Who will give away the account? Free WoT accounts

Who will give away the account? Free WoT accounts

The idea to look for free World Of Tanks accounts came to me out of boredom. But the desire to write an article is a consequence of this search. Personal account I gave WoT away for free - I gave it away free of charge and for about 8 months I didn’t even remember the game or tank battles.

But the other day I watched a series of Discovery programs about tanks of the Second World War, and the long-extinguished fire of the game flared up with renewed vigor. The only thing I didn’t want to do was start leveling up tanks in the game from the very beginning - up to level 5, personally, I’m not interested in playing at all. So, given that more than 40,000,000 accounts are registered in the World Of Tanks game, the chances of finding someone willing to give away a WoT account for free looked quite optimistic.

But as it turned out, scribbling - I’ll give away a World Of Tanks account, free WoT accounts, etc., there are a lot on the Internet, but it’s quite difficult to find a real player.

Free World Of Tanks accounts
- this is real, but troublesome.

It took me more than a week to find a free WoT game account. In practice, as I already said, everything turned out to be somewhat more complicated than initially thought. Firstly, the vast majority of online signs - I'll give away my World Of Tanks account for free in good hands- This is a common divorce for a while. Distributing seemingly free WoT accounts is an attempt to use your personal time to upgrade your accounts in the game; especially cunning ones have dozens of accounts.

It’s as if they give you a World Of Tanks account with an email and password, but they forget to give you the most important thing – the password for the email itself. But many people get along, play the game, clap their hands, rejoicing at the free account, forgetting that they are pumping up tanks for a stranger. If you have certain successes in the WoT game, they don’t touch you, free labor is valuable everywhere. If you are a crab and a new “client” is on the way, change the game password and - hasta la vista, baby!

In general, a barker with the searched phrase will give away a World Of Tanks account for free, it turned out to be more than 230,000, and free WoT accounts generally exceeded half a million - to find something, I had to dig thoroughly. It also took a lot of time to contact the real owner and get a password for the mail, and with it full control over the account. As a result, I found three WoT accounts, chose one with lvl 7-8 tanks, a couple of lvl 9, and even though there were no high-level premium vehicles there, I was still a little happy - because I saved a lot of time and nerves.

I will write the following lines only for those who are looking for free WoT accounts not for the purpose of profit. For those who don’t give a damn about the win percentage and performance rating in the game, they just want, like me, to go back and remember the past. The fact that there are not greedy and decent People in our country who are ready to give away a World Of Tanks account for free, that is, for nothing - I not only have no doubt, I am convinced and have tested it on myself. A second wind opened up, the game took over with renewed vigor. Thank you, Petrovich!

And also, if it doesn’t bother you, indicate the maximum level and name of the open tank in the branch; it is not necessary to indicate all lower-level tanks from the same branch. Please do not offer WoT accounts with tanks below lvl 5, because they are not of particular interest even to novice players. Having premium equipment and good statistics doesn’t matter.

For the smart-ass (voiced above) - don’t even try, your shareware world of tanks accounts won’t work here. Comments are not published without verification, so don’t waste my time or yours—distributing WoT accounts, ala VKontakte, is of no use to anyone here.

Best wishes


    !Important! Read first! Important!

    1. Read the comments to the end, what the person offers and what he wants; if a philanthropist indicates an email for contact, write immediately to specified mail.

    2. No need to ask: - did you give away your account? can you give it to me? and the like, your notes do not reach the addressee - the owner of the account left an email or skype for this.

    3. There is no need to ask for someone to write to you, to leave email and VKontakte addresses - this is pointless and such comments will not pass moderation (read point 2). Preference is given to those who want to give an account rather than ask for it.

    4. I do not check the proposed World Of Tanks accounts for the availability of equipment, etc., but only indicate the owner’s contact information. You make the agreement yourself, and it’s not me who decides whether to give you the account for free or not.

    5. Try not to spoil things - use your eyes and head for their intended purpose.

    • Hello Denker. My son plays WoT. About a year ago, an account for him was found on your website. A year of happy battles in the tank forces. Now I forgot my account password. An account that was donated or rented out for free (it cannot be restored by mail). I'm trying to contact the owner. Let's see... Get in line asking for another account... You probably have more people willing than these free World Of Tanks accounts themselves. If there is something 7-8 level, I would be grateful. If not, please tell me some resource (website) where you can buy an account with achievements (up to 500-700 rubles) without scammers. Preferably verified by someone. Thank you for your activity.

      If you have an account, send suggestions by email ( [email protected]), let's talk and come to an agreement.

    • Good day, I tried to play World Of Tanks - I liked it, but due to constant business trips I don’t have time to upgrade. Maybe you have at least a below average account, otherwise playing at the first levels is not much fun. Thanks in advance, whatever the answer is.

      • Hello, I can give away my account for free. Now I don’t play - I have absolutely no time, and the desire has disappeared. True, the account is very average: 45%, 2k battles. t34 premium, out of 7x only 1375 have been studied, kv2, kv150. If necessary, write something for communication, I will send you an email and password, if you want to write by email - (gave it).

      Hey. Guys, here I found an account with a bendable prem tank. The account is suitable for a twink account on which you urgently need to pump up any tank. Write by mail ( [email protected]), the account is abandoned, I checked everything myself, and everything works.

      • Hello, from reading the comments I have a good impression of your site. Well, I would like to ask you to find me an account with the E 100 tank. I can only use it, I will be very grateful, premiums are not necessary, only E 100 (well, if you are very lucky, then I would like another E 25 for farming (but this is probably too much).

        • Here, no one, no one, is looking for WoT accounts, sometimes good people come in, tired of the game, and give their abandoned account to those who can read. Gaming “soap”, I don’t store passwords for accounts, I delete them immediately (if they are provided), I leave only the “donor’s” email, for communication - write to the owners directly, negotiate.

  • Denker, I was recently visiting a childhood friend, it turns out he also played World of Tanks, and many will say who doesn’t play it or hasn’t played it. So, I got an account from him, see if it might be useful to someone. In general, do whatever you want with it - give it as a gift or sell it. Techniques for level 7-8-9 accounts are all nations, except for the newer ones - the narrow-eyed ones.

    • I’ll take a look, check it and definitely give it to a good person. I do not resell accounts and do not delegate this business to anyone. I can sell World of Tanks accounts only in one case - if, for example, I bought a premium tank of 7-8 lvl for my account, rode it and got tired of it. In this case, the account is sold at the price of a premium tank - no more.

      • Hello again, Denker. Last year I built a computer for $1000 based on your recommendations. Everything is fine with the PC configuration, I’m still happy, but I had a problem of a different kind. How can I put this mildly - my young yellow-haired guy was taken away from his World of Tanks account, he wanted to speed up the leveling of his account, why he gave away the password to his email - he can’t clearly explain. There was nothing super valuable in the hangar, a couple of lvl 10, but still – it’s a shame, yes. I myself love to play this game in the evening, and you understand how it is to download everything from the beginning. Help me out again, give me some World of Tanks account with lvl 7-8 tanks.

        • When World of Tanks accounts are available, and even more so for regular readers, you are always welcome. Once again let’s say thank you to Petrovich and his friend, I think you will be satisfied with the WoT account mentioned above. I have sent all the necessary passwords to your account to the email address you provided - change everything and unsubscribe. Play for your health, just don’t show your email password to your son again.

          • Thank you very much, Denker. The account is even better than mine, except for the lack of lvl 10 tanks, but this can be fixed. I experienced long-forgotten sensations - I felt like a child who had his favorite toy returned. Thanks again for the Christmas gift.

            Good day Denker! The story is very similar to yours, I gave my account to a friend of mine. And so a lot of time passed and I decided to return to the World Of Tanks game again, started new account I played several dozen battles, but when I imagine how long it will take to upgrade tanks to reach lvl 5-6, not to mention levels 8-10, then the desire disappears. If you have the opportunity to help with purchasing a free World Of Tanks account with tanks from lvl 5 or higher, I will be very grateful to you.

            • I used to play World Of Tanks a lot, then I got tired and sold all my tanks. A year later, I downloaded the game, decided to play as before, but after a couple of battles I realized that the skill was lost, and it didn’t grab me like before. You have almost 17,000,000 silver and object 212a in your account, play for your health.

    Yeah, that’s how everyone rushed to give WoT accounts to everyone. So much nerves and effort are wasted on pumping up tanks, increasing stats, and I’ll just take and give away a World of Tanks account with premium tanks.

    • No one is forcing anyone to tear their favorite WoT game account away from their hearts, keep warming your angina pectoris. The article was not written for you - pass by. I won’t waste time on subsequent comments with the wording: “I won’t give up my World of Tanks account - it’s better to rot” - I won’t waste time, don’t try, I’ll delete it. And don’t talk about premium tanks, yours are most likely low-level and gift ones that Wargaming gave away for free. For others, I repeat - if you have World of Tanks accounts that have been collecting dust for months, and you don’t know what to do with them - do good, give them to a friend, neighbor or a complete stranger. For you this is already unnecessary rubbish, but for others it is a piece of missing happiness. Statistics and the presence of premium tanks do not matter.

      • Hello! I wanted to say that I am very surprised that many people, and especially you, are giving away World Of Tanks accounts, good ones at that, for free! I’m just hiding from the rain here too - my account was stolen. If there is, I will be very grateful, otherwise there is no desire to raise everything from the bottom.

    I'll give away my account Games World Of Tanks is free.
    There are tanks in the hangar is-2 lvl 7, lev 8lvl premium tank, bat chat lvl 10, is-7 lvl 10, is-4 lvl 10, ob.261 lvl 10, t34 premium lvl 8, mouse lvl 10, e 100 lvl 10, lvl 110 8. I have 34000k fights, my wife gave me an ultimatum!!! I don’t set foot in tanks, so I’ll give it away for free... Anyone interested, write!!!
    I gave away the account and it looks like a good player, I looked at the site - the stats are growing.

    Hello Denker! I am very glad that I found this site... I hope what is written above is true, I wanted to ask you - could you find me a World of Tanks account, I don’t care about the stats, etc., I play (played) for several months and reached lvl 7, but then I went wrong and my account got hung up, I want to play, but when I think about it all over again, it’s a shame. Thank you!

    Good afternoon. Something bad happened recently. My youngest son's World Of Tanks account was hacked. The child has not been able to calm down for 4 days. So I decided to turn to you with a request. If you have any WoT account for a child, the poor fellow has been working magic on him for almost three years and then this happens. Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Roman. My name is Nikita and I also played our favorite game for 3 years, just like your son. I still have my first account, it is of course cancerous, but several lvl 7 and AMX 50 100 (top) tanks have been researched on it, and there is also a premium E25 tank. I hope your son likes it, I’m sending you the password and email, do good.

    If anyone has an unnecessary World Of Tanks account, I’ll be happy to take it to play, I’m not a player myself, I don’t particularly play tanks. I have the WoT game, but I don’t have time to download it... If I could, I’d be happy to play it a couple of times a week after work... I would like to ask for a World Of Tanks game account for temporary (not permanent) use, of course without an email password, thanks in advance.

    • ([email protected]) Tanks: SU-100, SU-152, First Tiger, Renault UE 57
      This is an absolutely real account, and I will not change the password, because... I play on another account, where Ilya_fcdm is signed, if you need it, you can find it and thank me.

    Hello Denker, I’ve been playing the game World Of Tanks for a long time, I really like it, but it was a shame, my account was hacked, I just bought an IS-4 and that’s it, I don’t have a WoT account, could you give me some kind of account, it doesn’t matter what, just so much effort wasted? Thank you in advance!

    • I remind you! It is important!
      If you want to get a free account for the World Of Tanks game for a long time, to become the real owner - your email and password to your account are not enough. Don't forget to agree and get a password from your email ( full access and control with security questions). Otherwise, smart-ass people are using you to boost their account; simply changing the game password will not help you. It is enough for the owner of the mail to contact World Of Tanks technical support with the word - it was hacked, and your account will be taken away.

    Help, my computer broke down 2 years ago, then I had no time for studying with tanks, so I decided to go play and when I go in it says - your World Of Tanks account is blocked upon application, etc., etc. I wrote to the administration - they can’t help if anyone has a WoT account with at least 7 levels of tanks, give it to me, I will be grateful.

    Hello Denker! I am very glad that I found this site... Could you find me a World of Tanks account? I played for 5 months and reached level 8, and one day I couldn’t log into my account, I didn’t change the password, I didn’t do anything, but I can’t log in. Thank you!

    Hello! Dear Denker. I’ve been reading for a long time, but I didn’t dare to write anything, so I decided to. I have an account with is4, is7, t44, t34(prem), at15a(prem) and isu152. I would like to ask you to exchange your account for more modern tanks. The stats are not important, but the tanks are important! I would like brand new tanks, but not scoops.

    I have a World Of Tanks account, I’ll give it to you for literally a ridiculous price, the price for this account is thank you. There is a yaga lvl 7 top, kv3 lvl 7 top, t25 lvl 7 top, is lvl 7 top. Stata, if 51.06% is important, write to anyone who needs it, I’ll give you the password for the account right away, and from the mail, there are now 4 top vehicles of 7 lvl, no gold/gold, only 20,000k silver, in short, who needs a free World Of Tanks account, write by email ( [email protected]), I'll give it for thanks (i.e. for free).

    Hi all! The article is good and written correctly! I myself am looking for an account in wot, I played a long time ago, then gave up, now I’m nostalgic for tanks, and starting all over again is somehow boring. And there is no time for leveling up - work, wife, home. Maybe someone kind will give away an unnecessary World of Tanks account from at least lvl 6. I will be grateful.

    And I would like to add more, I had practice, I couldn’t find a free account, I decided to buy it - I paid $35, everything is beautiful, the password for the account, the password for the soap. But I didn’t check one thing, the soap was tied to the phone, + there was a spare email, and security questions to recover the password, which I did not change. I liked the premium for a month, the equipment was ok + I bought the equipment, as a result, at the end of the premium, miraculously all my passwords change, and I find this account on sale again + with my additions, what I managed to open... So be careful... You never know, if someone has an account with levels 7-9, I’ll gladly take it, for free, if I get tired of playing as a friend, I’ll give it away in the same thread. Stat doesn't matter, it's just for me to play....

    Hello everyone, good article! I'm looking for an account, if anyone is giving away an account for free, please write. VERY NECESSARY. I will be very grateful! My husband plays and taught me, I liked it. I played on his level 6,7,8 tanks during his absence, but now I want my own account, and creating a new one will take a very long time to level up my tanks. Please, if you have a free account, send me a message if it’s not difficult. Thank you in advance!

    Folks, can anyone provide a World Of Tanks account for my son? The guy foolishly fell for a scam - free pumping of tanks, and he himself gave away his login, password + email. Now he walks as if in a trance, crying. It seems bad that games have such an influence on the guy, but it breaks my heart to watch his torment. So if anyone can help, I will be grateful from the bottom of my heart!

    Good day to all! Good job you guys are doing it!
    The hope of finding an account in wot almost melted away, I found this page and was delighted. I really hope that at least someone here will help me make my dream come true and give my unnecessary World of Tanks account into good hands... Thanks in advance!

    Hello everyone, good article! I'll give away my WoT account for free, in the hangar: T18 (2lvl), Pz.4.H (5lvl), M103 (9lvl). Also upgraded is8 (9lvl), ob704 (9lvl), tension with silver, so I will give it to anyone who needs it. Write to email - ( [email protected]).

    • There are a couple of good accounts of the World of Tanks game, almost all branches of tanks are upgraded to level 7, some have tanks of the eighth level. Those who want to get a WoT account or more for free detailed information, write by email ( [email protected])

    Hi all! I have an old account. There is one nine (is-8) in the hangar, the rest is sand. Quite a few different tanks have been studied. I’ve been playing on another account for a long time, I wanted to start again, with an even stat. Although I don’t need the account, I don’t want to give it to just anyone. I want to put it in the hands of an adequate, good person. Write to email: ( [email protected])

    Good day! There's a tragedy in the family! My wife's account was stolen - my friend played! After 2 days, log in to your account. I couldn’t, I wrote a simple answer to support: don’t trust your login and password to others. As a result, nervousness, breakdowns and even tears, she puffed on it for 4 years mostly without a premium, for her birthday he gave her a leva and a premium for a month - a month of happiness! He offered to create a new account - he doesn’t want to, on mine - he doesn’t want to - he says there’s no leftist! Help bring peace to the family - make something nice for a woman who can eat something from lvl 8-9? Thank you in advance!

    Hello everyone, I recently started playing the game World Of Tanks, I became interested because... I am a technical historian. progress of the 2nd World War, if anyone cares, donate an account from tanks to the school, I want to use it for informational purposes.

    Hello everybody! I'll give away the account from the tanks. There's not a lot of money there, but good equipment has been researched there. Is-7 E-75, Su-14-1, T44, ISU-152 have been researched, there is a tiger in the hangar (top + 3rd perk) so write to anyone who needs it! Mail - ( [email protected])

    Hello! I'll give away my tank account! I'm already tired of these games, and quarrels with my wife! In the hangar of KV-5 Type 59, 6 tops have been examined. There is a T-34 (premium) IS-4 Arta Russian X level. In general, a lot of things! Who to give it to, write to mail - ( [email protected])

    Free World Of Tanks account.
    Hello everyone, I’ll give a free account in tanks to good hands, if the stats are important then 51+ battles 27000, 21 tanks of which 13 are top tanks there are premium tanks e 25 and fishing, there is no time to play, whoever needs to write to me by email - ( [email protected]).

    Good afternoon, I read the article and really saw myself. I used to play and really liked it, then my life priorities changed and the game faded into the background, then my World Of Tanks account was transferred to my nephew, where it is still located and developing, but after 2 years I really want to remember these feelings from the game . If there is any account from level 6, I will gladly accept it as a gift, statistics and premium equipment do not matter at all. Thanks in advance!

    Good afternoon, like the hero of the article, I also want to remember the past, but I don’t need YOU to give me the entire World Of Tanks account, with the email password, I can download your account, unfortunately, there’s plenty of time now. I had my own WoT account, I haven’t played for a long time, my email was blocked, and then my account too, of course I can’t restore it. write, I will be glad. An account with medium tanks is a priority.

    I’ll give you a WOT account - USSR 7-8 lvl top IS3 (all open), T-44, KV-4, write - ( [email protected])
    — — — — — Denker — — — — —
    Important to know and remember! If they ask you for money for your account, even if it’s a mere trifle (a ruble or ten) - there’s a 99.5% chance that it’s a scammer!

    I'll give away my World Of Tanks account because I don't need it! In the hangar is-7, leopard-1, ob-140, fv-42.02, t-57 heavy, is-3, is-2, t-29, borscht and many other things that were bought and what needs to be bought! Among the premium tanks: e-25, type-62, vz-111!

      • Such “deeds” are not uncommon, and I wrote about this earlier. Free World Of Tanks accounts do not fall from the sky; an altruist and just a decent person is not so easy to find. That is why I emphasize once again - check the information - if they start asking you for money for a supposedly free World Of Tanks account (even the smallest amount) - in almost 100% of cases it is a scammer!

        • Well, the person says that he wrote off and I asked to compensate for the premium tanks. Yes it is. But why am I a fraud!? I’m an adult, I have a seed and I don’t have time for tanks at all. So I give the account to people who need it. Understand that there are a bunch of tanks on the account that I downloaded for two years, four premium tanks and blah, blah, blah.

          • Firstly, I replaced the ending spewing anti-Semitism with blah - such statements are not worthy of the title you have assigned - “adult man”. Secondly, how can I put it mildly - it was a shame to write I’ll give away my WoT account, an honest person in such cases writes - I’ll sell my account.

    I'll give away my World Of Tanks account for free+ Mailbox with a secret question.
    A good start for a beginner:
    750 gold
    While there are few days of prema
    400,000+ sulfur
    Premium 5 BGN Churchill III (farms well)
    Prem 4 lv. Valentine II (nonsense)
    Gift 2 lv. Ausf. D
    Kv1 top gun 50% first perk
    54% wins
    Write to email - *** - I gave away the account.

    Hello to all visitors of this site and the creator!!! As usual, my son played the wonderful game World of Tanks; I don’t deny that he himself often played at night after his shift. Well, one fine day my son was deceived, and as a result his World of Tanks account was stolen. The most interesting thing is that the account was stolen by a 36-year-old man. My son is still in a wheelchair (he finished playing football, both legs are broken). In short, now there are tears and hysterics (no favorite game). I ask that if anyone has a World of Tanks account with levels 7-8, give it to me. I will be grateful. Otherwise my son will be stuck in a cast for another 2 months.

    • Hello DENKER!!! I would like to know why they write such nasty things to me? It seems like I didn’t do anything like that, I just asked for some kind of account, if any. I specifically asked because I don’t have the opportunity to buy an account for my son. We live in the area, the salary is not so hot. And there is nothing for children to do here, there is zero entertainment. So I decided to write to you. And visitor Denis began to be rude to me and write nasty things.

      • Don’t take words—trolls and simply morally deficient—to heart, and don’t take them at all—ignore them. This is the Internet and shit comes up here much more often (a product of impunity) than in real life (they can even hit you in the eye). Many “clowns” try to feed their all-consuming inferiority complex in this way.

      • Sergey, thank you very much for responding to my message. Although I didn't get the account, someone was quicker to intercept me. But I’m still glad that there are such people. Denker, please do not delete this message. And thanks for your wonderful site!!!

        • I don’t delete well-written requests and comments, I don’t always find time to approve - it happens, I confess. By the way, I don’t check either the accounts or the people giving them, if they ask for money for a free World Of Tanks account, 99.9% it’s a scam. An honest person will immediately write - I’m selling!

        • Buying a good game account is not so difficult, if only you had the money in your pocket. In World of Tanks, for $50-150 you can easily buy an account with premium level 7-8 tanks. It’s also easy to weed out scammers - use the services of a guarantor (with many years of practice).

            • It's not the site, but the desire not to be a sucker - trust, but check before purchasing, so to speak. It is enough to mention in correspondence the Guarantor, who has been proven over the years, and the scammers themselves fall off like rotten pears. I recommend looking at the last comment of the article - there is a description and the name of the guarantor.

  • Hello. My story is in many ways similar to the story of the author of this article. For about a month now I have been trying to find people who don’t mind giving away their account for free (in good hands). I'm interested in historical games, especially those related to World War II. WoT is one of those games (although historicality is not its strongest feature). Battles in World of Tanks are dynamic and interesting and do not take much time, but the process of developing a branch is long and labor-intensive, especially if the desired branch German tanks is in its infancy (I dream of a Tigre 1 in the hangar).

    I am a student, doing well, receiving an increased scholarship; in fact, for such success, I spend a lot of time. But like any other person, I also have a desire to relax, and I partly spend this vacation in online WoT battles. The level of my equipment is low (2 tanks of 5 and 6 levels Ger). There is no way to donate (since I rent an apartment). Time is short, but I want to ride a tiger. I ask kind people if there is an unnecessary World of Tanks account with a tiger. Sincerely grateful in advance.

    I'll give away an unnecessary World of Tanks account, email *** - the password for it, if you need it, then ***. The password for the game is the same as for the mail. It's a good start for beginners.
    — — — — — Denker — — — — —
    The account has been given away, I am deleting the soap and password.

      • Alexey, thank you very much for the WoT game account, I played until 2012 (then there was no time for games), unfortunately the account data with two dozen was not saved. Now a window has appeared, I can relax, thanks to you I’ll play at least a little. There is only one request - remove the linking of the account to the phone in World of Tanks, so that I can change the password before the winged ones waste all the silver and tanks. Please do not ignore and once again - thank you very much for your acc.

    I’ll put my account in good hands 54% victories 78% hits 5053 number of battles are in the hangar Is-3, T-54, Is-8, Ru-251, Locust, LTP and 12 million credits. Here is the email and password - ( [email protected]) - 357896778310Ka

    I’ll give away the wot account, it has a premium level 8, almost all 9 levels of the USSR have been explored, PT TT and ST - I’m giving it away because the game really is a bitch and interferes with my work. There is no email for the account; I will remove the link to whom I will give it to. Write by mail - ( [email protected])

    I came across this article by accident, so if someone gives me my account, I will be very happy. I don’t have any heartbreaking stories about children and lost accounts, but I’ve just wanted to start playing this game for a long time. Spend time leveling up upper levels I just physically can’t (maximum 1 hour 2-3 times a week) - I’ll continue pumping them like this until I retire. And it's not interesting at all. So if anyone doesn’t mind, I’ll be very grateful, especially if there’s a T62A, I’ll actually cry. (emphasis on the second syllable))). If you don’t like it, you won’t have time at all, etc. and so on. I will give it back the same way I received it. Well,…!!! -Who is kind here? - Come one at a time...

    Question to Denker:

    Mr. Eric wants to receive compensation for premium tanks in the hangar and complains that everyone is afraid of scammers - I am not against it in principle, but I am no different from the majority in this matter - are there any proven schemes that protect against scammers? And the only thing that comes to mind is “you give me everything, and I’ll check and send you something - on my word of honor...” But I’m afraid that won’t suit him either... What should I do?

    I’ll give away the account in hangar kv4, ob.140, vz132, ob.704, fir tree, t 67, hellet..reason: I’m leaving for the army and playing on another account, plus I want to reduce my dependence on WOT. Nickname in the game set_12, anyone interested, write to the mail - taken away.

    Hello, Denker and all visitors to this article! I came across this article a long time ago, about a year ago. And he came here occasionally, purely out of “sports” interest. But this year I have to write my thesis and defend it. And at the beginning of February, I still couldn’t sit down and start writing my thesis. Therefore, the idea came to write here and give away my account so that WOT would not distract me. I told my friends about this, saying that I couldn’t restrain myself, so I needed to get rid of the account. And then my friend says to me: “Give it to me, I’ll change the password and you won’t be able to log in and I won’t tell you it, and he even added that after protection I can take the account back.” I think it’s cool, so I gave away the account. Now I have written my diploma, I am waiting for defense and the army. And there is still 1.5 months left. And I wanted to take the account back. And this miracle Yudo (hereinafter referred to as Seryozha’s friend), got a ban until September! In short, Seryozha finished his game and leaked my account. And I want to play like that!! My friends are playing in platoons right now, having fun. And I'm sitting playing solo at low levels on a new account. And it takes me a long time to swing!! Therefore, I want to contact some kind person who has a desire to donate his account. I will accept the gift with great gratitude! And thank you, Denker, for the wonderful opportunity to find an account for free. Because I’m a student and I don’t have the opportunity to buy an account, and it’s dangerous because there are so many scammers on the Internet!

    I have never seen anything like this before. So many kind people. If someone has an account with equipment from level 5, I can buy it, if it’s a shame to give it away. My brother plays tanks, I also liked it, but I don’t want to level up, because it’s not interesting to get to level 5. Thanks a lot!!! Write by email.

    • Lena, I have an account with a couple of level 5 tanks and one level 6 tank, if necessary, write to me by email in more detail why you need it, why you really need it, and in general we’ll discuss everything in more detail. Mail - “account taken away.”

  • (I apologize if I duplicate the message, the browser froze).

    I gave my WoT account (not to Lena, someone else wrote it) so I ask you to remove my email from my comment above (06/02/2015 at 10:36). And thank you for your help and a wonderful site in all respects.

    Hi all. Played tanks from 2012 to 2014 under the nickname walsm14. Then I got tired and decided to quit. Now on new job everyone just talks about tanks. That stirred up the excitement and I wanted to come back too. But he gave the old one to his nephew. If anyone can give as a huge THANK YOU.

    Hello!!! Of course, it’s stupid to ask someone for an account, but finances don’t allow you to buy either. The city is small and the salaries are tiny. If anyone has an unnecessary account or is simply tired of playing, I will gladly accept it.

    • roman-sidorov-2000 aka Ivan, well, at least for the sake of decency change your email, otherwise you write comments, then I’ll give you the account, then give it to me, it’s not even funny to me anymore. Be a friend, add variety not only to the texts, so at least it will be more interesting for me to figure out you by IP.

    Hey guys! I understand that there are only a few people who want to give their World Of Tanks account for thanks, but still they exist. A huge request, if suddenly someone decides to quit the game, do not abandon your account, but give it to me. For unknown reasons, I can’t log into my account, and to be honest, I’m too lazy to download everything again... Thank you for your understanding and generosity in advance. Good luck to all.

    I'll give you a WoT account for a nominal fee. I’m giving it away without mail, it’s working. Link your phone number and you will be happy. There are many tops open on the account, there is also a unique Type 59 tank. I’m giving it away due to lack of time and complete loss of interest in the game. Contact by email (account has been given).

    Hello tankers!!! You need a World Of Tanks account with 1500+ efficiency, at least 4k battles, 1 top 10 tank of any kind. In exchange, I’ll give you an account with a bunch of tanks + prem amx SDS nickname IzNoGood, see for yourself, + I’ll give you an account with 600 battles with prem tank 13 57F, comet, and PT Frenchman lvl 5. If anyone is interested, please email ( [email protected]), classmates Sasha Keenzy Factory 22. Or write here.

    Hello guys, I have an account with 2 premium tanks of lvl 3 and 5, I was planning to start a twink, but I didn’t get around to it, so I abandoned it. In total, only 10 battles were played. If anyone is interested, write to me on Skype - winchester_drive

    Hi all! I played enough of tanks here (almost to the point of divorce)! On the account there are premium tanks e-25, t34, vz-111, type-62, 8 tops: 140, 57 hev, is-7, leo 1, waffles, e 100, fv 4202, many 8s! I’ll give it to anyone who needs it, hurry while there’s still some!
    — — — — — Denker — — — — —
    People say he’s a bad person and asks for money. I'm deleting the mail.

    I'll give you an account, nickname skykera. The branch has been upgraded to t54 (not purchased), there are kv4, t34-85, kv1s, t67, and t25/2, whoever needs it, write to the mail - (account given). The reason is that I have given up on tanks, they give me a headache.

    I'll give it away for free (everything at once):
    1) wot account: tanks upgraded to level 3, 3k battles, 3k gold, 30k free experience(you can easily research and buy 2 tanks of the 5th level) + silver and a bunch of equipment/consumables in stock in the warehouse (worth millions of credits), gift tanks of the 2nd lvl. (the account is so-so, the level of tanks was not important to me, but there are a lot of 100% crews and silver + it is tied to mail).
    2) warthunder account: upgraded and purchased Soviet and German tanks up to rank 3-4 (immediately get on the IS-2 and Tiger 2), a little amers + 3 upgraded crews each + some millions of silver + premium tanks of the 3rd rank, which were once given as shares (t-34-57 and pz 3 N).
    3) Yandex mail to which these accounts are linked, write to mail - (account given)

    Good day to all! I want to give someone a pumped-up account from Ground war: Tanks. I gave up on this game because I downloaded WoT. All tanks of all nations have been upgraded to level 5, +20k experience per kv-1. Who needs it - write to email ( [email protected])

    Hello! I’ll give the World Of Tanks account to a good person... There aren’t many tanks there, but still. In the Black Prince hangar, AT-7 (2k experience up to AT15), KV-3, whoever needs it, write to the mail ( [email protected])

    I'll give you a working WoT account. Tanks KV-3, Hellcat, T-34-85 and several other tanks.
    Login: ( [email protected])
    Password: ****sxedc1****
    To get a password for your email and account, write to Skype: latypov-rushan

    Hello everyone! I read your topic, how great everything is here, and decided to give away my second account. The account has only one branch of brit pt upgraded, up to at7 inclusive, it is available in the hangar in the top configuration. I'm giving it away because I'm disappointed in this thread. If anyone needs it, write me, I’ll give it to you ( [email protected]).

    Good day to all! Denker has special respect for his correct and honest approach to a pressing topic. The direction of accounts, bonus codes and invites is too problematic. I would never have thought that I would be able to make a request of such a plan, but... Not in any online project I didn’t donate, and I’m not going to join WoT, but I want to fight. After a long break, I returned, my World Of Tanks account was hijacked, I started a new one, but I don’t have enough time to level up to something worthwhile. It's going to be a long, unpleasant business trip.

    The essence of the request is, in fact, the following. You need an account, without premium tanks, without equipment, without a treasury, even with unleveled crews. Just a set of equipment from V-lvl. Stat is also not important. I can handle it. I just want to skate the LBZ at least up to StugIV before leaving. No headset, no clan, no platoon. Here is such an orphan. If anyone has such an ownerless dog, I would be very grateful. Thank you!

    I will accept the account as a gift. I like the game, but I don’t have time for leveling up, and I’m no longer the same age. 50 will already be, you know, I want to play at high levels; the tanks don’t have to be the main thing is that higher levels are open. I am from Belarus from Vitebsk, I will be grateful if someone gives me an account, thanks in advance.

    Hello everyone, tankers. Who needs an account, write to me. I'll let you play. Available from 6 - T-150, 34-85, AMX 12t, KV-85, KV-2. Level 7 - IS, amx75,
    Level 8 - Q4 is almost top. If you are interested, please write to me by email - ( [email protected])

    I will give away a new working World Of Tanks account, there are 2 premium tanks on the account - Churchill III And M22 Locust + 3 days premium account (the bonus can be picked up in the hangar by completing a few simple tasks for a young fighter, like the first purchase of a premium for 0 gold) + 5 days for installing the mas. grids on Churchill. If you don’t lose gold in the first days and there is real progress, I’ll add 200 gold and help an active player buy another premium tank of level 5 - Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai or German ST T-25. Briefly describe your plans in a letter, what you want to achieve in World Of Tanks, Necessarily- do not forget indicate your real email— I’ll reset the password for it.

    We need a new World Of Tanks account with premium tanks of level 5 for good start?! - write me an email - ( [email protected]), I will not respond to comments. There is 1 more account (10/22/2015).

    Hello, Denker, thanks for the good site, help me with my World Of Tanks account, I want to play. I played for 4 years and my account was hacked, I wrote to the c.p.p., they responded a day later - sorry, we can’t help you... Help Denker needs an account with lvl 7-8-9 statistics are not important...

    Hi all! How many times have I already contacted you, but comments are not moderated. Yes, and it’s clear there is no time or DENKER simply doesn’t have time. If anyone has an unnecessary account or is simply tired of playing, please give it to me. Thanks in advance everyone! Good luck admin!

    • It’s even simpler - the number of people who want to get a World Of Tanks account for free significantly exceeds the timid attempts of kind people to make a stranger happy for nothing. In order not to waste precious time, I mainly pay attention to people who decide to give away their account rather than grab it. In order not to be an interested person, I indicate the owner’s email, then negotiate on your own. Read the last comment.

    For those whose arms grow from the shoulder (the victory percentage was above 52%) and especially for those who like and need the heavy tank of the USSR - the IS-4. There is an account available for 2,000,000 silver, 55% victories with the following tanks:
    Churchill III and Excelsior (5-lvl), M22 Locust (3-lvl).
    USSR tanks:
    Tank destroyer - SU-85B (4-lvl), opened tank destroyer - SU-85 (5-lvl),
    ST - T-34 (5-lvl), ST - T-34-85 (6-lvl),
    TT - KV-4 (8-lvl), TT - IS-4 (10-lvl).
    Opened: ST - A-43 and LT - MT-25 (6-lvl), KV-1S (5-lvl),
    SAU-FV304 (6-lvl)

    Do you need such an account? — write by mail— (account given away).

    Don’t spoil things in the comments - write to the specified email, and only to people who know how to play (let’s do three battles in a platoon, it will be clear who is who). Don't forget to write a few words about yourself and your gaming experience in your letter. Well, I really don’t want to give my account to a mediocre person who will take it and “ruin” everything in a couple of days.

    • To be honest, I didn’t specifically look at my mailbox for several days; there were a lot of letters piled up. Answering the question: - why? I will say the following - after several disappointments in platoon rides, I decided not to waste any more precious time, wait a little and choose among those who are not too lazy to correctly write a few words about themselves and the game. I have practically decided, left two from the long list, sent letters - I’m waiting for an answer. In any case, the account will be given to one of them today, so I’m removing the email from the comment, and instead I’ll write two familiar words.

      • The problem could have been described in more detail; it would have been useful to many, and this on the one hand. On the other hand - Ramil, you got into an article with an unambiguous title - free World Of Tanks accounts and most likely you are asking people for money, which on your part is also not entirely honest, and it’s more like what you didn’t even think about giving account. On the third hand, lazy freeloaders, cunning and simply scammers scurry between good people, I cannot separate and weed them out, just read the letters more carefully - a mediocre, lazy person can be seen from afar.

        • Dear Denker! I immediately wrote that for a couple of chocolates. I even gave some passwords to look at the hangar, but they immediately tried to change all the passwords. I didn't ask for money or anything like that. First I asked where they were from. And if it is possible to come and pick it up in person at the meeting.

  • I can give my account a ride to those who wish, play as much as you like, just don’t sell anything. There are a lot of tanks upgraded, but little time to play. top e75, isu152, prince and a bunch of other ones just need to be redeemed. In the hangar: 12t, is, t69, kv1 and something else. forgot. Write - ( [email protected])

    There is an unnecessary World Of Tanks account with the top researched t-10 (is-8), tiger2, t20, 13-90, t54e1. I'm giving it away for free, because... The stats are bad, in the hangar there is only lvl 4 art, only 200k silver. Those who wish to write by mail - ( [email protected]) — the password will not change, because I have another account.

Today we present you with an excellent and useful article. We are posting a list of accounts of players who abandoned the game world of tanks and sent us their accounts free of charge. Well, we’re just giving them away to you :)

The previous owners agreed to help link accounts to new phones and email. Therefore, you will not have any problems!

Of the goodies, we have selected only those accounts that have at least one unit of level 10 equipment!

And most importantly - everything is free. From you only Thank you in the comments! :)

In the hangar: IS-4X, FV215bX, T-62AX, Grille 15X, Medium tank Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, E-100X, AMX 50 Foch (155)X, Object 268X tank destroyer, T110E3X, STB-1X, T110E5X, FV215b (183)X, T110E4X, T57 Heavy TankX, Leopard 1X, MausX, Centurion Action XX, Object 261X, IS-7X, E-50 Ausf. MX, AMX 50 BX, M48A1 PattonX, Object 263X, Object 430 Variant IIIX, T 55AIX, IS-3VIII, T34VIII, FV4202 (P)VIII, WZ-111VIII, LöweVIII, 112VIII, FV201 (A45)VII, T28…

In the hangar: 113X, VK 72.01 (K)X, T95E6X, self-propelled gun Bat.-Chatillon 155 58X, T110E5X, Centurion Action XX, IS-7X, Medium tank M48A1 PattonX, Object 268X, E-50 Ausf. MX, Object 140X, 121X, Object 263X, T-62AX, TVP T 50/51X, IS-4X, Grille 15X, T57 Heavy TankX, AMX 50 BX, Object 260X, T110E3X, FV215b (183)X, Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, MausX, E-100X, Object 430X, AMX 30 BX, Leopard 1X, STB-1X, Object 261X, Type…

In the hangar: IS-4X, Medium tank STB-1X, FV215bX, T-62AX, Medium tank Leopard 1X, G.W. E 100X, E-100X, VK 72.01 (K)X, AMX 50 Foch (155)X, JagdPz E-100X, Conqueror Gun CarriageX, TVP T 50/51X, AMX 30 BX, 113X, T110E3X, Object 140X, T92X, T110E5X, Type 5 HeavyX, IS-7X, T110E4X, Grille 15X, Centurion Action XX, T57 Heavy TankX, 121X, Object 263X, E-50 Ausf. MX, Object 430X, AMX…

In the hangar: MausX, tank destroyer AMX 50 Foch (155)X, Leopard 1X, T110E5X, Heavy tank E-100X, T110E3X, AMX 50 BX, IS-7X, T110E4X, T57 Heavy TankX, JagdPz E-100X, FV215bX, Object 261X, 113X, Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, Object 140X, M48A1 PattonX, 121X, G.W. E 100X, IS-4X, Grille 15X, Object 268X, FV215b (183)X, Type 61IX, T 55AIX, FV3805IX, ConquerorIX, Centurion Mk. IVIII, Lorraine 155 ml. 51VIII, M40/M43VIII, LöweVIII, Object 416VIII, IS-3VIII, AMX…

In the hangar: Bat.-Chatillon 155 58X, T-62AX, Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, Object 268X, Conqueror Gun CarriageX, E-100X, tank destroyer FV4005 Stage IIX, tank destroyer AMX 50 Foch (155)X, T92X, MausX, Object 140X, Centurion Action XX, 121X, Grille 15X, AMX 50 BX, T57 Heavy TankX, Leopard 1X, Type 5 HeavyX, IS-7X, T110E4X, STB-1X, Object 261X, Object 263X, Škoda T 50IX , M103IX, T 55AIX, AMX 30 1er prototypeIX, M46 PattonIX, T49VIII, IS-3VIII, T28VIII, AMX 13…

In the hangar: JagdPz E-100X, 113X, Leopard 1X, Heavy tank T57 Heavy TankX, AMX 50 Foch (155)X, Object 140X, Medium tank T 55AIX, 112VIII, Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71VIII, Spähpanzer Ru 251VIII , CaernarvonVIII, T28 ConceptVII, E-25VII, Type 64VI, SU-100YVI, KV-85VI, ExcelsiorV, Valentine II

Get any of the verified unlinked accounts from the World of Tanks game in two clicks!

There are also contacts of previous owners, i.e. if something is wrong, you can always contact them and solve the problem. All accounts comply with our rules:

  • Account sold by mail
  • There is an answer to the secret question
  • Can be tied new number phone

Working WOT accounts that can be picked up for free

  1. Silver 1,500,000,
    Gold 1,000
    Tanks: IS 3, Bat.-Chatillon 155 58, Cjmet, Object 263, Object 268, T26E4 SuperPershing, M48A1 Patton, T110E5, T57 Heavy Tank, N67, N92, AMX 50 B, AMX 50 Foch (155), 0-I Experimental
  2. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 3,000,000,
    Gold 700
    Tanks: FV4202X, Waffenträger auf E 100X, Medium tank Object 140X, Medium tank Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, IS-4X, Object 260X, T110E4X, IS-7X, ST-1IX, T30IX, IS-8IX, Leopard prototyp AIX, Object 704IX, Waffenträger auf Pz. IVIX, T-54IX, T 55AIX, TortoiseIX, Lorraine 40 tIX, M40/M43VIII, T-44VIII, 112VIII, Spähpanzer Ru 251VIII, WZ-111VIII, LöweVIII, T95E2VIII, KV-5VIII, T28 PrototypeVIII, WZ-132VIII, , STA-1VIII, IS-6VIII, IS-3VIII, Rhm.-Borsig WaffenträgerVIII silver 3,000,000
  3. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 2,000,000
    Gold 700
    Tanks: FV4202X, Waffenträger auf E 100X, Medium tank Object 140X, Medium tank Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, IS-4X, Object 260X, T110E4X, IS-7X, ST-1IX, T30IX, IS-8IX, Leopard prototyp AIX, Object 704IX, Waffenträger auf Pz. IVIX, T-54IX, T 55AIX, TortoiseIX, Lorraine 40 tIX, M40/M43VIII, T-44VIII, 112VIII, Spähpanzer Ru 251VIII, WZ-111VIII, LöweVIII, T95E2VIII, KV-5VIII, T28 PrototypeVIII, WZ-132VIII, , STA-1VIII, IS-6VIII, IS-3VIII, Rhm.-Borsig WaffenträgerVIII
  4. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 21,000,000
    Gold 1700
    Tanks: IS-7X, M48A1 PattonX, Heavy tank AMX 50 BX, AMX 50 Foch (155)X, T110E3X, T110E5X, FV215bX, Bat.-Chatillon 155 58X, T57 Heavy TankX, Medium tank STB-1X, IS-4X, Object 261X, JagdtigerIX, TortoiseIX, WZ-132VIII, T26E4 SuperPershingVIII, T34VIII, WZ-111VIII, T28 ConceptVII, E-25VII, Type 62VII, M41 Walker BulldogVII, CromwellVI, KV-85VI, M18 HellcatVI, StuG IVV, LTP
  5. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 5,350,000
    Gold 950
    Tanks: E 50, T49, T110E4, AMX 30 1er prototype, AMX 50 B, Type 5 Chi-Ri, BT-7 artillery, LTP, object 140, T62-A, KV-2, IS-3, KV-5, IS-5 (object 730), IS-4, IS-7, Object 260, Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.D, T-55, E 100, StuG IV, Jagdpanzer E 100, Waffentrager auf E 100, T7 Combat Car , T57 Heavy Tank, M18 Hellcat, T28 Concept, AMX 13 90, Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, AMX 50 100, FCM 36 Pak 40, Centurion Action X, FV201 (A45), WZ-132, Type 97 Te-Ke.
  6. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 8,900,000
    Gold 150
    Tanks: Heavy tank IS-7X, Medium tank T-54IX, IS-6VIII, KV-5VIII, LöweVIII, T26E4 SuperPershingVIII, T34VIII, SU-122-44VII, E-25VII, Pz.Kpfw. IV SchmalturmVI, Type 64VI, SU-85IV, T2 Light Tank
  7. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 4,000,000
    Gold 330
    Tanks: Medium tank Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, IS-4X, E-100X, T110E5X, IS-7X, T-54IX, Object 704IX, T30IX, G.W. TigerIX, Heavy tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. BIX, M26 PershingVIII, T34VIII, Type 59VIII, IS-2VII, M7V, LTPIII, Tetrarch

  8. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 11,000,000
    Gold 480
    Tanks: G.W. E 100X, IS-4X, Heavy tank IS-7X, T26E4 SuperPershingVIII, Spähpanzer Ru 251VIII, T34VIII, T-54 lightweight VIII, Heavy tank IS-3VIII, M41 Walker BulldogVII, T29VII, AMX 13 75VII, T25/2VII, LTTBVII, dpantherVII , ARL V39VI, CromwellVI, M4A3E2 Sherman JumboVI, AMX 13 F3 AMVI, Pz.Sfl. IVcV, StuG IVV, ELC AMXV, Type T-34V, Valentine IIIV, FCM36 Pak40
  9. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 16,850,000
    Gold 1480
    Tanks: Heavy tank IS-7X, G.W. E 100X, IS-4X, T-62AX, Rhm.-Borsig WaffenträgerVIII, LTTBVII, SU-152VII, self-propelled guns G.W. PantherVII, T28 ConceptVII, Pz.Kpfw. VI TigerVII, MT-25VI, KV-2VI, T-34-85VI, SU-100VI, Pz.Sfl. IVcV, StuG IVV, SU-85V, Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. HV, T-50IV, Pz.Kpfw. IIIIV, LTPIII, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. GIII, Type 97 Te-KeII, Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t)II, TetrarchII, T7 Combat CarII, T1E6II, Light Mk. VIC
  10. Get the following wot account for free:
    Silver 890,000
    Gold 400
    Tanks: Leopard 1X, M48A1 PattonX, Medium tank STB-1X, IS-7X, Medium tank FV4202X, T-62AX, M60X, Bat.-Chatillon 25 tX, AMX 50 BX, VK 72.01 (K)X, G.W. E 100X, FV215bX, E-50 Ausf. MX, object 140X, E-100X, T57 Heavy TankX, Waffenträger Auf E 100X, Object 268X, JAGDPZ E-100X, T 55AIX, M55IX, M103IX, Amx 13 90VIII, Object 416VIII, T49VII, IS-3VIII, AMX, AMX Asseur de charsVIII, IS-6VIII, WZ-111VIII, E-25VII, T28 ConceptVII