What is personal information space? Creating a teacher’s personal information space

What is personal information space?  Creating a teacher’s personal information space
What is personal information space? Creating a teacher’s personal information space

Increased information flow and the need to operate everything big amount information forces us to take a reasonable approach to organizing our information space. The main tool for organizing personal information space in computer memory is folders. They are also a means of organizing and presenting computer system resources (directories, files, programs, etc.).

All folders function the same regardless of their contents. By setting the appropriate settings for folders, you can complete your tasks faster. To set parameters open folders you need to run the command Tools/Folder Options. In the window that appears, all the necessary parameters for the folder are set (see figure). Folder Options Window

Copying and moving folders works the same way as copying and moving files. To copy a folder, just drag and drop it right click to the place where you need to copy it. When will it appear context menu, you can select Copy to copy the folder, or Move to change the location of the folder. To rename a folder, call up the context menu and select the Rename command.

Having considered technical aspect working with folders, we will describe how to create your own information space. Documents generated by the user must be strictly structured, and the means of structuring in this case is a folder. If all documents are stored in one folder, then after reaching a certain critical mass it will be difficult for the user to navigate through their own documents. And the actual work time will be spent on finding the required document.

Information space is a set of objects that enter into information interaction with each other, as well as the technologies themselves that ensure this interaction. The information space is formed by information resources, means of information interaction and information infrastructure.

Signs of the information space:

1) Action common principles and general rules for all subjects of information interaction with a reasonable combination of state regulation and self-regulatory principles in the formation and development of a single information space

2) Ensuring secure information interaction between the state, organizations and citizens

3) Maximum complete satisfaction of the information needs of subjects throughout the state

4) Equal access of subjects of information interaction to open information resources

5) Maintaining a balance of interests in entering the global information space and ensuring national information sovereignty.

Information space objects:

A) informational resources

b) information infrastructure:

Information and telecommunications structure (state and corporate networks and various systems)

Information and computer technologies

Media system

Organizational structures (ensure the formation and development of a unified information space).

Types of information spaces:

1) Ecological

2) Legal spaces

3) Economic

4) Political.

Levels of information spaces:

1) Global

2) International

3) Republican (national).

13. Concept, definition and features of the information society.

In accordance with the concept of Z. Brzezinski, D. Bell, O. Toffler, supported by other foreign scientists, the information society is a type of post-industrial society.

The information society is a special society, unknown to history. Let us list its main features and characteristics*(3).

Characteristic features of the information society:

the problem of the information crisis, including the information crisis of science, has been resolved, that is, the contradiction between the “information avalanche” and the “information hunger” has been resolved;

priority of information is ensured compared to other resources;

the main form of development is the information economy;

the basis of society is the automated generation, storage, processing and use of knowledge using the latest information technology and technologies;

information technologies have become global in nature, covering all areas of human social activity;

informational unity of the entire human civilization is ensured.

14. Unified information and legal space of the Republic of Belarus and the CIS.

The agreement on the exchange of legal information of October 21, 1994 served as the basis for the formation of a unified information and legal space within the CIS. The parties ensure the exchange of legal information by electronic transmission of documents within the framework of a specially developed thematic list. The exchange of legal information occurs through the system of interstate exchange of legal information. This system is created and operates on the basis of reference data banks of legal information.

The information and legal space of the Republic of Belarus is formed on the basis of the state legal information system (GSPI).

15. Information resources: concept, types, features of legal protection.

Information resource (IR) is an organized set of documented information, including databases and other sets of interrelated information of information systems.


1) By the department that created the information resource.

2) By owner.

3) By name.

4) By type:

Information retrieval system (IRS)

Web sites

Computer games


5) By source of funding:


At my own expense

Funds of legal entities

Foreign resources.

6) By territory (regions of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, foreign).

7) By creation date.

Main classification (by status):

State IR

Non-state IR.

9. /Group 1/Moskvina Ryazanova/~$measured plan of student activities for the project.doc
10. /1 group/Moskvina Ryazanova/.doc
11. /1 group/Ovchinnikova and Davydova S/Personal information space.doc
12. /Group 1/Ovchinnikova and Davydova S/Approximate plan of student activities for the project.doc
13. /1 group/artyom/Microsoft Word document (2).doc
14. /1 group/artem/.doc
15. /1 group/artyom/Approximate plan of student activities for the project.doc
16. /1 group/artyom/student activity plan for the project.doc Approximate activity plan for Maria Davydova for the project: “Typology of information objects”
Typology of information objects Objectives: to master the concept of “information object”
Data protection
Approximate plan of activities of Vasilyeva and Elizarova for the “Information Protection” project

Operating system, abbr. OS English
Introduction to Operating Systems
Approximate plan of student activities for the project
Highlight the problems of the topic being studied (create a computer model that will satisfy a tenth grader at a minimum cost (task)
Personal information space
Activity plan for Olga Ovchinnikova and Sveta Davydova for the project: “Personal Information Space”

Introduction to Operating Systems
Approximate plan of student activities for the project
Activity plan of Zhuravlev and Mamadaliev for the project “Introduction to operating systems”
Personal information space

Goals: know the techniques of creating your own information environment using the capabilities of Windows objects; master ways of structuring information to optimize the electronic information space; develop skills in working with various objects operating system.

May need

  • What's happened information object? (A logically connected block of information that describes objective reality using in various ways representation is called an information object.)

  • How does an information object differ from information? (If we consider information as a meaning contained in the surrounding reality, then an information object is already clearly presented, formalized (given in form) and already extracted meaning.)

  • List the ways you know of structuring information. (There are four main structuring methods: table (relation), tree (hierarchy), network and graph.)

  • Try to name the main advantages and disadvantages of different structuring methods. (It is quite difficult to identify the disadvantages, because each type of structuring allows you to describe one or another dependency between data. The most convenient and understandable structure is a table. That is why databases mainly use this type of structure.)

Guidelines. Fundamental changes in the cult of the information society, associated with giving information the status of a strategic resource, highlight the problems of formation information culture personality. The formation of an information culture involves solving the problem of creating an individual information educational space (environment), which acts simultaneously as a goal, means and result of an individual’s educational process.

The information culture of a teacher can be viewed from two perspectives:

Cultural approach reflects the way of human life in the information society as a component of the process of forming the culture of mankind.

Information approach includes a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of searching, selecting and analyzing information, that is, everything that is included in information activities aimed at meeting information needs.

In light of the formation of competency-based approaches in education this problem must be considered from the perspective of the formation of information competencies that provide skills for human activity with information coming from various sources, having different content and different forms of presentation. In the conditions of the emerging information society, this competence is becoming increasingly important due to the human need to cope with the information processes occurring in society.

The increasing complexity of transmission, storage and processing means, one of which is the computer, has made it possible to identify ICT competence as an integral component of information competencies, which is understood as the readiness to use acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of activity in the field of information and communication technologies to solve educational and practical problems. Another aspect of these competencies is the information component associated with the problem of spatial organization of information, with the formation of personal information space and its interaction with external information space.

It must be remembered that in the learning process it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of competencies that are an integral part of information and communication activities, including:

1. Finding the necessary information on a given topic in sources various types. Extracting the necessary information

From sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, diagram, audiovisual p Poison, etc.), separation of basic information from secondary information, critical assessment of the reliability of the information received! mation, transfer of information content adequately to the stated goal (concise, complete, selective). Translation of information from one sign system to another (from text to table, from audiovisual series to text And etc.), the choice of sign systems is adequate for cognitive And communicative situation. The ability to substantiate judgments in detail, give definitions, and provide evidence (including by contradiction). Explanation of the studied provisions on independently selected specific examples.

  1. Selecting the type of reading in accordance with the intended purpose (introductory, viewing, searching, etc.). Fluent work with texts of artistic, journalistic and official business styles, understanding their specifics; adequate perception of the language of the media. Possession of text editing skills and creating your own text.

  2. Use of multimedia resources and computer technology for processing, transferring, systematizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of educational and practical activities.

  3. Mastery of the main types of public speaking (statement, monologue, discussion, polemic), adherence to ethical standards and rules of dialogue (dispute).
Theoretical material

The increase in information flow and the need to handle an increasing amount of information forces us to take a reasonable approach to organizing our information space. An incorrect, or, in other words, suboptimal information storage system contributes to an increase in the share of unproductive activities. The main idea is to create your own information space in the process of managing information flows in unified system, divided into parts by areas of application. Let's consider the management of electronic information resources, and by analogy you can learn how to organize your information activities as a whole.

The main tool for organizing personal information space in computer memory is folders. They are also a means of organizing and presenting computer system resources (directories, files, programs, etc.). Folder

May contain other folders (subfolders), programs, and objects such as printers and disks. Items in a folder are represented by icons, and each icon has a name below it. In order to open a folder, run a program, open a document, or activate and open an object of any other type, just double-click the mouse and place the cursor on the corresponding icon. Opening is possible with a single click, as well as using the system menu.

It is possible to open folders using the keyboard; to do this, you need to use a key, each press of which selects sequentially all the folders on the desktop. After the desired folder is selected, press the key to open its contents. In the same way, you can open an object in a folder by double-clicking the object, or using the key or arrow keys to select the object and pressing the key to open it.

All folders function the same regardless of their contents. By setting the appropriate settings for folders, you can complete your tasks faster. To set the parameters for open folders, you need to run the command View/ Folder properties. In the window that appears, all the necessary parameters for the folder are set (Fig. 3).


General ]Lima File View*[Offline Files

: ?~Ш& 0_Т1фы

| / ,-"■■■) f Open

*Use nan as usual* Windows

Browse folders """ ""

Give each folder a separate owe

Mouse clicks.L WITH Open with a name, highlight with a pointer

f* Otfaeat'aeoinm. and highlight" with one click

restore defaults |

Rice. 3. Window"Properties folders"

Folder properties

IN Desktop

V!sche My documents

-; SCH My computer

B *> ACER (S.)


^ " ABOUT_(E;)

/ Ezdov



Sh;Jj 6 days B ;: j 10-11 grade _: J Barda_October 28 J) Bereznikovsk* Q ICT Krasnoyar £E Tyundyuk £3| important Ё5 dist_course Y| for outgoing ShK

G Internet resources

Rice. 4.Folder structure view

Copying and moving folders works the same way as copying and moving files. To copy a folder, just right-click on it and drag it to the location where you want to copy it. When the context menu appears, you can select Copy to copy a folder or Move to change the folder location. You can copy a folder by dragging it with the left button while holding down the key. This copies the folder and all its contents, including files and subfolders, to a new location.

To rename a folder, call up the context menu and select the command Rename. Changing the file name does not affect the change in the names of previously created shortcuts, and the computer will not be able to find the required original folder when accessing it using the given shortcut.

We looked at the technical aspect of working with folders. Now we will describe how to create your own information space. Documents generated by the user must be strictly structured, and the means of structuring in this case is a folder. If all documents are stored in one folder, then after reaching a certain critical mass it will be difficult for the user to navigate through their own documents. And the actual work time will be spent on finding the required document.

Let's look at how best to design your personal information space. Let it be necessary to organize a “Fund of Own Achievements”, we will structure this object (Fig. 5).

Own name - Documents

  • Projects

  • Written works

  • Essays
■ Certificates

Study Sports

  • Hobbies

  • Developments

Critical Notes ■ Humor

Rice. 5.Example object structure

IV. Completing a practical task

Develop the structure of the object “Educational project on...”, choose a subject or topic of your own free will.

Protect your back

The basic rule: do not sit with your back to the door. This means you can always get stabbed in the back. You may be betrayed and fail in any intrigue within the office. In this case, no talismans will help. It’s great to hang an image of a non-pointed mountain on the wall behind you. It may be snowy, but it should not look ominous. It is preferable to choose a mountain landscape without water areas. In this case, snow is not considered water. An image of a large sea turtle or a photograph of a bank building will also strengthen your position. Try to sit facing your most favorable direction or one of the best directions, and so that no “poison arrows” are directed at you. Poison arrows can be the corners of cabinets and walls, the desks of other employees, holly plants, or a ceiling beam.

What's on your table?

Make sure your view is never interrupted by stacks of folders and stacks of papers. The space in front of you should be free. Any piles of folders and paper delay and accumulate stagnant energy. Wooden tables in light colors are preferable. The dimensions of the desktop that attracts good luck are as follows: length—152 cm, width—89 cm, height—84 cm. Any wishes can be written or even engraved on the stones. Choose crystals to your taste. For a company to grow and prosper, its employees need to be happy, energetic and cheerful. Get rid of sources of bad qi regularly. Seat employees according to their individual auspicious areas. Happy staff are a company's best asset.

Your talismans

Even if you work in an office where there are several other people besides you, and, therefore, you cannot particularly influence the choice of your place, you still always have the opportunity to slightly change the workspace. It is very good if there are cabinets to the left and right of the desktop as the personification of security. Windows on your left are preferable to those on your right. Remember, the north of the desktop is where you sit. Accordingly, the south is opposite. There is a place for a crystal pyramid. Place any symbol of abundance diagonally to your left. The most common are Hotei with a bag of money, a baby dragon or a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth. If the corporate routine does not require the presence of Chinese symbols, place any item that symbolizes money for you. For example, an expensive writing set. Don't forget about the amazing power of Chinese coins, especially those tied with red silk thread. Place them under your computer or phone. A Ganesha figurine to your right will provide assistance and protection in business. A figurine of a rooster is an excellent means of protection against envy from colleagues. Put his image on your desktop and let him “peck” all your problems. This will be very effective if the office is cramped. It is believed that a porcelain figurine of a golden rooster has greater power than other colors. Sometimes people suffer because of a single person who spreads gossip and interferes with their work. Place a figurine of a happy Buddha on the table facing the person who is the source of your troubles.

Information space

Information space

Information space is a set of (1) banks and databases, (2) technologies for their support and use, (3) information telecommunication systems operating on the basis general principles and providing:
- information interaction between organizations and citizens; And
- meeting their information needs.
The main components of the information space are: (1) information resources, (2) means of information interaction and (3) information infrastructure.

In English: Information space

See also: Information spaces Information systems

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what “Information space” is in other dictionaries:

    information space- 1. Integral electronic information space formed when using electronic networks. 2. Areas in modern social life of the world in which information communications play a leading role. In this meaning the concept... ...

    Information space- a set of databases and data banks, information and telecommunication networks and systems, as well as technologies for their maintenance and use, operating on the basis of general principles and according to rules that ensure information interaction between organizations... ... Official terminology

    A set of banks and databases, technologies for their maintenance and use, information telecommunication systems operating on the basis of general principles and ensuring: information interaction between organizations and citizens;… … Dictionary of business terms

    This term has other meanings, see Space. Information space is the totality of the results of the semantic activity of mankind. The information space is the “world of names and titles”, connected to the physical.... ... Wikipedia

    Information space of the CIS- a set of national information spaces of the CIS member states interacting on the basis of relevant interstate agreements on agreed areas of activity... Source: Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS About... ... Official terminology

    Information space/INFORMATION SPACE- 1. Integral electronic information space formed by using electronic networks. 2. Those areas in modern social life of the world in which information communications play a leading role. In this meaning... ... Dictionary By information society and the new economy

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- an integral part of the global information space, limited by the framework of communication networks. Considering convergence trends, it is practically synonymous with the concept of “Internet”.

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