Utility for updating programs. How to update programs on your computer

Utility for updating programs.  How to update programs on your computer
Utility for updating programs. How to update programs on your computer

Not many people know about this, but new viruses appear every day. And today they are capable of causing such harm to a computer that it would have been difficult to imagine yesterday. Therefore, every user should be aware of the relevance of protecting their operating system. To keep your Windows secure, it needs to be updated regularly. But if the virus has already settled on your PC, check out and download a free antivirus from our catalog.

The importance of Windows updates

If a couple of decades ago Windows 98 was ideal and, as was believed, safe system, then there is no need to talk about it now. Microsoft hasn't released updates for it for a long time. The corporation took a different path, releasing Windows XP, then Vista, later Windows 7, etc. So-called “patches” are regularly issued for them.

A patch is a specific software package that increases system security. At the time the operating system is released, it is safe. But every day, hackers all over the world try to find new vulnerabilities and find them; failures unexpected during development appear in the system, leading to various system problems. Installation of scheduled Windows updates in most cases it helps solve these problems.

Windows operating system update

The first step is to enable automatic updates. To do this, you need to go to the “Control Panel” and find the “Windows Update” item in it.

The next window requires configuration. Select “Settings parameters”.

The shield icon with a checkmark has a drop-down list.

It is important that one of the first three points is selected. The best is considered to be an automatic process, which is recommended by the system.
When choosing the last item, you cannot count on 100% security of the OS.

After configuring the update settings, click the “OK” button.

The screenshot shows which updates are important and optional. IN in this example There are 14 important pieces, and 38 unimportant ones.
Important updates should always be installed. The second depending on the wishes of the user (Administrator).

Software update

The user works on the computer and has fun using various programs and games. The problem is that hackers regularly look for holes in installed software. How can this be used against the computer owner?

For example, VLC player can play streaming video and audio. Knowing this, an attacker can attack the port he is using this program. Therefore, very often various software notifies that an update has appeared. Usually the user is prompted to download it. Also on the download site (official website) there is information about bugs fixed in the previous version and apologies in the new one.

SUMo (Software Updates Monitor)

This small free utility is capable of finding all kinds of updates for installed programs on your computer.

The EXE file opens without installation. The program has a Russian-language intuitive clear interface.
Before you start using SUMo, you should understand the settings.

Here you can select the interface language and make some program settings. By default they are set optimally. Nothing needs to be changed here. Points 2 to 4 must be checked. They make it easier for the user to work with the program.
By clicking on the “Automatically find” button installed applications", the program will start looking for outdated software and updates for it.
In the example, all programs with exclamation point require updating. SUMo indicates available new versions. For example, Winrar can be updated to Winrar

By clicking on the “Update” button, the update process will begin.

You can also run this procedure in another way, which is shown in the screenshot below.

Two ways to increase system security will make the lives of PC users more relaxed and reliable!

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Programs for monitoring, controlling the relevance of versions of programs installed on the computer automatic search new, latest versions for those installed on the computer software products downloading and installing all updates on your PC, getting rid of potential system vulnerabilities that endanger your data, providing protective functions that an antivirus does not provide...

More details

It was said earlier that most of the programs described here are free, plus they have an interface in Russian.
Another important aspect for visitors who are looking on the Internet for programs for their personal (home) computer and more.
The main application and use of the utilities presented here is scanning the computer and notifying about the availability of new versions of software products for the software available on the PC.
Now, proceed from the following. Utilities need to “know,” let’s say, almost all the software on the Internet in order to periodically inform the user about the need to update something. software on his computer before new version. Accordingly, the program must interact with a huge software database.
So, currently the library of software products with all (old / new) versions is MULTI-MILLION and, as already stated, the program must “know” this library. Therefore, on a number of developer sites "software update programs", on their home pages you can find, perhaps, any program. Some “programs” even have their own online databases (over 2.5 million software products and their versions) - this is much more different software than in some of the largest software catalogs and software portals. In addition, similar web resources publish “honor boards”, i.e. the most popular (downloaded) programs and many others. useful information. For example, there is online services to check the relevance of the versions of programs installed on your PC. If you don’t want or are not ready to install a “software update program” on your computer, just do it “online” and find out what’s “going on” with the software on your computer.
In general, if you ever want to find some computer utilities on the Internet, then visit the “home pages” of some program sites (which are below) (useful and interesting information- a lot of).
In custody.
A new version of any program not only means more functionality or better “quality”, but also eliminates problems in VULNERABILITY.
What are we talking about?!!! Anti-viruses, firewalls, spuware and other good computer protection measures still cannot fully protect against threats that penetrate through vulnerabilities in software products installed on a PC.... Read more in the description of the programs below and increase the security of your computer Don't miss, for example, "Secunia Personal Software Inspector".

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial, I will show you a couple of ways on how you can update all the programs on your computer quickly and easily.

Some users will ask me a question, Why update programs at all?? Everything is very simple.

New versions fix various bugs and add new features. Therefore, I don’t see anything bad in the new versions! On the contrary, if the update appears, it means the developers did a good job!

You can update programs on your computer either manually, opening each one individually, or automatically using a special program. Let's consider both methods!

Update programs using FileHippo App Manager

Using convenient program FileHippo App Manager you can update all programs installed on our computer in the floor automatic mode. Now I’ll tell you how to do it correctly.

First of all, download FileHippo App Manager from the official website and install.

Immediately after installing and launching the program, it will prompt you to select an operating mode. Select the third item I’ll do it manually (I will do it manually) and click OK.

Immediately after launch FileHippo App Manager will scan all our programs and will show on the Updates tab the software that can be updated. In my case there are 17 programs.

To update any program, there is a Download and Run button opposite it.

WARNING! Don't try to update all programs. Especially it concerns paid programs, which were activated with a key found on the Internet. If you update such a program, the activation may fail. Be careful!

As you can see, I have 17 updates, but I won’t install everything completely. Let me update just some programs.

For example, I have updates for CCleaner. This is a great program for . To update it, I click Download and Run and wait a few seconds while the latest version is downloaded.

Upon completion, I will be prompted to update by installing a new version of this program.

I updated some other applications using the same method.

This program is convenient because it allows you to see all applications for which updates are available in one single window. But of course you can update programs manually, let's look at this method.

Manually updating programs

Any program can be updated manually. Of course, the process in different utilities may differ slightly, but the essence is the same everywhere and let’s look at a few examples.

To update the Google Chrome browser, click on the tools button and in the menu that opens, select Help - ABOUT Google browser Chrome.

The program is already checking for updates and if there are any, it will automatically install them and ask you to restart the browser.

To update the Mozilla browser, you need to open it by clicking Alt key and go to the Help menu that appears, then About Firefox.

If there is an update, it will download and install.

To update Avast antivirus you need to click on the gear.

Then open the Update tab and at the bottom in the section Program click Refresh button.

To update Skype, run this program and click the Help menu - Check for updates.

To update uTorrent, click the Help menu - Check for updates.

Like this update programs manually. Apply these tips and update necessary programs to use the latest developments.

That's all, I wish you good luck!

As part of the work to bring Windows to market mobile devices Microsoft once created windows store Store is a single source of content for the operating system, where users can comprehensively install all the software products they need. Today, the Windows Store is the place to install minimalist apps, games, and extensions for the Microsoft Edge browser. But only. Microsoft's ambitious plans to transform the Windows Store into a single web market with a huge assortment, where users could also get acquainted with desktop programs (just get acquainted and download via a link from the developer's website), alas, have so far remained a project, not put into practice. So far, the Store is not a viewing platform for software that works with the desktop environment of the system, and it is still scattered throughout the Internet - on the websites of development companies, software portals, torrent trackers, etc. All these resources have to be accessed not only once to download program installers, but also periodically to update them, if this process is not automatically provided by the developers. Below we will talk about updating third-party Windows programs - how often they need to be updated, how to do it manually and using special tools.

1. Why and how often do you need to update third-party software?

Updating third-party software is less useful than updating Windows itself, but in some cases this process can have a significant impact on the performance of programs or their individual functions. And some old programs that are no longer supported by developers may not even be installed in modern ones. Windows versions, since by default they do not provide for the activity of the software platforms necessary for their operation. For example, as is the case with . In software updates, developers correct errors, eliminate conflicts with hardware, and adapt to changes in operating system And software environments, on the basis of which these programs operate, add new capabilities.

How often should third-party software be updated? Versions of programs and games are often represented by a sequence of numbers like “xx.xx”, for example, Counter-Strike 1.6. Programs and games may have intermediate versions that have a sequence of numbers like “xx.xx.xx”, for example, CCleaner v5.24.5841. Interim versions, as a rule, do not contain any significant changes, except for minor fixes that are unlikely to be noticed by a wide audience of users. If the program or game works fine, you don't have to waste time updating to each intermediate version. The only exceptions may be programs such as antiviruses, password managers, clients of banking and payment systems, etc.

The creators try to turn radical updates of large software packages into a significant event in order to attract the attention of the masses. Such software packages may have readable and memorable version numbers, for example, Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X10, or contain the year of release in the name, for example, Acronis True Image 2017. This kind of software needs to be dealt with separately, since it may turn out that the new version requires purchasing a new license key.

2. Manually updating third-party software

Software that does not provide automatic updates may simply offer a function to check for new versions. In programs with a classic interface, this is usually the last section of the Help menu. If this is not even possible, in the same help section of the menu you can find the address of the program’s official website, visit it and check if a new version has appeared.

3. Updating third-party software using special programs

To simplify the procedure for tracking and installing updates, users who want to have only the latest software on their computer can use special programs. Such programs usually scan the system, identify the software installed on it and, if there are new versions, offer to download them and install them on the system. And some programs even examine non-system drives to look for updates for portable software. Fresh distribution delivery system different programs for updating third-party software is arranged differently. Some can download a distribution of the latest versions of the software directly from the official websites of the developers, and some update the software using a single database on the Internet (usually a database of large-scale software portals). The latter usually offer the user a larger list of support for updated software, but, alas, even they are not a panacea, because there are a lot of programs and games for Windows.

Let's look at three programs for updating third-party Windows software below.

3.1. Kaspersky Software Updater

Free utility Kaspersky Software Updater from the eminent creator of anti-virus products - Kaspersky Lab - was created with the goal of promoting paid software, but in the good old traditions of delivering high-quality software products, regardless of the terms of their payment. The utility is created on the principle of “Take and use”, it user-friendly interface and clear controls. Quality often makes friends with minimalism, so the creators of the utility found it necessary to limit themselves to only a hundred supported programs from those in demand by a wide audience. Immediately after installing Kaspersky Software Updater, we can start searching for updates to the software available on the system.

Kaspersky Software Updater

Based on the scan results, the utility window will display a list of programs for which new versions are available. And we can immediately start the update process for each of the detected programs by clicking the “Update” button. The update process will be carried out automatically.

Kaspersky Software Updater

Among others Kaspersky capabilities Software Updater – batch update of all detected programs in one click, adding individual programs to the list of exceptions (they will no longer participate in scanning), selecting the search mode for updates (all in a row or only essential ones), automatic start scanning according to a configured schedule. Kaspersky Software Updater is added to startup and in the background monitors the appearance of new versions of the software available in the system.

3.2. FileHippo App Manager

FileHippo App Manager is a program that works in conjunction with a single database of software installers; it is the client software of the FileHippo.Com soft portal. The program is free to use. The scanning period to detect new versions of the software available in the system is configured immediately when installing FileHippo App Manager. The program loads along with Windows, works in the background and notifies you of the availability of updates to the software available in the system with a message from the system tray.

Based on the results of scanning the system, in the FileHippo App Manager window we will see a list of programs for which new versions have been detected. Using the “Download & Run” button you can download new versions and start installing them on the system.

FileHippo App Manager

FileHippo App Manager stores downloaded distributions of new versions of software in a special folder. If necessary, its path, which is set by default on the C:\ drive, can be changed so that the distributions are stored, for example, on one of the non-system partitions.

FileHippo App Manager

3.3. SoftSalad Monitor

SoftSalad Monitor is a client program of the Softsalad.Ru soft portal. Others work with him client programs, but SoftSalad Monitor has the advantage of being able to free use. True, during the installation process of the program you need to carefully monitor it so that companion programs are not installed on the system along with it.

Like other programs for automatic update software, SoftSalad Monitor is added to startup during installation and performs its work in the background. After installing the program, a system scan will automatically start to search for new versions of the software available in the system. In the scan results, next to each of the programs in the list, possible actions will be available - download a new version, ignore for the future, and go to the Softsalad.Ru page with a description of the program. Downloading new versions is possible in batch mode.

The process of installing new software versions is launched directly from the SoftSalad Monitor interface.

If necessary, in the program settings you can change the preset storage path of the downloaded distribution.

SoftSalad Monitor

Of the three reviewed, this is the most functional solution. SoftSalad Monitor scans the system for searches outdated versions not only installed programs, but also portable programs. SoftSalad Monitor is also a directory for downloading and installing new software. In the “Popular” tab we will find several thematic selections of the most popular software. And to search for specific programs, you can use the internal search engine SoftSalad Monitor.

Have a great day!

Surely you have not one program installed on your computer, but dozens. And it’s no secret that they also need to be updated periodically. Why do this?!

And you need to do this:

  • To use new features in updated programs. It is true that the development of software and computers does not stand still. They develop and become better, and this is realized through new versions of the software.
  • To better protect your computer from hacker attacks. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in old, not updated programs. The same viruses exploit similar vulnerabilities. And the more popular and widespread the software, the higher the likelihood that its vulnerabilities will be exploited. The same developers of famous browsers spend millions of dollars to close holes in their programs.
  • To fix existing software problems. Developers constantly monitor the operation of their programs on people’s computers and, through updates, eliminate errors in their operation. There are a lot of different programs installed on the computer that constantly interact with each other. And as a result of such interaction, problems may arise, and the developer must eliminate them in each subsequent version.

These are the main reasons: “Why you need to update the software for your computer.”

Most programs for automatically updating programs work according to two principles:

  • You are launching a program. It finds updates for your software and provides download links from official sites. This is the safest and most reliable option. Because you download new versions from the official website.
  • The program itself downloads updates for you and installs them. This is already much more convenient than the first option, but there can often be problems. Special program to automatically update programs, it may not correctly determine the version of your program, and in the end you will, at best, download and try to install old version, and in the worst case, an attempt will be made to install versions not designed for your Windows version. Therefore, you should always be very careful with such software.

Similar software is also divided into two groups:

  • update regular programs. That is, they search for and install updates for simple applications, which run from Windows. This could be software for calls via the Internet, browsers, and so on. These include: Secunia Personal Software Inspector, arambis Software Updater and UpdateStar.
  • For example, drivers for various devices, which are located inside the computer ( motherboard, processor, video card, and so on) or connected from outside (media player, Bluetooth adapter, and so on). This software requires more caution, since any errors in its operation or use of it can lead to a crash on the computer. These are programs such as ASUS BIOS Live Update.
  • update the operating system. That is, they will help you correctly update, for example, Windows XP to Windows 7. And here, again, before working with such software, it is important to do this. These are programs such as Paragon System Upgrade Utilities 2010 Free Edition.

Programs for automatic software updates

(just click on its name to go to the analysis and then download it):

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