Updated version of google chrome. How to update Google Chrome to the latest version

Updated version of google chrome.  How to update Google Chrome to the latest version
Updated version of google chrome. How to update Google Chrome to the latest version

Google Chrome is an excellent browser - it is fast, reliable, supports high standards of user data protection, however, as you know, there is no limit to perfection, especially when it comes to a product from such a renowned company as Google. That is why updates are regularly released for the Google Chrome browser, and all users are recommended to periodically update to the latest current version so as not to miss out on improvements to the program.

However, in most cases, Google Chrome updates automatically and unnoticed by users, but sometimes this does not happen, in which case you need to update manually. IN this material we'll tell you how to update google chrome browser.

How to update Google Chrome browser for PC?

To update Google Chrome for PC, you don’t need to surf the web looking for suspicious links and torrents, this program Easily updated via browser settings. In order to complete the update procedure, you must:

1. Open the browser, click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines on the right top corner, in the drop-down menu select “Help”, then “About” Google browser Chrome"

2. The “About the program” window will open in front of you and it will automatically start checking for updates.

3. When the check is completed, the browser will either inform you what needs to be done to complete the update, or notify you that you have the most current version of the program installed and you do not need updates.

4. That's it! Problem solved!

As you can see, the instructions are very simple and accessible to every user, but sometimes, for one reason or another, failures may occur in the “About the program” section. If you haven't updated for a long time, but the section nevertheless says that you have the latest version of the browser installed, then something is wrong.

In this case, it is recommended to download from here the latest version of Google Chrome (at this link you will always find the latest version of the browser) and install it directly on top of the already installed one. To install, simply click on the downloaded file “Chrome.exe” twice with the left mouse button and the installation will be carried out automatically, and you will receive current version browser, and all history, bookmarks, passwords and other data that the browser stores will not go anywhere.

How to update the Google Chrome browser for a smartphone?

Of course, Google Chrome exists mobile version, and therefore it is important to know how to perform the update procedure of this browser for smartphone.

For iOS users

1. Open App Store, go to the “Updates” section.

2. Review the available updates, if there is a Google Chrome update among them, click the “Update” button next to the browser icon.

3. Done!

For Android users

1. Open Play Market, click the “My applications and games” section.

2. See if there is an update for Google Chrome in the “Available updates” section, if there is an update, click “Update”.

3. Done!

As you can see, updating the browser for a smartphone is even easier than performing this procedure for a PC.

How to update plugins in Google Chrome?

Plugins and are essentially small applications that give the browser the ability to perform additional options. Some plugins and extensions are installed in the program by default, for example, a plugin for viewing PDF documents, and some the user can download himself, for example, Joxi - this application allows you to create and edit screenshots in the browser when browsing the Internet. But, no matter what the plugin is - preinstalled or not, it, like the browser, needs to be updated regularly. How to update plugins in Google Chrome? Follow these instructions:

1. Open the browser, click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper right corner, in the drop-down menu select “Additional tools”, then “Extensions”.

2. In the window that opens, check the box next to “Developer Mode” and click on the “Update extensions” button that appears.

3. Done! You have updated both extensions and plugins in this way.

By the way, download the necessary extension for Google Chrome you can here– this is the official store of the program; we strongly do not recommend downloading any browser applications from other sources!

How to update flash player in Google Chrome?

Quite often, users wonder how to update the flash player in Google Chrome, but cannot find a reasonable answer to it, and here’s why. The point is that flash Adobe player is built into the browser by default, which means it is updated along with it. Information about this is even available on the official Adobe website. That is, to update the flash player, you need to update Google Chrome; if you have the latest version of the browser installed, then the version of the player is the most current.

Possible problems when updating the browser and plugins

Despite the fact that the procedure for updating Google Chrome and plugins is very simple, problems may arise during its implementation, in which case, first of all, it is recommended to simply restart the browser - this simple measure may well be useful.

Then it is advised to check your PC for malware that may prevent the browser from updating; for this, Google suggests using the special Chrome CleanUp tool, download it you can here.

The program will be downloaded with one file “chrome_clenup_tool.exe”, double-click on it with the left mouse button, and the tool will begin its work, after scanning is completed, the program will notify you whether malware has been found or not, and will also tell you what measures need to be taken, in that case if viruses are detected.

If Chrome CleanUp did not produce any results, and the update still does not want to be installed, it means that there is some kind of glitch in your browser. In this case, you need to remove it from your computer (you can find out how to do this in the article “”) and install it again - download the browser you can here. How to install the browser, we wrote in this article just above (see the section “How to update the Google Chrome browser for PC”)


Well, now you know how to update the Google Chrome browser and its plugins. You could see that these procedures are very simple, the main thing is not to climb on dubious sites and use the settings of the browser itself to update!

It is necessary to constantly update the Google Chrome browser so that it works stably and does not lose performance. It is also necessary to update Chrome to avoid emerging threats of penetration into your computer through detected vulnerabilities in the old version. Updating the Chrome browser can be done in several ways by reinstalling the browser, manually and automatically.

How to update the Chrome browser by reinstalling it

To update Google Chrome to latest version In the current version of your browser, you need to click on the three dots located in the upper right part of it. In the context menu that opens, select Help - Help Center step by step.

How to update Chrome to the latest version for free

A tab called Help - Chrome will open in your browser. In this window, you need to click on How to download and install Google Chrome.

How to update Chrome to the latest version

Then, in the paragraph called How to install Chrome, click on Instructions for Windows and click on the link Download the installation file.

How to update chrome browser for free

It will open in the browser new inset on which you need to click on the Download Chrome button and the updated Google Chrome will be downloaded to your computer in the form of an installation file.

How to update chrome browser for free

First you need to download updates for Google Chrome and after that, run the downloaded file and install it and be sure to restart the browser.

How to update Google Chrome browser automatically

By default, Chrome updates are installed in automatic mode. But sometimes automatic update It doesn’t start at exactly the right time and therefore the update is disabled for Google Chrome.

How to disable updates in Chrome

To disable Google update In Chrome, you need to hover over This PC in Windows Explorer and right-click. In the context menu that opens, select Manage.

How to disable Google Chrome updates

A window called Computer Management will open. In this window, in the left column, expand Services and Applications and click on Services. In the central part of the window, find two items that are usually located above each other.
Google Update Service (gupdate)
Google Update Service (gupdatem)
The first point is responsible for searching the Internet for an update to the Google Chrome browser, and the second point is responsible for installing it.

How to disable Google Chrome update

It is not recommended to disable these services, but it is recommended to enable Google Chrome update in the manual startup type. To do this, move the cursor over one of the items and press the right mouse button. Will open context menu in which you select Properties.

How to disable Google Chrome updates for free

The properties of the service you selected will open. In these properties, to disable automatic updating of Google Chrome, in the Startup type item, select Manual from the pop-up list and click OK.

How to disable Chrome update

Once you have transferred both services to manual mode your browser will not automatically look for updates for Google Chrome and install them. After transferring these services to manual mode, you will have to update the Google Chrome browser manually.

Nowadays, almost every second person uses the Google Chrome browser and, accordingly, he sometimes asks the question: how can Google Chrome itself update to the latest version that has just been released?

When does the update arrive?

Updates appear rarely. About once every two, maybe three months. Therefore, there is no need to particularly look for it. In principle, there is no update schedule; everything entirely depends on the browser developers. Developers make decisions about releasing updates based on the situation on the Internet, the emergence of new threats and the identification of vulnerabilities in the browser.

If you think that some movie you are running is not working, or the site is not opening normally and the reason for this is outdated version Google Chrome, then most likely you are mistaken. Your player is probably just not working correctly. Flash player.

How to update Google Chrome?

In fact, everything is very simple. Most likely, you are updating your Google Chrome without even noticing it.

Automatic update

This is done by turning off the computer. For example, if you turn off your computer at night or at other times, then when you turn it on again, Google Chrome will already be updated.

Manual update

Those users who do not turn off their computer for several days in a row can update their browser manually. To do this, you will need to pay attention to the “Configure and manage Google Chrome” icon, which looks like three vertical dots and is located in the upper right corner of the browser (circled in a red frame in Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Set up and control Google Chrome icon (three dots in a red frame)

If a new version of Google Chrome appears, but your computer has not updated it for some reason, the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” icon will be highlighted

  • green if the update is available for 2 days,
  • orange if the update was released 4 days ago,
  • in red if suddenly the update is already 7 days old.

Usually the tab is gray, so it will be impossible not to notice the change in its color.

If we digress a little from the topic, this is reminiscent of the color differentiation of pants from the movie “Kin-dza-dza”. Remember, as Yuri Yakovlev’s hero says: “No, genatsvale! When society has no color differentiation of pants, there is no purpose!”

In our case, if the regular tab, gray, then there is no purpose to update the browser. And if it has changed its color from the usual gray to another, then this means that the user has a goal to update his Google Chrome.

  • Click on the three dots (that is, on the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” icon) and
  • We are looking for the line “Update Google Chrome”. Click on it.
  • A window immediately appears asking you to restart Google Chrome.
  • Click “Restart” and the browser is updated. You can click "Not Now". Then Google Chrome will update immediately after you turn it off for the first time.

If the item "Update Google Chrome" » no, it means you are already using the latest version of the browser.

Rice. 2. There is no “Update Google Chrome” item in the menu, which means the latest version of the browser is being used
  • If you click the menu (1 in Fig. 2),
  • then click on “Help” (2 in Fig. 2),
  • finally open “About Google Chrome browser” (3 in Fig. 1),

then we will see a message that “The latest version of Google Chrome is already installed” (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Message that the latest version of Google Chrome is being used

Help from the official website

Who knows best about their brainchild, that is, about the Google Chrome browser, if not the parents (in the sense of the browser developers). Therefore, below is a link to help from the official website “How to update Google Chrome”.

- Questions and answers - Chrome update.

Greetings, dear readers!
Today I will tell you how to update Google Chrome for free in a few simple steps. But first, a few words about what you absolutely cannot do.

  • Never click on banners on “left” sites, which tell you that something is wrong with your browser.
  • Never send SMS And do not enter your number!
    Updates are always free!
  • Never open the archive, if you still managed to download it somewhere! Official version Installs without unpacking.

If you follow these simple tips, you will never run into scammers and online scams! Now I suggest moving on to the instructions.

The simplest option- download the browser from the official website or update through the settings.


To update Google Chrome to the latest version, use my instructions.

The update itself is, in principle, not so necessary to perform basic tasks. If you miss or forget to download a new version, nothing bad will happen. It is believed that in later versions the program has fewer errors, fewer vulnerabilities, and better speed and performance. Also, sometimes new options, new features and interesting features are added. Draw your conclusions, friends!

Everyone knows that Google Chrome updates automatically in the background; this system has been running for almost ten years, since the browser first appeared on the world market. This is also one of the reasons for its popularity. Despite the benefits of Chrome's auto-update concept, many may be frustrated by forced changes appearing in an older browser, or by the fact that some browser processes and speeds are slowed down during an update.

  • Since Chrome updates automatically, most users only need to restart the browser to confirm the changes;
  • The browser is regularly checked for new updates. Google's official documents posted on the company's website, which, by the way, are often out of date, say that updates are checked once every twenty-three hours and twenty minutes;
  • after Chrome finds an available update, it will download new code and prepares it for installation. Although this last step will not begin until the user turns on or restarts the browser.

Browser installation

to install latest version Google Chrome browser, you need to do the following steps:

And once the installation process is complete, the Chrome browser with the most latest updates will start automatically.

How to check the current browser version

In order not to bother with updates and not to install the latest versions of the browser, you just need to know the current version of your own current Google Chrome browser.

Manual update

In order to old version browser manually, you need to do the following:

On a note! Google browser approximately every 6 weeks, although last year the period between new releases was 47 days, that is, closer to 7 weeks. Google isn't holding up established schedule- unlike, for example, Mozilla with its Firefox, and Google does not make a big fuss about each version. Officially, the company recommends that visitors follow their blog to stay up to date with all updates, including fixes for security holes that appear at periodic intervals. Unofficially, users can track the approximate schedule of Chrome updates on a special calendar on the Chromium website. These dates are unofficial and serve so that users can get an approximate idea of ​​when the next updates will be provided. At the same time, management directly states literally that all dates are given solely for superficial planning and can be changed at any time at the request of management.

Installing updates for mobile devices

On iPhone

On Android

On a note! Despite the fact that there are many instructions on the Internet designed to explain to people how to disable automatic updates in the Google Chrome browser, by and large these instructions are erroneous and often simply useless. They are wrong because the purpose of all automatic updates is one thing: to improve the security of network monitoring, as well as to reduce the likelihood that during network activity any malware will get into your system through the application. They are useless because the concept of Chrome updates cannot be completely disabled without using the business infrastructure Active Directory. “To prevent abuse of this policy, if the device is not included in the Active Directory domain, if it is set to zero, or more than 77 hours, then this criterion will be changed to 77 hours after August 2014,” states the official company document, referring to the internal rules of the organization, allowing current system administrators companies disable this feature. Despite this, users can turn off automatic browser updates at any time on their own personal computers having Windows OS - for this you will need to delete from the root folder Google file GoogleUpdate.exe. It is located in the directory: C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\Update.

Video - How to update the Google Chrome browser