What is dropbox and how to use it. Dropbox: what is this program, installation on a computer and working with files

What is dropbox and how to use it.  Dropbox: what is this program, installation on a computer and working with files
What is dropbox and how to use it. Dropbox: what is this program, installation on a computer and working with files

Storing personal data using network (cloud) services has long been commonplace. Dropbox was one of the first applications that made it possible to share files between remote computers and mobile devices. Having one account, the user has his own storage, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

For a detailed answer to the question of what Dropbox is and whether every person needs it, you can find a lot of explanatory articles and videos. We will only touch upon technical aspects and rules for using Dropbox.


There are a few steps you need to take before you start using Dropbox:

  1. Create an account;
  2. Install the program;
  3. Link mobile devices.

The developers tried to simplify the process of entering new users as much as possible with the help of tips and notifications both on the website and in the software.

Creating a Dropbox account

As with any other online service, a newcomer to Dropbox needs to create an account before getting started.

It looks like this:

Method 2 - programs and components

The most familiar to all users Windows way uninstall software - through the built-in Programs and Features tool. It hasn't undergone much change from Win XP to Win 8.1.

For this:

  1. Go to the “Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features” menu;
  2. Right-click on the Dropbox client and select “Delete”;
  3. We confirm the deletion and wait for it to complete.

Method 3 - Windows 10 Settings

With the release of Windows 10, it became possible to remove software Dropbox from the new Applications menu, borrowed from the shell mobile devices. So the developers shortened the path to the uninstallation tool and simplified the software management process.

For removing:

  1. Go to the path “Start/Settings/Applications”;
  2. Find Dropbox, click on it and delete it with the corresponding button.

How to remove Dropbox from your phone

On a smartphone this service is deleted in the same way as other applications through the “Applications and Notifications” tab or similar.

You can remove not only the client from your Android device, but also your Dropbox account. But to do this, you need to visit the dropbox web page through the browser of your mobile device. The account deletion feature is not available through the application.

To delete your account you must:

Use a browser to access dropbox.com from your mobile device.

  • Click on the avatar to go to the service settings.

  • Then select the computer version of the service.

  • Next, go to settings personal account and click on the item: “Delete account”.
  • Then you will have to indicate the reason for deletion or describe the problem in more detail by filling out a special form.

After filling standard form and confirming intentions with the “Delete permanently” button, the user permanently loses the data stored in the cloud.


The Dropbox cloud service has gained popularity among users around the world for its ease of management and high security of file storage. The installation and removal of the client that we reviewed, which takes only a couple of minutes, is confirmation of this. Despite the small volume of free virtual memory, Dropbox continues to compete with the steadily expanding Google Drive and domestic Yandex.Disk.

One way or another, each of us has heard the name Dropbox at least once. But since not all users are familiar with this concept personal computers and laptops, then it makes sense to talk about it. Cloud computing has been very popular for quite some time. You've probably already understood Dropbox - what it is and what it's for this program and service in general. In short, you upload documents that are important to you on the Internet and do not worry about them being damaged, disappearing, etc.

The essence of Dropbox in a few words

Of course, it is quite difficult to describe such a functional service in a few words. However, it is necessary to highlight the most important and important things. You have created a folder with files on your computer's hard drive. After that, you synchronized it with other devices and uploaded it to the server. Therefore, regardless of your location and the technology you use (computer, tablet, phone), you have access to a folder stored in the cloud at any time. Agree, this is extremely convenient and effective. Especially considering that today there is special applications for mobile devices, allowing you to view documents stored in this way.

You already understand the brief essence of the program and how it works, you will understand after reading this article. It is important not to miss the details, so you can enjoy the full range of functions, and, believe me, there are quite a few of them here. I would like to note that the developers have installed a simplified interface that even a novice user can understand. We can say that the idea was a great success, since the service is currently successfully used by millions of people, and this is a good indicator of reliability and quality. Now let's look at the main advantages of cloud storage of information.

Benefits of Dropbox

A lot can be said about the merits of the service and the application itself, but we will look at a few of the main ones, after which you can draw certain conclusions for yourself. Of course, there are small shortcomings, about which a few words will also be said. So, the biggest plus is that if you have uploaded files to the cloud, you can be sure that no one will steal them from there. Moreover, such servers have a high level of reliability, so they work extremely stably, and if they go into maintenance, it is scheduled, therefore, you will be warned about it. You also protect your documents 100% from viruses. Even with the most reliable antivirus on your computer, you do not have such a high guarantee. This is due to the fact that any OS has so-called “holes” in the system, through which spyware leaks.

But that’s not all. As noted above, you get full access to your files via the Internet. That is, you can enter the program at any time, having only a connection to the network. By the way, it’s worth mentioning a drawback here. If you don't have Internet access and have another device than the one you downloaded from, you won't get access. The same applies to a slow Internet connection, although this is more likely a problem with your provider, not the service. That's probably all there is to it regarding the pros and cons.

Dropbox program - what is it and how to use it?

We have dealt with the service as such, so now I would like to say a few words directly about the program. The first, and also the most important thing, is that you need to download and install the program. The process is exactly the same as for installing any other software. The only thing you need to remember is that it is advisable to download Dropbox from the official website, this way you will avoid counterfeiting the utility, infecting the system with viruses, stealing files, etc. unpleasant moments. We also pre-register on the official website. His address is Dropbox.com. The process takes no more than a few minutes.

Then everything is extremely simple. You place the files you need in a special folder. It is usually called exactly the same as the program. After some time, depending on the speed of your Internet connection and the load on the servers, all documents will become available on other synchronized devices, and you will be able to use them. Keep in mind that the program must also be installed on another computer or tablet. Well, now let’s take a little look at the functionality that the service offers us.

Service capabilities

Of course, you must understand that the amount of space allocated for each user is limited. When you register, you immediately receive 2 gigabytes. In principle, this is quite enough, especially when it comes to small programs, presentations, etc. materials. But you have the opportunity to expand. To do this, you need to invite new users to the system. For each person you will receive 250 megabytes, therefore, 4 people - 1 gigabyte, etc. If you work in an office where the same file is edited by several employees, and then many copies are created, then, you see, figure out what is Well, it's not that simple.

If you have Dropbox, you can change one file, adding or removing what you need. Moreover, the functionality of the program allows you to rollback to more earlier versions, which is extremely convenient. Another important point: if you work with large files, then this service will become an indispensable assistant for you. This is due to the fact that now you no longer need to upload files to email or Skype. It is enough just to send users special links, clicking on which they can get an important document.

Step-by-step instructions for adding files to the cloud

We've already figured out a little how to use Dropbox. In principle, there is nothing complicated here, because, as noted above, the developers paid great attention to the simplicity of the program, and they succeeded very well. Let's see what you need to do to add your first file to the cloud. The first thing you need to do is install the program, then activate your account; it can be business class or regular. Drag the file you need into the created folder and click “save as”. You're probably wondering, how does Dropbox synchronization work? You don't need to do anything, because after you add your first document, it will automatically synchronize with the web service and devices that have access to this program.

If you want to use the service directly, without the participation of the program, then you need to go to the official website and log into your account. The address looks like this: http://dropbox.com. At the top of the home screen you will see an icon; if you hover over it, it will say “download”. Click and add the required file from your computer. After this, a corresponding indicator will appear, indicating that the documents are being downloaded. When finished, a beep will sound. You cannot upload files over the Internet that take up more than 10 gigabytes.

Advantages of Dropbox over a regular network drive

This question is probably asked by every second user. You already know a little about the work of Dropbox - what it is, and what are the benefits of this service, we also figured it out, but I would like to say a few words about network drive. In principle, these two services are extremely similar, the difference is that by working with cloud-based file storage in Dropbox, you can continue working with documents whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. As for network drives, the situation is a little different. The fact is that most often there is no synchronization option, and without access to the Internet it is impossible to get the document you need. This is what is good about the Dropbox program.

But that’s not all. If you worked with a document without an Internet connection, then all changes will be synchronized and made after network access is available. This is extremely convenient, because you don’t need to add or remove anything yourself. Unfortunately, they don't provide these at the moment. wide possibilities to its users, and the range of functions here is much smaller. As noted above, your files are 100% protected, they cannot be hacked or “stealed” in any other way, so you will only benefit. Moreover, it's free, so why not take advantage?

A little program menu

Let's take a closer look at what is offered to us and how useful it is. The first thing that is recommended to do after registration is to go through instructions, after which you will be sure that you did everything correctly and your account is set up. Next, you will be invited to participate in the referral program and receive another 6 gigabytes extra space. So let's take a closer look at the "files" menu. Here you can upload new documents, create folders and edit them. Be careful, the more convenient and understandable you edit this menu, the easier it will be for you in the future. Here you can add files to folders that will be accessible to all people.

Another useful tab is called “events”. This is not to say that it is vital, but its presence can significantly simplify the life of an ordinary user. Here you can track activity across your entire account or a specific folder. There is also access to a tab called “Shared Files and Folders.” Here you can open a document or even an entire folder. Speaking in simple words, it is possible to make the document available for use by other users of the service. After this, you can send direct links to the file, the recipient can only click on them and download the content. You can either create a public folder or make it an existing one.

What can be stored, and a little more about the advantages

Let's take a closer look at what can be uploaded to the service. As we have already figured out, installing Dropbox is quite simple, after the process is completed, you can enjoy the full functionality. Here you can upload scripts, content, music and much more. If you are engaged in sales on the Internet, then this service will come in handy for you. The fact is that you can send links to the product or service you are selling by mail. This not only saves energy, but also precious time. You can also store backup files here. Unlike network drives, they are stored for a month, so if necessary, you can easily restore the data you need.

Currently, all applications for mobile devices allow you to access the program completely free of charge. Therefore, you have access to the content anywhere and at any time, but this has already been said. It is also worth noting that Dropbox installs on your computer very quickly and does not take up much space. This is especially true for older laptops and PCs, where every 100 megabytes random access memory are of great importance. There is no need to repeat once again that this great way forget about what a CD is, DVDs and flash drives. That's probably all that can be said about the main functions of the program. As you can see, there is everything that both a beginner and an advanced user need.

Some more useful information

If you often work on large projects that change every now and then, then the best way to make life easier for yourself and those around you is to install the program described and take advantage of the service’s capabilities. There is Dropbox for Windows, Linux, Android and other popular operating systems. Therefore, you can install the program on almost any platform. You can find a huge number for yourself useful information and files, for this it is recommended to use a public folder where people add various documents. If one of your work colleagues has made changes to the file, you will immediately see it and be aware of it. Mobility is the main strength of the program, it is always at hand, as noted above, there is no need to authorize Dropbox. Login is automatic and even offline.

It is not at all necessary to use the program only for work. While on vacation, you can upload photos and videos to the cloud and send them to your friends and family. The developers of this software have created an information site that allows you to share your impressions of using the utility, its address: dl.dropbox. Remember, if you make a change to a document by mistake, don't panic, you can easily undo it by rolling back to a previous version. The same applies to accidental deletion. All information on your account activity is stored for a month.


Despite the fact that the program is extremely easy to use, the review turned out to be quite voluminous. We have completely understood the concept of Dropbox, what it is, and also what the program is needed for. The main thing is to understand the principle of operation. You upload a file to the service, which is stored there. If you ask what benefit developers have, the answer is simple: they get good money for it, since most buy space and premium accounts, which give more features. After reading the article, you should have understood the meaning of Dropbox, what kind of program it is and what audience of users it is aimed at. These are completely different people, businessmen, students, office employees, architects, etc.

The most important thing is that even a child can figure out how to use Dropbox, this is the main advantage of the service. Combined with high reliability and file security, you get irreplaceable assistant. If the allocated free space is not enough for you, then for just $10 per month you can purchase another 100 gigabytes of space. As a reference, I would like to say that in 2011 the company earned more than $240,000,000, and every year this amount is steadily growing, which indicates the popularity of the service. That’s essentially all about Dropbox, what kind of program it is, we hope it’s clear to you.

Many users of computers and similar devices, reading all kinds of Internet resources, are surprised: what is dropbox?

But in reality there is nothing surprising about it.

Although this does not mean that it is completely useless. On the contrary, this is one of the best tools, giving the modern user freedom and depriving him of a certain routine associated with the transfer of information.

What is the benefit

The progress of computer technology has reached such a level that it is becoming increasingly difficult to use any storage media other than virtual ones. This is because the modern user wants to feel complete freedom, including physical freedom, regardless of the circumstances.

Moreover, physical media, having a different service life, still wear out over time, and storing it on them is especially important information, for example, working documents, becomes unsafe, because hardware error such as bad sector disk may result in information being lost forever.

It is also worth noting that copying information from one physical medium to another, especially if your device has older data transfer ports, can take quite a long time.

All these problems can be solved with Dropbox help. This is a cloud service that allows you to store and quickly update user data as long as you have an Internet connection. It makes it possible to use the same document on different geographically distributed devices, for example, at home and at work, without additional copying.

At the same time, data can be easily synchronized, i.e. update without using complex tools.

The only condition is that you need to create a personal account on the server and install the appropriate branded application to your device from which the data will be transferred.

Video lesson. What is Dropbox and how to use it?

Dropbox - what is this program and how to use it: [instructions]

Account creation

The procedure for creating an account is quite simple. To do this, you need to launch an Internet browser and go to the official website of the developer dropbox.com and fill out the fields on the main page. They will need to indicate:

  • last name;
  • email address (mail);
  • password created for the account.

After this, you need to tick the box that agrees to the terms of use and click the “Sign up” button.

Please note: since the service is English, all fields and commands will be displayed in English.

This completes the registration of a new user and the creation of an account, and the site offers to install the client application on any device, including a mobile one (tablet or smartphone based on iOS or Android). However, you can do this for all devices if you plan to use the same files on each of them.

Rice. 2 – Operation scheme

How to install

Installation is just as easy as creating an account. Its developers have simplified it as much as possible. In order to download the installation file, you need to click the “Download Dropbox” button, which will become available immediately after registration.

Important: the developers have simplified the installation procedure to simple operations, and therefore, when you click the download button, the application required to work on a specific platform, be it Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS, will be downloaded.

Once the download is complete, all you need to do is run installation file and, if necessary, follow the instructions of the installation wizard. After launching it, you need to select the item in the dialog that opens: “I already have a Dropbox account”, go to the next step of the wizard and enter again mailing address and password and proceed to the next step. On it you need to select the first item indicating what you will use free version with 2 GB of usable server space.

After this, you usually need to select the installation type (advanced or regular). In this case, you can then view a short help on working with the program or go straight to the installation.

At the final stage of the wizard, you can automatically launch the application or do it manually (by first unchecking the last window of the wizard) by clicking the icon on the desktop or, when using the desktop version (installed on a computer or laptop), click on the corresponding taskbar icon.

What is Dropbox and how to use the program?

Dropbox is a place for your photos, documents, videos and other files. Everything you keep in Dropbox is secure, synced, and easily shared from your laptop to your smartphone or tablet and back again.

How to use

It's not difficult to start using the application. During installation, the program usually creates a special folder called Dropbox, through which data will be synchronized.

Please note: there must be enough disk space to save files

On MacOS this folder will be stored by default in the Favorites directory, and on Windows it will be stored in My Documents. During installation it is automatically added electronic instructions in English, which you can read and learn a lot of useful information.

All data in popular graphic formats (photos, pictures) and documents (text, spreadsheets, etc.) copied to this folder will be constantly updated to the latest version, i.e. synchronize via server.

The fact that synchronization was successful in the desktop version will be indicated by the presence of a green arrow on the shortcut.

If you use the mobile version of the application, then the work process will be somewhat more complicated. For example, downloading data from the application will be carried out using the “Export” command, available from the menu, but uploading it back to the server will be carried out using the “Open with Dropbox” command.

But in mobile version A special option will be available that is not available in the desktop version. It allows you to preview the contents of a file before loading it into another application appropriate for work, which is especially convenient when working together with documents, for example, with colleagues.

Fig. 3 – Service in the browser


The main disadvantage of this service is that in order to use it, you need to install the application not only on your personal device, be it a computer, laptop or something else, but also on the target one where you want to deliver the data. Otherwise, using the service will be more difficult. To do this, you will need to go directly to the site under your account and download all documents from it manually.

Likewise, you will have to download all the data so that it is updated correctly on the server.

Another drawback is the need to have an Internet connection with both devices, otherwise it will not be possible to receive data from the server and synchronize. But if you consider that the Internet is now available in almost every home, then this drawback can be neglected.

Fig. 4 - Service in Windows


As you can see, understand Dropbox - what it is , and how to use it is not at all difficult. To use it, no serious knowledge of computer architecture is required, and the skills of a novice user will be quite sufficient. If you delve into the service's functions, you will also find many useful options.

One of them is to create folders for sharing. All data sent to them will be able to be used by other users you invite and add their files to it.

This option was found wide application V educational sphere, when the teacher gives students or schoolchildren an assignment along with a link to a folder in Dropbox, and the students, in turn, after completing the assignment, upload their files to the teacher, which significantly simplifies both their checking and the interaction between students and the teacher.

Welcome to the pages of my blog. Today I will dissuade you from using one of the most popular services. Of course, not without reason. I'll explain and tell you everything. As always, I will try to be brief, clear and as convincing as possible. About too useful, but not advantageous offer there will be a speech.

Chances are, if you've ever bought a phone, you've come across a pre-installed Dropbox extension, what kind of program is this, what useful features she has and how just one company managed to combine all the methods that I don’t like in marketing and advertising.


I already wrote. Dropbox, or in Russian “Throw the box”, is such a service.

Clouds are actually cool. What are their advantages? What are they needed for? The first advantage is data safety. Information will never be lost. If you have any significant documents, photographs, videos or anything else electronic, then no the best way storage than the cloud.

The computer may break down removable drive fly, the flash drive gets lost. The server is not going anywhere. Of course, if the provider is reputable and monitors its products.

When your removable disk or laptop “flies”, in order to recover data, in most cases you will be asked to send the storage medium to Moscow or another large city. This happened to me.

When something breaks on the cloud, the recovery is done by the people who provide it. In the case of Dropbox, Dropbox Inc. The repair and return of documents will fall on the fragile shoulders of the guys from San Francisco. You won't have to send anything to anyone. They will find it themselves (via the Internet) and repair it.

The second advantage is mobility. All cloud services provide a kit consisting of an application for a phone, be it Android or iPhone, a program for a computer and an online service. From any of these devices, you log into your account and see the documents stored inside.

Let's say you logged into Dropbox from your computer and left for work. There you needed to log into one of the password-protected accounts. There is no need to call your wife and ask her to find a file in order to dictate the code. Just log in from your mobile phone and see all the information yourself.

Only you have access to documents, but if you wish, you can open it for your friend, comrade, or colleague. Use two buttons to assign a URL to the document. This is done for free. You send him a link and he downloads the information he needs.

It's especially convenient when you need it. You uploaded the document to disk and don’t worry about when it downloaded, when the download is completed, why the process is taking so long. Do not care. They gave the link and forgot.

About dropbox

In the article “Which cloud service to choose,” I didn’t even consider Dropbox for many valid reasons. If you're interested, read my detailed review about Yandex Drive, Google Drive and Mail.ru drive, follow the link above. In this chapter I will tell only part of the information. I'll compare them with Dropbox, which I haven't talked about before.

See if you download Dropbox from the official website , or simply register here to use online service, then you will be given only 2 GB of memory for free.

Dropbox is a comprehensive cloud storage and sharing system separate files with other network users, even if they do not use it, like any cloud system, it stores files on its server, but its peculiarity is that it can upload files from the server and back, constantly synchronizing them.

— If you delete, move or add files from the folder designated for dropbox, then this action they will be automatically dealt with on the server. Thus, you do not need any manipulations with the interface, command line, browser transitions, etc., although dropbox allows this if you want, but more on that later.

- Dropbox is a multi-platform system - which means that you can run it both under Windows and under Linux, macOS, Android and many other platforms including phones, tablets and other devices, thereby allowing you to synchronize data on different devices in real time.

— There is an affiliate program, although it does not pay you money, but only expands the amount of space for storing your account data in the system.

— There is a free tariff plan, in fact, 90%-95% of users use it, and the service lives and develops on the remaining 10%-5%.

— In one of the new versions it was translated into Russian.

Naturally, like any other system, dropbox has limitations; I will describe only those that I encountered (at the time of reading this article, they may have changed more or less). The first thing that catches your eye is that there is no resuming of files, that is, if you copied to dropbox folder any files, and after 5 minutes Internet access was lost and synchronization was not completed.

- then when you reconnect, the file will be downloaded again - this is not a problem if you have fast internet and upload small files, but this is not always the case.

maximum volume the uploaded file should not exceed 300 megabytes - I think this is very reasonable, since dropbox is intended specifically for small files - mainly work data that you need constantly, and not backup storage of images of your disks or any films.

— maximum volume of dropbox “disk” on free tariff plan is 2GB, but can be expanded up to 16GB.

- if you want to transfer a file to someone via a link for further downloading, then you will have to use only Latin, numbers and symbols in the file name, that is, Cyrillic and spaces are not allowed, otherwise dropbox will encode so that the link will be broken, but the files you use You can call it whatever you want just for yourself.

Registration in dropbox, as you might guess, is done on the website. First, go to the website https://db.tt/5dEaBqQ - please note that this is an affiliate link, if you register using it, you will receive 2GB in addition.

You will receive another 500 MB of basic space from me, that is, immediately after registration you will have 2.5 GB. if you only want 2GB. and not a byte more, then you can follow the link: http://dropbox.com and register using it.

Here we fill in the standard data (first name, last name, mailbox and password).

After registration you will be shown further proposals for working with the service.

As you might guess, this is a “mini-quest”, that is, you are offered tasks - you complete at least 5 of them and for this you are given a reward of 250 MB. and you move on.

Why not everyone? because 2 of them cannot always be completed, for example, you may not have a smartphone or tablet, or you may only have one computer. But be that as it may, we need everything to work, and the rest will be “finished” later, so feel free to choose the second point.

Thus, we go to the page for downloading the program which will synchronize data with the dropbox server after installation, if you have Windows then:

if it’s linux or another distribution, then you may be asked to choose, but be that as it may, there are usually no difficulties in this. For the Linux version there is also a client for working in command line, which allows you to automate many processes.

Next, install the installer, it’s better to choose this one, I don’t know why, maybe it’s just me, but when downloading and installing the “web” version it doesn’t work context menu dropbox in explorer and “screenshots”.

The next step is to select the folders that will be synchronized.

After installation, you can immediately start using dropbox, but first, I will show you the settings of dropbox. To begin with, it is worth noting that the dropbox in the context menu and when hovered with a tooltip signals any current process, such as updating the dropbox itself, any file synchronization (deleting, adding, changing, renaming).

We also see how much space is already occupied. as in megabytes. and as a percentage, in new version it seems to me that it has become less convenient, since in one of the versions they made it so that when you right-click the mouse, it would open not a context menu, but a completely useless window, and thus you have to make 2 clicks, for example in old version this is wrong:

To get a link to a particular file: you need to click on it right click mouse and you have an additional item in the file submenu of your file manager(Explorer, nautilus, etc.) there is a sub-item: “copy link” makes it possible to copy the link to the clipboard, and then you can paste the resulting link to anyone.

The new version also has the ability to take “screenshots” - this is a screenshot, in this case by pressing “Print Screen” on the keyboard, the picture from your screen will be saved in separate folder dropbox, which is also synchronized by default.

Parameters – dropbox doesn’t have many parameters and almost all of them are clear without explanation, but I will briefly describe those that may cause difficulties.

Here you can configure general parameters, such as autoloading of Dropbox at startup, language, and more; if the language is the system language, then the one in which your entire system is running will be selected.

Account - everything is a little more interesting here, as you can make more fine-tuning

The location is where the dropbox folder will be located - in fact, in which your file space will be synchronized with the server. If we tell you system partition is full or you don’t want to load it with unnecessary data, you can change the path here by choosing the most suitable location for you.

Selective synchronization is what folders and their contents will be uploaded to and downloaded from the server. We did the same thing immediately after installation.

An account is the account that is registered under you and with which you logged into dropbox. If you have several of them, you can change them here.

Bandwidth - choose the speed limit with which dropbox will work if you have a weak, hourly Internet or any other reasons

Proxy servers - this is if you need a proxy server for the connection, but in most cases you will not need it, the exception is Satellite Internet or other reasons, but if you don’t know what a proxy server is, then it’s better not to touch anything here.

Many manipulations with the service can also be carried out directly from the site; this can be especially convenient if not all folders on your current device are synchronized, and you want to delete, rename or give a link to someone to a file in a given folder.

You just need to point at required file mouse cursor and right-click, a context menu will immediately appear

Or, as I prefer, copy the link and give it to someone you want to attract - I think this is the most optimal way. Whatever method you use or you can use them all at once, but for each person you refer you will be given 500MB. additional space, the one who was attracted will also be given the same amount so that he has an incentive to follow your link. But keep in mind that the transition will be credited to you only when the invitee installs the program and logs in to it, and not at the moment of clicking on the link.

The settings on the website are slightly different than in the program itself, since they are responsible specifically for the “online” version. To go to settings in the top right click on your name

A Profile will open here, where you can set General settings and personal ones, such as displaying the time format and events for which notifications will be sent to your email, for example, if some new device is connected to your account.

Account - here we manipulate account- essentially a very little useful thing

Security - here we change the password, look at when and what you logged in for the last time, which devices were connected in chronological order.

I'll end here this review the possibilities of dropbox, all the best to you.