Satellite antenna, how to quickly and correctly configure the antenna. How to improve your satellite dish signal

Satellite antenna, how to quickly and correctly configure the antenna.  How to improve your satellite dish signal
Satellite antenna, how to quickly and correctly configure the antenna. How to improve your satellite dish signal

We usually think about this when the picture fades or disappears altogether.

Or simply put, there is no signal from the satellite!

We’ll talk about this in the article, we’ll also discuss why this is so and what solutions to this problem.

Reasons bad signal There may be several, but fixing them is not so difficult. Significant adjustments in signal strength can be made by the weather. For example, the wind twisted the antenna, or a thundercloud got in the way of your satellite dish.

Well, how to increase the signal of a satellite dish?

The most reasonable thing to do is to increase the diameter of the antenna, such as buying a new dish. What to do if you haven’t thought about it before. If the wind is to blame or a drunk neighbor climbed onto the roof, then to restore the signal, just move the dish a few millimeters.

Of course, it will help.


You are probably aware that the setting satellite dish the process is not easy. You can, of course, call specialists and they will do everything for good money.

But, friends, a satellite television lover must be able to do everything himself, for the sake of creative satisfaction.

How else!

Each skill will add respect to itself, I can do it and I did it!

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We must remember that anything from which errors were made during installation can affect the signal of the satellite dish during operation.

Everything was fine with you, the TV was showing properly, but over time, the satellite dish signal began to disappear more and more often. Let's start by looking out the window. It turns out that it is enough to cut off a branch that has grown and covers the plate.

There is such a banal problem.

Its essence lies in a low-quality cable. The insulation layer falls off, water gets in, or it simply gets worn out. The signal drops gradually as the cable fails.

The best way out - to a higher quality one.

When installing, do not forget to secure it so that the wind does not dangle it. If the cable is very long, the signal simply fades out.

How can I improve satellite dish reception?

In this case, you should take a high-quality cable and, if necessary, install a satellite dish signal amplifier.

It is better to install it in the middle between the receiver and the satellite dish.

It is extremely rare for a satellite receiver to break down.

A failure of the receiver can sometimes be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver (if all other equipment is in order); the signal scale should at least react somehow.

When the power supplies break down, most often the tuner simply does not turn on, but sometimes it happens that there is no signal or it disappears on one or all satellites.

Well, if everything is in order, but the signal is simply not enough, you need to strengthen it. In this case, only increasing the diameter of the satellite dish mirror will help. A larger antenna will have more signal strength.

To choose the right size, it is better to look at Lingsat for the recommended antenna size for a specific satellite in the desired area.

There are also various homemade ways to increase the satellite signal. I personally tried one of these. I covered the antenna with foil, it shone like a mirror. It was probably visible from space - just kidding.

What was the result?


The antenna head (converter) melted. I had to rip everything off, yes, I broke a nail... but this led me to the idea that getting too carried away with innovations is harmful.

By the way, the signal was larger. But the problem is that the sun from such a mirror was focused directly on the antenna head. Some people make special frames, graphite watering cans. I don't think all this works. It’s a collective farm and a collective farm in Africa!

Of course it makes sense to have your satellite complex.

Good luck, Friends!

  1. Inaccurate antenna tuning
    The antenna, as you know, must “look” towards the satellite - and in order to rotate it accordingly, the parameters of inclination and azimuth are used. A special device or program for a smartphone can suggest the correct settings; you should not turn the antenna “by eye”.
    Sometimes it happens that the antenna was initially configured correctly, but it was moved by a strong gust of wind or a bird.
    In both cases, to strengthen the antenna signal, you need to align it exactly with the satellite and securely fix it. If the problem persists, consider purchasing a lighter aluminum or perforated antenna or strengthening the mounting.
  2. Obstacle in the direction of the satellite
    It happens that the antenna is rotated at the right angle, but installed in the wrong place. The fact is that there should be no visible obstacles between the satellite and the antenna. Trees, the wall of a neighboring house and similar obstacles interfere with stable signal reception. In this case, there are two ways out: either remove the obstacle or choose another place to place the antenna.
  3. Small satellite dish
    If you live in an area with an uncertain satellite signal, then the best thing to do is to connect to another satellite. But sometimes this is simply impossible to do - in some territories there is no high-quality signal from any satellite at all (for example, some areas of the Far East, Far North, etc.). In this case, you need to use a large-diameter “dish,” which will not only strengthen the signal, but also maintain its quality in bad weather.
  4. Low quality converter
    Converters supplied in equipment kits of some operator, usually normal, but not the most best quality. To enhance the signal quality, it is better to replace the converter with an expensive model, or, which is preferable, to immediately “assemble” a set of equipment yourself, purchasing both an antenna and a converter for your own needs.
  5. Large number of cable connections
    Each cable connection reduces the signal quality. The rule works here: the fewer obstacles in the path of the signal, the better it is. Therefore, if there is a need to strengthen the antenna signal, you need to eliminate as many of these connections as possible. If a cable splice was used, replace the cable with a solid one. If dividers are installed, try using other methods of connecting several TVs, for example, a converter with two outputs.
  6. Long length of poor quality cable
    With a long cable length, signal attenuation is inevitable. But what if you need exactly this length? In this case, you need to choose a high-quality cable, with a completely copper, and not a copper-plated steel central core.

This is essentially a very important subject in successfully watching television.

In short, a satellite dish is our everything! It wouldn't be possible without her!

However, from correct installation The antenna depends on reliable reception of the satellite signal.

According to Hamlet: “To beat or not to beat, that’s the question...”

Whether it can pick up a signal from a satellite or not depends on your skill.

And so, let's go.

Horizontal position of the satellite dish. That is, the azimuthal direction of the antenna mirror from your location. Which, you will determine according to the compass ( Rice. 1).

When setting horizontally, we will move the mirror itself (reflector), EAST (E- east), or on WEST (W- west). In reality, this process should be combined with vertical adjustment. I’ll say right away that it makes sense to call a specialist for this operation.

I did this procedure myself, a long time ago. But there were doubts about the choice of tenena,
It makes sense to think about it.
Then I adjusted the antenna with . Sometimes it is necessary to receive a signal immediately from . To do this you can set simple system, consisting of several converters.

Horizontal positioning of the satellite dish.

The second parameter is the position of the satellite dish, according to verticals.

That is, the angle of its inclination.

The tilt angle of the antenna (Fig. 2) will directly depend on the height at which the satellite itself is located. This means the elevation angle to the satellite, or as it is also called the elevation angle.

Well, if you thought of it yourself without special equipment, then something like this.

Let's start with the central head, which should be set to Sirius. In the receiver we set the frequencies to 11766, speed to 27500, polarization “H”.

On the receiver you have two bands:

One signifies the connection of the dish and the signal from the satellite. The second shows the level of this signal. When the satellite dish is connected correctly, you should see the signal strength. By approximately 40%. All that remains is to adjust the signal quality, which is at zero.

Let's move on to the plate and let's get started.

We turn the antenna to the left and up until it stops and in search of the best level signal slowly turn from left to right until it stops.
If the signal is not found, lower the plate 2-3 mm along the fasteners (on the plate fasteners to the bracket there are marks with numbers for more convenient “targeting”). And we turn from right to left until it stops, then lower it even lower and so on until a signal appears.

When you receive a signal, you will see a bar appear. If you approximately hit the satellite, then the signal quality band will be about 21% - let’s fix the antenna in this position. Now let's lower it a little and carefully turn to the left. We look for changes in quality; if it decreases, then return the antenna to its original position.


You caught the signal at 40%, but this is still not enough, with this percentage the slightest wind or rain can interrupt your TV viewing. To increase signal quality, turn the converter first clockwise and then counterclockwise. See at what position the signal quality will increase.

If the mounting allows it, I advise you to try moving the converter closer to the mirror and then moving it away.

This also affects the signal quality, but usually the length of the bracket for the central converter is always adjusted to the correct length. Normal signal quality is 65-70%.

However... as I already wrote with a handy specialist.

Particular attention should be paid to the device for tuning satellite antennas SF-500.

The device has a memory that contains all the main satellites used in our regions; it is possible to edit them thanks to the buttons on the device panel.

In a word... an excellent assistant when setting up satellite antennas. Specifically about the device.

Good luck, Friends!

Some of the large number of satellite TV subscribers are faced with a problem - the signal received by the satellite antenna is not strong enough and when weather conditions worsen, the picture of the received channel crumbles and disappears.
When watching your favorite show or movie, such “scatterings” begin to irritate and at this stage the idea appears that it is necessary to somehow strengthen the signal received by the satellite dish.
When solving the problem of better reception of a satellite signal, it is necessary to diagnose the equipment for receiving the signal and understand the reasons for the insufficiently stable reception of the signal from the satellite and eliminate these reasons.

Reasons for poor satellite signal reception

In fact, there are not many such reasons - they can be identified and eliminated. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate only one of several reasons in order to significantly increase the quality of the received satellite signal. So, the reasons for poor signal reception:

Insufficient satellite dish size

    The larger the area of ​​the receiving antenna, the higher the quality of the received signal. There is such a thing as the recommended size of a satellite dish. For TV channel receptions different operators communications, the recommended antenna size varies. For example, for the territory Krasnodar region The recommended antenna size for receiving Tricolor TV is 55-60 cm, for receiving Continent, Telekarta, Rainbow TV - 90-100 cm, for receiving Turksat, HotBird - 90-120 cm. It is clear that the larger the size of the antenna, the more expensive it is itself. on its own and in the installation. But the large diameter pays off with a stable picture on the TV when weather conditions worsen. So, if the signal from the satellite dish is weak, then it may be necessary to install a larger antenna. For example, replacing an antenna from 55 centimeter to 60 centimeter for receiving Tricolor TV allows you to increase the signal from a 12190 MHz / 27500 kbps transponder from 75 to 95 on the scale of the receiving equipment

Outdated converter model

The converter is an important link in the stage of receiving satellite broadcasts. A high-quality converter provides excellent reception over the entire range of received frequencies and provides a good signal reserve when reception conditions deteriorate. It often happens that the set satellite equipment installed using an inexpensive converter that came with the equipment. Often such complete converters are initially of low quality and are supplied to reduce the overall cost of a set of satellite equipment. We usually replace such “initial” converters with converters from Galaxy Innovations, which have excellent performance characteristics. So, replacing the standard “gray” converter on a 55 cm antenna with a GI 121 converter allows you to increase the received signal from 75 to 85 on the scale of the receiving equipment on a 12190 MHz-27500 kbps transponder.

Poorly tuned/misdirected satellite dish

The antenna is not always configured to receive a signal using technical means - a special device, in other words. According to the signal scales on the TV, it seems that the antenna is tuned absolutely accurately. But Only using the device can the antenna be set as accurately as possible - in inclination and azimuth. It also happens that a normally tuned antenna is moved from its direction by a strong gust of wind or strong mechanical impact. Most often, the 55 antenna is knocked out of direction, because It is attached to the support with just one clamp, in contrast. for example, from the 60, which is equipped with 2 clamps and is shown in the image on the left.
Whatever the reason for the incorrect alignment of the antenna, it is important to again set it in the correct direction to the satellite and securely fix it on the support.

Using a large number of splices along the cable

It happens that the cable available to the installers to connect the antenna on site is just a little short. What to do in such a situation? In such a situation, cable splicers are often used. And sometimes there is more than one such splicer. The use of 3 splices along the cable reduces the signal from 90-95 to 70-75 points- or even lower, it all depends on what brand of cable is used. If there are many connections on the cable, it is necessary to completely replace it with a single piece of cable.

Long length of poor quality cable

If you use a high-quality cable with a copper central core, then even over long lengths of the cable used, the signal attenuation is not as significant as in a cable with a copper-plated steel central core. If a long cable with a steel central core is used, then Replacing it with a high-quality cable with copper fluid will reduce signal loss during transmission.

Using circuit sockets and other signal suppressors

It is necessary to analyze the entire cable path from the antenna to the receiving receiver and eliminate various kinds of connections, dividers, circuit sockets and other signal suppressors. A simple rule applies - the fewer obstacles along the signal path, the higher it is, in fact. Ideally, the cable should run from the converter output directly to the receiver - without any obstacles.

An obstacle appears in the direction of the satellite

    After installing the satellite dish opposite it a house can be built or a tree can grow, it happens that in winter the antenna is installed opposite a tree, and in the spring leaves bloom on it and they completely block the reception of the satellite signal. If an obstacle appears in front of the antenna in the direction of the satellite, there are 2 ways to solve the problem - reinstall the antenna or remove the obstacle.

Having considered all the above reasons weak signal from a satellite dish, we can come to the conclusion that to strengthen the signal from the antenna, you can do the following - increase the size of the antenna, replace the converter with a high-quality one, fine tuning antennas to the satellite, lay a new high-quality reduction cable without connections, eliminate interference in front of the antenna in the direction of the satellite, remove various dividers-repeaters-circuit sockets.
In the event that you intend entrust the work of strengthening the received satellite signal to specialists, You can contact our company.

This is essentially a very important subject in successfully watching television.

After all, whether it will catch a signal from the satellite or not depends on the correct installation of the antenna.

Understand for yourself if not... then there WILL NOT BE a picture.

Horizontal position of the satellite dish.

That is, the azimuth direction of the antenna mirror, from your location point, which you will determine according to the compass ( Rice. 1).

Bad weather can affect the signal reception of even a properly connected and aimed system. If you live in a region of the country that receives heavy annual rainfall, you've probably encountered this problem several times. Snow and ice that accumulates on the dish can also affect reception, as can strong winds.

How rain affects satellite signals

During a rainstorm, raindrops can weaken or absorb the signal on its way to the satellite dish. Rain can also cause signal scattering as electromagnetic waves refract and diffract around raindrops on the surface of the dish. Mini dishes are better designed to minimize signal loss due to weather, but large dishes are better in areas with frequent heavy rainfall as they better compensate for reduced signal strength due to weather.

When setting horizontally, we will move the mirror itself (reflector), EAST (E- east), or on WEST (W- west).

In reality, this process should be combined with vertical adjustment... I’ll say right away that it makes sense to call a specialist for this operation.

Although it will be problematic to set up the plate alone.

Possible Home Solutions for Poor Reception Due to Weather

However, rain is the only culprit. Snow, ice, strong winds and heavy fog can affect the satellite signal. Most satellite receivers have built-in error correction to try to correct an intermittent signal. If your dish is located under trees or eaves where water falling from trees or the roof lands on the dish, move the dish to a dry area. If the dish is installed on the side of the house, you can install a clear piece of fiberglass in front of the dish. The fiberglass acts as a screen for the dish, so water does not affect the dish's ability to receive a signal. This prevents rain from sticking to the dish, which could cause it to transmit signals incorrectly. Depending on how often it rains in your area, you will need to spray the dish at least once every three months. If the rain is accompanied by strong winds, the dish may not match the satellite. This is likely to happen when the dish is mounted on a high pole. While you may be able to do the regrouping yourself, you may be better off calling a professional for the task.

Working with snow and ice

Spray your satellite dish with non-stick spray. . Heavy snow can affect signal quality, but it is less affected than heavy rain.

Horizontal positioning of the satellite dish.

The second parameter is the position of the satellite dish, according to verticals.

That is, the angle of its inclination….

The angle of inclination of the antenna (Fig. 2) will directly depend on the altitude at which the satellite itself is located, and therefore the angle of elevation to the satellite or, as it is also called, the elevation angle.

The accumulation of snow and ice on a dish affects signal reception, so subscribers who live in cold parts of the country sometimes buy dishes with built-in heaters. Snow or ice accumulation on the dish can interfere with the signal or cause the dish to become out of alignment with the satellite, affecting the signal.

Other than positioning the dish where ice and snow are less likely to accumulate—not under trees or eaves where runoff occurs—there is little a homeowner can do to prevent interference. Make sure the cables are not loose or disconnected at the back of the box.

Well, if you thought of it yourself without special equipment, then something like this...

Let's start with the central head, which should be set to Sirius. In the receiver we set the frequencies to 11766, speed to 27500, polarization “H”.

On the receiver you have two bands:

Check the input connection

You can also make sure that there are no objects that could be accidentally placed on the cable. If all cables are good, try the following. The light will change to yellow, indicating that the digital window is in standby mode. This step will interrupt any recordings that are currently in progress. However, saved settings and recorded programs are safe.

Unscrew the food supply cables and check two things. Call an engineer if cables are pulled out of the metal housing or if the nozzle is bent or broken.

  • The two separate parts of the cable must not touch each other.
  • Always keep the core and braid separately.
If the cables are OK, carefully insert them back into their sockets and tighten the screws.

One signifies the connection of the dish and the signal from the satellite.
The second shows the level of this signal.

When the satellite dish is connected correctly, you should see a signal strength of approximately 40%. All that remains is to adjust the signal quality, which is at zero.

Let's move on to the plate and let's begin...

We turn the antenna to the left and up until it stops and, in search of the best signal level, slowly turn from left to right until it stops.
If the signal is not found, lower the plate 2-3 mm along the fasteners (on the fasteners of the dish up to the bracket there are marks with numbers for more convenient “targeting”), and turn from right to left until it stops, then lower it even lower, and so on until a signal appears.

You will get a signal testing menu. The signal should be at least 50% if the weather is good and about 40% if the weather is bad. If you have no signal strength, try the following steps. If you receive a message that says "No Satellite Signal" - Error 25 or Error 29, you can try resetting your number pad. Wait about half a minute and reconnect all the items you disconnected and turn on the network. Check if you have a signal.

It's easy for a dish to be knocked out of alignment by something from the weather, for someone to set up a ladder to clear tall windows or check the gutter. If the dish has been knocked out of position, you can try to realign it yourself or call a technician to do it for you.

When you receive a signal, you will see a bar appear. If you approximately hit the satellite, then the signal quality band will be about 21% - let’s fix the antenna in this position.

Now let’s lower it a little and carefully turn it to the left, watch for changes in quality; if it decreases, then return the antenna to its original position.

While you're there, you can also check the overall condition of your dish. It may be severely rusted or corroded, in which case replacement is necessary. There are times when it's a good message. This is what we call "signal loss". This doesn't happen often or for long. Read on to learn about the causes of signal loss and what you can do to minimize it. How can you tell that you have lost your signal? This means you get satellite signal from your dish.

If it is red, it means the receiver is not receiving any information from the dish. You can check the actual signal strength in the Options menu. Go to "Change system settings". You will see a histogram from 0 to 99 showing how strong the signal is. There is a number in the field next to the graph. You will notice that it oscillates at four or five points in any direction. This is normal and is a result of atmospheric conditions.

You caught the signal at 40%, but this is still not enough, with this percentage the slightest wind or rain can interrupt your TV viewing.

To increase the signal quality, turn the converter first clockwise and then counterclockwise and see at what position the signal quality increases.

If the mounting allows, then MirSovetov advises trying to bring the converter closer to the mirror, and then move it away.

More than 80 means you are receiving the strongest signal. Perhaps it is a clear, calm day. Typically, the signal strength will be in the 70s, and if you're on the lower end of the range, the signal may be affected by mild weather conditions such as clouds, rain, or snow. However, you should still see a clear image. This means that you are experiencing some signal interference. There may be a strong storm on the way to the satellite.

If the signal strength reading is consistently below 60 and does not seem to change with weather conditions, the dish may lose alignment. A single digit number often means the problem is with the connection between the receiver and the dish. Even without a satellite signal, the dish will have a rating of about 20.

This also affects the signal quality, but usually the length of the bracket for the central converter is always adjusted to the correct length. Normal signal quality is 65-70%.

However... as I already wrote with a handy specialist.

Particular attention should be paid to the device for tuning satellite antennas SF-500.

The device has a memory that contains all the main satellites used in our regions; it is possible to edit them thanks to the buttons on the device panel.

Satellite signals are not protected from degradation. They can't pass through solid objects, so you may sometimes experience signal interference in inclement weather. Thick clouds, hail and snow can block your signal. The storm also doesn't have to be right outside your door to affect your signal. The signals travel thousands of kilometers from satellites high above the equator along a longitudinal line, all the way to the middle of Texas or North Dakota. path may temporarily disrupt service.

Often you lose your signal when the assault is underway, and then get your signal back when it rains on your roof. The signal path does not go straight up, but at an angle to the south. The signal path can go right through the center of the storm. The good news is that weather disturbances are almost always short-lived.

In a word... an excellent assistant when setting up satellite antennas. Specifically about the device.

Good luck, Friends!

Some of the large number of satellite TV subscribers are faced with a problem - the signal received by the satellite antenna is not strong enough and when weather conditions worsen, the picture of the received channel crumbles and disappears.
When watching your favorite show or movie, such “scatterings” begin to irritate and at this stage the idea appears that it is necessary to somehow strengthen the signal received by the satellite dish.
When solving the problem of better reception of a satellite signal, it is necessary to diagnose the equipment for receiving the signal and understand the reasons for the insufficiently stable reception of the signal from the satellite and eliminate these reasons.

He must have a clear understanding of the satellites for good signal reception. So, if a high level rises south of your home, you may lose your signal. He can also do the same. Some people set up their dish in the winter and get the signals just fine. Then, in the spring, when the leaves come out, they lose the signal. Either pull out the ax or call our installers to get them positioned again!

It amplifies them and sends them to the recipient. Light coverage or very dry, flaky snow will not usually cause signal loss. There will be wet, heavy or deep snow. If your dish has been installed correctly, it should not collect much snow. A good dump of wet snow can cause signal loss. If this happens, and if the dish can be easily and safely retrieved, carefully clear the snow with a broom.

Reasons for poor satellite signal reception

In fact, there are not many such reasons - they can be identified and eliminated. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate only one of several reasons in order to significantly increase the quality of the received satellite signal. So, the reasons for poor signal reception:

Insufficient satellite dish size

    The larger the area of ​​the receiving antenna, the higher the quality of the received signal. There is such a thing as the recommended size of a satellite dish. For reception of TV channels from different telecom operators, the recommended antenna size is different. For example, for the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, the recommended antenna size for receiving Tricolor TV is 55-60 cm, for receiving Continent, Telekarta, Rainbow TV - 90-100 cm, for receiving Turksat, HotBird - 90-120 cm. It is clear that the larger the size Antennas are therefore more expensive both in themselves and in installation. But the large diameter pays off with a stable picture on the TV when weather conditions worsen. So, if the signal from the satellite dish is weak, then it may be necessary to install a larger antenna. For example, replacing an antenna from 55 centimeter to 60 centimeter for receiving Tricolor TV allows you to increase the signal from a 12190 MHz / 27500 kbps transponder from 75 to 95 on the scale of the receiving equipment

Outdated converter model

The converter is an important link in the stage of receiving satellite broadcasts. A high-quality converter provides excellent reception over the entire range of received frequencies and provides a good signal reserve when reception conditions deteriorate. It often happens that a set of satellite equipment is installed using an inexpensive converter that came with the equipment. Often such complete converters are initially of low quality and are supplied to reduce the overall cost of a set of satellite equipment. We usually replace such “initial” converters with converters from Galaxy Innovations, which have excellent performance characteristics. So, replacing the standard “gray” converter on a 55 cm antenna with a GI 121 converter allows you to increase the received signal from 75 to 85 on the scale of the receiving equipment on a 12190 MHz-27500 kbps transponder.

Poorly tuned/misdirected satellite dish

The antenna is not always configured to receive a signal using technical means - a special device, in other words. According to the signal scales on the TV, it seems that the antenna is tuned absolutely accurately. But Only using the device can the antenna be set as accurately as possible - in inclination and azimuth. It also happens that a normally tuned antenna is moved from its direction by a strong gust of wind or strong mechanical impact. Most often, the 55 antenna is knocked out of direction, because It is attached to the support with just one clamp, in contrast. for example, from the 60, which is equipped with 2 clamps and is shown in the image on the left.
Whatever the reason for the incorrect alignment of the antenna, it is important to again set it in the correct direction to the satellite and securely fix it on the support.

Using a large number of splices along the cable

It happens that the cable available to the installers to connect the antenna on site is just a little short. What to do in such a situation? In such a situation, cable splicers are often used. And sometimes there is more than one such splicer. The use of 3 splices along the cable reduces the signal from 90-95 to 70-75 points- or even lower, it all depends on what brand of cable is used. If there are many connections on the cable, it is necessary to completely replace it with a single piece of cable.

Long length of poor quality cable

If you use a high-quality cable with a copper central core, then even over long lengths of the cable used, the signal attenuation is not as significant as in a cable with a copper-plated steel central core. If a long cable with a steel central core is used, then Replacing it with a high-quality cable with copper fluid will reduce signal loss during transmission.

Using circuit sockets and other signal suppressors

It is necessary to analyze the entire cable path from the antenna to the receiving receiver and eliminate various kinds of connections, dividers, circuit sockets and other signal suppressors. A simple rule applies - the fewer obstacles along the signal path, the higher it is, in fact. Ideally, the cable should run from the converter output directly to the receiver - without any obstacles.

An obstacle appears in the direction of the satellite

    After installing the satellite dish opposite it a house can be built or a tree can grow, it happens that in winter the antenna is installed opposite a tree, and in the spring leaves bloom on it and they completely block the reception of the satellite signal. If an obstacle appears in front of the antenna in the direction of the satellite, there are 2 ways to solve the problem - reinstall the antenna or remove the obstacle.