Plugin for ordering goods for wordpress. How to create an online store on WordPress without unnecessary troubles

Plugin for ordering goods for wordpress.  How to create an online store on WordPress without unnecessary troubles
Plugin for ordering goods for wordpress. How to create an online store on WordPress without unnecessary troubles

Can be created using special e-commerce plugins. And although many consider creating a store on the WP platform not the best solution, there are still successful plug-ins for online trading, which will be discussed in this article.

Online store on WordPress - features

Before creating an online store on the WordPress platform, you need to understand the following points.

1. WordPress is built in such a way that it does a large number of queries to the database, which heavily loads the hosting provider's server. 2. Therefore, firstly, choose a hosting for an online store on WordPress with a memory for running a script from 256 Mb, and preferably 512 Mb. Second, install one of the WordPress caching plugins (for example, ) on your system. It will not only reduce the load on the server, but also speed up the work of the store, reducing the loading time of the store pages and product cards.

Two options for creating a WordPress online store

An online store on WordPress can be created in two ways.

1. Option 1: For the store use the entire WordPress system. That is, the store on the system should be the main resource. In this option, it is worth installing a special template for the store, the plugin for trading that you have installed. 1. Option 2: The store can be made as an addition to the main blog. For example, you maintain a company blog and make a small store on it for purchases from the blog pages.

Both options have a place to be, but it all depends on the planned sales, and for starters, on the planned visits. For the main online store, the first option is preferable. As an addition to the main resource - a website or blog, the second option is suitable. For example, if you are trading software products or e-books. In such trade, large resources are not needed, real delivery is not needed, employees are not needed. But it is possible to organize Internet trade correctly and beautifully without allocating a special domain for these purposes.

Now an overview of several online stores based on WordPress. You can download all of the following plugins on the pages: using the search.

WooCommerce WordPress Plugin

WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress web store. Among its advantages, I would include:

  • By default, all the necessary functionality of the store is enabled, including six payment methods;
  • Many settings that cover the needs of the average store;
  • Good Russian translation of the administrative part;
  • The product gallery is included in the basic installation;
  • Product card design is optimized for store promotion;
  • Many themes from the plugin manufacturer;
  • The WooCommerce plugin does not conflict and is synchronized with the main WordPress plugins, including , a plugin called, and .

For the WooCommerce plugin, there is a whole store with special themes created for this plugin. This is what the WooThemes page looks like.

Jigoshop online store

Jigishop is a multifunctional plug-in for creating Internet WordPress Store. Tcnm minor administrative bugs for free version, namely:

  • Not a complete translation of the panel into Russian. Multi-Language Expansion Pack costs $45;
  • By default, there are few payment methods, only two (PayPal and checks). Additional forms of payment, both paid and free, need to be “added on” in the form of extensions;
  • In general, the manufacturers of this plugin “bracketed” a lot of functionality from the installation, free version. A lot of extensions for the store are offered on the manufacturer's website, and most of them are paid;
  • No built-in product gallery;
  • The advantages of the plugin, with an interference fit, include a multifunctional store console with well-viewed purchase statistics, a separate tab for working with coupons and discounts, a separate setting for web optimization (cache compression and clearing);
  • Eat free extensions for data transfer (export/import) from all major foreign e-commerce plug-ins.

jigoshop website page

And as always, the topics on the manufacturer's website, mostly paid.

Russian Internet shop on WordPress. Frankly, the plugin is quite powerful, but it requires the study of all the administrative "bells and whistles" from the authors. The installation version includes all the initial functionality of the store, but again you need to know how to activate them.

  • The product card is pale and poor. By default, there are no product galleries.
  • All extensions to the store require "digging" in the codes, although they are free.
  • Most of the new extensions are offered in "raw" form with bugs.

In general, the store is not bad, but not custom. Requires the administrator to have knowledge of editing codes and a permanent presence on the tech forum. support. Although if you manage to configure it, it works fine.

WP eCommerce Store ( from is one of the oldest WordPress ecommerce plugins. This is probably why when you get acquainted with it, you get the impression that you are working with the plugin on the WP 2.5 version. However, the plugin is tested on 4.9.5 and is constantly updated.

Standard, in any way. True, after activation, you need to manually load the appearance folders. This is done in the plugin settings on the "Presentation" tab.

  • The translation of the administrative part of the plugin is not complete;
  • Delivery of goods in the store, by default, is focused on postal order.
  • The main forms of payment through bourgeois "pals". True, the choice of free payment gateways is not bad.
  • There are a lot of plugin settings. It is quite possible to build a small store.
  • Is it true, additional extensions to the plugin are mostly paid. So the cost of the product gallery costs $45. By default, there is no gallery, unlike, for example, the WooCommerce plugin.
  • Themes for the store are paid; on WordPress themes, the product card turns out to be nondescript.
  • Since the main payment gateways are imported, the form for processing goods is very large and detailed.
  • True, there is a fundamentally necessary function in the WP eCommerce plugin. This feature is installed by default and is called "Import".
  • With the Import Products function, you can upload a list of your products in CSV format.

In conclusion, I note that creating an online store on WordPress is possible only through trial and error. Each plugin has both poles and minuses, and only you can choose it for your specific tasks.

Hello, friends! I think many of you will be interested to know how to create an online store on wordpress. In today's first lesson, you will learn how to set up and Russify a plugin for an online store. woocommerce.

This lesson will be useful for those who already have minimal knowledge in WordPress, but in any case, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible each of the steps in creating an online store based on WordPress.

So let's get started!

Installing a theme (template) for an online store

Choosing a theme (template) is very important moment in creating an online store. The whole problem is that some themes do not support the Woocommerce plugin, which in turn leads to incorrect display of online store elements. Therefore, in this tutorial, I will use free template for online store storefront.

You can download the template on the official website or via a direct link. If you suddenly forgot how to change the template (theme) of your site, click .

Installation and Russification of the Woocommerce plugin

After you have installed the template, you need to download and activate the Woocommerce online store plugin. To do this, go to administrative panel V Plugins -> Add New and enter “woocommerce” in the search field, after which we see the plugin in the output WooCommerce - Excellence eCommerce. Install it and activate it.

Immediately after activation, you will see a message that prompts you to install the necessary pages for Woocommerce to work (Shop, My Account, Checkout, Cart) and translation for the Woocommerce online store plugin:

Click on the first message Install WooCommerce Pages, and on the second Update Translation.

If the message does not appear, to translate the plugin, go to WooCommerce -> System status -> Tools -> Force translation upgrade.

Previously, the Saphali Woocommerce Russian plugin was used for translation, but after the release of the official translation from Woocommerce, the need for it disappeared.

After installation, you have 4 new pages, namely:

shopmain page store where the products will be displayed. I recommend immediately and rename this page to Shop.

My account- account page.

checkout- payment page.

Cart- cart page.

After you have done all the above, you can say that online store installed!

In the next lessons, we'll cover:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

Hello, friends! I think many of you will be interested to learn how to create an online store on WordPress. In today's first lesson, you will learn how to set up and Russify the plugin for the Woocommerce online store. This lesson will be useful for those who already have minimal knowledge of WordPress, but in any case, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible each of the steps in creating an online store based on WordPress. So let's get started! Installing a theme (template) for an online store Choosing a theme (template) is very important point in creating an online store. The whole problem is that some themes do not support the Woocommerce plugin, which in turn leads to incorrect display of online store elements. Therefore, in…

From the author: Do you want to save on the development of an online store and make a website yourself in one day? Then we recommend that you read the step-by-step instructions on how to create an online store on WordPress, which is presented in this article. Following each point, you can quickly and free of charge develop an excellent website for selling any goods or services online.

We suggest that you give preference to creating an online store on WordPress, as this platform is considered one of the simplest and most reliable. And it's not just for beginners. Many popular online stores with a current profitability of over 1 million rubles per month were also developed on the VP. This once again testifies to the effectiveness of the platform and its wide possibilities.

If you are going to immediately create a large-scale project for many years, then we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this one. It is a collection of lessons that describe in detail every step of developing powerful and effective online stores. If you want to create an online sales platform quickly and without unnecessary troubles, then proceed to reading the instructions below.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an online store on WordPress

10 steps to follow to quickly and free creation online store on WordPress from scratch:

1. Buy hosting and domain.

First of all, you need to purchase hosting - the server on which your site will be located. To ensure stable uninterrupted operation of the site, it is better to give preference to reliable companies that have been on the market for more than 2 years.

Ideally, it is better to use hosting, whose servers are based abroad. However, if you are just starting out and do not expect a large client flow, then inexpensive options with 1-2 GB of disk space will be enough to start.

Domain name buy simpler, so that it is easy to remember and at the same time at least indirectly associated with your brand, company or occupation.

2. Install WordPress on hosting.

You will find instructions for installing the CMS in the main menu of your hosting after purchasing it. And, as a rule, the support service will always help to solve this problem.

3. Create a sitemap.

To do this, use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin. We also recommend that you independently understand the topic of creating a robots.txt file.

4. Install the All In One SEO Pack plugin.

Download this plugin on the Internet and upload it through the appropriate section in the CMS menu.

5. Install the WooCommerce plugin.

In the same way, install the WooCommerce plugin, which will become the main engine of our online store.

6. Russify WooCommerce.

Download the crack of this plugin and install it in the same way. After that, all the main pages will be translated into Russian.

7. Download the store template.

Find a suitable paid / free WP template on the Internet and download it to your computer.

8. Upload the template to the site.

Admin - Appearance- Download theme - Activate.

9. Carry out the final setup.

How to set up an online store on WordPress, and what does that mean? This includes the final twist of the basic parameters for yourself. In the settings, change the currency you are going to accept, set the terms of payment and delivery, remove or add modules depending on your needs.

10. Fill the site with content.

Well, basically, that's all. We created an online store on WordPress with our own hands. Now the most interesting thing remains - to fill it with content. Upload products to the site, write descriptions for them and fill in the characteristics, add articles and news.

If you want to dig deeper, we recommend that you take several training courses on creating an online store from scratch on the VP at once. With their help, you can understand the intricacies of this process much faster and quickly solve problems. challenging tasks which we have not covered in this article.

Why WooCommerce?

Let's explain why we decided to tell you how to create an online store on WordPress, based specifically on the WooCommerce plugin. Yes, there are many more options: eShop, eCommerce, Cart66 Lite and others. However, WooCommerce remains one of the most popular online stores powered by WordPress. To date, more than 1 million commercial sites have already been created on its basis.

So, the advantages that this plugin has over existing analogues:

easy installation;

convenient and simple admin panel;

quick addition and editing of goods;

built-in order accounting system;

the possibility of providing discount coupons or free shipping;

convenient control of accounting and inventory balances;

delivery calculator provided;

wide settings of the online store (features of payment and delivery, currency, email campaigns, etc.);

frequent updates that improve functionality;

wide opportunities installation of free and paid addons.

Online store improvement

Congratulations, now you know how to create an online store with WordPress. But this is not enough to generate some significant profit. In order for your online store to work to its fullest, it still needs to be upgraded, improved with modern modules, connected to various plugins that increase conversion, etc. How to do it?

To understand which places in an online store on WordPress can and should be twisted, you should first of all familiarize yourself with. It describes in detail 12 chips, the study of which is guaranteed to help positively affect the success of the site. In addition, we recommend a few more useful plugins:

WooCommerce DynamicGallery - adds product images to the product card in an unusual format;

UserRoleEditor - allows you to change user roles on the site;

TAC - protects the system from viruses;

WC Product CSS3 Tags - attaches the ability to attach tags to each post on the site ( keywords);

Akismet is a website spam blocker.

Today we have discussed how to make an online store on WordPress quickly and with little to no initial investment. If the information turned out to be useful, then share it with your friends in in social networks.

Now the topic of creating online stores is gaining momentum, so your friends and colleagues will surely not remain indifferent to it. Perhaps even soon one of them will offer you to organize a joint business.

If you want to study the material at an advanced level, you can familiarize yourself with. It touches on topics that will help you achieve best results in online sales. We were happy to help, see you in the next articles.