What is mts mobile assistant. Internet assistant mts personal account

What is mts mobile assistant.  Internet assistant mts personal account
What is mts mobile assistant. Internet assistant mts personal account

How to implement help function for mobile phone owners? MTS took up this issue back in 1999, creating the first MTS Internet Assistant service, which today is an interactive interface with smart functions that allows subscribers to set up personal services and telecommunications services independently and with the help of the system's "advice" .

Internet Assistant MTS

This mobile feature initially took advantage of Internet access and made it easier for subscribers to access cellular services through a personal assistant. Now this mobile function, including, is implemented, assigned to the MTS number.

The main possibilities include:

  • service management and personal account(payment, replenishment, transfer of funds and bonuses);
  • optimization of expenses for communication services;
  • viewing visits, access services and "black lists" of subscribers that restrict calls to a subscriber number;
  • balance control of numbers of children and parents;
  • cellular advertising.

In addition to the Internet Assistant, room owners have at their disposal a service MTS Service, which allows you to get basic information about your phone using short ussd commands.

How to connect the MTS mobile assistant

The modern MTS Internet Assistant is a multifunctional service, the capabilities of which can be accessed using standard cellular services(using SMS and ussd commands) and Internet services. To avoid confusion, these services are known to subscribers under two names:

  • Internet Assistant is a network service-oriented interface available in the MTS mobile application;
  • MTS Service - these are similar features, but implemented using primary cellular features. Services, as already mentioned, can be accessed using commands and service SMS.

Subscribers have access to two options from the phone at once, which are connected by default - it is convenient for the operator to make subscribers access to services for self setting to exclude unnecessary calls to the support service on 0890. The subscriber has access to full management of his personal account: from detailing, information on tariffs to complete blocking of services by phone.

MTS Service - 111 examples of using the USSD command

Getting access to the Mobile and Internet Assistant can be obtained:

  • by code *111# the subscriber gets access to the expanded menu;
  • by calling to free number– to the voice menu;
  • using the Personal Account of the MTS Assistant on the service website mts.ru;
  • by using mobile application My MTS, which is available on Google Play.

The Internet Assistant, MTS Service and Personal Account are available to any subscriber and are included in the package of mandatory services provided to the subscriber by MTS. To connect the MTS assistant on the website, go to the specified site and go through the first registration using a free SMS password.

MTS mobile assistant commands

The capabilities of the MTS mobile assistant are quite wide to get all the information about your personal account. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, with the help of simple commands, the subscriber is provided with control functions for free with any tariff plan. This can be done from your number from which the call is made or the control command is sent. mobile assistant allows you to set up self-service functions without calling the operator, for example, a subscriber using one command can:

  • get information about your tariff *111*59# ;
  • find out your tariff plan and change it by command *111*2*5# ;
  • control your expenses by command *111*23# ;
  • request cash as a service "Promised payment" - *111*123#;
  • get data on the provided content services *111*919# ;
  • manage the "Favorite number" option: enable *111*42# , disable *111*43# .

The list of commands is quite wide, but if they are not available, you can use the voice menu on the free phone number 111 or in the command menu *111#. This is how services are configured on the number from which the subscriber called, configure the services of another number using this service it is forbidden. In order not to listen to the answering machine, the subscriber can quickly go through the menu items (the number is dialed on the phone, and then the control commands in the form of numbers in sequence, which allows you to go directly to the desired section):

  • *111*1*1# - make a payment from your attached card;
  • *111*2*1# - find out the balance;
  • *111*2*2# - find out about the money that should have been credited to your account;
  • *111*3# - order "Promised payment";
  • *111*4# - find out your tariff;
  • *111*6# - block the number;
  • *111*7# - find out the available current promotions.

Additional account information, including call details, can be obtained using free service, available by command *100# . To make all cross-services available and manage services in an interactive interface, use the MTS Internet Assistant with a personal account and enter the personal self-service section for this.

How to disable the MTS assistant?

You can work with the MTS assistant at any time, from any mobile device, regardless of the complexity and functionality of the phone, as well as via the Internet, where you can disable all paid and free functions.

In your personal account, it is also possible to manage a bonus account, which allows you to receive additional features from the provider without real payment for services.

Please note that the basic mobile assistant does not need to be disabled. This is a service function that is available as needed to each subscriber free of charge. You can "null" set password login to My MTS on the site according to the following instructions:

  • go to mts.ru;
  • click "Get SMS password";
  • get a password;
  • you can enter or not enter your personal section, it is important that you do not need to change the received password to a permanent one, as requested by the system;
  • SMS password is usually valid for a day, after this time it will be reset, and the main password in the personal section will be reset at the same time.

MST personal account. How to enter after the restoration of the law

What to do if you constantly reset your permanent password? Disable the SMS notification function when entering mts.ru in the Service Management section and in Settings. If you have a smart service management feature of the same name enabled, you can manage it with the following commands:

My MTS application

To get into Personal Area, you need to enter it using authorization operations on the site. When using the mobile application, you do not need to enter a password. A personal account is a cross-system in the network, where everything necessary for personal management of the provided telecommunication services is available. For this, you do not need to enter a command, just make a request from the site, this convenient way work management. Here you can disable and enable paid services and order detailing of expenses, the operator provides the opportunity to pay for services using bonus points.

Thus, the MTS Personal Account and the My MTS mobile application are an excellent opportunity to set up a personal package of telecommunications services, which can be changed at any time if you have a phone and network access.

Internet Assistant is a special smart function that provides a guide to MTS services and helps to customize the service package according to the subscriber's own needs. You can get access to functions, tariffs by activating the MTS assistant and, as well as using the Mobile Assistant short command service.

Internet Assistant MTS.

This service has become available to subscribers in 1999. The main task was to simplify the search for the necessary functions in the self-service service and contacting the operator. The Internet Assistant is a basic feature that does not require additional payment. To implement its functions within the framework of the Internet Assistant, each section is supplemented with links where you can get information about how to use it.

The service also assists, if necessary, in managing the number, searching for connected services, optimal tariff plan and other possibilities when mobile connection ceased to suit the available volume of services and calls are too expensive in accordance with your tariff plan.

The Internet Assistant allows you to provide control functions to the subscriber using the simplest way:

  • organize the management of your personal account;
  • optimize and track your expenses;
  • select and deactivate options and services;
  • view the history of visits, transactions, who called, the history of calls and SMS, paid and free options, protect your contacts from deletion, see and transfer points for services (manage a bonus account);
  • control the balance of connected numbers (children or parents);
  • do mass SMS mailings at a reduced price.

Also, for the convenience of users, the "Mobile Assistant" is proposed, this is a mobile assistant. This voice menu by number 111, with which you can make payments, check the balance, block the phone, receive the promised payment. The list of features is constantly updated, to find out about them, call .

How to connect the MTS mobile assistant

As mentioned above, the Internet Assistant is available in the MTS Personal Account and as a short command service, in which case it is called the Mobile Assistant or the MTS Service function. These features provide a self-service function for the subscriber and allow you to independently optimize your telecommunications package and control its use.

Internet Assistant service from MTS in the application

MTS mobile assistant commands

If you do not have the opportunity to use your Personal Account and MTS Online, the MTS Service is designed specifically for these purposes, available by calling 111 or by command *111#. With their help, you can get all the information about the service package that the subscriber uses, including the main tariff, a list of additional paid and free services, balance control, balance of minutes or Internet package according to the tariff plan.

You can find out the necessary information without a network using the following MTS Service commands:

  • find out the tariff, number, choose a plan from popular ones and more - *111*2*5#;
  • control of balance, expenses, opportunities, information about payments - *111*23#;
  • find out the tariff - enter the command *111*59#;
  • request for the "Promised payment" option - *111*123# .
  • content services - *111*919# .

You can also use the free phone number 111 and then the numbers fast transition by voice menu items:

  • 111_1_1 – check balance;
  • 111_2_1 – make a card payment;
  • 111_2_2 - find out about credited funds;
  • 111_3 – request the Promised Payment service;
  • 111_4 - your tariff plan;
  • 111_6 - number blocking;
  • 111_7 - current shares.

To get details on the connected services, get the data from the *100# service or in the Personal Account.

How to disable the MTS assistant?

The Internet Assistant service using the Personal Account and the MTS mobile application is provided free of charge and is included in the basic package service available to all subscribers of this provider. You don't need to turn it off, just don't use it.

You can reset the login to your Personal Account as follows:

  • go to mts.ru, its work can be found in the MTS Help;
  • request a password from the site or using the command *111*25#;
  • log in to the system;
  • make the necessary changes;
  • log out of the Personal Account without changing the password to a permanent one;
  • The SMS password will be valid for another 2 days, after which it will be reset.

After resetting the password, access to the web section will be blocked until the next time the subscriber wishes to use the services of the self-service office. At the same time, we recommend deleting the MTS Assistant Cabinet application from your smartphone.

MTS Personal Account and My MTS

Using the My MTS Personal Account and the MTS Online mobile application is preferable for subscribers who like to keep everything under control. For example, all connected services, balance tariff minutes and sms, options and possibilities of the Internet. These services make the setup process much easier.

The personal section of the MTS interface allows you to customize the services according to your needs, and the online assistant will help you quickly understand the interface.

Appearance of the main page of the MTS personal account

Receiving a password from the MTS personal account via SMS

Key benefits of services:

  • My MTS provides comprehensive information in the web interface about the status of your account, connected services, cost, services and opportunities;
  • the mobile application has similar capabilities, always available on your smartphone after installation without the need to enter a password;
  • the personal section is convenient for its visibility and intuitive interface, the Internet assistant will help you figure it out;
  • the subscriber has access to and visualization of all information about his telephone bill without the need to search.

Of course, the applications of the MTS Internet Assistant are convenient, and the traffic is free when you exit the phone and connect the service, but this can not always be done without hindrance. In this case, MTS Service and Mobile Assistant will help.

Many subscribers often do not know how to use the functions presented to them, as they say, to their full potential. In this case we are talking about how you can work within the MTS LLC Network, along with the opportunities provided for extremely convenient management of your mobile account and by ourselves cell phone. One way or another, you need to figure out how to connect the MTS mobile assistant, since it gives you the right to receive data on service costs, the current state of your mobile phone account, etc. In general, its use implies very convenient features that will save your time and nerves. If you do not know how to get the specified service to your contract number, if you are tired of searching for the necessary data that will really help you in solving such a problem, it is strongly recommended to read given material to the end, because only in this case you will receive competent advice and recommendations in full.

Mobile Assistant is an excellent service for helping subscribers right on the phone, and here's how to use it:

  • Dial the number "111" Call and follow the instructions of the autoinformer
  • MTS-Service can be called by a command from a phone *111# Call or from a tablet and smartphone *111*1111# Call
  • SMS Assistant is always active on the number "111", where you need to send an SMS with a request code. Codes can be obtained by sending to specified number message with text "2"

Today, the use of the "Mobile Assistant" is an opportunity to save your resources for more important purposes. So, for example, why should you wait for an answer from the operator regarding the status of the current account, if you can dial the necessary numbers on your mobile phone and get all the necessary nuances as soon as possible?

IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that you remember to use only the updated information that is published on our site. It may happen that you got to the portal site just when the company mobile operator#1 in Russian Federation already changed the terms of presentation a little certain services, therefore, you must immediately remember that it is required to check the data for relevance on the official website of the company's cellular branch or the main portal.

Activate the mobile assistant on your phone

Today, the MTS mobile assistant allows, as mentioned above, to perform many operations and receive available information in an extremely short time. How is the system connected to a mobile device? How to make the app work on cell phone? – We will try to answer these and other questions in the material below, which is necessary for further work.

Peculiarities of emergency calls via Mobile Assistant

You may need the assistance number to complete a request for critical cases when you don't know where to call. It is in these cases that it is necessary to remember that the real numbers for calls to certain services are as follows:

  1. "010" - Fire Department
  2. "020" - Police Service
  3. "030" - Ambulance Service
  4. "040" - Gas service
  5. "112" - Common to all

Approximately such numbers must be pressed and dialed if you are connected to MTS LLC. They will help you get through to the right specialist, explain to him the necessary moments of the call and, possibly, save someone's life.

(8660 people)

Mobile assistant - why it was created and what assistance it provides

28 September 2013

All three operators offer convenient mobile assistance services, but the functionality and connection methods are slightly different.

Let's define what to expect from the mobile assistance services of MTS, Beeline and Megafon operators, what opportunities they provide, and how to connect a mobile assistant for each of them.

Hearing the name mobile assistance”, we expect to receive a prompt solution to our problem, hoping that the service will do everything for us. In fact, the service is more about the independent management and control of your tariff, balance and other services of the operator.


The MTS mobile assistant service is a voice service that allows you to independently manage your account, connect, disconnect and configure services from your mobile phone. The mobile assistant of the operator is a convenient management of the MTS unlimited tariff using a mobile phone:
  • Allows you to check the balance, check the amount and date of payment, replenish the account using a payment card;
  • You can pay for services using a mobile phone;
  • You can find out any information about tariffs, services and additional options;
  • Set up a voluntary block;
  • Change your password to access the Internet Assistant.
Most fast way to connect a mobile assistant in MTS is to dial the short number 111, after which you should only follow the voice prompts. IN home region calling a mobile assistant is free, and while roaming, it is better to use an Internet assistant, since calling a mobile service is charged for international and national roaming. It is worth warning you that the MTS mobile assistant service documents all the actions taken on a special device, so everything that is done under your password is considered to be done on your behalf. We recommend that you protect yourself and set an individual password.


The MegaFon company provides opportunities for a full-fledged self-service service "Service Guide", which is now available in social network"In contact with". The service allows you to independently control the status of your account, receive information about accruals and payments, change the tariff plan, and also order Additional services and optimize costs with tariff options. "Service Guide" "Vkontakte" makes it possible to receive full information related to room service, being in your social network profile, without contacting contact center and without going to the operator's website.
  • Access to the "Service Guide" is also available through mobile versions of the "Service Guide" (on the Apple iOS platform, etc.). They open in browsers mobile devices link . When you enter the Service Guide for the first time, the system will prompt you to save the service icon on the desktop. Thus, the application will always be available with one click.
  • The company also provided a support service for travelers "Mega-Companion", while in roaming you can check the balance, replenish your account, get information about the cost of services in roaming, connect or disable tariff options.
To access the “Mega Traveler” service, dial 146 on your phone. A menu will appear on your phone’s display, in which you simply select the desired section: “My Account”, “Discounts”, “Services”, “Charging” or “Help”. The service is available to you in your home region and in roaming, the use of the portal is free, only the cost of paid services is paid.


The Beeline service is presented under the name "Mobile Consultant" - this is a smart answering machine of the Beeline operator. Why do you need a mobile assistant called "Mobile Consultant" - he will tell you about the most interesting and useful information. To contact a virtual consultant, you just need to dial a short command 0611 - and he:
  • He will determine your tariff plan and tell you about its features;
  • Inform the amount on the account of your phone number;
  • It will help you quickly connect or disconnect any service.
Basic rules for communicating with the "Mobile Consultant": You can learn more about Beeline and the unlimited tariff plans that the operator provides for profitable communication in the article

The mobile version of the MTS Internet Assistant allows you to access tariffs, services and options from your mobile phone. Small screens cannot provide convenient control of your number, since all control elements are too small. The problem is solved by the mobile Internet assistant from MTS.

As part of this review we will consider not only the mobile version of the Internet Assistant, but also the Mobile Assistant service. The application "My MTS" will also be affected, with which very convenient to manage tariffs, services and bonuses from the screen of your mobile phone.

What is the MTS mobile Internet assistant

The mobile Internet assistant from MTS is an upgraded version of the usual "Personal Account". Therefore, its functionality is the same as that of the regular version for big screens. What does the mobile Internet assistant allow you to do?

  • Manage services and options;
  • Manage bonus program MTS;
  • Manage the Beep service;
  • Determine the location of your friends, as well as perform other actions with the number.

Internet Assistant - great way manage the limit within the Full Trust service. The use of this control system is carried out without any additional subscription fee . And all transitions from tariff to tariff and connection of services are charged in accordance with the subscriber's tariff plan.

Application "My MTS"

The MTS mobile Internet assistant is available not only in the form of a web interface adapted for the small screens of phones, smartphones and tablet PCs, but also in the form of the My MTS application. The application is available for download in the Appstore and Playmarket online stores - for iOS and GoogleAndroid devices. Device owners on Windows phone it remains to be content with a standard browser with a mobile version of the Internet assistant from MTS.

The application "My MTS" is designed to provide more convenient management of your number. With it, you can quickly change tariff plans, connect and disconnect services, work with bonus balance to use other services. To get a direct link to the application from your mobile phone, dial the USSD command *111*1# or visit the corresponding store.

The application "My MTS" is running operating systems Google Android 2.3 and above, as well as running iOS 7.0 and above. To communicate with MTS servers, you can use the connection through mobile networks or WiFi.

Service "MTS Service"

Do you only have a simple phone at your disposal without the ability to install applications? Don't worry, you can manage your number with it too. To do this, use the service "MTS Service *111#". It provides access to manage your number via the USSD command *111#. By typing this command, we will be taken to a simple menu with which number is managed. What are the possibilities of the service?

  • Connecting and disconnecting services and options;
  • Subscription management;
  • Management of tariff plans;
  • View balance and more.

If for some reason your phone does not want to correctly display the opening USSD menu, try switching to transliteration using the USSD command *111*6*2#. As a result of this menu will be displayed in English letters. To switch back, dial the USSD command *111*6*1#. "MTS Service *111#" is provided without a subscription fee. Before enabling/disabling services and options, as well as working with subscriptions and tariffs, make sure that you are familiar with the parameters of your tariff plan, as well as with the principles of charging services, options and subscriptions.

Service "Mobile Assistant"

Think we've already covered all the mobile services? Be that as it may, we forgot to talk about the "Mobile Assistant", available as a voice portal on short number 111. Calls to this number are free, and the number is controlled by pressing the corresponding buttons after the autoinformer answers. Here is a list of popular combinations:

  • Pressing button 1 - balance;
  • Pressing buttons 1, 2, 1 - payment by bank card;
  • Pressing button 3 - activation of the promised payment;
  • Pressing button 4 - request for the name of the tariff plan;
  • Pressing button 7 - information about promotions, useful options and tariffs.

You will get access to other features through the voice menu - carefully listen to the instructions of the autoinformer.

When using the "Mobile Assistant" service at number 111, you need to be aware of your actions, as they are recorded by the network equipment - when making erroneous actions you are responsible for them, not the operator.

How to connect a mobile assistant to MTS

In order to use the mobile version of the MTS Internet Assistant, you need to get a password by going to home page service from a computer and entering your phone number there - the password will come in the form of SMS. In addition, visiting the site mobile version from our mobile phone, we will be able to access the system without any password. As for the Mobile Assistant and MTS Service *111# services, they are available to all subscribers by default - without any connections.

How to disable mobile assistant

Disabling all of the above services in the MTS network is not provided. Therefore, it is impossible to disable access to mobile assistants and the Personal Account.