How to show hidden files in Windows 7. How to set the visibility of hidden files and folders in Windows

How to show hidden files in Windows 7. How to set the visibility of hidden files and folders in Windows

Most often hidden are system files and folders. The operating system makes such files hidden for security purposes, because the user can, through carelessness or ignorance, delete or change any of the files necessary for the normal functioning of the system as a whole, which can lead to serious consequences: from errors to complete system collapse. By hiding files, Windows protects itself from preventing the user from ever having such a temptation.

Some applications and programs sometimes hide their files from users for the same reason. Users themselves hide their own files and folders when they do not want anyone to find this data.

A hidden file differs in appearance from a regular file. When the system displays hidden files and folders, you can see that the icons of hidden folders or the names of hidden files appear translucent.

How to See Hidden Files and Folders in Windows XP

Display hidden files and folders in two ways - through the “Control Panel” or through “Windows Explorer”.

1. Display via the “Control Panel”. You need to go to the “Control Panel”, this is done through the standard “Start” menu: “Start” - “Control Panel”. In the window that opens top menu Click on the “Tools” item and click on “Folder Options” in the drop-down menu. A properties window will open in which you need to select the “View” tab. In this tab, in the additional settings window, select “Hidden files and folders” and check the box next to “Show hidden files and folders”. Save the changes - click “Apply” and “OK”.

2. Display via Windows Explorer. Go to Explorer: double click open the “My Computer” item, or simultaneously press Win keys and E. In the top menu of the explorer, select “Tools” and then proceed in the same way as the first point: select “Folder Options”, then “View”, look for the item “Hidden files and folders”, click “Show hidden files and folders”, “ Apply", "Ok".

After the manipulations have been carried out, files and folders hidden until this moment become visible to the user and can be worked with in the same way as with regular files. However, there is a way to work with hidden files and folders without making them visible on the system. They can be searched and opened using any file manager, for example using the popular Total Commander.

To do this, open the file manager, select the “Configuration” item, click the “Settings” section. A settings window will open, consisting of two parts. On the left side of the window, look for the “Panel Contents” item. By clicking on it, we see a list of options on the right side of the window, among which we look for “Display files” and check the box next to “Show hidden/system files”, then click “Apply” and “Ok”.

It happens that the Windows operating system hides some of its folders from users by making them hidden. For example, having picked up a virus in the Host file, it happens that it becomes invisible. More precisely, the Host file itself is visible, but its duplicate, which seems to complement it, is hidden from view. And to view it you need to configure the display of hidden files.

In this article we will look at 3 ways to open hidden folders And Windows files 7 or vice versa hide them. This is done very simply.

METHOD 1. Open some window with folders, and in the left top corner Find the “Arrange” tab. In the menu that opens, select the line “Folder and search options”

In the folder settings window that opens, select the “View” tab at the top. Find the item “Show hidden files, folders and drives” and mark it with a dot

Click the “Apply” and “Ok” button. All is ready.

METHOD 2. Again open some window in Windows Explorer with folders and files. Press the “Alt” key. An additional panel will appear in the upper left corner.

In the additional panel, select the “Service” tab and then in the drop-down menu select the line “Folder Options”

And again we get to the settings window, where we first select the “View” tab and then “Show hidden files”

METHOD 3. This viewing method is suitable for those who have the Total Commander program installed

So, open the Total Commander program.

In the top panel, select the “Configuration” tab

In the settings window in the left panel, select “Panel Contents”

On the right side, check the box R12; Show hidden/system files (advanced only)

Click the “Apply” and “Ok” button

Here are three simple ways folder browsing!

In this article I would like to show you how to see hidden files and folders in Windows 7. In Windows this function disabled by default. The fact is that users can unintentionally change the contents of a file or even delete something that is hidden and allows the OS to work, as a result of which the functionality of Windows can be disrupted.

For system security purposes, this is useful, but this function is used by attackers to write malware, harming your computer and preventing them from being detected. But we will talk about this a little later. From this we can draw a small conclusion that the visibility of hidden files and folders has its advantages. Moreover, if you have your hidden folder on your computer, you need to learn how to enable hidden folders.

There are several ways to get to the folder settings where you can enable hidden files and folders in Windows 7, let's look at them.

Enable hidden packages via my computer

Opening My computer, click on the drop-down menu Organize > Folder and Search Options

IN open window My computer, press Alt key and choose from context menu Service and onwards Folders settings

In the Folder Options window that opens select View, from the list Extra options we go down the list and look for Hidden files and folders, put a tick on the item Show hidden files, folders and drives and click OK.

Folder settings via control panel

Click Start > Control Panel, Further select Design and personalization, next select Show hidden files and folders

The Folder Options window will open, in this window you also need to go down to the bottom of the list, find hidden files and folders, and check the box next to the item Show hidden files, folders and drives and press OK.

Having completed these manipulations, hidden files and folders will be displayed on your computer.

show system files in windows 7

In order to show system files, you need to uncheck the box next to the item in the folder options window Hide protected system files (recommended).

WARNING: For stable operation of the Windows 7 operating system, it makes sense to uncheck this box only experienced users. Otherwise, you risk disrupting performance by inadvertently deleting system files or system folders.

Sometimes there is a need to make available hidden files or folders, display them, make them visible. Let's look at how to do this in the Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems (in Windows Vista and 8 similarly). The "Folder Options" window itself in all Windows versions the same, only the method of opening this window is different.

How to show hidden folders and files in Windows 7, Vista

Let's go to Control Panel (via menu Start). Select an item Folders settings . If not found, then in the upper right corner of the Control Panel there is the word "View:" and next to it you can select a display option: "Category", "Large icons", "Small Icons". Choose one of the last two options. Now you will definitely find the item you need Folders settings .

After that in all operating systems ah, a window will open in front of you where you can configure display hidden folders and files. Further, the procedure will be the same, despite minor differences in appearance windows

Go to the tab View. Under the inscription Extra options there is a list of parameters that can be checked. Scroll this list down to the end. We put a point opposite "Show hidden files, folders and drives" , uncheck "Hide protected system files" (here the system will issue a warning, we answer Yes). Click "Apply" And "OK" .

All is ready. That's it hidden and system folders and the files are displayed like usual. When the need for this disappears, you can go to Folders settings and on the tab View press "Restore defaults" .

How to show hidden folders and files in Windows XP

Method 1. Opening Conductor(or My computer ). In the upper left corner we look for the standard menu bar (File, Edit, View...). Click Service - Folder properties... .

Method 2. Opening Control Panel (via menu Start), select Folder properties . If you do not find this item, then on the left you need to click "Switch to Classic View".

Windows developers have provided many ways to protect the OS from illiterate user actions - for example, hiding important files from view, the deletion of which may require complete reinstallation systems. However, in many cases, users still need to open hidden folders in Windows 7.

Purpose of hidden files

The function of hiding important elements appeared along with the first operating systems and was initially used only by developers. In later versions of Windows and MacOS, the ability to remove your own files from public access appeared among users. Most often this option is used for the following purposes:

  • hide personal information from colleagues who have access to a computer;
  • protect children from age-inappropriate content;
  • make invisible folders that are on this moment are not needed so that they do not interfere with work.

To protect important information, you can set a password on the folder, but this method has two significant drawbacks: firstly, a closed directory can be hacked, and secondly, the presence of a password does not protect against the possibility of deletion.

Therefore, hiding folders is one of the most effective methods for ensuring data safety.

System folders in a tester's work

Beta testers are users who voluntarily take part in testing earlier versions software and operating systems. Such users are faced with the task of identifying possible errors in the functioning of the test object and reporting them to developers. During the installation process of the software under test, a huge number of hidden folders are created, the contents of which are necessary for conducting checks and generating reports:

View invisible directories

Information on how to see hidden folders in Windows 7 may be useful not only to a tester, but also to an ordinary user. You can view them in two ways: by changing the corresponding system settings or using special applications.

System settings

The easiest way to enable the display of hidden files is in the Folder Options menu. To enter it, you need to perform the following operations:

You can also access the options menu by opening any folder and pressing the Alt key. After this, an additional panel will appear at the top of the screen, where you will need to select the “Service” item and open the corresponding category in the drop-down menu.

Third party software

You can show hidden folders in Windows 7, as in most operating systems of this family, using the file Total manager Commander. To do this you will need to perform very simple manipulations:

All the methods described will allow you to view both hidden folders on Windows 7 and files created by the system or users on removable drives. However, it is necessary to remember that thoughtlessly changing system information can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, including the need to completely reinstall the OS.

Creating secret folders

As already mentioned, creating directories invisible in Explorer is an almost win-win way to protect confidential information from prying eyes. Therefore, it is very useful to know not only how to open hidden files on a flash drive or HDD drive, but also how to hide them yourself.

Most easy way To make a folder invisible is to change its properties:

  1. Right-click on the directory you want to hide and go to the “Properties” section in the pop-up menu.
  2. In the window that opens, check the box next to the “Hidden” attribute.
  3. Click on the “Other” button and uncheck the “Allow file contents to be indexed...” item.
  4. Confirm the changes made by pressing the “Apply” and “OK” keys.
  5. Any in a convenient way go to the “Folder Options” menu, check the “Do not show hidden files...” attribute and apply the settings.

After performing the described manipulations, the marked directory will no longer be displayed in Explorer. Of course, the method also has disadvantages - after all, making a folder visible is just as easy as hiding it.

Hide important information can help and special utilities- for example, free and easy to use using Free Hide Folder:

  1. Download, install and run the program, enter the password you created earlier and confirm it.
  2. Click the "Add" button and specify the path to the directory you want to hide.
  3. Click OK.

Information hidden in this way cannot be found, even if you enable the display in the system settings invisible files. The only way to restore access to it - open the utility again, enter correct password, select a hidden directory and click the “Unhide” button. Before hiding files in this way, you need to take care of creating backup copy- this is necessary in order to accidental deletion program, you have not lost any data.

All ways to open hidden files on Windows 7 are extremely simple and understandable even for inexperienced users.

But you need to remember that important system folders are usually invisible, and to work with them you need to be clearly aware of your actions and understand the possible risks.