A few important things to know about Star Citizen.

A few important things to know about Star Citizen.
A few important things to know about Star Citizen.

If you have already learned about the Chris Roberts game and are ready to become a star citizen of this universe, take the first step to obtain citizenship - register on the official website of the game.

There is no localization in Russian yet, but with the help of this instruction, creating an account will be painless.

First of all, let's go to the site at https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-PDP3-GKGQ; this will give you a head start of 5,000 play money at the start. I want to say right away that this is not enough to start the game. You still have to buy it with real money. Game rooms are useful for buying equipment.

In the window that opens, fill in the required tabs.
- under this login you will be authorized in the game and on the site. No one will see it except you. Here you can not suffer with inventing beautiful word, and enter any.

- Create and enter a password. Preferably reliable. At least 16 characters is better.

- re-enter the password and do not forget to write down it and the login, somewhere for yourself, in a secluded place. I also want to note that the login is saved in the game launcher and you do not need to enter it every time, but there is no password.

- write here email address your mail. It is not advisable to use the mail.ru service - there are cases when letters were not received at the addresses of this server. Use yandex or google.

- indicate the date of birth. Please note! You must be of legal age. Therefore, we write the year of birth, at least 2002

Let's move on to filling out public information.
- ID of your page on the game site. By analogy with ID vKontakte or Facebook. You can choose something memorable or don't give a damn about beauty and enter any word. This word must not be occupied by another user. It is also impossible to enter LOGIN ID. True, you can get out by adding letters or numbers to the login. When compiling this instruction, I chose the OWARON login. I will add to it the year of birth specified during registration and enter it in the HANDLE field. Now my address public page will be: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Owaron1997. After creating an account, HANDLE can be changed for free once - in your account. In the future - only for a fee.

- public nickname on the Star Citizen game forum. Must be different from LOGIN ID. But you can specify a HANDLE value. In the future, the nickname can be changed as many times as needed.

– by specifying the referral code, you will immediately receive a bonus of 5,000 play money. If you followed the link indicated earlier, the code should already be entered into the line. If this does not happen, enter STAR-PDP3-GKGQ.

It remains to fill in the captcha, agree to the terms of service - by ticking the box below and pressing the ENLIST NOW button.

After reloading the page, in the right upper corner you can get into Personal Area. The yellow indicator next to MY RSI says that the account has not yet been verified.

Wait for the letter to the mailbox indicated during registration and follow the link in the letter. The indicator will turn green.

Registration on the game site is completed.
You are now a Star Citizen!


To register on the official website, you must perform the following steps:

1. We go to the official website of Roberts Space Industries (abbr. RSI);

2. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the button " MY RSI";

3. In the drop-down window, you must click the "Enlist Now" button;

4. You will see a form that you need to fill out to register;

Additional information to fill out the form, point by point:

  • Login ID (your login)- Unique, cannot be changed. Used to login to the site or directly to the game;
  • Password and Confirm Password- Standard field for entering a password and confirming the correctness of the input;
  • Email Address and Confirm Email Address- Standard field for entering e-mail and confirming the correctness of the input;
  • Community Monicker- Public identifier, not unique, can be changed. Used only on the site, and is also your display Nick (Nick Name) on the forum;
  • Handle- Semi-private ID of your character. Unique, can be changed (the ability to change is paid);
  • Birthdate- Date of your birth;
  • Enter the number below(enter the code from the image) - RE-GENERATE (update the image);
4.1. After filling out the form, put a tick in the box "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service";

4.2. Click on the "ENLIST" button. If all forms are filled out correctly and meet the requirements, you will be sent a letter to the specified e-mail with a link to confirm registration;

5. You need to go to the specified e-mail registration and follow the link to confirm your registration.



1. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the button " MY RSI";

2. In the drop-down window, enter the login (Login ID) and password (Password) and press the "SIGN IN" button;

You can ask all incomprehensible questions about registering on the official website in the corresponding forum thread "" and we will try to help you!


1.1. Where can I buy the Star Citizen game pack?
Game packages (pledges) are sold on the official website of Roberts Space Industries (abbr. RSI) in the section;

1.2. I bought a game package, but only single player is available to me. What to do and how to play with real people?
If you do not have access to alpha testing, you will have to buy passes for separate modules. For example: Arena Commander Pass (passes are unique for each individual game module);

1.4. How can I pay for the purchase of a game package?
The following payment options are currently supported: Stripe (Credit card), Paypal, Amazon. Plus RSI store credits if they are on your account from somewhere;


When choosing a game package, proceed from personal tastes and financial capabilities. However, remember - the gradual obsolescence of models is promised, and almost all ships can be obtained in the game (buy, select or find, receive as a reward, etc.);

  • Game packages: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/game-packages ;
  • Individual ships: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/extras?product_id=72 ;
  • Ship upgrades: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/extras?product_id=51 ;
  • Cross Chassis Upgrades (CCU): https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/extras?product_id=66 ;
2.2. Consider several options for basic packages:
  • The most modest game package is Aurora MR - $30/€24. The package contains only the final version of the game, it does not contain any type of test access. With this package, you can only play the final version of the game (expected in 2016). If you suddenly want to take part in testing, you will need to purchase the appropriate access separately;
  • Next up is the Aurora ES - $35/€28. The package is almost similar in composition to the previous one (point 1), however, there are changes - Aurora MR has been replaced with a simpler ES, and access to beta testing of the game has been added. If you suddenly want to take part in alpha testing (the beta is already in the package), you will need to purchase the appropriate access separately;
  • Next, consider - (or its full counterpart but with Mustang Alpha). This game pack contains access to the beta testing of the game, as well as a pass (Arena Commander Pass) to the alpha testing of the Arena Commander game module;
If you want to buy a game pack and start playing right away, then we advise you to make an initial choice between the Aurora MR AC Starter - $45/€36 and Mustang Alpha AC Starter - $45/€36 packages. These packages contain the entire minimum set required for the game:


3.1. We go to the official website of Roberts Space Industries and go to the section Store / Pledge / Game Packages;

3.2. Choose the game package you are interested in;

3.3. We check the contents of the package for the presence of the necessary. Press the button "ADD TO CART" (Add to cart);

3.4. We check the goods in the basket and then click on the "CHECKOUT" button;

3.5. You will see a form to fill in which you will need to provide personal information;

Additional information to fill out:

  • Data is entered in Latin letters;
  • Detailed filling out of the form is especially important when purchasing physical goods (mugs, T-shirts, etc.), according to the specified data, parcels will be sent;
  • Data must be entered once, in the future they will be stored in memory on your account for use in subsequent purchases;
3.6. Next, click on the "NEXT STEP" button. If all forms are filled out correctly, you will proceed to the next stage of the purchase;

3.7. On this stage check the purchase information for the last time;

3.8. Click on the "Payment Method" button and select the payment method;

3.9. After completing all the steps, put a tick in the box "By placing your order, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted our Terms of Service in particular, section Pledge";

3.10. Click on the "PLACE ORDER AND PAY" button;

3.11. We pay for the purchase by the chosen method;

3.12. In case of successful payment, go to

Greetings! If you are reading this page, then you may be a future pilot and a new Star Citizen.

In order to register and play the game, you need:

2. Fill in all the fields, similar to the example shown in the figure below. If you enter the same code as in the green section, then when you purchase a package with the game, an additional BONUS will be credited to your account - 5000UEC (game currency).

As you can see, the date of birth should be indicated - you must be over 13 years old.

3. To activate your account, go to that Mailbox, which you specified during registration.

4. You will receive an email from RobertsSpaceIndustries with the title: RSI Account activation. Activate your new account by clicking on the link in the email:

5. After activation, go to the download section:

6. Download the installer (launcher) and run it.

7. Enter your login and password, specified in step 1:

8. Click on the UPDATE button and wait for the client to download (~ 45Gb)

9. And after the end of the process, click on the Launch Game button:

That's all.

Enjoy your game.

Note. In order to play, you need to purchase one of the available game packages, the minimum cost of a game package is $45! Without purchasing a package, you will not be able to enter the game! How to do this, you can read in the section "".
After each update (when instead of Launch Game, you click Update) it is advisable to delete the USER folder (by default, it is located at Drive:\install_path\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Live) before launching the game. This will save you a lot of problems.

How to Play Star Citizen for Free: A Beginner's Guide

Welcome to the series of guides on how to start playing Star Citizen. Although access to the game is paid, not many people know that you can play Star Citizen for free, having previously tried the game before deciding to buy it.

So, today we will talk about how to play Star Citizen for free. Developers periodically provide this opportunity to everyone by announcing appropriate temporary promotions a la a week of free flights in Star Citizen. In this guide you will find detailed instructions about how to get free access at Star Citizen during similar promotions. Also Read Additional information about the features of access to the game Star Citizen placement below.

Below is step-by-step instruction How to play Star Citizen for free:

Step 1: First you need to create an account on the Star Citizen website. For this you need to go by this link and fill out the form with your details. When registering using the link above, you will be credited as a bonus 5000 UEC - an in-game currency equivalent to $ 5, which you can spend on equipment and improvements for your ship). The registration form looks like this:

  • The login must be unique, so don't be surprised if the system asks you to enter a different login. In addition, only Latin letters, numbers, dashes and underscores are allowed in the login. In this case, the login must necessarily begin with a letter or number;
  • The email you enter will be linked to your account. You can change it later, but if you restore access to your account, all information will be sent to the email you originally specified. This is done as a security measure against your account being hacked. Therefore, be very careful when choosing an email when registering. You must be sure that you will always have access to this mail. In addition, an email will be sent to this email address to activate your account.
  • Please note that you must be over 13 when entering your age.
  • Nickname is your name on the site and in the game that all users will see. It must be different from the Login ID but may be the same as the nicknames of other players. For a nickname, you can use both Latin and Russian letters, as well as various special characters.
  • Nickname/Nickname is a unique in-game character identifier. Unlike a nickname, your nickname must be completely unique. You will most likely have to play around with several options. Star Citizen already has over a million registered members. The nickname will also be used as part of your profile URL on the game's website (for example: robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Vasya). In the game, your nickname will be displayed along with your Nickname so that players can distinguish you from other characters with the same nickname. Nickname may be the same as Nickname but must not be the same as Login ID. For a nickname, you can use only Latin letters, numbers, dashes and underscores. In this case, the nickname must necessarily begin with a letter or number. It is also worth remembering that after registration, you will be given a nickname change only 1 time, so be careful. You will be asked to pay for subsequent changes.
  • Referral code - if you want to get an additional registration bonus in the amount of 5,000 UEC, then leave the code that is already written in the form. If you accidentally deleted it, then you must enter: STAR-QDP2-WJKT

After filling out the form, click on the ENLIST NOW button and go to check your mail. You should receive an activation email. You must click on the link provided in the letter. Congratulations! You have created your account on the Star Citizen website.

Step 2: Now you need to login to the site. To do this, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com click on the "MY RSI" button in the upper right corner and in the menu that appears, enter the login layer (not Nickname and not Nickname !!!) and password. Your profile settings are now available to you. You can customize them if you like.

Step 3: Download and install the game. To do this, go to: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/download You should see the following picture:

The "GET THE GAME" field will display "PROMOTIONAL PACKAGE" during promotions. When the promotions are not valid, the system will check if you have a game package and if not, it will offer to purchase it.

You can ignore the field "Explore your Hangar" marked in red. If you have not purchased a ship yet, the system will offer you to buy it. During provocations, ships will be provided to you free of charge for temporary use. So click the Download Installer button and download the game loader (about 100 mb). Then install it as a normal program.

After the bootloader is installed, it will prompt you to log in:

After you log in, it will prompt you to download and install the game:

You will have to download on the order of several tens of gigabytes, so depending on the speed of your connection, this may take from several hours to several days. When the connection is broken, the downloader continues downloading from the place from which the connection was broken. The download can be paused. After downloading, you will be prompted to launch the Star Citizen game. Good luck! Enjoy the opportunity free game in Star Citizen.

Step 4: All good things come to an end sooner or later. After the end of the promotion, you will be denied access to the game. To continue playing, you need to either, or wait for a new promotion. If you're not ready to splurge on a game pack just yet, but would like to keep track of game development progress and be able to continue participating in the free flight weeks that Star Citizen developers often host to celebrate new major updates or some promotional events, then we recommend you to register on our website and set a tracking topic in which we will publish all announcements of free flights in Star Citizen. To do this, you need to go here:

And select the "Track topic" option in the right corner. After that, in the menu that appears, select the option of notifications about new announcements that suits you (you can choose to have notifications sent to your mail):

Now you will be aware of any promotions that will provide free access to Star Citizen.

A few important things to know about Star Citizen:

At the moment (end of 2017) the game is under development. Only individual game modules are available that demonstrate the potential of Star Citizen - what this game should become. The following modules are currently available:

  • hangar module- the first module of the Star Citizen game, which the developers presented to the public. It is from your hangar that you will start your game. The Hangar module allows you to store your ships and interact with them: inspect, climb inside, customize them, change weapons, equipment, etc. Currently, 4 hangar options are available (economy, business and elite class) + an industrial hangar that can only be placed in asteroids;
  • Arena Commander– a module that implements the mechanics of space battles involving various ships. You can fight both with real opponents and with AI. A lot of battle modes have been implemented, ranging from "all against all" to team-based ones like "capture the flag", etc.;
  • Murray Cup- a module that implements the mechanics of competitions for the high-speed passage of specially created racing tracks. There are currently 3 separate locations available (in latest updates The Murray Cup has become one of the Arena Commander game modes);
  • Social/planetary module- a module that implements the mechanics of interaction with other players and characters. Currently, there is a separate location in the access game - the landing zone on the planet ArkCorp (ArcCorp), which you can explore on your own two feet or using a special buggy for this;
  • FPS module (Star Marine)– a module that implements the mechanics of FPS battles (with the release of the Alpha 2.0 version, this module became an integral part of the Permanent Universe module);
  • Permanent Universe Module, currently known as the Crusader / Crusader) or mini-PTU - in fact, this is the core of the permanent universe - a huge game world that the developers of Star Citizen are building. This module actually combines all the previous modules so that you have the opportunity to experience what Star Citizen will become in the near future. A separate star system with several planets and moons is currently available at PTU. The total length of the location is millions of kilometers that you can explore on your ship. Also at your disposal are several space stations, several hundred missions and locations for research and battles with real opponents or AI (pirates and law enforcement forces).

When Star Citizen is officially released, access to the game will be paid-only. According to the assurances of the developers, there will be no monthly subscriptions. All you need to do is to purchase a game pack with the ship you will start playing on once. During the development of the game, it was decided to split Star Citizen into two separate projects: Squadron 42, a single-player version of Star Citizen in which you will have to complete a series of separate missions, and Star Citizen itself, a multiplayer version of the game with a Persistent Universe. First comes Squadron 42, and then the multiplayer Star Citizen.

It must be understood that Star Citizen is being developed without a publisher - with funds raised through a crowdfunding model: more than a million fans "donated" their hard-earned money to ensure that the game was created. In total, at the end of 2017 the developers managed to raise more than $ 170 million. All those who supported the project receive the status of a backer (backer - donor / sponsor), but in reality, the bakers do not donate their money to the developers of Star Citizen, but in fact they purchase game packages, individual ships and game items in advance. It is the bakers who own the game package that now have access to Star Citizen.

Baker status can be obtained without purchasing a game pack, which currently has a minimum value of $45, but by purchasing something in the game store for a minimum amount of $5 (for example, any upgrade for a future ship. For an example, see below). Then everything can be exchanged for in-game currency).

Naturally, in such a stripped-down version of baking, you will not have access to the game itself, but it also has its advantages, because. developers periodically encourage bakers through the issuance of various bonuses and game items, and this applies to all bakers, regardless of the size of their "contributions". Those. the sooner you become a baker who supported Star Citizen, the more goodies you will have by the beginning of the game. The truncated baker option is good for those who have not yet decided whether they want to spend on a game package, but at the same time would like to stake a place for themselves and receive bonuses along with all the other bakers.

All of the above doesn't mean you can't play Star Citizen for free! The developers periodically arrange promotions, arranging weeks of free flights in Star Citizen for everyone, or distributing special promotional codes that allow you to get access to Star Citizen for a certain time. Stay tuned to our website if you don't want to miss the opportunity to play Star Citizen for free!