Recovering files after disk formatting or accidental deletion. Computer programs in pictures. Programs for data recovery on: disks, flash drives, memory cards, etc. How to recover photos from a disk

Recovering files after disk formatting or accidental deletion. Computer programs in pictures. Programs for data recovery on: disks, flash drives, memory cards, etc. How to recover photos from a disk

You formatted it by mistake HDD, erased all existing partitions, deleted the folder with your favorite photos? Have you irretrievably lost your entire collection of family photos? There is a way to restore them! In this article you:
- learn how to recover deleted photos for free without the help of a specialist.
- learn how to use the Demo version of File Recovery and take pictures of the screen using graphic editor PicPick.

No one is immune from file deletion. This is caused by: your negligence, children using the computer, inexperience when installing a new operating system.

First, download the File Recovery program.

Install the program.
If you use hot keys (Alt+f4, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, etc.), this will significantly speed up the process of returning the photo.

Let's talk about File Recovery.
Translated from English this means “File Recovery”. We launch the program, it requires a license. The first window pops up - click OK. A second window pops up - click Demo. Now the main program window has opened.

The blue arrow points to your hard drive. Below it are two sections D And C(in my case).

You need to click on the title hard drive and the word Drive (highlighted with a red oval). There you need to click on the tag “ Sсan…».

A new window will open, click again Scan. We don't change anything! A download window appears in front of you... This program scans your hard drive for anything. My hard drive only has 150GB - it took about 50-60 minutes to scan.

After the disk is scanned, this will appear:

Lots of "Recognized" lines. We choose those whose sizes are much larger than the others. In my case it is 119.7 GB and 51.4 GB. We also use only “Recognized" highlighted in green (they are more efficient).

Let's return to File Recovery. There is a picture open on your monitor screen. What do we have to do? Enter the keyboard shortcut Shift+3 and circle the photo.

After which the PicPick program will open. Save the taken screenshot. We perform these actions with all photos. I know it's long, but the family collection deserves attention. If you don’t want to do all these steps, contact a specialist or buy the full version of the program. I showed how to optimally restore photos without much expense.


I recovered about 500 photos in an hour and a half.
Be careful and do not allow the necessary information to be deleted again!

There are folders for Word documents - doc files there are, only without their original names, but with digital numbering. There is a PNG folder - where 10x10 pictures each take up a quarter of a gigabyte of space.. I don’t understand why there are so many? Well, in general, there are folders for almost different extensions. But there are no such folders as Video, mp3, bluetouch, IGO (navigation program), fairy tales (mp3 for small ones)... and things like that - there are no such folders, just as there are no purely system ones - all the files are in a heap.

NomadUA Reply:
June 1st, 2010 at 23:45

I don’t have a card at hand right now to repeat your experiment and help: (Isn’t it possible to take an image from a card? And then work with it?

June 3rd, 2010 at 12:47

It turned out to restore approximately 80% of what was, one might say almost 100%. I'll tell you why. R-Linux program- failed to restore identical file structure formatted memory card. Although it seems like I could pull out all the photos, a bunch of videos, audio, but it’s all in a bunch of folders (for different extensions - which is also convenient, but not in my case). In short, almost all the files. Although the program supposedly has the ability to restore the identity of the folder structure, in reality it didn’t work out for me. Maybe I translated it wrong from English.

Next, I found the paid program R-Studio on the same website, and that’s exactly what it did – it did everything. I scanned longer - and the result is the same as in the previous program, only + the original location of the folders. The only caveat is that only the mp3 folder, which contained a couple of hundred tracks, was not restored. No problem - they are all on the screw. Another joke - I didn’t restore a couple of videos either, that’s not a problem either. Only here, under the guise of one *.avi video, there was a pile of empetreshki. that is, you launch a video - and then you get mp3 songs in a row from a folder that was no longer there after restoration..
I'm still testing - but everything seems to be ok so far

NomadUA Reply:
June 3rd, 2010 at 13:44

:) Let's know that you shouldn't format the card from your smartphone and communicator - the program only restores files individually. Although... is there really functionality in the description of P-Linux to restore the folder structure and file system? I honestly don’t remember - I’ll look now. In my opinion, the program is intended just for files only - And it has performed this function for me more than once.

June 3rd, 2010 at 22:54

Maybe this is where the functionality of R-Linux and R-Studio differs. True, I had to look for a crack for the second full version, otherwise it wouldn’t be verified. I was hoping for a full thirty-day period, but this was not the case - the program was cut off functionally. But then the crack came and my problem was restored. Fortunately, I found problems only with audio and video (for some reason??) - but there were all the photos! I still have a question for myself or for the program - why didn’t I restore the mp3, because the card was untouched after formatting.. A small question remains, as I was pleased with the programs, both R-Linux and R-Studio. The first free program is quite enough to restore a formatted card with photos. Tested by me. All the photos, even in my version, were selected separately by the first option. Great Dyakuyu))

USB flash drive is not the best suitable device for permanent storage of files, but in life anything can happen. And situations where valuable data located only on it were accidentally erased happen regularly. However, in about half of the cases, grief can be helped - restored deleted files from a flash drive. Under what circumstances is this possible and how to do it, read on.

I won’t get my hopes up in vain: the chances of successful data recovery from USB flash drives are lower than from stationary drives - hard drives PCs and laptops and permanent memory mobile devices. The reason is that flash drives are usually used to transfer files from one device to another. And accidentally deleted data most often ends up being simply overwritten, sometimes even more than once. And overwriting, unfortunately, destroys the information irrevocably.

Full or partial file recovery on your own is possible in the following cases:

  • The user deleted them manually.
  • The drive was formatted using the operating system.
  • The files became inaccessible after a virus attack.
  • The files disappeared after the flash drive was divided into partitions.
  • A logical failure of the file system has occurred: it has become defined as RAW - unknown, or Windows and programs consider the entire space of the device to be unallocated.

The chances of recovery are extremely low or zero if:

  • The flash drive is physically faulty - it is not detected by the computer at all or is recognized as an unknown device, access to its memory is either completely absent, or the size of the latter is several KB instead of tens of GB. The exception is relatively simple breakdowns that do not affect the controller and device memory.
  • The files were deleted using a shredder program.
  • The flash drive was low-level formatted (essentially repartitioned and rewritten) or reflashed (the controller microcode was rewritten).
  • The files are encrypted, but there is no decryption key. It may be the result of an attack by a ransomware virus or user actions (encrypted, but lost the key). In the first case, it is sometimes possible to recover files if you have a suitable decryptor.

In case of physical and complex logical faults, data recovery from flash drives is sometimes possible, but often costs the owner very much - up to several tens of thousands of rubles (not even the result, but the attempt at recovery, can cost that much). Therefore, in such situations, many people prefer to say goodbye to files forever.

How to increase your likelihood of success

Even if your case falls into the simple category, in order to increase the chances of a successful recovery, adhere to the following rules:

  • The fewer operations were performed on the drive’s file system, the better result. Therefore, start recovery immediately as soon as you notice missing files.
  • Save the recovered data only to another physical medium (computer hard drive, second flash drive, etc.).
  • Try to restore everything in one session. Don't interrupt unless absolutely necessary.
  • If one recovery program does not help, use others. Sometimes simple free utilities turn out to be more effective than expensive paid ones. It is impossible to know in advance what will help in your case, so try everything that is available.
  • If the recovery program is capable of creating and saving images of drive file systems, be sure to use this feature. In case of unexpected failure of the flash drive or accidental overwriting before the end of reading, you can restore the data from the image.

7 best programs for data recovery from flash drives

You may already be familiar with some of the storage device data recovery programs. Our site talked about them in an article about. Today our collection will be replenished with seven more applications of the same purpose. Maybe one of them will be life-saving for you.


Wise Data Recovery

Wise Data Recovery is another worthy tool for recovering information from desktop and portable drives. Available only in Windows version. Like its predecessors, it works without installation on a hard drive. Is different high speed scanning and displays the possibility of recovery of each found object.

If next to the file there is:

  • Red circle—data has been completely overwritten and cannot be restored.
  • Yellow circle—overwriting is partial, success is not guaranteed.
  • Green circle—the file has not been overwritten and is recoverable.

When you click on “green” files, if it is a picture or document, the program shows their thumbnails (if saved). It also has a function to search for certain types of data by keywords: pictures (imagies), audio (audios), videos (videos), documents (documents), archives (compressed files) and mail (emails).

Wise Data Recovery- fully free application and, by the way, with support for the Russian language.

How to use Wise Data Recovery:

  • Unpack the archive with the program to any folder and run the executable file WiseDataRecovery.exe.
  • Select the desired media from the list and click “Scan”.
  • Select the files you want to recover from the list. Click the "Recover" button.
  • Specify the location to save the files on your hard drive.

Disk Drill

The Disk Drill utility, well known to many Mac OS X users, appeared in the Windows version some time ago. More precisely, in two: free - free, and paid - pro. The free one allows you to recover up to 1 GB of information, the paid one - without restrictions.

Unlike the three previous applications, Disk Drill requires mandatory installation on the computer (for which it receives a minus, since this simple operation can lead to overwriting the data that the user was just about to restore). But it has a number of benefits that others do not have.

With constant use, Disk Drill keeps track of deleted files and also creates them backups, which increases the chances of their recovery even after time. In addition, it supports any type of storage device and almost all file systems (it knows more than 300 unique file signatures).

Disk Drill does not have a Russian localization, but it is quite easy to use.

How to recover deleted files from using Disk Drill:

  • Install the application on your PC and run it with administrator rights.
  • Select a USB flash drive with deleted data from the list of media.
  • Open the drop-down list next to the Recover button, which is located opposite the flash drive, and click the desired scan type: “Run all recovery methods” (use all search and recovery methods), “Quick scan” (quick scan), “Deep scan” (deep scan) ) or “Load last scanning session” (load the result of the last scan). Click the "Recover" button (or "Continue" if you have already started working with the media).
  • In the next window that opens after scanning, select from the list necessary files, specify the location to save them and click “Recover” again.

RS File Recovery

RS File Recovery is a paid Russian-language application. In addition to the main thing - restoring information from physical drives, it is able to save and subsequently work with their images. After creating the image physical device with data can be disabled, since the program has already “remembered” all its contents. In addition, the application has a built-in HEX editor for manual byte-by-byte correction of files, as well as an FTP client for uploading the recovered file to network resources.

After analyzing the storage device, RS File Recovery displays information about the data on it - when it was created, when it was changed, and whether it can be restored. This information appears in the bottom pane of the window.

Unfortunately, in the free demo version of the utility, the recovery function does not work, only viewing is available. The cost of a license starts from 999 rubles.

Like Disk Drill, RS File Recovery requires installation on your computer.

How to use RS File Recovery:

  • Launch the application. Select a flash drive from the list of media by simply clicking on it. All its contents, including deleted files, will be displayed in the middle part of the window.
  • Click on the item you want to restore. Information about it, including the forecast, will be shown in the panel below.
  • Drag the required files to the recovery list on the right side of the window and click the “Recover” button.
  • Select the saving method: to hard drive, to CD/DVD, to the Internet via FTP, or to convert to a virtual ISO image.

  • Specify the destination folder on your hard drive. When choosing other saving methods, follow the assistant's instructions.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

Ontrack EasyRecovery is one of the most functional and effective data recovery programs, the main competitor of industry leader R-Studio. It successfully extracts data even from heavily damaged media, supports all types of file systems and more than 250 file formats, creates virtual images of physical storage devices, can boot from DVDs and USB flash drives, and also has a lot of other useful features.

EasyRecovery is available in several paid editions with different set functions. The most inexpensive is home-based, which will cost the user $79 per year. Professional, enterprise and specialized (for servers) cost from $299 to $3000 for an annual license.

Despite the enormous possibilities, even a novice user can use this program, since each stage of the work is accompanied by a built-in assistant. It is also impossible to make a mistake because it is completely translated into Russian.

How to use Ontrack EasyRecovery:

  • Launch the application (it is available in installation, portable and, as already mentioned, boot versions). Specify the type of media on which the deleted data is located.
  • Select the volume to scan (if it is a flash drive, then, as a rule, there is only one volume on it).
  • Select a recovery scenario. Restore objects after deletion and formatting - different scenarios. First, try using the first one - it works faster, and if that doesn’t help, try the second one.
  • If the data was affected by a logical failure, identify one or more types of file systems that may be on the media.

  • Check again that the conditions are correct and confirm your selection. After this, the program will begin scanning the flash drive.
  • After scanning is complete, select the desired objects in the list (to select several, press and hold the Ctrl key). Click the “Save” button in the top panel of the main window and specify the destination folder on your hard drive.

To create an image of a storage device and work with it in the future, after starting the program, select the device in the list of media, open the “File” menu and click “Create image file”.


Active UNDELETE is another paid utility that successfully copes with the recovery of individual deleted objects and entire disk partitions. Supports all types of media, all file systems and over 200 different file formats. In addition to the main tasks, it allows you to solve related problems - correct errors in the partition table and boot records, create, format and delete disk volumes, etc. Like the bulk paid analogues,Active UNDELETE supports the creation of virtual drive images.

Demo version of the program available for free download, has a full range of functions, but does not allow you to recover files larger than 1 Mb.

The Active UNDELETE interface is exclusively in English, but the utility is easy to use, since each action is accompanied by a wizard.

Unfortunately, it does not have a portable version. Installation only.

How to work with Active UNDELETE:

  • Launch the program. Click “Recover deleted files” in the first window that opens. This will launch the recovery wizard.
  • The first window of the wizard is a brief information about how the program works on English language. To proceed to the next step, click “Next”.
  • Next, select one or more devices on which the desired files are located. Click "Next" and in the next window - "Scan".
  • After scanning, mark the items you want to recover and proceed to the next step.
  • Set the saving options - folder, file names, renaming in case of matches, etc. You can leave everything as default.

  • The last step is the actual recovery. To launch it, click the “Recover files and folders” button.

If you want to create a virtual image of a flash drive, open the “Disk image management” section in the main window and run the “Create disk image” wizard.

If you have never accidentally deleted photos or formatted your camera's memory card, then you are very lucky - there are few such lucky people left. Most users who actively take and carefully store digital photos are faced with the need to restore erased photographs. Deleted photos that were stored on a camera memory card or flash drive are the same files, so restoring them after formatting is no different from returning documents or music. However, when it comes to photos, you can also use highly specialized programs whose functionality is tailored to returning deleted images.

It should immediately be noted that the most better program for photo recovery is RS Photo Recovery, however it is paid, but if you want to save your time and nerves, we highly recommend it. As far as we can remember, no one had any problems with it. You can find information on how to purchase the program and use it.

Magic Photo Recovery

You can choose one of four options for saving data - to a hard drive, to a CD/DVD, as an ISO image or upload via FTP. It is recommended to select recovery to hard drive. The main thing is not to save photos to the media from which the program recovered them.

Using Recuva

The recovery wizard has a convenient filter by file type, which allows you to search only for images. After formatting, Recuva does not return all the data, some files turn out to be unreadable, but the chances of successfully recovering deleted photos are quite high.

After scanning is completed, a table will appear showing all detected photos. A green circle next to the name means that the file is fully functional and can be restored, a red circle means that the image is damaged after formatting. Select photos with a green circle and click "Recover" to save the photo to your computer.

Photorec program

If Magic Photo Recovery nor Recuva were able to return the photos you needed, use the heavy recovery artillery - the free Photorec program.

After the scan is complete, go to the “recovery” folder. Inside you will see all the detected files. Find the pictures you need and save them somewhere else so you don’t lose them again.

The digital camera has long moved from the category of complex technical devices to the group of simple and understandable everyday things. Even a child can cope with it today. Alas, the simplicity of management does not protect us from accidental loss of photos - it’s so easy to click “Delete all photos” instead of “Delete photos”. Three letters, what a difference!

However, photo recovery programs come to our aid here. Precisely photographs, because although “photos” are simply files stored on magnetic media, they have some features.

Firstly, the photo recovery program should be simple and convenient, understandable even to “blonds”, because a camera is a household device. You don’t need to graduate from University just to take photographs. The interface of a photo recovery program should also not frighten a person who has not received special education.

Secondly, it is advisable to know what we are restoring. Unlike data on a hard drive, where files are usually named according to a “mnemonic” principle and the file name can be used to approximately judge its contents, photo files in a camera are numbered with meaningless numbers. It is advisable to have the opportunity preview pictures.

Thirdly, some photo formats are quite complex and it would be nice for the recovery program to “understand” the structure of the file, trying to “intelligently” restore the lost parts.

Well, and fourthly, the recovery program should be free. After all, you don't plan to "accidentally" format the memory card once a month? And for a one-time use of the program, a fee of several tens of dollars does not always pay off.

Having formulated these four principles, I decided to find ten free programs to recover deleted photos. Not all ten are completely free, two programs included in the list are still shareware, but you can still recover data using these programs at once. Perhaps my list is not complete, I missed a lot of programs that can be downloaded, but at the end of the test period you still have to pay $30-50. But this is understandable - after all, my review is called “10 free programs for photo recovery." Well, let's look at this “ten”.

1. MjM Free Photo Recovery Software

MjM Free Photo Recovery Software allows you to easily recover Three-Dimensional Design Methodologies for Tree-based FPGA Architecture (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering) that were deleted from the memory card or were lost due to formatting.

The program has an easy-to-use interface, can automatically recognize the type of memory card in the card reader, and, most importantly, shows thumbnails of photos that are detected during scanning. You can view the restored photos in full size, mark the ones you need in order to restore only selected photos. In preparation for this post, I removed all images from the card using Windows Explorer— the program found and restored them all. Then I formatted the card in the camera and resumed the search - the program again found all the photos (the results of recovering photos after formatting in the camera may vary depending on the formatting method used in a particular camera). Works with Compact Flash, SmartMedia, Memory Sticks and other types of memory cards, and does not work with local hard drives.

The deep scan is very slow and can take several hours depending on the size of the memory card.

You can download the program for free from the official website

2. eIMAGE Recovery

eIMAGE recovery is an excellent tool for recovering digital photos and multimedia files from memory cards or multimedia players whose storage media is defective or damaged, as well as images that you may have accidentally deleted from a memory card. This program works with most types of memory cards used in digital cameras: SmartMedia, CompactFlash, Sony Memory Sticks, IBM Microdisk, flash cards, and others.

The program's interface is easy to use and offers quick card scanning or in-depth scanning for a better search for deleted photos. eIMAGE recovery software displays photos that can be recovered as thumbnails, prompting the user to mark those that need recovery. I tried to test the eIMAGE program to recover a newly formatted 1GB FlashCard that contained 80 photos before formatting (using the camera).

The program not only recovered all the recently deleted files, but also found a total of 440 files, many of which had gone through several (previous) card formats.

The program supports all popular graphics formats, including Canon RAW (CRW), Kodak Raw (DCR), Nikon RAW (NEF) and a number of other specialized formats. If you've lost your photos due to accidental deletion or card corruption, eIMAGE recovery may be your best chance of getting them back.

The program is shareware ( full version costs $27). Trial version can be downloaded for free or on the official website

3. PC INSPECTOR smart recovery

PC INSPECTOR supports the most common types of storage devices: Flash Card, Smart Media, SONY Memory Stick, IBM Micro Drive, Multimedia Card, Secure Digital Card and any storage media of digital cameras. For the program to work, the memory card must be identified as additional disk. If the device is not detected this way, then you can use any card reader. When restoring data, after selecting the desired disk, you are prompted to select the format of the files that were lost. Among graphic files Recovery supported: GIF, JPG, BMP, TIF and a large number of specialized digital camera formats. It supports recovery of AVI, MOV, 3GP, MP4, WAV and DSS formats from audio/video files.

4. Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery

Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery is an easy-to-use data recovery tool to recover accidentally deleted image files on memory cards various types(Compact Flash, SmartMedia, Memory Sticks, etc.). The interface is very easy to use, you just need to select the device that contains the images you want to recover and specify the folder to save the images.

Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery can recover photos that were deleted or formatted by the camera. Supported formats: TIFF, Exif, JPEG and GIF.

Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery photo recovery program can be downloaded for free or from the official website

5.Smart Image Recovery

Smart Image Recovery, like other programs in this review, can recover photos even if the disk has been formatted and new files have already begun to be written to it. A unique algorithm allows this utility to work regardless of the type of media or its file system: it simply scans the disk to detect lost images but scans it easily and quickly. Built-in preview allows you to stop the process as soon as you find the lost photos.

The program works with both hard drives and removable media, works with Windows NT / XP / Vista

6. Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery tool

Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery tool helps recover lost images, videos and music files from damaged or accidentally formatted memory cards for digital camera or mobile phone.

It can read all types of memory cards currently available on the market and recover all popular photo, video and audio formats. The creators of the Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery tool claim that this program can also read damaged floppy disks, CDs and DVDs.

The program is shareware. The demo version can be downloaded for free or on the official website of the program

7. AnyFound Photo Recovery Free Edition

The program allows you to find all lost and deleted photos on your hard drives and USB drives. It supports recovery of almost all image formats, including BMP, JPEG (JPG), GIF, PNG, PSD, TIFF, WMF, EMF, ICO, etc. The program provides thumbnail viewing to select recoverable files

8. Canon RAW File Recovery Software

If you are the owner of a Canon digital camera, then Canon RAW File Recovery Software can help you with photo recovery. It works with photos in Canon RAW (.CRW) format. The program is designed to recover damaged or corrupt CRW files that do not open normally. The recovered file can be saved in native CRW format.

CRW files are mainly used in professional cameras if photographs are subsequently to be processed.

The main source of CRW corruption can be file size changes. CRW files are structurally very complex and even a small change can make CRW files unreadable. CRW repair checks the file size to make sure it is correct.

Canon cameras also typically store JPEG images along with the image inside RAW CRW files. This allows users to quickly access JPEGs, but gives them the additional ability to change the RAW data at a later stage. CRW Repair also give you a separate option to access and extract JPEG images.

You can download the program for free from the official website

9. CRW Fixer

CRW Fixer is a powerful and handy tool, which, just like the previous product, can help you recover damaged Canon RAW (CRW) files.

In some cases, CRW files may become damaged or corrupted during the recovery process. This tool will help you deal with this problem.

recovering files after formatting

You can download the program for free from the official website

10. Disk Digger

DiskDigger is a utility that can recover lost or deleted files on a disk. It works with all FAT and NTFS file types. With its help you can recover almost any file, be it images, audio or video or text document.

There are two modes in which you can recover deleted files: regular (“deep”) scanning and in-depth (“deeper”) scanning. Working with DiskDigger is very easy thanks to its simple and intuitive interface.

Despite the fact that this program does not belong to the class of programs designed to recover photos specifically - it successfully recovers files of any type - the presence of a built-in viewer makes it very convenient for recovering photos and other images.

It does not require installation and you just need to download it. The file will be in Zip format, which you need to extract, after which you can save it in any directory where it will be accessible to you.

You can download the program for free on the official website