What can be done from an old computer case. What to do with an old computer if it starts to work badly? What's in a name

What can be done from an old computer case.  What to do with an old computer if it starts to work badly?  What's in a name
What can be done from an old computer case. What to do with an old computer if it starts to work badly? What's in a name

Many people wonder what to do with their old computers.
We offer 10 possible options for their application: from home server or media center before being sold in parts or becoming an original design element.

With the ever-lowering prices of more and more advanced computers, older computers are simply lying around, such as the 300 MHz Pentium II, for example.
You can't upgrade a computer like this.
The scope of its application is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

Experiments with computer networks

With two computers at hand, you can network them together.
All Windows versions c Windows 95 have built-in networking capabilities, so additional programs will not be needed for this.
On the hardware side, you will need a network card for your old computer, and for the new one if it is not equipped with network card, network cable and switch or router.

From files help system Windows lot useful information can't be found on this topic.
This is where guides can come in handy, many of which can be found on the Internet.

multimedia player

Many computers have sound cards, and, as a rule, if the computer has a processor more powerful than the Pentium 200 MHz, it works quite tolerably with the Winamp player.
Try installing your favorite player on old computer, and you can connect it to your living room audio system and use it as a media player and storage for MP3 and WMA files.

In the simplest case, you can connect your computer to two mid-range speakers.
To connect to a home theater system, you will need to make several purchases.

First, buy a set of wireless mouse and keyboards so as not to be tied to a computer.
You can’t do without a video card with a video output to watch movies on big TV, not on the monitor.
If your old computer is connected to your main computer via a network, you can also play files from the main computer on this media center.

Multiplayer Games

Once your home network is established, you can introduce your friends to multiplayer games.
You can find games that work well on your old computer.
The best option might be DOOM '95, which works quite well on computers with 486DX/66 processors, and even more so on Pentium 200.
The game requires Windows 95 or later.

Installing Linux

Even if you have not worked with computers for a long time, you have most likely already heard about free operating systems ah and various Linux distributions.
An old computer is a chance to try out what it's like to work with Linux without damaging your main Windows PC.

Linux supports old components well.
It even seems that the older the hardware components, the better than linux supports them.

Print server, file server, or web server

For all of the above, your old computer may be very slow.
Then it can be used as a home server.

If you have multiple printers connected to different computers, try connecting them to one old computer.
By leaving it always on, you can print to any printer from any computer over the network.

You can use your computer as a file server, placing on it information that may be needed on other computers home network.
If you are connected to the Internet via a dedicated line, you can also make a web server from an old computer.
To do this, you do not need to install a special operating system.
Windows 98 and a free web server like Apache will do.

Donate your old computer to the nearest school

If you can't find a use for your old computer, call your nearest school or local education department.
Many schools will be happy with computers with 486 processors.
Many well-known companies donate computers to educational organizations and children all the time.
Among such companies are Dell and Gateway, especially since now the school will be able to get a licensed license for the computer you donated. a copy of Windows from Microsoft.

Use an old computer as a visual aid

If you have never seen what a processor looks like, or do not know how a hard drive is installed.
Why not sort out such issues on an old, no longer needed computer?
This is the best remedy for practical exercises for assembling computers and updating them.

Dismantle and sell your computer for parts

Many organizations and users still use old computers for their own purposes, and they are completely satisfied with them, especially if special programs designed specifically for this class of computers.

Difficulties, as a rule, arise when a component fails.
Buy new computer expensive, and some components of old computers may be out of production for a long time and become a real rarity.
In this regard, many parts of your computer can quickly find buyers.

Show your own imagination

The previous way of using a computer or monitor that has served its time has become another proof that, by using your own imagination, you can provide a new life for a seemingly unnecessary thing.
If none of the listed ways of using an old computer suits you, before getting rid of it, try to connect your imagination, perhaps you will get something original and really necessary.

Translation: Vladimir Volodin

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1.Turn it into a TV tuner.

Many modern TV tuners, such as the Hauppauge WinTV GO-Plus, only require a 100 MHz CPU to play a TV signal in real time. But, in order for you to be able to record a video stream, you need a more powerful processor - about 700 MHz. But you can save your favorite programs in DVD quality, and you can use scheduled recording. All tuners are provided with the necessary software for recording. Most likely you want to watch TV programs not on the screen of an old monitor, but on your TV, then look at the ShowShifter tuners (at a price of about 30 pounds) and SageTV (about 40) - they are designed to be able to play a signal on a TV .

2. Help find a cure for cancer.

A distributed computing system is probably the most philanthropic application for an old PC. Some scientific projects require huge computer resources, so your old man, to the best of his ability, can help scientists analyze DNA strands to find cures for diseases such as cancer, or process data coming from satellites scanning outer space in search of extraterrestrial life.

3. Sell it.

Old computers depreciate quickly, so if you have something to sell, don't delay it. If you have a rare gizmo from computer innards, then you can put it up for an online auction (for example, eBay). There is a chance to get even more for old equipment than it actually costs.

4.Gift it.

Why not give this PC to your beloved great aunt? It doesn't matter that it won't be able to play video in high resolution, but it will quite cope with web browsing, displaying digital photos and will be able to run office applications. For a beginner, this is just what you need to delve into the intricacies of modern technology.

5.Recycle it.

According to research organizations, the manufacturer uses 240 kilograms of fossil fuels, 22 kilograms of chemicals and 1,500 liters of water to make one monitor! Every year in environment 1.8 million tons of e-waste is thrown away.

In order to contribute in some way to the protection of nature, take your old PC to the nearest electronic equipment recycling center.

6. Fool the thief!

Put a 10-year-old, spattered coffee, time-yellowed PC with a proud “486” sticker somewhere in the most visible place in your home. If a thief gets into your house (we hope that this never happens, emoticon), he will first of all grab this “relic”, and will not even think that he was brazenly deceived.

7. Make it a music center.

Even an old processor is capable of playing digital music in WMA or MP3 format. And even on a small hard drive, a lot of music tracks will fit. If you add powerful speakers to this, then you will get a real music center. And if you are using an ancient laptop, then this is generally wonderful. By the way, you can make music play with one press of the power button. To do this, put Windows Media Player (WMP) to autoplay, create a new playlist with all the songs on your PC, then set WMP to random play.

8. Donate to them.

We live in the 21st century, but still there are millions of children who have never seen a computer. Donate your old PC to any school, although, in principle, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that it can be used later. There are even special organizations that accept old computers for charity.

9.Use it as a game server.

If you like to play multiplayer games with friends, then it is best to use your own server, this will eliminate connection delays and evil moderators.

10.Use it as a test machine.

If you often encounter virus danger, then use an old PC as a testing machine. It can be used as a tool for downloading email attachments and programs from the Internet. You can install various programs on the old computer, so it will be possible to evaluate the benefits of them before installing them on the main PC and avoid littering the system.

Thinking of buying a more powerful computer? But what to do with old equipment? We have compiled a list of five possible options, and below we will tell you why you should not send your old computer to the scrap. Agree, while it works, there is always hope to find a good use case for it.

For many, it seems like a good idea to turn a computer into a home theater, but not everyone decides to take this step. But now that you have an "extra" computer, why not give it a try? It can handle video playback, launch downloaded files, and even, depending on the hardware, allow you to watch movies on DVD or Blu-ray. And if you have a projector in the hall, then the image can be displayed in an even larger format. And not only for video, but also, say, for games.

home broadcast

If you bought more powerful computer to replace, the old one can be used to run games remotely. Steam has special mode, when the image and sound, as well as all commands from the keyboard, mouse and other controllers, are broadcast over the home network from the main computer to another device. Of course this will require quick connection standard 802.11n or 802.11ac, but on the other hand, you can play all modern games on an old computer and, if it is a laptop, move around the house calmly, and not be tied only to a powerful stationary computer.

Give to a child

Many parents choose to give their child a restricted tablet to protect them from inappropriate information on the Internet. However, now you can allocate for the child whole computer. Why not? There are a number of operating systems designed specifically for young people, with appropriate design and functionality. This is one of the most simple ways involve the child in high technology and help you get started computer world.

Web server

If you have your own website, then why not host it on your own web server? If you have a free computer and constant access to the Internet, it will not be difficult to organize such an option. Thus, you can significantly save on hosting costs. However, it is worth bearing in mind that if the site has a large audience of daily visitors, then owning a web server, especially on older equipment, is unlikely to be a good idea due to the generation of too much traffic.

Home storage

Another scenario for using an old computer is to create a single server for exchanging files between devices on a home network. It will act as a storage where you can place anything you want: music, videos, photos and other content. As for the implementation of such an idea, there is a considerable amount of various special software. Thus, all files will be in one place and can be accessed from any device at home.

Which of these methods are you planning to use? (or already used) You? Maybe you have other options? Write in the comments.

If you decide to purchase a new computer or it is broken beyond repair, and you do not know where to put it, this article is for you. It takes a little imagination and effort to fit an unnecessary processor and monitor. Let's look at some options for the transformation of old iron.

Barbecue from the body

To build a brazier, it is enough to separate the side panel system block and take out the insides. This brazier is great for barbecue in the country and is very functional. You can put not only skewers on it, but put a bowler hat for fish soup. Also, it is easy to place a barbecue grill on it.

To transform the monitor into an aquarium, you need to remove all components from it, leaving only the plastic case. Place a glass aquarium in it. The monitor can be left in its usual form or decorated with stones, rhinestones, sequins. Such an element of interior decor will express the originality and extraordinary thinking of the owner.

For the house from the monitor, only a plastic case is needed. Its content depends on what kind of animal will live in it. For a hamster, it is filled with dry grass or sawdust; instead of a screen, a metal mesh is stretched in the form of a door. If the monitor will serve as a bed for a cat, it is covered with a soft cloth inside, and a mattress is placed on the bottom.

The grinder needs a chip hard drive, detail with disks, motor and reading head and sandpaper. Sandpaper is cut out according to the diameter of the disk, fixed with glue and connected to the motor. When using such a device, do not press the knives strongly against the disk.

For original watches with a pendulum from the system unit remove the motherboard and HDD. A clock mechanism is attached to the textolite and numbers for the dial are glued. A hard disk is used as a pendulum, which is attached to a long perch. Such Wall Clock will not go unnoticed by the guests.

This is a convenient compact thing that allows you not to clutter up your computer with thousands of photos from your mother-in-law's birthday or New Year's corporate party. The server for data storage can be designed in the form of a fabulous casket by placing a hard drive in a wooden openwork box unnecessary computer. On the back of the chest, make holes for the output of wires for connecting to a PC.

This accessory will become a unique thing, making the image of its mistress unique. The keys can be matched with letters that line up in a word. To assemble the bracelet, you will need a fishing line, keys and an awl. With a red-hot awl, holes are made on both sides of the keys and strung on a fishing line, connecting its free edges.

For earrings, you will need keys and fasteners for them. You can select buttons with first and last initials. A hole is made in the upper part of the button, into which the metal hooks of the earrings are inserted. Such a decoration will surely attract attention and enthusiastic looks to their mistress.

Ego can be used as an element of interior decor or play a trick on a work colleague. To create such a lawn, you need to disassemble the keyboard, lay out a layer of cotton wool, lay grass seeds on it. It is necessary to water such a lawn in the morning and in the evening, and in two days the first sprouts will be visible.

Original Mailbox will please all the neighbors and emphasize the imagination of its owner. The old system unit must be freed from internal filling and the drive removed. The hole from it will serve as a place for immersing correspondence. Such a design must be fixed on a column and installed at home. For a more attractive look, the box can be painted in a bright color and write a fun inscription.

To do this, you need to remove the processor, motherboard, video card from the old computer and connect them to the TV.

Get gold

Gold is contained in small contact elements motherboard. You can extract it from there using chemical reagents. To do this, they are removed from the board and a series of chemical procedures are carried out. It is worth noting that you can get quite a bit of gold, and the procedure itself is very dangerous.

For such an invention, it is necessary to purchase a TV tuner, connect it to a PC and install a suitable operating system.

To use the cooler on hot days, you need to disconnect it from the system unit, leaving the red and black wires, install it on a stand and connect it to the trigger with a motor.

To make a hinged shelf, you need to unscrew the side panel of the system unit and screw on the loops for attaching such an original piece of furniture to the wall. The shelf can be painted in your favorite color.

Such unpretentious transformations will allow you not to throw an old non-working computer into a landfill and find new original and useful things in everyday life.

If you have an old computer and you do not know where to put it, read our article, maybe you will find a new option where to use it.

A huge number of people at least once wondered what to do with an old computer? It's a pity to throw it away, and it seems there is no need to leave it. It only takes up space, but what's the point of it ... A large number of machines lie idle on shelves, mezzanines, in basements and garages, waiting for their new meaning of existence ... And in this article we will tell you about ways to use old cars. Many methods are described on the Internet on various sites, but we will try to combine all these methods in one article, and share our own experience and the experience of our clients in terms of using old iron. So, let's start with the most common:

Method one: Make a donation. Yes yes exactly! What is rubbish to you may bring happiness to others. Many orphanages and schools would not refuse to accept an old computer as a gift, because the funding for such institutions is very scarce, and it is unlikely that they have modern computer classes. Surely a little search on the Internet, you will find a similar institution not far from you.

Method two: Donate. It is not much different from the first one, the only difference is that you can give the computer to your friend, or submit an ad in the newspaper - I will give the piece of iron in good hands :) And by all means, someone will definitely respond to you.

Method three: Sell. True, you will not save a lot of money, but still :)

Method four: Leave for experiments :) This is a way for those who like to tinker with old hardware and software. Install various unverified software, no matter what clog the main computer with all sorts of garbage. You can also leave it to perform long-term tasks, such as downloading large amounts of information on the Internet. And the old man can also be used as a buffer machine for checking flash drives and hard drives for.

Method five: Use as a firewall, i.e. put between the network and the main machine. You can install, for example, Linux on it and enjoy the security of your own system.

Method six: Make a file server out of it. If you have more than one computer at home, you can connect the veteran to them over the network and store files on it, which you can access at any time from any computer on your network.

Seventh method: Perform distributed computing on it. This means that your old computer can be used for good. modern science! To do this, you just need to become a participant in projects [email protected] or [email protected] and maybe it is with the help of your computer that we will find out the answer to the question - Is there life on Mars :)

Eighth method: Make a media center out of it. For example, one of our clients put his old PentiumII in the garage, and now, while repairing a car, he listens to music, and if necessary, reads repair books on it, and by connecting a portable 3G modem, he also accesses the Internet without leaving the garage.

Method nine: You can make a TV out of it. If it has a TV tuner, it can be used as a TV, as well as record various programs, movies, TV shows. One of our clients, for example, connected an even older Dendy console to his old man, you can use Sega or Sony PS, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is an unforgettable experience from long-forgotten games.

Method ten: But this is for gourmets. You can take apart the details and make some crafts on the topic of nanotechnologies from them. Or try your hand at modding. For example, some of our specialists make key chains from a non-working processor and many people like them, key chains turn out to be unusual :)

Method Eleven: Turn an old system unit into a tool box.

Method Twelve: This is your own way :) You can think of many more uses for your trusty old computer.

And no matter how much you come up with ways to use it, one thing can be safely stated, even a good old computer - a veteran can be used with benefit, and not rot somewhere in the basement as unnecessary ...