Cerebro target service. Cerebro Target - a service for collecting the target audience on VKontakte

Cerebro target service. Cerebro Target - a service for collecting the target audience on VKontakte

The very possibility of retargeting on VKontakte appeared a little over a year ago, however, during this time many services for its use have appeared. We have made a selection of such services for collecting retargeting databases for VKontakte and other social networks.

Cerebro Target

Cerebro is one of the most popular and powerful services for searching and collecting VKontakte audiences. In addition, the service is well suited for searching for small communities on a given topic. He is trusted by experienced SMM specialists. IN official group VK constantly post useful instructions, helping to work with the service more productively. Cerebro was recently updated to version 2.0. Main functions:

Price: For free ( paid version No).


Khitalama (formerly Shmakov Target) is a reincarnation of the old service from Sergei Shmakov. The functionality is divided into 2 categories:

  1. Collectors are simple collectors of IDs of community members who liked or shared a post, etc.
  2. Scenarios - searching for an active audience of a community (one at a time), intersections, searching for communities by key query and parsing IDs of community admins (list).

The service is still simple, but is being actively developed and modified. It is worth noting that it works quite quickly.

Price: 100 rub. per month (they give 7 days of demo access).


GetTarget - the service helps you look at collecting retargeting databases from a different perspective. Most of the tools in this area collect databases of users who have already joined the community; GetTarget, on the contrary, allows you to add groups that interest you and track “Newbies” and “Escapees” from them. These lists are updated daily and are available for download by ID list. In this way, you can collect a database of “fresh” users in the desired topic. Actually, the functionality of the service is limited to this.

Price: from 550 rub. per month (they give demo access without the ability to download the received data).

Segmento target

Segmento target is a full-featured service for searching for target audiences and creating retargeting databases. Works with VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram. For VK, the set of tools is standard (audience analysis and search). For Facebook and Odnoklassniki, so far, only tools for searching for active audiences of communities are available.

Price: from 200 rub. per month (full functionality is available on the “Advanced” tariff for 350 rubles per month).

Cloud Target

Cloud Target is a service for collecting community audiences. They position themselves as one of the fastest services in this area (all operations take place on their server). Extremely big choice settings and filters. Main functions:

  • Community search and statistics;
  • Community tracking (joined and left members);
  • Finding and gathering an audience;
  • Search profiles.

Price: 500 rub. per month (or 120 rubles per day of use).


VKRetargeting is a Windows program, not a service. Suitable for those who are used to doing everything “the old fashioned way” on their PC. The program provides the following features:

  • Parsing VKontakte user IDs from thematic communities;
  • Parsing VKontakte user IDs from posts from the walls of thematic communities;
  • Parsing VKontakte user IDs from discussions in thematic communities;
  • Checking VKontakte links for blocking and redirects.

Price: 600 rub. one-time

Cerebro is a service that allows you to find the target audience of VKontakte. The functionality of the service allows you to find even small active communities on the desired topic, select the hottest audience among subscribers, and parse friends of owners of popular VKontakte profiles. Gathering users who are ready for action allows you to save up to 80% of your advertising budget. The collected target audience databases can be used to set up targeted advertising on VKontakte.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the opportunities that the Cerebro Target service provides, we will look at how to register, how to use your personal account, and how to find and gather a target audience on VKontakte.

As such, there is no standard registration for the service; you can enter your personal account only using an existing VKontakte profile.

How to use the service

On the right side personal account Cerebro.rf has a menu with various functions. Each section is responsible for a specific functionality and is equipped with special detailed filters that allow you to parse communities or their members with specified parameters. Using Cerebro Target, you can find target groups, collect a list of profiles of popular people, members of thematic groups, top readers and commentators, discussion participants, and this is not a complete list of all possibilities. The assembled audience can be subjected to additional filtering by gender, marital status, presence of children, presence of an avatar, age, etc.

In this way, you can get the most targeted and ardent audience that best suits your product or service. Using the Cerebro Target service allows you to save up to 80% of the advertising budget when conducting targeted campaigns advertising campaigns. Let's consider all the possibilities of parsing and collecting target audience in more detail.

Audience Search

This section allows you to search for the target audience in groups and communities, form separate files with links or ID numbers that can be used later to collect friends or subscribers.

  • Groups with target audience— enter a link to the group, or upload a pre-prepared file with a list of groups, set a filter by the number of subscribers and click “Launch”.
  • Popular people— you can parse people within the community, only friends, only subscribers, or both.
  • User analysis— allows you to recognize and analyze the interests of the selected audience.

Community audience

This functionality is designed to collect and analyze members of groups or communities according to various criteria. This is the largest section of Cerebro; it allows you to configure point and detailed filters for collecting target audiences.

  • Community members— enter links to groups or communities, if you have an already parsed list, load it by selecting required file. Cerebro Target will parse people who are members of one or several target groups.
  • Top readersthis filter allows you to collect users whose profiles contain public pages that interest you in the top.
  • Top commentators— you can collect the authors of comments in the specified communities.
  • Community activities— the database will include people who have shown activity here or otherwise in the feed.
  • Friends of the audience— the database will include users who are friends of subscribers of the target communities.
  • Post audience— Cerebro will parse the profiles of people who liked, reposted or commented on posts. In the search bar you need to enter a list of posts one per line or upload a pre-prepared file.
  • Discussion— you can collect profiles of users who participated in discussions.
  • Photo albums— allows you to collect a list of users who were active in photo albums.
  • Group wall— you can directly collect the authors of publications in group feeds.
  • Events— you can collect event participants in a separate list.
  • Community contacts— allows you to collect into a list the profiles of people who are listed in your contacts.
  • Goods— the list will include profiles of users who commented, liked and reposted products.
  • Search by site availability— you can get a list of links to sites.
  • Videos— parses links to profiles of users who are active in video albums.


This section of Cerebro Target is designed to search and collect links to VKontakte groups and communities. These lists can subsequently be used to parse subscribers, parse friends of subscribers or their relatives. The search for communities is carried out using a keyword in the name; you can also configure the search by geographic location and limit the selection by country.

  • Community filter— allows you to filter communities by additional criteria. You can set filters by the date of the last post, activity, and the number of blocked users. Additionally, it is possible to set the age, gender and country for subscribers.
  • Search posts— Cerebro parses posts whose title includes a key phrase.

User Profiles

This section is designed to search for users using special filters, activity, and involvement. Allows you to parse relatives, couples, select people by date of birth, presence of an avatar, links to an Instagram profile, and so on. Let's look at the most interesting sections in more detail.

  • Friends and subscribers— the service allows you to collect friends, subscribers of friends, subscribers of certain groups into a separate database.
  • Relatives— the service will parse relatives according to different types of relationships, if they are specified in the profile settings.
  • Date of Birth— you can collect lists of profiles with a birthday in a specified period of time.

Database filter

This section of the Cerebro.rf personal account is designed to search for intersections of the audience or its segments. The “Audience Analytics” section allows you to get a more detailed portrait of your target audience with additional characteristics: geo, gender and age.

  • ID Conversionthis function allows you to convert links to IDs and vice versa.
  • Search by database— allows you to filter the received lists according to specified criteria. For example, find all users with a certain name or a certain age. It is also possible to set filters by gender, presence of children, and marital status. Additionally, you can set the criterion for adding to the database based on the date of the last login to the profile.

In this article I want to tell you how to find your audience on VKontakte using the Cerebro Target service.

Cerebro Target is one of the most functional tools for targeting on VKontakte. Cerebro Target gives you the following options: search for an audience by keywords, by interests, identifying active users of communities, the ability to collect users interacting with individual VKontakte posts, searching for thematic communities, searching for the user’s friends and others.

In the Cerebro Target interface, on the right in the tabs we have a choice of audience parameters and on the left, filters that can be applied to it.

Audience search section

In the “Audience Search” section, you can load popular communities in your topic area and find which other communities your audience is in. You can also find out the interests of your audience.

Community Audience Section

In the “Community Audience” section, you collect the ids of community participants. Using the tab, you can collect people subscribed to one or more thematic communities. Gather active users. You can also gather people who are listed in the community in the “contacts” block

Community Section

In the “Communities” section, you can collect links to communities based on specified parameters.

You can select communities by keywords, by city, by date of last post, etc.

User Profiles Section

In the “User Profiles” section, you collect user ids.

For example, you can gather friends of the birthday people.

You gather all the people living in Moscow and whose birthday will be in 2 weeks and save this audience. Then find friends who were active on the birthday page and gather them into an audience and show them an advertisement with a gift idea.

It is possible to apply various filters to the created audience.

Business community subscribers

For example, let's look at how to find subscribers for business-related communities.

1. To do this, go to the Communities section and select the Search for Communities tab

2. In the tab that opens, enter the word that is contained in the name of the groups that you need.

3. You can also select a country and city.

4. We indicate from how many and up to how many users there should be in the found groups.

5. Write the name of the parsing, we will have it when saving the file, this is convenient when you work in several tabs.

6. Click on the Search button.

After the search is completed, all found groups will be displayed in a list and their number will be indicated. IN in this example 626 groups found. All groups are sorted by number of subscribers.

In order to weed out groups in which nothing has been published for a long time, you need to click on the “Find dates of the last post” button.

Finding the dates of the last post takes on average about 3-10 minutes.

After searching, groups will be sorted by last post date.

You can remove groups that have not updated content on the wall for a long time.

You can also view communities. If you click on the name, you will go to the communities. If you wish, you can select only those groups that you need.

To do this, you need to uncheck the boxes next to those groups that do not interest you.

Once you have collected a list of communities, you need to find subscribers from these communities.

    To do this, go to the Community Audiences section

    Select the Activities tab

    Click on the Select file tab and select the previously saved file with links to groups.

    We select the number of activities, the default is 1. You can also add a condition to collect subscribers who are active in several groups, but this will greatly narrow your audience.

    You can also collect only subscribers with a certain type of activity or all activities together. The following types of activity are available: Likes, Reposts, Comments, Comment Likes.

    Name your audience

    And click on the Start button

The process of collecting active users can take a long time, it all depends on the number of groups and the parameters you choose. About 5 minutes to an hour.

After processing is complete, you need to click on the Save id to txt file button.

As a result, we collected people who are subscribed to business groups who showed at least 5 activities between January 2018 and April 2018.

Now you need to upload the saved audience to your advertising account in the Retargeting section in the audience tab. And you can start showing ads to a new audience.