and sound options
  • selecting the menu language, subtitles and audio streams that will be played by default
  • switching output modes digital audio: Stereo PCM or RAW HDMI
System Settings
  • setting a password
  • factory reset
  • software information and updates
USB media settings
  • launching a file browser with content connected USB drive
  • photo slideshow settings (slide display time, etc.)
  • setting up video file playback (subtitle size, background and color)
  • Setting up TV recording: pre-recording volume (TimeShift), formatting USB drive

We will probably leave discussions about the “quality” of a digital signal (in this case, TV) to the preachers of pure copper and gold-plated contacts. Digital is different from analog transmission: either there is a signal or there is not. The third condition belongs to the category weak signal, when the picture “freezes” or crumbles into squares, which is a huge stretch for the concept of “quality.” If you still try to stretch digital quality onto the globe of the article, then claims to quality should be made exclusively to the broadcaster. Which - and he alone - bears full responsibility for such signal shortcomings as the notorious “scattering into squares” caused by a banal lack of bitrate, for an incorrectly set aspect of the frame and similar flaws. Recordings made by one of the considered set-top boxes will help you evaluate the quality of the received signal (you must keep in mind that recording is done without any additional recoding by simply copying the received stream and packaging it in a *.MTS container). The resulting recordings can subsequently be viewed in any software or hardware player - there is no encryption in the stream, this is a free open broadcast.

Along with the TV picture, the set-top boxes receive the required accompanying information: program guide, description of the current broadcast, subtitle stream (if any), as well as teletext, if available.

All three set-top boxes have the ability to record the selected TV or radio channel using a timer. Among the timer functions is the ability to record in cycles at a certain time every day or weekly.

Let's move on to the capabilities of set-top boxes to reproduce media content. We are talking about photos, music and videos that are copied to a USB drive. One fact should be remembered here: despite the difference in design used electronic components and minor differences in the design of graphical interfaces, all three consoles under consideration have the same ability to reproduce certain formats. The same applies to the functionality of built-in media players - it is the same, with the exception of a single function - GoTo (Fast passage to the specified position) - which is available in two stationary players Iconbit Movie FHD T2/Iconbit Movie HDS T2, but is absent in Iconbit Movie T2. All other parameters are absolutely identical, and the different design of the built-in file browsers is just a design that does not affect performance in any way.

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 and Iconbit Movie HDS T2

Set-top boxes can be called omnivorous, if you don’t go to extremes: these are, after all, primarily TV set-top boxes, the main task of which is to receive and decode a television signal. There is no need to require them to be able to play 4K video or 10-bit “anime”. The limit for set-top boxes is video with a Full HD frame size (1920×1080) at a frequency of up to 60 frames per second (frame drops are possible!), encoded with the H.264 (AVC) codec standard parameters. That is, with a profile no higher [email protected]. Simply put, all formats that meet DVD and Blu-ray standards, as well as those close to them, will be reproduced flawlessly. Playing other videos with non-standard encoding parameters is solely at the user's own risk. For example, our set-top boxes are not even aware of the existence of the RealVideo codec. But here’s a question: have many of the readers even heard of such a codec?

The container in which the video is packaged does not play a primary role. However, being at the same time a file extension, the container allows set-top boxes to determine at least the theoretical possibility of playing such files. If the set-top box is not trained to play, for example, the aforementioned RealMedia, then files with the *.rmvb extension simply will not be displayed in the file browser.

With this in mind, let's consider a typical playback option, when the source video is a so-called BD remix (material taken from Blu-ray disc and without recoding packaged in a container - for example, MKV). The consoles do not experience any difficulties with playing such template content. Perhaps the only negative is that the devices do not know how to navigate through the chapters of the film. they simply don't see the chapter stream in the file. But all other streams located next to the video are displayed flawlessly: audio tracks and subtitle streams can be selected directly at the time of playback.

Display subtitles Subtitle stream selection
Select audio track, display file information GoTo function - quick transition to a specified position
Fast rewind (up to 32×) Fast forward (up to 32×)

As for sound, set-top boxes easily transmit everything to the audio receiver via HDMI standard formats sound, and Movie FHD T2 can also transmit multi-channel AC3 without transcoding to PCM (if the HDMI RAW option is enabled in the settings). However, one can hardly expect that an audiophile, who has the rare gift of hearing the difference between AC3 and DTS, will include the described consoles as part of his musical world.

In conclusion, we present the results of our universal test. It is intended to determine valid the number of frames per second that the device is capable of processing and sending to the video output. It's no secret that players that are not equipped enough powerful processors, being unable to process 60 frames per second, are forced to resort to tricks: duplicating or discarding frames whose flow they cannot cope with.

Testing consists of sequential playback of special video files in which the hand makes a circle around the dial at a speed of one revolution per second, or one division per frame. The white rectangle at the top of the frame moves through its cells at the same speed. If during playback you photograph the TV screen with a camera with a shutter speed of one second, each frame will be recorded in the picture, no matter how many there are in the file, 24 or 60. Uniform distribution of light areas means adequate decoding of the video stream, frame-by-frame. But if the picture shows gaps instead of a trace from the arrow, or, conversely, its traces are too bright, this indicates a missed frame or its duplication. In “real life”, when watching films, these omissions and duplications will look like sharp twitching of the picture, that is, there will be no smoothness of movement to speak of.

Frame size, frequency Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2
1920x1080 24p
1920x1080 25p
1920x1080 30p
1920x1080 50p
1920x1080 60p

You can see that no complaints can be made against the set-top boxes until they play Full HD video at a frequency above 30 frames per second. By the way, the obvious omissions and duplication of frames that we see in the results of 25p video playback are a direct consequence of the fact that the set-top boxes were connected to the TV with an NTSC setting, that is, 1080 60p. If we connected them with factory settings (PAL, that is, 50 frames per second), then the picture would be mirrored: files with a frequency of 25 frames per second would be played back flawlessly, but with files with a frequency of 24 and 30 frames per second, similar problems would arise. Alas, our set-top boxes are not able to automatically switch frequencies on the video output so that they match or become a multiple of the frame rate of the video being played. However, not every full-fledged media player has such a function, let alone a TV tuner with the ability to play local files.


The considered TV set-top boxes are modest, but quite functional devices that are capable of not only providing an on-air television signal, but also reproducing any common media content. Their low cost can be compared with the price of a good receiving TV antenna. Let’s summarize the found advantages and disadvantages of the devices, bringing them into one visual comparison table:

Iconbit Movie T2 Iconbit Movie FHD T2 Iconbit Movie HDS T2
  • Dropping frames when playing high-frequency Full HD video
  • lack of automatic frequency switching on video output
  • powered by USB port (TV, etc.)
  • possibility of hidden installation (remote IR receiver)
  • low cost
  • availability of display
  • reliable signal reception, antenna power
  • playback of all common video formats
  • coaxial audio output
  • antenna output
  • low cost
  • reliable signal reception, antenna power
  • playback of all common video formats
  • low cost

Judging by this table, the most preferred are Iconbit Movie T2 and Iconbit Movie FHD T2. However, the first, Movie T2, having all the functions of “full-fledged” stationary set-top boxes, is also much smaller than its colleagues. Moreover, this device also turned out to be the most inexpensive of the entire trio. Apparently, the choice should still be made based on the needs for certain interfaces. In this regard, the undoubted leadership belongs to the second console, Iconbit Movie FHD T2. As for the third representative of the line, Iconbit Movie HDS T2 is a classic “country” version of a universal player with the ability to decode digital TV broadcasts.

Compact, quite easy to set up and manage. Remote control included. looks concise. It doesn’t dull, as far as I could judge from not a very long time of use.


When setting up, the TV does not find it right away - you need to wait. This is not a minus, but a feature due to which you can initially decide that the console is not working. After connecting you have to wait! and everything will appear.


I bought it for my parents for their TV. Maybe the advice is quite obvious, BUT - when connecting, be sure to follow the instructions and read them well first. If you just plug it in and press the remote control buttons, nothing will work. Installation is simple, but the sequence of steps is important. After installation, an IR receiver is glued to some edge of the TV or cabinet, which receives the signal from the remote control. You need to aim the remote control at him, otherwise it won’t work. Regarding the operation of the console itself - after installation, access to YouTube was slow for a while, but now everything is OK. The rest (movies, TV series) are generally shown with a bang and do not slow down. The interface is simple and understandable. The included remote control is convenient, but it also needs to be further configured. if there are plans to use it to control TV, then the remote control can be “trained” to the channels. The entire setup and connection took half an hour (taking into account that I did not read the instructions and had to redo it). I have not yet tried connecting memory cards and devices via USB. But overall, I recommend it.

The hero of today's story is a gadget designed to make it possible to work with the Internet through a TV, which initially does not support Smart TV or the Internet in general in any form - neither via cable nor via WiFi. This miracle is called the Android Smart TV Box for a TV, which is essentially a mini computer (Mini PC Box) with a pre-installed mobile phone operating system. This device connects via a modern HDMI or old-fashioned AV cable to any TV that has these connectors, and turns it into a large tablet. In this manual, I will tell you in detail how to connect and configure a TV set-top box.

Features of TV set-top box Android Mini PC Box

Surprisingly, even in 2018, while shopping, I discovered that not all modern sophisticated TVs are equipped with even a simple Ethernet port for connecting an Internet cable. What can we say about Wi-Fi. So the invention, invented by the Chinese several years ago, is more relevant today than ever.

Moreover, Android TV set-top boxes, like any electronics, are being improved along with other technologies. Therefore, top models today support video in 4K resolution, wifi in the 5 GHz range, and many other “goodies” that make our lives more enjoyable. And it will completely eliminate the need to pay. subscription fee behind TV antenna, by default, carried out to the apartment.

So let's figure it out. There are now many modifications of Android TV set-top boxes for TV on the market, differing mainly in size random access memory, processor power and additional functions, but they all have common features:

  • WiFi support
  • Drive support via OTG cable
  • Built-in Android system
  • USB ports for connecting peripherals and flash drives for watching videos or photos
  • Many models have slots for SD memory cards

Installing, connecting and configuring the Android TV Box does not require any skills and works directly, as they say, “out of the box” without any additional drivers or programs - connected via HDMI cable to the TV and off you go.

Programs for Android consoles are no different from applications for a regular phone - in most cases they immediately have Google Play, YouTube, browser, and so on - just like on any tablet. Accordingly, new applications are installed just like in any smartphone via Play Market. They can be controlled either through a connected mouse or keyboard, or through a special remote control.

Instructions on how to connect an Android TV set-top box to a TV as a Smart TV

But let's move from words to practical instructions and see how to actually connect an Android TV Box. Before purchasing a model, make sure your computer has an HDMI or AV input (popularly called “tulips”). The latter is available on all TVs with a “glass” tube, which means that even old TVs, inherited from parents and collecting dust on the far mezzanine for years, can be connected to the Android TV set-top box, and you can access the Internet from them or play movies, music or photos from flash drives.

The same goes for the Android Smart TV - most inexpensive small models only have an HDMI connector; if you have a very old TV, it will not work.

Please keep in mind that if your TV supports HDMI, then naturally use it to get the highest quality picture. Even on a good modern TV, connecting a Smart TV Box via AV tulips will produce a mediocre image, like on a tube TV. Next, plug in the set-top box and in the TV menu select HDMI or AV as the input signal source, depending on which cable you used to connect the Android TV Box.

In short, it is necessary that both the set-top box and the TV have identical connectors. Better, of course, HDMI - the quality will be noticeably higher.

Let's move on to the practice of connecting a TV set-top box on Android to a TV. Choose your option:

  • HDMI cable
  • or AV tulips for old TVs

and connect the TV Box to the TV

A picture familiar to all Android users will appear on the screen.

Now you can install everything on the console and enjoy watching it.

How to set up an Android TV set-top box via a WiFi router?

Here you can already use pre-installed utilities, but working with Android TV Box would be incomplete without its main advantage - the ability to connect to the Internet. In order to configure the set-top box to work on the Internet and connect to WiFi router do the same as on the tablet:

After this, you can already enjoy all the benefits of the Internet - download applications, watch movies on YouTube, browse websites, play games, and so on.

How to control Android TV Box from your phone?

To make it easier to manage Smart TV Box on Android, many models support work as with, which must be purchased separately. An alternative could be an application that is installed on a smartphone or tablet and turns it into a remote control for the set-top box.

There are many such programs - I have already introduced you to one of them. It was preinstalled on everything Xiaomi smartphones. Its advantage is that it interacts not only with TV set-top boxes, but also with TVs, air conditioners, etc. household appliances and other elements of a smart home.

However, you won’t be able to just download it and install it, especially if we're talking about about iPhone. Therefore, today we will talk about another universal and, most importantly, cross-platform application - Cetus Play. I talked about it briefly in an article about. It can be downloaded from both Google Play Market and Apple Store. This means installing it both on Android and iOS phones - iPhone or iPad.

To control an Android TV set-top box from your phone, you need 2 conditions:

  • Connecting both the set-top box and the smartphone to the same wifi networks
  • Install an identical application on both devices.

This means you will need to go to the same Play Market on the console and install the version of the Cetus Play program for Android TV. It is also free and publicly available.