Security is an http specification. Main payment systems in online casinos

Security is an http specification. Main payment systems in online casinos

HTML redirects play an important role in large scale web projects. The ability to redirect traffic from one site to another helps to better manage visitor flows and restructure the resource.

With the help of redirects, users can send messages with the same content on different domains, without allowing them to be classified as duplicate content. In addition, domain redirects are effective way for search engine optimization.

Redirects are done with .htaccess , PHP script, HTML meta tags and JavaScript .

Redirect site domains

Redirects are used to inform servers that site content has been moved from one URL to another. You need to do this when the original web address ( inbound link target) ranks high in search engine results ( SERP). In this case, the redirect tells the crawler that the desired content has been moved, providing the user with a link to the new address.

Without these redirects, webmasters would end up with a 404 error page instead of the site they were looking for. This is something that commercial resources are especially keen to avoid. Online stores offer a constantly changing range of products that are displayed on many pages. As soon as the product is no longer sold, potential customers are redirected to a page with a similar product. This allows you to more effectively manage the flow of visitors, as well as reduce the bounce rate.

In addition, redirection allows the same content to be available at different web addresses. All alternative addresses are redirected towards the site's priority domain:

Redirect types

Distinguish between client and server HTML meta redirect. In the case of server redirects, HTTP status codes are passed to user agents ( browsers and search robots).

When it comes to client-side redirects, things look different: they are executed without any response, and no status codes are transmitted. That is why not all systems support redirect. This can lead to situations where visitors stay on the original site and are not redirected to new page.

Such shortcomings make the use of server redirects more preferable. Therefore, client-side solutions should only be applied when server-side domain redirects are not possible due to technical obstacles.

Server redirects

In most cases, server-side domain redirects are done through a .htaccess config file or a PHP script. The advantage of these methods is that you can individually determine which HTTP status code should be displayed to the user agent. This allows webmasters to mark redirects as permanent or temporary.

Below are the actual HTTP 301 and 302 status codes:

  • redirect 301 HTML - moved permanently: The requested resource is now permanently available at the new URL . The old URL becomes invalid from now on;
  • 302 - Moved temporarily: The requested resource is available at a new URL . At the same time, the original URL still retains its relevance.

If the HTTP status code is not explicitly defined, the server sends a 302 status code during the redirect. This is not always necessary and it is recommended to manually enter the correct status code on each redirect, as this reduces the chance of an indexing error, as in a URL hack situation. Unlike a 301 redirect, a 302 status code tells crawlers that the original URL should remain indexable. The redirect address intended for permanent operation competes with the address specified in the search engine index.

Redirect via .htaccess

htaccess is a configuration file on the Apache server used to override the directory-level central configuration. This file allows site administrators to make directory specific settings for domains and their subdirectories. One of the functions of the .htaccess file includes server redirects of individual addresses to other URLs.

After the .htaccess file with the following code is placed in the main directories, requests for the original domain are redirected by the server side to the ‘ ’ domain:

Htaccess redirect to new domain redirect 301 /

The line of code starts with redirect 301 HTML and defines the HTTP status code that will be sent by the server. This is followed by the path to the content to be redirected. In this case, all content will be redirected. Finally, the target URL is redirected to the user agent URL: '' .

This method allows you to redirect individual files. The following code shows a redirect from one site to another:

.htaccess redirect from subdirectory to another url

Here's what a permanent redirect looks like on an Apache server with mod_rewrite enabled:

RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^directory/example-document.html$

In the first line of code, Apache's mod_rewrite module is enabled with the command 'RewriteEngine On' . After that it says " RewriteRule' with the path to the redirect file and the destination address. The symbols ^ and $ denote the beginning and end of the path, and L denotes the last rule for the corresponding query. R = 301 forwards HTTP status 301 .

When setting up a redirect using .htaccess, erroneous entries can seriously affect the operation of the site. Given that these changes take effect immediately after saving the .htaccess file, you need to carefully check the corresponding configurations.

Redirects with PHP

An HTML redirect to another page can also be done with a PHP script ( for example in index.php). The following code renders a permanent redirect to the target URL '' :

When passed through a PHP script, the HTTP status code is determined using the " header' in the second line of code. In this example, a permanent 301 redirect should be done. Given that server redirects are usually done on a temporary basis, a permanent redirect must be explicitly set to the 301 status code. The destination address of the redirect is also written in ‘ header‘.

In the example, the redirect happens to ‘‘. Function ‘ exit The ‘ in the fourth line of code ends the script and prevents the next line from executing. For redirects to work through PHP script, the code block must be placed at the beginning of the HTML page. This prevents the server from passing the HTML content to the redirect page.

Client redirects

If server-side redirection is not possible due to technical reasons, then you can use a client-side solution. To do this, use the HTML meta tag " refresh' and JavaScript . The disadvantage of client-side redirection is that servers do not pass HTTP status codes to requesting browsers or crawlers.

Moreover, client-side redirects are not supported by all user agents, which means there is a risk that not all site visitors will be redirected.

Redirect HTML index on the client side has a negative impact on the search index. With client-side 301 redirects, there is no explicit exclusion from indexing via the HTTP status code. This can result in redirects of domains competing with destination domains when it comes to search queries associated with the rating. Unlike server redirects, which remain invisible to users, client redirects are always accompanied by delays.

Redirecting with HTML refresh meta tag

HTML redirects are implemented via meta tags with the attribute ‘ http-equiv'. This requires a simple HTML file and an appropriate tag in the header to create a redirect. In order for visitors to receive information about the redirect, the appropriate notification must be set in the HTML document: " Please wait. You will be redirected...‘. A simple redirect with refresh looks like this:

The client will be prompted to redirect to a new page via the http-equiv="refresh" meta tag. How this happens is defined in the ‘ content'. The above example redirects users to the domain ‘‘in ten seconds.

Htaccess is an Apache web server configuration file that allows you to control the operation of the web server and site settings using various parameters (directives) without changing the main web server configuration file.

RU-CENTER hosting currently uses the Apache web server version 2.4.

File directives .htaccess are valid for the directory in which such a file is located, and for all its subdirectories. If you wish with .htaccess change the settings for the site as a whole, it should be placed in the root directory of the site ~/your_domain/docs.

Please be careful when editing the file .htaccess! When saving such a file in UTF-8 encoding, it should not contain a BOM signature. To edit a file .htaccess and others configuration files we recommend not using Windows Notepad, but special text editors, like Notepad++ .

Examples of using the .htaccess file

1. Redirecting domains from a site synonym to the main domain with a 301 code

Redirect requests to from any of the site synonyms

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^domain\.ru$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

Redirect requests to from any of the site synonyms

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) !^www\.domain\.ru$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

2. Permanent 301 redirect

If you have changed the address of the site page, add the following lines to .htaccess so that requests from the old address are redirected to the new one

Redirect 301 /page.html

  • page.html - address old page relative to the site root;
  • - site name;
  • new_page.html - URL of the page to be redirected to.

This rule will not work for redirects from addresses containing Query String (characters after?). For queries containing QUERY_STRING, you can use a combination of RewriteCond and RewriteRule.

For example, to redirect all requests to the /period/?test=123 page of your website to, you can write:

Options +FollowSymLinks
Rewrite Engine On
RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^test=123$
RewriteRule ^period/$

3. Redefining error pages

With the .htaccess file you can set your error pages:

#401 Authorization failed
ErrorDocument 401
#403 Access denied
ErrorDocument 403
#404 Page not found
ErrorDocument 404
#500 Internal server error
ErrorDocument 500

The corresponding error page files (401.html, 404.html, etc.) must be placed in the ~/your_domain/docs/errors directory.

So that if you accidentally mention direct links to such pages, they are not indexed in search engines, it is recommended:

a) in the file ~/your_domain/docs/robots.txt write

User-agent: *
Disallow: /errors

b) create a file ~/your_domain/docs/errors/.htaccess, in which to write


4. Page-by-page redirection of requests to another domain with code 301

The following code will redirect all requests to pages on your site to similar pages on another site, for example, a request will be redirected to

Redirect 301 /

Rewrite Engine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

5. Restricting access to the site by IP

Deny access to the site from IP addresses and

Order Allow, Deny
Allow from all
Deny from

Deny access to the site from all addresses except and

Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

Deny access to the site for everyone:

6. Override home page site (catalog index file)

Make the menu.html file the main page:

DirectoryIndex menu.html

7. Turn on PHP processing in .html files

RemoveHandler .html .htm
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html .phtml

If there is no main page (index file) in the folder, when accessing without specifying a specific file name in the request, a list of all files in the directory will be returned. To disable the display of a catalog listing, add to the file .htaccess line:


9. Enable execution of CGI scripts in the docs folder for files with .cgi, .pl extensions. .py

In the folder with CGI scripts, you need to place the .htaccess file with the content:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .py
Options +ExecCGI

Attributes (permissions) can be changed with file manager control panel, using your or . Also in the section Web serverModule management the CGI module must be enabled.

10. Blocking transitions from third-party resources

To prevent the transition from to, add to .htaccess following:

Rewrite Engine on
RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) baddomain\.ru
RewriteRule .* - [F]

If you want to disable transitions from several domains, then use the following directives

Rewrite Engine on
RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) baddomain\.ru
RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) baddomain2\.ru
RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) baddomain3\.ru
RewriteRule .* - [F]

11. Features of using Cyrillic domains (.RF, .MOSCOW, etc.)

In file .htaccess the use of Cyrillic is not allowed. When compiling redirect rules for Cyrillic domains, you must specify the domain name in punycode. You can find out the domain name in punycode using the .

For example, to redirect to site.rf, you need to use the following rule:

Rewrite Engine on
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www\
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://xn--80aswg.xn--p1ai/$1

In this case, your visitors can see exactly the punycode representation of the domain name in the address bar of the browser. This is not an error.

12. Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa

Redirect requests to

Rewrite Engine on
RewriteCond %(ENV:HTTPS) !on
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

Redirect requests to

Rewrite Engine on
RewriteCond %(ENV:HTTPS) on
RewriteRule ^.*$ http://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

3. Error diagnosis

If after editing or posting .htaccess when accessing the site you received an error 500, then most likely in the file .htaccess an error has been made. You can see its causes in the log file /var/log/your_domain.error_log.

4. Additional documentation and examples

Detailed documentation can be found on the website of the Apache web server developer:

How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS (14)

I'm trying to redirect all insecure HTTP requests to my site ( for example) to HTTPS ( I am using PHP by the way. Can I do it in .htaccess?

Add the following code to your .htaccess file:

Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(SERVER_PORT) !=443 RewriteRule ^ https://%(REQUEST_URI)

Where [your Domain name] is the domain name of your website.

You can also redirect specific folders from your domain name by replacing the last line of the above code with:

RewriteRule ^ https:///%(REQUEST_URI)

To see this in action (try without www.https:// or with .net instead of .com): (a site I'm working on).

If you're using Apache, mod_rewrite is the easiest solution and has a lot of documentation online on how to do it. For example:

If you're in a situation where you don't have access to the apache config directly for your site, which many hosted platforms are still limited in this way, I'd recommend a two-step approach. The reason why Apache themselves document that you should use your config options in the first place over mod_rewrite for HTTP to HTTPS.

First, as mentioned above, you have to set your .htaccess mod_rewrite rules:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteRule ^ https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

Then in your PHP files (you'll want to do this whenever it's appropriate for your situation, some sites will route all requests through a single PHP file, others serve different pages depending on their needs and the request being made):

The above must run BEFORE any code that could potentially provide secure data in an unsecured environment. So your site uses automatic redirect via HTACCESS and mod_rewrite, while your script(s) does not guarantee that the output will not be received unless it is available via HTTPS.

I guess most people don't think so, which is why Apache recommends that you don't use this method where possible. However, to ensure the safety of user data, additional verification is required at the end of development. Hope this helps someone else who might have to look into using non-recommended methods due to end-of-life restrictions on our hosting services.

Using the following code in your .htaccess file will automatically redirect visitors to the HTTPS version of your site:

If you have an existing .htaccess file:

Do not duplicate RewriteEngine On.

Make sure that lines starting with RewriteCond and RewriteRule immediately follow the already existing RewriteEngine On.

The best solution depends on your requirements. This is a summary of previously posted answers with some added context.

If you are working with the Apache web server and can change its configuration, follow the Apache documentation:

ServerName Redirect "/" "" ServerName # ... SSL configuration goes here

But you also asked if you can do it in the .htaccess file. In this case you can use Apache RewriteEngine :

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteRule (.*) https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI) [L]

If everything works fine and you want browsers to remember this redirect, you can make it permanent by changing the last line to:

RewriteRule (.*) https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

But be careful if you might change your mind in this redirect. Browsers remember this for a very long time and won't check if it has changed.

You may not need the first RewriteEngine On line depending on your web server configuration.

If (!$_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ( header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); )

I like:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTPS) !on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

Via .htaccess This will help.

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^www\.(.*)$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 RewriteCond %(HTTPS) !=on RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https ://%(SERVER_NAME)/$1

Also refer to this section for additional information. How to redirect Http to Https?

This is the html redirect approach which works but is not the best.

PHP Approach

htaccess approch

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteRule (.*) https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

This is the right way HTTP redirects to HTTPS using .htaccess according to The first line of code is self-explanatory. The second line of code checks if HTTPS is disabled and if it redirects HTTP to HTTPS by running the third line of code otherwise the third line of code will be ignored.

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

I have found a way to force redirect all pages of my website from http to analog https pages which works for me.

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto) !https RewriteRule (.*) https://%(HTTP_HOST)%(REQUEST_URI)

I found out that The best way for https and www on a domain is

RewriteCond %(HTTPS) off RewriteCond %(HTTPS_HOST) !^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

Hello everyone, today we will look at how you can redirect users from an address from www to http. This procedure is called 301 redirect. This procedure is required for all sites, since the browser considers that and are different sites and traffic to them will be unique for each. This is a problem, as it is better to have your site rise in the top for one domain than to divide traffic between two.

This redirection method is used:

  • if the domain is no longer in use and you have switched to another domain name
  • if you need a redirect from www to http:// or vice versa

In order to redirect the site, we create a .htaccess file in the root folder of the site

This file must be opened as a regular text editor or with a coding program. I am opening this file through the Sublime Text program.

htaccess (HyperText Access) is a simple configuration file that allows designers, developers, and programmers to change the configuration of the Apache web server to implement additional functionality. Such functionality can include redirecting users, changing URLs, providing password protection for directories, and more.


The .htaccess file should use 644 permissions and be loaded in ASCII mode. If your .htaccess file is not working then you should refer to system administrator or contact your web host's tech support and make sure it's allowed for your account, since some hosting companies do not allow its use without prior permission, this mainly applies to free hosting. Also, unfortunately, .htaccess won't work on Windows servers.

We redirect the request to the site, from www to http://

Users who enter the site address from www will be redirected to the site from http://

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^ RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

RewriteEngine– Enables or disables the conversion mechanism, that is, allows the code to work.

RewriteCond- here the conditions under which the code works are entered, in our case, the domain from which the request will be redirected is entered.

RewriteRule- defines the rules that will work, in our case, the site to which the request will be redirected is indicated.

It turns out that…

RewriteCond- From which

RewriteRule- On which

For the opposite case, a similar code is written, only the addresses are reversed.

We redirect the request to the site, from http:// to www

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^ RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1

Finding reliable and honest online casinos requires a large number free time, especially when we are talking about newbies. It is necessary to evaluate the transparency of the gaming club, online reputation, feedback from other users, payout speed and many other performance factors. To save the players from a similar fate, we have compiled casino rating , which have been thoroughly tested and confirmed their own honesty and good returns on slot machines.

Our rating of the best casinos

You no longer need to spend personal time checking the reliability of the institution. Experienced analysts who specialize in gambling and spend dozens of hours in casinos every month have made their own objective assessment of the work of gaming clubs. They analyzed hundreds of establishments in order to ultimately offer users best platforms presented on the Internet.

The initial list of clubs was quite large, but in the process of analysis dubious and unreliable institutions fell away. For example, the presence of a fake license, the absence of certificates for slots, the substitution of the server in the slot machine, and much more serve as a warning to experts. Even one factor that allows you to doubt the honesty of the casino is a reason for exclusion from the rating.

In addition to a superficial analysis of gaming platforms, information about establishments on the Internet is checked. Reputation in the network, reviews of current and former players, availability conflict situations, scandals with casinos and ways to solve problems from the creators are taken into account in the analysis. Particular attention is paid to young clubs with up to 1-2 years of experience.

How is the casino rating compiled and who gets there?

For creating rating of licensed casinoswe attract experienced gamblers and analysts with over 10 years of experience in the industry. Thanks to their knowledge, they easily weed out fraudulent clubs, and then conduct a thorough analysis of the remaining establishments. The result is a small list of reliable casinos where you can safely play without fear for the honesty of the results and payouts.

  • availability of a license from the gambling regulator and the chosen jurisdiction for registration;
  • platform security, which guarantees the confidentiality of data and payment information;
  • selection of licensed software from reliable providers, whose work cannot be interfered with;
  • the presence of a Russian-language version for greater convenience of users from Russia and the CIS countries;
  • support service, including the schedule of its work, the speed of responses, the quality of problem resolution;
  • withdrawal of money without additional delays or verifications, as well as options for receiving money and the speed of processing transactions;
  • bonus programs for new and regular users, availability of tournaments, lotteries, periodic promotions;
  • payment systems that affect the convenience of customers to replenish an account and withdraw winnings.

This is just a small list of current requirements that are evaluated by experts. Each criterion receives its own coefficient of importance, which is taken into account when summing up the final result.

What is a licensed casino?

Casino Rating , indicating the honesty and transparency of the operation of gaming platforms, may consist exclusively of establishments with valid operating licenses. Legitimate clubs are required to pass regulatory scrutiny and comply with all of their rules in order to be approved.

Just mentioning the presence of a license on the site is not enough. Experts understand that scammers can use logos to deceive naive users, so they analyze the information themselves. To do this, go to the official website of the regulator and using the document number or name legal entity confirm the information. If there is no license information, then it is a fake.

Analysts also use technical analysis to check licensed software. With the help of developer tools, they get access to information about the data transfer server. If the casino uses the official portal of the software provider, then the software is honest and legal. This means that it is impossible to interfere in its work and twist the final results.

How is casino honesty determined?

It is quite difficult to independently assess the honesty of a gaming club, which is due to the amount of resources and knowledge available. Before inclusion of establishments inrating of honest casinos, analysts conduct a thorough check of many factors:

  • the regions where the players are accepted from, as prohibited jurisdictions speak volumes;
  • withdrawal limits that limit one-time transactions, as well as the daily, weekly and monthly amount of transactions;
  • availability of information about KYC and AML, which indicates compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the honesty and legality of the origin of money;
  • a reputation that confirms the honesty and reliability of the club and the absence of high-profile scandals or problems;
  • the duration of the work, allowing you to fully evaluate the history of the online resource, including all the advantages and disadvantages;
  • the presence of a regulator and compliance with its rules, which increases the chances of fairness.

The license and the regulator are quite an important criterion, but this does not give a 100% guarantee of honesty. Only clubs that allowed players to get big winnings and jackpots, gave gifts for lotteries and tournaments, can count on such a title.

Varieties of slot machines

The number of slots, machines and other types of gambling entertainment says a lot about the institution. Some clubs cooperate with only a few software providers, but receive popular and new game offers from them, while others expand their network of partnership agreements and invite a huge number of brands to cooperate. The more slot machines are presented on the gaming platform, the easier it is for the client to choose the slot they like.

But rating of licensed casinostakes into account not only the variety of games, but also their quality. Reliable gaming establishments use exclusively licensed software that has been tested for honesty and security. Such machines allow you to count on a return of up to 98%, and you cannot interfere in their work and tweak the algorithm for generating results.

To be frank, all sites are aimed at making a profit. Even if one of the players wins the jackpot, the casino remains in the black in the long run. But only honest clubs allow users to get a big jackpot and withdraw it to a real account. This is what distinguishes licensed online casinos from fraudulent projects.

Bonus policy

Create a casino rating without taking into account the bonus policy is impossible. All gaming clubs use promotions and gifts to attract new and retain existing customers. But some institutions act quite cunningly, creating hidden conditions for wagering or accruals, setting unrealistic wagering conditions ranging from x60-100, which are almost impossible to fulfill.

The standard set of incentives consists of the following categories:

  1. No deposit bonus for welcoming new customers - awarded for address confirmation Email and phone numbers. As a reward, free money or free spins on slot machines with a mandatory wagering condition are used.
  2. Registration gift - free spins or multipliers of the amount of replenishment of the account for 1-5 deposits from the moment of creating a personal profile. The exact amount of the bonus and the maximum limits are set individually by each club.
  3. Loyalty program - various user status systems that affect the size of the weekly cashback, the availability of personal terms of service, individual gifts, a favorable exchange rate of internal currency for money, and much more.
  4. Promo codes are periodic promotions from gaming clubs that distribute gift certificates for free spins, no deposit bonuses or account multipliers for everyone.

Russian-language casinos

Composing rating of the best casinos in 2020, the presence of the Russian language on the platform is taken into account. The Russian-language interface allows users from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the CIS countries to easily deal with registration, login, account replenishment and other features of the platform. It also confirms that the institution is focused on Russian-speaking users, offering them unique bonuses and support.

The work of the support service is taken into account. Most gambling clubs provide assistance to clients exclusively on English language which makes communication difficult. You need to use a translator or contact knowledgeable people to compose a request and understand the support response. Therefore, the rating includes only those online clubs that advise clients in support chats and by phone in Russian.

The Russian-language interface in the casino will allow you to understand the user rules of the platform without additional effort, study bonus offers and the features of their accruals, wagering, take part in tournaments and lotteries without any doubt about the correctness of the actions.

Casino with fast withdrawals

Particular attention is paid to the speed of payouts in online casinos. Some clubs offer withdrawals to bank cards and electronic wallets within a few hours, and for VIP clients they process requests instantly. Others use manual processing of applications on working days according to a special schedule, so payments can be delayed up to 1-3 business days from the moment the application is made. To save users from a long wait, createdfast withdrawal casino rating.

It consists exclusively of those institutions that promptly consider all applications and do not create obstacles for receiving money. Not only the speed of transfers is taken into account, but also the absence of problems when requesting large payouts or money transfers after winning the jackpot, big jackpot. Only honest establishments can guarantee the fairness of payments and the absence of problems with payments.

It also analyzes the available payment systems for deposits and requests for money. Standard sites support a minimal number of ways, but progressive clubs are constantly analyzing trends to integrate new technical solutions.

The main payment systems in online casinos:

  • bank cards MIR, MasterCard, Visa;
  • electronic wallets QIWI, Yandex, Webmoney, Neteller, Skrill and others;
  • mobile payments Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, TELE2;
  • Russian internet banking;
  • popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin.

User technical support service

An important factor that was taken into account in order to createrating of honest casinos- Availability of customer support service and the quality of its work. Reliable establishments take care of their own client base, so they organize special telephone lines, as well as online chats for prompt response to user questions and solving their problems.

Analysts used phone lines, live chats, and email contacts to analyze support. At different times of the day, the site staff received various questions or requests to deal with technical problems. After that, an assessment of the quality of their work was carried out, which included the following factors:

  • speed of providing answers;
  • whether the consultant solves the problem and how much time it took;
  • literacy of answers and the presence of Russian-speaking employees in support.

If the casino does not have Russian-speaking operators, we recommend using online translator from Google to translate questions and answers of consultants.


Before registering in an online club, you need to analyze the reliability, transparency of its work, as well as check the reputation and reviews on the network. Instead, we suggest usingrating of honest casinoscompiled by experienced gamblers. With the help of their own experience, they rejected dozens of suspicious gaming clubs, leaving the best establishments of 2020 in the list.