How to make local calls in Thailand. How to call from Thailand to Russia cheaply - All methods

How to make local calls in Thailand.  How to call from Thailand to Russia cheaply - All methods
How to make local calls in Thailand. How to call from Thailand to Russia cheaply - All methods

In Thailand, everything is quite simple with mobile communications. There is no problem buying a SIM card for a foreigner. Just arrive and buy immediately at the airport. The procedure takes a few minutes. Next, connect the Internet package, voila, and you are online. Internet in Thailand will cost you local SIM card cheaper than through Russian operators with their roaming options.

There are several mobile operators in Thailand:

  • DTAC or DTAC Happy(). I recommend buying these SIM cards, they are the easiest to use.
  • AIS or 1-2 Call()
  • TrueMove()

Tariffs for calls and Internet are the same for everyone, plus or minus. Prepare about 300-800 baht for internet per month.

I most often use DTAC, it’s the easiest to figure out the tariffs (True will break his leg on their website). Also, AIS sometimes travels with me as a second SIM card, although I would not say that there is an urgent need for this.

Buy a local Thai SIM card online in advance and get 4G internet for 8 days in 131 baht instead of 299 baht. Your SIM card will be waiting for you right at the airport at the Klook/Dtac kiosk. This is just a gift, you won’t find these prices anywhere else. The tariff is more than enough for instant messengers, website browsing, google maps, etc. Just in case.

Coverage areas are also similar. But I personally think that the coverage and speed of DTAC and AIS are generally better than True. But it all depends on the specific area. No matter how much I traveled around Tai, there was 4G/3G almost everywhere, maybe except for remote mountainous areas. That is, if you are not going to go somewhere, then by and large it does not matter what kind of SIM card you have.

Also, if you need as much speed as possible (for example, for work), then no one bothers you to buy all 3 SIM cards at once and test them in your rented home, whoever is faster.

Why am I all this? Don’t listen if someone says that one operator is much better than another, it all depends on the specific location.

How to get internet on a laptop

All modern smartphones have such an option as an “access point”. By turning it on, your phone turns into a router that distributes WIFI. Naturally, you must have a SIM card with the Internet, which the smartphone will distribute to laptops within its range. So USB modems are no longer needed.

None of the Thai operators prohibit the distribution of the Internet to computers, so you can use it. This is especially true if the WIFI in the hotel is too slow (this often happens).

Call costs in Thailand and roaming

For some of our People, Thailand, this is somewhere far away, overseas, this is a country in which they film programs about the life of primitive people and therefore the question mobile communications in Thailand very relevant. Many tourists going to Thailand prepare very thoroughly, depositing amounts exceeding $100 into their mobile account in the hope that this will be enough for the entire vacation. For what? Calling from Thailand to Russia is sometimes cheaper than calling a landline number in Russia! In this article we will look at three popular cellular operators in Thailand - AIS, True Move And DTAC.

The main drawback of all mobile operators in Thailand is their unfriendliness towards non-Thai speakers. There is practically no information on official websites English language, very much important and useful information about tariffs, conditions and promotions are presented in Thai in... graphic format! Even automatic translation is impossible!

A passport is not required to connect to mobile communications, but in case of loss of the SIM card You won't be able to get your number back. If you are going to stay in Thailand for a long time, then the SIM card must be registered with the operator. This can be done in the office or online on the official website.

Internet in Thailand

See the special article about using, setting up and charging mobile Internet from mobile operators.

General issues regarding mobile communications in Thailand:

  • Where to buy SIM cards? In any hypermarket, in any 7Eleven or Familyly Mart store. As a rule, in all tourist places SIM cards are in the most visible place. If you couldn’t find it, show your Russian SIM card and ask the seller “Ti Nai?” (Where?) and they will definitely show you.
  • Where can I top up my balance? At 7Eleven and Family Mart stores. If you are not at all comfortable with English, then just give the cashier your phone number and 100\200\300 baht, they will do everything themselves.
  • How to call from Russia to Thailand? Cell numbers Thailand look like 0*********, in order to call from Russia to Thailand you need to convert the number to the international format +668********. For example: To call from Russia to the Thai number 0812345678 you need to dial +66812345678. You must indicate the number in the same format when sending SMS from Russia to Thailand.
  • Thailand Tourist Police Number. 1155, 1699
  • How to send SMS to Russia? (For all operators) To send SMS to Russia you should also enter +7хххххххххх . You can use the capabilities of IP telephony and send via 0047ххххххххххх, but this does not affect the cost.
  • What are the differences between IP telephony codes 004, 008, 009, 007? In cost, tariffs, perhaps in quality and most importantly, these are the services of various companies. I most often use 004 (for DTAC) to call Russia, but there are times when something doesn’t work and then you can use other numbers to make a call.
    • 004 special code for DTAC
    • 001 or 009 service from CAT Telecom
    • 007 or 008 service from TOT PCL
    • 005 or 00500 service from Globaline

Cellular operator DTAC

The most popular operator tariff mobile communications DTAC is Happy.

Cellular operator AIS

Popular operator tariff AIS in Thailand, is One-2-Call.

Mobile operator True Move

Advantages of sim cards True Move the fact that they are given out at the airport for free! The most popular rate among tourists is Inter Sim.

Inter SIM tariff plan

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  • Tours to Thailand from all possible tour operators first-hand: Pegas, Tez Tour, Coral Travel, Anex, etc.
  • Search and compare prices for individual resorts and hotels.
  • Last minute tours first hand. Real-time information updates, instant notification of a new last-minute offer.
  • Booking and payment by credit card.
  • Use the same ordering tools as travel agencies, eliminating the extra steps!

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While on vacation in Thailand, sooner or later the need arises to call home. There are several ways international communications in the land of smiles. And I can say that calls from Thailand to Russia are not as expensive as they might seem. In this article I will tell you about all available ways contact your homeland, how to call cheaper and dial the correct phone number.

Available communication methods

  1. You can call from Thailand to Russia and other CIS countries through Skype. To do this, it is enough to have a laptop or tablet, access to the Internet and top up your Skype account. The cost of calls this way to a mobile phone is approximately 2-3 baht per minute.
  2. If you have a smartphone, you can use the program Viber. For calls this program must be installed on your smartphone and on the person you are going to call. You will also need access to the Internet. These calls are free.
  3. Take advantage telephone in the hotel room. Usually there are instructions near the phone on how to call international numbers. If such instructions are not available, check this point at the reception. The cost of communication is approximately 60 baht per minute.
  4. Buy local SIM card and call home in your own way mobile phone. The cost of such calls is 5-30 baht per minute. Below I will explain why there is such a big difference in price and how you can save on calls.
  5. Call at pay phone. To do this, you need to purchase an Oversea Call Card for international communications at 7/11 or Family Mart stores. The cost of calls is approximately the same as from a Thai SIM card. Each pay phone contains instructions on how to dial an international number correctly.
  6. Before departure you can connect roaming and call from Thailand using your mobile phone. However, in general, such a service is not cheap (80-120 rubles per minute), the cost of calls depends on your Russian mobile operator.

mobile connection

In my opinion, the easiest way is to buy a Thai SIM card and make calls on your mobile phone. Moreover, the cost of calls in Thailand is relatively low.

Where to buy a Thai SIM card?

The SIM card can be purchased at the airport, 7/11 or Family Mart stores and large shopping centers. At the airport and shopping centers, SIM cards are sold in special pavilions or counters. In 7/11 or Family Mart stores, a SIM card can be purchased at the checkout. Cost from 50 to 200 baht. The money you pay for the card is deposited into your mobile account.

Which SIM card is better?

Three types are available for tourists sim cards: True Move, DTAC (Happy) and AIS (1,2-Call). I usually immediately take a SIM card from the True Move mobile operator at the airport. Since these SIM cards are constantly handed out at the airport for 100 baht, I can call my family or friends immediately upon arrival. But this mobile operator is not considered one of the best.

I recommend that you do not rush into the purchase, but purchase a DTAC (Happy) SIM card in the city. It is cheaper than AIS (1.2-Call), and the network coverage areas at the main resorts in Thailand are much wider than True Move. Also, the DTAC (Happy) SIM card does not need to be activated. She starts working immediately after the first call.

How to top up your balance?

I usually top up at the checkout counter at 7-Eleven or Family Mart. I just go up to the cashier and ask them to put money on my number. And he replenishes the balance through the terminal.

However, there is another way to top up your balance. You can purchase a special card (money-card) at 7-Eleven or Family Mart stores to top up your balance. It comes in 100, 200 and 500 baht. You can activate the card and top up the balance of the SIM card of the mobile operator DTAC (Happy) by entering the request *100*card series number id#, then press call. But in any case, the instructions are written on the card, so you can figure it out. After this procedure, the money will be credited to your account.

How to make cheaper calls from a Thai SIM card?

The easiest way to call from Thailand to Russia is to enter the phone number in the usual form using +7, for example +79171111111. So, of course, you can call home. But in this case, the call will cost 28-30 baht per minute.

However, there is a more profitable way - use IP telephony. In this case, instead of “+” you should dial the code 004. Accordingly, the phone number will look like this: 00479171111111. By dialing the number in this way, the call will cost 5-9 baht per minute. And this is 3-6 times cheaper. Unfortunately, this method does not work for other CIS countries.

The cost of calls within Thailand is 2-3 baht, which is quite cheap. Thailand is not divided into regions and mobile connection does not have roaming, so the cost of calls does not depend on what region of the country you and the person you are calling are in.

Also worth knowing. that the Thai SIM card is valid for a certain period and then is automatically blocked. To renew the SIM card of the mobile operator DTAC (Happy), you need to enter one of the requests *113*30# (extension for 30 days), *113*90# (extension for 90 days), *113*180# (extension for 180 days).

As you may have noticed, there are many ways to connect with family and friends in Thailand. It's always nice to be in touch with those we care about, even while on the other side of the world. And if the cost of calls is low, then this is doubly pleasant.

Only lazy people haven’t written about how to call from Thailand or to Thailand.

Today I looked through the blog entries and... well, what can you do - I'm lazy. I don't have a note. Will. For lazy people like me, there are such impromptu meeting points in Thailand. The stingy and lazy pays twice. As you can see in the photo, the price for a conversation with Russia is 10 baht, I’m silent about the quality of communication, I haven’t tried it, but if you’re not lazy, buy a SIM card from local cellular operators AIS (1.2-Call), DTAC (Happy) or True Move , then you can talk to Russia from 3 to 7 baht per minute. Don't make life difficult for yourself. It's simple.
Forget about roaming
Forget Skype. There are a lot of ifs here. If you have a laptop with you, if the hotel has free Wi-Fi, there may be some in the lobby, but you will have to pay for this pleasure in the room. If there good quality Internet, if my grandmother had it... and the like.
Forget about telephone booths, like in the photo above.
Forget about Oversea Call Cards, if you speak English, then you can. But be careful with Lenso cards. Often the tariffs that are written in the appendix to the card do not correspond to reality. A phone card worth 300 baht when calling Russia can be consumed in 2-3 minutes. You won’t find the truth.

Buy a Thai SIM card and enjoy your vacation!

If it is very hot, then you can buy a Thai SIM card right at the airport upon arrival. If not, go to Family Mart or 7-Eleven. The price starts from 50 baht, maybe more, depending on the amount of money in the account. Ask the store staff for help in activating the card, you can try it yourself. Don't forget to take your top-up card. The minimum cost for DTAC (Happy) is 60 baht, AIS (1,2-Call) is 50 baht.

How to top up your account
DTAC (Happy) - *100* then Card Serial No. further Card Id No. next #, call.

You will receive an SMS message about your balance status.

How to check your account

DTAC (Happy) - *101*9# call. If you just dial *101#, then everything will be in Thai.

AIS (1,2-Call) - *121#

How to call Russia from Thailand via DTAC (Happy)

General principle of calling from Thailand
004 7 area code (if you call landline phone) phone number
If we call on mobile 004-7-914xxxxxxx
If 004 ​​does not work, then try - 008 or 009

How to call Russia from Thailand via AIS (1.2-Call)

Send SMS from Thailand
+7 country code city code phone number

Which SIM card is better AIS (1.2-Call) or DTAC (Happy)
It's hard to say for sure. But in my opinion, the coverage area of ​​1,2-Call will be worse than that of Happy DTAC.

SIM card from True Move

These SIM cards are distributed free of charge to tourists at the Bangkok airport and in some hotels in Bangkok.
Don't be embarrassed, take it. Using a SIM card from True Move, a call to Russia will cost you only 3 baht per minute. Profitable? I think yes. This tariff will work until December 31, 2012. We will inform you about any changes.

How to call from Thailand to Russia using True Move -
If we call on mobile 006-7-914xxxxxxx
If we call a landline phone - 006 - country code - city code - phone number.

How to send SMS to Russia - enter +7 - country code - city code - phone number.
How to check balance - #123#
Find out your own number - *833#
Activate GPRS - dial - 9779

You can top up your balance through recharge cards, which are sold in 7Eleven and Family Mart stores.

There's just one drawback with SIM cards from True Move - it doesn't work everywhere, there are problems with the signal.

How to call Thailand
+66 area code phone number

Telephone city codes in Thailand
Bangkok - 02, Pattaya code - 038, Phuket island code - 076, Samui - 077, Cha Am code, Hua Hin - 032, Krabi, Koh Lanta, Koh Phi Phi - 075, Koh Chang - 039, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai - 053.
Don't forget that when calling to Thailand, 0 in telephone codes not dialing.