Online organizers - services for compiling task lists. The best to-do planner for computer

Online organizers - services for compiling task lists.  The best to-do planner for computer
Online organizers - services for compiling task lists. The best to-do planner for computer

Offline programs for creating websites- This specialized software, which simplifies the process of creating and editing websites, such programs are used on a computer with Windows, Mac or Android installed. The difference between offline software and cloud designers is that to publish a website on the Internet you will need to do it yourself purchase hosting and upload site files to it. There is no online control panel in such programs; subsequent site updates occur by uploading changed files to the server. That is, editing and finalizing the content of a website requires a PC with software, availability of project files on your hard drive and synchronization with your hosting account. For ordinary designers, all these processes are automated.

The number of modern programs for creating websites is small, we we'll show you the top ones of them. But let’s start with a description of a service that can easily replace any of them.

(review) - universal online constructor With visual editor and an intuitive interface. It is the most popular tool for creating business card websites, landing pages and online stores. The uKit web service is also a kind of "program", initially pre-installed on the hosting. The only difference is that website files received in desktop programs need to be later upload it yourself for prepaid hosting. The designer has them from the very beginning are already there there, and all changes are saved in real time. Well, as for the interfaces - with uKit it hangs in the cloud and is accessible through a browser, and the files of desktop applications are located on the disk of a computer that does not have a connection to the Internet through a DNS server.

Website builders- this is the peak of the evolution of offline tools for creating websites yourself, representing a really convenient concept for both beginners and professionals.

Using the constructor, you don’t have to download or install anything, because:

  • hosting is included by default;
  • the program is already configured optimally;
  • functionality is updated automatically;
  • a selection of ready-made templates is available;
  • new ones are being introduced modern technologies;
  • integrations with other services are available;
  • instructions included;
  • technical support is always in touch.

It is important that the designer is not only modern in technically and convenient, but also affordable. For sites created in offline programs need separate hosting, which costs money. Domain name you need to buy in both cases. The cost of the annual uKit tariff will cost $36 (including the discount promo code: UGUIDE-25). Is this too much? Hosting for a website created in the program will cost about half as much. Well, or the same amount, if you take it realistically good quality service. The programs also have paid elements (templates, extensions, modules) that can increase the cost of use. In uKit, you just need to pay the appropriate tariff and it will open full access for all the functionality, you won’t have to pay extra. So which is more profitable?

uKit provides complete ecosystem assembled, allows you to start using yourself instantly after logging into the official website. Straight into battle, without settings, instructions or dancing with a tambourine. You can assemble a finished website yourself in one evening.

Can the same be said about the desktop application? Therefore, with a very similar cost of use, uKit can be considered a “killer” of the programs that will be described below. Applications for creating websites are good in their own way, but they cannot compete in terms of convenience with an affordable, modern online website builder.

Mobirise is the best and absolutely free website creation program

Mobirise (review) is free offline constructor for creating websites yourself on your PC or laptop (Windows, Mac, Android). The program is best suited for launching sites with a small number of pages: business card sites, landing pages, one-pagers or portfolios. The assembly process is carried out in a visual editor, the interface is simple and extremely comfortable, ideal for beginners. To get started, you need to download the archive with the program to your computer, install it and create an account.

The application is reminiscent of the Lego constructor in its approach to website creation: the user is provided with a large number of blocks for various purposes, which must be dragged into the editor window, thus creating a site with the required structure. Blocks are the building material of a website: menus, headers, sliders and galleries, benefits, media content, articles, information, reviews, social networks, prices, forms, maps and footers. The design and content of blocks can be changed: color, fonts, add effects, buttons, links, headings. Unnecessary elements(arrows, buttons, descriptions, etc.) can be thrown out of blocks or turned off. SEO settings are present, as well as the ability to create multi-page sites with multi-level menu. The functionality is enough to design a cool business card or landing page.

The finished blocks are designed in the same style within the selected template. The latter in the usual sense are not here; there are 5 types of design: 2 free and 3 paid. They look attractive, modern and noticeably differ from each other in design style. Each block contains demo content for clarity. If necessary, you can purchase additional blocks ($39) if the standard ones are not enough. There is also a pack of vector icons, a separate slider widget, a code editor and payment acceptance via PayPal ($29). Connecting analytics from Google, Soundcloud, commenting widgets via social networks and social bar are free. All purchases made in the system remain forever. That is, we are not talking about monthly rental of functionality. Buy it once and use it without restrictions.

Mobirise is the clear leader in convenience and cost among computer programs for creating websites. It has a visual editor, beautiful design themes, and the ability to free use, frequent updates and comfort in work. What else is needed for happiness?

Basic package Mobirise absolutely free. All paid add-ons are intended, rather, to expand the areas of application of the system. But their absence does not in any way limit the possibility of creating the main type of site for the platform - business cards. You don’t have to pay for it at all and get a beautiful responsive website as a result. All costs come down to the purchase of hosting and a domain for uploading the site to the Internet. You can create an unlimited number of projects and store them on your computer, hosting or in the cloud.

Adobe Muse - a professional tool from the creators of Photoshop

Adobe Muse (review) is powerful and advanced program to create websites on your computer. It is considered an ideal platform for professional creation of landing pages, business card sites, portfolios and small stores. The program interface will seem simple only to experienced users Photoshop. Everyone else will need third-party lessons, courses, or a lot of time and patience to master it.

In Adobe Muse, it is quite easy to customize the design if you have a design flair. Unfortunately, few people here can create a usable page from scratch without any skills. It's better to use templates then. The structure of the latter here differs from the usual one. Templates refer to layouts filled with elements that are repeated on all other pages. That is, the full version of the site design consists of templates (for the header, footer) and individual pages(about us, contacts, etc.). You can edit, duplicate and create/delete them almost freely. There is only one limitation: elements that report to the template cannot be changed from a regular page.

Adobe Muse is perfect for those who want to learn create masterpiece landing pages. Or for those who already know a little and want to expand their capabilities. Designing business card websites is more difficult because everything needs to be done manually. Full-fledged stores are inconvenient to create, blogging is generally taboo, since the software does not have an online control panel and, therefore, cannot dynamically update content. Landing pages and one-pagers on Muse can and should be promoted contextual advertising And social networks. The built-in features are very standard: connecting Yandex and Google analytics, filling out meta tags. Everything else needs to be done in third-party services.

Adobe Muse is the ideal program for creating landing pages. For those who want to monetize their activities in this niche, the platform is 100% suitable. As your skill level increases, you will be able to create equally impressive multi-page sites. Muse is the choice of designers and all those who want to become one. The software is great, but not for everyone.

The program is paid, it's worth it from 454 rub/month by subscription to Creative Cloud - a cloud ecosystem of Adobe products. Allows you to create adaptive pages in HTML5, which can then be uploaded to a PC or any hosting. There is a free trial period of 7 days.

Offline programs or online constructors?

Despite their small numbers, modern computer programs for creating websites continue to evolve. The most striking examples are Adobe Muse and Mobirise. The developers of the latter are not at all embarrassed by competition with cloud services. They go their own way, regularly rolling out interesting updates. If it were not for the need to separately purchase/set up hosting, this site builder would be among the top systems with a visual editor.

The best programs for creating a website:

uKit - the most practical and the optimal online service for most beginners who want to quickly and inexpensively launch an effective landing page or business card website. You just log into the admin panel from any PC via a browser using your username/password and start working from the first minute, everything is simple and intuitive.
Mobirise is perfect for beginners to publish a single site - there is nothing to understand there at all. Everyone can do it. Moreover, the program is free. Suitable for personal use - creating landing pages and business card sites with a beautiful but simple design.
Adobe Muse - has the most powerful page design editor, unrivaled in this parameter. It's difficult to use at first, but then it's convenient. Suitable for designers and those who want to make landing pages to order.

In view of the above, even a very convenient and simple program for creating websites is a little more difficult to use, all other things being equal. Therefore, in our opinion, the future still lies with SaaS platforms, like the aforementioned uKit web service.

This could be, for example, a shopping list or things to do before packing for vacation. We will tell you the most convenient way to create such lists, as well as manage scheduled tasks.

Creating a to-do list and tasks is a very useful habit. In the era of computers, smartphones and tablets, these are no longer crumpled pieces of paper with notes written in a hurry that are easy to lose. It is convenient to sort to-do lists in electronic form, distribute them into categories and assign tags to them, and also set up reminders. To-do lists or todo lists are a convenient thing that simplifies everyday life.

In this article we will look at the most popular applications for managing to-do lists - for computers, mobile devices and their online counterparts. Interestingly, there are not many applications for creating and storing to-do lists for PC. Most of these programs are either mobile applications or web services.

This can be explained very easily: a modern active person should be able to manage his affairs and tasks anywhere and at any time, and not just when he is at his computer. It is quite logical that both the director of the company and the housewife will want to have their task list “in their pocket” so that they can look at it while in a traffic jam, in a children's clinic or during a break between meetings or conferences.

In addition, a very important function of some services and applications is to notify other users participating in the task about the intended event.

1. Business organizer

Name: LeaderTask 20


Price: from 1990 to 2225 rub.

Platform: Windows, Android, iOS

LeaderTask is the most popular among planning applications, primarily because it is a multi-platform solution. LeaderTask users have access to versions for PC and mobile platforms- Android, iOS with the ability to synchronize data between devices.

After launching the LeaderTask Windows client, the program icon is placed in the system tray, thus providing simple and convenient access to the application. Users can add notes and tasks to the LeaderTask database. The program is convenient in that on one screen it immediately presents lists of tasks and notes, as well as a list of appointments located directly on the calendar grid.

Tasks in LeaderTask can be immediately assigned to projects, which further simplifies their organization and search. The desktop version of the program supports drag&drop - tasks can be assigned to projects by simply dragging them onto the project list. You can assign tasks in the same way specific dates- you just need to drag the task onto the desired date or into the calendar grid for the desired time.

For each task you can assign a whole series additional parameters, including the color with which the task will be highlighted in the general list. Tasks can be accompanied by a text comment, and a file can also be attached to them. For complex tasks LeaderTask allows you to add subtasks. It is possible to set priorities and set up reminders.

Using filters in LeaderTask will allow you to conveniently manage tasks and search for the ones you need. Filters can be built based on several selection criteria. The program also allows you to build filters based on the calendar, thus selecting tasks that are scheduled for a certain period of time. In the program window, you can switch between calendar, project, category, and contact modes.

By the way, the contact list is one of the unusual functions of the task management program. The program makes it possible to create (import from a smartphone) a list of contacts and assign tasks to them. Thanks to this, you can see what tasks were assigned to a particular person - an employee or a friend. In general, LeaderTask is a program for convenient optimization and systematization of tasks that arise before the user. You can try the program for free for 45 days.

Pros: Fully localized, there are applications for mobile OS, filters, project support

Minuses: High license cost

2. Convenient to-do list

Convenient to-do list - Any.DO

Name: Any.DO


Price: for free

Platform: Android, iOS, Google Chrome

This application has versions not only for iOS and Android, but also as an application for the Google Chrome browser. Any.DO has a simple and user-friendly interface. In mobile versions, you can sort lists by simply dragging and dropping their elements. One of the advantages of the program is that tasks can be spoken out loud, and mobile version will take what is said and save it as a text note. There is also support for the Russian language.

When adding a task, Any.DO will allow you to move tasks to folders, mark their importance, set up task repetition, and add an extended description to it. You can attach a contact list item to a task, for example, if the task you are adding is a meeting with someone you know or are friends with. At the same time, you can configure sending this person a notification about the added task. Thanks to this feature, the Any.DO application can be used as a task planning tool for employees of a small company.

The program has the ability to set geolocation tags for tasks and set reminders in accordance with the user’s location. For example, the program will be able to remind the user to buy certain products if he finds himself in a shopping center or prompt him to buy tickets to the premiere if the user is near the ticket office.

Obviously, the grocery list and reminder need to be set up in advance. In the Any.DO application, tasks are automatically generated based on missed or rejected phone calls, the content of the task is to call back the specified number. The program is equipped with the ability to synchronize data between devices, as well as with a list of Google Tasks. It is also possible to store backup copy created lists.

Minuses: Menu items are not always localized correctly

3. Meticulous planner

Meticulous planner - Todo List | Task List

Name: 2Do: Todo List | Task List


Price: from 245 rub.

Platform: Mac, iOS, Android

2Do Program: Todo List | Task List is a convenient task scheduler for Android devices. Users can add tasks, use tags for them, and assign a geolocation tag to them, allowing them to determine the location of this task (at home, in the office, in a shopping center).

The basic principles of the application are built using known system planning Getting Things Done. Individual entries in 2Do: Todo List | Task List can be protected with a password. The program does not have its own data storage, but it can set up synchronization with your Dropbox account. This means that you will have access to the data from any mobile device.

Pros: Syncs to-do lists with different devices, including iOS smartphones and tablets

Cons: No free version

4. Problems for the pros

Problems for the pros -



Price: free (Pro version - $20 per year)

Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

This online service is a universal solution for various platforms. You can work in the scheduler through programs for Windows and Mac, or using mobile applications for Android and iOS. Demon paid version for PC is implemented as a web service or plugin for Firefox browsers, Safari, Chrome. The paid Pro version of has client applications for Windows and Mac OS.

If you use the paid Pro version, the service ensures synchronization of to-do lists between all devices on which the service is installed and connected. The program is built on the principles of using the well-known Get Things Done (GTD) ideology, so here you will find contexts, goals and other elements of this time management system. users can add lists in full and short mode.

In the second case, only the name of the task is entered, and in full mode the date, location, folder, priority and tags are indicated. The program provides convenient sorting of tasks according to various criteria, including completion time, location, project or priorities. There is also selection by tags. Depending on the date and priority, tasks will be automatically placed in the appropriate folders. For example, "Tomorrow" is a folder with tasks that need to be completed the next day. The program provides geotags - indicating the location of the task.

For certain tasks, which can be completed if a certain condition is met, has a special list called “waiting list”. Another feature of is the presence of a special section for goals and contexts.

Contexts are, to a certain extent, analogues of geolocation tags, but more universal. The context can be “work” - tasks that can be performed while the user is at the workplace, “home” - tasks related to household chores, “computer” - tasks that should be performed on a PC, etc.

Pros: Multi-platform, synchronization between devices

Minuses: Confusing interface, difficult to master for those unfamiliar with Get Things Done

5. Simple to-do list manager

A simple to-do list manager - Wunderlist

Name: Wunderlist


Price: for free

Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Wunderlist is implemented as mobile application, and there is also a web version. Tasks in Wunderlist are saved in lists. Unfortunately, this is the only tool for categorizing posts, available to users service. Tags or categories are not supported in the web version. Some compensation for this shortcoming is the convenient addition and editing of tasks in Wunderlist. P

When editing a task, you can add start dates and reminders, set a repetition interval for recurring tasks, add subtasks and text notes. Individual tasks can be marked as highlighted - this is probably how the authors of the service propose to highlight the most important tasks from the general list. In addition, Wunderlist users have access to simple ordering of their task list - they can be swapped with a simple drag-and-drop.

On the left side of the screen there are lists - both user-created and standard: Inbox (current), Starred (starred), Today (planned for today), Week (planned for the week). If the user needs a simple list of tasks, without special category settings, Wunderlist can be recommended. For those who cannot do without categories, Wunderlist is unlikely to be suitable.

Pros: Ease of use, multi-platform

Minuses: There are no usual categories and tags

6. Online manager

Online manager - TODOist

Name: TODOist


Price: for free

Platform: online service

Online service has a minimal set of task management features. At the same time, it can be used as a powerful tool for increasing personal productivity. Its only drawback is that many settings and functions of the service are available using built-in service commands. For example, adding a date preceded by an “@” symbol to the task name will automatically assign a date to the task.

Tags in TODOist must also begin with the “@” symbol. In addition, the service supports a variety of hotkeys that simplify task management. To group tasks in TODOist, there are projects. To sort tasks, TODOist uses specially formulated queries, which can be entered into the query field.

In this way, you can select tasks scheduled for the next day. To do this, just enter the request “tomorrow” or tasks for the next 5 days - in this case the request will look like “5 days”. Additional benefit TODOist is the use of plugins for Google browsers Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Using these plugins, you can display a task list panel as a sidebar in your browser, and you can add new tasks through a button located on the TODOist toolbar.

In addition to the free one, there is also a commercial version of TODOist that costs about 70 rubles. per month or 1100 rub. in year. Users of paid versions can add comments to their tasks, receive reminders in the form of SMS, and export tasks to Google Calendar or Outlook.

Pros: Simple interface, ability to use browser plugins

Minuses: It's difficult to get used to using hotkeys and special system syntax

Programming is a creative and interesting process. In order to create programs you do not always need to know languages. What tool is needed to create programs? You need a programming environment. With its help, your commands are translated into computer-readable binary code. But there are a lot of languages, and even more programming environments. We will look at a list of programs for creating programs.

PascalABC.NET is a simple, free development environment for the Pascal language. This is what is most often used in schools and universities for teaching. This program in Russian will allow you to create projects of any complexity. The code editor will prompt and help you, and the compiler will point out errors. Possesses high speed yu program execution.

The advantage of using Pascal is that it is object-oriented programming. OOP is much more convenient than procedural programming, although it is more voluminous.

Unfortunately, PascalABC.NET is a bit demanding on computer resources and may freeze on older machines.

Free Pascal

Free Pascal is a cross-platform compiler, not a programming environment. With its help, you can check the program for correct spelling, as well as run it. But you won't be able to compile it in .exe. Free Pascal has high execution speed, as well as simple and clear interface.

Just like in many similar programs, the code editor in Free Pascal can help the programmer by completing the writing of commands for him.

Its disadvantage is that the compiler can only determine whether there are errors or not. It does not highlight the line where the error was made, so the user has to look for it himself.

Turbo Pascal

Almost the first tool for creating programs on a computer is Turbo Pascal. This programming environment is designed for operating system DOS and to run it on Windows you need to install additional software. The Russian language is supported and has high execution and compilation speed.

Turbo Pascal has this interesting function, like tracing. In trace mode, you can watch the program work step by step and monitor data changes. This will help you find the hardest errors to find—logical errors.

Although Turbo Pascal is easy and reliable to use, it is still slightly outdated: created in 1996, Turbo Pascal is only relevant for one OS - DOS.

This is a visual programming environment in Pascal. Its user-friendly, intuitive interface makes it easy to create programs with minimal language knowledge. Lazarus is almost completely compatible with the Delphi programming language.

Unlike Algorithm and HiAsm, Lazarus still requires knowledge of the language, in our case Pascal. Here you not only assemble the program piece by piece with the mouse, but also write code for each element. This allows you to better understand the processes occurring in the program.

Lazarus allows you to use a graphics module with which you can work with images and also create games.

Unfortunately, if you have questions, you will have to look for answers on the Internet, since Lazarus does not have documentation.


HiAsm is a free constructor that is available in Russian. You don't need to know a language to create programs - here you simply assemble it piece by piece, like a designer. There are many components available here, but you can expand their range by installing add-ons.

Unlike the Algorithm, this is a graphical programming environment. Everything you create will be displayed on the screen in the form of a drawing and diagram, not code. This is quite convenient, although for some text entry I like it better.

HiAsm is quite powerful and it has high program execution speed. This is especially important when creating games that use a graphics module, which significantly slows down the work. But for HiAsm this is not a problem.

Algorithm is an environment for creating programs in Russian, one of the few. Its peculiarity is that it uses text-based visual programming. This means that you can create a program without knowing the language. An algorithm is a constructor that has a large set of components. Information about each component can be found in the program documentation.

The Algorithm also allows you to work with the graphics module, but applications using graphics will take quite a long time to run.

In the free version, you can compile a project from .alg to .exe only on the developer’s website and only 3 times a day. This is one of the main disadvantages. You can purchase a licensed version and compile projects directly in the program.

IntelliJ IDEA is one of the most popular cross-platform IDEs. This environment has a free, slightly limited and paid version. For most programmers, the free version is sufficient. It has a powerful code editor that will fix errors and complete code for you. If you make a mistake, the environment tells you about it and offers possible solutions. It's an intelligent development environment that predicts your actions.

Another handy feature in InteliiJ IDEA is automatic control memory. The so-called “garbage collector” constantly monitors the memory that is allocated for the program, and, in the case when the memory is no longer needed, the collector frees it.

But everything has its downsides. A slightly confusing interface is one of the problems that new programmers face. It is also obvious that such a powerful environment has quite high system requirements for correct operation.

Eclipse is most often used to work with the Java programming language, but it also supports work with other languages. It is one of the main competitors of IntelliJ IDEA. The difference between Eclipse and him similar programs The fact is that you can install various add-ons to it and it can be completely customized.

Eclipse also has high compilation and execution speeds. You can run every program created in this environment on any operating system, since Java is a cross-platform language.

The difference between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA is the interface. In Eclipse it is much simpler and clearer, which makes it more beginner-friendly.

But just like all IDEs for Java, Eclipse still has its own system requirements, so it will not work on every computer. Although these requirements are not so high.

It is impossible to say with certainty which software for creating programs is the best. You need to select a language and then try each environment for it. After all, each IDE is different and has its own characteristics. Who knows which one you'll like best.

Alexander Shikhov, 11/08/2013 (09/01/2015)

Things to do, things to do... There are a lot of them. And just when it seems to us that we have dealt with all the important matters, new ones pile up. When an emergency comes, it is difficult to keep a list of all the tasks in memory, and we resort to the help of pieces of paper. And there are still things that need to be done regularly. For example, important payments. How to deal with all this? Sign up for time management training? No. For now, let’s try a simpler tool - we’ll entrust the work of storing and organizing our affairs to a program that will always be with us and turn into a personal secretary for us, reminding us of all meetings, regular tasks and much more.


The first program we'll look at is called Wunderlist.

Things here are collected in folders. But how to create folders is up to you. When you first launch the application, it creates the “Work”, “Personal”, “Shopping”, “Movies to Watch”, “Wish List” folders. However, by clicking on the “Add List” button, you can make your own to-do folders and manage them as you see fit. And so that standard lists do not interfere, they can be hidden or deleted. The “Today” and “Week” lists will allow you to evaluate your upcoming scheduled tasks, regardless of the lists in which they are located.

The Wunderlist app allows you to connect to your Google and Facebook accounts. This is necessary for your identification and subsequent communication with your friends.

The paid version allows you to discuss your business with friends from the same Facebook.

Wunderlist allows you to get your things in order. The task database is synchronized between all your devices, both mobile and home computer. You can always use the online service.


If the Wunderlist described above is still more just a slightly automated analogue of a regular paper to-do list, then Any.DO is a truly fresh look. Just like Wunderlist, things that need to be done today, regardless of whether they belong to your work or personal goals, are placed in the Today folder.

To complete a task, simply swipe across it, crossing out the item on the list. It will fall to the bottom of the list and turn gray. You can assign a task category, as well as an estimated completion time, and add a reminder or note. To do all this, tap the task in the list.

A long touch will allow you to shift the task between “Today”, “Tomorrow” and “Someday”.

Chaos control

Yes, the first two programs are easy to use. They will help you a little in organizing your affairs. But the most advanced time management technology is implemented in the Chaos Control program!

In this application, tasks are collected in several dimensions at once.

  • A place of chaos: all new tasks that are not distributed across projects or contexts are dumped here.
  • Projects: personal, work, solo activities.
  • Contexts: at home, in the office, in the morning, when there are 15 minutes free, etc.

Of course, all these directories are updated by the user according to his needs. As you can see in the figure, the execution time is set, and the checkbox on the “alarm clock” will create a reminder about the task. By the way, Chaos Control can monitor periodically recurring tasks.

Working with the program is quite simple. First we select the context. For example, we are at home. And we see all the tasks that need to be done in this place.

This program is great! She also has an online service. But synchronization between devices is only possible for a fee, although only 99 rubles.

Modern mobile apps can help you organize your tasks so you don't get overwhelmed with tasks. They will help you filter out the truly important and urgent tasks from those that are coming sometime in the future, but are distracting your attention. Choice specific application- a matter of taste. I liked the ideology of Chaos Control and Any.DO more.

It can often be difficult to remember all the tasks you have to do, especially if there are a lot of them. Finding a mobile application that can help solve this problem is also not easy, but this article will tell you which program you should choose.

There's no shortage of to-do list apps, so we'll try to pick the ones that do the basics best. Such programs should make it easy to add new tasks to the list and see what needs to be done and when. In addition, despite the advantages of applications, if their interface has not been updated since the operating version Android systems Gingerbread, they cannot be recommended for installation.

Minimalist apps


On basic level you just need to create reminders of what needs to be done. Notes apps, of which there are dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, in the store, and which can sync with Google Tasks to create to-do lists, may suffice for this purpose.

However, there are reasons to choose Google's options: Keep or Inbox. This is their cross-platform and the presence of web components that other applications do not have. Both options allow you to set a reminder for a specific time or place, which is surprisingly difficult to find in free applications. All the programs presented in this list allow you to create reminders with a time setting, but none of them gives you the free ability to bind reminders to a location, and some cannot do this even for money.

Keep and Inbox have widgets for quick creation reminders and integration with voice commands Google Now. Gmail users can receive reminders in mailbox, which Inbox allows you to do.

There are options for simple applications that have widgets and options for simple organization and creation of lists. As mentioned above, such applications do not have a number of functions or they are paid. The choice comes down to finding programs with all the free features you need and those you are willing to pay for.

Todoist has been praised for its quality design of adding new tasks and widget to home screen. Todoist has an integrated karma system that turns the program into a game, rewarding you with points for completing tasks that can motivate users. Todoist has integrations with IFTTT and Zapier apps.

The program offers an impressive list free features: Repetition of payment deadlines and subtasks, which in other applications are often available in paid versions. Most users won't need the paid version of Todoist; it costs $28.99 per year and gives you reminders (including location-based), task logos, task notes, adding tasks by e-mail and automatic backup. The lack of reminders can be called the main disadvantage of the free version of Todoist. Daily notifications are given, but a specific notification time cannot be set. has a more minimalist design and is more aggressive in offering a paid version. Two features that stand out are: notifications about missed calls in a pop-up window, which allows you to put them in a list, call back immediately or send a message to the caller; Moment pops up in a window and asks you to set tasks for the day. only gives out Moment for free five times a month, but the paid version costs $26.99 per year. has a number of options that you have to pay for in Todoist, including recurring tasks, adding tasks via email, and task notes. You'll have to pay for location-based reminders, file attachments, and customization options for recurring tasks. does not have integration with IFTTT and other similar applications.

Wunderlist received best set free features, but the design of the program is very simple, even after last year's update. Wunderlist is not as pleasant to use as Todoist or, but if you need to use a wide range of functions, you will have to endure this disadvantage. Free Wunderlist provides reminders, recurring reminders, subtasks, shared tasks, attachments, adding tasks by email, smart lists with daily or weekly tasks. Particularly important tasks can be identified.