What is mobile traffic monetization? Types of traffic monetization Methods of traffic monetization.

What is mobile traffic monetization?  Types of traffic monetization Methods of traffic monetization.
What is mobile traffic monetization? Types of traffic monetization Methods of traffic monetization.

What significant is happening in the sector of making money on the Internet? Over the past 10 years, Runet has become significantly richer in terms of earning money. With the advent of Sape, there was a link boom and a severe impact on search results. Those who managed to ride that wave earned an indecent amount of money, because... Sapa not only accepted obscenely dull sites, which made it possible to rivet sites in an assembly line way and on a global scale, but also helped to easily promote microwave (super high frequency) to the TOP-1 using shamefully low SEO budgets. At the same time, pushing fat TIC-heavy one-year-old sites out of the TOP, which also made it possible to make money on holes and the immaturity of search engines. It was a time when ideas and their implementation were ahead of search engine algorithms. But such romance only lived for a few years, leaving behind only pleasant memories of the webmaster’s utopia. Search engines have gotten smarter.

The war of minds was gaining momentum. Adopting more and more Western experience, Runet has grown into many services and exchanges, which has created an excess market of offers to earn money. But, redundant in a positive way. Now everyone can find a niche for earning money.

What types of earnings does the Internet offer? How can you monetize your site today? Let's do the math :)

  1. Contextual advertising or PPC ( Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, Begun)
  2. PPV or Pay Per Vision. In addition to the fact that this applies to almost all advertising networks, we also include here such types of monetization as Daos and Nolix.
  3. Banner advertising (PopUnder, ClickUnder, TOPLine, CatFish, AdSpot, RichMedia, VK-Massage)
  4. Teasers
  5. Arbitration (traffic trading)
  6. Links (Sape, LinkFeed, MainLinks, UniPlace, Kazapa, BlogoCach)
  7. Contextual links and articles (GoGetLinks, GetGoodLinks, Miralinks)
  8. Guards (RotaPost)
  9. File exchangers (DepositFiles, Letitbit and others)
  10. Monetization of video and graphic content. When you hover the mouse, an advertisement appears smoothly.
  11. Spam mailing
  12. Online store
  13. Website trading
  14. Advertising reviews and releases
  15. Subscription list. Sale of information products
  16. CPA is a new generation of affiliate marketing.
  • white label project or representative office (branch).

Very often these methods are combined with each other. Therefore, we will consider the most common and profitable ones using simple schemes.

Selling links, posts and articles

This is one of the most simple ways site monetization. Especially when it comes to links. Optimizers on link and article exchanges find the sites of webmasters (donors) that suit them and place their links and articles on them. Why is this monetization method so easy? Because the whole job of a webmaster is to create a website, fill it with content and pump up the bellies, i.e. TIC, PR and some traffic. Therefore, many webmasters “print” sites in batches.

PPC, PPV, teasers, banners

The direct task of this type of monetization is to direct traffic to the site. You can simply increase traffic to your resource, collect a subscription list, and sell your products without intermediaries. Another option is to direct traffic to the affiliate website and receive commissions from sales. Well, this will be SRA. To drive traffic to the site, various advertising networks are used: AdSense, Yandex Direct, Blogun, MSN, Yahoo, teaser and banner networks. Traffic is also bought from thematic sites, forums, and social networks.

For this monetization method, a simple website will not be enough. You need to be able to write enticing advertising texts, create attractive banners and teasers, as well as competently conduct advertising campaigns so as not to waste your budget. Traffic monetization is the most profitable type of income. But they are also the most demanding for the knowledge and experience of the webmaster and optimizer.

CPA marketing

According to the observations of many experienced webmasters, the Russian “Internet labor market” is confidently moving towards affiliate marketing or CPA. Let's look at it in more detail. What is affiliate marketing and why is there such a trend? And most importantly, what should webmasters do to “catch the wave”?

Wikipedia defines this concept better than anyone:

You've probably heard of such a concept as CPA? CPA or Cost Pay Acquisition(Purchase Fee). We are used to saying not Acquisition, but Action. You promote someone’s product online and receive a reward for the buyer’s completed action (on the advertiser’s terms). What kind of actions could these be by the buyer (user)? Let's take the most common options based on data from Russian CPA Exchanges:

  • Registration on the advertiser’s website (very popular in gaming);
  • Reaching a certain level in the game;
  • % from the sale of gaming “clothes”;
  • The buyer has subscribed;
  • Filling out an application;
  • % of sales of goods or services;
  • registration of a subscription.

Here are some offers:

Although The Western market has long switched to CPA and, it seems, the market is full of offers - you can still earn a lot there. Such giants as , , , bring advertisers and webmasters tens of thousands of $$$ per month.

Why go far? The same page contains statistics (honor board) of webmasters’ earnings. This is the income per DAY:

What is the trend in webmaster earnings per day? I can say with confidence that this is not the limit. I just happened to have a day like this when I was writing an article :) So, multiply by 30 and get a good monthly income more than $48,000. Sapa and others shamefully smoke on the sidelines.

Referral farming

Involving people in various projects is a good niche. Yes - a niche. Do webmasters themselves participate in projects that they promote and recruit refs? … Not always. Firstly, it is impossible to participate in all projects. Secondly, everyone's needs are different. Some people make money purely from monetizing Twitter, others from file sharing services, etc. You have to be a pro at one thing.

Does this mean that the referral manager does not know much about the topic he is promoting and he only needs referrals? No. If he writes about some kind of affiliate program, then you need to understand it. Because you need to write with an understanding of the matter.

Paid content

There has been a tendency to close part of the site and make access to it paid for. If you can shoot good topics and understand the intricacies of monetizing a niche, then releasing them to the masses on the ball is harming yourself. Another option for paid content is some form of information products. For example, you created a course on “creating a website from scratch” or “layout from A to Z”, or “the subtleties of making money on links, profitable filters” and so on. You make a paid access to the section and earn a pretty penny. Add a referral system and get financially motivated users.

File hosting services

The scheme is as old as time. There are file hosting services, but you have a bunch of different ones useful files big and small. You upload to these file hosting services, and distribute download links throughout the network: forums, Varezniks, your websites, social network etc. You get paid money for the race.

Yes it a good option additionally promote your sites, as well as replenish your army of referrals. After all, you can add various kinds of information to the archives.

Advertising reviews and releases

Do you have a popular website, blog, directory, portal or forum? Why not try selling reviews and releases from direct advertisers. They get traffic and PR, you get money and, often, referrals.

Which monetization method should you choose? That's the one you like best, choose that one. Everything is sold on the Internet and there is a demand for everything. The listed methods, as I have already noted, are often intertwined in practice. For example, on large sites you can see not only contextual advertising from Google or Yandex, but also banners, advertising articles, and even sales links. Therefore, as your sites develop, you can focus on one type or combine them.

Hi all! Many people wonder about how to monetize traffic your own website and receive regular income from it. Let's briefly tell you what traffic monetization is and how you can make money from traffic to your resource.

It involves converting your website visitors into money. In order to start monetizing traffic into money, you need to register with certain affiliate programs who sell and buy traffic. In this article we will look at several options for traffic affiliates that buy and sell traffic. They will help you monetize any traffic and make money on it.

Making money from your traffic is not suitable for everyone; there are a number of rules for sites. If your site traffic is at least 50 people per day, then move on; if not, then alas, you won’t be able to earn money, just on your mobile phone balance.


  1. The minimum attendance must be 50 hosts per day.
  2. The site should be for people with high-quality and interesting content.
  3. Mandatory linking of pages (exchanges also pay for advertising impressions, not just for clicks).
  4. The site is at least a year old.
  5. Site Tits preferably from 20

All these rules are approximate, since not all traffic monetization exchanges require them.

Exchanges for traffic monetization

How monetize website traffic using exchanges for buying/selling traffic? In this section I will introduce several exchanges. In addition to this blog, I have 30 websites, different topics, it is on them that I display PopUnder and ClickUnder. I’ll tell you honestly, all my sites are about 2 months old, with zero indicators, the traffic of which is (in the total volume of all sites) about 300 hosts per day, plus/minus. With such traffic from 30 sites per year, you can earn 7,000-10,000 thousand per year! Imagine if the traffic on each of my sites soars to 300 hosts per day, how much money that will be! But not everything is so simple - in order for traffic to increase, you need to spend a lot of time promoting each resource.

And so for those whose traffic is normal, I present the most proven traffic exchanges.

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Imagine an exercise bike - you pedal, but you don't go anywhere. What if you switch to a bicycle? The same actions will give you the opportunity to go in the right direction. The same situation applies to traffic. You start monetizing it - and it’s like getting on a bicycle.

What is traffic monetization and how to make money from it

The very concept of traffic means the amount of information passing through a separate channel. This could be a personal website, a social network account, or special application. The nature of this information depends on the Internet resource. Main types of information dissemination:

  • Advertising - contextual, teaser.
  • Visitors to a personal website or blog.
  • Subscribers on social networks.
  • Banners, redirects, links, etc.

When concluding a contract, certain actions are stipulated for which a fee is charged. Typically, rewards are received for increasing coverage, downloads, views - that is, for increasing the flow of information.
Having figured out that traffic monetization is a legal and proven way to generate income, you can get to work. You can earn money with just mobile phone with Internet access.

What types of monetization exist?

Depending on the information resource There are several types. There is a distinction between traffic received using your own Internet resources and traffic provided by third-party platforms.


Earning money lies in creating interesting to users files and posting them on your website or third-party resources. If you have your own platform, the files are downloaded by subscribers; if there is no website, we take other resources. Using file hosting services as a platform, we place interesting files on them and pack them there up-to-date information and get money for downloads. In order to increase downloads, it is necessary to attract new visitors to a file hosting service or website; for this we use advertising on social networks, reach out to our personal page, send messages to our friends, and so on.

There are certain requirements for the contents of files:

  • We pack into archives what is of interest to the audience - games, videos, books, profitable links to affiliate programs.
  • Links attached to the file must be relevant to the topic of the product. For example, if text file contains a book on psychology - it makes no sense to attach a catalog of an online store of agricultural equipment there. And if you attach a link to a website with children’s products to an educational video for children, there will be more downloads and clicks.
  • We beware of viruses - if the file contains them, a reaction from the Internet resource will follow immediately. Access to it will be closed to us.

When working with files, there is an option to monetize traffic, such as using paysites. These are archives containing information that users need, but you must pay to access it.


The contextual advertising option is ideal for the owner of a well-promoted website or blog with a large flow of visitors. The scheme is simple: we place an advertising block on the website that is similar to our theme. Then we continue to promote our resource and fill it with new visitors. For every click and click on an advertising link we receive money.

  • dials a large number of clicks due to its specificity. The teaser posted on the website attracts the eye with an intriguing photo or title. Link clicks also generate income for the site owner.

  • Banner advertising involves payment for a time period. The site owner sells space for the banner, receiving payments according to the contract.
  • The ticker gives good income owners of sites with high daily traffic. In this case, advertising is a creeping line, payment is assigned based on the number of impressions.
  • CPA networks - such links or banners generate income depending on the actions a person takes after clicking on them.
  • Affiliate links and programs are one of the most famous types of SEO traffic monetization. In this case, articles containing links to the partner's product or service are posted on the site. Payment is made depending on the terms of the contract; it can be a fee per click or a percentage of sales.

How to monetize mobile traffic

Mobile traffic is of interest for a number of services, so for those who do not like to sit at the computer for a long time, this option is perfect. To make a profit, you need to register on special platforms and receive a task.

Monetization mobile traffic carried out in several ways:

  • Download the application and send an invitation to your friends or contacts to do the same. We receive rewards for downloads, money is awarded for each opened file.
  • We visit a certain resource and recommend it to our contacts. We receive income for visits based on our recommendations.
  • Banner advertising options for mobile devices– a new option for monetizing WAP traffic, this indicates an increased interest in development mobile internet and promises new sources of income for webmasters and ordinary Internet users.

We choose the best option for monetizing traffic - and get income, everything is simple, transparent and accessible.

Let's take this blog as an example. As you can see, the topics of SEO, website building, monetization of blogs and websites, promotion in search engines and related topics. So, I’m writing posts and I see that a small but growth in traffic is beginning. As a true moneymaker, I want to make a profit from this.

Earnings from traffic remain:

Teasers suck completely for this topic. By the way, I’m testing teasers now. And to make money from teasers you need at least 2-3 thousand unique visitors, and then earnings will not exceed 2-3 killed raccoons per day. And with traffic from 150 hosts, you can’t count on half a buck. Fuck such earnings.

Setting up popunders and clickanders is the height of madness. After installing the code and before the PS is banned, only a couple of ups will take place. So I forget about this matter.

Remains contextual advertising. This is what can bring a small profit from this SEO traffic. From my experience, I know that in the same Adsense there are clicks for half a dollar and even 2 bucks, which is good news. True, this is on my financial website. If you choose suitable places for advertising, then without harm to the site, its position in the search results and for the visitors themselves, you can earn 1-2 bucks a day, having a visitor count of 200-250 hosts. But on this blog, there will most likely be less.

But I believe that it is better to receive less, but regularly and without risk. So if I decide that it is worth monetizing SEO traffic, then most likely you will see several blocks of Adsense ads here.

And yet I think that the most suitable way to monetize SEO traffic is through affiliate programs. So, we need to look for something suitable.

What do you think about this? Does anyone have experience in this topic? I will be grateful for useful tips in comments!