Service for event organizers Free parser for uploading a product catalog to social media

Service for event organizers Free parser for uploading a product catalog to social media

Previously, in order to promote products on social networks, organizers of joint purchases had to spend a lot of time and effort. Just imagine: download a photo from the supplier’s website, upload the photo to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, add a description. And so with every product. Hundreds of product items had to be processed manually. But now there is an assistant capable of uploading information about products to social networks in just two clicks. This is the service.

What are joint purchases

Many people have heard the term “joint purchases,” but not everyone understands what it is.

Joint purchasing (JP) is a method of organizing purchasing in which people join together in a group to purchase the necessary goods at wholesale prices and save on delivery costs.

In Russia, joint purchases began to gain momentum in the mid-2000s. At that time, their main participants were young mothers who wanted to buy cheaper, high-quality clothes and toys for their kids. By 2008, all major city forums had acquired a section dedicated to joint purchases, and the most active participants began to take on the role of organizer or coordinator of the joint venture.

Nowadays, joint purchases are a real phenomenon. There are hundreds of wholesale sites, where the bulk of clients are the organizers of the joint venture. The last of the bored housewives have turned into savvy salespeople. They work for a small commission, but take care of all the buyer’s worries: placing an order, payment, delivery, etc.

For suppliers, JV organizers are like bees collecting nectar. By creating product catalogs on social networks, they attract new customers and increase sales. Thanks to them, the name of the wholesale site constantly appears on social networks, which is good from an SEO point of view.

The more organizers contact your store, the more profitable it is. And the more convenient it is for organizers to work with your site, the more of them there will be.

How to attract organizers? Create attractive conditions for them. This can be done using the widget.

How it works is a service for streaming content uploading from websites to social networks and forums (formats - CSV, XLSX). Using the parser, you can easily and quickly “lick” (hence the name) all necessary information about the product and upload it to your page or group on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. Moreover, recently it is no longer possible to unload individual pages, and the entire catalog. also works with the newfangled VKontakte section - “Products”. Previously, product cards were only displayed in albums, which was not very convenient. Now in VK groups you can create full-fledged product catalogs by category. automates this process.

To date, the client base of joint purchase organizers has exceeded 60,000. Over 250,000 organizers visit monthly. More than two million pictures and descriptions are uploaded through the service every day.

The widget helps organizers easily and quickly unload goods from social network sites, and helps online store owners collect statistics.

Thanks to this widget, you will find out who your buyer is, what communities he is in, how often your products appear in one group or another. This data can be used to conduct marketing campaigns and compose email newsletters.

To install a widget on your website, you need to submit an application to and select one of tariff plans. Unlimited for a month, for example, costs only three thousand rubles.

After payment, you can pick up the widget code in your personal account.

When the organizer of the joint venture goes to your website, he will see the pop-up window and can literally collect data in two clicks and upload your product catalogs to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.

By checking the boxes, the organizer can change the upload parameters. For example, you can set to copy only the name and price of a product without the article number and description.

Also, joint venture coordinators can immediately set their markup. This is very convenient, since you do not need to manually recalculate the cost of each lot. In a few minutes, a full catalog of your products on the social network will be ready. is a real lifesaver for organizers of joint purchases. The service frees up a lot of time and expands sales. After all, products can be downloaded not selectively (what you liked or are in demand), but as entire catalogues. And in the near future, the creators of promise to add another feature. This is an auto-update mechanism. With it, you won’t have to re-upload information about products if it has changed on the manufacturer’s website. Everything will be updated automatically.

Imagine how grateful and loyal joint venture coordinators will be to your site if they can use this tool for free?

The catalog contains more than 2,000 online stores that are popular among organizers of joint purchases. Collecting data from many of them is free. For example, with “Everything Affordable”, “Noble Lady” and others. Other sites are processed at one of the following rates.

But if the supplier’s website has the widget, it means that he has already taken care of the hardworking supplier bees. And they will definitely thank him with new clients and increased sales on social networks.

  1. How to add a site that is not in the parser or for voting?

    • In the "Search for sites in our database" section, you can vote for adding a site to the parser. To do this, find it in the search for “voting sites” and click “Vote”. When a site gets 20 votes, we will add it to the parser.
    • If a site is not included in the voting, then after entering the site’s address in the search for “sites for voting”, the “Leave a request to be added” button will appear.
      Adding will take some time, during which our specialists will configure the service to work with the site.
  2. The email with the password does not arrive. How can I get a password to log into the site?

    Check the SPAM folder of your mailbox.
    If the email with the password is not in spam or the email has not arrived within 10 minutes, then write to: ads@site

  3. Are the suppliers on your site somehow verified?

    We do not check suppliers, and you bear the risk of working with them. Before ordering goods on any site, we advise you to call the contact person of this site and find out information about the terms of the order. Work with already proven suppliers.

  4. Why are there restrictions on large volumes of photo uploads to social networks? (3000 photos)

    Due to the fact that social the VK and OK networks block frequent, similar user actions. She can also block your account for "SPAM" at large quantities downloads We advise you to take breaks while loading a large number of items.

  5. Error: "There are no product photos on the page." What to do?

    • The product catalog can be displayed different ways: tile, list, compressed list. In this case, switch the type of display of products on the site and try using the “BestSp” button again
    • The structure of this site has changed and needs to be re-assembled. In this case, write by email: ads@site
      Please include a link to the page where the error occurs.
  6. Why doesn't the parser allow me to select an album in a group?

    This is most likely due to the ad blocking program installed in the browser. You need to disable it.

So, we have already discussed many of the nuances of opening our first joint purchase on social networks: we learned how to create and design our own communities, and considered various options for creating product catalogs. So that the work of an organizer does not seem too complicated and time-consuming to a beginner, in this article we would like to draw your attention to a tool that can make life much easier for the organizer of a joint venture.

Our conversation today is about parsers.

What is a parser?

A parser is a program that copies information about products from the supplier’s website and uploads it to social networks (VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). You no longer have to add each individual product to your group albums manually, then write a description and price for it With the help of a parser, you will list all your supplier’s product items in a few minutes!

Such programs this moment a sufficient number have been created, especially for the organizers of the joint venture. This once again emphasizes how quickly and powerfully the area of ​​joint purchases is developing in Russia.

From the many parsers, we will choose the most popular and use its example to look at how it works. The advantage of this program is not only its popularity, but also that it is absolutely free for the organizer - which is not unimportant! In order for you to be able to use it, a widget must be installed on your supplier’s website (the “Upload catalog” button):

When you click on this button, a window will open; here you need to click on the big green “Let's try” button.

After which, if you are using this program for the first time, you will be asked to complete a simple registration on the website

To register, you need to enter your e-mail, come up with (and remember, or better yet write down!) a password, check the “I’m not a robot” box and click “Login.” After which you email You will receive an email confirming your registration. Everything is extremely simple. After these simple manipulations, we proceed directly to uploading goods to your group’s albums on social networks. Sliza copes well with both Odnoklassniki and VK.

Click on the widget button again, click “Let’s try”, select the one we need social network click "Open" - a list of groups in which you are an administrator opens and your personal page - select the desired group or post the catalog on your page, depending on how you manage the joint venture.

After selecting a group, a list of all albums created in it opens, select the one you need. If albums have not yet been created, you can do it right here: in a special window, write the name of the album and click “Create”.

The “Change prices” field will help you set the markup you need (organizational fee), to do this, just indicate the percentage of your organizational fee; in the “Rounding” field, put “to the whole” to get rid of kopecks.

"Advanced" allows you to select the fields you need in the product descriptions on the supplier's website. Please note that the maximum number of characters in the description under a photo in VK and in Odnoklassniki is different! In Odnoklassniki it is much shorter, Full description the product simply won't fit. Therefore, when you load a catalog in “OK”, select only required fields: article, price, dimensions and write in the “Additional text” some important information(for example, we indicate that the price of the product is final for the client - so that no unnecessary questions arise) is the same for all products. On VKontakte you can also leave the “Description” field.

Additionally, you can install a “Watermark” on your photos by checking the “Activate” box. You can use a link to a group or a group name, etc. as a watermark. This item is optional, but if photos from your album are included in search engines(Yandex.images for example), then an interested person will be able to find your group using the link indicated on the watermark.

After all the criteria have been selected, click on the “Upload” button - that’s it! Now let's go to your group and check the albums.

Fantastic! The work that previously took organizers several days to complete can now be completed in five minutes!

Taking into account the fact that the availability of goods on the supplier’s website is constantly changing: some goods run out, new ones appear, prices change, promotions are held, you can easily update your albums and keep the goods up to date

This instruction will be useful for customers who want to place an order together with others. To do this, you just need to upload our products to your social media. network and invite friends to collect a joint purchase. The parser will allow you to copy pictures, names, prices and descriptions. The article was created as instructions for organizers of joint purchases.

Step 1 - install the "Rake" button

To unload goods through the "Rake" service, you must register on their website

Now that you are registered, you need to install the "Rake" button in your browser. On this page, drag the button to your bookmarks bar. Next, go to the category of products that need to be unloaded and press this button. Enter login and password. After this you will be able to download. The parser will collect all information about the products and open the settings window.

Step 2 - setting up product unloading On at this stage

you need to make settings: Price rounding and currency
- the ability to round up the price or display it in a foreign currency. After your markup, this function will round up prices; Extra charge
- the ability to change the price at your discretion (as a percentage or a fixed markup). Products will be uploaded to social media. networks with this markup; Product description - the ability to customize the display of information: names, prices, descriptions, links to products (we recommend using it, below detailed description

why this is necessary), as well as comments.

Step 3 - unloading goods with options This step is very important to understand

The purchasing participant, if interested in the product, will follow the link to our website and see the current colors in stock. You just need to get a list of colors for this product that interested the purchasing participant.

Step 4 - select a social network

This is the final stage. You need to select a social network or type of document where you want to upload. In this window you can select the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

When choosing a social network, you can select a photo album into which you want to upload products. There is also the ability to create new albums directly in the parser and a “templates” function is provided to save all upload settings for subsequent uploads.

All you have to do is click on the “Upload goods” button

Step 5 - unloading and checking

After you click the “unload goods” button, a window with the unloading process will appear. Be sure to wait for it to finish. After which we recommend going to the social network and checking that the upload is correct.