The disc is write-protected flash drive transcend. How to remove write protection from a flash drive: step-by-step instructions

The disc is write-protected flash drive transcend. How to remove write protection from a flash drive: step-by-step instructions

Many users who try to write something to a USB flash drive or memory card are sometimes faced with an unpleasant surprise. The system simply displays the error “The disk is write protected.” As a result, it is not possible to copy a file or folder to the storage device, and sometimes it is also impossible to delete or move data to another location. What to do in this case? What are the reasons for this problem and how to fix it? Let's try to figure it all out.

There are many reasons why a flash drive stops saving data, displaying a “Disk is write-protected” notification and asking you to remove the protection or use another drive. However, most often the device does not work and no information is copied to it due to:

  1. Viral infection. Malicious software is capable of this. You can determine whether the virus has really installed write protection on the flash drive yourself. For example, if strange files with the name autorun.inf suddenly appeared on the media, or some folders and data became hidden. But it is best to use antivirus programs.
  2. Mechanical locking. There are flash drives with write protection, which is activated by a switch on the case. True, there are few such carriers. These are mainly “budget” models from the Middle Kingdom. It turns out that you can remove write protection simply by returning the lever to its original position. But, unfortunately, switches often break. Therefore, you have to use other unlocking methods
  3. OS security policies, actions of special security programs. For example, some organizations prohibit copying data from work computers. The goal is already clear - to prevent leakage corporate information. In this case, there is only one way out - to rummage through the OS settings or disable the security software.
  4. Incorrect formatting. Usually, when the procedure was interrupted before it was completed or low-quality software was used.
  5. Errors file system . Most often they occur when the flash drive is pulled out of the connector before the operating system finishes updating the file system.
  6. Port problems. This mainly applies to USB drives. The good thing is that the problem is quite easy to detect. Just insert the flash drive into another slot.
  7. Physical damage to the flash drive. Mostly it occurs as a result of moisture, electrostatic discharge, power surge, etc.
  8. Hardware failure of the media, damaged firmware, etc.. Both USB flash drives and micro SD memory cards have a certain service life. For example, each device has a limit on rewrite cycles. So when the flash drive exhausts its resource, it will simply switch to “read” mode. The recording function will no longer be available. Of course, a flash drive can simply fail (often the controller or memory unit breaks down). Then the notification that the disk is full is a “symptom” of a problem.

We found out what are the main reasons for this problem. Although there are many more of them. All that remains is to find out how to remove protection from a flash drive. We'll talk about this further.

Hardware way to disable write protection

This option is not suitable for all flash drives. It applies to devices with mechanical protection. They are easy to identify - they have a special switch on the body. You just need to move the lever in the direction where the open lock is depicted or where the inscription “UnLock” is written. By the way, this mechanical protection worth not onlyUSB-drives, but also some microSD and SD memory cards, which are found in almost every Android device.

If write protection cannot be removed using hardware, then it’s time to contact software solutions Problems. Just start by checking your system and removable drives for viruses. Otherwise, no manipulation will help you. The malicious software again activates the overwrite protection. To scan and remove viruses, use any antivirus product with the latest databases. At the same time, check not only flash drives, but also everything hard disks computer.

Disk formatting

This is probably the simplest software method remove write protection. You just need to do low-level formatting. It is also called Low Level Format. However, this procedure will delete all information stored on the flash drive. It will not be possible to restore it!

To perform low-level formatting, we recommend using HDD program Low Level Format Tool. Installation file utilities can be easily downloaded from the Internet. How to use this software? Let's tell you in more detail:

  1. Open the installer. After a few clicks, he will offer you several types of launching the program - with a paid license, entering a code or free. Of course, for many users the latter option is preferable. Choose it, but remember - there will be speed restrictions and the program will take more time.
  2. In the main window of the program we see a list of all media that are connected to the computer and available for formatting. Click on our flash drive. Click “Continue”.
  3. Go to the “Low-level format” tab. Click the “Format this device” button here. Click “Yes” to confirm the start of the formatting process.
  4. We are waiting for the formatting to finish.
  5. Close the utility. Now, in order to work with this flash drive without problems, you should perform high-level formatting. You can use standard means OS.

Most likely, after formatting, it will be possible to record any information on the media again. The only negative is that all the files that were on it will be lost. Therefore, it is better to use this method if no other methods can remove write protection.

For reference! Don't forget that many flash drives come with the FAT32 file system, which has a limit on the amount of information that can be written. For example, data that weighs more than 4 GB cannot be copied to such media. When you try to transfer files to a flash drive, the error “The disk is write protected” will appear. What to do? Change the file system to NTFS.

Removing protection using regedit

As you already understood, you can use the registry editor. In most cases, it helps to disable write protection on a flash drive. Moreover, this method works both in “old” operating systems like Windows 7, and in modern Windows 8 and 10. All that is required from the user:

  1. In the Start menu, in the “search” or “find” lines, type “regedit”. Next, click on the icon that appears right click mice. Select run as administrator.
  2. Through left menu go to the StorageDevicePolicies section. It is located in the Control folder. You can find it through the following path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet. If the partition does not exist, you will have to create it. Just click on Control, click “Create” and then “Section”. We call it StorageDevicePolicies.
  3. We turn to the right column of the registry. Right-click (RMB). Next, click on the “Create” item and specify “DWORD value (32 bits)”. The created parameter needs to be named something. We offer WriteProtect.
  4. Now we need to check if the value of our conditional WriteProtect is zero. So right-click on it and select “Edit”. In the window that appears, look at the value line. If “0” is written there, then everything is in order. If “1”, then change it to “0”. Then click “Ok”.
  5. Close the registry editor. Be sure to take out the flash drive. Reboot the computer. We are trying to write some files to the media.

Removing protection from overwriting a flash drive via the command line

Another simple way to remove overwrite protection for different media. You will need to launch the command line and do some manipulations, which, in more advanced language, allow you to remove the “Read Only” volume attribute:

  1. Press Win+R. Recruiting at cmd line and click “Ok”.
  2. Enter the command “diskpart”. Press Enter.
  3. Next, type the command “list disk”. A list of all disks will appear. You need to find a medium that does not record information. The easiest way to navigate is by size. After all, the memory capacity of a flash drive is several times less than that of a hard drive. In this case, pay attention to what number is assigned to the carrier.
  4. Enter “select disk X”. Naturally, X is the flash drive number that we found out earlier.
  5. All that remains is to type “attributes disk clear readonly”. This command will remove the read-only attribute for the given drive.
  6. We finish working with the utility. Type “exit” and press Enter.

How else can you remove overwrite protection using Windows tools?

Editor group policy can also help remove the write ban on removable devices. Wherein this tool available in most different versions Windows – from XP to “ten”.

  1. Launch the “Run” utility. We use a combination Win keys+R.
  2. Next, enter “gpedit.msc” in the line and then click “Ok”. The editor has opened.
  3. On the left side of the menu, go to the “Access to removable storage devices” tab. To do this, click on “Computer Configuration”. Then we go to “Administrative Templates”. Select the “System” folder here. Agree, nothing complicated?
  4. Now you need to find the parameter “ Removable drives: Disable recording." We turn it off by double-clicking and selecting the appropriate item.

Removing protection through access rights settings

Sometimes the reason lies in the flash drive itself. More precisely in the access settings. Therefore, we find the problematic drive. Open "Properties". Next, select the “Security” tab, as well as the corresponding group or user. Pay attention to the “Record” line, where we look at who this function is allowed for.

If the checkbox is under the “Deny” column, then click the “Change” button. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Allow.” Click “Apply” and “Ok”. Also, don’t forget to restart your device.

Are there any programs to remove protection from a flash drive?

Certainly. Manufacturers of flash drives and memory cards produce special software for working with devices. Moreover, each manufacturer has its own utility:

These programs are easy to use. Moreover, they all allow you to remove overwrite protection.

For reference! If you have on your computer or laptop total commander, then try removing the protection from writing data to removable devices through it. To do this, open “Configuration/Settings: File Operations” in this program and activate “Automatic selection of copy method”.

In custody

Now you know what to do. There are many ways to remove this protection. Choose any one. Just keep in mind that if the reason lies in a hardware malfunction or physical damage to the media or memory card, then the options described above will not help. It’s better to just purchase a new device or contact a service center.

Nowadays, a lot of users ask how to remove protection from a flash drive.

This need arises at the moment when a person wants to write something to his removable storage device or delete some information from it, but cannot do this due to an error. It says that “The disk is write protected,” so nothing can be done with it.

But there are several ways to solve this problem, and some of them are incredibly simple.

1. Pay attention to the switch

Many drives have a standard switch, which, in fact, is responsible for installing protection.

If this switch is set to the “On” position, the user will only be able to view the contents of the flash drive, but not edit it. He will not be able to copy anything to his computer or write anything new to the drive.

Therefore, carefully inspect your flash drive for this very switch. If you find it, change position and try using the media again.

If after this the USB flash drive does not work as expected, you will have to resort to a more complex method of solving the problem.

2. Remove protection via the command line

As you know, Windows has a command line that allows you to very easily and quickly perform various manipulations with the system using text commands. A protected flash drive may also cease to be so if you enter some commands correctly.

In general, you need to do the following:

  • Launch this same command line, but, very important, do it as an administrator. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, open “All Programs”, then the “Accessories” folder and right-click on the “Command Prompt” item. In the drop-down menu, just click on “Run as administrator”. In Windows 8.1 and 10 there is no need to do this; there you just need to simultaneously press the “Win” and “X” buttons on the keyboard.

  • Now you need to launch the DiskPart shell by simply typing the word “diskpart” into the command line and pressing Enter on your keyboard. The shell will be launched and ready to use.
  • Then you need to see which disks are available for use (including flash drives) and remember the number of the one that is write-protected. To do this, enter the command “list disk” and press Enter again. The list we need will appear on the screen. You can find out your drive by its size. In our case, this is “Disk 1”.

  • Next, you need to select a flash drive to work with. In our case, the command will look like “select disk 1” (since in the previous step we determined that our storage medium was identified in the system as Disk 1).
  • Actually, now all that remains is to enter the command to remove write protection. It looks like this: “attributes disk clear readonly”. Do this and wait a little while the system removes the protection.

  • To exit, you need to enter the “exit” command.

It is worth saying that this method is quite strong and helps in most cases. But if all else fails, use the Registry Editor.

3. Remove protection through the registry editor

This method is also considered quite effective and efficient.

It involves the following actions:

  • Open a registry editor program. The most convenient way to do this is by opening the program launch window. To use this, press the “Win” and “R” buttons on your keyboard. When it opens, enter the word “regedit” in one single field and press Enter or the “OK” button in the same window.

  • Next, in the left panel, sequentially go to the following folders: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, after “SYSTEM”, then “CurrentControlSet” and finally “Control”.
  • Right-click on the “Control” folder. In the menu that appears, click on “Create” and then “Section”. This will cause a window to create a new partition in this folder to appear.

  • A new untitled folder will appear in the Control folder. Enter "StorageDevicePolicies" as its name. This is what will happen new section, which will automatically open in the panel on the right.
  • Now in the newly created one, open the function menu (right mouse button), select “Create”, then click on “DWORD parameter (32 bit)” (for 32-bit OS) and “QWORD parameter (64 bit)” (for those , who have a 64-bit OS).

  • Will be created new parameter, in the name of which you should enter “WriteProtect”. Open it. In the window that appears for changing the parameter, enter 0 in the “Value” field. Click the “OK” button at the bottom of this window.

  • Close Registry Editor and try using the drive that was previously not working.

If this method does not help, you can use the Group Policy Editor.

4. Remove protection through the Group Policy Editor

This method involves the following actions:

  • Launch the same program execution window that we already opened in the previous method. Write "gpedit.msc" and click "OK" in open window. The editor we actually need will launch.

  • Next, open the “Computer Configuration” folder in the left panel. Then open the "Administrative Templates" and "System" sections.
  • In the panel on the right you should find a parameter that concerns recording prohibition. Open it.

  • In the open window, check the box next to “Disable”. Click on the “OK” button and close all windows.

It is quite possible that this method will not help either. Then all that remains is to format the flash drive. Then absolutely all its parameters will be removed, including write protection. How to do this is clearly shown in the video below.

If you have any problems or questions regarding all the steps described above, write about it in the comments.

When you try to add data to a flash drive, your computer may display the error message “The disk is write-protected.” Therefore, it is important for anyone to know how to remove write protection from a flash drive. It is difficult for the user to check the cause of the phenomenon, but often this acts as a precaution against downloading viruses from laptops, computers, and other devices to the drive. It is difficult to clear a flash drive of them; it is much easier to protect it and then remove the recording.

How to unlock a write-protected flash drive

Unlocking is accomplished via a lock switch in some flash or removable SD cards. If you find a switch, then the method to remove write protection from a USB flash drive is to switch the lock lever in the desired direction of the open lock image. After this, reinsert the media into the PC port, access to it will become free, and you will be able to record information. To return to the “Flash drive is write protected” state, switch the lever to the “Protect” position. The same applies to following the point on how to remove protection from a memory card.

Launch Windows Registry Editor

The system registry editor is a way to return the flash card to working condition by using simple steps. Follow these simple steps:

  1. First, you need to click on the “Start” icon and type “Regedit” into the search box, right-click on the dropped file, and from the resulting menu click on the “Run Administrator” button.
  2. Select the “StorageDevicePolicies” subsection through the command channel “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies”. The absence of this section on your PC requires you to add it. To do this, right-click on the “Control” subsection, click “New”, select “Section”. Next, you can give the subkey the name “StorageDevicePolicies”, after removing the quotes. While on this registry branch, create a "DWORD (32-bit)" element called "WriteProtect".
  3. Make sure that the renamed WriteProtect element is equal to 0. To verify this, click on the element, select “Change”, correct the one to zero, confirming the selection with OK. The change may not be necessary if the value is already zero.
  4. Close the program, remove the media, restart the PC. A reboot will return the inserted card to its original working state.

Recovery via command line

The command line is an alternative method for solving the question of how to remove protection from a flash drive. The process includes the following points:

  1. Click “Start”, enter “cmd” in the search box, right-click on the program that appears, find “Run as administrator” and click on the option.
  2. Enter the command “diskpart”, click “enter”, then enter “list disk”, click “enter” again.
  3. Determine the disk number. If it is the only one, then it will be “Disk 1”. If you have several devices, knowing the capacity or memory of the USB drive will help determine the number.
  4. After selecting the protected disk you want to fix by typing "select", you need to clear the read-only attributes by typing "attributes disk clear readonly". Additional formatting can be done if desired. To do this, use the command “clean”, create a subsection “create partition primary”, format the flash drive to the desired format. Done – the disk is working again.

How to remove protection from a transcend flash drive

Holders of Transcend flash cards can resort to using a utility created exclusively for the brand. The file is called “JetFlashRecovery” and can be downloaded from the company’s official website. The utility is completely free to access, eliminates write protection problems and other emerging difficulties. To make it easier to find the utility, use the file name.

In addition to this utility, the already described methods are suitable for the Transcend brand command line or registry editor. The lock removal tool by switching the locking lever will be an alternative method of removing write protection from such a flash drive. You can try all the methods, because at least one of them should work and help eliminate this painful problem.

Video: what to do if the flash drive is write-protected

Most users have flash drives (usb sd, transcend, microsd, kingston, sandisk, cd, flash, qumo, microsd, apacer, verbatim, sdhc, psp), HDD d (hdd), dvd or any other removable or local storage device.

You probably use them with great regularity. They allow you to copy your media, photos and important documents.

Despite their high resistance to mechanical damage and the ability to store data for many years, like all other gadgets, they deteriorate.

One of the most common errors that can affect USB flash drives, memory cards or disks is an annoying message: the “Disk is write-protected” error.

Those who have ever had a similar problem know exactly what I mean.

Inability to copy/add/delete any files - this can lead to frenzy.

After trying hard to repair, most end up giving up on the fixes and buying new ones.

What should I do if the system writes the disk is write protected? How to remove this notorious protection?

Here are some simple but effective solutions to restore a disk or flash drive to a working state.

Use these simple tips and simply forget about the message: “the disk is write-protected,” although there is one point here that I had to encounter more than once.

Sometimes the system displays damaged media (flash drive, disk) as write-protected. How to revive drives

It's a microprocessor issue. If it fails, even partially - you can read it - you can copy or format it - no), then only a utility from the drive manufacturer can fix it, and even then not always.

Let's start unlocking disks and flash drives

You have a USB flash drive connected to your computer and you want to copy some files.

Here a surprise awaits you: “The disk is write protected. Please remove write protection or use another drive."

Then you say, "...fuck, how did this happen"? Don't panic - take a deep breath and remain calm.

This is just an error message. Now we'll walk through a few simple steps together to remove write protection from your computer. USB flash drive. It's just technology and we can fix a lot of things.

Step 1 - Check your USB drive for viruses

Every time you connect a USB drive to your computer, you should automatically scan for viruses - especially if you used it on computers that you don't own.

Viruses often fill USB drives with their files - this can cause a message: write protected.

Depending on the antivirus software, it can be configured to automatically scan USB drives when they are connected.

If you don’t have such a tool, you’ll have to do the scanning manually, it’s not difficult.

If you find a virus, eliminate it using antivirus programs.

Most likely, where there is one virus, there are two or more. There are good recommendations for such work free utilities Doctor Web and AVG.

Step 2 – Check the enclosure of the USB flash drive

Some USB flash drives are equipped with a mechanical switch, which allows you to set them to the write protection position.

This can be a very small slider switch that can switch on its own in a pocket or computer case (if it is an adapter).

If this is your situation, then simply move the switch to the open position and try copying the files again.

Today there are not many USB drives with such locks. So there's a good chance that this isn't your problem.

On the other hand, if this is not the question, then the following fixes are a little more complicated.

Step 3 - Make sure the disk is not full

If your USB drive is full, you may also receive a writing error message.

So find yours USB drive, right-click on it and select Properties.

This will give you a nice pie chart of how much is being used and how much free space is available on your drive.

Step 4 – File System

Make sure you are not using a file that is write-protected. Yes, you will receive a different error message, but perhaps you jumped to conclusions and thought that it was the entire USB flash drive that was blocked. This happens.

Right click on the file you are trying to burn and then on "properties" and the "security" tab.

You will now see several options at the bottom of this window, and one of them is read-only.

Make sure that the checkbox is unchecked or unchecked, and then click on the Apply button. You should now be able to write to this file.

Step 5 - Diskpart Command Line Utility

Have you ever worked on the Windows command line? This is not as scary as one might think, and as such it is the next logical step to remove protection.

Click on and enter the word CMD in the field: search for programs and files.

Now, click on the top (black icon). You will see the following window:

Enter the command “DiskPart” into it and press Enter. Diskpart is a tool that is built into Windows and is accessible through a command line utility. With it we can change the values ​​associated with your USB drive.

Make sure this is really your USB drive. Now enter Select command Disk 3, assuming your USB is number 3, and hit Enter.

Now paste another command there - disk clear ReadOnly - and then click on Enter.

This way you have cleared any read-only attributes that might be on it USB drive.

Now close the command prompt and try writing to the USB drive again. If the protection continues to block access, move on.

Step 6 - to the registry

If none of the previous steps worked for you, then you should do something a little dangerous - enter the registry.

If you are not satisfied with the registry, you can proceed to step 7, to format the USB drive.

Or maybe you have a friend who computer technician and will check the registry for you.

Try it yourself - it's a fairly simple registry change and you can do it.

Click on the Start menu and enter the command – regedit – in the Search programs and files field. You will see something like the picture in the box below.

Click on the icon at the top and the Registry Editor window will open. By clicking on the arrows next to the menu items, navigate to the branch


and find the key named - WriteProtect.

If such an entry exists, right-click on it and click on "Edit".

Now, you will probably find that this parameter is set to 1. 1 means yes and 0 means no. Now change the value to 0 and click on the OK button.

Close Registry Editor and delete USB device, and then connect it again. You should now be able to record to your USB drive. If not, then the disk will have to be formatted.

Step 7 - Format the USB Drive

WARNING: Make sure you do backup all files and information from your USB drive. All data will be lost after formatting.

Formatting hard drive is the last resort. However, it should make your USB capable of reading and writing.

Before formatting a USB drive, determine which file system it already has - NTFS or FAT32.

Usually the file system he already has will be best suited for him.

Now right-click on the selected USB drive and select “Properties” - there you will see the file system.

Close the Properties window, right-click on the USB drive again and select format.

This describes the built-in Windows tool, but sometimes it is advisable, especially if the integrated functions did not bring the desired result.

In the Formatting window, you have several options. You have already determined which file system you will format into.

I suggest unchecking the “Quick Format” checkbox. This will do more than just erase files.

If there are bad sectors on this USB drive, full formatting will throw an error.

Formatting shouldn't take much time. Of course, the larger the volume, the longer it will take.

Assuming you don't have physical problem with the disk, it will be formatted and ready to read and write.


Sometimes the problem is simple and can be treated simply. Try the methods above as they are most often correct.

If the problem is deep and requires drastic action, make sure that this is true.

Now you have a lot of troubleshooting tools in your arsenal, you should be able to get your flash drives and drives back up and running, potentially saving you a pretty penny.

Of course, if you have any additional tips, we'd love to read them too. Good luck.

Keywords: usb sd, transcend, microsd, kingston, sandisk, cd, flash, qumo, microsd, apacer, verbatim, sdhc, psp, external, flash drive, dvd.

Write files to removable storagesimplest operation on personal computer, which millions of users perform daily. But not all users understand the true reasons for such an error. In this article we will look at the causes of the error and how to resolve it.

Causes of the “Disk is write-protected” error. Why is the microsd card write protected?

The verbatim text of the notification looks like this: “The disk is write-protected. You need to remove the protection or use a different disk." The appearance of this message is quite logical if operating system does not have the ability to record to disk - for one reason it is prohibited.

The causes of failures may be software or hardware. Software and hardware failures occur both in the computer OS and in the file system of the drive. But before deciding what to do, you need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Basic ways to protect a flash drive (memory card) or disk from being written to

Methods for protecting information on a flash drive, as well as types of failures, can be divided into two groups: hardware and system.
One of the options for hardware protection is a mechanical switch on the drive body in the “lock” position.

System protection is a set of programs and utilities specifically designed to ensure data security. For example, the lock is set to Windows registry or blocking recording by group policy.

The easiest way to remove protection from a flash drive is Total commander

Total Commander- one of the oldest Windows managers, but is still popular with users because it has good functionality and easy to use. You can remove protection in TC using the following algorithm:

  • Open "Configuration".
  • Open the “File Operations” tab.
  • Select "automatic copy method".

Hardware method. Windows Command Line – Diskpart

Important: You must run the command line as an administrator.

To remove protection using the command line, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Find the “Command Prompt” application (the command line can also be launched using the Win + R key combination).
  3. Enter Diskpart into the command and press the “Enter” key at the command line, thereby launching the disk manager application on the system.
  4. Enter Attributes disk clear readonly into the command and press the “Enter” key, thereby disabling the read-only mode.
  5. Enter Clean in the command and press the “Enter” key, thereby deleting all partitions and volumes of the disk.
  6. Enter Create Partition Primary in the command and press the “Enter” key, thereby creating the primary disk partition from scratch.

The ability to write to a flash drive is often blocked by numerous malware, entering the computer system through other external media connected to a device or the Internet.

To find and eliminate them, you need to download an antivirus, for example Dr.Web CureIt, and scan the system for malicious code.

Mechanical protection. Switch for recording modes on a flash card

Some flash drives are equipped with special write protection mechanisms. They are located on the device body, on the outside. The device looks like a small switch.

Important: These switches are more common on SD cards, but some USB models also have them.

To activate the ability to write to a disc, just move the switch slider to the desired “OnLock” position.

Windows Tools. Setting up Group Policy (gpedit.msc)

How do I remove protections that have been installed as a result of Local Group Policy settings? This restriction is removed using the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Activate Windows keys + R command prompt.
  2. Enter the command Gredit.msc in the search bar and click OK.
  3. In the new window, go to the tabs: Configuration>Administrative Templates>System>Access to removable storage devices.
  4. Go to the “Disable reading” line.
  5. Double-click on the line.
  6. In the new window, activate “Apply”>OK.

Registry editor. Removing write protection using regedit

Registry Editor - standard program, built in modern system Windows. The application edits registry keys, sets new default settings, and restores files from backup copies.

To remove protection using the editor, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Log in to the registry editor program by activating the Win+R keys.
  2. Type Redegit in the search bar and click OK.
  3. Find one of the registry branches called: HKey Local Machine
  4. Select the System branch from the drop-down list.
  5. From the list that drops down under this branch, select Current Control Set, then Control
  6. From the list of subsections, select StorageDevicePolicies
  7. In the program interface, check the WhiteProtect parameter
  8. Change the parameter value from 1 to 0.
  9. Close the editor and reboot the OS.

What to do if the disk is write-protected and the flash drive cannot be formatted - Low-level formatting

If the above attempts to remove the protection did not bring results, then you should use the method low level formatting drive to clear and recreate all the flash card file system tables. At the same time, you need to remember that in this case the recorded data will be lost, but the damaged disk memory will be restored. Full formatting will block damaged USB areas and the system will not be able to write data to them in the future.

The Low Level Format Tool program is suitable for this operation. The application clears the partition table, boot sectors, and even manufacturer data - all down to the last byte. Available on the Internet free version program, but it works slower than its paid counterpart.

Not typical causes of the “Disk is write-protected” error

The reasons why writing to a disk is blocked can be divided into common and atypical, more rare ones. The second group includes file system errors, wear and tear or physical damage to the flash drive, microcontroller failures, and USB port malfunctions.

— Fatal errors in the file system of the flash card
If the sequence of storing and naming information in the drive's memory is violated, the structure of the file system is damaged. Logical errors occur after incorrect removal of the flash drive from the connector, memory wear, power surges and other processes. The disk is blocked, and the system reports the need to format it. To correct the situation you need:

  • Try to recover data using software suitable for this media.
  • Perform a high-level format with file system recovery.

Physical damage to the media is caused by manufacturing defects, cracks, overheating in motherboards and microcircuits. Physical damage is also caused by violations of operating and storage conditions, power surges, and loosening of USB connectors.

— Microcontroller failures or complete wear of the flash drive
Flash memory and the computer “talk” to each other using a controller chip built into the external storage. The controller is controlled by a microprogram written into the chip. Sometimes, in case of unsafe removal of the flash drive or horse races electric current, arises software glitch controller. A clear sign of such a malfunction: write blocking. Also, blocking occurs due to wear of the memory chip, exceeding the threshold of rewrite cycles. The system goes into information protection mode to stop the process of memory destruction. Flashing the microcontroller using special programs will help eliminate failures.

It is rare for a USB port to turn off spontaneously on a computer, but this error still happens. To check if the port is working properly, you must first try connecting other devices to it. If the port sees the smartphone, keyboard and other devices unstable or completely refuses to notice them, then it does not function. If the user sees a system message about the disk being write protected, it is not related to a malfunction of the USB ports. But the administrator can disable them intentionally to protect data from downloading. How to remove write protection from a flash drive if the port is disabled?
In this case, you need to enable USB using the following procedure:

  1. Enter BIOS system while holding down the F2 or F10 keys.
  2. Find values ​​for USB Controller.
  3. Set the Enabled parameter for these values.
  4. Confirm the changes by activating the F10 key.
  5. Restart your PC.

How to remove protection from excel sheet

If the Excel sheet is not editable, the application toolbar is inactive, and the user does not have access to most functions. When you try to make changes, the program will display a message stating that the sheet is protected. To unlock the sheet, you will need the following steps:

  1. Click on the “File” item.
  2. Activating the “Unprotect” link in a new window.
  3. Enter your password. Without knowing the password, you cannot remove the protection.

IN old version In Excel, to remove the lock you need:

  1. Activate the “Service” item.
  2. Select the “Protection” tab from the list.
  3. Activate the “Unprotect Sheet” command.
  4. Enter your password.

Programs for eliminating recording errors and formatting protected flash drives

Manufacturers of flash drives understand that their products may malfunction for various reasons, so everyone famous brand creates utilities to eliminate them. Useful programs available on manufacturers' websites. For example, the program for Kingston is called Kingston Format Utility, Transcend is called JetFlash Recovery. The programs are freely available on the manufacturers' websites.