How to make a connection correctly. Connecting two computers to a local network with a LAN cable

How to make a connection correctly.  Connecting two computers to a local network with a LAN cable
How to make a connection correctly. Connecting two computers to a local network with a LAN cable

There is nothing better than, after finishing another hard day at work, going into a virtual game world recreated on a computer screen to shoot a careless monster. This is not only interesting, but also useful. True, in order to surf the gaming expanses not in splendid isolation, but together with a comrade in arms, you first have to figure out how to connect two computers to each other. There is an opinion that unrealized internal tension provokes conflicts and discord in families. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are so “imbued” with this idea that they even invite everyone to smash plates against a concrete wall in equipped rooms or have pillow fights for a small sum. As they say - until the last feather.

Combining computing power

The question of how to connect two computers to each other did not arise yesterday. Back in the days of the first XT machines, owners often had to figure out how to ensure direct data exchange without intermediate media. And, it is worth admitting, the task was solved very successfully. Modern systems have far surpassed their predecessors in their capabilities. In this article we will talk about the most popular methods of communication and indicate how to connect two computers to each other in practice.

Serial port

One of the most simple ways, verified time - this is the connection of two computers into a network by connecting their COM connectors using a null modem cord. Not all modern motherboards are equipped with this port, but if it is, then you can say you are lucky. If only because you can not only not “rack your brains” over the question of how to connect two computers to each other, but also easily connect a programmer, oscilloscope or satellite tuner for firmware to the system unit. In a word, if there is a COM port, then this is an advantage of this system unit.

The cord itself can be purchased or made independently. In the latter case, you will need a three-core wire (up to 18 m) and two DB-9F sockets. You need to connect according to the scheme “2 and 3, 3 and 2, 5 and 5”, and also do not forget to short circuit “7-8” on each to remove the transmission ban. The speed is about 8 kbaud. A more complex implementation already uses 7 conductors and is capable of operating at 115 kbaud.

Network via COM

Such a connection is called direct and does not require any special drivers. The cable must be connected in a completely de-energized state. system units. On each computer you need to open the "Control Panel" window and run Create a new connection in the Network section. Next you need to select creation direct connection to the second computer. When requesting, you must specify “Master” on one machine, and “Slave” on the other. You will also need to come up with a name, access password and method - “via COM port”. If everything is done correctly, a new one will appear in the list of connections - in its properties you need to select the “Connect” command. Although, of course, this method has limitations and cannot be recommended for regular use. Other options are more preferable.

Ethernet LAN

On every modern motherboard There must be a built-in network card. Its connector resembles a familiar telephone connector, with the only difference being that it is slightly larger in size. How to connect two computers to each other on Windows 7 using the specified cards? This is perhaps the easiest way. True, it requires the purchase of a twisted pair cable and the physical connection of system units with its help.

Two conditions that must be met on both computers: the use of Ethernet is allowed, for network cards in operating system drivers installed. For speeds up to 100 Mbit, a line length of up to 130 meters is acceptable, but a gigabit network operates over shorter distances.

So, one of the cable plugs needs to be connected to the connector of the first computer, and the other to the second. Next, you need to go to the “Control Panel”, from there to the network management section and use the item that allows you to change additional access settings, where you need to enable network discovery and, if necessary, sharing to resources. For trusted networks, it is useful to refuse passwords - this will speed up work.

Radio communication

A great alternative is a wireless connection. There is nothing complicated about how to connect two computers to each other via wifi. Especially if you need to organize communication between two laptops that already have WLAN modules. In personal computers you will have to purchase these components.

First, on the first step, you need to go to “Network Management”, select the link responsible for setting up a new connection, and select the “Configure a computer-to-computer network” item. Next you will need to come up with a name, encryption method and password. In the properties of the network adapter you will need to go to “Protocol Version 4” and enter IP The last thing to do is enable discovery, as discussed earlier.

On the second computer, the last digit in this window should be different. After this, you need to use the network search function in the system tray, select the desired name and enter the access code.

How to connect two computers to each other via a router

The main condition is that the network name must match. This can be done in “My Computer - Properties - Extra options systems - Change". For example, Home. Next, in the network management section of both systems, you need to select the “Home network” type, and in the list on the right - “Ready to create”. A window will open asking you to create a homegroup, which you must agree to. All that remains is to allow Windows to manage connections working group and disable password access. That's all. After the reboot, you can scan the network - the target computers will be displayed there. Additionally, on each of them you can subsequently open access to resources (disk drive, hard drive, etc.). Actually, this is a variation of the previous method. The only difference is that the router acts as one WLAN adapter.

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Why might you need to connect one PC to another PC? Goals can be very different - from the desire to play something, to the banal copying of files. Be that as it may, every user who considers their level of knowledge in this area to be above average should be able to connect a computer to a computer. There is nothing complicated about connecting two computers: just get a network cable, or a special PC-Link device, with which you can connect 2 computers to each other via USB. So let's get started!

You will need:

Network cable

So, where should we start if we have already started connecting two computers? That's right, with their connection! We insert one end of the twisted pair connector into the Ethernet port of the computer or laptop. It looks like this.

The second end, in turn, is inserted into another PC. At this point, the physical connection process can be considered complete. But this is not enough - if you connect 2 computers in this way, then nothing but “empty” network connection we won't get it. After all, in order to connect two computers to each other and use certain functions, they need to be configured in a special way, which is what we will do now.

Connection setup

Right-click on the network connection icon in the system tray and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

In the “Changing adapter settings” section, look for Local Area Connection, open its properties, and then go to the TCP/IPv4 protocol settings window.

There we indicate the following parameters: IP – 192.168.0.n (n-any number from 0 to 250); subnet mask:

USB cable

We connect two computers to each other with USB help cord with the LC-Link device. After this, with installation disk, which comes complete with the device, install the drivers for PC-Link on both machines (insert the disk into the drive, select “Install driver” or “InstallDriver” in the autorun menu, and then follow the instructions).

Connecting two computers using a cable may be needed in a variety of situations. Using a cross cable you can working connection between two computers, between two laptops or between a laptop and a computer. In particular, such a connection can be useful for those users who want to transfer large files from one machine to another (for example, a collection of films or music albums).

Using a cable is ideal if you want to connect two computers but do not have special network equipment at hand. If one of the machines has two network cards installed, then you can easily configure Internet access on this machine and on the other. If only one network card is installed on the computers, this will not work.

We will analyze in detail two connection options. In the first case, we will talk about the features of setting up a connection when only one is installed on each computer. LAN card. In the second case, the settings will imply the presence of two network cards on one of the computers (both a regular PC with two cards and a laptop with one regular network adapter and the second wireless).

What is needed to connect two computers

For cable connection of computers we do not need any special network hardware. You can carry out all operations yourself using a minimal set of components.

We will need:

  • Actually two computers
  • Cross cable
  • Perseverance and a little patience

A crossover cable can be easily purchased at any electronics store or radio market. Also, if you wish, you can prepare such a cable yourself, but this will undoubtedly be more difficult and longer. The crossover cable pinout is shown below.

The finished cable that will be used to connect computers is shown below.

This option is used most often, since few computers (especially PCs) have two network cards installed. In most cases home computer equipped with one network card. With this type of connection, both machines will not have access to the Internet. General scheme connection is shown in the photo below.

After a physical cable connection between two computers, you need to carry out simple network settings. We will analyze the entire setup process in detail so that you do not have any questions.

To get started, go to the Network and Sharing Center and click on the “Change adapter settings” link.

After that, double-click on the cable network connection.

Click on “Properties”.

We install selectors opposite the manual setting of network parameters and enter the values ​​there as in the photo below.

Click “Ok” and “Apply”. On the second computer, the sequence of actions is similar, but in the IP address field we enter the value “”. After these simple settings, a working connection will be established between the two computers.

To check the functionality of the created network on a second PC, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and enter the command “cmd”.

In the window that appears, enter the command “ping”. In response, a message should appear indicating the successful transmission of packets.

The same can be done on the first computer, just use the command “ping”. If you are unable to ping the network, it means you did something wrong or the connection is blocked by an antivirus or firewall.

Now let’s take a closer look at the option of how to connect two computers with a cable so that each computer can access the Internet. To do this, one of the machines must have two network cards installed: one for connecting to another computer, the second for connecting the provider’s cable. The general connection diagram is shown in the photo below.

The network settings are the same as those we looked at in the first method, with the exception of one point. In addition to the IP address and mask, you will also need to set the gateway.

On a computer with two network cards, you need to configure network access to the Internet, so that on the first computer you can freely use the Internet. To do this, on a computer with the address, go to the “Access” tab and check the box next to the corresponding inscription. After this, both computers will be able to access the Internet.


We found out how you can connect two computers using a crossover cable and how to correct setting connections for normal network operation. We really hope that this information will help you solve the problem of connecting two computers quickly and efficiently.