Firewall setting. How to set up firewall exceptions

Firewall setting.  How to set up firewall exceptions
Firewall setting. How to set up firewall exceptions

Adding the selected application to the Windows Firewall exception list is a standard procedure on computers running Windows. Performing this operation implies that you have administrator access to system resources.


To perform the procedure for adding the selected program to the Windows firewall exclusion list in the XP version, call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "Settings" item. Expand the "Control Panel" link and go to the "Windows Firewall" tab. Select the "Exceptions" tab of the dialog box that opens and click the "Add Program" button.

Highlight the desired application in the list (when the program is displayed) and confirm the selected action by pressing the OK button. Use the Browse button if you don't have required application in the list and specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Use the "Open" command and save the changes made by clicking the OK button (for Windows XP).

Call the OS main menu Windows versions 7, by clicking the "Start" button, and go to the "Control Panel" item. Expand the System and Security link and expand the Windows Firewall node. Select the section "Allow programs to run through Windows Firewall" and open the link "Allow another program ..." Select the desired application in the directory or use the "Browse" button to specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Save your changes by clicking OK (for Windows 7).

An alternative method to follow the same procedure is to use the netsh command with the firewall context to change the Windows Firewall settings. Please note that in some cases the "General" tab may be inactive. This means that changes to firewall settings are not allowed. group policy or there are not enough user rights to perform such an operation. It should also be remembered that the firewall program in Windows Server 2003 is not enabled by default.

A system utility that was created by Microsoft to protect personal computer from malicious network programs or unwanted traffic from the Internet, which could somehow damage the installed operating system.

However, as time has shown, given function or a utility that does not work quite the way users expected. For example, when installing some network program it refuses to work, and sometimes it won't even start, and it's all thanks to the firewall. Tunngle is the last thing I tried to set up recently. Namely, after installation, the program did not want to work in any way for the reason that it was not found network adapter, rummaging through the forum of this application, I was recommended Add the program to the Windows Firewall exception list. You will not believe, but as soon as I did it, everything worked.

The same sometimes occurs with various online games when the firewall simply does not allow to connect to the server, thereby frustrating the user. Usually it is the same with games, it is enough to add the executable file to the Windows firewall exceptions and everything starts to work like clockwork.

Of course, you can just disable the firewall completely, but what if you can't do it for some reason? It is for such cases that there is a list of exceptions. Therefore, let's take a closer look at how to add programs to windows firewall exceptions on all new systems and on Windows XP.

Adding to the firewall exception list on Windows 10 (7, 8)

So, regardless of which system you use, the initial action, of course, will be to enter the control panel.

If you are using Windows 10, you can do it this way: right-click on the " Start” and in the menu that appears, select the item “ Control Panel».

Now, focusing on the left sidebar, go to the options " Allowing Applications to Interact with Firewall...».

We will be transferred to the next, main step, where you need to click first " Change settings", and then " Allow another app».

Using the button " Review”, we find the launch file of the program that we want to put in the Windows firewall exceptions.

After selecting the application, press " Add».

Next, in the list of allowed programs and components, opposite the added file, check the boxes for " Private" And " public network". And of course, to complete, do not forget to click again " OK».

Adding an Application to a Firewall Exception on Windows XP

So, through the start, go to the control panel, and there in "".

By opening the bookmark Exceptions» by clicking on the button « Add program».

As always, to save the settings, click on all windows " OK».

I repeat, just in case, once again, that the first option is suitable for all new systems from seven to ten. Perhaps in some places will change the name of some parameters, but there is nothing to worry about, since they still remain in the same places. Well, for everything else, you have a comment form in which you can leave a question that concerns you and get an answer to it in the future.

How to add a program to the firewall exception list in Windows 10

Security is one of the main criteria for the quality of work in the network. The immediate component of its provision is correct setting firewall(firewall) operating system which is on computers Windows line called a firewall. Let's find out how to optimally set up this protection tool on a Windows 7 PC.

Before proceeding to the settings, you should take into account that if you set too high protection settings, you can block browser access not only to malicious sites or block virus programs from accessing the Internet, but also complicate the work even secure applications, which for some reason will make the firewall suspicious. At the same time, if you set a low level of protection, there is a risk of exposing the system to a threat from intruders or allowing malicious code to enter the computer. Therefore, it is recommended not to go to extremes, but to use the optimal parameters. In addition, when adjusting the firewall, you should consider whether you are working in a dangerous environment (the World Wide Web) or a relatively safe one (internal network).

Stage 1: Go to firewall settings

Let's figure out how to go to the firewall settings in Windows 7.

Stage 2: Firewall activation

Now let's look at the direct procedure for configuring the firewall. First of all, the firewall must be activated if it is disabled. This process is described in our separate article.

Step 3: Adding and Removing Applications from the Exclusion List

When setting up a firewall, you need to add those programs that you trust to the list of exceptions so that they work correctly. First of all, this concerns the antivirus in order to avoid a conflict between it and the firewall, but it is quite possible that it will be necessary to do this procedure with some other applications.

  1. On the left side of the firewall settings window, click on "Allow launch...".
  2. A list of installed on the PC will open. software. If you did not find in it the name of the application that you are going to add to the exclusions, you need to click on the button "Allow another program". If you find that this button is not active, press "Change settings".
  3. After that, all buttons will become active. Now you will be able to click on the element "Allow another program...".
  4. A window with a list of programs will open. If the desired application is not found in it, press "Review…".
  5. In the window that opened "Explorer" move to that directory hard drive where the executable is located desired application with EXE, COM or ICD extension, highlight it and press "Open".
  6. After that the name this application will be displayed in the window "Adding a program" firewall. Select it and click "Add".
  7. Finally, the name of this software will also appear in the main window for adding firewall exceptions.
  8. By default, the program will be added to the exceptions for home network. If you need to add it also to the public network exceptions, click on the name of this software.
  9. The Edit Program window will open. Click the button "Types of Network Locations...".
  10. In the window that opens, check the box next to "Public" and press OK. If you need to simultaneously remove the program from home network exclusions, uncheck the box next to the corresponding inscription. But, as a rule, in reality this is almost never required.
  11. Back in the change program window, click OK.
  12. Now the application will be added to exceptions and in public networks.

    Attention! It is worth remembering that adding a program to exceptions, and especially through public networks, increases the vulnerability of your system. Therefore, disable protection for public connections only when absolutely necessary.

  13. If a program is found to be erroneously added to the exclusion list, or found to pose an unacceptably high level of security vulnerability against malicious intruders, the application must be removed from the list. To do this, select its name and click "Delete".
  14. In the dialog box that opens, confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes".
  15. The application will be removed from the exclusion list.

Stage 4: Adding and Removing Rules

More precise changes to the firewall settings by creating specific rules are made through the window advanced settings this tool.

  1. Return to the main firewall settings window. How to go there from "Control Panels", mentioned above. If you need to return from the window with the list of allowed programs, just click the button in it OK.
  2. Next, click on the element on the left side of the shell "Extra options".
  3. Opened window additional options divided into three areas: in the left part - the name of the groups, in the central part - the list of rules for the selected group, in the right - the list of actions. To create rules for incoming connections, click on the item "Rules for incoming connections".
  4. A list of already created rules for incoming connections will open. To add a new element to the list, click on the item in the right part of the window "Create a rule...".
  5. Next, you should select the type of rule to create:
    • For the program;
    • For port;
    • predefined;
    • Customizable.

    In most cases, users are required to choose one of the first two options. So, to configure the application, set the radio button to the position "For the program" and press "Further".

  6. Then, by setting the radio button, you need to choose whether this rule will apply to all installed programs or only to a specific application. In most cases, you need to choose the second option. After setting the radio button, in order to select a specific software, press "Review…".
  7. In the opened window "Explorer" go to the directory where the executable file of the program for which you want to create a rule is located. For example, it could be a browser that is being blocked by a firewall. Highlight the name of this application and press "Open".
  8. After the path to the executable file is displayed in the window "Rule Wizard", press "Further".
  9. Then you will need to rearrange the radio button to select one of three options:
    • Allow connection;
    • Allow secure connection;
    • Block the connection.

    Most often, the first and third points are used. The second point is used by advanced users. So, select the option you want depending on whether you want to allow or deny the application access to the network, and click "Further".

  10. Then, by checking or unchecking the boxes, you should choose for which profile the rule is created:
    • private;
    • domain;
    • public.

    If necessary, you can activate several options at once. After selecting, press "Further".

  11. In the last window in the field "Name" any arbitrary name should be entered this rule, under which you can find it in the list in the future. In addition, in the field "Description" you can leave a short comment, but this is not required. After assigning a name, press "Ready".
  12. The new rule will be created and displayed in the list.

A port rule is created in a slightly different scenario.

Rules for outgoing connections are created exactly according to the same scenario as for incoming ones. The only difference is that you must select the option on the left side of the advanced firewall settings window. "Rules for outgoing connections" and only after that press the element "Create a rule...".

The algorithm for deleting a rule, if such a need suddenly arises, is quite simple and intuitive.

IN this material we have considered only the basic recommendations for setting up a firewall in Windows 7. Fine-tuning this tool requires considerable experience and a whole store of knowledge. At the same time, the simplest actions, for example, allowing or denying access to the network of a specific program, opening or closing a port, deleting a previously created rule, are available for execution even for beginners using the presented instructions.

Firewall Windows Defender was added by Microsoft to improve overall user security. Even from the first versions, functionality was created with the ability to add programs and various applications to firewall exceptions. All because there is not enough necessary programs that the firewall does not accept.

This article will show you how to add a program to the Windows 10 firewall exception. And also look at how to change the permission to interact with an application or component in the Windows 10 Defender Firewall. It can be much easier completely in Windows 10 and check if the desired program works.

When launching new programs, a firewall window pops up in which the user is prompted to allow or deny communication with applications. If the user mistakenly chooses the wrong option, change his mind in these settings.

How to add an application to a Windows 10 firewall exception

Adding exceptions to Windows Firewall is done by creating inbound and outbound rules. It is possible to create a connection rule for both the program and the port. Because sometimes it becomes necessary to allow a specific port for a specific application.

When an incorrect firewall rule is created, or when a connection is blocked by a Windows Firewall rule, users have the option to disable or delete the problematic rule altogether. To do this, you need to find an unnecessary rule from the list of rules and in context menu select disable or delete the rule.


The firewall, along with the updated Defender in Windows 10, is a useful tool for protecting the system as a whole. Therefore, we do not recommend completely disabling the firewall. More in a simple way The solution to the situation with applications not working due to the firewall is to add exceptions by creating rules for incoming and outgoing connections.

In this article, we figured out how to add a program to the Windows 10 firewall exception. We also recommend that you pay attention to the instructions on how to allow an application in the firewall, because the wrong option was selected when the request automatically popped up.

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Windows Firewall allows you to configure firewall exceptions depending on the program. This is the difference from Windows Vista, where the firewall allowed you to configure exceptions based on the port address.

You can still create rules based on the port address using WFAS. You can also allow specific firewalls to work. Windows components 7, for example, Windows Virtual PC. The rules for a component are available when it is activated using the Programs And Features item, which is located in the control panel.

Firewall Exceptions

To add a rule for a feature or program, click the Allow A Program Or Feature Through Windows Firewall command in the Windows Firewall section of Control Panel. The dialog box displays a list of installed this moment components and programs for which rules have been created, as well as profiles in which the rules related to these programs and components are activated.

To change the settings on this page, you must click the Change Settings button. Only users who are members of the local Administrators group or users who have been delegated the appropriate authority can change Windows Firewall settings.

If the program you want to create the rule for does not exist, click the Allow Another Program button. The Add A Program dialog box opens. If the program you want to create a rule for is not listed, click the Browse button to add it. Use the Network Location Types button to specify the network profiles in which the rule should be active.