Samsung 7710 xcover 2 firmware. Necessary to obtain Root

Samsung 7710 xcover 2 firmware.  Necessary to obtain Root
Samsung 7710 xcover 2 firmware. Necessary to obtain Root

Professional firmware will allow you to update the software. Here you can download free games for the S G X 2 GTS7710 phone running on A 4. Cases and other accessories for the S G C 2 GTS7710. S 7710 2 official firmware. S S7710 G X 2 firmware for mobile phone. Optimize search for 7710 2. Please note that this Samsung model requires a custom ROM file

Please help me how and what firmware to install to 2 with memory change? S S7710 G X 2 firmware for the phone. Programs for firmware S GTS7710 G X 2.Technical characteristics of S G X 2 S7710. Watch Three-file firmware S GTS7710 G X 2 Online video library, there are many films, TV series and various video shows. On this page we will tell you how to do it quickly and easily. Repair of S G X 2 S7710 is not only a replacement of glass, sensor or screen, but also a long guarantee for all work performed by us! GB, memory card slot 7710 2 official firmware, tell me how to replace the memory with 7710. If you have questions about the S GTS7710 G C 2 firmware, please contact the forum

S GALAXY X 2 GTS7710. S G X 2 is a secure smartphone for people who lead an active lifestyle or need such a device as part of their job. Then select the firmware file for the S G C 2 GTS7710 that you downloaded and insert it into the program. We decided to update the S firmware. Press the PDA button, select our firmware file, and after waiting a little, press the S button. S G X 2 GTS7710 problem! Recently I saw a new custom firmware for S G X 2 S7710 that works on A KK. This is where you can find out the current firmware version of your smartphone. Have you decided to update the firmware of the S G C 2 GTS7710? You can get root rights for the S G X 2 GTS7710 using the instructions below

USBG S does not release firmware updates with new versions of A. GB, memory card slot 7710 2 official firmware, tell me how to replace the memory on 7710 Firmware for S G.

Lacks functionality on purchased Android smartphone Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 S7710? Do you want to receive root rights on this smartphone? Website and article receipt Root Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 S7710 will help you!

What is Root?

For those who have just become a beginner or are not an expert in the vast world of Android and are not particularly familiar with the concept of how - Root Android , and also why it is needed, what can be done after getting Root rights or how to get rid of them later if they are no longer needed, all this can be found in the detailed article -!

First of all!

There are no "left" links or unnecessary actions in this article! If you really need Root Rights, then read carefully and follow step by step, this is a guarantee that you will do everything right! This article on obtaining Root rights is divided into two parts: The first part is Required Components and conditions, the second part is Instructions How to get root rights using the received files and programs. If in the process of getting root Android rights constantly rebooting or in the process of eternal loading (happens extremely rarely, but still), then it’s worth . Now let's start getting Root rights!

Android manufacturers sometimes release new firmware, on which it is not possible to get Root using one of the proposed methods, if the article also contains alternative ways, try them. Doesn't work anyway? Specify Android version and the firmware version in the comments (don’t write angry, shitty comments, it won’t do you any good or any harm to others). Android is frozen (will not load), read and re-read from the very FIRST PARAGRAPH, all the necessary links are present in the article!

Still have questions?

Do you have any questions or can’t get root rights to your Android? Leave comments about what worked or didn’t work for you, or what you did differently.

Necessary to obtain Root

  1. Computer or laptop
  2. Original, undamaged MicroUSB cable
  3. Charged smartphone at least 30%
  4. Download the Odin flasher program
  5. Download drivers and install (if they are not installed)
  6. Download custom recovery - 20140112_cwm-
  7. Download the flashed update archive and move it to your smartphone’s memory card (or internal memory)

Instructions for Rooting Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2 S7710

1. Put your smartphone into bootloader mode (download or download)
2. Launch the Odin program
3. B Odin program in field PDA select the previously downloaded file 20140112_cwm-
4. Press the START button to install a new recovery
5. After flashing the firmware, switch the smartphone to recovery mode

Today I had a problem with installing a custom cyanogenmod firmware from comrade Vanir "a. The topic on is poorly developed, but it is very well raised on XDAdev. In general, a piece of the instruction was taken from here, so go to the authors
Let's start the firmware.
1. Download Odin and the modified firmware and install the whole thing. Russian instructions are on 4pda in the faq section -> getting root -> flashing method. In English and for special modifications of phones on XDA-dev. and we get root. Found another instruction
2. Make a backup /efs/ - this is the section without which you can never call again.
To do this, you need to download the "Terminal Emulator" program from the Market and type in it For backup

    dd if=dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=sdcard/efs.img

The file efs.img will appear in the root of the memory card
then, using the file manager, we safely take the archive file from the card somewhere where it won’t get lost
To restore (efs.img must be in the root of the memory card)

    dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3

3. install custom CWM. Instructions for smartland
4. download the firmware and GApps from xda. Lollypop is not installed on our phone, or I didn’t figure it out. So download the latest 4.4.4 and throw them into the root of the flash drive
3. go to CWM


5. We make Wipes if we switch from another firmware, and if we update, then only wipe cache and dalvik cache

[*]Wipe data/factory reset

[*]Wipe dalvik cache

[*]Wipe cache partition

[*]mounts & storage -> format /system (just in case you are switching from stock or custom firmware based on stock) - I didn’t do it. Everything went well anyway

6. Click Install zip from sdcard, find the archive with the firmware and install it

7. If you need programs from Google ( Google Play, Gmail, Gtalk, etc.) then without leaving CWM Recovery We also install Google Apps (GApps). The installation is the same as the firmware, just select the archive from Gapps.

8. Reboot the smart phone using Reboot system now

We wait 3 minutes and voila everything will work for you.
We drive in the settings and use it.

Why didn't everything work?
No network?
Because of this, this post actually appeared.

In order for the network to appear, you need to download a terminal emulator to the firmware phone via wifi and enter the following commands in it

adb shell
find /efs/|while read s; do chown radio:system $s; done;
find /modemfs/|while read s; do chown radio:system $s; done;
chmod -R 777 /efs/
chmod -R 777 /modemfs/

After a reboot everything should work. I took the recipe from xda. For which we thank them very much.
This article is simply a collection of 10 recipes into one.
I don't claim any popularity. I'm just tired of saving a hundred tabs to solve one problem