Convector of text files in fb2. How to transfer a book from pdf to fb2

Convector of text files in fb2.  How to transfer a book from pdf to fb2
Convector of text files in fb2. How to transfer a book from pdf to fb2

Programs for convert pdf to fb2

But on the Internet, not all books or magazines are distributed in fb2 format. A lot of literature is in pdf format. Of course, this is far from the worst option for reading literature on a computer. But those who have had the opportunity to compare these two formats will agree that fb2 is much more convenient and practical compared to pdf. What to do if you have an interesting book or magazine in pdf format, but you prefer fb2? All you need is . Moreover, this procedure will not take much time. Good programs allowing convert pdf to fb2 not so many, but still they are there. Let's look at a few of the most convenient programs.


One of the most convenient programs is called Caliber. This program is not directly a convector. This is the manager e-books. But among other functions of the program there is also conversion of one format to another. Immediately after starting the program, a window will appear in which you need to select the program interface language (Russian is available) and the folder for storing books. Please note that the folder for storing books must be empty, so it is better to create such a folder in advance. After selecting these options, the user is taken to the main menu.

The principle of operation of the program is incredibly simple. In the main menu of the program you need to select “add books”. Then use Browse to select the book you will convert pdf to fb2. The book will be added to the main menu of the program. Then in the main menu you need to select this book. After selection, you need to click “convert books”. A window will appear in which you can select conversion options. On the right top corner window, you need to click on the arrow (next to the output format) and select fb2. After this, just click “OK” and the conversion will begin. All converted files are saved in the previously selected folder.

ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0

Another program with which you can convert pdf to fb2, called ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0. When downloading the program, you need to take into account that more early versions programs do not support conversion pdf to fb2, so you need to download at least version 3.0. The advantage of converting using this program is that it completely preserves the internal structure of the document (diagrams, pages, footnotes, etc.). The principle of operation of the program is also quite simple. After starting the program, you need to open the pdf document. After opening it, in the main menu you need to select a folder to store the converted file, and then click “convert”. After which, as convertible format you need to select fb2. If necessary, before starting the conversion, you can configure some settings, for example, change the structure of the document.

Another option is to consider a tandem of two programs. This is Solid Converter PDF. Using this program you can convert a pdf document into plain text. And the second program is Any to FB2. With the help of which you can already convert text directly into fb2. This is done quite quickly. You need to launch Solid Converter PDF. Then open the pdf document. Select "convert to Word". After this you need to run Any to FB2. Select a Word document, and select fb2 as the output format. After a few seconds, the document will be converted.

For some, the third method may seem a little troublesome. But very often, the quality of the fb2 document is better after conversion from Word document, and not with pdf directly. So, if the quality of the document plays an important role, then it is recommended to use the third method.

The main file formats for electronic readers are FB2 and EPUB. Documents with such name extensions can be displayed correctly on almost any device, including the simplest readers. No less popular is PDF format, which stores a lot useful information, including rare materials. And if on a PC and most mobile devices such files can be read without problems, then electronic readers cannot cope with them all and not always.

Converters come to the rescue, allowing you to convert complex documents into simpler ones, and vice versa. Such solutions come in both desktop and browser applications. We will look at the latter - web services for converting PDF files into the FB2 e-book format.

If you have Internet access, you can convert a file from one format to another without downloading the appropriate software to your computer. To do this, there are a number of universal online tools that perform the same tasks efficiently and quickly.

Such services are mostly free and do not use the resources of your computer. Everything is done using the computing power of dedicated servers.

Method 1: Online-Convert

One of the largest web converters. The service quickly copes even with large files and allows you to configure in detail the parameters of the resulting document. So, before starting the conversion you can specify target program to read a book, change its title and author, set the base font size, etc.

Method 2: Convertio

Unlike Online-Convert, this tool is less flexible, but at the same time more convenient and understandable for the average user. Working with Convertio involves a minimum of actions and the fastest possible results.

Method 3: ToEpub

A free tool that allows you to convert PDF files to various eBook formats, including FB2. The main distinguishing feature of the service is high speed processing the document on the server. In addition, ToEpub can convert up to 20 files at the same time.

Method 4: Go4Convert

Online converter text formats. The solution is simple, but at the same time powerful: processing large documents with its help requires a minimum of time. There are no size restrictions for input files.

The service does not offer the ability to choose where to export the finished document. After processing on the server is completed, the conversion result is automatically downloaded to your computer’s memory.

Method 5: Convert Files

One of the largest resources for converting files of the most various types. All popular document, audio and video formats are supported. A total of 300 combinations of input and output file formats are available, including the PDF -> FB2 pair.

Hi all! In today's article I want to tell you about how to convert PDF to FB2 files. If the text contains pictures, they are converted along with the text. In my opinion, PDF is the most common, and FB2 is the most convenient format for reading books on various devices. On a computer you can read in any format conveniently and comfortably (of course, not for everyone), but I still like to read in an e-book.

PDF books are not very suitable for reading on electronic devices, I personally was infuriated by the fact that I had to constantly enlarge each page separately to “fit” them to the device’s display.

Having tried different programs- for reading, this problem I didn’t solve it, or I didn’t search well. If you know such a program, write in the comments. I'd be glad for a hint.)
I came to the conclusion that I need to change the reading format. Namely, convert PDF to FB2. Having tried various ways conversion, I settled on the ABBYY PDF Transformer+ program - this is a program for working with PDF files and converting them to other formats.

The program is not free, but nowadays, if you try, you can find a lot of cracked programs on the Internet, and this one is no exception.

Now let's proceed directly to the file conversion itself:

  1. We launch the program by double-clicking on the shortcut:

2. In the window that opens, click open:

3. On the top toolbar, click, as in the picture:

4. In the next step, enter the title of the book and the author:

6. Wait, closer to the end of the conversion a save window will open:

7. After completing the conversion of the format from PDF to FB2, we check the resulting file, if something is wrong, change the settings and repeat the procedure.

As a result of my experiments with conversions in this program, I encountered two problems:

  • When translating formats from one to another, with the recognition language only Russian, links in the book were not recognized;
  • If there were any inserts in the book, for example, quotes or simply words not in Russian, the letters were replaced with an incomprehensible set of characters.

The automatic recognition language solved these problems.

For me ABBYY PDF Transformer+ is the best program converting PDF files to FB2 and working with PDF.

Thank you for reading my short article. If you found it useful, write a comment - I will be happy to receive any comments. If necessary I will add to it.

P.S. I use the book by Azat Valeev, which I converted in the article, only for reading on my device and nowhere else.

The fb2 format itself is one of the representatives of formats for storing various documents. Most often it contains various books and so on. Its distinctive advantage is that it can be used to read books on a variety of mobile devices. For example, most mobile devices do not support the PDF format (in which books are most often distributed), but fb2 is ideal for them. Of course, you can download special software that will open PDF files, but you still need to find it, and this is not always possible.

The easiest ways

In this regard, users very often look for ways to convert files from PDF to fb2. It should be noted that there are several ways to convert files. The fastest way is to use a special PDF to fb2 converter. In order to use this software, you don’t need to have any extraordinary knowledge. To do this you just need to select original file, then specify the destination folder and wait for the conversion process to complete. The main advantage of this program is its simplicity and clear interface. It is thanks to him that even a novice user can convert one file format to another.

Also, the user can use a special online converter PDF Reader which will change the PDF format in fb2. It can change the format of almost any file into the one that the user needs, and its most important advantage is that it does not need to be installed on a PC.

For those who are not looking for easy ways

There is another way out of this situation. For example, you can first change the format of a PDF document to DOC (if, for example, you want to correct something in the file), and only after that convert it to fb2. To convert PDF to DOC, you can use the Amber program PDF Converter. Its main advantage is that it supports PDF conversion files in a huge variety of other formats (for example, html, chm, txt, doc, xls, mcw, sam, etc.). Then, to carry out the last stage of conversion, you need to install the HtmlDocs2fb2 program. As you can tell from the name, this program can work not only with doc format, but also with html. In addition, among its functionality there is the ability to automatically archive results. As a result, the user can use these programs to obtain a converted file.

You have a document or book in DOS format, but you can’t or don’t want to read the contents - it’s much more convenient for you in fb2. This means that it needs to be transformed - converted.

Below I will describe the two best (it seems to me) ways to convert doc to fb2. DOS is a Microsoft 2003 format. In 2007, 2010 and 2013, docx began to be used.

You can convert it to fb2 using programs or using online servers. In the latter case, there must always be Internet access; in the former, only the installed program.

In general, it is not necessary to unnecessarily convert a doc format to another (in our case, fb2), even if you do not have the Microsoft Word program (it is paid).

Can be used for reading free analogues: OpenOffice, Cool Reader or Doc Reader (there are more), but this article is about converting it to fb2, so let's move on to the direct conversion

How to convert doc to fb2 using programs

There are several programs for converting documents (books) in doc format to fb2. My favorite was "htmlDocs2fb2".

First, download it - it is free and has Russian language (easy to find on your own). The installation is normal. After launch, turn on the Russian language.

To do this, click the last option “common settings” at the top and select “Russisn” as shown below.

Next, close the program and run it again. Click the file at the top (place your dos document on the desktop ahead of time so as not to search for a long time), click “open”, find your file (which needs to be converted to another format), select it and click “open” at the bottom.

Your file in dos format will appear in the program window. To convert, click on the top of the file again and click on the convert option.

The program converts it. You just need to click “OK”. That's all. Now the book in fb2 format is on your desktop, you can start reading

Convert doc to fb2 online

You can also convert dos to fb2 formats online service ami. It's not faster or better, but you don't need to install programs, and not all devices support them, for example, Android tablets.


You don't need to do anything else. The system will automatically convert it to fb2 format and start the download without your confirmation.

That's all. If you can install a conversion program and you often have to convert, then this option will be the best.

For a “one-time” conversion, an online service is quite suitable. Good luck.