How to improve your cell signal. Boosting your cellular signal: how to achieve it

How to improve your cell signal.  Boosting your cellular signal: how to achieve it
How to improve your cell signal. Boosting your cellular signal: how to achieve it

Bad signal cellular communications- this is a pressing problem not only in the outback, where the technical process has not yet reached. IN big cities The coverage of GSM operators can also be weak. Take, for example, semi-basement premises: shops, offices, gyms and cafes - in these places there may be no connection at all. To ensure that people in such places are always connected, coverage can be artificially improved. Now we will tell you how this can be done at home.

How to strengthen a cellular signal - installing a GSM amplifier

This is enough effective method, which works by using an additional device as a repeater or repeater. The main advantage of the bottom method is the provision of decent, well-functioning coverage. You will not need to connect your phone to an analog antenna using a cable every time. This device allows you to boost 3G and 4G signals. Before purchasing equipment, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with its specifications.

How to strengthen a cellular signal - installing an additional antenna

This method is lightweight and easy to install. The received signal will be of high quality wherever you are. The quality of communication will depend on the power of the GSM antenna. Now let's talk about the disadvantages. The antenna is connected to the phone through a special connector, which your model may not have. In addition, the antenna can cause inconvenience when using the phone. This method is often used by sailors, since there is no other way to solve the problem of lack of communication on the ship.

DIY cellular signal booster

Such a device will allow you to stay in touch in any corner of the Earth. Advantages of using this system:

  • Reduced radiation levels.
  • Removing interference.
  • Increased battery life.
  • Increased message clarity.
  • Signal amplification.

But since this equipment is not cheap, we will tell you how to make it yourself.

What is needed for assembly

  • Plastic.
  • Polymer pipe (20 cm).
  • Cable (10 m).
  • Wire (30 cm).
  • Fasteners
  • Connection block.
  • Electrical tape.


The wire must be bent to form a rhombus. To do this, step back 9 cm in both directions. At the mark, bend the wire at an angle of 90 degrees. The operations performed will allow you to obtain a diamond. Bend the ends inward and attach a block to them. Cut one side of the polymer pipe lengthwise and make a hole opposite.

Having assembled the antenna, we proceed to connecting the coaxial cable. Remove the outer insulation from one of its ends and connect to the junction block. What we got: the cable became a continuation of the antenna.

Now all that remains is to install the device on a pole or roof of the house. The last step is to attach the second end of the cable to the plastic plate.

Repeater installation

Assembling a cellular communication amplifier is only half the battle; you still need to install it correctly. The efficiency of equipment operation is influenced by 2 factors:

  • Location.
  • Antennas included in the system.

Before installation, it would be a good idea to make sure there is a signal. To do this, make a call from your phone or look at the signal strength indicator.

Having planned the location of the components, you can begin laying the coaxial cable. First of all, make sure that all connectors are clean and intact. There are also restrictions in temperature conditions. An external antenna can be operated at temperatures from -40 to +50, but the repeater should always be located in a heated room with a positive temperature.

Amplifier settings

Connect the antennas and power adapter to the high-frequency connectors. To protect against power surges, use a surge protector.

The next step is to adjust the gain. There is one requirement for it - it must be at least 15 dB. The repeater can be configured either manually or automatically. In the first case, the potentiometer knob is used, and the position of the internal and external antennas is changed.

Under automatic tuning This means setting the gain level so that the output gets maximum power. In this case, the device will independently adapt to the traffic of the operator’s station.

Many people face the problem of a weak cellular signal, including residents of country houses, villages, apartments on the first floors of houses or offices located on the lower ground floors, etc. In this article we will describe in detail ways to strengthen the cellular signal.

The most effective way to increase the quality of cellular communication is to use. But everything is not so simple here and we should start with theory.
In Russia, GSM mobile operators operate on two frequencies: 900 and 1800 MHz. Why do you need to use two frequencies? Each frequency has its pros and cons. In particular, the 900 MHz frequency penetrates buildings quite well and has a greater range than 1800 MHz, but supports fewer subscribers (fewer channels), so this frequency has become widespread in villages and villages. This is where it is necessary to spread over large areas. The 1800 MHz frequency has a smaller radius, but is capable of working with big amount subscribers, which is important for cities. But this is in theory, in reality, in a city, a frequency of 900 MHz can be used as a backup channel, and 1800 MHz can also be found in a village (in particular, the TELE2 operator operates on a frequency of 1800 MHz). But for the most part, in villages and villages the frequency of 900 MHz is used (except for TELE2, they do not have a license to operate in the frequency of 900 MHz), and in cities - 1800 MHz. You can contact those. support mobile operator and find out what frequency they operate on in your region.
Now that you have figured out what frequency the operators in your region use, you can begin to strengthen your cellular communications. For this you will need , and . GSM amplifier must be selected based on the frequency used by operators in your region, if it is 900 MHz, then the GSM repeater should operate at 900 MHz, if 1800, then 1800 MHz. There are repeaters that amplify two frequencies at once, but they are quite expensive. Outdoor antennas for amplifying cellular communications are either directional or omnidirectional. The most “strong” ones are considered directional, but in this case they require adjustment, i.e. you need to know where the cell phone towers are and turn it in that direction. Internal antennas can also be either omnidirectional or directional; their choice depends on the configuration of the interior and the location where you want to receive a good signal. As for cables, you can use both 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm cables; with a length of 10-20 meters there is no big difference in their use, but there is a difference in price.

The classic version looks like this:
An outdoor GSM antenna is placed on the street; if it is directional, then it is directed towards the operator’s towers. The antenna should be located as high as possible, away from other antennas (television, satellite and others). A cable comes from it and connects to the GSM repeater. The second antenna is located indoors in such a way as to cover the entire required area. In this case, the relative position of the internal and external antennas must be such that there is no self-excitation of the amplifier, i.e. such a situation in which the signal from the internal antenna is picked up by the external antenna, amplified, fed to the internal antenna, and so on. To do this, it is necessary to place the antennas at the maximum distance from each other and preferably point them in different directions.

Is repeater radiation harmful to health?

Quite the contrary. A repeater installed in a room with a poor signal reduces harmful radiation, because a mobile phone does not need to radiate at full power to “finish off” base station telecom operator.

The radiation power of the repeater is about 10 mW. The phone, having detected the repeater, switches to low radiation power, since it will need to connect to the repeater, which is located at a distance of several meters.
Thus, using a repeater reduces the harmful effects of the phone, and also increases the battery life of the phone.

With exotic plants and stifling heat, others prefer the mild summer among native birch and pine trees :) To each his own, as they say. Holidays in the country or in the countryside attract many people. First of all, for the lack of fuss and minimal connection with the outside world. But global network sits firmly in our brains, and social networks leave no chance to sit out in the wilderness of the village.

This is where the problems begin. The quality of cellular communication is ideal in words only. We drive two or three dozen kilometers from a large city, and problems begin. The question arises: “How to improve the Internet at the dacha?” You don’t have to bother and sit without likes, reposts and other nonsense. On the other hand, why not try to figure out the problem yourself?

INTERESTING. First attempt to make a mobile telephone communication undertaken by the NYPD in 1921. A little over a decade later, police cars were equipped with two-way telephone radios. In the USSR, the first prototype of a mobile phone was made in 1957. It was called LK-1 and weighed three kilograms.

Before improving, you need to understand what kind of connection is possible in principle. As a rule, there are two options: Internet via satellite or via mobile operator. The trouble is the price of equipment and satellite Internet tariffs. Few people want to pay about 20 thousand for equipment and 3-4 thousand for using the service. Moreover, the speed, although good, is not super - within 20 megabits.

Boosting a cellular signal is technically feasible and cheaper in terms of money. We buy an antenna, install it and enjoy the benefits of civilization :) But! You need to choose the right amplifier. And setting up the equipment is not so easy. Before making a decision, let’s try to understand not only the cost, but also the labor costs. Because it’s not a fact that we can do everything ourselves, but calling in specialists means paying a lot of money.

Internet booster. Dreams and reality

Let's start by defining needs. How much traffic is enough per month? What speed is needed? Watching videos, surfing of course, maybe downloading torrents, and well network games. If you start counting from the friezes, then the speed you need is in the range of 5-15 megabits. More is even better. A channel at a level of 2-3 megabits is enough, but you can forget about downloading.

You can sit and count the traffic. On average it turns out to be around 15 gigs. On average, this is between needs. Some people watch movies more often, others download more, and others play more. So you need to choose a tariff with more daytime traffic and night unlimited traffic. And then we will deal with the “technique”. Both satellite and cellular are not cable. There are many times more problems - interference, thunderstorms, narrow channels in rural areas.

Strengthening the cellular signal at the dacha

All subsequent material is of interest to those who decide to strengthen cellular reception. Yes, yes, we won’t even talk about the satellite. Firstly, it’s a little expensive, and secondly, you can’t do a damn thing yourself. Let's get started... and start with choosing an operator. It doesn't matter what you use in the city. A village is a village.

IMPORTANT! Main reason for using Satellite Internet, inability to provide the service in any other way. Most often, equipment is installed at the “last mile”, that is, directly at the client. The main feature of this access is the division of traffic into input and output with subsequent combination. The technology is called asymmetric access. Reception via satellite, transmission via cell phone.

First, let's look at the coverage maps on the operators' websites. But we don’t trust them much - they are for those who definitely won’t get a connection :) Have you figured out your approximate location? Now open maps from Google or Yandex. We accurately determine the house. All that remains is to compare the location with the coverage areas. Perhaps the populated area will be covered by several operators. We choose the one whose territory is larger, the signal quality will be better. If this is not done, it may turn out that a 4g signal amplifier is not needed for your dacha.

How to strengthen a cellular signal at the dacha

There are entire threads on thematic forums where methods for finding the right cell are discussed. For what? “Air” differs from cable in that any uneven terrain affects both the signal level and the speed of the Internet. You can walk around the neighborhood with a beech tree or a tablet, recording tracing data on a map :) But you can do it simpler. We find a simple antenna, attach it to a pole and raise it above the ridge of the house.

The antenna is to the modem, and that is to the computer. We launch the “MDMA” program and spin the device on the roof. We do this slowly, constantly fixing the signal level. Out of habit, you will have to spend half an hour or more. As a result, we get several directions that give the best signal. We choose the most powerful one. This is where we will point the antenna. If you are thinking about buying an amplifier, look at the performance characteristics. It may turn out that the increase will not justify the money spent.

INFORMATION. Repeaters are repeaters and amplifiers of cellular signal. The devices are used to expand coverage areas. In general, this is actively operating radar equipment that operates in conjunction with an antenna and cables. . A cellular communication amplifier for a summer residence can be installed without agreement with operators.

It remains to determine the height to which the antenna will have to be raised. To simplify things, you can use the services “Ubnt” or “Linktest”. Let’s say right away, do not take the data you have learned at face value. According to calculations, it turns out that a height of 20 meters is needed, but really high-quality reception occurs at 7-8 meters. Another tip - don't try to get speed like in the city. The maximum for summer residents is 20-30, sometimes 40 megabits.

And the last thing in this section. Doing the right thing 🙂 calculations, a long selection of antennas, actual manual soldering, a height of 15 meters, you will get a gain in the range of 95-98 percent. If you buy a ready-made, not the most sophisticated, antenna, install it above the ridge with approximate orientation, you will get a signal amplification of 70-80 percent. The result is good, less money and effort.

Antennas to strengthen the Internet signal

In a good way, amplifying equipment should be selected simultaneously with the search for a reliable signal. It’s better to immediately select a kit consisting of an antenna, mast, bracket, cables and other bells and whistles. This is the only way to understand what effect the actions will have. And that's not all the problems. How do you like the situation when the antenna operates on one frequency and the base station on another? You can’t get information from the operator; it’s easier to split the partisans during interrogation :)

Now about the form. It is not necessary to order any special model from the other side of the planet. Do they sell panel antennas nearby? Here you go. They are slightly weaker than “beam” ones, but do not require precise directionality. And the range is much wider, which is only a plus. This helps a lot when switching between 3 and 4 G. Why? 🙂 It’s better to surf on four – the browser just flies, but downloading large volumes – 3 G is beyond competition.

Calculation of an antenna to amplify a cellular signal

It is doubtful that there will be many willing to make the calculations. But we’ll give you a sign to guide you by.

This is necessary so that after installing the antenna, you will not be left with the same signal level. Roughly speaking, we were looking for direction using a device with a gain of 12 dB. We discovered the direction in which the signal travels at -90 dB. The cable and connections eat up about 3 dB. Accordingly, after all the “dancing with tambourines” we get a signal level of -99 dB. Average level, however. And you need to get at least “good”. So it turns out that you need an antenna with a gain of 20 or higher.

DO YOU KNOW... how cellular base stations are built? The first section is installed by a team of 5-8 people and a truck crane. The next day, four more sections are installed by helicopter. Then they spend two to three days “pulling” the support trunk. Then they landscape the area - put up a fence, install drainage. Only after this does the installation of the BS begin - installation of sector and radio relay antennas and other devices. Then electricity is supplied, lightning protection, light fencing and grounding are installed.

Let’s not overwhelm our brains with proofs and calculations that determine the choice of configuration. Disputes on this topic have ended even in specialized forums. It has been proven that when reception is uncertain, narrow beam MIMO is the best option. Among the positive aspects is a good increase in speed and connection quality. The only negative is that you need a modem with two connectors for the antenna.

How to strengthen the Internet signal at the dacha. Choosing a router and cable

What shouldn't cause any problems is the router. There is only one requirement - the device must be compatible with 3 and 4 G. And, of course, a larger list of supported modems. There is less chance that yours will not be included in this number :) By the way, there may be problems with unlocked devices. Therefore, it is better to buy a universal modem than to try to “flash” it to all operators yourself.

We do not discuss cable crimping yourself. Relevant knowledge and skills are required. And those who are in the know don’t need advice. But even with a ready-made kit, difficulties may arise. You can calculate the losses and choose required cable. But the price is unlikely to please. So there are only a couple of options left. You can avoid losses by using a short coaxial cable.

After all, it’s enough to put it on the second floor of the dacha or in the attic. And here we install a router with a modem. Then, whatever your heart desires, either wi-fi or twisted pair. This option is very good - usually a piece of 4-5 meters is enough. The maximum loss will be within 2.5-3 dB, which is good. You can make a “knight’s move” :) Buy an antenna with a built-in modem. From the same office we order a USB cable of the required length. And no problems with losses.

We calculate the length and pull the cable to the router. Those who wish can have the trouble of making the cable themselves. There's nothing to do at all. Yes, and you can get by with a piece of twisted pair cable and adapters. But why? Not such an expensive purchase compared to the rest of the kit. We almost forgot about the disadvantage of such antennas - we wanted to change the SIM card, we climbed onto the roof. Although you are unlikely to do this very often.

How to install a cellular signal amplifier for a summer residence

It's time to comprehend and summarize what was discussed above. So, we attach the antenna in a place that corresponds to the following parameters:

  • Maximum height. You shouldn't become a balancing act. Height is height, but safety comes first;
  • The less cable the better;
  • Strength. The larger the antenna area, the greater the chance that it will be blown away by a gust of wind.

IMPORTANT! For almost 20 years, scientists have been “breaking spears” in disputes about the dangers of cell phones. Despite the fact that WHO classified radio emissions from mobile phones into group 2B - a potential carcinogen - there is no 100 percent data on this matter. The number of studies is approaching 15 thousand, but it was not possible to identify a direct relationship between the occurrence of tumors and the use of cell phones.

Don't take advice literally. The maximum height does not mean installing a separate 30-meter mast :) The same goes for the cable. Bringing a concept into the house is flexible; it can be extended through the entire house. What a reduction in footage here. And so it is in everything. We advise you to approach the selection and installation of any equipment wisely. The result should please you and not cause additional problems.

Mobile Internet signal booster for a summer residence. Lightning protection

It seems like everything has been calculated, everything has been thought about. It's time to mount. But no, they forgot about one problem. The higher we raise the antenna, the greater the chance of being struck by lightning. You know, we are building such an excellent lightning rod :) The situation only seems funny. The reality is that the highest point in the area can be built without being noticed. Naturally, it’s not a fact that you won’t be so lucky. But why take the risk?

We made a 3g amplifier with our own hands, but ended up with burnt electronics all over the house. No, this is not for us. There are several solutions. You can get confused with full protection. True, this thing costs VERY decently. Ten times less was spent on reinforcement. Another option is everyday methods:

  • Don't raise the antenna too high. Let the signal improve by 80% instead of 100, but lightning will not strike;
  • Planning trips longer than half a day? We pull out the cable from the modem, turn off the router;
  • If you are leaving for a long time, it is better to turn off the power to the building. Naturally, we leave the refrigerator empty :) There will be problems for those who put the house under security;
  • A thunderstorm has begun - at least we pull out the antenna cable;
  • Do not try to build lightning protection yourself. The result may be the opposite.

Internet signal amplifier at the dacha. What's the result?

It remains to answer the main question: “Is it really possible to get decent Internet in the country?” The answer is clear - quality Internet be! The final cost will not hurt your pocket so much if you plan it before the onset of the summer season. With rare exceptions, it is realistic to meet 10-13 thousand. If the router, modem and SIM card are available, the total is less. In addition, there are sales, promotions and other ways to save money.

In this layout, we don’t count the ladder, screws, screwdriver and pole :) Real men always have tools at hand. IN as a last resort, there are good neighbors, Good friends or relatives. So getting a signal improvement from -110 dB to -90 is quite easy. And money is not the most important thing - you need desire, patience and time. Good luck!

Nowadays, literally every second citizen of the Russian Federation needs access to the Internet. However, there are times when in some town, village, or just on the outskirts of the city it is not possible to connect to a 3G signal from a mobile operator. This is a common phenomenon, since the signal is very distorted by natural obstacles: trees, buildings, etc. If you want to improve 3G reception, you will need a signal booster or 3g antenna.

So, the 3G signal can be strengthened:

  • without the use of special equipment;
  • using antennas.

Amplification without the use of special equipment

In order to increase the signal strength indoors or in the country, it is necessary to ensure that the signal reaches the antenna of the phone or USB modem as much as possible. If the USB modem is connected to a Wi-Fi router, then using an extension cord it is better to take it as far outside as possible and fix it somewhere higher, for example, under a canopy. As a rule, this method turns out to be effective. If this does not help, you can do an analogue satellite dish from a bowl or pan. The signal is shielded from the surface of the “plate”, and the power increases.

Gain using antennas

If you don’t particularly want to spend time building such installations, then you can buy a regular amplifier antenna. Fortunately, there are a lot of such antennas in various stores and on Internet sites selling Chinese goods. The antenna itself is an installation in which a transmitter is hidden, which increases the level by several times, compared to a telephone antenna or a USB modem antenna. mobile signal. Such a device will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Cell phone service seems to be everywhere these days. Certainly in large cities it is everywhere! And in provincial villages, of course, it is weak or non-existent. This popular belief is often misleading. Since even in large cities there are many “blind spots” where improved cellular communications are required.

Why is there a need to improve mobile phone reception?

The basis of all problems with mobile communications is the shielding of the cellular signal by objects or a large distance from the base station. The signal can be shielded by neighboring buildings, building walls, floor slabs, and more. Therefore, improving cellular signals becomes necessary.

Ways to improve mobile communications

In order to improve communication on the phone, you can try holding it differently when talking - with two fingers instead of the entire palm, by the top, middle or bottom of the phone, or transfer it to the other hand. The fact is that a person’s hand can cover the antenna built into the phone and significantly degrade the quality of its operation, which becomes critical in areas with poor reception.

As a rule, cellular communication improves if you go up to a higher elevation - a hillock, a hill, or the attic of a house. To improve communication on your phone, you can change your cellular operator, since base stations different operators are located in different places and work with different power.

How to improve mobile communications using a repeater

However, often all of the above methods do not give the desired result or are simply inconvenient. If you want to improve the quality of cellular communications at home, in the office or at the dacha, then the most convenient and effective way is to install a cellular signal booster system. Such a system consists of an external antenna, which is installed outside the room (on the wall or on the roof), a repeater and an internal antenna, which are located inside the room. This system creates a “confidence zone” within which you can talk on your mobile phone without any problems. - VEGATEL VT-900-kit or SOTOBOX self-installation kit

Puzzled by the search for a device to strengthen a cellular signal, the buyer is faced with an abundance of brands, models, and manufacturers, which usually confuses him. What to choose for improvement mobile communications? Our company’s engineers solve customer problems every day to improve the quality of cellular communications. After long-term operation of equipment for strengthening mobile communications signals from various manufacturers, our company chose the Russian manufacturer VEGATEL. For ourselves, we decided that this is the best of what is presented on the domestic market.

VEGATEL equipment is distinguished by:
Optimal price-quality ratio. VEGATEL equipment does not belong to the equipment of the lowest price segment. However, the quality and stability of its work is much higher Chinese analogues. This equipment always provides the characteristics declared by the manufacturer and does not interfere with base stations of cellular operators.
A wide range of amplification equipment, which includes a large number of dual-band repeaters, which allows you to strengthen all cellular operators operating in a given area at a low cost.
Technical support all clients. If difficulties arise during installation and operation, you can always get full advice from VEGATEL specialists.
A full range of everything necessary for the implementation of projects to strengthen cellular communications. VEGATEL produces not only repeaters but also boosters, antennas, antenna amplifiers, attenuators, splitters and splitters.

Despite the widespread use of mobile communications, the question of how to strengthen the signal of the phone, or rather the cellular network to which it is connected, is still relevant. It doesn’t matter whether you live in a small village or in a metropolis, the likelihood that your device will stop receiving a signal is everywhere. This problem is gradually being solved by operators, new base stations are appearing, and communications are improving. What if the problem lies with your phone and not the network? Today we decided to figure out what is causing the poor signal level and whether it can be fixed with our own hands.

The principle of operation of cellular communications is quite simple: there is an operator’s base station and your phone, a radio frequency channel is organized between them, through which SMS messages are transmitted, calls are made, and Internet data is exchanged. There are several cellular communication standards, differing in the method of signal transmission and frequency. As a rule, base stations are built at higher elevations in order to provide maximum coverage area. However, there is no escape from the obstacles that prevent the signal from passing through. These can be walls, trees, and other obstacles, upon contact with which the signal weakens.

It is clear that in open areas where high-rise buildings do not abound, the coverage area will be higher. For example, for stations operating according to the GSM-900 standard, in this case the zone is no more than 30,000 kilometers. In urban areas, the figure decreases to 7 kilometers. Stations with more advanced communication standards such as 3G and LTE cover an area half the diameter.

Why do we have a weak phone signal?

Due to the above-mentioned barriers, so-called dead zones or holes in the coating. That is, places where the signal is weak, unstable or completely absent. Where you most often encounter poor signal levels on your phone:

  • places located at a significant distance from the nearest station (there is simply no coverage);
  • basements, underground parking lots, lowlands (the signal simply cannot penetrate here);
  • hills, skyscrapers (often “going higher” does not necessarily mean the presence of a signal - above the 12-14th floor there is often no signal at all);
  • buildings made of metal structures that do not transmit signals.

However, obstacles and distance from the station are not always the reason for the lack of signal. Often the cause is the user's phone. You've probably been in situations where a friend has a cellular signal, but you don't. And this is despite the fact that you are using the services of one operator. There are common cases when two identical phones have different signal levels. There can be many reasons:

  • a phone in a metal case or in a metal case can catch the network much worse than a plastic device;
  • quite often, no matter how surprising it may sound to you, the cause is the “clumsy” phone firmware;
  • damage to any components as a result of falls, immersion in water, etc.;
  • The phone may have a defective antenna from the factory, which is especially common among Chinese manufacturers of inexpensive models.

How to boost your phone signal with your own hands?

Well, we've covered the theory, let's move on to practice. We will look at several ways to boost a cellular signal, from the simplest to the rather complex and expensive.

The reason is in the firmware

It’s worth starting with checking the correct operation software before trying to get to the inside of the phone. Hundreds of users are experiencing deterioration in the communication signal that appears after flashing, so it’s worth paying attention. We have already written, so we will not repeat ourselves. Firmware is a fairly simple process, but with its own nuances. The main thing is to remember to make backup copies of important files.

If the flashing helped, then we congratulate you, but if the phone still has poor network reception, then move on to the next point.

The signal is poorly received due to damage to the phone

As already noted, often the phone does not receive a signal well after it accidentally fell on a tile or plunged into the sea. In this case, the average user has no choice but to go to service center. Modern phones are quite complex devices, so for most people it is not possible to identify the source of the problem on their own. It is likely that specialists will detect damage and carry out necessary work so that your phone can once again cope with searching for a network without any problems.

How to boost your phone signal with your own hands

In most cases, the reason for a weak cellular signal lies in a defect in the antenna, which, in fact, is responsible for this function. Often owners inexpensive smartphones from the Middle Kingdom are faced with the fact that the manufacturer cheated a little by loosely connecting the antenna to motherboard devices. You can correct the mistake yourself, but you need to at least understand a little about how the phone works. Otherwise, contact the service center with a description of the problem.

  1. Nowadays, smartphones come in a variety of designs, which is why they are disassembled in different ways; It’s easiest to get to the insides of a phone with a removable cover and battery, but it’s more difficult when the smartphone is non-separable;

Take your time. Before you start disassembling, find a video or text material on the Internet that will show and tell you how to disassemble your specific device and what you should pay attention to.

Please also note: After disassembling the smartphone you lose the warranty.

  1. as a rule, the antenna is hidden in the lower or upper part of the case, represented by small copper strips (again, for the location of the antenna specifically in your model, see the relevant materials);
  2. after you get to the board, you will find several spring contacts that should fit tightly to the cable located on the back of the structure;
  3. if spring contacts motherboard do not adhere well to the train, carefully straighten them using, for example, tweezers;
  4. We collect the phone and enjoy a good network signal.
Connect to the phone homemade antenna to strengthen the signal

The methods discussed above only work if the problem lies with your phone. But, as we noted at the beginning of the material, the cause of a bad signal can be various kinds of obstacles or a significant distance from the station. In this case, you can try to strengthen the antenna of our device with just a piece of wire.

Let us immediately note that this method is not suitable for all phones. The fact is that to implement it you will need a special diagnostic port, which is difficult to get to in a modern non-separable smartphone (in a number of models it cannot be found at all). It looks like a small round connector of golden color.

    take a small piece of thin insulated wire;

    insert into the connector;

    Place it in such a way that it does not interfere with other components or the closing of the lid.

Everything, as practice shows, the phone network signal is greatly enhanced. Isn't it surprising?!

Some users inserted a piece of wire into the 3.5 mm port (under headphones). Sometimes this works too.

Sticker sticker or foil to boost phone signal

In the vastness of foreign online stores, it will not be difficult to find a bunch of different devices for amplifying the signal. Among them, a small sticker sticker is popular, consisting of several metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, allow you to get rid of interference.

Similar stripes can be seen in some smartphones by default, so the “magical” properties of the sticker have a right to life.

However, according to a considerable number of users, a piece of ordinary foil will help to achieve a slight improvement in the signal. It is located under the phone cover, closer to the antenna. The method is not complicated, so you can try it.

Strengthening communications using a repeater

In some cases, when the signal cannot be amplified by any of the methods (the walls of the room are too thick, the distance from the base station), they resort to the use of special antennas or repeaters. Such devices are capable of significantly amplifying the signal, but their cost often deters potential buyers.

Where to buy cheap?

You can build something similar with your own hands, but often it does not enhance the signal at all or does it very, very poorly.

For example, some people use the following method:

  1. take a metal rod (50 cm is enough), a coaxial cable, a piece of foil (about 10x4 cm) and plywood or plastic;
  2. we bend the metal rod so that we get a diamond-shaped structure;
  3. glue the foil to the plywood;
  4. We connect the metal rhombus and the foil using a coaxial cable (solder);
  5. We lift the end on which the diamond is located higher, the other, with foil, is left below;
  6. We bring the phone to the foil to check the signal quality.

You will probably need to find the most suitable location for the resulting structure to pick up the signal.

It is clear that such an amplifier is unlikely to provide communications to a large company that is not lucky enough to have an office in an area without network coverage. Here you will have to turn to specialists for help. Today, many companies provide similar services, and will not only offer modern equipment, but will also handle installation. By the way, you shouldn’t skimp on specialists - for installation, workers use special devices that help determine the most suitable location, select frequencies, etc. For a regular user Of course, such a task will be difficult to cope with.

The positive thing is that engineers have already come up with several options for getting rid of such inconveniences. The disadvantages include the requirements for additional financial investments and the complexity of setting up communication amplification systems. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and tell you about all this in order.

Signal booster for mobile phone

The simplest option to avoid a weak signal is to install the amplifier not on a specific area or building, but on a specific telephone. Such antenna amplifiers look like stickers and are glued inside the device body or on its back cover.

The signal is amplified by changing the radiation pattern of the phone's own antenna and increasing the total induction of the two antennas.

The disadvantage of this method can be considered a change in the circular reception of the mobile phone to a narrowly focused one. Simply put, the signal will improve significantly when you point your phone towards a mobile operator tower. In other cases, the signal quality, on the contrary, will decrease. How effective such a mobile signal booster is for you personally is, of course, worth deciding for yourself.

The next way to enhance communication quality is a point mobile signal amplifier with a small coverage radius. This option is suitable for cases when the area of ​​​​a reliable signal is only a few meters from your workplace.

The ThinkGeek cell phone signal booster consists of a small antenna and the amplifier itself, which is inserted into USB connector your laptop. The length of the cord allows you to cover a radius of 4.5 m from the user, and the zone of good signal will extend to 1.5 m from the computer.

The undoubted advantage of such devices is their low cost, but the obvious limitation of action makes them ineffective for large companies.

Mobile signal booster for large areas

Effective systems that can solve the problem bad signal in enterprises, in basements or, for example, in country houses, they consist of a number of devices selected and configured properly. The mobile Internet signal amplifier has a similar structure and consists of similar components.

The receiving element of such systems is an antenna, which is most often installed on a mast and directed towards the mobile operator tower. The problem is the need to lay long cables to the internal antennas, which weakens the signal strength in proportion to the footage.

To reduce signal loss, a repeater is installed at the maximum possible distance from the receiving antenna, which amplifies the GSM signal. Repeaters are characterized by gain factors (GC), output power and differ in operating ranges. To transmit an amplified signal to specific rooms, rooms, etc. They use a divider that distributes the signal to internal antennas.

Internal antennas also have their own gain and are designed for a specific coverage area.

It is worth knowing that incorrectly selected or assembled equipment has the opposite effect and jams an already weak signal. Mobile operators may issue a warning to the owner similar system, and in case of lack of response, seek penalties through Radionadzor. The conclusion suggests itself: if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to turn to specialists.

A modern 3G phone is a mobile phone compatible with third generation 3G technologies, which significantly increase the speed of information exchange. However, like most others mobile networks, the 3G network periodically has problems with weak signal reception. Moreover, since 3G constantly establishes a connection to the Internet, low cellular coverage prevents you from accessing the Internet.

How to improve 3G signal

Improving the quality of your 3G signal is not difficult if you know how to do it. On our website we offer you easy-to-use and inexpensive devices designed to enhance the signal. 3G data speeds are directly proportional to signal strength, so when you boost your signal, you also boost your data speeds. A 3G signal booster is a simple solution to many problems with your 3G network.

3G signal repeater

3G amplifiers come with two antennas - external and internal. While the internal antenna is connected to your phone, the external antenna is connected to the nearest cell tower. These antennas enhance and improve 3G signal reception.

The coverage area of ​​the indoor antenna depends on the quality of the incoming signal, so ideally the device should be installed outside the building or near a window for better signal reception.

Advantages of a 3G signal booster

To ensure high-quality reception, a 3G signal amplifier can be used anywhere, even in a car. 3G technology requires high data transfer speeds, which is achieved with this device. This not only improves the signal strength, but also increases the lifespan of your mobile phone.

The 3G signal booster is easy to install and easy to use, giving you seamless access to the 3G network wherever you are. This device increases network coverage, allowing you to use your phone without interference, both for audio calls and for other tasks. By boosting your 3G signal, you also reduce the amount of radiation your phone emits, thereby increasing its lifespan and benefiting your health.

The coverage area of ​​a 3G signal booster may vary depending on your needs. Our website provides a wide selection of 3G signal amplifiers.

How to improve 3G signal

Like any other cellular signal repeaters or amplifiers, 3G amplifiers help not only improve the quality of signal reception during the day, but also increase the data transfer speed, which is very important when using the Internet.

Thanks to the 3G amplifier, you will always be in touch with the outside world and will be able to resolve all personal and professional issues quickly and without problems.

Strengthening the 3G and 4G signal is actually not that difficult. There are several ways to improve communication in a country house or village. You can do this by:

  • changing mobile operator;
  • fine-tuning the modem itself.

To correct the situation with slow Internet, you can also use a special 3G Internet booster, external or internal. The use of such equipment can actually provide very good effect.

How to choose the right operator

Cellular operator towers throughout our country are located extremely unevenly. To find out which company's signal will be the strongest in a given area, you first need to look at special coverage maps. Every popular operator has them. You can find maps on the official websites of the cellular providers themselves. According to many Internet users, the signal from the Megafon operator is best received in remote areas. However, of course, in some cases the best connection may be from other companies.

You can, of course, find out which company’s signal is better received in a particular area not only with the help of maps. For summer residents and residents of rural areas who want to strengthen their Internet, among other things, they should ask their neighbors which operator they prefer.

3G, 4G signal boost: modem settings

In order for the 3G modem itself to work better, it is worth making several changes to its settings. To do this, you just need to open the program that came with the device and go to the “Network Settings” tab. Next, select “3G Only” and check the box next to “Automatic”.

Strengthening a 3G signal in a country house or village using an antenna

Antennas designed to amplify the 3G signal are internal and external. The first type of equipment costs less and is easy to install. External antennas are more expensive and more difficult to install.

Indoor models can provide good 3G and 4G signal amplification by simply being installed on a windowsill. Recently, they have become very popular parabolic antennas similar type. The modem in them is connected in focus to a special connector. Next, the structure is connected to a laptop or computer via a USB plug. The internal antennas have received really good reviews from consumers. They actually amplify the signal very well. But only if there is an operator tower nearby.

In very remote villages, of course, the best option An external antenna to boost the 3G signal can speed up the Internet. Models of this type are usually mounted on the roof of a house or on a large tree. The choice of a specific type of antenna in this case will depend mainly on the operator’s signal strength. The weaker it is, the more expensive equipment of this type will have to be purchased.