File. File name presentation for a lesson on the topic

File.  File name presentation for a lesson on the topic
File. File name presentation for a lesson on the topic

Option 1

1.The file is:

2.The file name consists of two parts:

B) name and extension

3.The file name is:

A) operating system

B) processor

C) the program when it was created

D) user

4. The extension is assigned to the file:

A) the program when it was created

B) processor

B) user

D) operating system

5.The file name can include up to

A) 16 characters

B)254 characters

B) 256 characters

D) 255 characters

6. Allotted for expansion

A) 4 characters

B) 2 characters

B) 3 characters

D) 5 characters

7.In order for files to be stored on the disk, the disk must first be:

A) copied

B) formatted

B) deleted

D) difragmented

8.During the formatting process, the disk is divided into two areas:

A) name and extension

B) storage area and directory

B) RAM and cache memory

D) sectors and tracks

9.Single-level file system

10.Path to file

D) starts with the logical name of the disk, then writes down a sequence of names of folders nested inside each other, the last of which contains the desired file

A) to shell programs

D) applications

B) about the volume of the disk

14.Where the currently running program and processed data are stored

A) in external memory

B) in the processor

B) in RAM

D) on the output device

15.A directory is a place on a disk named and containing

B) files and other directories

B) only certain files

A) ALT+DEL keys

B) CTRL+DEL keys

B) when you turn on the computer

D) DEL key

17. The operating system is:

A) in numbers

B) letters and numbers

B) in Russian letters

D) in Latin letters

19.The root directory is

A) first top

B) the lowest

B) the most important

D) the biggest

20.The file path does not include...

A) disk name

B) directory name

B) team

21.The state of the operating system in which it stops producing results and responding to requests. - This ..

A) turning off the printer

B) looping

B) turning off the monitor

D) freezing


A) A:\DOC3

B) A:\DOC3\Doc3

IN) A:\DOC3\Doc1

G) A:\TOM3\Doc3

24.The application is

25.The application operates under control


B) processor

B) operating system

D) user

26. General purpose applications do not include:

A) graphic editors

B) custom editors

B) sound editors

D) text editors

Test on the topics “Files and file system”,

"Computer Software"

Option 2

1.The file name consists of two parts:

A) addresses of the first sector and file size

B) name and extension

C) file and directory storage areas

D) name and address of the first sector

2.The application operates under control


B) processor

B) operating system

D) user

3. The extension is assigned to the file:

A) the program when it was created

B) processor

B) user

D) operating system

4.The file name can include up to

A) 16 characters

B)254 characters

B) 256 characters

D) 255 characters

5.In order for files to be stored on the disk, the disk must first be:

A) copied

B) formatted

B) deleted

D) difragmented

6.The root directory is

A) first top

B) the lowest

B) the most important

D) the biggest

7.Single-level file system

A) a disk directory is a hierarchical sequence of file names

B) is a system of nested folders

C) when the disk directory is a linear sequence of file names and corresponding initial sectors

D) a disk directory is a geometric sequence of file names

8.The file is:

A) data storage area on disk

B) program or data stored in long-term memory

C) a program or data that has a name and is stored in RAM

D) a program or data that has a name and is stored in long-term memory

9.Path to file

A) starts with the logical drive name, then writes required file, then a sequence of names of nested folders

B) begins with a sequence of names of folders nested within each other, the last of which contains the desired file, then the logical name of the disk is written,

B) starts with the last folder in which the desired file is located, then writes the logical name of the drive

D) starts with the logical name of the disk, then writes down a sequence of names of folders nested inside each other, the last of which contains the desired file

10. Allotted for expansion

A) 4 characters

B) 2 characters

B) 3 characters

D) 5 characters

11.Choose the correct file name

12.Operating system refers to

A) to shell programs

B) to system software

B) to application software

D) applications

13.To organize access to files, the operating system must have information about

A) about the cluster numbers where each file is located

B) about the volume of the disk

D) about the number of files on the disk

14.During the formatting process, the disk is divided into two areas:

A) name and extension

B) storage area and directory

B) RAM and cache memory

D) sectors and tracks

15.Where the currently running program and processed data are stored

A) in external memory

B) in the processor

B) in RAM

D) on the output device

A) ALT+DEL keys

B) CTRL+DEL keys

B) when you turn on the computer

D) DEL key

17. The operating system is:

A) computer technical documentation

B) a set of devices and programs for general use

C) a set of basic computer devices

D) a set of programs that organize the control of the computer and its interaction with the user

18.Name logical drive denoted by

A) in numbers

B) letters and numbers

B) in Russian letters

D) in Latin letters

19.The file path does not include...

A) disk name

B) directory name

B) team

20.The state of the operating system in which it stops producing results and responding to requests. - This ..

A) turning off the printer

B) looping

B) turning off the monitor

D) freezing

21.The file name is:

A) operating system

B) processor

C) the program when it was created

D) user

22.Given a directory tree. Specify the full filenameDoc3.

A) A:\DOC3

B) A:\DOC3\Doc3

IN) A:\DOC3\Doc1

G) A:\TOM3\Doc3

23.During the loading process of the operating system, the following occurs:

A) copying operating system files from floppy disk to hard drive

B) copying operating system files from a CD to a hard drive

D) copying the contents of RAM to the hard drive.

24. A directory is a place on a disk named and containing

A) List of programs compiled by the user

B) files and other directories

B) only certain files

D) information about files (name, extension, date of last update)

25.The application is

A) a user who solves his application problems

B) a program with which the operating system solves its application problems

C) devices with which the user solves his application problems

D) a program with which the user solves his applied problems

26.General purpose applications do not include:

A) graphic editors

B) custom editors

B) sound editors

D) text editors

Option 1

B; actions By disorganization of functioning systems ... file; macroviruses; scripted; boot. 128. By ... computers, on which it is used software security ... files and deletes from file the body of the virus, returning files...subject) those, behind...

  • 1. The set of computers and software is called


    Components software provision computer are... 1) Monitor and supervisor 2) Processing programs and systems automation programming 3) Operating system And system programming...

  • The path to the file is very simple theme, which, nevertheless, drives most users into a stupor, especially those with a humanitarian mindset.

    In this article I will try to break down this topic, break it down “to the bones” in such detail and clearly that it becomes clear to absolutely anyone, even if he just sat down at the computer yesterday.

    Hopefully you already know what a file is. Therefore, we will not discuss this term here. And we will talk only about the path to the file.

    Looking ahead, I will say that there are two ways to get to the file - using either the full path to the file or a relative path. More on this a little later, but for now let’s look at the file name.

    File name in operating systems DOS/Windows consists of three parts:

    1. Title (name).
    2. Delimiter.
    3. Extension.

    Default in Windows extensions files are hidden, so you may not see them in Explorer. How to make them visible depends on the operating system.

    In the first versions of the operating system DOS systems The name (that is, the first part of the file name) could not be more than 8 characters long. This restriction has now been lifted. However, I strongly recommend not allowing files to be too long names. Because if the full path to the file (the full path will be discussed later) exceeds 255 characters, then you may encounter all sorts of troubles (especially in operating systems up to Windows XP).

    Full path to the file

    So, we figured out the file name. And that's already good. Now let's define what the full path to a file is.

    Let's start from the beginning. Where are the files stored? That's right - on disk.

    Therefore, the beginning of the path of any file is a disk (or some network resource, but this is a separate topic).

    The file can be stored directly on disk, or in some folder (directory, directories are different names for the same object - folder). Folders can be nested inside each other (like nesting dolls).

    That is, the full path of the file begins with the drive letter and ends with the file name. And between them there may be directory names. Directories in DOS/Windows are separated by a slash (\).

    For example, on drive C we have folder 000, and in this folder there is folder 010, and in this folder there is also folder 100. And already in folder 100 there is file 111.TXT. Then the full path to the file will be like this:


    Relative path to file

    This question is usually more difficult for beginners. Because people somehow poorly understand the theory of relativity))))

    Of course, relative file path is a much simpler topic than Einstein's theory mentioned above. Therefore, let's deal with it too.

    So, you can definitely determine the location of a file if you know the full path to it.

    However, it is not always convenient to use the full path because it is too long. And if now this is not so relevant for the user, then in the days of DOS and other similar operating systems, where it was necessary to work only in command line, this issue was a very, very big problem.

    Therefore, in order not to write the full path to the file in order to access it, they came up with such a thing as a relative path.

    First, let's remember about subfolders (directories).

    So, it all starts with the disk. Disk is the root directory. Root - because he is the first on the way, and there is nowhere to “grow” further. The disk is the root. And then trunks and branches (folders) grow, and leaves (files) grow on the branches.

    Accordingly, each folder has a parent (except for the root directory). But not every folder has children (that is, subfolders). What can you do - not everyone is lucky in love)))

    Therefore, each folder may (or may not) have child folders. And each folder (except the root directory) has parent folders.

    Therefore, in general, a folder can be a parent relative to its “children”, and a child relative to its “parents”.

    Everything here is like in life - you are someone’s child, and also someone’s parent (or you will be soon)))

    For your mother you are a child, and for your children you are a mother (or father).

    And now, finally, after long lyrical digressions, let’s move on to the relativity of paths. So let's look at our example again:

    C:\000\ 010 \100\111.THT

    Here is the catalog 010 is a child of directory 000, and it is also a parent of directory 100.

    When you work in the command line or in Explorer, you can only be in one folder at a time.

    For example, if you are working on the command line and are in folder 100 from our example, then to open the file 111.TXT you do not need to type the full path to the file - just write the file name.

    The file name in this case will be a relative path. That is, a relative path is part of the full path relative to the current directory.

    For example, you are in folder 010. That is, above are

    and below is the catalog

    Then the relative path to the 111.TXT file will be like this:

    This way you can move down relative to your current location.

    Is it possible to move up?

    Yes, you can.

    In order to move one step up (that is, to ) relative to the current directory, two dots are used..

    For example, if we are located here: C:\000\010\100, and in folder 010 we have file 011.TXT, then you can open it like this:

    And if in folder 000 we have file 001.TXT, then you can open it like this:

    How to specify the path to a file

    Let's return to the full path that we looked at above:


    If you have such folders and there is such a file in these folders, then you can enter this path in the command line, or write the path to the file in the address bar of Explorer and press ENTER. Then the file will open (if, of course, you have a program that can open it and the type of this file is associated with this program).

    The command line can be accessed using the WIN+R key combination or through the START-RUN menu.

    When you open the command line, you can enter a command directly into it (in our case, the command will be the path to the file) and press ENTER.

    If you are interested in tormenting yourself a little and imagining how people worked in DOS, then you can open the command interpreter. To do this, type CMD (for Windows 2000 and higher) or COMMAND (for Windows 95/98/ME) at the command line and press ENTER.

    A console will open (see figure), where you can have plenty of fun by entering various commands. True, for this you must know them - but that’s another topic...

    If something remains unclear, then again I refer you to the book Computer for Dummies.

    Invalid file path

    Surely, when working at your computer, you received a message that the file was not found, that the path was specified incorrectly, or something like that (see the figure above).

    The reasons for such errors may be the following:

    1. The file does not exist at the specified path.
    2. The specified path does not exist (for example, you specified drive D, but your computer does not have a drive with that letter).
    3. The file name contains invalid characters (each operating system has its own list of invalid characters).
    4. The file path is too long for the operating system to understand.
    5. The character encoding in the file path does not match the encoding installed in the operating system (this is mainly necessary for programmers - regular users rarely encounter such a problem).

    » [Informatics Exam][Ticket No. 9]

    File system. Folders and files. Name, type, path to the file.


    All programs and data are stored in the long-term (external) memory of the computer in the form of files.

    File is a certain amount of information (program or data) that has a name and is stored in long-term (external) memory.

    The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: the actual file name and the extension that determines its type (program, data, etc.). The actual name of the file is given by the user, and the file type is usually set automatically by the program when it is created.

    Different operating systems have different filename formats. In the MS-DOS operating system, the file name itself must contain no more than eight letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers, and the extension consists of three Latin letters, for example: proba.txt

    In the operating system Windows name the file can have up to 255 characters, and the use of the Russian alphabet is allowed, for example:
    Units of information.doc

    File system.

    On each storage medium (flexible, rigid or laserdisc) can be stored a large number of files. The order in which files are stored on the disk is determined by the installed file system.

    A file system is a system for storing files and organizing directories.

    For disks with a small number of files (up to several dozen), it is convenient to use a single-level file system, when the directory (disk table of contents) is a linear sequence of file names.

    If hundreds and thousands of files are stored on a disk, then for ease of searching, the files are organized into a multi-level hierarchical file system, which has a “tree” structure.

    The initial, root, directory contains subdirectories of the 1st level, in turn, in each of them there are subdirectories of the 2nd level, etc. It should be noted that files can be stored in directories of all levels.

    The path to the file.

    To find a file in the hierarchical file structure you must specify the path to the file. The path to the file includes the logical name of the disk, written through the separator “\”, and a sequence of names of nested directories, the last of which contains the desired file.

    For example, the path to the files in the figure can be written like this:


    Full file name.

    The path to the file along with the file name is called the fully qualified file name.

    Example of full file names:



    Operations on files.

    While working on files on a computer, the following operations are most often performed: copying (a copy of the file is placed in another directory); moving (the file itself is moved to another directory); deletion (the file entry is deleted from the directory); renaming (file name changes).

    Graphical representation of the file system.

    The MS-DOS hierarchical file system containing directories and files is represented in the Windows operating system through a graphical interface in the form of a hierarchical system of folders and documents. A folder in Windows is analogous to an MS-DOS directory. However, the hierarchical structures of these systems are somewhat different. In the MS-DOS hierarchical file system, the top of the object hierarchy is the root directory of the disk, which can be compared to the trunk of a tree - branches (subdirectories) grow on it, and leaves (files) are located on the branches.

    In Windows, at the top of the folder hierarchy is the Desktop folder. (The next level is represented by the My Computer, Recycle Bin and Network Neighborhood folders (if the computer is connected to a local network).

    Now let's talk about the file path. Let's assume that on drive C: we have a directory APRIL, and in it there is a file REPORT.TXT. The full path to the file includes the drive letter, a list of all subdirectories and the file name itself with extension. Path elements are separated by backslashes. In our case, the path to the file will look like this:


    If there is a TXT subdirectory in the APRIL subdirectory, and there is an INFO.DOC file in it, then the path will be as follows:


    Consider the file name. It consists of the name itself and the extension. The extension is used to determine the file type. The extension.TXT is usually used for text files. The system, when opening a file of a certain type, will launch the program associated with that file type and pass it the file to open. For example, if you open the REPORT.TXT file, the system will launch the Notepad program (since by default Notepad is associated with text files) and will load our file into it.

    Previously, the file name could be eight characters (or less) and the extension three (or less). The extension was considered to be the part of the file name after the dot. Now the situation has changed. The full file name (including path and extension) can be up to 260 characters long. It is clear that the longest file names can only be found in the root directory - 257 characters including the extension. Such files can no longer be copied to other subdirectories, since the maximum file name length will be exceeded.

    Now let's talk about expansion. Now the extension can consist of an arbitrary number of characters, the main thing is that the maximum file length is not exceeded. Typically, extensions of 1-5 characters are used. Now the extension is the part of the file name after the last dot. This is because previously the file name could not contain a dot, now there can be more than one dot. Here's an example:

    Long file name.Path to file.Working with files.doc

    In our case, the file extension is .doc - part of the name after the last dot. There are three points in total.

    The following characters cannot be used in file and directory (folder) names: / ? : * " >< |

    The first character is used to separate path elements, the second is used to separate elements network path, when a forward slash is used rather than a backslash. The colon is reserved to indicate the drive letter. Symbols? and * are used in file masks (now I’ll explain what they are). Quotes are used to specify file names that contain spaces, for example:

    "C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ProgramFile.dll"

    Symbols<, >, | are used in I/O redirection on the command line. You don't need to know what this is, although we'll cover the basic commands for working with files and directories on the command line in this chapter.

    What is a file mask? A file mask allows you to select a group of files. In this case, the symbols * are used (replaces an arbitrary number of characters) and? (replaces one specific character). Now let's figure out how masks work.

    Let's assume we have the following files in our directory:

    The *.doc mask will select all files, since all files have a .doc extension. The mask G7.doc (or G?.*) will select only the first two files, since they begin with the letter G, but the mask specifies that the name must contain only two characters: the first is G, and the second is an arbitrary one (this is what the character replaces ?).

    If you need to select all files that begin with the letter G, but the length of the file and its extension do not matter, you can use the G* mask. The mask G*.TXT selects all files that begin with the letter G and have the extension .TXT. But we don’t have such files, so nothing will be highlighted.

    The characters * and ? can be used in any part of the mask. For example, mask *.? will select all files whose extension consists of any one character. And the mask???.* will select files whose name contains three characters and whose extension is any.

    I think the principle is clear. File masks are convenient to use when searching for files, as will be shown below.

    Now imagine that you need to find a specific document. To do this, you need to know the box in which it is located, as well as the “path” to the document inside the box: the entire sequence of folders that need to be opened to get to the papers you are looking for.

    The second coordinate that determines the location of the file is the path to the file on disk. The path to a file is a sequence of directory names, starting from the root directory and ending with the one in which the file is directly stored.

    Here is a familiar fairy-tale analogy to the concept of “path to a file”: “There is a chest hanging on an oak tree, in the chest there is a hare, in the hare there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg, in the egg there is a needle, at the end of which is Koshcheev’s death.”

    The logical drive name, file path, and file name written down in sequence form the full file name.

    If shown in Fig. 2.1 file structure is stored on the C: drive, then the full names of some of the files included in it in the symbolism of the MS-DOS and Windows operating systems look like this:



    5. File allocation table

    Information about the file structure of the Disk is contained on the same disk in the form of a file allocation table. Using the OS file system, the user can sequentially view the contents of directories (folders) on the screen, moving down or up the file structure tree.

    In Fig. Figure 4.1 shows an example of displaying a directory tree on logical drive E: on a computer screen (left window).

    The right window shows the contents of the ARCON folder. ")then there are many files of different types. Hence, for example, it is clear that the full name of the first file in the list is as follows:


    From the table you can get additional information about the files. For example, the file dos4gw.exe is 254,556 bytes in size and was created on May 31, 1994 at 2:00 am.

    Having found an entry about the desired file in such a list, using OS commands, the user can perform various actions with it: initialize the program contained in the file; delete, rename, copy file. You will learn how to perform all these operations in a practical lesson.

    Rice. 4.1 Directory tree

    1. File types

    Executable files (programs).

    Configuration files containing parameters necessary for the program to operate.

    Library files containing descriptions of standard procedures that can be used by several programs at once.

    Documents - that is, certain sets of information created by the user (or computer) using programs.

    Regular files are actually a set of blocks on an external memory device that maintains a file system. Such files can contain both text information and binary information. The file system does not prescribe any structure to regular files, providing a user-level representation of a regular file as a sequence of bytes.

    Having regular files is not enough to organize hierarchical file systems. Requires directories that map file or directory names to their physical description. Directories are a special kind of files that are stored in external memory like regular files, but whose structure is maintained by the file system itself. Files-directories corresponds to a special type of file, in relation to which only a special set of system calls and commands can be executed.

    Special files do not store data. They provide a mechanism for mapping physical external devices into file system filenames. Each device supported by the system has at least one special file. When reading or writing to a special file, a direct call is made to the corresponding driver, the program code of which is responsible for transferring data between the user process and the corresponding physical device.

    As a rule, the user directly works with only two types of files: programs and documents. The former are used to create the latter. Although today it is very rare to find a program that fits in one file. That's why people talk today about software packages - that is, sets of different types of files that together form a program.