Track the likes of a user on VKontakte. How to find out what a person likes in VK

Track the likes of a user on VKontakte.  How to find out what a person likes in VK
Track the likes of a user on VKontakte. How to find out what a person likes in VK

The popular worldwide network Vkontakte has a lot of functions, among which the most commonly used is the “Like” mark. Thanks to likes, the visitor can express his sympathy to other users, as well as mark the posts he likes. In this article, we will talk in detail about likes.

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What is like VKontakte

It is important to know that like on VKontakte already has its own definition, which is as follows: “Like is a way to express your approval, a positive attitude towards something (group, photo, song, and so on).

Why do you need likes?

To a greater extent, the need to put likes can be compared with the psychological need and desire of a person to approve his images by people around him. Enough people want to be treated well and loved. How can these emotions be expressed in social network? You can reflect your feelings in the form of comments under each photo or post, or you can make it easier and just like it, because it's much faster and easier. In addition, Vkontakte has the opportunity to see who liked your or other people's posts and photos.

Hence the reasons why people need these likes. Ordinary visitors crave attention to themselves, and thus they are waiting to be given a heart, apparently this fact brings them pleasure, their mood improves.

In addition, there is a commercial component in the likes, in order to promote the group by attracting people to sell goods and services.

Suppose a person creates a community and begins to fill it with content and attract people in order to the largest number people learned that he provides certain services.

The same can be applied to the promotion of any product. After all, for a long time you will not surprise anyone that social networks are the most powerful tool for selling all kinds of goods. A million round-the-clock audience, legal ways for advertising - almost a well-organized white business. Cheating hearts with the help of programs at the initial stage of promotion helps a lot, unlike, for example, from various bots. After using such programs, it is better to learn how to see who liked and make sure that there are no “dogs” among the marks.

Now you are quite aware of what VKontakte likes are and why they are needed at all.

How to like

So, let's take a closer look. How is everything - this same heart is put, which is also referred to as like or lois, and even loesik.

To do this, select the post or photo you like and hover over the heart sign in the lower right corner, then click on the heart with the mouse and thus like the post. So your "I like" mark is ready.

In addition, there is another way to make a mark on the photo. If you open the photo completely, then you can simply hover over the middle of the photo and a big heart will appear there, clicking on which you will also make a mark.

How to see who liked me

If you want to know who liked your photos or posts, inquiring about it is very easy. Firstly, that someone liked your photo or post, informing comes to the section, which is called “notifications”. Secondly, you can see the account from which the like was in a simple way hovering over the heart, after which a list of personalities who likes will be displayed. Now you know how to see who has liked, and then you will learn how to see who has been liked.

How to see who liked

This section will be devoted to information on how you can see who was liked by the page owner or another person.

Why do you need to watch who likes someone else's photo or post?

The versions of the versions are different, for example, things went wrong with a beloved person (a girl or a guy), that one (that one) hangs in VK, of course, the first idea that arises in the head looks something like this: “the other half, with all its essence, began to communicate with rivals ( rivals) ”and thus, information is very useful how to find out who likes a person in VK?

Although a wise person will not do this at all, since you will probably upset things with her (with him) even more, but since you stumbled upon this note in order to find out how to do this, read carefully.

This technique is also suitable for spying on friends. Especially in order to find out and see who liked it, there is special application, they are easy to use.

Application: " Who does my friend like? «

How to act here?

  1. In a special column, enter the name of the verified Vkontakte user.
  2. Click "search"

Next step.

  1. We select the girl or guy to be checked, click on the avatar.
  2. The function comes into operation to find out who owns the set likes in VK guys, girls, everyone
  3. Click "start" (Directly on the avatar)

This option is suitable in case you are wondering how to see who a person liked on Vkontakte. At the same time, do not forget that people can get likes not only from mutual sympathy, but also due to the request “like me”. Therefore, when you see the mark "I like" a loved one on someone else's photo, do not be upset, but first find out for what purpose this was done.

In the new design of Vkontakte, this is not a problem at all, you don’t even have to use any programs and applications.

  • We go into your account, at the top right on your page, where the avatar with your data is located, there is a triangle next to it, click on it.
  • In the menu that opens, go to "Settings"
  • The site menu is located at the top of the page, go to "menu item display settings"

  • In the window that appears, slide to the "bookmark", put a mark in front of this item, then click "save"
  • All now all your hearts will open before you.
  • A bookmark inscription will appear in the VK menu, by clicking on it, you can see what you need. Now you know how to see who I liked.

How to remove Like

It is worth noting that this article provides an opportunity not only to learn how to like VK, but also how to delete it. To remove the like mark, you need to go to bookmarks, select a photo, click on it, click on the heart on the photo that opens.

Your like will now be removed.

If you need a more complete cleaning of the page, you can use the program.

There are many of them, the most famous, official VK program is .

It has a huge functionality for cleaning up.

Well, if you suddenly want to instantly increase the number of likes on your page, then welcome to

People are naturally curious, this is not a vice but a feature of a person. If you want to know what your friend, Vkontakte girlfriend likes, then my duty is to tell you how this can be done. Let's start with a simple one - find out on which photos your Vkontakte friends leave likes. Useful for those who want to check which guys the girl likes or vice versa which girls received a sign of attention from your boyfriend.

How to find out whose photo a person likes Vkontakte

There are two services - the Vkontakte application Who does my friend like And . The first service specializes only in finding marks I like in your friends' photos.
The principle of operation is simple - a user is selected and the application scans all the avatars of friends and shows those "liked" by this user.
The second service has more extensive functionality. I have already written on the blog pages with SearchLikes, but I'll add a little. SearchLikes as well as Who does my friend like searches for likes among the friends of the user (any person) that you are interested in, but in addition, there is an opportunity to scan for the presence of marks "I like" the friends of his friends - the process is time-consuming, you will have to wait for the results to complete. Outwardly, it looks like this:

After the verification is completed, you can sort the list of photos with the desired like by time.

Both services check only photos among avatars, because if a person is nice to your suspect, more likely he will put like on ava. Scanning all albums for each user will take many times longer, since a person can have thousands of photos. So, we have dealt with the photos. Let's move on to the posts.

How to find out what posts a person liked on Vkontakte

In the application SearchLikes You can check on which wall posts the person you have chosen has liked. Thus, a more complete picture of the actions of the person you are interested in will open. The search is carried out on all records of the walls of your friends. Since there can be a lot of posts, scanning is not fast. Great advantage SearchLikes is that you can always stop the search for likes at any time.

How to find out what a person liked in Vkontakte groups and communities

SearchLikes allows you to find out if a person left likes on posts of any open Vkontakte community. To do this, go to the Groups section, search for a community by id and select it. Groups with big amount participants will be processed for a long time, as the system calculates the percentage of dogs ( deleted pages) among subscribers. If you wait until the end this process, then it remains only to enter the user id and check whether he left likes in the group or not. detailed information with screenshots has been published.
Is it possible to find out what any person on Vkontakte likes? Undoubtedly yes.

Vkontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to communication in this social network, other good functions have been created. If you love music, then there is a section of audio recordings here for you, and if you want to play games, then go to the applications section. But today we'll talk a little about something else. We will try to answer the following question: how to find out who a certain Vkontakte user likes.

Actually on this question you can find many different options. But we will focus on only one, namely the application called "Who does my friend like." This application you can simply find and run in the desired section of the social network "Vkontakte". You can also simply follow the link that you will find at the end of the article.

So, first of all, we launch the application itself. We wait a couple of seconds and you can proceed. An application window will open as shown in the screenshot below.

You can enter your friend's first and last name (you can use his page id) in the left part of the window. After that, his photo will appear and there will be an orange button on it with the inscription " Let's start". You need to click on it.

It will take some time to analyze the page, after which you will see the people your friend likes. All information will be sorted (in the first place of the search will be the person to whom your friend gives the most likes). Similarly, you can explore your page.

Do you want to know who and how much your friends like? Then run the application described in this article.

Agree, sometimes you really want to know who your friend or girlfriend likes. Is there such an opportunity on Vkontakte?

Yes, I have. And now I will show it to you.

So, how to find out who likes a person on Vkontakte.

We use the application

That's what it's called - "Whom does my friend like". Go to VK, and go to the section "Games". Here in the search bar, type this name, and click on the application icon in the search results.

A window will open with a description of the application. Click here "Launch the application".

Now wait for the end. You will be shown this message.

Now look at the list of results. Here are the users whose photos were liked by our friend (see).

All information here is in the form of hieroglyphs. I don't know if it's a system glitch or if it's supposed to be like that. In any case, click on them.

We will see a list of photos (see) that our user has liked. Let's check it out - open any of them.

Video lesson: how to see who a person likes in VK


But keep in mind, the application can only track the likes that the user has given to his friends. If he left a “Like” mark on the pages of other users, then you will not be able to find out.


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