No unread messages universal. The phone shows an unread message that is not there

No unread messages universal.  The phone shows an unread message that is not there
No unread messages universal. The phone shows an unread message that is not there

Shows the number of unread messages in brackets, but when you click “Unread” there are none. It's hard to say why this problem has been traveling from version to version since Office 97, but it is by no means new. Don't rush to reinstall programs or take your computer to a service center. You can handle this problem yourself!

In the case of Office 2013/2016, the solution to the problem is as follows:

Method 1:

  1. In the “Inbox”, enter “Read: no” in the search bar (for the English interface “Read: no”) and press Enter
  2. Click Search All Items, Search Server
  3. In the results you will see a letter or letters:

As can be seen from the screenshot, the letter was immediately read. It turned out to be a draft letter, which for some reason ended up in the “Inbox” folder; therefore, it was impossible to see it among the list of letters.

Method 2:

Select Search Folders in the folder pane. Click "Create Search Folder..." in the context menu.

In the window that opens, select the preset search folder type “Unread emails” and specify which account to search in.

Click "OK" and all unread emails should be displayed in the created search folder.

P.S.: Search folders are useful for those who use a folder hierarchy for incoming emails, dividing emails according to different criteria. For example, you can create a search folder that displays incoming (received) emails for the last week or month(s) or year. Thus, letters located in different folders will be displayed in the general order of receipt.

The phone stopped receiving. Recently we received another question letter from our user in the mail, the text of the letter is as follows:

Hello, I have an Android smartphone Samsung galaxy S, and I recently encountered a problem. The phone simply stopped receiving SMS messages. Previously, everything worked fine, the smartphone received and sent SMS without problems, but now it does. Help me solve the problem...

And so in this article I will write several options for solving the problem.

Make sure you have a working SIM card.

If it is not possible to check the SIM at the service center, then just call your operator and try to find out from him why the messages are not coming and if he says that the problem is not in the SIM card in your phone, then read the points below.

Check that your SMS center number is correct.

To do this, go to the settings and check the number, for example for the MTS operator this number is: +38050000501. You can find out the number of your SMS center either from the same operator or on the official website of the mobile operator. If you still haven’t been able to recognize it, write about it in the comments to the article and we will help you.

Virus on the phone.

The reason that the phone stopped receiving messages could be a virus. Therefore, you need to check your phone for viruses, I advise you to check it with several, since one may not give any result.

Third party applications.

Often SMS stops coming to your phone after you have installed some third-party application. To solve it, you just need to remove it from your smartphone. There are some apps that are not compatible with messaging apps on your Android smartphone. Or the application may simply be loaded with a virus.

Update SMSC.

We go to the dialer and enter the following code there: *#*#4636#*#* , we get to the smartphone testing menu, go down to the very bottom, and opposite the SMSC inscription, click “Update”. After this, your smartphone should receive SMS again.

Hard Reset- will solve the problem one hundred percent.

If you have tried all the above options and none of them helped you and messages are no longer accepted. Then just do a full factory reset through the user menu either. But, before doing a hard reset, make a backup copy of all information on the device, move it from the phone to the SIM card and memory card. To avoid losing all information from the device if you did reset but forgot to do it backup copy, then read the article: There is written a method that will help you recover some of the lost information.

That’s probably all, I hope this article helped you. You can leave your questions in the comments...

There was a glitch with SMS on my Android. A new message has arrived, but it cannot be opened for reading. It's not on the list. On the envelope it shows that there is an unread message, as well as in the notification curtain. When you try to open an SMS from the curtain, a window opens to create a new message. I had to start treatment :)

If you encounter a similar problem, please refer to cat.

Perhaps there are some programs to solve the problem, but I was too lazy to look. Moreover, my smartphone is rooted, it’s worth Root Explorer And SQLite Manager. I used them.

The SMS database is located along the path:

Copy this database somewhere to an SD card and open it for editing in SQLite Manager.

In the table sms The messages themselves are stored.

We find a buggy message. I have this SMS from _id equal to 4480 and thread_id equal to 86.

In Android, SMS messages themselves do not exist; correspondence is created for them. Each SMS belongs to one or another correspondence, for example, my buggy one belongs to a correspondence with an ID equal to 86.

Open the table with correspondence - this is the table threads.

And, lo and behold, there is no correspondence with ID 86! For some reason there was a failure in this table correspondence was not added or was deleted.

And so... you can simply delete the buggy entry from the table sms. Then save the changes and the database file mmssms.db copy back to /data/data/
Set file permissions rw-rw--
But it's boring... not interesting...

A more interesting option is to create a correspondence. To the table threads insert a record with _id=86. The main thing is to fill in the fields _id, date, message_count And recipient_ids.

  • IN date We write the number of seconds that have passed since 00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970 until the date of SMS arrival.
  • IN message_count number of SMS in correspondence, in my case 1.
  • IN recipient_ids The ID numbers of those participating in the correspondence are recorded. You can view the IDs in the table canonical_addresses. In my case it's _id = 178.

I filled the remaining fields with zeros.

After all these manipulations, copy the database file back.
Don't forget to enter the rights: rw-rw--

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart your smartphone.

Miracle of the Lord, the SMS appeared! 🙂

I was not mistaken when it seemed to me that Android couldn’t handle the phone’s functions in one of the previous reviews. SMS is also not all right.

Everything started well, the standard SMS application in HTC Hero suited me quite well. Then everything changed dramatically, I don’t know why, maybe there were a lot of messages on the phone, maybe there were a lot of applications and multitasking was not working correctly. What happens is this: from time to time I receive SMS messages, and a notification appears in the status bar (where the battery is).

A new message can be easily read - you pull the status bar down and click on the notification, going straight to the received message. By the way, if you drag out the SMS application as a 1×1 widget on your desktop, it is convenient to see the number of unread SMS messages on the icon.

At some point after reading a new message, the notification stopped disappearing. I read the message, and the envelope is hanging in the status bar. You press it again - nothing happens. This is a little annoying because after a while, with the indicator always on, it is not clear whether everything has been read or something has been missed.

Experiments with reading a message different ways They didn’t lead to anything and the only way to fix this problem is to go to Task Killer and kill the “Messages” application. Moreover, after this the indication in the status bar disappears, but on the lock screen the text of the “new” message may still appear, albeit only once.


Eat alternative way chat via SMS if there is a computer nearby –

Video tutorial on how to remove unread message on Android

Lenovo phones on this moment belong to the most advanced representatives of Android not only in the mid-price segment, but also among expensive smartphones. But for all their advantages, phones of this brand are not without some shortcomings. One of them is the inability to delete a message that came from a sender with a hidden address. If you are faced with such a problem, then this article will help you solve it. So, let's begin.

How to remove a stuck “hidden sender address” alert?

What is a hidden sender address?

First, we need to figure out what the mysterious hidden sender address is, and why, when receiving such an SMS, the notification icon is not removed from the screen.

A message with a hidden address is just an SMS that the recipient received from the sender for the first time, but for some reason there was a problem with the application and it did not create a new conversation (as happens in such cases). Thus, the application itself can only display conversations with other contacts, so this SMS is displayed in it as a notification with a hidden address, and deleting it is quite problematic due to the failure that has occurred.

Not such a serious problem, but not worth putting up with. To annoying notification did not hang on the screen of your phone, you need to do a few manipulations. If this problem seems difficult for you, then you should contact a professional service center for repairs Lenovo phones, for them this task is elementary, after one thing your device will be diagnosed for other faults. But such an easy problem can be eliminated yourself by following the algorithm below.

Way one: create a conversation.

Often, you can eliminate an unreadable notification in a simple way: send a reply to the contact. It may or may not be empty (at your discretion). After this, the program should remove the unread message icon so that it does not hang on the screen.

The second way: use programs.

We download the following programs through the Play Market - Handcent SMS or Reset Unread SMS. It is worth saying thank you to the developers of these utilities for a simple way to solve these problems.

Way three: checking the memory card.

It also wouldn't hurt to check push messages - our mysterious SMS may be one of them. In addition, the phone could have saved this message on the SD card, which is why there was a problem with deletion. In this case, it will be enough to check the flash drive through another smartphone and delete the stuck SMS.

Way four: reset to factory settings.

If none of the above helped, then resetting to factory settings will definitely help. Just don’t forget to save all the necessary data and contact numbers first.

Thank you for reading our article to the end, we hope it was effective in solving your problem!

Hello, friends! If you correspond with many people, then the likelihood that you will have unread messages on your page is very high. There can be a lot of them if you decide to promote them on VKontakte. You could have done this just for fun, but you didn’t foresee thousands of frozen dialogues.

Let's now figure out how to view all such messages and delete them from your VKontakte page.

If you are interested, then read the detailed article by following the link.

How to read unread messages on VK

Go to the left menu in “Messages”. Then on the right, go to the “Unread” tab.

Even if you have thousands of dialogues, only those in which you have not read the text will be displayed here.

How to remove such messages

In order to remove unread texts on VKontakte, so that there is no number with their number next to the corresponding menu item, just click on the dialogue with the user from whom the message remains.

After this, the dialogue itself will open and the message will automatically be marked as read.

How to delete all unread

If you have a lot of new unread messages in your profile and you want to delete them, then there are examples on the Internet with a script that will help you do this quickly.

I’ll tell you how you can remove the unviewed number next to a menu item and mark them all as read.

For this we will use free program AutoVK. You can download it from the official website - the address is indicated in the screenshot below in the lower right corner.

Install the program and log into it. Then, in the “Login” and “Password” fields, enter your data from the VKontakte page and click “Authorization”.

After that, click on the “Messages” button.

Wait until the program finishes and a window with the text “Personal read” appears.

Now there are no numbers next to the “Messages” menu item on the left side, and all of them are shown as read on your page.

For those for whom it is not enough to simply mark messages as read, but just need to delete unread VKontakte dialogues, I suggest the following option.

It is suitable if you have generated a lot of messages and now there are thousands of new dialogues in your account, since not a specific one will be deleted, but the entire correspondence as a whole. To do this you need to install the Instrumentum extension in Google browser

Chrome. You can find it in the Chrome Web Store. After installation, an extension button will appear to the right of the browser's address bar.

Go to your VKontakte profile and click on this button. Then log in to the extension, giving it access to your VK page.

Now click on the extension button again and select “My Page”.

Place a marker next to the item “Delete all dialogs except:”. A list of users with whom you exchanged will appear. Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and use your mouse to select those people with whom you DO NOT want to delete conversations.

Wait for the extension to finish uninstalling.

I think you managed to get rid of all the unread messages on your VKontakte page. If you know any other options, write about them in the comments.