Is it worth it to repair a six-year-old asus tablet. The tablet does not turn on (Lenovo, Asus, Samsung)

Is it worth it to repair a six-year-old asus tablet.  The tablet does not turn on (Lenovo, Asus, Samsung)
Is it worth it to repair a six-year-old asus tablet. The tablet does not turn on (Lenovo, Asus, Samsung)

A broken tablet is one of the most frustrating situations, especially if you actively use this device in your daily work and feel like you are out of hands without it. However, let's not despair and fall into hysterics. Since you have already visited the site, it means that you are interested in solving the problem yourself. Well, let's try to revive your tablet, even if it does not turn on or shows minimal signs of life.

Your main task is to conduct a thorough diagnosis and understand why the tablet does not turn on. In principle, there are not so many reasons for this, they can be divided into two separate groups: software and hardware malfunctions.

The model of a device based on the Android OS is not of fundamental importance: it can be Asus, Lenovo, Samsung, cheap Chinese and other well-known tablet models, with which the market is filled in abundance.

Troubleshoot android tablet software problems

In layman's terms, software errors occur after installation. third party applications(including Chinese and low-quality ones), which cause significant harm to the operating room Android system. Random installations of such applications result in the tablet not turning on.

The second type of tablet software failure is incorrect flashing, that is, replacing the current one, official firmware Android to an incompatible one that caused the Android OS boot to fail.

Software crash after installing the application or flashing it

Do you like to install applications, games, decorations on Android? If you do this en masse, without reading the description, without deleting unnecessary software after testing, expect trouble. Even though Android, in theory, controls the activities of third-party applications, sometimes a clumsily written application can cause a very unpleasant crash, after which Android simply crashes and freezes (loops) when trying to log in. In this case, of course, the backlight of the screen works.

How to turn on the tablet. most reliable and fast way solve the problem - perform a hard reset - that is, reset the firmware to the factory one.

Troubleshooting tablet hardware issues

A hardware (mechanical) failure of the device also leads to a situation where the tablet turns off and does not turn on. For example, if you dropped the tablet, accidentally damaged it, noticed a defect on the case after you gave the tablet to a friend or acquaintances - all this can cause a malfunction. Depending on the severity of the hardware damage, the tablet may not work correctly or not turn on at all - in the event that a component vital for the operation of the tablet fails.

So, let's consider the main types of tablet malfunctions in terms of hardware and what to do in each case.

The tablet is discharged or the battery is out of order

The tablet does not turn on, although it worked stably for a long time and did not cause any complaints. The device does not respond to pressing the power button.

How to turn on the tablet. I made up detailed manual what to do if the tablet does not charge. I recommend taking a look: perhaps in this way you can solve "with little bloodshed" why the tablet does not turn on. Samsung tablets, Asus, Lenovo, even high-quality builds are prone to similar problems after several years of operation.

In any case, we advise you to connect the tablet to charger, wait 10 minutes and then press the power button of the mobile device several times. Try also holding down the Power button and waiting for 10 seconds until an image or other signs of life appears on the tablet screen.

The touchscreen on the tablet flew

A fairly obvious problem: the tablet works, but you cannot see the results of its activity, because the screen simply does not work. In general, this is a very rare type of malfunction, since the touchscreen itself, in practice, cannot fail. To do this, you need to disconnect the contacts on the board or break the tablet screen.

How to fix. What to do if the tablet does not turn on precisely because of a defective touchscreen? If you are sure that the tablet does not work fully due to a non-working touchscreen, contact the specialists who will help you find the right matrix model and replace it on your unfortunate tablet. If you have the necessary repair skills and straight hands, it is quite possible to replace the touchscreen on a tablet on your own. Finding and ordering this component on is easy. Specify in the search the desired device model ( samsung galaxy..., Lenovo..., Asus..., etc.), select a delivery method and wait for the parcel with a touchscreen.

Serious physical damage

Have you dropped your tablet on the ground, in water, accidentally put it in the oven, or just let it sit for a while? good friend. As a result, the tablet does not work, while having obvious traces of damage.

How to fix. What to do if the tablet does not turn on after a serious hardware failure? Alas, the only proven method remains: contact the service center, describe the problem and pay money.

If the tablet is under warranty, there is little chance of getting it repaired for free. However, under the terms of any warranty, you will not be able to repair or replace the tablet if the failure was due to careless operation and / or failure due to the fault of the user of the tablet. In this situation, it remains to contact a paid service center and fix the defect on a paid basis.

Question answer

I ask you to help me figure out the problem with the tablet. I'll tell you the reason. The tablet worked, I watched a movie. Then I felt that he was very hot. Turned off the tablet and turned it on again. I worked a little and suddenly the screen of the tablet went out, it became dark as if it had been turned off. The tablet does not turn on.

When the charger is connected, there is a charging signal (the light is on), and the screen is still dark. Please tell me what to do if the tablet does not turn on. What is the reason, can it be eliminated or immediately thrown away.

Answer. Buy a new battery - it is quite possible that it has failed or has ceased to hold capacity. Since the charger is working correctly, there should be no other problems.

Today, a rather unpleasant thing happened with an Asus tablet. I was watching a video on YouTube, suddenly my tablet began to lag. I decided to wait a bit, but it did not help and he did not stop lagging. I decided to press the screen lock button (I used this method on my phone for a long time, and it helped me) then the screen went out, I started pressing the screen lock button again, but the tablet did not want to turn on! It's a pity, the tablet is new, literally a month old! Why does the Asus tablet not turn on and how to turn it on? I really want to fix this problem!

Answer. One of the main reasons why the tablet does not turn on is the battery. Perhaps, when buying a tablet, it was installed very old battery. Try charging your Asus via usb cable or charger. We advise you to change the battery to a new one (fortunately, Chinese ones cost about $ 10).

I calmly watched the series on the Asus tablet. He began to lag the tablet, not heated, just turned it on. I decided to wait, the screen turned off, the sound goes on - the sound has passed. I decided to wait and then turn it on. But it won't turn on!!! What to do? Grandma's tablet is not mine!! I've been watching the series on a trusted site for 6 days now and nothing like that happened. Asus tablet 4 years 2.5 years, they didn’t use it at all, and when they started using it, it was only 2-5 times a month. Why won't my tablet turn on? HELP ME PARENTS WILL KILL FOR WHAT I BROKEN THE TABLET DOING NOTHING!!!

Answer. Most likely a battery problem. Put the tablet on charge, after half an hour try to turn it on. If it doesn't work, make sure the charger is working properly. If all else fails, take your tablet to the nearest repair shop.

Lenovo tablet suddenly freezes and does not respond to touch. He also did not respond to the lock button. Then the screen went blank. And now the tablet does not turn on.

Answer. If none physical damage On the tablet is not, the problem is in the battery of the tablet. See above in the text, we have already answered similar questions.

I returned the tablet to factory settings. The removal process went through and the tablet just turned off and does not turn on, but every 3 seconds it vibrates. What could be the reason for this?

I had a misfortune hanging on the splash screen of the LG tablet. I pulled out the battery many times and tried to turn it on, it did not turn on. I started looking for information on the internet. Found how to do hard reset. Did. Lost everything. Tablet contacts, notes, bookmarks, messages, messages (whatsapp, telegram), in the browser, too, bookmarks made those web pages that I need. In general, everything that I remembered on the device, I wrote, etc. everything is lost. Please tell me how to restore all this with an accuracy of at least up to 100% with what program? If you need to pay, I can pay you if only you could tell me what and how to do so that everything comes back. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Random tablet ( lenovo tab) fell on the floor. After that, it did not turn on for a long time (it only vibrated, and the screen did not glow), and then the screen turned on but was black. When unlocking (swipe up), a sound is heard (I have a click (it should have been)), but the screen does not show anything. I wanted to reboot, but I can't see it on the shutdown confirmation screen (I can't click "shutdown" on the screen). There are no cracks on the screen, no scratches either. There are no games. The tablet works this way (I hear it by sound and vibration when pressed), but the screen does not show anything. What could it be and what to do about it?

I turned off the lenovo tablet, then when I turned it on it said: a system error occurred, only the shortcuts to wait and turn off I tried everything but it does not turn on, the same shortcut please help.

Hello! I decided to restart Xiomi Mi a1 now it does not turn on, it freezes (the screen lights up as if it is loading and now it turns on, but does not turn on). I understand that there is only one way out - reset to factory settings. Will it be possible to restore photos, notes, reminders after a reset using the applications you described? Thank you.

On a tablet Xiaomi Redmi 4a covered OS. Does not turn on, loading is in progress (until the charge runs out). In service centers they say a frequent case, flashing will help. On internal memory photos/videos left. Is there an option to save these files?

I have such a problem: an old 4s tablet, it needs to be updated (it doesn’t turn on, the iTunes sign and the cord are on the screen), but I understand that after the “restore” all my photos will be deleted, but I don’t quite understand, they will go to remote, or when returning to the factory settings, they will be erased forever. And what do they do to me now: restore / update it or try the programs you recommended in such a state as it is now "blocked"? There are 6500 photos, before that the tablet was updated in 2012, it didn’t fall anywhere, didn’t sink, .... can I restore all the photos or 168?

The tablet worked, turned off at night and during the day it just does not turn on. Charged at night. There are no mechanical damages.

The lenovo tablet does not turn on, or rather it does not turn on until the main screen. There is a lenovo splash screen and everything freezes.

I have such a problem: the tablet asus phonepad has been on for a long time fast charging i I used it, after which the screen began to freeze and went out, after several attempts to turn it on, it did not turn on, and I smelled a burning smell when I took it off back cover then I saw white smoke, it came from the upper part where the board is, I turned off the battery, now when I try to turn it on, the screen does not turn on, although the vibration works when it is turned on and the sensor works (I entered the key from memory) please tell me what could be the reason ?, thanks in advance.

I deleted the Google application, immediately removed the strip from the screen, and then from the tablet altogether, now I downloaded it again, but I don’t have the strip on the screen as before google search and the function of turning on Google also disappeared when I pressed the button on the side of the tablet, now to turn on Google search, I need to go into this application itself, and the button does not turn on anything at all

Tell me what can be with the tablet. They put it on charge. After a while, the charger was disconnected and I wanted to play the game, but it was black. After a while, it lit up and it was written asus and so it stayed until the morning, but they tried to turn it on in the evening. I didn’t see it on the computer.

The tablet motive 07 for some reason stopped working, when turned on, a sound, vibration is heard, well, the screen does not light up when connected to the charger, the battery charge is also not visible

Such a thing, the lenovo tablet fell from a level of about a meter, after that the backlight and the screen itself are on when turned on, but there is no image, can this be fixed by yourself or is that the screen for replacement?

As for spare parts for this model, they are freely available, with the exception of one, which I will tell you later. What I want to say is that use it carefully, replace touch glass or the display will cost a pretty penny. Well, we will repair the tablet socket with our own hands, because the tablet stopped responding to charging and does not turn on.

First we remove the back cover, it is very easy to remove it, because it is snapped on, there are no hidden bolts. You just need to be careful when you put the spatula under the lid and pull so as not to damage anything inside. To safely remove the lid, I recommend holding the spatula slightly upwards. Such actions will secure your tablet.

When the cover was removed, the first thing we do is unfasten the battery cable, we have it circled in red. If you start to perform any actions without disconnecting the battery, then a short circuit may occur on the board, which will lead to any kind of consequences.

We find our connector, we continue to repair the tablet with our own hands using the example of Asus k00a me302c. We unscrew the two bolts along the edges of this small board. Next, we pull out the sensor cable, we have it double, and the interboard cable.

They pulled out our board, that's what it was said about above, that it's quite difficult to get it, but it's just on it that the charging connector is located. For beginners in the field of repair, it would be easier to buy this board assembly and change it. But there is nothing difficult to repair a tablet with your own hands using the example of Asus k00a me302c, namely, repairing the tablet charging socket.

For the convenience of the actions performed, we will use the "third hand" tool. We fix our board with probes along the edges on both sides. For safety, we will glue thermal tape around the connector, as we will heat the soldering place of the connector with high temperature.

We turn on the hair dryer at 420 degrees and heat from below. We are in no hurry to remove the connector so as not to damage the tracks. It will become visible when the tin begins to melt, then you can already take the connector with tweezers and slowly remove it. Then, in the same way, install a new connector. We collect the tablet and check, the charge has gone. Do-it-yourself tablet socket repair was successful. Good luck with the repairs everyone.

Gadgets have become an integral part of modern life. But with them quite often there are various problems. For example, from time to time users complain that their tablet does not turn on ASUS. How to be in this situation? Why might this problem occur? Every user should know about all this. Then it will be possible to repair the device without any problems. Only in some cases it is necessary to purposefully attribute gadgets to service centers. You often manage to solve problems on your own. So why tablet ASUS can turn off and not turn on?

Different types of problems

The first step is to understand what problems generally arise in the studied gadgets. This will already half solve the situation.

All problems in tablets and others modern devices can be divided into:

  • software;
  • hardware.

The first type is the result of a variety of software failures and malfunctions. Because of this, the performance of devices is disrupted. Usually such problems are solved by reinstalling the software, as well as setting up the gadget.

The second type of malfunction is caused by marriage or some kind of damage to the components of the tablet. This alignment often involves a thorough repair of the device. And only in rare cases can you cope on your own. Often, with hardware problems, you need to make professional repair of tablets. ASUS in service centers.

Battery charge

Now a little about the reasons why gadgets may not turn on. In particular, tablets from the company ASUS. The first problem is quite common among users. But the reason cannot be attributed to either the hardware type or the software type. Why?

Because turning off the tablet is caused by the carelessness of the owner of the device. For starters, don't panic. You need to check the battery charge. If it is not there, then be surprised that the tablet does not turn on ASUS (or whatever) doesn't need to. It is enough to charge the battery - and the problem will disappear.

To check whether the whole thing is really an insufficient battery charge, you need to connect the gadget to the network. And try to work with the device. If it turns on, you just have to carefully monitor how much charge the battery has left.

Battery failure

But this is only the beginning. The next problem is also quite common. It is of hardware origin. If the tablet ASUS ZenPad(or any other) refuses to turn on, it is recommended to check the battery again. But already on the performance of this component.

The point is that all batteries wear out. Improper handling of the gadget, as well as long-term use of the device, lead to the fact that the battery starts to work poorly. Sooner or later it breaks. And then the tablet (or phone, depending on which gadget in question) will stop turning on.

How to fix the problem? Offered:

  1. Take the battery or tablet in for repair. It is possible that the battery can be repaired.
  2. Buy a new battery and replace it. The most simple, true and reliable way problem solving.

Nothing else will help. A bad battery just won't work. After it is repaired or replaced, the tablet will turn on again. Of course, with a sufficient amount of charge.

System failure

Various system failures are not ruled out. Not a single device is insured against them. Tablet ASUS turned off and won't turn on? You can try to carry out the so-called software reboot. Or rather, reset all gadget settings. The procedure is called "Hard Reset".

For this you need:

  1. Remove all additional components from the device. Namely - SIM cards and memory cards. If a headset is connected, it will also have to be disconnected.
  2. Press the volume buttons. You will have to hold them for about 15 seconds. You can let go when the vibration starts.
  3. Next, you have to go to the system settings and select "Format" there. Depending on the tablet model, the exact inscriptions will differ from each other.
  4. Wait for the request to be processed. After the reset is completed, you can return the SIM cards and memory cards to their place, and also turn on the gadget.

This option really helps. But it only works when some system failures are to blame. Other software problems this approach may not work.


Does the device have a perfectly normal working battery? Tablet ASUS may not turn on due to the fact that it is infected with viruses. For modern users this problem occurs more and more frequently.

You can correct the situation by "Hard Reset". But it is not certain that such an approach will work. Often, when the systems of certain devices are infected, you have to seek help from service centers. There, for a moderate fee, the tablet will be cleaned of viruses and other dangerous software.

It is recommended to get a mobile antivirus system after troubleshooting. It will help you not to face the fact that the tablet does not turn on. ASUS because of the viruses that attacked the device.

External influence

Gadget won't turn on? It is worth considering what external influence was exerted on the device. The tablet may not work due to mechanical damage. And this fact must be taken into account. Depending on the circumstances, one or another decision is made regarding the correction of the problem.

For example, if the gadget is dropped into water, it must be taken out, disassembled and dried as soon as possible. After that, assemble and try to turn it on. But when the tablet falls, some important components may be damaged. And then the device will have to be sent in for repair.

Therefore, with an external impact on the gadget, the methods for correcting the situation may be different. Often it is not possible to solve the problem on your own. But tablet repair ASUS allows you to extend the life of the gadget for several years.


Firmware on gadgets can be damaged. And in some cases, this leads to the fact that the device stops turning on. A very common scenario.

Tablet firmware ASUS can be reinstalled by itself. But doing so is not recommended. In any case, an inexperienced user can finally break the gadget.

It is recommended to take the tablet for flashing to a service center. The process usually takes about half an hour. After changing the firmware, the device will be fully functional again.


Tablets ASUS reviews are generally positive. But some opinions indicate that among these products there are defective models. More precisely, single gadgets. They either do not work, or perform their functions partially, with failures and other malfunctions.

How to be in this case? The buyer purchased the device and found that the tablet does not turn on ASUS? Then you will have to conduct an independent examination. It will pinpoint exactly what is causing the problem.

If a manufacturing defect is confirmed, then the tablet must be taken to the store and exchanged for a working analogue. With him, the citizen will have to bring a receipt indicating the fact of purchase of the device. According to the established laws in Russia, defective equipment will have to be replaced. Or accept it for an independent examination.

A manufacturing defect cannot be repaired. You can identify this reason by the lack of work with the gadget earlier. That is, marriage usually takes place only on relatively new devices. If the user worked with the tablet for some time, then the gadget’s refusal to work most likely occurred for other reasons.

In any case, a citizen should know that defective tablets are either replaced in the store for free, or they are handed over and bought new ones. They, as already mentioned, are not subject to repair. Nevertheless, we must remember: even if you can fix a manufacturing type defect, there are no guarantees for the long life of the gadget.


Tablet ASUS ZenPad refuses to work? If the situation arose by chance, without any prerequisites, you need to think about how much data is stored on the device.

A variety of failures in the operation of tablets and phones of any models are observed due to their overcrowding with user information. This is quite normal, although not very common.

The tablet may not turn on if a memory card with a capacity larger than that provided by the manufacturer is inserted into it. Functionality should return after additional memory is removed.

Also, the tablets do not turn on if, as already mentioned, they are overflowing with information. Most often, first there are brakes in the system. The tablet responds to the sent signals for an extremely long time. If the user ignores such urges, it is likely that sooner or later the device will simply refuse to work. It will stop turning on. Then you have to somehow free up space. Only after that it will be possible to work normally again with a tablet or phone.


What conclusions can be drawn from all that has been said so far? All mobile devices extremely vulnerable. Tablets, like all other gadgets, may not turn on for various reasons. For example:

  • the battery has run out;
  • the device system is infected with viruses;
  • data overload;
  • mechanical damage;
  • manufacturing defect;
  • system failures;
  • failure of certain components of the tablet.

Tablet setup ASUS is the key to the normal operation of the device. It is produced, as a rule, independently. Actual for cases with "Hard Reset". After a thorough collection, you will have to configure the gadget in a way that is convenient for the user. But flashing is best done through service centers. It is also recommended to take the tablet there if you can’t figure out on your own why the gadget does not turn on.