Unable to write data to disk error 11. Hard disk is full

Unable to write data to disk error 11. Hard disk is full
Unable to write data to disk error 11. Hard disk is full

Those who like to play on the computer, and especially in unlicensed games, have probably at least once encountered an error that occurs during the installation of the game - “Unarc.dll returned error code 11”. The error code itself may be different. From this article you will learn possible reasons occurrence of this error, as well as options for its elimination.

What does "Unarc.dll returned an error code" mean?

From the error title, you can guess that there are some problems with the Unarc.dll file. This file is part of the system library, which is responsible for working with various archives, including their unpacking. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that in 99% of cases the cause of the problem is not the work of the Unarc.dll library, but damage to the file itself, which is unpacked. Unarc.dll tries to unpack the archive, but due to its damage and checksum mismatch during the unpacking process, an error appears. Unarc.dll returned error code 11 when installing the game.

Unrac.dll error image

Causes of the error "Unarc.dll returned error code 11 when installing the game"

In addition to incorrect setup file games, the following factors can also cause this error:

  • In the path to the folder where installation in progress and unpacking the game, there are Russian letters;
  • Flaw system rights user;
  • The antivirus prevents the normal unpacking of files (which is why experienced gamers advise turning off the antivirus during the installation of the game);
  • An error occurred during the download of the game installation file, as a result of which it was damaged;
  • There is not enough space on one of the local disks of the computer;
  • Insufficient swap file size;
  • Problems in the work of RAM.

How to fix the error "Unarc.dll returned error code 11 while installing the game"?

So, the first thing to start solving the current problem is to run the game's installation file as an administrator. In this case, the user under which you are logged in must have administrator rights.

To run the installation as administrator, click on the setup file (setup.exe or autorun.exe) right click mouse and select " Run as administrator«.

Run the setup file as administrator

It is also worth disabling the antivirus during the installation of the game and check that there are no Russian words and letters in the path to the game folder. For example D:\games\Worldoftanks would not be correct. Correct D:\games\Worldoftanks.

If the game is installed from a disk, then check its surface visually for scratches and damage, since in this case the unpacker simply will not be able to read data from the disk and will return the error “an error occurred while unpacking unarc dll returned error code 11”.

If the game is downloaded from the Internet, then you should try to download it and preferably another site.

It is also worth making sure that there is enough space on the hard drive to install the game, as it often happens that the installation requires more space than it already does. installed game. This is due to the fact that during the unpacking and installation process, temporary files appear that are automatically deleted at the end of the installation process.

The last steps that will help fix the error Unarc.dll returned error code 11 when installing the game will be for the presence of broken modules.

If none of the options helped you to resolve this error, then write about it in the comments and we will try to help you.

Avid gamers in our country very often have to deal with different problems when installing games. One of the problems is pop-up windows in the form: "Unarc.dll returned error code: 11" or other code values ​​1, 5, 6, 7, 8. In general, the number does not make much difference. All these types of conflicts are eliminated by the same solutions. Next, we will show you how to fix error code -11 when installing games.

Failed to install games "Error code: -11"

What is this error code -11?

First of all, you should always pay attention to downloaded file. Most likely, it is not licensed, which means it may contain a bunch of problems. Exactly "pirated" games become the fault of the impossibility of their installation. Extracting software from a downloaded archive comes with many risks, because the probability of not completing the operation to the end always remains. The same rule applies to downloading via torrent itself.

Solution "error code -11" in games

First, analyze the process of downloading the game to your computer. Perhaps, at some point, the Internet connection failed and the file was not loaded, or the integrity of the file was violated. In another situation, the game was already broken(pirated version) or corrupted during analysis by your antivirus.

  1. The solution is to re-download the file, but before disable your antivirus.
  2. Find an alternative to this software. Pay attention to more early versions or other sources for download.

I think everything is simple here. The downloaded file is 90% cases is the fault.

Trying to unpack the archive

It is highly recommended for all users to have several archivers on their PC. This is due to the fact that sometimes a certain archive cannot be opened, due to which the user may receive a notification "error unpacking unarc.dll". For such situations, it is better to try several archivers.

  1. Install two or three archivers at once with the best features: winrar, winzip, 7-Z.
  2. Try to open each of them one by one.

Sometimes this method helps players in unpacking games.

Russian letters on the way

Russian letters or Cyrillic Always conflicts with many utilities. Foreign programs cannot recognize such characters in their installation path. These incomprehensible characters and become the reason "returned error code: -11". Although modern developments have almost eradicated this situation, but the user still falls for such cases.

  • Correct the name of the folder where you are going to install the game. For example, if the folder is called GTA 5 Online, then change it to GTA 5 ONLINE.

In general, make it a habit to always write folder names in English on your computer.

Check out our material on solving a similar problem with .

Hard drive is full

Modern games have a very impressive size. At least remember the most popular series gta 5. It will take up at least 65 GB of hard drive space. This situation is sometimes missed by users with weak PCs. As a result, it turns out that there is simply no free space. When trying to unpack a large archive, "error code No. 1,2,3, etc." will occur.

Have you ever encountered the error " Cannot write file to disk When uploading files in WordPress? This fairly common mistake can be very frustrating for beginners. In this article, we will show you how to fix this error in WordPress.

What are the causes of file write error when uploading in WordPress?

This error can be caused by some reasons. But the most common reason is incorrect folder access. Every file and every folder on your site has a set of permissions. With these permissions, your web server controls access to files.

Incorrect folder permissions can remove the right to add files to the server. This means that your web server cannot create or add new files to this folder.

If you try to upload images or other files from the WordPress admin area, you will receive one of the following error messages:

  • WordPress failed to write to disk
  • WordPress failed to load due to an error writing the file to disk
  • Can't create folder WP content / additions / 2016 / 03 Is its parent folder writable by the server?

How to Fix Disk Write Error in WordPress

First, you need to connect to your WordPress site using FTP client For this we use a free FTP client FileZilla If you are using a different FTP client, this may sound a little different.

Once you are logged in you should right click on the folder wp content and select file permissions.

This will bring up a file permission dialog in your FTP client. You will see permissions for owner, group, and public.

You must be logged in "755" in a numeric value field.

After that you should check the box next to " Continue recursively in subdirectories " Finally you have to click on the option " Apply to file only" , Press the button "OK" to continue.

Your FTP client will now set folder permissions to 755 and apply them to all subfolders in the folder wp content, This includes uploading the folder where all the images are stored. You can also make sure the permissions for individual files in your folder wp content are correct.

Right click the folder again wp content and select file permissions. This time we will be able to change the permissions according to the files. Enter " 644 In the box, check the box next to Msgid "Continue recursively in subdirectories".

Finally, you must click on the option " Apply to file only" , Click OK to continue. Your FTP client will set permissions to 644 for all files in the folder wp content.