Programs for creating educational flash videos. Presentation flash video from your photos

Programs for creating educational flash videos. Presentation flash video from your photos
Lesson. Create a flash movie using the SWFText program

In order to create such a flash card, we need the program itself, which can be downloaded SWFText
For those who are unable to download from this link, there is another link at the bottom of the page, using it you can also freely download this program.
This is the program icon:

Open the program.

Click on the top button “Roller”, here the dimensions of the flash drive window are set, usually they are set automatically, but it is quite possible to manually change the size of the flash drive according to your wishes.

Click on the next button “Background”, put a dot in the “image” window, then click on “browse” and find the desired image on your computer.
Next, select “background effects” to your liking.

I chose "star rotation"
At the next stage, click on the “text” button, the following window opens:

Here we will write our text that accompanies our picture. To do this, click on the “add” button and write our text in the new window that opens.

If your text is short, it can fit in one window; if it is long, like mine, then you should use several windows with writing text; when viewing, these windows will open sequentially, one after another, until everything written by me is opened text. And so: click on the “add” button and write the first column of our text, then click “OK”, the text will appear in the top window and on view,

Click the “add” button again and write the next column of our text, click “OK”

etc. until all the text we need has been written.

Next, click on the “Text Effects” button

A window with text effects opens, that is, a way to load text onto the page.

There are quite a lot of effects, choose according to your taste, I chose “Double Scanner”.

Now select the “font” button, a window with font settings will open:

In this window we will select the font, font color, font size, the text must fit into the window, so we should reduce or increase the font size.
After each change of any of the parameters, a preview occurs automatically.
In fact, we can end here, that’s exactly what I did. But you can continue and add sound file, or rather a music file.
Select the “Sound” command, the button is located just below, click on it. A window with sound settings will open.

We select a music file using the "browse" button, the file must be compressed in size, you can see how this is done several posts below.
Place the checkboxes like mine. In this case, the music file will only play once.
At the bottom right there is a button “Publish”, click on it and save our flash video

We upload it to our diary using the “review” command, as usual.
Good luck, my dear friends! If you have any questions, I will be glad to help.

On this web page We present to your attention programs for creating and editing flash animation. With their help, you can implement your own ideas into animated videos for your website.

Flash editor is a program for creating flash animation and editing ready-made flash videos.

FLA format is the source document of your clip. By opening it, you are taken to the Macromedia Flash program and can further edit the clip.

SWF format is an executable Flash file; when you click on it, you have the opportunity to view the clip using the Macromedia Flash Player program.

Animation using Adobe Flash Professional

Adobe Flash Professional CS3– the advantages and functionality of this program can be described for a very long time. This program is the undisputed leader in the flash technology environment. Adobe Flash Professional is used by both professional Web site developers and flash designers.

With the help of this program, you can realize even the sickest fantasy in flash. In general, if you decide to create professional animated Flash files, then Adobe Flash Professional is exactly the program that you cannot do without.

The volume depends on the version from 500 Mb.

On this moment Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - a new version programs for working with animation and multimedia.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Screenshot of the program:

download Adobe Flash Professional CS3

Perhaps for a novice web master, creating flash animation using Adobe programs Flash Professional will seem somewhat complicated and out of reach.

In this case, you should not despair and give up what you started. Try your flash ideas with the Swishmax program.

Swishmax – flash editor

SwishMAX is an alternative program with a friendly and simple interface for creating flash animation, which is less functional than the previous one, but still allows you to get a good quality result.

The main advantage of the bottom flash editor is its ease of use. Even a novice user, having video lessons at hand, will be able to create professional flash videos with its help in a short time.

Volume: 9.27 MB.

The interface language is Russian. operating system

Screenshot of the program:

: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP

download Swishmax

Alligator Flash Designer Next flash program

is even simpler, both in functionality and interface content. The capabilities of this flash editor make it easy to create a flash banner for a website in a matter of minutes.

There are more than 130 effects: disappearing, zooming, rotating. Animated pictures, shapes or text, and even sound can be easily added to your Flash animation.

Here you can also specify OnClick or OnOver.

Volume: 9.27 MB.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Screenshot of the program:

Volume: 5.3 MB.

download Alligator_Flash_Designer_7.0

Another program that is not a flash animation editor, but its capabilities are necessary for a novice web designer.

Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix - the main purpose of this program is to export SWF files back to FLA format with one click. Extracts all Flash objects from a SWF file and saves them into a FLA file, which can later be edited in Flash.

The advantage of Flash Decompiler is editing sounds, images, colors, gradients, lines, dynamic texts and links without converting to FLA.

Volume: 9.27 MB.

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7

Screenshot of the program:

Volume: 7.27 MB.

download Flash Decompiler Trillix

October 13, 2014

All sections of the site site Flash animation

flash creation

Create and edit flash Subject creation and editing

all kinds of flash objects: videos, cartoons, banners, websites" - very interesting. You may not become a professional, but EVERYONE needs to know the "basics" and put this knowledge into practice! Why is it unique? flash technology


Of course, it has a lot of advantages; it has made the World Wide Web more dynamic, more lively, interactive, and has made it possible to create colorful corporate presentations, commercials, banners, etc. and so on. This banner is clickable :-) became available not only to a select few (professionals), but also to millions of amateurs.

To solve this problem, there are a lot of programs - small and large, simple and complex, powerful and not very powerful. Standing apart (above all) are two Monsters in this area!

These are Macromedia (Adobe) Flash and Macromedia Flash professional version 8- aka everyone’s favorite Macromedia Flash 8 professional

Let's take a closer look at these two "Monsters"

For Macromedia Flash MX difficult to undertake, because it is rightfully considered
one of the most difficult computer programs to master.

First of all, it is VERY complicated. It is simply unrealistic for a normal person to understand and learn Action Script (the so-called scripting program code).

One desire is not enough here! You need iron patience, perseverance and approach the study with such enthusiasm...

Secondly, there are simply no more or less understandable video lessons and video courses for this program (except for one), and studying the program from thick books of manuals written by professionals in this matter, and in their own “abstruse” language - one can say that it’s a bear They teach you how to ride a bike.

If you want, try it :-)

But with Macromedia Flash 8 Professional - things will be more fun

And the program itself is easier and clearer to study, and the tutorials
You can find a lot of different things on it!

It would seem: take it - I don’t want it. However, studying thick books is also not the case.
simple, and for some reason they are not cheap at all. The best way
studying programs - video lessons. Well, the BEST is a video course

Naturally, it is better to SEE and HEAR once than to read about
how to create and edit flash videos, cartoons, banners.

Like any training, video lessons on Macromedia Flash 8 Professional are divided into paid and free.

And as always, naturally, paid ones turn out to be more High Quality(not images, of course, but the quality of teaching).

Although there are 11 free , but VERY good and high-quality video lessons on the initial study of the program for creating and editing flash.

If you want to learn on your own create or edit If you already have ready-made flash videos, you simply cannot do without a video course on this subject. It’s not easy to master such programs on your own.

And these video lessons will be a very good help to start improving your skills in working with flash animation.

To truly master flash technology, you need more serious video lessons. Naturally, they can no longer be free. You understand why :)

Flash technologies have become so tightly integrated into web design that nowadays an element of a modern web site is increasingly becoming the presence of animated elements in the design - splash screens, flash images, banners and other similar inserts - active elements of the site.

These elements seem to “revive” the site design, make it more pleasant and convenient for users of your website to use, and allow the site to look and be more original and modern.

Flash elements like animation videos, represent the latest visual tool in web design, created using Macromedia Flas technology.

And with their presence on the site, beautiful flash drives make your site stand out from the rest, because... are currently the most effective method of presenting information in images compressed in size and time.

If you decide to create beautiful flash sites and earn good money from it ...

Type in Yandex, request: " prices for Flash sites"... and you will see that prices for creating a professional Flash website usually start at $1000.

Why? For that price, you can make several html sites?” Yes, it really is possible, but what kind of sites? Ghost sites? Web-sheds of self-built buildings, when you get to them, you immediately want to run away.

And the owners of such resources are in the dark and don’t understand why no one writes or calls them.

There are already tens of millions of such sites on the Internet...

Do you think that the owners of such “wonderful” sites can really interest visitors? The answer is obvious - there is no benefit from such creations!

And if the prices for creating a professional Flash website usually start from $1000, then if you order a professional Flash website, the price doubles... and starts from $2000!!

When people see that a company or person can afford to have a serious flash website, their attitude towards such a company is completely different. Your website is your face and appearance on the Internet.

In other words, what evokes positive emotions is subsequently remembered, and as we know: “Emotion is the queen of sales.” Thus, it turns out that a professional, stylish Flash site is, in fact, a real tool for making money good money

and successful positioning of your web image on the network.

Moreover, the people who offer these services for creating such sites will never tell you or show you how the Flash site was created. And for the source code you will be asked to pay an additional fee.

Have you ever been to holiday villages?

Have you noticed the motley buildings of all colors, from which occasionally stand out good buildings, with a beautiful facade, design, etc.? In 90% of cases, such houses are built not by one self-taught person, but by a team of professionals, according to a standard, ready-made, standard project

, according to which dozens of similar buildings were made in different areas.

Moreover, these people know how to properly pour a foundation, install walls, roof, glass windows, etc., or in other words, they are professionals, each in their own field, so the house turns out beautiful and reliable.

The same is true with creating a professional Flash site. So, to create a professional Flash site from scratch, you need to be a multi-professional.

That is, it is necessary to combine at least “three in one”.
1.) Be able to draw with your hands on a professional, electronic tablet

(not with the mouse, but with your hands). Know the basics of animation.
2.) Know programming languages: Acton Script 2 and Acton Script 3

(which have been studied for years, even by those who have programming abilities).

3.) Have talent, perseverance and a huge amount of free time.

So, the vast majority of Flash designers around the world and in Russia create custom websites based on standard, ready-made projects, which are called:

"Ready sources of Flash sites made by a team of professional designers and programmers."

The scheme for creating such a source code is very simple: a team of developers gathers and very quickly and harmoniously create several source codes and flash sites, with everyone doing their own thing.

Of course, such sources turn out to be professional, presentable and of high quality. They are then put up for sale on the Internet. And there are hundreds of thousands of such sources on the Internet...

There is only one nuance... Few people know how to edit them, because they were created in the Macromedia Flash program, which is rightfully considered one of the most complex in the world. Now the solution has been found. Do you want to learn easily? edit any flash source

on one's own?!

Here is a short and concise description of the topics of the Video course lessons:

Introduction. From this lesson you will learn which toolbars in Macromedia Flash we will use throughout the entire video course.
1: Editing the logo. You will learn how to correctly edit a graphic or text logo to
2: Editing the menu. In a step-by-step form we will tell you where to look for multilayer files that define dynamic characteristics animated Flash menu.
3: Editing text on pages. Throughout this lesson, we will go through the entire library of files in detail and learn how to correctly edit text blocks on all pages.
4: Editing headings in additional news pages. Quite an extensive material on editing banner buttons in the Flash site itself.
5: Editing the text in additional pages.
Another block dedicated to finding key frames and correctly changing dynamic text blocks.
6: Editing hyperlinks Part 1. This section is decisive for correctly writing links in the format of the Action Script programming language.
7: Editing hyperlinks, part 2. The material is devoted to creating buttons for hyperlinks. After completing this lesson, you will learn how to create additional buttons for hyperlinks yourself.
8: Insert music.
In this series of lessons, you will learn how to insert any music file into a Flash website.
9: Optimization and publication.
A very important topic for successfully optimizing the source code and uploading all folders and files to the Internet. 10: Flash+Php form for sending a message directly from a Flash site. In this series of lessons you will learn how to set up a form for sending messages to full versions

Adobe Flash. Create arcade, puzzle, and other games with ActionScript Rosenzweig Gary

Lesson 4. Controlling video playback

In Lesson 2, Using the Actions Window, we took a quick look at the ActionScript gotoAndPlay command. This command tells Flash to ignore the next frame of the timeline and instead move to a completely different frame. Using the gotoAndPlay command, you can control the playback of a Flash movie.

Create a new Flash movie. This time it will contain several frames. Create a sequence of four keyframes and name them starting with "parti" and ending with "part4". These frames represent four parts of the animation. In addition, each of the four frames should contain static text informing the user what part he is currently seeing on the screen.

Keyframes are separated by multiple frames to make the label names visible on the main timeline. In Fig. Figure 2.5 shows the main timeline containing four labels. The second key frame is selected, so the text "PART 2" is displayed on the stage.

Figure 2.5.The movie contains four keyframes and the script placed in the second keyframe. The second key frame is selected and the corresponding script is displayed in the Actions window

With the second keyframe selected, open the Actions window. Then enter the following command in the window:


Notice that after adding Action-Script code to a keyframe, a lowercase "a" appears in the corresponding frame in the Timeline.

This is the only ActionScript code in the video. When playing, the video will start with the "parti" keyframe and the text "PART 1" will appear on the screen. The movie will then move along the timeline to the "part2" keyframe, where the ActionScript code is located. On command, Flash will jump to the "part4" keyframe. In this case, the text “PART 2” will not have time to appear on the screen. The video will be in the “part4” frame, and the text “PART 4” will appear on the screen.

The video will continue moving along the timeline until the end. Then it will return to the first frame and again show the text "PART 1". This cycle repeats endlessly.

By using ActionScript, you forced Flash to back off from playing the animation sequentially. The video should have been played sequentially from frame "parti" to "part2", then to "part3" and to "part4", however, according to your scenario, it skipped two frames at once - "part2" and "part3". With ActionScript, you can control the order in which Flash movie frames are played.

Source file: Nonlinear.fla

Let's look at another example. Using the same scheme, create small keyframes at the end of each part of the video. We will create scenarios that play not at the beginning of each part, but at its end.

In Fig. Figure 2.6 shows the structure of the movie, which includes four labeled key frames, as in the previous example, as well as four key frames at the end of each part of the movie. These untagged frames contain code.

Figure 2.6.The roller consists of four parts. Each part starts with a tagged keyframe and ends with an untagged keyframe containing a small script

The keyframe following "parti" contains the code:


The keyframe following "part2" contains the code:


The keyframe following "part3" contains the code:


The keyframe following "part4" contains the code:


When you start a video from the Nonlinear.fla file, the message “PART 1” appears on the screen. ActionScript then sets the movie to transition not to the "part2" frame, but to the "part3" frame. Thus, the video moves from the inscription “PART 1” to “PART 3”. Then, after the “part3” frame, the video returns to “part2”, and after that to “part4”. The entire video is played in this order: “PART 1”, “PART 3”, “PART 2” and “PART 4”. This sequence is then repeated.

With ActionScript, you've completely replaced the usual animation sequence with your own.

The above examples produce predictable results, but you have the option of using the gotoAndPlay command in other ways, such as in combination with buttons to give the user control over the order in which the movie plays.

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5.1. Installing codecs for playing MP3 and DivX 5.1.1. Why Fedora Lacks Support for Popular Media Formats Devs software that uses the MP3 and DivX codecs must purchase a license to use those codecs. That is why

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Adjusting the playback volume To adjust the playback volume, you can use the player's volume control or the Windows system volume control, which is present in the notification area of ​​the Taskbar. If you have this icon

From the book Adobe Flash. Create arcade, puzzle, and other games with ActionScript author Rosenzweig Gary

Playback options Let's look at some useful features of the output of the image reproduced by the Player. Full screen mode. Besides using the window preview Player, the image can be played in full screen

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26.5.6. Total control So far we have only considered system calls for working with queue messages, now we will consider system call msgctl(), designed to control the queue itself. int msgctl(int msgqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf); The first argument is the queue ID, the second -

From the author's book

26.6.3. Semaphore control To control a semaphore, use the semctl() system call: int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, union semun arg); The first argument is the semaphore identifier, the second is the semaphore number in the set of semaphores (numbering starts from 0). Unlike a message queue, where

From the author's book

Organizing a Movie The process of organizing a movie is more important for an Action Script programmer than for a Flash animator. Symbols in the library must be given meaningful names. If necessary, they should be systematized into catalogs. Layers on the main timeline

From the author's book

Preparing a video for publication Regardless of whether your video is a simple animation or a complex application, after you are finished working on it, you need to export it to a swf file. This can be done using the File command? Publish (File? Publish).Before that,

From the author's book

Lesson 15. Controlling clip playback Source file: Mcplayback.fla Clips are like small videos inside the main Flash video. They include a full timeline with layers, as well as most of the main video elements. Both the main Flash movie and clips

In this lesson we will look at how to create an amateur flash video on 1/3 of the screen (although the same technology can be applied to a full-screen video; the only difference is in scale). You can see what the video that was created specifically for this lesson looks like. This tutorial covers most of the effects used in the video above. Thus, after reading this lesson and studying the source FLA files, you will be able to create a similar video based on your photo collection.

Preparing to create a video

1. The first stage of creating a flash video is preparing the material. If you are creating a video on 1/3 of the screen, you should select a photo size of 480x360 with a visible area of ​​960x360 (that is, two photos of the specified size will fit on the screen). If you want to use three photos, the size of each of them must be 320x360.

2. The choice of musical accompaniment plays, perhaps, one of the most important roles when creating a high-quality and interesting flash video. Remember that the music should be in harmony with the images on the screen, so its selection should be taken very seriously!

3. And finally, the third stage is choosing a background for your video. You can, of course, use a plain (for example, black) background, but, in our opinion, this is less spectacular. In the example under consideration (“Sasha and Masha”), a “cloud” image is used as the background.

Working in Macromedia Flash

Selecting Workspace Options

1. Create new project by clicking on File => New or just on Ctrl+N.

2. In the menu Properties(it's at the bottom of the page) click on the button Size, where the default size is 550x400 pixels; in the window that appears, set the size to 960x360 and in the section Background Color set the color (black). The remaining settings remain unchanged (Fig. 1).

3. In the very first frame of the first layer (Layer 1) set the following settings:

A) Actions-Frame(located at the bottom of the page) => “+” => Actions => Browser\Network => fscommand. In the field that appears in the Commands for standalone player submenu, click on and select fullscreen . This script automatically expands your video to full screen;

b) we follow the same steps as in the previous paragraph, only instead of fullscreen we select showmenu; in the submenu Parameters change the value true to false. When watching a video, click on right button we will not see the mouse in the menu that appears following parameters: Zoom In, Zoom Out, 100%, Show All, Quality, Play, Loop, Rewind, Forward, Back, Print, that is, the video cannot be stopped and deformed (enlarged, reduced);

c) for the third time, following the same steps, select the trapallkeys script. It will block the Esc key, by pressing which you can minimize the video.

4. Create a Layer 2 layer by clicking on ( Insert Layer) in the submenu Timeline.

5. Select in the panel Tools(in the left top corner) tool Rectangle Tool(rectangle) or by pressing a key R(watch your keyboard layout!). Now in the created layer 2, click on the first frame and in the visible area of ​​the screen, with a magnification of 25%, draw black rectangles at the top and bottom, without going into the work area (for illustration in the figure, I highlighted it in dark gray). Now attention: Layer 2 should be the last layer in your video, and you need to duplicate frames until the end of the flash movie. This is necessary to achieve a roller effect on 1/3 of the screen, so that the photos do not go beyond the working area (Fig. 2).

Screensaver (author's presentation and video title)

At the beginning of the video there may be a brief presentation by its author. IN in this example The author's presentation consists of five layers.

Let's look at how this presentation was made:

a) create Layer 3. In its first frame, import the musical accompaniment (Nachalo.mp3) by clicking on File => Import or just on Ctrl+R and selecting required file. Next in the submenu Properties in point Sound select our imported file Nachalo, and in Sync Instead of the Event parameter, set Stream (Fig. 3).

So, our music appeared in Layer 3. Let's duplicate the frames to the end of the composition by right-clicking on the 144th frame of this layer and selecting Insert Frame(do not forget to do this operation with Layer 2);

b) now let's move on to the images. Having created Layer 4, we import the image we need (in this case Zastavka_001). Align it vertically and horizontally using the panel Align, which can be set by clicking on Windows => Align or just on Ctrl+K. Let's duplicate it up to the 97th frame;

c) after completing the operations below, you should get the following: Primer_1.swf (source: Primer_1.fla).

In Layer 5, draw a rectangle over the entire work area. Let's duplicate it up to the 60th frame. Right-click on any Layer 5 frame and select Create Motion Tween. On the 60th frame, click on the right mouse button and select Insert Keyframe(key frame) (Fig. 4).

Click on the first frame of Layer 5. Give this object an action by clicking on Modify => Transform => Free transform. Next, grab one of the squares at the corner of our rectangle and, while holding down Shift key, move the cursor to the center. The rectangle has become smaller. Now right-click on the name Layer 5 and select Mask. Actions on these layers are locked, but you can unlock them by clicking on the layer you want (in this case, Layer 4 and Layer 5). So we've just created a mask;

d) create Layer 6. Right-click on the 73rd frame and insert a key frame (Insert Keyframe). We import the image into this frame Zastavka_002; duplicate it until the 144th frame, that is, until the end of the splash screen;

e) the last layer of the presentation in question is the layer for creating a mask (Layer 7). The sequence is the same as in point “c”, with the exception of small changes in the transformation of the object (rectangle). So, in the 73rd frame we will draw a rectangle covering the text; Let's duplicate it up to the 97th frame. On the 97th frame, click on the right mouse button and select Create Motion Tween and make it a key frame (Insert Keyframe). In the 73rd frame, move the rectangle to the left so that it does not cover the text (Fig. 5).

Thus we created an action: moving the rectangle from left to right. Now, so that the movement of the rectangle occurs relative to the appearance of the text, right-click on the name Layer 7 and select Mask.

If you performed all these steps correctly, then you should have the following: Primer_2.swf (source: Primer_2.fla).

Effects used in the main part of the Flash movie

"Bright Appearance" effect:

Let's create Layer 1 and import the background into the first frame (in this case, clouds). Let's duplicate it up to the 20th frame. Insert a photo (foto_001) into the 1st frame of Layer 2, aligning it to the left ( Align left edge). Click on the right mouse button and select Create Motion Tween; Make the 20th frame a key frame (Insert Keyframe). Create an action: click on the 1st frame of Layer 2, then on the photo and in the lower submenu that appears Properties in point Color Instead of None, select Advanced (Fig. 6).

After clicking the button Setting A window appears where you need to set the parameters shown in Fig. 7.

As a result, your photo will appear impressively. The same steps can be done to make the photograph disappear; for this, the parameters shown in Fig. 7, apply for the 20th frame of Layer 2.

"The ripple effect":

Let's create Layer 1 and import the background into the first frame (in this case, clouds). Let's duplicate it up to the 20th frame. Insert a photo (foto_002) into the 1st frame of Layer 2, aligning it to the center (Align horizontal center), duplicate it up to the 20th frame. Import the same photo into Layer 3, also aligned to the center. Right-click on Layer 3 and select Create Motion Tween; Make the 20th frame a key frame (Insert Keyframe). On the 1st frame of Layer 3, click on Modify => Transform => Free transform. Next, click on one of the corner squares of this photo and, while holding down the key Shift, move the cursor up a little. As a result this photo will increase. Let's give it transparency as shown in Fig. 8.

So in the submenu Properties in point Color Instead of the None parameter, we select Alpha and instead of the 100% value (which is the default) we set it to 0%, that is, the photo will become completely transparent. Then we create a mask by drawing a rectangle the size of a photo in Layer 4. And finally, right-click on the Layer 4 name and select Mask.

Transformation effect:

In this section, we will look at several different photo transformations: horizontal rotation, vertical rotation, angled rotation, etc. So, let's create Layer 1 and import the background (in this case, clouds) into the first frame. Let's duplicate it up to the 100th frame. Insert a photo (foto_003) into the 1st frame of Layer 2, aligning it to the center (Align horizontal center), duplicate it up to the 100th frame. Right-click on Layer 2 and select Create Motion Tween. Then we make the 10th frame key (Insert Keyframe) and create an action by clicking on Modify => Transform => Free transform and holding one of the squares along the edges of the photo, turn the mouse cursor to the right to the angle we need (in this case, approximately 30?). We make the 30th frame the key one; click on Modify => Transform => Flip horizontal(photo rotated horizontally). Next, make the 50th frame the key frame, click on Modify => Transform => Remove transform(all actions performed on the photo disappear). Then on the 50th frame we carry out the following transformations: Modify => Transform => Flip horizontal, Modify => Transform => Flip vertical, that is, the photograph was first rotated horizontally and then vertically. And finally, make the 75th frame key (Insert Keyframe) and click on Modify => Transform => Flip vertical(photo rotated vertically).

1. In order for the video to look beautiful, the musical accompaniment must correspond to the video sequence. Try to convey the dynamics of the musical accompaniment through the rhythmic presentation of photographs, using various effects for this.

2. Don't be afraid to experiment with effects, especially using a mask. The more variety in effects, the more successful your video will be.

3. You can also embed text into the video that contains a semantic load that corresponds to the topic of your project. In some cases, this plays an important role in the perception of a flash film.