How to find out the matrix type. AIDA64 program: determine the matrix model without disassembling the laptop

How to find out the matrix type.  AIDA64 program: determine the matrix model without disassembling the laptop
How to find out the matrix type. AIDA64 program: determine the matrix model without disassembling the laptop


In order to determine the type of matrix “by eye”, use some features that distinguish one type from another. Look at it not directly, but at an angle. The TN matrix is ​​characterized by the fact that when viewed from the side, there is an inversion of colors, a change in contrast, and so on.

Look at the device from the side - if you see a purple tint, most likely this is a monitor model with an IPS matrix type, in which this color is a characteristic feature of difference, while its absence often indicates an MVA\PVA matrix.

Direct your gaze at the monitor screen perpendicularly if you notice that at this viewing angle the color shades of the image disappear. Most likely, in this case you are looking at the MVA\PVA matrix.

Look perpendicular to the monitor screen. If you notice a drop in image contrast, distortion of colors and their shades (inversion), this may be a TN matrix.

To accurately determine the matrix type of a particular monitor, enter a query in a search engine using the name of the model you are interested in. Read reviews and technical specifications of the device, also visit the official website and view information there as well.

Please note that information about the monitor screen matrix can be included in the marking of its model, which is written either on the front side of the case or on one of the service stickers on the back. The combination of the letters TN, MVA\PVA, TFT and so on in the name may indicate that the corresponding type of matrix was used during assembly. Also, do not trust the information on the price tags, since sellers may also make mistakes in indicating the type of matrix. Always read the specifications on the official website or the packaging of the device.

Helpful advice

When choosing a monitor, be guided by the features of its matrix.


  • How do I find out what matrix I have?

The matrix is ​​the main and most expensive component of a laptop's LCD screen. Being a fairly fragile element, it can easily fail - for example, upon impact. Replacing the matrix is ​​not very difficult, so it can be done independently.

To repair a broken laptop, you will need a new matrix. There are three main options for searching: First of all, try to purchase it from one of the repair shops. But be prepared for the fact that they will refuse to sell you or sell it at an inflated price. It is not profitable for workshops to sell components, so the repairman would rather offer you to bring your laptop for repair than sell a spare part.

The second option is to look for a faulty laptop with the same matrix on the market. Sometimes the laptop itself can be badly damaged, but its screen may still serve. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to check the serviceability of the matrix on site. Finally, the third option is to try looking for a matrix in online stores. This method the most profitable, the purchase will cost you approximately three to five thousand rubles, depending on the size and type of matrix. But it can take up to a month or more to deliver it by mail.

Before you start looking for a new matrix, make sure that the old one is really faulty. If the screen is broken, in this case there are no questions, the matrix must be changed. But if the screen does not light up, the problem may not be in the matrix. After turning on the laptop, shine a flashlight on the matrix. Take a closer look - if a weak image is visible on the screen, then the matrix is ​​fine, it’s just missing. The cause, as a rule, is a burnt-out inverter chip or the combustion of the backlight itself.

If it is the matrix that is faulty, to replace it, first use a screwdriver or an awl to remove the rubber plugs on which the screen rests when closed. There are screws under the plugs; carefully unscrew them. Now separate the halves of the screen cover; to do this, insert something flat and thin into the gap between them - for example, a knife blade, credit card and so on. The lid halves are secured with latches, so their separation may be accompanied by a rather loud crack.

Once you remove the plastic surround of the screen, you will see the screws holding the screen in place. Unscrew them, then, using a soft cloth, carefully remove the matrix. Disconnect the cables going to it. Now you can install a new matrix and assemble everything in reverse order.

Question from a user


I want to buy a laptop, but I don’t know which one☺. All users look at the processor, memory - but I look at the monitor, I don’t know where to stop. Basically, DNS offers two types of matrices: TN+Film or IPS (a laptop with an IPS matrix is ​​2 times more expensive). Which one is better to choose?

Good time everyone!

In general, most inexperienced users are unlikely to be able to notice the difference in image quality on monitors (and many don’t even think about it) unless they are shown these monitors together with the same picture. And it’s even better to twist them in different directions - then... yes, the effect of a bomb exploding!

Well, in general, now there are monitors on sale with different types matrices, most often there are three of them: TN (and varieties like TN+Film), IPS (AH-IPS, IPS-ADS and others) and PLS. So I’ll try to compare them in this short article from the point of view regular user(various scientific terms, such as pixel color angles, ray refraction - will not be included here ☺). So...

Comparison of PLS, TN (TN+Film) and IPS matrices

In the article I will try to indicate the main advantages/disadvantages of each matrix, I will give several photos of adjacent monitors so that you can clearly evaluate the quality of the picture. I think this way the information will be more accessible to most users.


I would like to note right away that in addition to the matrix, pay attention to the monitor manufacturer! Matrix-matrix discord, and even two monitors on TN matrices can show different picture! I recommend first of all paying attention to trusted brands: Dell, Samsung, Acer, Sony, Philips, LG (which have already proven themselves).

And so, let's start with the most popular TN matrix (and its frequently encountered variety TN+Film, which, by and large, is not much different from it).

TN matrix

If you go to any computer hardware store and look at the characteristics of laptops (or monitors), the vast majority have cheap and mid-price category devices have a TN matrix. It has one of the main advantages - it is quite cheap, and at the same time provides (in general) a very good picture!

IPS vs TN+Film the difference is obvious! // On the other hand, you are not sitting on the side in front of your laptop (maybe even better - no one from the outside will see what you are doing!)

The main advantages of TN matrices:

  1. one of the cheapest matrices (thanks to this, many can afford to buy a laptop/monitor);
  2. short response time: any dynamic scenes in games or movies look good and smooth (if the monitor’s response time is insufficient, such scenes may “float”, example below). On monitors with a TN matrix, this most likely will not happen, because... even cheap models have a response time of 6 ms or lower (if the response time is more than 7-9 ms, then in many games/movies you will experience discomfort during sharp and fast scenes).
  3. no one from the outside will be able to make out your picture: for those looking from the side or from above, it becomes faded and it is difficult to distinguish colors (example in the photo above and below ☺).

IPS vs TN (tablet and laptop, for comparison). Top view of the same picture!

IPS matrix ( Glossy surface screen) versus TN matrix (matte screen surface). The same picture

Response time using the example of a sports broadcast: on the left - 9 ms, on the right - 5 ms (when viewing it doesn’t seem to be noticeable, but if you take a picture of nearby monitors, the difference is STILL noticeable!)


  1. you need to sit correctly and look directly perpendicular to the monitor: if you lie down slightly on a chair while watching a movie (say), the picture becomes less colorful and difficult to read;
  2. low color rendering: if you work with photos (and graphics in general), you will notice that some colors are not so bright, and they look better on other monitors;
  3. probability of dead pixels appearing on this type matrix above (a dead pixel is a white dot on the screen that does not convey the picture: that is, it does not glow at all. Usually it is just a white dot on the screen).

Conclusion: if you like dynamic films and computer games (shooting games, racing games, etc.), then the TN+Film matrix is ​​a very good choice. In addition, if you read a lot, then the less bright light from the monitor has a more positive effect on your eyes, they get less tired.

For those who work with graphics (take a lot of photographs, edit photos and pictures) - a monitor with a TN matrix is ​​not very good a good choice due to lower color rendering.


By the way, many users (who work a lot and for a long time on a PC), like me, note that a bright and juicy picture does not always have a positive effect on the eyes. Some people specifically buy monitors with a TN matrix, because... they make your eyes less tired.

And I think there is a grain of truth in this (I worked for both IPS and TN for a long time - and now I have come to the conclusion that I work with a matte monitor with a TN matrix). In general, I expressed my opinion about the problem of eye fatigue in this article:

PS: I’m not a designer though, and I don’t work much with photos and bright illustrations, so this is not the ultimate truth ☺.


The IPS matrix was developed by Hitachi, and what distinguishes it from TN is, first of all, better color rendition. However, I would immediately like to note that the manufacturing price has increased several times, so monitors on this matrix are several times more expensive than on TN ones.

As for PLS, this is a Samsung development as an alternative to IPS. And it’s worth noting that the development is very, very interesting: the brightness and color rendition on it (in my opinion) are even higher than on IPS (look at the photo below).

IPS vs PLS matrices

Moreover, monitors on a PLS matrix have lower power consumption compared to the same TN or IPS (by about 10%), which can be very important when devices are running on rechargeable batteries.

Both PLS and IPS matrices have good viewing angles: the picture is not distorted and the colors do not lose their brightness and hue, even if you stand at an angle of 170 degrees (which means that everyone sitting to the right/left/center of the monitor will be see the same high-quality picture).

It is also worth adding that the PLS matrix allows you to achieve a short response time, almost the same as on TN matrices. But when choosing an IPS matrix, you need to be especially careful about this parameter: because Not all monitors have a response time of 6 ms or less (although I would already focus on 5 and lower ☺). If you often spend time with dynamic scenes in games, then an inexpensive monitor with a high response time on an IPS matrix is ​​most likely not the best choice.

As for IPS, it has many varieties (I’ll give some of it here, but that’s not all ☺):

  1. S-IPS (or Super IPS) – this variety has improved response time;
  2. AS-IPS - with improved contrast and brightness;
  3. H-IPS – more natural and natural white color;
  4. P-IPS – increased number of colors (one of the best monitors in terms of accuracy and picture quality);
  5. AH-IPS - similar to P-IPS, with improved viewing angles and more natural several shades (in fact, it is not much different from the previous one, except for a higher price);
  6. E-IPS is a cheap type of IPS matrix, usually found on relatively inexpensive devices. However, even this type of matrix is ​​superior in quality to most TN+Film.


By the way, when buying a monitor, you MUST pay attention to the type of surface, there are: matte and glossy. Matte ones are good because your reflection and glare are not visible on them, but they are not as bright and do not convey the picture as “juicy” as glossy ones. If you often work outdoors or your room is often illuminated by the sun, then take a closer look first of all at the matte surface (or its version - anti-reflective).

That's all, special thanks for the additions on the topic...

What is important when choosing a monitor? Resolution, screen diagonal, refresh rate, response time? Undoubtedly, but it is also important to decide which matrix is ​​needed, because a number of characteristics that directly influence the choice depend on its type. In some cases, the requirements are the same, for which certain monitors are suitable. In other cases, different characteristics are required, and some screens will definitely have to be excluded from the selection. What types of monitor matrices exist, how they differ, what are their differences - we’ll talk about this.

Modern monitors

Gone are CRT displays made using a vacuum tube (kinescope). They were bulky, heavy, and, naturally, absolutely not suitable for use in mobile technology. They have been replaced by monitors whose screens are made of liquid crystals, hence the name LCD displays, or in foreign words – LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays).

I won’t go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages, they are known, and not so important now, that’s not what we’re talking about today. You need to understand what types of matrices are used in monitors, what is their difference, in which cases it is more reasonable to use one type, and in which – another.

TN (Twisted Nematic)

One of the oldest types of matrices, still relevant and used. Currently, a modified version of it, labeled TN+film, is used. Its popularity is based on two main advantages: speed (low response time and latency) and low price. Indeed, a response time of about 1 ms is par for the course.

Even the shortcomings inherent in this screen manufacturing technology cannot put it to rest. And there are enough minuses. These include small viewing angles, poor color rendering, low contrast, and insufficient black depth. Although, if the screen is located directly in front of the owner’s eyes, then the problem with viewing angles somewhat reduces its severity.

The situation is also worsened by the fact that different matrices from different manufacturers may differ significantly from each other. If in expensive gaming laptop models or gaming monitors can install a completely tolerable screen, then in budget devices The display quality can be quite mediocre.

How it works

The screen itself is a “sandwich” of two polarizing filters, between which there are electrodes on transparent substrates on both sides of the screen, two metal plates and, in the middle, a layer of liquid crystals. A light filter is installed on the outside of the screen.

Grooves are applied to the glass plates, and in a mutually perpendicular direction, which sets the initial orientation of the crystals. Thanks to this arrangement of grooves, the liquid crystals are twisted into a spiral, which is where the name of the Twisted Nematic technology comes from.

If there is no voltage on the electrodes, then the crystals arranged in a spiral rotate the plane of polarization of the light so that it passes through the second (external) polarizing filter. If a voltage is applied to the electrons, then, depending on the level of this voltage, the liquid crystals unfold, changing the intensity of the passing light. At a certain voltage, the plane of polarization of the light will not change, and the second filter will completely absorb the light.

The presence of two electrodes improves energy efficiency, and partial rotation of the crystals has a beneficial effect on the performance of the matrix.

Due to the fact that in the absence of voltage the crystals transmit light, when defects occur in the matrix (“broken pixels”) they appear as a luminous white dot. In other technologies, such dots are dark.

You can identify the TN matrix “by eye” by looking at the switched-on screen at an angle. And the larger it (the angle) is, the more faded the colors will become, the less contrast the image will become. In some cases, it is even possible to invert colors.

IPS (In-Plane Switching)

Monitors with such a matrix are now the most common competitors to monitors with a TN screen. Almost all the shortcomings of the latter were overcome, unfortunately, sacrificing the advantages that the previous technology had. Monitors with an IPS matrix are a priori more expensive and have a longer response time. For gaming systems, this may be a significant argument for choosing TN.

But for those who professionally work with images, who need high-quality color rendition, a wide color gamut, monitors with such a matrix - optimal choice. In addition, there are no problems with viewing angles, the black color is much more similar to black, and does not look like a certain shade of gray, as often happens on TN screens.

To carry out repairs or purchase new components, you need to know which matrix is ​​installed in the laptop, and which models are suitable for replacement. The easiest way to find out is to disassemble the device, disconnect the matrix and read the markings on it. However, disassembling a laptop yourself is not an easy and dangerous task, so it is better to use one of several other methods. How to find out what matrix is ​​in a laptop?

Methods for determining matrix type

The first and easiest option is to find the necessary information in the documentation for the laptop, if it is preserved. Everything about the main screen parameters will be indicated there: resolution, display diagonal, backlight type, as well as other features. To replace, you need to select a matrix of the appropriate type and size.

However, if the device has been in use for a long time, it is most often not possible to determine the type of laptop matrix from documents. In this case, you can use one of several additional methods:

  • Download and install the Everest program on your computer, another name for this application is AIDA64. You can download it from the link below.
  • Launch the program and go to the “Display” tab. You will see the heading “Monitor Name”, and below it will be the manufacturer of the matrix and its model. Usually this information is already enough to find the necessary spare parts. The same application will help you correctly determine the size of the laptop matrix; the information will indicate the maximum visible area, aspect ratio and maximum resolution.
  • Study the label on the laptop itself; very often the manufacturer places the necessary information on it. The backlight technology (LED or CCFL) is usually indicated; in addition, the type of matrix, diagonal and resolution are indicated on the label. Most reliable way

Find out which matrix is ​​suitable for a laptop - get advice from specialists. Call our numbers, and our employees will name the type of matrix that suits all the parameters of your laptop model, and will also help you choose the most profitable option in terms of cost and characteristics. Our catalog always contains matrices for repairing laptops from Dell, HP and other popular brands.

To figure out which matrix is ​​on the laptop, it is important to be able to read the manufacturer’s markings. It is not always necessary to replace the matrix with an original part from the same manufacturer; most often you can choose a compatible analogue with the same dimensions and technical parameters.

The most common modern types matrices are designated by the following abbreviations:

  • TN+Film is the most common option; these are the matrices that are installed on budget laptops. They have small viewing angles, and if dead pixels appear on the screen, they appear as bright dots.
  • MVA matrices have a larger viewing angle and improved color rendering, as well as increased image contrast. Characteristic sign- a dead pixel looks like a black dot.
  • IPS matrices. They have a viewing angle of 180 degrees, and the image is practically not distorted. Defective pixels look like black dots, a working matrix has a high image contrast.

In all cases, the best answer to the question of how to determine the laptop matrix model is to contact service center. This is one of the most expensive parts, so when choosing, you must first understand all the parameters.

Oddly enough, choosing a high-quality display for a computer monitor or laptop can only be done experimentally. This article will help you understand the parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor or laptop.

How to choose a laptop monitor or display with ideal characteristics?

A high-quality display has a huge advantage in multimedia tasks on a PC, and in relation to a laptop it’s half the difference. Take a look at this short list of display issues to watch out for when purchasing a new mobile computer or PC monitor:

  • low brightness and contrast characteristics
  • small viewing angles
  • glare

Replacing a laptop screen is more difficult than buying one new monitor For desktop computer, not to mention installing a new LCD matrix into a mobile computer, which cannot be done in all cases, so selecting a laptop screen should be approached with full responsibility.

Let me remind you once again that you cannot believe the promises of advertising materials of retail chains and computer manufacturers. Having finished reading mobile computer monitor and display selection guide, you can find difference between TN matrix and IPS matrix, evaluate the contrast, determine the required brightness level and other important parameters of the liquid crystal screen. You'll save time and money searching for a PC monitor and laptop display by choosing a quality LCD screen instead of a mediocre one.

Which is better: IPS or TN matrix?

The screens of laptops, ultrabooks, tablets and other portable computers typically use two types of LCD panels:

  • IPS (In-Plane Switching)
  • TN (Twisted Nematic)

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth considering that they are intended for different groups consumers. Let's find out which type of matrix is ​​right for you.

IPS displays: excellent color reproduction

Displays based on IPS matrices have the following advantages:

  • large viewing angles - regardless of the side and angle of human view, the image will not fade and will not lose color saturation
  • excellent color reproduction - IPS displays reproduce RGB colors without distortion
  • have a fairly high contrast.

If you are going to do pre-production or video editing, you will need a device with this type of screen.

Disadvantages of IPS technology compared to TN:

  • long pixel response time (for this reason, displays of this type are less suitable for dynamic 3D games).
  • monitors and mobile computers with IPS panels tend to be more expensive than models with screens based on TN matrices.

TN displays: inexpensive and fast

Liquid crystal displays are currently the most widely used matrices made using TN technology. Their advantages include:

  • low cost
  • low power consumption
  • response time.

TN screens perform well in dynamic games - for example, first-person shooters (FPS) with fast scene changes. Such applications require a screen with a response time of no more than 5 ms (for IPS matrices it is usually longer). Otherwise, various kinds of visual artifacts may be observed on the display, such as trails from fast-moving objects.

If you want to use it on a monitor or laptop with a stereo screen, it is also better for you to give preference to a TN matrix. Some displays of this standard capable of updating the image at a speed of 120 Hz, which is a necessary condition for the operation of active-type stereo glasses.

From disadvantages of TN displays It is worth highlighting the following:

  • TN panels have limited viewing angles
  • mediocre contrast
  • are not capable of displaying all colors in the RGB space, so they are not suitable for professional image and video editing.

Very expensive TN panels, however, do not have some of the characteristic disadvantages and are close in quality to good IPS screens. For example, in Apple MacBook Pro with Retina uses a TN matrix, which is almost as good as IPS displays in terms of color rendering, viewing angles and contrast.

If no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystals lined up do not change the plane of polarization of the light, and it does not pass through the front polarizing filter. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90°, the plane of polarization of light changes, and it begins to pass through.

When no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules arrange themselves in a helical structure and change the polarization plane of the light so that it passes through the front polarizing filter. If voltage is applied, the crystals will be arranged linearly and light will not pass through.

How to distinguish IPS from TN

If you liked the monitor or laptop, and specifications display are not known, you should look at its screen from different angles. If the image becomes dull and its colors are greatly distorted, you have a monitor or mobile computer with a mediocre TN display. If, despite all your efforts, the picture has not lost its colors, this monitor has a matrix made using IPS technology or high-quality TN.

Attention: avoid laptops and monitors with matrices, which show strong color distortion at high angles. For games, choose a computer monitor with an expensive TN display; for other tasks, it is better to give preference to an IPS matrix.

Important parameters: monitor brightness and contrast

Let's consider two more important display parameters:

  • maximum brightness level
  • contrast.

Never enough brightness

To work in a room with artificial lighting, a display with a maximum brightness level of 200–220 cd/m2 (candelas per square meter) is sufficient. The lower the value of this setting, the darker and dimmer the image on the display will be. I do not recommend buying a mobile computer with a screen whose maximum brightness level does not exceed 160 cd/m2. For comfortable work outdoors on a sunny day, you will need a screen with a brightness of at least 300 cd/m2. In general, the brighter the display, the better.

When purchasing, you should also check the uniformity of the screen backlight. To do this, you should reproduce white or dark blue color on the screen (this can be done in any graphic editor) and make sure there are no light or dark spots across the entire surface of the screen.

Static and staggered contrast

Maximum static screen contrast level is the ratio of the brightness of successively displayed black and white colors. For example, a contrast value of 700:1 means that when output white The display brightness will be 700 times higher than when showing black.

However, in practice, the picture is almost never completely white or black, so for a more realistic assessment, the concept of checkerboard contrast is used.

Instead of sequentially filling the screen with black and white colors, a test pattern is displayed on it in the form of a black and white chessboard. This is a much more difficult test for displays because, due to technical limitations, you cannot turn off the backlight under the black rectangles while simultaneously illuminating the white ones at maximum brightness. A good checkerboard contrast for LCD displays is considered to be 150:1, and an excellent contrast is 170:1.

The higher the contrast, the better. To evaluate it, display a chess table on your laptop display and check the depth of black and brightness of white.

Matte or glossy screen

Probably many people paid attention to the difference in matrix coverage:

  • matte
  • glossy

The choice depends on where and for what purposes you plan to use the monitor or laptop. Matte LCD displays have a rough matrix coating that does not reflect external light well, so they do not glare in the sun. Obvious disadvantages include the so-called crystalline effect, which manifests itself in a slight haze of the image.

The glossy finish is smooth and better reflects light emitted from external sources. Glossy displays tend to be brighter and more contrasty than matte displays, and colors appear richer on them. However, such screens produce glare, which leads to premature fatigue when long work, especially if the display has insufficient brightness.

Screens with a glossy matrix coating and having insufficient brightness reserves reflect the surrounding environment, which leads to premature fatigue of the user.

Touch screen and resolution

Windows 8 was the first operating system Microsoft, which had a huge influence on the development of screens mobile computers, in which the optimization of the graphical shell for touch screens is clearly visible. Leading developers produce laptops (ultrabooks and hybrids) and all-in-one PCs with touchscreens. The cost of such devices is usually higher, but they are also more convenient to manage. However, you will have to accept that the screen will quickly lose its presentability appearance due to greasy fingerprint marks, and wipe it regularly.

The smaller the screen and the higher its resolution, the large quantity The number of points forming the image is per unit area, and the higher its density. For example, a 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels has a density of 100 ppi.

Attention! Do not buy monitors with screens with a dot density of less than 100 dpi, as they will show visible grain in the image.

Before Windows 8 came out high density pixels did more harm than good. Small fonts on a small screen with high resolution it was very difficult to see. Windows 8 has new system adaptation to screens with different densities, so now the user can choose laptop with such diagonal and display resolution as it deems necessary. The exception is for video game fans, as running games at ultra-high resolutions will require a powerful graphics card.