Eve online requirements. EVE Online - system requirements

Eve online requirements.  EVE Online - system requirements
Eve online requirements. EVE Online - system requirements

Eve Online: review of system requirements for the game + registration algorithm. Review storyline and the capabilities of the game character + 3 ways to earn game currency in Eve Online.

Eve Online – online MMOPRG, which has not left the top 10 best worldwide for 15 years. Hundreds of thousands of players have already joined this vast universe and are participating in space battles that are comparable only to the Star Wars films.

Today we will make a full review of Eve Online + we will talk about its main features, which became the reason for the wild popularity of the game on the Internet.

Online - overview of system requirements and installation nuances

Eve Online – which requires installation to use software to your personal computer. In 2015, the developers made the client more user-friendly. Now instead of the full package game resources you get a compact, small file - the rest of the interface elements are loaded as needed during the game itself.

1. System requirements and installation of Eve Online.

In order for the online universe of Eve to let you into its world, you should evaluate the system requirements in advance so that installing the client and registering a new account is not a waste of time. For greater clarity this information We presented it in the form of a table.

Overview of requirements for Windows:

Requirements overview for Mac:

In addition, be prepared to allocate up to 30 GB of hard drive space for game files. The Internet connection speed must be at least 256 Kb/sec, and for complete absence of freezes during combat operations and blind shots, use a network connection of 1 Mb/sec.

Overview of Eve Online installation options:

    "Thin package."

    Used when downloading the default client. Suitable in cases where the player wants to enter the game as quickly as possible, or an updated client with a size of 10-20 MB is being installed.

    Full installation.

    The peculiarity is that a person can carry out the installation procedure even without an Internet connection. All files have already been collected together. If errors are detected during downloading, the user can review the contents himself and download only the necessary files separately.

    Users who want to play under the Windows operating system can install the “thin” package; only a full installation is provided for Mac.

Another point is the location. shared folder with files. By default, it is installed on the same disk as Eve Online itself. You can change the destination using the “Browse” button. Select a folder that will not be deleted during the operating system reinstallation process.

2. Overview of the registration process in the Eve Online game.

To start your journey in Eve Online, you will need a personal Account— you can create it on the official website of the game in just 3 steps.

The project is positioned as a paid one, but each user has the opportunity to get a trial period of using the game for a period of 14 days.

Step-by-step overview of the registration process:

The game comes with an English interface by default, but there is no need to download the localizer. IN standard version client has a built-in shift function language settings– Russian language changes through the Eve Online launcher. To do this, in the settings section, press the “ESC” key and go to the “language” item.

Full review of Eve Online

Eve Online is a space MMORPG with arcade and shooter elements. The main feature of the game is that all users upgrade their characters on one huge server. You will interact with thousands of other players, including both friends and bitter enemies.

1) Overview of the Eve Online storyline.

Since the game's plot is structured with a science fiction bias, the game has an appropriate atmosphere and design.

It tells about events that take place hundreds of thousands of years after humanity managed to explore outer space. Constant expeditions to abandoned corners of galaxies have yielded results - a space-time tunnel with a stable structure was discovered. The scientific world gave it the name “Eve”.

The development of new spaces took place slowly: exploring the depths of space is not an easy task. And then at one point the functioning of the tunnel stopped. People who managed to make the leap remained locked in another universe and had no way of return. There is only one thing left - survival in the harsh conditions of an alien world, which is what humanity has done.

Over time, 5 in-game parts of the world appeared:

  • Amarr Empire;
  • Federal State of Gallente;
  • imperial country Jove;
  • Republican state of Minmatar;
  • State of the Caldari.

Each of the races in Eve Online has evolved over many thousands of years, which significantly affected their appearance and differences in skills. Residents of the Jovian country in the project are a race of managers, which is available only to game masters.

Important: with a detailed review of Eve Online, in addition to the introductory background, you will not notice a clear storyline, which is its key difference from other projects in the MMORPG genre. Events change under the influence of the player himself, and are not dictated by the framework of the game.

Another key point of background is a brief overview of the history of the war between the races, which resulted in the split of forces on two fronts. Although further open hostilities have partially ceased, the lack of resources every day is increasingly inflaming the situation and prompting Eve Online characters to action.

Important: when reviewing the functionality in the game, the user may notice one feature - all actions performed by him operate on the principle of the butterfly effect. Murder, theft of a spaceship, accidental murder - all this will definitely come back to haunt you in the future.

After giving the introductory story, the character is left to his own devices. Short review state news and small inserts - everything that will remind you of how this universe originated and developed. Only you become the architect of your own destiny in the future.

2) Overview of the Eve Online universe through the eyes of the player.

The very origin of the character is more than unusual. Thanks to the leap in the development of alien technology, humanity has learned to extend its life for any amount of time. Thus, a split occurred between “high society” and ordinary people, whose main goal was simply to survive.

Special mini-capsules were produced for the elite, which were designed with the maximum number of interfaces, which made it possible to control any spaceship in the world of Eve Online with particular ease.

Review and repairs were carried out by privates, of whom there could be up to 100,000 people per shuttle, but in the game they are simple consumables and when a ship crashes, they almost always die.

How a player enters the world of Eve Online:

  1. It is determined by race (it is better to do a short review of them first, so as not to make a mistake with the choice).
  2. Indicates gender and ancestry.
  3. He is determined by the academy where he is given a ship for training.
  4. The player continues to develop and extract resources for further upgrades in Eve Online.

In the future, almost immediately the features are erased. If you don't like the skills of the selected character, they can soon be changed, so don't worry too much about this issue.

a) Eve Online – overview of location in space.

Perception and interaction with objects within the game occurs from a third person. You won’t be able to admire the views from the ship’s hatch, but by attaching a camera to the desired component you get a 360-degree view.

The camera, at the request of the character, can greatly both bring closer and further away an object in the game, which gives ample opportunities by review environment in Eve Online.

Controls in Eve:

  • through mouse clicks;
  • through the user menu;
  • using the panel in the client interface.

In the settings overview, the player can fine-tune hotkeys, which will speed up the use of key operations many times over. At the same time, indicating the direction of movement of the space shuttle is done only using the mouse.

While in space, the player can be located in one of 2 locations:

    The character’s refuge, when you look around you can find a hangar with a ship and a personal cabin, which contains the simplest amenities - a bed, TV, mirror, and so on.

    In this location, you do not have to fear for your safety - no one can attack the player here, and the amount of time spent in the location is not limited by anything.

    Off the dock.

    Open space, it can take more than one month to explore all corners of it. It is here that difficulties and dangers await the character, overcoming which will bring the gamer a lot of pleasure from the game.

Unlike other space odysseys, Eve Online has no boundaries of space. By constantly moving in one direction, you will never run into a wall or notice the same locations - the landscapes are generated randomly.

b) Review of the gaming space of the online Eve universe.

The minimum unit of space in Eve Online is a space system in which a star is located + from 2 to 10 planets. Satellites, milky ways, asteroid rings - all this pleases the player’s eye and allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of space travel.

Important: each system has a large number of secret locations. They can only be accessed by detailed review the entire terrain of the system + scanning through the filling of the spacecraft.

Movement between Eve Online systems occurs through “gates” - special interlocation gates, which require their activation to pass through.

With the help of gates, systems form constellations, and those, in turn, turn into cosmic regions. It is convenient to view the space through the built-in game card, which has 2 and 3D modes. Information on the map is updated in real time.

Moving in the online Eve universe is done in one of 2 ways:

    Cruising speed.

    There are no restrictions in control - the player himself chooses the path of the ship in space, performing various pirouettes. The mode is used for approaching or slowly moving in outer space.


    The player is a passive observer and cannot in any way influence the movement, which is carried out only along a straight path.

    You will not be able to survey your environment in Eve in this flight mode, since the gigantic speed blurs the space, turning it into one continuous line.

The speed and skill of controlling a shuttle in outer space is influenced by such parameters as the type of ship and the level of skills in its use. As you improve your character's parameters, you will notice progress very quickly in Eve Online.

c) Overview of the functionality of space stations in Eve Online.

Stations in the online universe of Eve are one of the most important elements. Each of them has its own characteristics and provides services in different directions.

After reviewing sales points, the player can find equipment necessary for repairs, insurance offices, appearance change points and militia headquarters - at 99% of stations these objects will be mandatory.

In addition to the specified list, there are also very rare buildings here - scientific laboratories, waste treatment plants and other services that are an integral part of the wealth of the online Eve universe.

In Eve Online there are 3 types of stations available to the player:

    NPC stations.

    The most common buildings in Eve, used by players as temporary bases where they can replenish their supplies and repair their spaceship.


    Only large military alliances can afford such stations. They have wide functionality, which is organized by the players themselves.

    By reviewing such structures, you can find both essential buildings and rarer items in the world of Eve Online.

    Small stations that every mid-level and higher level Eve player can afford. Here the gamer himself arranges the elements he needs - the usefulness of the building itself depends on their quantity and specialization.

Having made a detailed overview of the stations in the online Eve universe, the player will notice that each of them has its own security level, which is assigned by the system - the guardians of order in the CONCORD game.

There are 3 most significant security levels, a more detailed overview of which we have provided in the table below:

Security valueReview key features
- systems with a high security statusImperial space Eve Online - the so-called high-sec or "empire". They are generally considered safe, since the intergalactic CONCORD police will punish any player who decides to attack another without the appropriate permission.

At the same time, the security status of the Eve pilot who violated the law is lowered and at certain values ​​CONCORD simply blocks his access to a particular system, immediately destroying the criminal who flies into it.

- systems with low security statusLow-secs are the border systems of Eve gaming factions that are not protected by CONCORD police. It is for these territories that factional wars take place and each player, being in the militia of one faction or another, can influence the map of the galaxy by winning or defending a system for one or another faction.
- systems with zero security statusEve Online systems where there is generally no security and any player can attack another player without any consequences from the NPC authorities and a decrease in security status.

It is in the “zeros” that all game mechanics are available and all ships and their equipment are allowed to be used.

It is most interesting to survey outer space at stations with a safety indicator of less than 0. Here the player is not limited to the police and can do whatever his heart desires.

In systems with zero security there are 2 types of locations:


    Locations to be captured by system pirates. The player cannot take control of such zones, but it is quite possible to carry out other actions provided for by the “zero” rules.

    “Brand zeros.”

    Territories of space that can be captured by the forces of alliances of Eve Online players. The conquered area can be developed and improved, which provides good prospects for strengthening the alliance in the future. This is where players can locate their “outposts”.

In other similar projects, the presence of locations with level or status restrictions is commonplace. You won’t see this in Eve Online - the player has access to the entire space without restrictions from the first minutes of the game.

It is almost impossible to review all the functionality of Eve Online at once. Only through practice will you understand all the features of the gameplay and methods of overcoming obstacles in the game.

3) Overview of the game character's capabilities in Eve Online.

The character is a key element of the online Eve universe for the player. The success of all activities in outer space will depend on his abilities. Development is another feature in the game, since the process of improving a character is unlike any you have ever known before.

a) How do you level up your character in Eve Online?

To improve your skills in Eve Online, you don't need to spend days on end beating mobs or completing boring tasks. After reviewing the skills, choose the most important ones for yourself - all you have to do is start the process of learning them and just wait. Characteristics will be studied regardless of whether the player is online.

Pay attention also on terms: depending on the level of skill, the duration of training can range from several hours to several months.

Review of key data on leveling up a character in the online Eve universe:

  • the player can learn no more than 1 skill at a time, but it is possible to alternate them;
  • Each skill in Eve has 5 levels of development;
  • Upgrading skills increases percentage-wise the characteristics of certain objects that it affects (ship defense +10% and the like);
  • The player's access to improvements depends on the level of skill level in Eve Online;
  • You can learn about the required skills to obtain improvements by reviewing the characteristics of the item;
  • the choice of race does not affect the availability of skills;
  • a high level of skill does not provide a 100% guarantee of victory over the enemy.

Thus, a player in the online Eve universe spends his personal time only on the gameplay itself, which saves you from the routine actions inherent in similar projects on the network. Without being tied to a class, a character can develop in any direction - just go through training and you can test yourself in any field of activity within the game.

Important: the mechanics of the Eve Online game are not designed for the total advantage of players with maxed out skills. The character will have only a partial advantage, which is easily offset by the enemy’s experience.

In other words, a detailed review of the tools + studying the theory of the game, as well as targeted sharpening of skills for specialization can only increase the chance of victory by 10-15%. The main factor influencing the outcome is the experience accumulated throughout the game in Eve.

b) How does the player interact with the outside world?

In Eve Online there are two types of interaction with the outside world: one is military, the other is peaceful. Depending on the type, different skills and equipment are required, which are difficult for inexperienced players to obtain. Let's take a more detailed overview of each of the areas.

Overview of player-environment interaction in Eve combat situations:

    In the online Eve universe, weapons are classified according to their range and type of projectile. By type there are ballistas, lasers and hybrids.

    The damage caused is calculated from many indicators - the type of ship, the level of skills on the weapon, the firepower of the gun itself, and so on. Almost all of the ship's guns have 360-degree visibility.

    Explosion wave, range, speed and flight range - key parameters For of this type shells in the online universe Eve.

    By type they are divided into standard missiles and anti-missile shells, which, due to their large viewing angle and homing system, can shoot down enemy attacks on the fly, thereby saving your ship.


    Each combat space transport in Eve is equipped with a huge number of projectiles that can cause irreparable damage to enemy ships. Depending on the method of causing damage, they are divided into kinetic, thermal and explosive.

    Recently they also introduced electromagnetic ones, which disable the electronics of the enemy ship. For each type of damage, shuttles have a corresponding resistance, which is pumped up separately.

As for combat tactics, their review will take more than one day, because thanks to the great flexibility of combat mechanics in the online universe of Eve, the player is not limited in tactical capabilities. Do you want mass slaughter? Please! Maybe hidden tactics, where camouflage is the key to victory? No problem!

Important: the developers thought through the mechanics of combat in Eve with particular pedantry, because this is the main highlight of the game. For each tactic, the enemy can find a worthwhile answer, that is, the project is built on the principle “for every action there is a counteraction.”

Ships in the online universe of Eve are equipped at the discretion of the player. How to surprise your enemy in battle is up to you to decide.

An overview of the weaknesses of the enemy ship will allow you to easily customize the modules of your own to the required tactics, which will give a significant advantage in space battles even against the most famous opponents.

Overview of peaceful player interaction with the Eve environment:


    A vital component for all users in the online Eve universe. The player mines ore, from which minerals are subsequently obtained, from which, in turn, the construction of absolutely all objects in the game takes place.


    If you want to create improved components for your space cruiser, you will have to look for blueprints and improve them in specialized laboratories. You can use both originals and copies of drawings.

    Trading process.

    Eve Online is a “gold mine” for merchants. In the game you can sell/buy absolutely everything, and trading operations are carried out between the players themselves. It doesn’t work according to virtual laws at all.

    Corporations and alliances.

    In Eve, players have the opportunity to create corporations and become their presidents. Organizations operate according to the laws of the real world: delegation, signing contracts, diplomacy - this is not the entire list of possibilities, the description of which could take an entire article.

    To protect against dangers, corporations can form alliances.

Remember: diplomacy cannot always save the situation. Eve Online is a free world, and everyone has the right to do what they like - no one here can be 100% insured against backstabs.

4) How to make money in Eve Online: an overview of all available methods.

The economic component in Eve is similar to many similar projects. The in-game currency here is interstellar credits called ISK. The trading process, repairing ship modules, purchasing blueprints - all this cannot be done without ISK.

Obtaining interstellar credits is available to the player using one of 3 methods. Difficulties may arise at first, but getting used to the online universe of Eve is very easy - after just a couple of hours of play, you will be able to understand the essence of what is happening, and your efficiency will increase significantly.

If you just started playing Eve Online and don’t know where to go to get your first hard-earned money in the game, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ISK purely game paths.

Method No. 1. Agent missions.

Agents are always looking for new employees. Here you can find for yourself suitable job both experienced astronauts and newcomers to the field.

To search for a job, the player will need:

For each completed task in the online Eve universe, the player will be awarded a certain amount of game currency + war trophy issued.

In some cases, the market value of the trophies themselves is several times higher than the entire reward in currency equivalent.

Method No. 2. Mining.

Inexperienced pilots will first need to review the system map and identify the most suitable options for mining ore. The world of Eve Online is huge – there are enough deposits of useful resources for everyone, but you won’t be able to get the “tidbits” without entering into battle.

To start mining ore, you just need to buy inexpensive equipment and start excavating. There is an alternative: become a reseller and sell useful resources to large corporations. In the second case, you will need the skills of a diplomat and the makings of a merchant so that the result justifies the time spent on this matter.

Method number 3. Team raids.

It's hard to earn enough credits in the game with part-time jobs. Eve Online is designed for interaction between players, which means that making money together is much easier here. For these purposes, many newcomers join corporations.

How to join a corporation:

The speed of consideration of the application depends on the efficiency of the management team. Working for corporations is the best way to rise from the bottom and earn status in Eve. Over time, gaining experience and earning extra credits, you yourself can become the president of one of them.

The considered options allow you to get credits using purely gaming methods, but if the farming process starts to bore you, you can always throw in a couple of “golds” from a real bank account and speed up the process of leveling up in Eve many times over.

Review of the biggest game EVE Online.

What is this game? Description
economic side of the game.

5) Review of other features of Eve Online.

In the online universe of Eve you will always find something to keep yourself busy. Game process thought out to the smallest detail - you will clearly never be bored in the game.

Thousands of gamers in one gaming space - each of them has their own goals, methods of achieving what they want, and views on the process of leveling up in the project itself. Finding like-minded people and conquering the Eve universe is the only common goal for each of them.

What else sets Eve Online apart from other projects:

    The player's choice is always correct.

    “There are no irreparable decisions” - this is what the developers say about activities in Eve. When you die in battle, you are always reborn and receive another training ship, on which you continue to explore space and survey locations that interest you.

    Experience comes first.

    The choice of activity is one of the key decisions. You can’t immediately become the best in everything; it can take years to reach the top. Currency in Eve and pumped-up skills can never save an inexperienced user from collapse in battle.

    Playing in a group is the key to success.

    Eve is built in such a way that it is very difficult to achieve anything on your own. If you want progress, review the best corporations and join one of them.

    This option allows you to quickly get used to the gaming environment and earn status.

Eve is a paid project, but skilled players can pay for a subscription using a special currency “PLEX-ax”, which is available on the market. It is sold by other users who have spent their hard-earned money and want to sell this resource at the most favorable rate.

Important: purchasing currency using alternative methods for playing is strictly prohibited. If such actions are detected, the user account is blocked forever.

You can get your first PLEX even during the 14-day trial period. The Eve universe is not linear, which means anyone can earn credits here at any time.

This concludes our review of Eve Online. This project touches your soul from the first minute. A person in the Eve universe feels complete freedom of action, and thanks to the non-linearity of MMORPGs, the process of development and interaction with the outside world plays with new colors every day.

Last November, after 13 and a half years of existence, EVE Online became a free-to-play game. Of course, the subscription is still here. From now on, both the old, familiar subscription and the free-to-play model (the latter with some restrictions) coexist in the game. This innovation, according to CCP Games, should bring veterans back into the game, as well as give newcomers the opportunity to get acquainted with EVE without disturbing their wallet (at least right away).

The technology is as old as the world. As they say in Harlem: “a good pusher gets his first dose for free” (“pusher” means pusher, drug dealer). Of course, in EVE Online the calculation paid off. Online growth has expectedly increased, however, the influx of fresh players was not enough to break the 2013 record set for a decade of play. In any case, the old lady is alive and well: many, or rather the vast majority of MMO projects can only dream of such longevity.

We decided that it was useless to constantly test the performance of new games (for example,), and decided to test the old “Eve”. And what? Veterans, of course, already know everything, but for novice players and those who only dream of space, an article about EVE Online performance will come in handy.

System requirements, let’s say, they’re not very scary - after all, the game’s engine is not the youngest. You can view them on Steam or in technical support. We decided to go past the minimum requirements - hardly any player has such a stunted computer under his desk. Intel Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz or AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, AMD Radeon 2600 XT or NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS - in general, even integrated graphics will now provide such performance.

We took a configuration as close as possible to the recommended one:

OSWindows 10
CPUIntel Core i7-4771 @ 3.90 GHz
Video cardNVIDIA GeForce GTX 560Ti

On this configuration, all three preset settings were studied: “memory saving”, “increasing performance”, “improving image quality”. Please note - these are not traditional and familiar pre-installed graphics settings. Each of the three ready-made profiles is tailored to specific needs. The "memory saving" profile optimizes the client for RAM and is intended primarily for running several clients or for systems with a small amount of RAM and/or video memory. The “performance enhancement” profile optimizes the game for weaker machines. Finally, the third profile - “image quality enhancement”, is intended for top-end machines and is designed to improve the picture.

The actual testing procedure looked like this: we flew out of the hangar; They made, like Gagarin, one revolution around the station, in orbit of which there were just over a thousand ships, followed by a return to the hangar. Each flight took 10 minutes. In large-scale battles, of course, everything will be somewhat different, but it is impossible to test performance there under the same conditions and in different graphic settings. Thus, our testing methodology is the best that can be invented for EVE Online.

Testing was carried out in FullHD resolution. The resulting graphs are presented below.

Performance Charts

Everything is quite expected - for almost 14 years the Icelanders have greatly optimized the engine. The configuration recommended by the developers is sufficient for comfortable game in EVE Online in FullHD resolution with any profile settings.

There are, of course, some oddities. For example, we do not understand why there were stronger fps drops in the “increase performance” mode than in the “memory saving” mode. According to the description, this mode should squeeze everything that is possible out of the PC, but in economy mode, on the contrary, these drawdowns would look more logical because of this very saving. However, drops in fps could also occur purely due to the gaming situation; say, in the first case, fewer ships were included in the frame than in the second, etc. Of course, it is impossible to make all flights exactly the same.

Drops in fps at the very beginning of the graphs - the moment of departure from the hangar - are natural for all settings. But, again, it is not clear why the “image quality enhancement” mode keeps fps at this moment at a comfortable level of 30 frames, and the “performance enhancement” mode allows a short-term drop to zero. Again, this may be due to gaming situations or the fact that the “increase performance” preset is intended for weaker PCs and does not work well on normal machines like ours.

In any case, the recommended requirements stated by the Icelanders are true. On even more powerful and modern computers EVE Online will work even better - which, however, any player will confirm. Let's add that we specifically put in additional settings game option “Interval one”, which limits fps to 60 - this is enough, but the video card heats up less and does not idle for the sake of the frame counter. If “Interval one” is replaced with “Interval Immediate”, the 60 fps ceiling will disappear. In addition, EVE Online has many other picture settings (the “Display and Graphics” tab), which allow you to customize the game more flexibly than ready-made presets. However, these settings are intended for members of the “Crazy Hands” club. For ordinary people and, moreover, adults (and the audience of “Eva” is mostly like that) the presets are enough. They contain everything you need and allow you to play even on old computers with DX9, the same age as EVE Online. For what CCP Games special thanks to.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you don’t need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. That's enough and ordinary comparison main lines of components.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, comparing processors from different manufacturers more complicated, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

Before purchasing EVE Online on PC, be sure to check the system requirements provided by the developer with your system configuration. remember, that minimum requirements often mean that with this configuration the game will launch and run stably at minimum quality settings. If your PC meets the recommended requirements, you can expect stable gameplay at high graphics settings. If you want to play at quality set to “ultra”, the hardware in your PC must be even better than the developers indicate in the recommended requirements.

Below are the EVE Online system requirements, officially provided by the project developers. If you think there is an error in them, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark on the right side of the screen and briefly describing the error.

Minimum configuration:

  • OS: Windows System 2000 SP2/XP
  • Processor: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz
  • RAM: 512 MB or more
  • Hard disk space: 6.0 GB
  • Network: 56K modem or faster Internet connection
  • Video: 32 MB 3D graphics cards with Hardware Transform and Lighting technology, such as NVIDIA GeForce 2 and higher
  • OS: Windows 2000 SP2/XP
  • Processor: Intel Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or AMD XP 1500+ MHz
  • RAM: 1024 MB
  • Hard disk space: 6 GB
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection

In addition to checking the EVE Online system requirements with your PC configuration, do not forget to update your video card drivers. It is important to remember that you should only download final versions video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may contain a large number of unfound and uncorrected errors.

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operating system Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
CPU Intel Core i7 2 Ghz
RAM 4 Gb
Free hard disk space 20 Gb
Video card nVidia GeForce GTX 560
DirectX version 9.0c

EVE Online requires a lot of computer resources to run properly. Its graphics are at a normal level, but you can only enjoy it if you have a good video card from the nVidia GeForce 8600 category or stronger. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the “Settings” tab, or it is better to open the computer’s system settings and look in the “Display” tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 9.0c or higher. Windows XP does not support versions higher than 9.0, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can select current version, which suits your operating system.

The game works on operating systems Windows systems XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8. The game will not work on older versions, and on new versions it will not work correctly.

RAM is an important part hardware. The game requires about 1 Gb. You will need about 20 GB of hard drive memory to install the application. You can find out if there is enough memory on your hard drive using context menu called up when you click on local disk in the My Computer window.

An Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz or stronger processor is capable of adequately processing data from the EVE Online game and not being overloaded.

Ways to check system requirements

1. You can find out your computer’s system parameters using the Win+R key combination, after which you must enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, click right click Click on the My Computer icon and select Properties in the window that opens.

If your computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to the minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of worse graphics. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.

Description of the game EVE Online

Have you ever dreamed of visiting outer space? If the answer is yes, it's time to try EVE Online. In this game you can become rich, find your calling in life, and become famous throughout the galaxy. In addition, in the game you will definitely find loyal associates and true friends.

EVE Online is a really very good space strategy simulator: the gamer is immersed in amazing world galaxies and star systems, in addition, grandiose spaceship battles await you. The plot is not complete without subtle political intrigues: if you want, you can join any corporation, if not, you can always act alone.