Why don't they write off the MTS subscription fee? How to find out why they withdraw money on MTS

Why don't they write off the MTS subscription fee?  How to find out why they withdraw money on MTS
Why don't they write off the MTS subscription fee? How to find out why they withdraw money on MTS

MTS clients have the opportunity to receive information about all the services they use, as well as data on their costs. Providing a report on the funds spent per day makes it possible to analyze and distribute them correctly. Perhaps the client has connected services that he does not use, but the debiting of funds continues, because they are active. There are several options for how to find out the latest debits on MTS.

Obtaining data on transactions performed during the day

Each MTS client can find out the latest debits from their account. For this purpose the following services are provided:

  1. Detailing of operations. The report shows calls, messages and other services used over a six-month period. You can request data in your personal account or at the customer service center. You must leave a corresponding request in the detailed details section. The answer comes to your personal account or to email. It is possible to independently choose the most convenient document format.
  2. "Today's expenses." Before you find out the last 5 write-offs on MTS, you need to dial the combination *152#. This service allows you to control funds written off during the day. This is especially true in cases where the client immediately discovered a leak of funds and wants to find out where and for what they were written off.

For customers interested in how to find out the latest money debits on MTS, it is enough to remember one number - *152#. It is relevant both within the region and in roaming. MTS company cares about its customers, therefore it provides data on recent actions absolutely free. The service is very convenient, as it helps to control the funds in the account and prevent them from being written off to unnecessary destinations. The client can refuse many services at any time and additional applications, as well as calls to expensive destinations.

As for detailed detailing, it allows you to make full analysis your mobile activity. It will take more time to receive it than in the case of how to find out the last five write-offs on MTS. Depending on the selected period, a table of outgoing and incoming calls, as well as messages and active services is formed. The cost of each service and the frequency of its use are indicated, which makes it possible to calculate all costs for mobile communications. Both operations are very useful and convenient.

From time to time, mobile phone owners have to deal with the problem of reducing Money On account. Often, when contacting the specialists of a company providing communication services or viewing the details, it turns out that a number of options are activated on the number that subscribers have never even heard of. Most additional newsletters and packages offered by mobile operators, such as MTS, are paid. For some, the subscription fee can be charged every day, for others - once in a certain period.

Noticing small changes in balance that occur on a daily basis is not so easy. Payment per period (some amounts may exceed 100 rubles) attracts more attention from the subscriber. Periodic MTS services - what they are, how they are connected, what actions should be taken to deactivate, how to check what is activated on a number - we will consider all these and other questions in this article.

What is meant by “recurring services”?

The mobile operator MTS has a wide variety of options and additional services in its arsenal. Some of them are included in the basic category and are provided without subscription fee(possibly even without an activation fee), the use of others is subject to a fee. These may include:

  • various newsletters (news, entertainment, adult categories, etc.);
  • service packages (minutes, megabytes, SMS and MMS);
  • Additional services, allowing you to get discounts on communication services, for example, when you are in roaming, Internet without restrictions, etc.

Periodic services mean those options, mailings or packages that are valid for a specific period of time (for example, within a month). As a rule, these are some kind of promotional services or offers. Funds can be written off for them either daily (the payment amount represents the average value calculated from the total cost in proportion to the days in a month or week) or one-time, for example, upon connection.

The full list of MTS services can be viewed on the official portal mobile operator in the appropriate section.

How can I disable periodic services?

The subscriber has the opportunity to independently disable periodic MTS services. What does this mean? Most services are managed through mobile phone: SIM card menu, USSD requests, Internet self-service system. If you cannot get rid of unnecessary services using these methods, you should contact the employees of the mobile operator company (by phone or in person, in the office). To deactivate the options, you will have to go through identification procedures: by phone - clarify the details of the owner of the number, as well as his passport; in the office - present an identification document.

How to view services on MTS that are connected to a number

If the subscriber has doubts about where the funds are going from the account, and there are suspicions that any additional services are connected, you should find out whether they are justified. For this you can use any in a convenient way: via mobile phone, Internet, with the help of an employee of a company providing communication services. The most convenient option viewing the status of the number and managing connected options and services is the user’s “Personal Account”. Here you can get full information and get a list of MTS services that are activated for this subscriber.

View services via the Internet

In order to use this method, you need to visit the official resource of the MTS company and go to your “Personal Account” (you must have a mobile phone at hand). On the main page of the site, in the right top corner, click on the “My MTS” icon and enter the required data. All information on the number will be reflected in the “Personal Account”. In the “Services” section, you can check the currently activated services and subscriptions. Not only the available options, but also the options available for the number are displayed here. How to refuse MTS services through the “Personal Account”? Opposite each option, control commands are available - “activate” and “deactivate”.

Receive information about services by mobile phone

If it is not possible to visit the user’s “Personal Account” on the Internet, then you can quickly obtain data using a USSD request. The information will be sent to the subscriber in the form of SMS. The cost of MTS services activated on the number will also be indicated in the text notification along with combinations for disabling them. To use this method of obtaining information, you must c mobile number dial the sequence of characters: *152*2# (if the command does not work, you can also try *152#). Subscriptions on a number are checked using the command *111*919#, which allows you to manage them (disconnect/connect).

How to refuse MTS services through customer service

Another way to find out which periodic MTS services (what they are, we explained earlier) are activated on a number is to call the subscriber service at 0890. After connecting, you can use the automatic one and find out the necessary information. To dialogue with a customer service employee, press “0”. Do not forget to prepare the passport data of the number owner, otherwise the data may be refused, since information regarding a specific number is provided only to the owner of the SIM card.

Useful MTS services

Among the company's offered options you can find paid services MTS, which can be really interesting and useful. Among them, we can highlight the ability to talk “in minus” (the “On Trust” option, provided free of charge). The minimum threshold is 200 rubles, the maximum is the amount of expenses per month x 1.5. It is provided to subscribers without prior connection. If necessary, you can refuse it.

“Promised payment” (MTS) is another service that can help out in a situation where there is no money in the account, but it is necessary to use communication services. You can borrow up to 800 rubles for three days from a mobile operator (the service is provided for a fee, the amount of payment depends on the amount of the promised payment). Activation is possible by command *111*123#.

For lovers of long calls, there are various packages with the number of minutes included and providing discounts on certain destinations. To surf the Internet with mobile device You can also select an option, for example “Bit” (75 MB/day free for a subscription fee of 150 rubles/month), etc.

Sending a request *110*subscriber number# will allow you to send to the right person a request to call back when there are no funds in the account required for the call. A request to top up the balance of your number can be sent to another MTS subscriber using the command *116*subscriber number#.


Periodic services of MTS - what are they: useful services or just a way to receive money from subscribers who do not need it? This question can be answered differently in each specific case. All clients of mobile operators should regularly check the list of services that are activated on their numbers in order to avoid misuse of funds. The list of options available for use includes a lot of useful and worthwhile ones, for example, “Promised payment” (MTS), which will not allow you to remain without communication if you lack funds. If it is impossible to independently determine why money is being written off from an account and the above methods did not help to find out why money is being withdrawn, it makes sense to contact specialists contact center mobile operator. Specialists will not only help explain whether there are any paid services on the number, but will also help to disable them. You can also contact the company office staff for help.

The provider charges for the service phone number or the option of a fixed-size subscription fee, depending on the connected tariff. If you do not deposit money on time, the operator will forcefully block the SIM card. Therefore, you need to know what date the subscription fee on Megafon is debited in order to deposit funds on time. In this article we will analyze the available methods to find out the write-off date.

Rules for charging subscription fees

According to the standard, the subscription fee is charged every thirty days. Money is withdrawn from the balance on the day of activation. If at this moment the user does not have enough funds, the operator has the right to suspend service of the number until the debt is repaid.

Some contracts or optimization services charge money for each day of work. Typically, debits occur at the beginning of each day. If the SIM card is blocked, then ongoing fees will not be charged until the user returns to the mobile network.

Methods to find out the write-off date

It is important to know the date when the subscription fee is charged in order to replenish the balance in time. Let's consider existing methods for obtaining the necessary information.

In your personal account

Any Megafon subscriber has access to the personal account service. The main menu of the portal contains information about the remaining packet data in current month and current balance sheet.

To check when the next payment will be debited for tariff plan, go to your personal account settings. Open the detail tab and the display will show all the expenses and financial transactions completed over the past month.

A similar algorithm can be repeated in the My Megafon mobile application. It is fully synchronized with personal account user. To start, please register.

Attention! An active network connection is required to perform the tests.

Query "My latest expenses"

The provider has a team in the USSD service that provides the subscriber with accurate information about the latest expenses from the phone number. To do this, enter the sequence of numbers *512# on the call screen. The display will show statistics about expenses for five past actions. This method will help if no more than five days have passed since the subscription fee was charged. Otherwise you will not be able to view the information.

Call tech. support

If you have forgotten the date, when and at what time the scheduled monthly payment will be written off, request a certificate from Megafon specialists. Call service technical support users – 0500. No money will be charged for communicating with the operator. Wait for the employee's response and voice the question in detail.

Now subscribers will have to pay 9 rubles/day, which translates into 270 rubles monthly. The payment was introduced secretly, there are no notifications on the official website. In return, clients of the MTS operator are provided with 100 MB of traffic daily.

Introducing a subscription fee on tariffs without a subscription fee is complete savagery. It is in this spirit that MTS has updated its tariff plan “ Super MTS" In appearance, nothing criminal appeared here - the prices remained the same. But for some reason the essence of the changes is hidden from prying eyes.

How the Super MTS tariff has changed

“Super MTS” is aimed at those who communicate within the network. In the previous version, subscribers received 20 minutes daily free calls to local intranet numbers and landline numbers. Next, per-minute pricing was included - 1.5 rubles/min for MTS, 2.5 rubles/min for other local mobile and landline phones. Calls to MTS Russia numbers were charged at 5 rubles/min. Intercity travel across Russia is expensive – 14 rubles/min.

In the new version, prices remain the same, but a subscription fee is introduced for the mandatory “Everything is Super” option in the amount of 9 rubles/day. There are no notifications on the official website, it is published there old version tariff. Changes are visible only in detailed description. The essence of innovations:

  • The traditional 20 minutes of free communication have disappeared.
  • A subscription fee of 9 rubles/day has been introduced for the “Everything is Super” option.
  • A daily fee for non-use of the number has appeared - 3 rubles / day.

Previous 20 free minutes were replaced with unlimited, but only if you use the “Everything is Super” Internet option with a mandatory subscription fee. Disable the option and say goodbye to unlimited.

The Super MTS tariff plan has indeed become more expensive, despite the absence of any significant changes in the numbers. Previously, people did not pay a subscription fee and communicated for 20 minutes a day completely free of charge. Believe me, two dozen minutes is enough for most subscribers. Now they are deprived of this opportunity - either connect “Everything is super”, or pay for ALL calls by the minute. Once you connect the option, unlimited access is enabled, but what if you don’t need traffic at all?

Basic Internet prices are now 25 rubles for every 20 MB of Internet traffic spent. This is cheaper than 9.90 rubles/MB, but is not profitable for those who use mobile internet With simple phone, spending no more than a couple of megabytes per day. Thus, a new version tariff plan became not the most profitable. But old subscribers are lucky - the innovations do not apply to them, they are aimed only at new MTS customers.

The “Everything is super” modifier option provides subscribers with mobile traffic in the amount of 100 MB/day. It also activates a 100% discount on local calls mobile MTS and city numbers. The discount works in a similar way when traveling around Russia, extending to the same calls in the subscriber’s territory. If you need to disable the option, dial the USSD command *111*249*2#. Reconnection is carried out using the command *111*249*1#. The subscription fee is charged regardless of whether the subscriber uses the Internet or not.

The fee for non-use of the number is also charged if the above option is enabled on the number - this is the height of arrogance on the part of the operator.

_______________________________Hi all!_______________________________

Today I want to tell you about the mobile application on Android - My MTS.

This application can be downloaded for free from the Play Store.

But, I’ll start with a short introduction.

Since, back in the fall of last year, I purchased a Huawei P10 phone with a slot for two SIM cards, I decided to install an MTS SIM card, “just in case.”

At the same time, I did not plan to use the SIM card on a permanent basis, so I checked all the details about the terms of the tariff at the communication salon.

My tariff plan is Smart Unlimited. According to its terms, a daily subscription fee of 12 rubles is provided. 90 kopecks, i.e. 387 rub. per month.

The employee of the communication salon assured me that 12.90 is the maximum amount by which the account can go negative. But no matter how it is...

So, the preface is over, now let's move on to consideration mobile application My MTS, and how I identified the discrepancy between the words of the MTS salon employee and the actual situation.

This is what the application icon looks like in my phone's programs. The icon has long been familiar to everyone, a white egg on a red background.

When we open the application, we are greeted by a splash screen. The application does not ask for a password.

After downloading the application we are taken to home page where the main balances for service packages, phone number and balance amount are reflected.

And this is what the application menu looks like.

The menu has all the necessary sections with which you can get a fairly large amount of information.

But, to be honest, everything is quite confusing, there is too much of everything. In addition to the main set of sections, there are quizzes, games, and cashback, everything is in abundance.

By clicking on the "expense control" button we can view expenses for last days and set the period for which the report is required.

Here's a countdown of my spending over the last 30 days.

And here is the report for the current June.

Reports are generated quickly, literally in seconds. It is also possible to view expenses not in monetary terms, but as a percentage, but I do not use this opportunity.

Well, now let's return to my case again.

I topped up my account on June 18 with 15 rubles. Balance: 5.65 rub. Conveniently, the application even reflects the time when funds are credited.

The operator at the MTS communication store assured me that the account could not go into the negative by more than 12.90.

And again I open the My MTS application and see this picture:

The operator charged a double subscription fee in one day.

Again using the application, I decided to call hotline MTS. I had to wait more than 10 minutes for the operator to respond.

The application allows you to write to MTS, but only via mail, which is not convenient. Why is there no online chat?!

And, as it turned out, I waited 10 minutes in vain.

Well done MTS! Everything is so well organized with them, it’s sickening sometimes!

The whole point turned out to be that I (June 18) topped up the account too late (at 18:22) and the operator wrote off the current minus from the account + the fee for the 18th and + the fee for the 19th.

Total, for using MTS services from 18:22, June 18 to 02:12, June 19, i.e. not a full 8 hours, I paid 35.15 SUBSCRIPTION fee.

Not bad business! Thanks MTS!

And thanks for the useful application that allows you to track the movement of funds in your account.

The screenshots above show that instead of 387r. per month, I paid only 129 rubles. (for days of use), so MTS decided to “get rich”... To return the lost profit...

I give the application a C, for a bunch of unnecessary stuff and advertising, if I more or less figured out what was what, then my mother immediately “got lost” and clicked on everything. But I will recommend it for use, since using the My MTS application you can track in detail the moments and amounts of funds debited.