Definition of steam id. Various ways to find out your Steam id

Definition of steam id.  Various ways to find out your Steam id
Definition of steam id. Various ways to find out your Steam id

There are several ways to find out your Steam ID, using your Steam profile and using the status command.

How to find out your Steam ID using your Steam profile link?

To start, we can use your 17-digit Steam ID, which can be found by following these steps:

1. Open your Steam client and select "Steam" at the top, then click "Settings".

2. Select "Interface" and check the "Show address bar when possible" checkbox.

3. Click OK.

4. Now click on your profile name and select “Profile”.

Your SteamID will be listed in the URL on the left top corner(that's a really long number at the end). If you have your own URL, the number will not be listed. In this case, simply provide us with the entire URL.

You can also find out the steam ID in css and cs go without copying the link, but simply by logging in to this site: .

How to find out your Steam ID while in css or cs go?

To find out your SteamID, connect to the server and then enter the command "status" (without quotes) in the console.

Your SteamID will be displayed next to your nickname in STEAM_X Format: x: XXXXXXX. This command does not work on local server or when Steam is offline.

Steam, an online digital distribution service for games and software, is a popular platform for gamers. This article will discuss in detail the question of how to find out your Steam ID or the ID of another user.

Steam (Steam) is a service for the digital sale of computer games. It is a platform that brings together players from all over the world, being likeness social network . In addition, Steam provides installation and updating of game content, as well as interaction between players via voice and text communication. Today it is used by about 150 million users, and the platform itself hosts more than 10 thousand applications.

What is Steam ID

"Steam ID" is an individual user identifier. It is used primarily for registration at various cyber tournaments, unblocking the game, viewing user profile statistics and obtaining server administrator rights.

How to find out Steam ID

There are several ways to find out the link to your or a friend’s profile. They imply the use of the software client itself, as well as third party services. Each option for defining Steam ID will be described in detail below.

We use Steam

First, let's start with simple option– viewing the identifier in the user profile:

If a personal link is used as an ID, then a certain set of letters will be written in the line instead of numbers, for example, The personal link is " mindofmine" This way you can find out your Steam ID.

The second method involves using XML markup(site source code):

The page layout will be displayed in front of the user, in the first module " Profile" will be displayed " SteamID64" - this is the user ID. In this way, you can find out not only your data, but also your friend’s.

The third method is to use the browser's address bar and the web version of Steam:

Using third party services (steamidfinder)

You can find your SteamID using third-party resources, one of them is steamidfinder. IN this option the user can recognize not only his own Steam ID, but also another person. It is an alternative to the second method (if the ID is unknown and there is only a personal link). Service is English speaking, but nevertheless will not cause difficulties. Detailed instructions will be given below.

The process looks like this:

Using the console in the game

For users who play games on the Source engine, it is possible to find out the ID using the game console.

List of multiplayer games created on the Source engine:

  • CS:GO;
  • CS:Source;
  • Dota;
  • Team Fortress;

The process looks like this:

  • launch the game and go to “ Settings»;
  • in the list select the option “”;
  • choose game server and we go to it;
  • press the tilde key “~” on the keyboard;
  • in the console enter the command “ Status" After entering, information about the players on the server will be displayed. This will display the ID.

Determining the game ID

Viewing a game's Steam ID is quite simple; you only need the Steam desktop client or its web version:

In the same way, you can find out the ID for games and programs located in the library.

Admin ID

You can determine the administrator ID using one of the methods given above. The most appropriate option in this case is to use the console. The server administrator is the same player as everyone else, so the ID will be displayed there.

  • launch the game, go to “ Settings»;
  • select " Enable Developer Console»;
  • go to the server;
  • press the tilde “~” on the keyboard;
  • in the console enter “ Status" Information about all players on the server, including the administrator, will be displayed.

How to find a friend on steam by id

Finding a friend on Steam by ID is only possible if the ID is known:

How to find out your Steam login by ID or profile

This question is asked by many users, but unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the login. When attempting to hack or perform other actions on someone else’s account, protection is triggered “ SteamGuard" Unfortunately, you only find out the username.

The only option to do this is to use the third-party service “”, and it will only help you find out the nickname:

Many users use Steam. But there is quite a lot in it, which raises many questions. For example, how to find out your Steam id. In this article we will tell you in detail how to get this unique identifier, where it is used, and whether it should be kept under seven locks, like other authenticators, for example, an IP address. This information may be useful to you if you fight in clan wars and often play on game servers Counter Strike 1.6, and also conduct quite active gaming activities.

How to find out your Steam id? Why is it needed?

At the beginning of the article it was said that the Steam id is closely related to Counter Strike 1.6, but for what reasons is this id used? The answer is quite simple: in the above game there are servers, it is within the framework of Counter Strike that they are quite developed, because they have their own admin, who can incredibly change game process. There are moderators with authority over regular players. Everything functions quite smoothly until one of the people starts doing nonsense, for example, using prohibited software- cheats.

You need to exclude an unwanted person from the server, and you block his IP address, but time passes, and he comes in again, simply changing his address. Steam ID blocking comes to the rescue - this is a special identity authenticator that is issued once, but it can also be changed, more on that later. If a person plays with licensed copy games, then he will not be able to enter unless he performs a certain kind of manipulation.

There are times when it is necessary to return a person to the server, even if he behaved inappropriately. Then you will also have to use id.

Instructions about:

  1. Activate official application Steam.
  2. Go to your personal profile and click right click mouse on the avatar and select the last item “view source…»
  3. A notepad will open in front of you, where there will be many different HTML tags. Among them you need to find your id. To do this, press the key combination CTRL+F and enter Steamid together. The found string will indicate with an equal sign to your id, which is in quotes.

After these events, you can safely share your Steam ID with your friends, acquaintances and other people who need it for some purpose.

Services for finding Steam id

If you don’t want to dig, then, again, there are special services that can instantly give you the id of your account. This method does not carry any consequences, because with the help of id you can, perhaps, ban and unban on the server. Nothing more. Well, or indicate it in a banner on some forum.

Instructions on how to find out id using Steam id finder. Take the following steps.

  1. Go to Steam id finder. Enter your address to the Steam page in the field. Don't be confused. These are two different concepts. You can take the address in your own browser if you are logged in through it.
  2. Wait a few minutes, after which you will be given your unique Steam ID.

The service is suitable specifically for those who want to get their ID, for example, from their phone, when there is no way to properly view the source code of the page.

id changer?

It was already mentioned above that there are special services that can change your id. This is also quite simple, but some users do not know how to do this, so this topic will be covered in detail in the instructions below.

How to change your Steam id in Counter Strike 1.6:

  1. Install Steam id changer from a site you trust.
  2. Enter the game, then activate the console. It should already say that the program is activated and working correctly.
  3. Steam_random_id 1/0 - this command turns the program on or off (1 - enable, 0 - disable).
  4. Steam_set_id desired id. Set your personal id. Instructions on how to find out your ID and use it are at the top of the article.
  5. Access blocked servers without problems.

This simple method can only be used in Counter Strike 1.6, but in return you get ease of operating the application.


We hope that the article on how to find out your Steam id helped you and that you will have more problems finding it and then replacing it. We recommend downloading the program from the last paragraph only from reliable sources.

After registering on Steam, each user is assigned a unique identifier called Steam ID 64. Unlike a nickname, the ID consists only of numbers and cannot be changed by the user to another. There are 3 ways to find out your Steam ID without contacting technical support. Let's look at each of them in the instructions below.

Method 1

Simple, but not always effective method- look at the profile information in the Steam client. Click on the user name in the upper right corner of the program and select the “View Profile” command.

On the page that opens, right-click on empty space in the center and select the “Copy page address” command.

Open your browser or text editor and paste the copied line, which should look like this:

Where the numbers 1234567890 are your Steam ID 64.

If a set of letters is displayed instead of numbers, it means that a personal link was registered in the settings for this profile. There are 2 options - erase the link in the profile editing window and copy the page address again, or move on to the next method of “recognizing” your ID.

Method 2

and press Enter to make it look like the screenshot below.

In design 01234567890Your Steam ID 64 is displayed.

Method 3

If the option in method 2 causes difficulties, use any online service Steam ID recognition from the list below and paste the copied line there.

Steam_id- an individual identifier that is assigned to each user when registering on Steam. Everyone who uses the licensed version of Counter-Strike has a Steam ID. In this article we will tell you how to find out Steam_id and how to view your Steam ID, because... you may need it at any time.

We would also like to invite you to read another useful material, which describes in detail how to secure your Steam account.

Why do you need to know your Steam ID?

Steam ID is used, as you already understood, to identify the user. It is exactly where you are going to play from your Steam account that you need it.

First of all, Steam_id may be needed for registration on some sites where various tournaments are held, for example, like our site. To participate in any tournament, you need to indicate the Steam_id of the game you are going to play, be it CS 1.6, CSS or CS:GO. This is why beginners may have problems with how to find out their Steam ID.

In addition, a Steam ID may be needed to write an application for unban, because on most gaming Players are banned by Steam_id. In addition, on the servers, for the convenience of the admins themselves, they register by steam ID.

Most bans are based on Steam_id

How to find out Steam_id in Counter-Strike?

Especially for beginners who have never had to deal with Steam_id, we will tell you the process of how to find out your Steam ID in great detail. Let us immediately note that the process is the same for any version of Counter-Strike.

1. Launch the game and go to any server.
2. Open the console (~). If it does not open, you must first enable it in the game settings.
3. Enter status and press Enter.
4. A list of all players currently in the console window will appear. this moment on server. In this list you need to find the line with your . Opposite it will be your STEAM_ID.

To find out Steam_id, just write status in the console
In the picture we see line # 1 “putin” 895 STEAM_0:0:50350748 8 1:02:30 5 0. It is deciphered as follows: the player with the nickname putin has a steam ID STEAM_0:0:50350748. Now you shouldn’t have any problems with how to view your STEAM ID.

In conclusion, it must be said that the real Steam_id is only for players with a licensed version of the game. It doesn't change when you reinstall the game. As for those who play with the Non-Steam version, they either do not have a Steam ID at all (STEAM_ID_LAN), or it is randomly generated during installation.

Also note that if you have different versions of CS on your Steam account, then the Steam_id in CS:GO will differ by only 1 digit from the Steam_id in CS 1.6.