How to disable T9 on Nokia Lumia 800. How to disable T9 on Android

How to disable T9 on Nokia Lumia 800. How to disable T9 on Android

If you are tired of the constant automatic correction of the text you have written and you do not know how to disable T9 on Android, then you have come to the right place. We'll tell you how to do it quickly and easily.

1. On Samsung phones and tablets

Samsung devices use the proprietary TouchWiz shell, and the shutdown procedure is slightly different from the actions on devices from other manufacturers.

Therefore, if you have a Samsung smartphone or tablet, do the following:

  • Open settings. There, find the “Language and Input” section.

Rice. No. 1. "Language and input" in settings

  • Next, in the “Keyboard and input settings” block, select the keyboard you use. Most likely it will be “Samsung Keyboard”. If you haven't installed anything else, this is it.

Rice. No. 2. "Samsung Keyboard"

  • Next, in the “Intelligent dialing” block, set the switch to the “Off” position (it will be gray) near the inscription “T9 mode”.

Rice. No. 3. “T9 mode” in the “Intelligent dialing” block

Now this mode will not cause you any inconvenience.

2. On all other devices

On other gadgets the procedure will be almost the same.

First you need to go to the “Language and input” section in the settings, then in the “Keyboard and input settings” block select the one you use. But then everything will not be as described above. You need to open the “Text Correction” item and turn off “Auto Correction”.

You can also disable other unnecessary features.

Rice. No. 4. "Text Correction" and "Auto Correction"

From now on this annoying function will not bother you!


Mobile phones are not the most convenient devices for typing, so manufacturers have invented a special feature that simplifies this process. It is called “T9 language” and is very helpful for many users when entering SMS and addresses. Sometimes the program makes mistakes, so the question may arise how to turn off T9 on Android.

What is T9 in a phone?

T9 is an auto-correction or auto-replacement function that works if you suddenly make a mistake while typing. It was introduced for phones with a keypad and selected probable words based on the first key presses. You only had to enter “at” and the language would add “hello” in its entirety. If you suddenly missed the right button, an automatic auto-correction occurred and your “hello” turned into a normal “hello”.

After the advent of modern smartphones with a qwerty layout of letters, this function has not lost its relevance and still significantly speeds up the typing function. In 90% of cases, the program correctly selects the necessary words, but does not cope well with slang or with the names of companies, programs, etc. The T9 keyboard for Android can be disabled if the user wishes, and then it can be turned on again when needed.

How to remove T9 on Android

Considering everything positive sides given this function of phones, situations arise when it interferes more than helps. Most of this involves jargon, acronyms, intentional mistakes, or specialized terms from games, movies, or professions. Manufacturers have foreseen this situation and implemented several ways to disable T9 on Android:

  • through the smartphone system settings;
  • using the keyboard.

Through system settings

The principle of how to disable auto-correction on Android is the same for all mobile devices, but, for example, Samsung, Lenovo and Nokia menu sections may differ slightly in name. By analogy, this procedure can be carried out with other brands of smartphones. Below are instructions on how to disable T9 on Android using the example of a Samsung phone - TouchWiz:

  1. Find the section called "Settings".
  2. Go to “Language and Input”.
  3. Find the keyboard you are using, click on the settings icon.
  4. Check the box next to “Keyboard options” at number 9.

In other phones, the algorithm may be slightly different. For example, in the Explay Flesh model the section is called “Auto Correction”, in which you need to deactivate the “Auto Correct” line or move the slider to the “Off” position. On some Android models, in the “Language and Input” section, when you select the required keyboard, the “Show correction options” option will appear. Click on it, select the “always hide” mode - then you can disable T9.

Via keyboard

If configuration through system options failed for some reason, you can use another option to disable auto-corrections. To do this, you will need to make changes to the functionality of the keyboard itself as follows:

  1. Open any utility that is designed and supports text input. This could be a notepad, SMS, notes or messages in social network.
  2. Press and hold the spacebar on your keyboard for 2 seconds. On some phone models you need to click on the input field itself.
  3. A new “Select an input method” menu will appear. Click on the keyboard option you are currently using.
  4. Select the “Auto Corrections” tab from the list and carry out the same manipulations as described in the previous method.

This option to disable T9 works not only on phones, but also on tablets that use operating system from Google. This does not apply to cases when a third-party layout is installed for input; in such cases, corrections to the settings should be made directly in the utility itself. As a rule, the section names are very similar to those described above.

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Modern phones are equipped with such useful function, like predicting text when entering characters in various programs - instant messengers, social networks, Internet browsers, notepads, and so on. Work in all applications where you need to type text is controlled by one system, in which the notorious T9 can be activated or deactivated.

Deactivating autocorrect mode

It would seem, why would it be necessary to disable such a smart mechanism, which not only corrects incorrectly written words, but also predicts them, which allows you to write text many times faster? But everything is not as rosy as it seems: the fact is that the dictionary that T9 uses contains only commonly used words, without slang or dialectical deviations, not to mention professional terms and abbreviations. And if your speech does not resemble literary language, most likely you have more than once encountered a situation where auto-correction turns your sentence into an incomprehensible set of words.

In this case, there are two options - either constantly add unknown T9 lexemes to the dictionary, or simply disable it. Most often the second option is chosen. You can do it like this:

  1. Go to settings mobile device on Android;
  2. Among all the proposed items, click on the “Language and Input” subsystem (“Language, time, input” and other options);
  3. Select “Google Keyboard” or “Android Keyboard”;
  4. We enter the submenu “Text Correction”, then “Auto Correction” and click “Disable” on all items (or uncheck the boxes) – auto correction, forecasting, automatic capitalization.

This is perhaps the easiest way for those who are interested in how to disable T9. Of course, you can use other methods, for example, download and install a “non-native” keyboard without T9, but this is more expensive: as the developers point out, all third-party keyboards can be used by attackers to read logins and passwords from your personal accounts.

Articles and Lifehacks

Almost all mobile phones There is a word selection function, but many users are interested in how to remove T9 in Nokia, since they never use it. Therefore, it is better to turn it off and type messages as usual.

Simple shutdown T9

Disabling this feature differs slightly on different phone models. Some may have the following sequence:
  • create a new message;
  • click on “Functions”;
  • select “T9 Settings”;
  • then “Intelligent input”;
  • Click "Disable".
Or another similar one:
  • create a new message;
  • "Functions";
  • click “Settings”;
  • then “T9 Dictionary” - “Disable”.
And one more thing: also create a message - then “Functions” - select “Disable T9 mode”.

In many Nokia models, when writing a message, the predictive text input mode is indicated by the icon: a pencil with a line, and the regular input mode is indicated by a pencil without a line.

To switch between these modes when entering text, you need to press and hold "Options".

Disabling through settings

We perform the following actions:
  • Select “Tools” in the menu;
  • then “Settings”;
  • then “General”;
  • go to “My Style”;
  • click “Language”;
  • select “Dictionary” – disable it there.
Another option: menu - “Options and Phone” - then “Language”, then “Input language” - select the one you need, then click “Dictionary” and turn it off.

The easiest way to turn this feature on and off is using the # (sharp or hash) button - briefly pressing it twice while entering text.

A little about T9

This word selection mode makes text entry easier and helps you type SMS messages much faster. However, you need to get used to working with it. The phone has a dictionary of frequently used words.

Predictive text input mode selects options based on the buttons you press. But some different words are typed using the same sequence of buttons.

For example, you can press 5282 to dial: “our”, “Masha”, “Pasha”, so before sending an SMS you need to make sure that you have typed the word you were going to.

In addition, you can add your own words: in the pop-up window with suggested spelling options, you need to select the bottom line “Add a word.”

Many Android users are often annoyed by a feature on a phone like the T9. It happens that it does not work correctly, thereby putting the user in awkward situations or forcing the user to write the same word several times. Sometimes the keyboard produces such absurd things that only one question comes to mind: how to disable T9 on Android. And, believe me, doing this is very simple.

T9 (Text on 9 keys) is a function that is preinstalled in a smartphone or tablet, and is available even in older ones push-button phones. Previously, it worked a little differently: it was enough to sequentially press the keys with the letters you needed from the word and the phone “magically” determined what exactly you wanted to write. Now technology should have advanced, but T9, on the contrary, began to only irritate and not surprise. This is because word prediction and the so-called “auto-correction” for many people only added more problems than good.

The main goal is to correct user errors when he misses a button but continues to write. The final result will be a corrected word that is output based on the letters typed using the built-in dictionary. Thus, T9 predicts what the owner actually wanted to write. Some people are quite satisfied with the function and even help in many cases, but for some it is just a complete headache. Let's solve this problem and get rid of future misunderstandings.

Disable the function

There are a few standard methods how to remove Text on 9 keys:

  • using Android system settings;
  • through the settings menu of the keyboard you are using.

Both options are universal and fit almost all phone models.

Through system settings

This method is suitable if you are using the default system keyboard. In order to disable T9, it is enough to do a few simple steps(using the example of a Samsung phone):

  1. In system settings, find the item “Language and input” or something similar.

  1. In the window that opens, you can configure the basic functions of the keyboard. This can be done by clicking on the gear icon or on the optional menu - three dots located on the side of the name.

  1. In the settings, look for an item called “AutoCorrect”, “Auto-Correction”, “Automatic Word Replacement”, “Correction Options” or something similar. Here the user must independently determine whether this option is responsible for T9 or not.

  1. In our case, we need to set the value of the “Correction options” item to “Never offer”. You can also look at the remaining options and observe the result.

If you don’t find an item in the settings that is at least somehow related to T9, don’t be upset - manufacturers often hide the ability to disable this function. Perhaps you do not have a system keyboard, and you will have to look for the configuration through it Personal settings, provided not by the developer, but by the manufacturer.

Thanks to this method you can disable T9 in Asus Zenfone, Lenovo, as well as other smartphones. For example, at Sony Xperia the configuration is located in the “Language and input” item, where the keyboard of the same name is used by default. Therefore, the method is also suitable for Sony models.

Via keyboard

This method means using the keyboard application settings, which this moment installed by default. Typically, such software can be downloaded from Play Market, in order to expand the functionality of the letter.

To change settings, you usually need to go to advanced settings using the application icon on the desktop. Sometimes additional configuration can be found on the form of the keyboard itself, where a logo or specific design is indicated. The program has its own settings items, which may differ - it all depends on its interface.

For example, in some Alcatel T9 phones it is called “intelligent input”, although the purpose is identical. In the case of Honor smartphones, it happens the other way around - it is “T9 mode” that is indicated.

Disabling T9 on different models

For some smartphones, the instructions may differ slightly, especially if the device has a proprietary shell installed. Let's look at an explicit example.

  1. Go to system settings and find the “Advanced” menu item.

  1. In the window that opens, select “Language and input”.

  1. From the keyboard options, select the one you are currently using. In our version we will consider

  1. In the keyboard options, look for the “Text Correction” option.

  1. All that remains is to turn off all those options that the user does not need, namely: “Suggest options” and “Suggest words”.

After this, the process of disabling T9 can be considered completed.

If the user needs to disable various AutoCorrect features, such as "Auto Capitalization" or "Auto Space", you can use the previously described instructions. Just go to the settings of your keyboard and mark all the functions that are in any way similar to the T9.

In messengers

Sometimes instant messengers offer their own settings for keyboards, thereby imposing the autocorrect function. This can happen in well-known communication applications such as Viber or WhatsApp.

Applications usually follow system settings or parameters in the keyboard. In order to quickly disable T9 in Viber or WhatsApp:

  1. Click on any field where you can write text.

  1. In the keyboard that opens, find the line with autocorrect options, where there should be an application/settings icon or a right arrow.

  1. This icon will open quick settings keyboard, where there may be an option to disable word prediction. In our case, there was no such option, so it’s worth turning to the system configuration or the capabilities of the application itself.

This situation may not arise for everyone, because still third party programs, such as WhatsApp or Viber, do not have access to system elements. This method is also suitable for the VKontakte social network, as well as any other correspondence applications.

Let's sum it up

Whatever smartphone you have - HTC, Asus, Huawei or Galaxy - using these instructions you can easily disable Text on 9 keys mode. The steps are universal for both Android 5.1 and 6.0, and may differ only in the name of the items and their location. It is better to use swipe - it saves time and in case of an error, you can delete an incorrect word as quickly as writing a new one, i.e. in one motion.


You can watch detailed video instructions on how to disable T9 on Android. The created video will help users better understand the implementation of all the provided actions.