Installing Windows programs on Mac. Methods to install Windows on macOS

Installing Windows programs on Mac.  Methods to install Windows on macOS
Installing Windows programs on Mac. Methods to install Windows on macOS

Installing one operating system side by side with another is standard practice in the computing industry. You can install both Mac OS on a Windows computer and vice versa. On our information portal you will find instructions for your computer. Below are detailed steps that will help you answer the question: how to install Windows on Mac?

Possible methods

To install the OS, you do not need special skills or professional help. Installing Windows 7 or 10 on Mac is carried out in the following ways:

  • through ;
  • Parallel Desktop program;
  • built-in Bootcamp utility.
  • Let's look at each case in more detail.

Using an emulator

To install Windows on a MacBook using this method, you need to download free utility Virtual Box and install it. After that, follow the steps according to the instructions:

  • launch Virtualbox;
  • click the “Create” button;
  • select the type and version of the operating system;
  • determine the size of RAM that will be allocated for using the OS through the virtual machine;
  • then click on “Create a new virtual HDD»;
  • select type virtual disk and volume;
  • then click the “Run” button;
  • After the installation is complete, you will be able to install Windows on your Mac and use it.

How to install Windows on Macbook air or pro?

For the second method, you will need the Parallels Desktop utility. After downloading the program on Mac, follow the guide below:

  • run the program;
  • click the File button and context menu select New;
  • then click install;
  • select the installation source (image with the operating system);
  • click the “Continue” button;
  • in the new window enter the activation key software;
  • Enter the title virtual machine and select a location;
  • Click "Continue" to begin installation.

You can use it as free trial version, and the full version of Parallela Desktop. For normal use the software is enough and standard version.

How to install Windows 10 on mac via Boot Camp?

With BootCamp, Windows will be able to use all Mac resources to the maximum, so this option considered the most profitable and optimal. In recent Mac versions OS this program installed by default. Run the utility after closing everything running applications And open files:

  • check the boxes next to “Download the latest software...” and “Install or remove Windows 7 or later”;
  • click the “Continue” button;
  • then select one of the options: make a copy of the support software to disk or save to external media;
  • then set the volume hard drive, which will be used for Windows. For normal operation of the software, 20-30GB is enough;
  • wait until the files are copied, after which the Mac will restart automatically;
  • During reboot, press the Alt button to display a window with OS selection;
  • select the Windows section;
  • Now wait for the final installation and configure the settings.

Now you know how to install Windows 7, 8 or 10 on a macbook or imac. All the instructions described are suitable for any OS, starting with “seven” and newer.

Installation Features

After installation, you may encounter compatibility and driver problems. To fix this, you must download the drivers to a USB flash drive in advance, so that you can install them on a clean OS.

It all started with the fact that I needed to install Windows 7 as a second system.
The options with Parallel and VMW were not suitable; a separate download was needed.

I won’t describe what pitfalls I encountered; I’ll get straight to the point. There are essentially two ways. Moreover, one of them will not suit everyone.

Disk partitioning.

But first, we need to partition the disk using Bootcamp Assistant. Moreover, on some models of Macs you simply cannot do this. The Assistant will require a Windows installation disc. This is done as follows:
1. Go to the Programs - Utilities folder.
2. Right-click on the Bootcamp Assistant and select Show package contents
3. Copy the Contents/Info.plist file somewhere and edit it
change to
4. Copy the file back, replacing the original (you will need a password)

Now in the Bootcamp Assistant we have the opportunity to make bootable USBs and partition the disk without installation disks. At your discretion, allocate a place for Windows partition(the data will not be lost anywhere, but it’s better to save the necessary data in a safe place just in case)

Method 1.

This method is the simplest. However, it is not available to everyone. I’ll say right away that I was not able to successfully use it on non-Air Macs older than 2012. But you can try if you have time. or go straight to method 2, it always works.
For installation we will use bootable usb Windows flash drive 7. You can do it either on a PC using Windows 7 USB DVD Tool, or on a Mac using the Bootcamp Assistant.

Now all that remains is to boot from the flash drive and install Windows as usual. If a regular bootloader does not see your flash drive, you can try an alternative one - . If you can’t boot from it either (No Bootable Device errors or messages appear that the Mac’s firmware does not allow booting), then you should say goodbye to this method and not waste any more time.

Method 2.

So for this method we will use VMWare Fusion (enough free version) and ISO image installation disk Windows.

The first thing we need to do is make sure that the disk will not be used during our operations. To do this, I temporarily moved the user folder from it (Settings - Users and groups - open the lock - right click on the user - Extra options- change the “User Folder” field - reboot). I also installed VMWare on another drive. If there is no second disk, then you can use an external one - for example a flash drive. ISO image there too. After all these preparations, we will begin the installation.

First, you need to open Disk Utility, select the disk (the entire disk, not a separate partition) and look at its number in Info. In my case it's disk1.

Open a terminal and enter the commands:

cd "/Applications/VMware"

./vmware-rawdiskCreator create /dev/disk1 fullDevice ~/external-hdd ide

where /Applications/VMWare is the path to the installed VMWare, and disk1 is our future Windows disk.

As I wrote earlier install Windows on iMAC/ MACBOOK PRO/ AIR, MAC mini is not a big deal. But after installing Windows this operating system will be loaded every time you turn it on by default. And if you want to boot MAC OS, you need to hold down the MAC mini when you turn on the iMAC/MACBOOK PRO/AIR ALT key, what to choose next MAC boot OS. Agree, this is very inconvenient, especially if you mainly work on MAC OS and only occasionally need to boot into Windows. In order to correct the situation and select MAC OS as the default boot, you need to follow a number of simple steps.

So, our goal on iMAC/MACBOOK PRO/AIR, which has a second Windows operating system installed, is to boot MAC OS by default. To do this you need to upload your MAC device under MAC OS. To do this, restart your iMAC/ MACBOOK PRO/ AIR, MAC mini and at the very beginning of boot, press and hold the ALT key. As a result, the OS boot selection window should appear. Select MAC OS.

Select "Boot Volume".

In the boot volume window, select which operating system will boot by default. IN in this example This is a MAC (Mavericks OS X 10.9.5). Just click on it, below in the menu you will see the line “You have chosen...” - this confirms your choice.

The idea of ​​combining incompatible things seems crazy only until you need some specific application that is not on the Mac, or until you want to get into the latest gaming hit.

Even the most ardent OS X fans sometimes need to take advantage of the “enemy” Windows. There are different situations: from the need to use banking clients and corporate software to launching games. There are many ways to run applications written for Windows, using both third-party tools and proprietary Apple solutions.

Conventionally, they can be divided into three categories: full installation of Windows, use of virtual machines and software emulators Windows environment. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we will look at them all so that you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Installing Windows using Boot Camp

Especially for those unfortunates who are unable to break all ties with Windows, Apple created the “Boot Camp Assistant” utility, with which you can prepare your Mac for installing Windows and, in fact, install it. In this case, a separate partition is created on the disk, allowing both operating systems to work independently of each other.

You will need 50 GB of free space and a Windows boot disk. The installation process itself is very simple, you just need to follow the wizard's prompts and wait for completion. After the reboot, you will have a full-fledged Windows version just like on a regular PC. All that remains is to install required applications or games - and you can use it. You can find out more about the requirements and supported versions.

Advantages Boot Camp

  • Performance. Since all the resources of the Mac are used by only one OS, we get maximum performance.
  • Compatibility. Thanks to full-fledged Windows, it is provided full compatibility with any applications and games.

Disadvantages of Boot Camp

  • Need to reboot. To start Windows, you will have to restart your Mac every time.
  • Lack of integration. Windows does not support the HFS+ file system, which means you won’t be able to access OS X files from it, and vice versa.

Using virtual machines

This method has much in common with the previous one, but is slightly different in implementation. With it we also get a full-fledged OS, but it is installed not on real hardware, but on virtual one. Special software (virtual machine) emulates the hardware platform for running Windows, taking away some of the Mac's resources, and it turns out that one OS runs inside another.

Parallels Desktop

Perhaps the most popular virtual machine among Mac users. Parallels is regularly updated, always works with current versions OS X and Windows and has additional functions like a hybrid mode, when OS X and Windows interfaces are simultaneously displayed on the screen, and applications are launched regardless of their ownership. In addition, the program can launch Windows from Boot Camp partitions, which is convenient if you need to access any applications or data without rebooting.

The disadvantage of the program is that Parallels is not free. The junior version will cost you $79.99.

VMware Fusion

Another commercial solution for OS virtualization. The key feature of VMware Fusion is the sharing wizard, which allows you to transfer the entire environment from your Windows PC to a virtual machine and continue using applications on your Mac. Installed Windows shares a clipboard with OS X, as well as access to files and network resources. Its applications are fully integrated with OS X features (Spotlight, Mission Control, Exposé). In addition, it is supported Windows startup from the Boot Camp section.

VMware Fusion costs 6,300 rubles, but before purchasing you can explore its capabilities in a free trial version.

If your plans do not include additional expenses for running Windows applications, then your choice is Oracle. Compared with paid analogues it has much less capabilities, but is quite suitable for simple tasks. You shouldn't count on integration with OS X system functions, but basic things like a shared clipboard and access to network resources are available here. The free nature of VirtualBox fully justifies all of its limitations.

Benefits of virtual machines

  • Simultaneous operation of two operating systems. You don't need to restart your Mac to run Windows apps.
  • File sharing. Since Windows runs inside OS X, support is an issue file systems absent.

Disadvantages of Virtual Machines

  • Poor performance. Because Mac resources are shared between the two operating systems, application performance is significantly slower, especially on older computers.
  • Compatibility issues. Some applications (most often games) that require direct access to hardware may not work correctly or not work at all.

Using emulators

With emulators, everything is completely different than with virtual machines and Boot Camp. More precisely, they have something in common with virtual machines, only they do not emulate Windows entirely, but only those of it software components that are necessary for work desired application. We will not have a full-fledged OS and access to its functions: we get a certain compatibility layer that allows us to run a Windows application directly in the OS X environment.

All emulators work on the same principle. The installation of the application is initialized via setup.exe, and then during its process the necessary launch parameters are configured and the necessary libraries are automatically loaded. After this, an application icon appears on Launchpad, which will work in the same way as all native OS X programs.


This emulator can turn an .EXE file into an OS X compatible application. WineBottler also allows you to automatically load some already configured Windows applications. It is completely free and compatible with OS X El Capitan.


Another emulator, which, like the previous one, uses Wine libraries to create ports. Compared to the previous solution, Wineskin has more settings and allows you to fine-tune the settings. We talked in detail about its setup and use in.


A commercial emulator whose development team has already adapted and configured many popular Windows applications and games for you. CrossOver has a friendly interface, and also eliminates the need to delve into settings and deal with possible errors. The only negative is that it is paid. The license costs $20.95, but there is a 14-day trial period.

Advantages of emulators

Disadvantages of emulators

  • Difficulty setting up. To use Windows applications, you first need to configure them, and this is not always easy, especially with games.
  • Compatibility issues. In some cases, applications (usually resource-intensive) may not work correctly or not work at all.

What to choose

What to ultimately choose from such a variety? There is no clear answer to this question. In each specific case you need to build on your needs, but in general the recommendations are as follows.

  • Boot Camp Suitable primarily for gamers, as well as those users who need maximum performance and software compatibility. We reboot the Mac - and we get a full-fledged computer with Windows.
  • Virtual machines will help out in cases where both OS are needed at the same time. We sacrifice performance, but avoid reboots and get good integration.
  • Emulators Can only be recommended for simple tasks and infrequent use. For example, when you need to use a bank client a couple of times a month or occasionally feel nostalgic in your favorite game.

Choose the most suitable option for yourself, and in the comments tell us for what needs you use Windows applications on your Mac and how you launch them.

You can install Windows 10 on a Mac and optionally switch to it from macOS when you restart your computer. The Boot Camp Assistant app can help you do that, and we'll show you how to use it.

Minimum system requirements for installation

You can install Windows 10 on following models Mac computers:

    MacBook 2015 and newer;

    MacBook Air 2012 and newer;

    MacBook Pro 2012 and newer;

    Mac mini 2012 and newer;

    iMac 2012 and newer;

    Mac Pro 2013 and newer;

    All generations of iMac Pro.

To install Windows 10, a minimum of 50 GB of free space must be available on your Mac storage (40 GB for the second system and 10 GB for macOS needs). But it’s better not to allocate less than 64 GB for Windows 10, which will have to be allocated for the system, applications, and any files that you plan to use with it.

To work comfortably with Windows 10, you will need to allocate at least 128 GB of free space to it. This is the minimum amount needed for automatic update this operating system, so we recommend installing it on a Mac with a 256 GB or higher drive.

After installing the new operating system, Windows and macOS will only work with the storage space that is allocated for them. The first will not have access to the files of the second, and vice versa - keep this in mind if you decide to use Boot Camp.

If you're installing Windows on a Mac that was released before 2015 (pre-2013 in the case of a Mac Pro), you'll need a 16GB or higher flash drive during the process. If you have more new mac and OS X El Capital 10.11 or later is installed on it, then a flash drive will not be needed.

You will also need an image of Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro ISO disk. When installing a new operating system for the first time, be sure to use it full version, not an update.

Installing the Windows operating system on Mac

To install Windows on a Mac, you need Boot Camp Assistant. It is better to use the latest version of this standard utility to ensure compatibility with latest version operating system - it is updated along with macOS.

Step 1. Launch the Boot Camp Assistant utility. It's already on your Mac, and you can find it in your Applications folder or through Spotlight search.

Step 2. Read the introductory information and click Continue.

Step 3. Select installation image Windows disk 10 in ISO format using the Select button.

Step 4. Determine the size of the partition that will be used for the needs of the Windows operating system - from 64 GB and above.

Please note that once Windows is installed, you will not be able to quickly resize the partition you select at this point. This will require complete reinstallation systems. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider how much free space you will need to work with Windows.

Step 5. Click the Install button and follow the Boot Camp Assistant instructions that appear on the screen.

During Windows installation, Boot Camp Assistant may ask you to format the partition for the operating system. You need to select the drive named BOOTCAMP and click on the “Format” button.

After installing the new operating system, Boot Camp Assistant should automatically launch special software for Windows support and Boot Camp. If this does not happen, use Apple instructions link .

Switch between two operating systems

Switching between operating rooms Windows systems and macOS occurs when you turn on or restart your Mac. As soon as the computer starts to turn on, hold down the ⌥Option (Alt) key. When the boot manager screen appears with the names of each disk, select the one you need and launch it using the ↩︎Enter key.

Another way is to open " System Settings" on Mac, then go to " Boot disk» and select required disk there. This will affect which operating system will boot the next time you turn on your computer.