How to upload a video in maximum quality on Youtube? There is no hd quality on the YouTube android application.

How to upload a video in maximum quality on Youtube?  There is no hd quality on the YouTube android application.
How to upload a video in maximum quality on Youtube? There is no hd quality on the YouTube android application.

Greetings blog site visitor!

How to increase the quality of videos when viewed on YouTube video hosting. Everyone probably noticed that, sometimes watching a video, its quality can change and for the worse, you will learn how to avoid this by reading this article.

You will also understand why the video slows down and what needs to be done for comfortable viewing without any freezes. You will also learn what annotations are and why it is better to disable them, and as a bonus, I will provide an overview of YouTub hotkeys.

Improve video quality

In fact, everything is very simple, I think many people were able to get rid of this problem on their own. The fact is that the default settings have the Auto Adjust view mode, which is the whole problem of the quality of the video.

In order to change the quality of the video on YouTube, you need to click on the gear, a window will open where you just need to rearrange the checkbox.

If it is set to 720, then the video will be shown in HD quality. But if slow Internet given format it just won't pull so play around with the settings maybe for you optimal solution still remain Autotune.

How to get rid of freezes

Well, for those whose video constantly hangs, you should once again enter the settings, perhaps there is the most a high resolution hd change it to auto.

If it doesn’t help, try experimenting from 360 to the minimum 144. I advise you to definitely read the article “”, it will also help you deal with the problem when viewing.

Disable annotations

Annotations and alerts are information from the author of the video that supplements his video with text blocks or links to his other video.

Very often, all this looks intrusive, covering the entire visible part of the video, thereby interfering with viewing, sometimes even annoying with such obtrusiveness.

To turn it off, you need your profile (you must have it) in the upper right corner, click on the avatar, after we open the window on the gear.

In the menu that opens, select the Playback item, where we uncheck the Show video annotations and alerts checkbox. Don't forget to save your actions.

Hot keys YouTube

F - expand to full screen.

J - rewind 10 seconds.

L - rewind forward 10 seconds.

M - turn on mute sound.

Home or zero to start over.

Key + – adds subtitle font size.

Key - - decreases the font size of subtitles.

Numbers from 1 to 9 - jump from 10% to 90% forward.

Space key - pause.

End key - jump to the end.

like this simple actions you can improve the quality of the video on YouTube or, on the contrary, reduce it based on the speed of your Internet connection. That's all I have for today everyone!

When watching a video on YouTube, you can change the quality of the video, and you can also set it in your account so that the most high quality on YouTube when you turn on the video.

Setting the quality when watching a video

If it seems to you that you have poor video quality on YouTube, then to improve the quality on YouTube, you need to click on the settings button in the form of a gear.

Watch youtube in hd quality

In the appeared context menu In the "Quality" section, select the desired quality from the drop-down list. Within a second, the quality will change and you will be watching YouTube videos in good quality.

Adjusting video quality through an account

In order to watch in good quality immediately when you turn on the video on YouTube, you need to do the following. First you need After registering on YouTube, go to your account. A settings button in the form of a gear will appear next to the "Add Video" button. Click on this gear.

Youtube quality setting

In the context menu that appears, select " YouTube settings". The account settings page opens.

Youtube account settings

In the left menu, click on the "Playback" item. On the page that opens, in the paragraph called “Improve playback quality”, put a dot at the item “Always select best quality for my connection and player size" and check the box next to "Always play HD videos in full screen".

On youtube bad quality change to HD

Video from YouTube to android tablet ah and smartphones are watched by all users. But the quality of this very viewing suits far from everyone and not always, especially if there are problems with communication in the process.

In fact, this situation is perfectly familiar to everyone who has a smartphone or tablet: just went to YouTube and launched a video, a rotating ring appears on the screen, killing both the process of downloading a file and all the desire to watch it.

It's infuriating. But nothing can be done. Was. Until recently. Now there is an adequate method of dealing with this phenomenon.

How before? When playing videos from YouTube on an Android device, the user could change only one single parameter in the settings - video quality, i.e. you could choose either HD or leave everything as it is, and then YouTube allegedly automatically selected the settings that should optimally match the technical capabilities of the device and / or the available communication channel.

It is clear that the pleasant and the useful were not always combined, hence all sorts of slowdowns and problems during playback. But that is already in the past.

Obviously, someone at Google decided that in an era of ubiquitous WiFi and a buoyant 4G LTE network, Android users could be given more freedom in choosing the quality options with which they can watch videos on their phones. mobile devices. One way or another, but the other day YouTube was updated, and now the resolution of videos in it can change not only from ordinary computers, but also from tablets.

Why and how to do it?

Well, here's just one simple example. Imagine that you watch YouTube videos on an Android tablet not through the usual (and high-quality) home or office WiFi, and not even through the fashionable and expensive foreign 4G LTE, but through the 3G connection of one of the domestic telecom operators, moreover, being in an area where there are few people and it is absolutely not necessary to wait for records in data transfer speed from an available communication channel. Represented?

Now try to predict how much of your time you will spend contemplating a mindlessly spinning wheel on the screen of your new Galaxy Note PRO, Sony Tablet or Lenovo Yoga? That's the whole answer ... (by the way, here's the price of tablets in the online store).

And in order not to overheat the nervous system, you just need to update your mobile youtube app. Further work with video playback settings is extremely simple.

Open the application and go to the settings menu (3 dots - in the right upper corner screen) and in the drop-down window we observe only three icons: letters SS (closed caption, i.e. subtitles), Gadget(Settings- settings) and checkbox (Flag Video— See later).

Click " Settings» and see the list of available options. Google now allows you to choose the resolution at which you can play the video (just like regular YouTube - 144p, 240p, 480, 720p or 1080p HD, depending on the original file settings).

Those. now you can personally determine the trade-off between the download speed of the file and the quality of the picture on the screen. Simply put, in order not to download huge FullHD (which, moreover, not every tablet will show) via 3G, you can stop at quite decent 480 points, with which YouTube videos on an Android tablet and / or smartphone are guaranteed to load without problems.

To be fair, we note that mobile applications with similar functionality from third-party developers on the Web abound, and many Android users have been using them for a long time and successfully.